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Improving your English as an International Student

In 2024, approximately 1.52 billion people worldwide speak English, highlighting its importance as a vital learning tool, especially for international students. English plays a significant role in communication, understanding academic material, and connecting with peers. However, Improving English can often be challenging and overwhelming at the beginning. To tackle these difficulties, students can adopt various strategies to enhance their English skills. This approach allows them to make substantial progress and effectively address their obstacles.

Immerse Yourself in the Language

One of the most effective ways for international students to improve their English is through immersion in the language. They should aim to surround themselves with English as much as possible by speaking the language throughout the day. Additionally, students should engage in conversations with classmates, friends, and lecturers. The key is to make English an integral part of their daily lives and to expose themselves to it as often as possible. Although it may take time to adjust to this change, consistent practice will lead to faster improvement in their language skills.

Use Academic and Online Resources

Students are encouraged to utilize the resources available to them. They will likely have access to workshops, academic lectures, and university clubs, all of which can help improve their writing, grammar, and speaking skills. Taking advantage of these tools can enhance their language proficiency and help them focus on challenging areas.

Practice Consistently and Track Your Progress

Consistency is essential when learning English. Set aside time every day for practice. You can write in a journal, record yourself speaking, or even have conversations with native speakers online. Additionally, there are online tools that can help you stay consistent and provide easy access to resources, such as Grammarly and Duolingo. It’s also important to track your progress. Celebrate small achievements, such as learning a new word or writing a clear sentence. Over time, you’ll notice how much you’ve improved.

How These Tips Helped Me as an International Student

Applying these strategies has significantly improved my English skills as an international student. To immerse myself in the language, I actively avoided holding conversations in my native language and instead engaged with more English speakers. This consistent effort allowed me to become comfortable speaking English daily while also building my vocabulary. For academic and online resources, I made use of the English books available in the library and regularly watched YouTube videos for shadowing practice, which enhanced my listening and speaking abilities. Lastly, I developed a routine of writing down my progress and taking weekly quizzes to assess my improvement. Even when I did not see immediate results, I reminded myself to stay positive and not become discouraged, knowing that consistent effort would eventually lead to progress.

Improving their English may require time and dedication from international students, but the benefits are well worth the effort. By immersing themselves in the language, utilizing helpful resources, and practicing regularly, they can make steady progress. Remember, every small step counts. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, as they are an essential part of the learning process.


International Center for Language Studies. (2024, August 20). Retrieved from https://www.icls.edu/blog/most-spoken-languages-in-the-world

The questions raised in the title above arose during a visit by UII Communication students to several companies in Jakarta. This question often arises when students graduate from campus and enter the wilderness of the world of work and professions. Institutions accepting UII graduates will ask questions and find out: what personal ‘values’ can contribute to building the institution we aim to work for?

This question was answered by several sources who attended the Communication Field Trip (CFT) held from 6 to 8 December 2022. On that occasion, the visit on the second day to Kompas Gramedia (KG) Media, UII Communication students from various generations, such as from the 2019 to 2022 batch, gained new experiences and lessons from various UII alumni who have also worked at KG Media. The alumni include Arrozi Effendi, class of 2010 (PR Manager from KG Media), Ridho Ilham, class of 2017 (Marketing Communication of KG Media), Atha Rahmaputra, class of 2017 (Video Content Specialist), Muhammad Diast Reyhan Rafif, class of 2017 (Community Kompas Daily Specialist), and F Rizaldi Revandi, class of 2017 (Digital Social Media Kompass TV).

The visit was wrapped in CFT at the KG Media Office. The students were invited to tour the major media offices in Indonesia. KG Media is a holding company engaged in various lines, such as Kompas book publisher, KG Properti, and Dyandra Promosindo, and also manages the Cinere-Jagorawi toll road. Apart from that, KG Media also has business units such as the Hotel Santika Group. “There is also a Rekata Studio at KG Media, which produced a penyalin cahaya film yesterday if my friends know,” said the MC to a KG Media representative. The KG Group also has a Campus at UMN and its Vocational Polytechnic.


Apart from that, KG Media is also building a digital ecosystem by building a fintech company. On the arts and culture side, KG Media has cultural heralds in several cities. “This is an intellectual asset built by our founders Pak Ojong and Jakob Oetama. Here, artists who have relations with cultural heralds sold their works for yesterday’s Cianjur Earthquake,” added the MCs.

