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Teatime 12th edition will invite:

Ade Hidayat – Filmaker/

Founder Banua Filmmaker Forum/ Founder Kalimantan Aruh FIlm Festival

(Alumni of communication Science Department, batch 2005).

The next International Program of Communication’s Teatime

Sharing Experiences on Building A Film Ecosystem In Kalimantan

Live On Instagram


Sunday, September, 18th, 2020
Start at 4pm (UTC+7)Keep update on IGTV

Reading Time: 3 minutes

IP Programs During the Pandemic: Keeping Up with Strict Health Protocols. The Covid-19 pandemic has affected many activities, especially teaching activities in schools and colleges of higher education. The Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) is no exception, which has set new rules for activities during the pandemic period. One example is the UII International Program (IP). Activities here comply with the rules by complying with the Rector’s Circular and government protocols during the pandemic.

IP UII has one of the excellent programs related to global mobility or international mobility. Through interviews with the Directorate of Partnerships / International Affairs Office (DK / KUI), Dian Utami, many programs of global mobility are  still possible to be implemented online. For example Summer Programs, Internships, Lecture Series, Web Seminars, Student Exchange, and Double Degree. Bridging Program in the form of the development of skills such as academic and learning skills training is also implemented in the form of online lectures. The form can be asynchronous or synchronous according to the Circular of the Rector of UII.


Some were postponed, some changes from offline to online

In the Communication Science Department, especially the International Program of Communication (IPC), activities related to global mobility such as the annual Passage to Asean (P2A) program and Student Exchange had to be postponed. Even though they had received offers to implement the P2A program virtually, the IPC still chose to postpone the P2A program. The delay is carried out indefinitely.

“We still hope that there will be an opportunity to get hands-on experience in the P2A program. By going directly abroad. So, currently we can only provide tell to students regarding the postponement of several programs,” said Ida Nuraini Dewi KN, as the IPC secretary.

Various interesting programs with international insight still continue, said this specialist lecturer in journalism and media studies. IPC programs implemented during the pandemic, among others is International Webinar held in May and Career Webinar held in August. There are also Teatime’s regular Talk Show and  Annual Workshop with the theme The Future of Globalization which was held last July.

The Annual Workshop invited Assoc. Prof. Dr. Huey Rong Chen from the Graduate School of Journalism, Chinese Culture University, Taiwan. Meanwhile, the Teatime Talk Show invited Zaki Habibi, a PhD candidate from Lund University, Sweden.

If usually the Annual Workshop is held offline and is open to IPC students and the public, then during the pandemic period the program must be transferred to online. Ida said, in general, several programs such as seminars would still be held even though they were online. Collaboration and research requiring face-to-face meetings and overseas trips where possible will be carried out online.

International Programs in Other Departments / Major

Similar conditions also occur in the International Relations Department. Activities related to global mobility cannot be carried out during the pandemic period. Karina Utami Dewi, as the Secretary of the International Program (IP) of International Relations (IR) Department confirmed this.

Even so, several programs that have been planned and will be implemented in the odd semester of 2020/2021. For example a visiting professor from NUS (National University of Singapore) who will teach in IP for 1 semester. Other programs include implementing IELTS simulations for all IP students and providing mentor academic facilities. Academic mentors are to assist IP students in implementing online learning.

During the pandemic period, the programs that can be implemented in the IP of IR Department vary. For example the Bridging Program and Inspiring Lecture with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. There are also several guest lectures from experts in various subjects in IP. These programs are carried out as usual. The only difference is the form of implementation which is done online.

Even so, the implementation of the program ran smoothly and in general IP students were able to participate well. “Of course there are technical barriers such as connections. This is because most of the IP students return to their hometown. Not all of them have stable internet connections there,” said Karina when interviewed via email.

UII Internationalization Globally 

Dian said that this is understandable during the pandemic period that many programs cannot be implemented as usual. Programs that cannot be implemented can be transferred to other programs. In essence, other activities have benefits and outcomes that support achieving UII Strategic Plan. Including increasing the internationalization of UII globally.

