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Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi UII kembali menggelar diskusi bulanan.

PSDMA Nadim, Komunikasi UII, mengundang Kavca Diosaputra, Mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi UII 2016, sebagai pembicara. Dio adalah mahasiswa Komunikasi UII dari klaster riset komunikasi geografi.

Kali ini Dio akan berbicara tentang riset yang pernah dilakukan, bagaimana konstruksi kelas menengah dalam ruang konser di majalah Rolling Stone Indonesia.

Jangan lupa merapat pada hari Jumat, 16 April 2021. Pukul 13:00 WIB. Via Zoom, ya!

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Orang kadang kala ingin selalu terlihat sempurna. Malu jika terlihat buruk. Tapi tahukan bahwa hal tersebut malah justru menghambat proses belajar? Terlebih jika berbicara dalam bahasa Asing. Secara psikologis, orang tak mau terlihat buruk. Jika merasa tidak jago berbahasa Inggris, orang akan cenderung tidak bicara dan memilih diam. “Daripada salah malah malu, mendingan diam aja,” begitu pikiran mereka. Sikap semacam ini justru berbahaya bagi seorang pembelajar.

Membuat kesalahan justru merupakan hal paling penting dalam proses belajar. Bisa dibayangkan bagaimana jika kita tidak berani mencoba dan takut membuat kesalahan. Malah justru makin tak pernah belajar.

Membuat kesalahan justru merupakan hal paling penting dalam proses belajar. Bisa dibayangkan bagaiaman jika kita tidak berani mencoba dan membuat kesalahan. Poin penting tersebut disampaikan oleh Zainur Rofiq, salah satu pembicara pada Selasa (6/4/2021), dalam Kuliah Tamu yang diselenggarakan oleh Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII kelas internasional. Kuliah Tamu ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa asing bagi mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi yang mengampu mata kuliah English for Communication bersama Dosen pengampu Moch. Muzayyin.

“Don’t worry about making mistakes. Because of it you will make mistakes as a learners. Be patient. This isn’t a one day process,” ujar Zainur, Alumni Program Magister Linguistik (Radboud University Nijmegen, Belanda, pada para mahasiswa Komunikasi UII, dalam bahasa inggris.

Kendala dan Tips Belajar Bahasa Asing

Hal lain yang sering membuat enggan berbagasa Inggris adalah malu dengan logat bahasa Inggris kita yang ‘medok’. Zainur membantah bahwa berbicara bahasa Inggris harus dengan aksen American atau British. “Kita sah-sah saja memiliki akses sendiri. Javanesse English. Bahasa Inggris dengan dialek Jawa. karena India juga punya, orang Australia punya Autralian English, Malaysia juga punya. Santai saja. Kita tidak lahir dan dibesarkan dengan bahasa Inggris atau Amerika. ” kata Zainur.

“Kita sah-sah saja memiliki akses sendiri. Javanesse English. Bahasa Inggris dengan dialek Jawa. karena India juga punya, orang Australia punya Autralian English, Malaysia juga punya. Santai saja. Kita tidak lahir dan dibesarkan dengan bahasa Inggris atau Amerika. ” kata Zainur.

Setelah mampu membuang rasa malu dan takut membuat membuat kesalahan, pembelajar akan mengetahui lebih lanjut untuk memperbaiki kesalahan. Hal lain yang bisa meningkatkan kemampuan kita selanjutnya adalah perbanyak kosakata (vocabulary). Bagaimana caranya? Zainur Rofiq memberikan beberapa cara yang selama ini ampuh dan menyenangkan dalam melalui proses belajar bahasa Inggris.

Salah atu caranya dalah dengan  membaca kita bisa mempelajari banyak kosakata dan  frase. Frase-frase tersebut bisa saja digunakan pada beberapa kondisi yang berbeda. Salah satu kuncinya adalah dengan membaca. Dengan bacaan, kita akan, tanpa kita sadari, mendapat banyak kosakata  sekaligus dimana kata tersebut dikontekskan dengan situasi tertentu. Zainur mengajak untuk membaca satu artikel berbahasa Inggris  dalam sehari.