In the next session, Arrozi, PR manager of KG Media, said that a company’s ability to survive is not enough in this era of disruption. “We not only have to survive, but also have to be leading in all sectors. We are the one leading in the media sector,” said Arrozi. “I deliberately present them as alumni friends, don’t be discouraged if friends from Jogja. It’s not that hard in Jakarta,” Arrozi added. Some of the alumni mentioned earlier then explained what their values ​​and contributions were to the development of their company.

To continue in the next article click here.

Photos: Yudi Winarto

Indonesia’s many natural potentials, both natural and artificial tourism, are an attraction for anyone to see and visit. Not only tourists but also photographers who record and show it to the world. Many of these extraordinary natural beauties are untouched and have yet to be enjoyed by many people.

Some of the points above are Fathur Hidayanto’s reasons for making a photographic work to fulfill his Final Project at the end of his study period at the Department of Communication at the Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII). The results of his work and creative process were appreciated by the Center for Alternative Media Studies and Documentation (PSDMA) Nadim Communication Department at UII. Fathur Hidayanto was invited to share his innovative approach to finally complete the “Portrait of the Enchantment of Indonesia’s Hidden Gems in landscape photography in Yogyakarta”. The discussion was held online on Thursday, November 17, 2022.

Apart from being personally amazed at photographing nature’s beauty, Fathur, a 2019 batch of UII Communications students, was also encouraged by his enthusiasm to advance Small and Micro Entrepreneuship/ SME (UMKM) and Yogyakarta’s tourism industry. “The choice of the landscape is also appropriate to contribute to advancing Jogjakarta’s  tourism and SMEs in the surrounding community,” said Fathur when presenting his journey to work on his final project.

Three Important Stages of Final Assignment

Fathur said three important stages need to be carried out in working on this type of Final Assignment/Thesis. First, Fathur had to make a plan called pre-production. Then carry out the planning in the production period. Next, Fathur didn’t just stop there. After the photo shoot during the production period, he also carried out several post-production processes.

In the pre-production period, said Fathur, photographers can make preliminary observations of which areas, spots, or points they want to take the pictures. After that, based on the observational data, students can immediately create concepts, routes, route planning, financing, and choosing and determining the right cameras and tools for the production process.

Whereas in the next stage, during the production period, the photographer can already carry out the previous plan. Photographers can immediately execute by taking photos of landscape documentation at location that have been previously observed. This shooting also considers the angle/point of view and time (morning, afternoon, or evening), including estimating the right and supportive natural light.

After the photographer has finished executing the planned photos on location, the next stage is post-production. At this stage, according to Fathur, students who will be doing their final project can determine what final result or output they will choose. For Fathur, he decided the result of his work to be an offline photo exhibition and book publication. Fathur said this process costs up to one million rupiahs.

Hi, IPC Students!

International Program of Communications UII will hold an “AWG (ANNUAL WORKSHOP ON GLOBALIZATION)” activity in Collaboration with Consortium on Creative Industry and Culture, Research Excellent Consortium, which will take place on: ️

: Wednesday / 16th of November 2022
: 09.00 – 12.00 WIB
: Audio Visual Room 2nd floor, UII’s Library, Universitas Islam Indonesia

The presenters of this event are expertise in the communication field:
1. Dr. Ahmad Hisham Zainal Abidin: Dean of the School of Creative Industry Management and Performing Arts, Universiti Utara Malaysia.

2. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nur Kareelawati Abd Karim: Assoc. Professor of Communication & Media Studies, Faculty of Leadership and Management, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia.

3. Dr. Zaki Habibi: Researcher in Media Studies and Visual Culture, Department of Communications, Universitas Islam Indonesia.

So please, for the IPC’s 2019-2022, don’t forget to participate actively in this agenda.
See you soon!