DK / KUI provides facilities in the form of services related to the initiation of new partners proposed by the Department or Faculty. Partners come from both industry, government, academia, and society. In addition, DK / KUI also continues to play a role in delivering information by publishing international activities within UII. Whether it’s mobility activities for lecturers, students, and students.


Author: Fitriana Ramadhany (Student of the Department of Communication Science UII – Internship for the International Program of Communication UII)

Editor: A. Pambudi W



Reading Time: 3 minutes

Pandemi Covid-19 telah mempengaruhi banyak aktivitas, terutama pada kegiatan mengajar di sekolah dan perguruan tinggi. Tak terkecuali Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) yang menetapkan aturan baru pada kegiatan selama masa pandemi. Salah satu contohnya adalah International Program (IP) UII. Kegiatan-kegiatan di sini patuh pada aturan dengan mematuhi Surat Edaran Rektor dan kebijakan protokol pemerintah selama pandemi.

IP UII memiliki salah satu program unggulan yang berkaitan dengan global mobility atau mobilitas internasional. Melalui wawancara dengan Direktorat Kemitraan/Kantor Urusan Internasional (DK/KUI), Dian Utami, banyak program global mobility  masih memungkinkan untuk dilaksanakan secara daring. Misalnya Summer Program, Magang, Lecture Series, Seminar Web, Student Exchange, dan Double Degree. Kegiatan Bridging Program yang berupa pengembangan skill seperti ‘academic and learning skill training’ juga dilaksanakan dalam bentuk perkuliahan daring. Bentuknya bisa asinkron maupun sinkron sesuai dengan Surat Edaran Rektor UII.


Beberapa ditunda, Beberapa Konversi dari Luring ke Daring

Pada program studi Ilmu Komunikasi khususnya International Program of Communication (IPC), kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan global mobility seperti program tahunan Passage to Asean (P2A) dan Student Exchange harus ditunda. Meskipun telah mendapatkan penawaran untuk melaksanakan program P2A secara virtual, pihak IPC tetap memilih untuk menunda program P2A. Penundaan dilakukan hingga batas waktu yang tidak dapat ditentukan.

“Kami masih berharap nantinya akan ada kesempatan untuk mendapat pengalaman langsung di program P2A. Dengan pergi langsung ke luar negeri. Maka, saat ini kami cuma bisa memberikan pemahaman kepada mahasiswa terkait penundaan beberapa program,” ujar Ida Nuraini Dewi KN, selaku sekretaris IPC.

Beragam program menarik berwawasan internasional tetap berlanjut kata  Dosen Spesialis kajian Jurnalisme dan Media ini. Program-program IPC yang dilaksanakan selama pandemi antara lain International Webinar yang dilaksanakan pada bulan Mei dan Webinar Karir yang dilaksanakan pada bulan Agustus. Ada pula acara bincang-bincang rutin Teatime dan  Annual Workshop bertema The Future of Globalization yang dilaksanakan pada Juli lalu. Annual Workshop sempat mengundang Assoc. Prof. Dr. Huey Rong Chen dari Graduate School of Journalism, Chinese Culture University, Taiwan. Sedangkan Talk Show Teatime sempat mengundang Zaki Habibi, PhD kandidat dari Lund University, Swedia.

Apabila biasanya Annual Workshop dilaksanakan secara luring dan terbuka untuk mahasiswa IPC dan umum, maka selama masa pandemi program tersebut harus dialihkan ke media daring. Ida mengatakan, secara umum beberapa program seperti seminar tetap akan dilaksanakan meskipun secara daring. Kerjasama dan riset yang memerlukan pertemuan tatap muka dan perjalanan luar negeri pun apabila memungkinkan akan dilaksanakan secara daring.

Program internasional di Jurusan/ Prodi Lain

Kondisi serupa juga terjadi pada Program Studi Hubungan Internasional (HI) UII. Kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan global mobility tidak dapat dilaksanakan selama masa pandemi. Karina Utami Dewi, selaku Sekretaris Program Studi International Program (IP) Hubungan Internasional (HI) mengkonfirmasi hal tersebut. Meskipun begitu, beberapa program yang telah direncanakan dan akan dilaksanakan pada semester ganjil 2020/2021 tetap berlanjut. Contohnya visiting professor dari NUS (National University of Singapore) yang akan mengajar di IP selama 1 semester. Program lainnya misalnya pelaksanaan simulasi IELTS bagi seluruh mahasiswa IP dan  pemberian fasilitas akademik mentor. Akademik mentor adalah sebagai pendamping mahasiswa IP dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran daring.