Menonton dan mendengarkan lagu yang disertai subtitle akan mempermudah kita dalam memperkaya kosakata.  Mendengarkan dan melihat tulisan yang diucapkan dan dilafalkan dalam film atau lagu , akan membantu kita mengerti apa tulisannya dan bangaimana melafalkannya.  Selain itu kita juga bisa menggunakan alat bantu aplikasi yang banyak tersedia di internet seperti Orai, Kimi, atau aplikasi lain yang banyak bisa dicari di Apps Store.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

People sometimes want to always look perfect. Shame if it looks bad. But you know that this actually barriers to the learning process? Especially if speaking in a foreign language. Psychologically, people don’t want to look bad. If you feel that you are not good at speaking English, people will tend not to speak and choose to be silent. “Instead of being wrong, even embarrassed, it’s better to just keep quiet,” they thought. This kind of attitude is actually dangerous for a learner.

Making mistakes is the most important thing in the learning process. It is not a crime for making a mistake. You can imagine what if we didn’t dare to try and were afraid to make mistakes. In fact, we will never learn anymore.

Making mistakes is the most important thing in the learning process. You can imagine how it would be if we didn’t dare to try and make mistakes. This important point was conveyed by Zainur Rofiq, one of the speakers on Tuesday (6/4/2021), in a Guest Lecture organized by the international class of Department of  Communications. This guest lecture aims to improve foreign language skills for Communication’s students who are taking the English for Communication course with lecturer Moch. Muzayyin.

Don’t worry about making mistakes. Because of it you will make mistakes as a learners. Be patient. This isn’t a one day process,” said Zainur, Alumni of the Linguistics Masters Program (Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands) to students.

Obstacles and Tips for Learning a Foreign Language

Another thing that often makes us reluctant to speak English is embarrassment by our local English accent. Zainur argues that speaking English should be with an American or British accent. It’s not prohibited to have your own accents. Javanese English. English with Javanese dialect. Because India also has it, Australians have Australian English, Malaysians also have it. Take it easy. We were not born and raised in English or American, “said Zainur.

“It’s okay to have your own access. Javanese English. English with Javanese dialect. Because India also has it, Australians have Australian English, Malaysia also has it. We were not born and raised in English or American. “Zainur said.

After being able to get rid of shame and fear of making mistakes, learners will find out more to correct mistakes. Another thing that can improve our next ability is to increase our vocabulary. How do you do it? Zainur Rofiq provides several ways that so far. effective and fun through the process of learning English.

One way is by reading we can learn a lot of vocabulary and phrases. These phrases can be used in several different conditions. One of the keys is to read. With reading, we will, without us knowing it, get a lot of vocabulary at once where the word is contextualized. Zainur invites you to read one English article a day.

Watching and listening to songs accompanied by subtitles will make it easier for us to enrich vocabulary. Listening and seeing what is spoken and pronounced in film or song, will help us understand what it is written and how to pronounce it. In addition, we can also use application tools that are widely available on the internet such as Orai, Kimi, or other applications that can be found on the Apps Store.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Kondisi difabel masih sering dianggap sebagai hambatan untuk berkarya. Sejatinya difabel tak ubahnya kebanyakan orang, memiliki kemampuan berbeda masing-masing. Ia bukan terbatas kemampuan (dis-able). Kemampuan tiap orang dapat diasah dengan program yang akomodatif sesuai kebutuhan dan potensinya. Termasuk program pemberdayaan sosial yang selama ini rutin digelar oleh Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII. Seperti apakah program yang melibatkan difabel oleh Komunikasi UII?

Vadhiya Rahma dan empat kawannya dari komunikasi UII angkatan 2018 menerobos stigma difabel. Ia mempelopori pelatihan produksi karya ‘tie dye’ di Komunitas Tujuannya mengembangkan keterampilan dan meningkatkan taraf hidup bagi difabel.

“Ternyata bukan hanya kita yang berbagi ilmu ke mereka, sebaliknya justru kita mendapatkan banyak ilmu dari mereka,” ujar Vadhiya, pada Rabu (31/03/2021), ketika hadir secara daring di diskusi bulanan Pusat Studi dan Dokumentasi Media Alternatif (PSDMA) Nadim, Komunikasi UII. Menurutnya kondisi difabel bukanlah hambatan untuk berbisnis dan berkarya.

Stigma buruk terhadap difabel muncul karena memang masih banyak orang yang tidak mau kenal dan tidak mau tahu. Penggunaan diksi difabel pun sebenarnya belum banyak digunakan. Padahal kata ‘difabel’ (populer dikenal dari kependekan ‘different ability’), sebagai pilihan kata alternatif dibanding kata ‘disabilitas’ (disability) perlu selalu digaungkan.