Pengembangan keterampilan akademik perlu dilakukan untuk memberi gambaran awal bagi mahasiswa Komunikasi UII, utamanya mahasiswa kelas internasional di International Program of Communication (IPC) Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII). Pengelola program IPC UII menghelat Welcoming Day Seminar dengan nama tahun ini yaitu Academic and Skill Study. Creative and Adaptive Youth adalah tema yang dipilih pada acara Welcoming Day tahun ini. Acara ini dilaksanakan pada 10 November 2022. Ada tiga materi yang dipaparkan pada kesempatan ini. Ida Nuraini Dewi Kodrat Ningsih selaku sekretaris IP Komunikasi UII berbicara dan mengenalkan IPC selama ini sejak berdirinya pada 2018. Lalu Masduki, spesialis di klaster riset Regulasi Komunikasi, berbagi tentang Teknik penulisan akademik. Kemudian Herman Felani menjadi fasilitator dengan tema presentasinya University Life Adaptation. Tiga Dosen Komunikasi UII ini adalah expert di International Program of Communication.

Pada acara ini, lebih lanjut Ida juga menyampaikan rancangan kurikulum pembelajaran di IPC UII. Ida menjelaskan bahwa IPC UII memiliki empat bidang minat besar yang banyak diminati oleh mahasiswa berdasarkan survey terbaru. Empat bidang minat tersebut adalah Public Relations, Junalistik, Kajian Media, dan Media Kreatif. Masing-masing memiliki beberapa mata kuliah yang wajib diikuti dan beberapa mata kuliah yang menjadi pilihan sesuai dengan peminatan mahasiswa.

Total kredit yang harus dilampaui oleh mahasiwa adalah 144 SKS (kredit) yang setelah dikallkulasi normalnya akan membutuhkan waktu 8 semester atau 4 tahun masa studi. Tiap semester, mahasiswa akan menyelesaikan 20-24 SKS. Dalam 1 mata kuliah akan berbobot 2 hingga 3 SKS, yang artinya dalam 1 semester mahasiswa akan menyelesaikan 6 hingga 8 mata kuliah.

Lalu bagaiamana mata kuliah itu dilampaui? Ida menjelaskan di IPC UII pembelajaran akan dilakukan dengan dengan menitikberatkan pada partisipasi aktif mahasiswa. “Jadi akan banyak melakukan diskusi dan partisipasi aktif mahasiswa di proses perkuliahan,” jelas Ida.

Apa saja Kegiatan pengembangan Skillnya?

Pengembangan kemampuan dan keterampilan mahasiswa adalah kegiatan yang paling banyak diminati oleh mahasiswa. Selain menyediakan laboratorium untuk memfasilitasi pengembangan skill mahasiswa, IPC juga mengadakan beberapa kegiatan baik akademik maupun pengembangan soft skill. Beberapa yang sudah dilakukan antara lain English Skill Development program, International Internship, International Program Activities, Future Global carrier, capacity Building program. Selain itu, kegiatan akademik juga sering dilakukan secara rutin. Misalnya Annual Workshop on Globalization, acara bincang-bincang bertajuk Teatime: an afternoon sharing with IPC UII, dan Passage to Asean.

Menjadi Mahasiswa baru berarti memasuki dunia baru. Dunia yang menarik sekaligus memicu adrenalin tersendiri bagi mahasiswanya. Mahasiswa sering kali masuk ke perguruan tinggi tanpa tahu apa saja yang harus ditempuhnya di kemudian hari.

Di awal tahun ajaran baru, mahasiswa baru International Program of Communication (IPC) Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) mengikuti kegitan Welcoming Day Seminar yang bertajuk Academic and Skill Study. Tema yang diangkat adalah Creative and Adaptive Youth. Acara yang dilaksanakan pada 10 November 2022 ini menghadirkan Ida Nuraini Dewi Kodrat Ningsih, Masduki, dan Herman Felani. Ketiganya adalah Dosen Komunikasi UII di International Program.

Apa cita-cita IPC untuk mahasiswanya?

Ida Nuraini Dewi Kodrat Ningsih selaku sekretaris International Program of Communication (IPC) memberikan perkenalan sekilas profil IPC. Ia juga menunjukkan beberapa kegiatan seru yang banyak diminati mahasiswa Angkatan sebelumnya. Dalam menjalankan program, IPC memiliki beberapa cita-cita yang kemudian tercermin dalam desain kurikulum dan kegiatannya.

Cita-citanya misalnya, kelak mahasiswa dapat menjadi sarjana komunikasi yang memiliki beberapa kompetensi. Misalnya seperti menjadi peneliti di bidang komunikasi, pengembang di bidang media dan komunikasi yang memiliki jiwa empowerment yang tinggi. Tentunya individu lulusan Komunikasi ini berkarakter yang berasaskan nilai keislaman, norma keindonesiaan, sekaligus berpandangan global. “Harapannya nanti setelah lulus mahasiswa akan bisa menangi pekerjaan seperti dosen, peneliti, staf R and D, PR, corporate communication, jurnalis, penulis skrip layar, bekerja di PH, menjadi media planner, dan lain sebagainya,” jelas Ida.