Selama masa pandemi program yang dapat terlaksana di IP HI beragam. Misalnya Bridging Program dan Inspiring Lecture bersama Kementerian Luar Negeri. Ada juga beberapa kuliah tamu dari pakar di berbagai mata kuliah di IP. Program-program tersebut dilaksanakan seperti biasa. Bedanya hanya bentuk pelaksanaan yang dilakukan secara daring.

Meskipun begitu, pelaksanaan program berjalan dengan lancar dan secara umum mahasiswa IP dapat berpartisipasi dengan baik. “Tentu saja ada hambatan-hambatan teknis seperti koneksi. Sebab, sebagian besar mahasiswa IP pulang ke daerah masing-masing. Tidak semuanya memiliki koneksi internet yang stabil,” jawab Karina ketika diwawancara via surel.

Internasionalisasi UII Secara Global

Berkaitan dengan program-program yang tidak dapat terlaksana, Dian mengatakan hal tersebut adalah hal yang dapat dimaklumi selama masa pandemi. Program yang tidak dapat dilaksanakan dapat dialihkan ke program lain. Intinya aktivitas lainnya itu  memiliki kemanfaatan dan luaran yang mendukung pencapaian Rencana Strategis UII. Termasuk untuk peningkatan internasionalisasi UII secara global.

DK/KUI  memberikan fasilitas berupa layanan terkait inisiasi mitra baru yang diusulkan oleh Program Studi atau Fakultas. Mitranya berasal baik dari industri, pemerintah, akademisi, maupun masyarakat. Selain itu, DK/KUI juga terus berperan menyampaikan informasi dengan mempublikasikan aktivitas internasional di lingkungan UII. Baik itu kegiatan mobilitas untuk dosen, tenaga didik, maupun mahasiswa.


Penulis: Fitriana Ramadhany (Mahasiswa Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi UII – Magang Program Internasional Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi UII)

Editor: A. Pambudi W


Reading Time: 3 minutes

During the pandemic, news gathering in various news websites must continue. If as journalists in their usual conditions they have to go out to find news and conduct interviews, then there is a slight difference during a pandemic. That’s the story of Retyan Sekar, a journalist, on the talk show ‘Teatime’ made by Department of Communication International Program (IP) Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) on August 30, 2020.

For almost an hour, guided by Annisa Putri Jiany, Retyan shared stories about pursuing a career path as a journalist. Live Instagram Teatime’s theme “Study Life Impact to Carrier”, explores the experiences of this Communication Science’s alumni batch 2015.

Retyan, her nickname, said that working in online media must have a way to keep sources and finish news in all conditions. During a pandemic, interviews can be done online and some information can be searched through social media. In stark contrast to the pre-pandemic era.

Even though at first glance his career looks smooth, in fact his passion for journalism was not obtained in a short time. She has cultivated his experience in journalism since childhood.

Early Interest in Journalism

Since childhood, Retyan has always liked to participate in various competitions such as storytelling and poetry. This is what made her accustomed to writing and speaking in public. Retyan also loves to talk in front of the camera and has been familiar with broadcasting since she was nine years old. Until 2007, Retyan was invited to participate in making a documentary film and was selected as a young reporter.

When studying at the Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII), Retyan had joined the UII student press agency known as Himmah. Retyan said, through Himmah, he learned a lot about writing, the basics of journalism, teamwork, and sensitivity to internal issues. In addition, She also gained experience in dealing with the global world when She joined UII MUN and Jogja International Delegates.

Retyan’s interest in journalism led her to choose UII Communication Science Department. “From the beginning, I entered Communication Science already steadily entering specialization in Journalism. In my opinion, journalism is really fun. So we have like-minded friends to exchange ideas as well as be friends to play with. Because since I was little I often participated in competitions that were related to public speaking, without realizing it that shaped me,” said Retyan.