Program yang ditawarkan Vadhiya dan tim tidak hanya memberikan pelatihan. Setelah hasil karya jadi, produk tie dye dipasarkan melalui media sosial. Program talkshow pun dilakukan. Talkshow bertajuk “How To Start Business in Young Age” memberikan inspirasi bisnis sekaligus upaya branding agar konten dapat menarik pembeli. Sementara itu, Vadhiya dan tim terbesit untuk melanjutkan program ini dengan skala yang lebih besar, seperti bazar online.

Program pelatihan ini juga didukung penuh oleh Komunitas yang sangat kooperatif. Disela acara, Irene Juliana salah satu pendamping komunitas menuturkan untuk tidak melihat teman-teman difabel sebagai orang yang mempunyai kemampuan terbatas, melainkan kemampuan yang berbeda. Ia juga menceritakan latar belakang berdirinya komunitas yang berdiri sejak 2016. Mulanya adalah Irene dan beberapa temannya melihat kurangnya fasilitas yang mengakomodir wirausaha difabel pada pasca program pelatihan keterampilan di salah satu yayasan difabel di Yogyakarta. menawarkan diri menjadi ruang alternatif bagi difabel untuk mandiri dan berkarya.

Di akhir acara, Vadhiya berharap program ini bisa menginspirasi siapa saja. Ia pun mengucapkan terimakasih kepada karena sudah diberi kesempatan untuk berbagi dan belajar. “Kita diterima dengan baik, makanya kita juga ingin memberikan feedback yang terbaik,” ucap Vadhiya di akhir sesi diskusi.

Reporter/ Penulis: Indria Juwita (Mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi UII angkatan 2017, Magang PSDMA Nadim Ilmu Komunikasi UII)

Editor: A. Pambudi W.



Reading Time: 2 minutes

Conditions with disabilities are still often seen as an obstacle to work. In fact, people with disabilities (diffable) is actually same as most people, have different abilities. They are not dis-able. Each person’s ability can be honed with an accommodating program according to their needs and potention. Including the social empowerment program that has been routinely held by the UII Department of Communication. What is the program involving the diffable by UII Communication’s students like?

Vadhiya Rahma and four of her friends from Deartment of Communication, class 2018 broke through the stigma of disabilities/ diffable person. She pioneered the production training for producing tie dye in the Community. The goal is to develop skills and improve the standard of living for diffable person.

“It turns out that not only us who share knowledge with them, on the contrary we get a lot of knowledge from them,” said Vadhiya, on Wednesday (31/03/2021), when she was present online at the monthly discussion of the Center for Alternative Media Studies and Documentation (PSDMA). Nadim, Department of Communications of UII. According to her, diffable persons are not an obstacle to doing business and working.

The bad stigma against diffables arises because there are still many people who do not want to know and do not want to know. The use of diffable diction is actually not widely used yet. Whereas the word ‘diffable’ (popularly known for its short form ‘different ability’), as an alternative word choice compared to the word ‘disability’ (dis-ability) needs to always be echoed.

Training and Marketing

The programs offered by Vadhiya and the team did not just provide training. After the work was finished, tie dye products marketed through social media. A program of talk show was held then. The talk show entitled “How To Start Business in Young Age” provides business inspiration as well as efforts branding so that content can attract buyers. Meanwhile, Vadhiya and her team were determined to continue this program on a larger scale, such as an online bazaar.

This training is also fully supported by the Community which is very cooperative. In between the event, Irene Juliana, one of the facilitators of the community, said not to see disabled friends as people with limited abilities, but different abilities. She also shared the background of the founding of the community which was founded in 2016.

Initially, Irene and some of her friends saw the lack of facilities to accommodate entrepreneurs with disabilities after a skills training program at one of the diffable foundations in Yogyakarta. offers itself to be an alternative space for people with disabilities to be independent and work.

At the end of the event, Vadhiya hoped that this program could inspire anyone. She also thanked because she had been given the opportunity to share and learn. “We are well received, that’s why we also want to give the best feedback,” said Vadhiya at the end of the discussion session.

Reporter / Author: Indria Juwita ( Department of Communications Student of UII, class of 2017, Internship in PSDMA Nadim, Department of  Communications of UII)

Editor: A. Pambudi W.