Demi mencapai cita-cita itu, Prodi Komunikasi UII telah menyiapkan beberapa fasilitas yang dapat mendukung tumbuh kembang kreativitas mahasiswa IPC. Misalnya, mahasiswa dapat beraktivitas mengsplorasi keterampilan produksi konten audiovisual seperti film documenter dan fiksi di studio Laboratorium Audiovisual. Selain itu, mahasiswa juga bisa mengasah kemampuan broadcasting di ruang studio audio. Tak hanya itu, dengan makin maraknya dunia digital, mahasiswa juga bisa menjadi volunteer dan pegiat konten TV digital di Ikonisia TV. Ikonisia TV adalah Channel TV Digital pertama di UII milik Prodi Komunikasi UII.

Hearing the word politics often drives young people away. Moreover, Generation Z, aged 20 to 30, is very indifferent to politics. However, what if politics is approached with an approach that is also being loved? Such as social media platforms Instagram and Tiktok. 

Pinterpolitik.com is currently carrying out this approach. Pinter Politik is an institution in which young people are trying to create a political news portal that also explores politics in a fresher style through platforms close to young people, said Alfin RIzky, the speaker on behalf of Pinterpolitik.com on November 5th, 2022, by Zoom meeting. 

In this expert lecture organized by The Communication Department of Universitas Islam Indonesia, Alfin Rizky, an assistant editor at pinterpolitik.com, explained how this political news portal is run. This expert lecture is a routine lecture held by certain subjects by presenting experts, in this case, the political communication course taught by UII Communication Lecturers Narayana Mahendra Prastya and Dian Dwi Annisa. 

Determining Daily Topics

In the interactive expert lecture, the speaker, namely Alfin Rizky, presented how pinterpolitik.com is run. On the sidelines of the presentation, students may ask questions about the material offered. Dian Dwi Anisa also asks the speaker about determining the daily topic. “How to determine ideas for brainstorming? Are you looking for topics that are currently trending, or do you have an agenda that you want to prioritize?” 

Alfin said that pinterpolitik.com has two standards that are usually used in determining daily topics. The first is the themes that are currently viral. The second is to look for free issues relevant to political themes. “The theme currently going viral is quite sensitive for us because we have to be fast, while it is still going viral. Secondly, we also upload timeless news. Usually, the team is asked to think creatively and imaginatively, such as what if Majapahit had not collapsed? What will happen now? Topics like that become timeless topics.”

Determining the Platform 

According to different content, Grasshoppers have different depths as well as ranges. Other contents also have different containers used for publication. Media platforms also have characters that must be adapted to the topic. So, how does Pinterpolitik sort and determine the content on which platform to use?


Pinterpolitik uses Instagram social media to publish content that is currently viral and also requires infographics in it. “Because GI issues quickly change to other issues. And, usually it emphasizes graphics more,” said Alfin.


Pinterpolitik has several types of content uploaded on Youtube. Youtube is more flexible because the Youtube audience can access it anytime, and it doesn’t take time, so all kinds of content can be included on this channel. 


The TikTok platform prioritizes humanistic video content interspersed with certain sounds to add to the cinematic. This TikTok platform doesn’t only have to be viral because the algorithm will suck it up based on interest. And the platform that young people currently love. “We use this platform and learn from it to be closer to today’s young people,” said Alfin.

Mendengar kata politik seringkali membuat anak muda menjauh. Apalagi, Generasi Z yang berusia 20 hingga 30 tahun sangat cuek dengan politik. Namun, bagaimana jika politik didekati dengan pendekatan yang juga sedang digandrungi? Seperti platform media sosial Instagram dan Tiktok. 

Pinterpolitik.com saat ini sedang melakukan pendekatan ini. Pinter Politik adalah sebuah lembaga di mana anak muda mencoba membuat portal berita politik yang juga mengeksplorasi politik dengan gaya yang lebih segar melalui platform yang dekat dengan anak muda, kata Alfin RIzky, pembicara dari Pinterpolitik.com pada 5 November 2022. melalui Zoom. 