Reaching and Living The Dream Career Path

According to Retyan, who currently works at Kumparan online media, initially She just wanted to know how online media works. While at Kumparan, he was taught a lot on how to write and structure correctly. This made her determined to continue to improve writing patterns.

Despite having an internship at Kompas TV, since graduating Retyan has not been too confident about his writing skills. So She chose to look for work challenges that required her to develop her writing skills.

However, is it enough to achieve a dream career only with the support of enthusiasm or interest? Retyan advised that to achieve dreams, the key is to set goals. According to her, because by having a goal, the decisions made will feel more rational.

Even though the pandemic has hit and hindered his work, She advised to always be smart in seeing the positive side of all events. “Life is not a competition. These are tough times for everyone, and don’t beat yourself up for everything that happens in situations like this. Because the target that has been planned is chaotic does not mean you can blame yourself. Negative thinking is okay, but try to take the positive side. We can actually learn anything in the current situation, for example English, and so on,” She said.


Writer: Fitriana Ramadhany (Student of Communication Major of UII, Internship at International Program of Communication Science Department UII)

Editor: A. Pambudi W

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Post 1998 students are confused, even until now they have not finished. Begiru was expressed by Wisnu Praseryo Utomo, a lecturer at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM, in the discussion of the Amir Effendi Siregar Forum (5/9) conducted by the Center for Study and Documentation of Alternative Media (PSDMA) NADIM Communication Sciences, Islamic University of Indonesia.

Before 1998 the student press made a lot of contributions as an alternative media that was taken into account in the New Order era in voicing the public interest.

Where was the importance of the student press at that time? Amir Effendi Siregar, agrees with Rosihan Anwar’s words. Amir, when he was young, wrote in his book “Student Press: Broken Tumbuh Hilang Changing”, stated that the student press contributed courage.

At that time, the general press or the mainstream press were afraid to report the abuse of power by Suharto and his regime. Many newspapers and other media have been banned. At that time, Rosihan Anwar criticized Kompas for reporting on its crab style. He did not dare to report power straightforwardly, his writing style was rotating because he tended to be safe.

At such times the student press seemed fearless. They, with their loud language, seemed to have no fear. Even though it will be banned though. They dare to violate the journalistic standard, “not because they do not understand journalistic principles. But because they do not have a tendency to have political or economic interests,” said Wisnu. This makes the persma unafraid of any consequence other than voicing the truth and public interest.


Reading Time: 2 minutes

Many say that the Japanese Population Age was a New Age, but it is also widely known as the Darkest Age of Colonialism. There are many stories of how the atrocities during the Japanese occupation were recorded in the oral history and the mass media published at that time.

On August 29, 2020, in the discussion of the Amir Effendi Siregar (AES) Forum, Iwan Awaluddin Yusuf, an UII Lecturer in Communication Science Department who has researched a lot about gender-sensitive journalism, shared his data findings on the Japanese colonization in Indonesia. This fact is widely published in the media reporting on women. How women are represented in Japanese media and journalistic techniques. Not only in newspaper coverage, but also in comics.

Afraid to be taken away

At that time Indonesian women were very afraid to look good. “They are afraid, so they will dress as badly as possible for fear of being taken away,” said Iwan. At that time women had to give their energy, thoughts, skills, and even possessions for the benefit of the Japanese colonizers.

So women who are good, beautiful, healthy, polite will be taken as jugun ianfu (comfort women who are actually prisoners for sex slaves during the Japanese occupation) or fujinkai (female soldiers who support Japan) who help the war to expand colonization in East Asia.

At that time, the media in Indonesia became a propaganda medium. In fact, not only journalistic media but also comics always portray women as beautiful, able to provide good and healthy meals for families, able to look after children.

Japan is also trying to drown out the narrative of American women. At that time, America wanted to show that women must have an equal position with men with various abilities and intelligence. Meanwhile, Japan, with advertisements in its media, depicts a good woman as being gentle and capable of taking care of  the household.