Dalam kuliah pakar yang diselenggarakan oleh Departemen Komunikasi Universitas Islam Indonesia, ini Alfin Rizky, asisten redaktur pinterpolitik.com, menjelaskan bagaimana portal berita politik ini dijalankan. Kuliah pakar ini merupakan kuliah rutin yang diadakan oleh mata kuliah tertentu dengan menghadirkan para pakar, dalam hal ini mata kuliah komunikasi politik yang diampu oleh Dosen Komunikasi UII Narayana Mahendra Prastya dan Dian Dwi Annisa. Nara, panggilan Narayana, mengatakan bahwa kuliah pakar ini diadakan untuk memberi perspektif dan pengayaan baru pada mahasiswa tentang dunia komunikasi politik dari kacamata praktisi media. 

Menentukan Topik Sehari-hari

Dalam kuliah pakar interaktif, pembicara yakni Alfin Rizky memaparkan bagaimana pinterpolitik.com dijalankan. Di sela-sela presentasi, mahasiswa dan dosen boleh bertanya tentang materi yang disampaikan. Dian Dwi Anisa, dosen matakuliah ini, pun menanyakan kepada narasumber tentang penentuan topik harian. “Bagaimana menentukan ide untuk brainstorming? Apakah Anda mencari topik yang sedang tren, atau Anda memiliki agenda yang ingin diprioritaskan?” 

Alfin mengatakan, pinterpolitik.com memiliki dua standar yang biasa digunakan dalam menentukan topik harian. Yang pertama adalah tema yang sedang viral saat ini. Yang kedua adalah mencari isu-isu bebas yang relevan dengan tema politik. “Tema yang sedang viral saat ini cukup sensitif bagi kami karena harus cepat, selagi masih viral. Kedua, kami juga mengunggah berita yang tidak lekang oleh waktu,” kata Alfin. Tak hanya itu, kreativitas juga jadi kunci. “Biasanya tim diminta berpikir kreatif dan imajinatif, seperti bagaimana jika Majapahit belum runtuh? Apa yang akan terjadi sekarang? Topik seperti itu menjadi topik abadi.”

Menentukan Platform 

Menurut konten yang berbeda, Belalang memiliki kedalaman serta jangkauan yang berbeda. Konten lain juga memiliki wadah berbeda yang digunakan untuk publikasi. Platform media juga memiliki karakter yang harus disesuaikan dengan topik. Lantas, bagaimana Pinterpolitik memilah dan menentukan konten pada platform mana yang akan digunakan?


Pinterpolitik menggunakan media sosial Instagram untuk mempublikasikan konten yang sedang viral dan juga membutuhkan infografik di dalamnya. “Karena isu GI cepat berganti isu lain. Dan, biasanya lebih mengedepankan grafis,” kata Alfin.


Pinterpolitik memiliki beberapa jenis konten yang diunggah di Youtube. Youtube lebih fleksibel karena penonton Youtube bisa mengaksesnya kapan saja, dan tidak memakan waktu, jadi segala macam konten bisa masuk di channel ini. 


Platform TikTok mengutamakan konten video yang humanis diselingi suara-suara tertentu untuk menambah sinematik. Platform TikTok ini tidak hanya harus viral karena algoritma akan menyedotnya berdasarkan minat. Dan platform yang saat ini disukai anak muda. “Platform ini kami gunakan dan belajar darinya untuk lebih dekat dengan generasi muda saat ini,” kata Alfin.

A sad tragedy occurred at the Indonesian football event in Malang. The incident occurred on October 1, 2022. At that time, the Persebaya football club played against the poor Arema Club. At that time when the match was over, it was seen that the fans entered the field. Then step into another. Then suddenly, the police sprayed tear gas. Conditions became rowdy; according to records, as of October 13, 2022, it crashed 754 victims, and 135 died.

Narayana Mahendra Prastya, a UII Communication lecturer, who is also a specialist in the Journalism and Sports Communication and Indonesian Football research cluster, said that, unfortunately, this incident was in the spotlight because there was a big incident. “There were many victims first, then the news spread widely,” said Narayana in a discussion titled “Reflections on the Future of Indonesian Football, ” organized by the Kognisia, the student press of FPSB UII Podcast broadcast on October 31, 2022. Narayana also conducted a brief search regarding this incident.

“I’m just looking for data for fun; since 2010 there have been incidents of using tear gas to disperse riots at stadiums. That violated FIFA rules. So since 2010 there have been violations,” said Narayana. Even though PSSI (Indonesian football federation) understands these rules, said Nara, Narayana’s nickname.

Nara questioned, “So far, PSSI has not been with security. So the SOP for security at the stadium is DO and DONT. It should be communicated.” Why have there been ten incidents, he said this time, but the incident is still repeated. In fact, according to Nara, his search was only for the last ten years. “If I trace it back, I think there will be even more. There have been 11 plus these Kanjuruhan,” said Nara.

Apart from Nara, UII Communications student Khalif Madani was also a speaker at the discussion at this Postcast. Alif, his nickname, is now lined up to be a panelist. Alif is also a member of Campus Boys 1976, the PSS Sleman support community. According to Alif, fans are often referred to as the scapegoats of riots when incidents occur.

In line with Alif, even though not all supporters can be generalized. It was as if the supporters were the sole factor in the riots. On another occasion, Nara also revealed the truth social media should also be highlighted in the occurrence of riots. Apart from that, now many supporters are also the motor of change and the team control.

In the study of communication, games are rarely included in the radar of studies considered important. In the past, gaming was just a useless that was done in spare time. But now, the face of the game has changed. Hundreds or even thousands of games are produced every month. Even games have become a business field that generates billions of rupiahs. 

Some of these reasons motivated Andi M. Rafli Manggabarani to research games to be researched as the ultimate task of completing his undergraduate studies in communication science at UII. The results of his research were then responded to positively by the Center for Alternative Media Studies and Documentation (PSDMA) of Nadim Communication Studies, Islamic University of Indonesia (UII) in a discussion. The discussion on October 21, 2022, was moderated by Latifika Gupita, a UII communication student. 

The research conducted by Andi was entitled “Agonistic Relationship in Single-Player Game and the construction of Vilain in Video Game Narrative multimodal proceduralist analysis of Assassin’s Creed III.”

Why did Andi research this? The development of the video game discourse was very rapid in the early 90s and early 2000s, starting to research and analyze games. There was even the first gaming conference in the 2000s. “Unfortunately, the reality is different in Indonesia. Research on games is quiet in Indonesia. Even though games are big business now,” said Andi.

Game studies, said Andi, are interdisciplinary studies. That is, the game can be viewed from various perspectives. It can be viewed from various elements. Such as the program, artistic, visual, narrative, musical, and others. “In the past, gaming was seen as leisure and recreation. Even now, it has been recognized as a sport,” said Andi. 

Andi explained that the game studies that had been analyzed so far, on average, the rest revolved around the depiction of women in video games and several similar ones. Even though the game has other elements that can be said to be unique. For example, the game design itself. “In fact, the elements of this research have not appeared much. This game has its own plot and all kinds of elements (game design), but this is what distinguishes games from movies, books, and others,” said Andi rigidly. 

“The game I chose to discuss was Assassin’s Creed III. This game series is very identical, always packaging the game in the concept of history in all its games,” he said. Andi explained that the game developer, Ubisoft, always consults with historians so that the built games can provide the most accurate picture possible of the setting (place) and historical context. This game has also sold 155 million copies as of October 2020. 

This game tells the story of two secret organizations named Assassin and Templar. The game developer takes the background and historical context of the American revolution that wants to be independent of Britain. Both Templar and Assassin, These two organizations exist to lead human civilization to peace, prosperity, and technological and intellectual progress.

However, both have different approaches to achieving their goals. Assassins believe that humans can progress in an atmosphere of civilization that is full of freedom. While Templar thinks that humans need to be guided and governed. The Templars admitted that they were the most worthy of arranging this. In this video game, the Templar represents a villain (the evil party).

Andi’s research aims to uncover how villains (evil characters and concepts) are built from game design and narrative elements in this game. Game developers image the Templars and values ​​that they believe are considered evil. Andi’s research also wants to reveal what values ​​are considered evil by the Ubisoft game developer and, lastly, what makes someone a ‘villain.’

This question stems from Andi’s assumption why Templars and Assassins are imaged differently even though they have the same goal: prosperity and peace.

More details can be seen on the IKONISIA TV channel https://youtu.be/ax4I8AVVdYA.