This is also confirmed by Galuh Ambar, who researched the construction of Indonesian women in the Japanese era. She, through the IVAA grant program, quoted the magazine Pandji Poestaka, which described the construction of new women’s ideas in the household. Pandji Poestaka, for example, wrote, “Now we are facing a new world, a new order, heading for greater east Asia under the leadership of old brother Nippon. Mothers are not the least of our obligations in achieving that noble ideal. Our first duty is to completely eliminate all bad western influences, to clean the household from the smell of the west. ”

At that time the comics became a propaganda tool. You can see the comic Sembadra and Srikandi. In the comic, the Suprapti-Sutarti brothers are depicted in different characters. Suprapti is a girl from home, while Sutarti is a girl who likes marching training, is brave, and manly. Two girls like that who would help Japan realize its dream of becoming Asian leaders at that time.


Reading Time: 2 minutes

IPC dikenal sebagai International Program of Communication. Bagi mahasiswa IP, manfaat yang selama ini dirasakan adalah kesempatan mendapatkan relasi international dari berbagai negara, kegiatan international dan variasi pengalaman internasional lainnya. Hal itu beberapa hal yang didapatkan masuk sebagai mahasiswa IPC. Selain itu, program Exchange Student juga menambahkan ketertarikan selama berada di IPC. Seperti beradapatasi lingkungan baru, keterampilan, mendapatkan relasi, serta pengalaman. Hal itu didapatkan melalui Program Exchange Students, kata Muthia Maharani, mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi UII program internasional, angkatan 2018.

Pengalamannya berkuliah di IP Komunikasi UII membuat Muthia memiliki perkenalan sampai di tingkat asia. “kemarin waktu ikut P2A, kami didorong untuk bikin travel writing. Itu membuat kamu berkenalan dengan banyak orang. Relasi saya jadi bertambah dari Vietnam, Kamboja, Thailand, juga Malaysia,” kata Muthia.

Muthia mengatakan kebanyakan mahasiswa hanya mengandalkan teori saja, tapi tidak untuk di IPC. “Bila masuk IPC, di sini mengajarkan teori sekaligus praktik,” katanya, dalam obrolan santai mengenal lebih dalam “apa itu IPC” pada 29 Agustus 2020. Muthia dipandu Muhammad Asadzikri, wakil ketua International Program Forum Fakutas Bisnis dan Ekonomika UII, membagikan pengalamanya selama berkuliah di IPC.  Paparannya itu disiarkan melalui Live Instagram IPF UII.

Bagi Muthia, keterampilan presentasi ataupun public speaking adalah hal wajib yang harus dikuasai ketika masuk di Komunikasi UII program international. Tentu saja dalam praktek tidak akan langsung sempurna. Kita akan belajar bersama di IPC secara perlahan bagaimana mempelajari Bahasa Inggris agar fasih. Serta menganalisa kekurangan apa yang dimiliki oleh mahasiswa International Program di Komunikasi UII.

“Di IPC, teori diberikan dan langsung harus praktekan, itulah poin penting,” kata Asadzikri moderator diskusi live IG tersebut. “Praktik-praktik presentasi berbahasa inggris di kelas, menulis dengan standar academic writing, semacam meningkatkan percaya diri kita juga dalam menggunakan bahasa inggris,” sambung Muthia.

Salah satu peserta diskusi juga ikut bertanya. Sikap gugup, nervous, demam panggung adalah kendala untuk mempelajari public speaking, bagaimana mengatasinya, ketikanya di layar komentar instagram. Muthia mengatakan mengatasi hal tersebut tak bisa serta merta. Prosesnya perlahan diajarkan di IPC. Sering berbicara di depan umum dan presentasi adalah salah satu cara yang akan diajarkan di IPC. Kunci lain adalah mencari cara belajar yang menyenangkan menurut pribadinya masing-masing. ”Sering belajar berbicara di depan umum praktekkan, dari situ rasa gugup akan hilang,” kata Muthia.

Muhammad Asadzikri mengatakan pandangan senada. Bahwasanya Introvert adalah sifat natural manusia. Bagaimana melawan rasa Introvert harus dipecahkan. “Kita makhluk sosial, public speaking hal penting, hilangkan rasa introvert.” kata Asadzikri menambahkan.


Penulis: Ridwan Ainurrahman,  Mahasiswa Magang Ilmu Komunikasi UII. Angkatan 2016

Editor: A. Pambudi W



Reading Time: 2 minutes

Isu Sensitif Gender sudah ramai dibicarakan sejak mendekati milenium kedua.  Diawali oleh buku yang ditulis oleh Mukhotib di tahun 1998 berjudul Jurnalisme sensitif Gender diterbitkan oleh PMII. Tapi jika melihat lika liku sejarahnya, jurnalisme sensitif gender ini sudah dimulai jauh di jaman kolonial Belanda.

Iwan Awaluddin Yusuf, salah seorang dosen Ilmu Komunikasi UII yang sedang studi doktoral di Monash University, banyak memaparkan data yang begitu kaya dalam diskusi di Forum Amir Effendi Siregar (AES) pada  29 Agustus 2020.

Dalam diskusi itu ia banyak menceritakan konteks jurnalisme sensitif Gender, literatur, sejarah dan dinamika Jurnalisme sensitif gender serta beberapa kajian riset. Ia juga melihat jurnalisme sensitif gender ini tak sebatas di pemberitaan media, tapi juga terjadi dalam praktik keseharian yg melingkupi dunia jurnalistik.

Misalnya upah karyawan perempuan yang lebih rendah, tidak adanya perlindungan jurnalis perempuan, syarat rekrutmen, tidak adanya ruang laktasi, dan, “tidak adanya toleransi libur untuk perempuan dalam masa menstruasi,” kata Iwan mencontohkan.

Iwan berpendapat, wartawan perempuan dari sisi jumlah meningkat pascareformasi. Peran perempuan dan medianya mulai beragam. Mulai dari media dengan perspektif feminis bermunculan, lalu jurnalis perempuan yang menjadi pemimpin redaksi dan tentu saja bisa menentu kebijakan redaksi. “Tercatat ada 12 Perempuan yang menjadi pemimpin redaksi,” kata Iwan. Muncul juga perkumpulan jurnalis latar belakang perempuan dalam Forum Jurnalis Perempuan Indonesia yang diketuai Uni Lubis, dan Serikat sindikasi.

Ditambah lagi, Iwan juga mengatakan bahwa beberapa media arusutama berbasis di Jakarta bahkan punya jurnalis yang spesialisasi dan idealismenya kuat pada  jurnalisme sensitif gender. “Tak hanya idealisme, tapi juga memiliki pengetahuan dan keterampilan,” imbuhnya.  Merebaknya kasus kekerasan dan pelecehan seksual membuat pendekatan ini menjadi kian masif digunakan.

Perkembangan jurnalisme ini juga membaik. Muncul beragam liputan-liputan bagus menungkap kekerasa seksual sepertu liputan kolaboratif #namabaikkampus. Muncul komunitas yang menjadi media watch dalam peliputan yang sensitif gender. Misalnya remotivi, KNRP, dan mafindo.

Iwan juga mengamati, pada tataran praksis, jurnalis dan jajaran manajemen masih kesulitan dan kedodoran menerapkan jurnalisme ini. Meski pemahaman dan perspektif gender telah banyak dipahami. ”Di lintas departemen, perspektif jurnalisme sensitif gender tak sepenuhnya merata dipahami,” ungkapnya. Tidak ada pelatihan khusus dan kontrol rutin soal pengetahuan jurnalisme sensitif gender.

Dilihat dari babakan sejarah, secara periodisasi, Iwan memberikan bànyak data dan cerita yang melimpah tentang peran perempuan atau data sejarah yang didasarkan pada jurnalisme sensitif gender. Sebagai catatan bahwa Jurnalisme sensitif gender tidak melulu membicarakan perempuan, tetapi juga melihat konteks bagaimana gender dinarasikan dalam masa tertentu.

Dalam membagi sejarah perkembangan jurnalisme sensitif gender, Iwan membagi dalam lima periodisasi milestone Jurnalisme Sensitif Gender. Pertama Era kolonial, era social marxis di bawah Presiden Soekarno,  Era suharto, era transisi reformasi dan era paska reformasi hingga kini.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

IPC is known as the International Program of Communication. For IP students of the Department of Communication Science, the benefits that have been felt are the opportunity to get international relations from various countries, international activities and a variety of other international experiences. These are some of the things that are obtained by entering as an IPC student. In addition, the Exchange Student program also added interest during their stay at IPC. Such as adapting to new environments, skills, gaining relationships, and experiences. This was obtained through the Exchange Students Program, said Muthia Maharani, a student of UII Communication Science, from international program class, batch 2018.

Her experience studying at UII IP majoring Communication Science made Muthia have introductions to the Asian level. “Yesterday when we joined P2A (Passage to Asean), we were encouraged to do travel writing. It makes you acquainted with many people. My relationships have grown from Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, and also Malaysia,” said Muthia.

Muthia said that most students only rely on theory, but not at IPC. “When you enter IPC, you teach both theory and practice here,” she said, in a live instagram event by casual chat to get to know more about “what is IPC” on August 29, 2020. Muthia was guided by Muhammad Asadzikri, vice chairman of the UII International Program Forum of FBE (Fakultas Bisnis dan Ekonomika), sharing her experiences during study at IPC. Her presentation was broadcast on Live Instagram (IG) IPF UII.

For Muthia, presentation or skills of public speaking are mandatory things that must be mastered when entering the Communication Science program. Of course in practice it will not be perfect right away. We will learn together at IPC slowly but sure how to learn English to be fluent. As well as analyzing what deficiencies the International Program students at Communication Science have.

“At IPC, theory is given and we have to practice it immediately, that’s an important point,” said Asadzikri, the moderator of the IG live discussion. “Practicing presentations in English in class, writing with academic writing standards, those are kind of increases our confidence in using English,” continued Muthia.

One of the discussion participants also asked. Nervousness, stage fright, are also obstacles to learning public speaking, how to overcome them. Muthia said that overcoming this could not be done immediately. The process is precisely being taught at IPC. Frequent public speaking and presentations are one of the ways to be taught at IPC. Another key is to find a way to learn that is fun according to each individual. “Often learn to speak in public, practice it, from there the nervousness will disappear,” said Muthia.

Muhammad Asadzikri shared a similar view. That introverts are human nature. How to fight introverted feelings must be solved. “We are social creatures, public speaking is important, get rid of the feeling of being introverted.” Asadzikri added.


Author: Ridwan Ainurrahman, UII Communication Science Intern. Class of 2016

Editor: A. Pambudi W.




Reading Time: < 1 minute

Gender sensitive issues have been widely discussed since approaching the second millennium. Starting with a book written by Mukhotib in 1998 entitled Gender sensitive journalism published by PMII. But if you look at the twists and turns of its history, this gender sensitive journalism has started way back in the Dutch colonial era.

Iwan Awaluddin Yusuf, an UII Communication Science lecturer who is currently studying his doctorate at Monash University, explained a lot of rich data in the discussion at the Amir Effendi Siregar (AES) Forum on August 29th, 2020.

In that discussion he talked a lot about the context of gender sensitive journalism, literature, history and dynamics of gender sensitive journalism as well as several research studies. He also sees that gender-sensitive journalism is not limited to media coverage, but also occurs in daily practices that surround the world of journalism.

For example, the lower wages of female employees, the absence of protection for female journalists, recruitment requirements, the absence of lactation rooms, and, “there is no tolerance for holidays for women during menstruation,” said Iwan, giving a lot of examples.

Tracing from the historical stage, periodically, Iwan provided a lot of data and stories about the role of women or historical data based on gender sensitive journalism. It should be noted that gender sensitive journalism does not only talk about women, but also looks at the context of how gender is narrated in certain times.

In Sharing the history of the development of gender-sensitive journalism, Iwan divided it into 7 periodizations. First, the colonial era, second is the era of the independence movement of Indonesia, the Japanese occupation era, the Soekarno era, the Suharto era, the transitional reform era and the reform era until now.