Reading Time: 2 minutes

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Meanwhile, UIN Suka’s experience is different. Prof. Iswandi said that the Communication major of UIN Yogya is the most popular major in PTAI in Indonesia. “Hundreds of applicants can register, but we can only receive 150,” said Iswandi.

Iswandi answered questions from Holy Rafika, UII’s Communication Lecturer, Geographical Communication specialization, about how to differentiate the communication major at UIN in the faculty of social and da’wah faculty.

“At UIN Suka, there is a difference between communication as a science in the Communication major and communication as a technique in the faculty of da’wah and communication,” said Iswandi. According to him, another difference is that in Fishum scientific communication follows the guidelines from the Ministry of Education, while Islamic Broadcasting Communication in the Da’wah Faculty follows the guidelines from the Ministry of Religion.

The difference is again when told by the UGM experience. Since the beginning, UGM has laid the foundation for its Communication major since its name was the Publication Department in 1949. This is the first generation of communication majors in Indonesia. Only then did IISIP and followed by the University of Indonesia. It was only in 1960 Unpad Communications established a similar department.

If the Communication major of Unpad is under Fikom, UIN Communication is under Fishum (Faculty o social and humanitarian), then UGM Communication Major is under FISIPOL (Faculty of Political and Social).

UGM Communication has long changed its name to the UGM Communication Department. Now the development of knowledge in UGM Communication is very much determined by staff who are able to compete for research grants both internally and externally. “Scientific development is more determined by the ability and interest of lecturers in determining the research agenda. This focus on specialization makes UGM’s communication branding even stronger,” said Ngurah. This becomes even stronger especially when it is related to the relationship between the lecturers who continue their studies abroad. Networking is what will determine the direction and improvement of the quality of the study program.


Reading Time: < 1 minute

Artikel sebelumnya

Sedangkan pengalaman UIN Suka berbeda. Prof. Iswandi mengatakan Prodi Komunikasi UIN Yogya ini adalah prodi terpopuler se PTAI di Indonesia peminatnya. “Bisa ratusan yang mendaftar, tapi kami hanya bisa terima 150,” kata Iswandi.

Iswandi menjawab pertanyaan dari Holy Rafika, Dosen Komunikasi UII, spesialisasi Komunikasi Geografi soal bagaimana pembedaan prodi konunikasi di UIN pada fakultas fsihum dan fakultas dakwah.

“Di UIN Suka, ada pembedaan antara Komunikasi sebagai ilmu di Prodi Komunikasi dan komunikasi sebagai teknik di fakultas dakwah dan komunikasi,” kata Iswandi. Menurutnya, perbedaan lain adalah jika di Fishum komunikasi secara keilmuan mengikuti pedoman dari Kementrian Pendidikan, sedangkan Komunikasi Penyiaran Islam dalam Fakultas Dakwah mengikuti pedoman dari Kemenag.

Perbedaan lagi bila diceritakan oleh pengalaman UGM. UGM sejak awal telah meletakkan pondasi Prodi Komunikasinya sejak mulanya bernama Jurusan Publisistik pada 1949. Inilah generasi pertama jurusan komunikasi di Indonesia. Baru kemudian IISIP dan diikuti Universitas Indonesia. Barulah pada 1960 Komunikasi Unpad mendirikan jurusan serupa.

Bila Prodi Komunikasi di Unpad ada dalam Fikom, Komunikasi UIN ada di bawah Fishum, maka Komunikasi UGM berada bersama Fisipol.

Komunikasi UGM juga telah lama berubah nama menjadi Departemen Komunikasi UGM. Kini pengembangan ilmu di Komunikasi UGM sangat ditentukan oleh staf yang sanggup berkompetisi meraih hibah riset baik internal maupun eksternal. “Pengembangan keilmuan lebih ditentukan pula oleh kemampuan dan peminatan staff dosen dalam menentukan agenda riset. Fokus pada peminatan ini membuat branding komunikasi UGM semakin kuat,” kata Ngurah. Hal ini menjadi semakin kuat apalagi ketika dihubungkan dengan relasi dosennya yang banyak melanjutkan studi di luar negeri. Networking inilah yang akan menentukan arah dan peningkatan kualitas prodi.


Reading Time: 2 minutes

The development of studies on the history of tertiary institutions with the field of communication science in Indonesia has various features. Unpad, UIN, and even UGM have their own history and features. Not all of them come under a faculty called communication science.

Prof. Engkus Kuswarno, Professor of Communication Studies from Padjadjaran University said that the features are increasingly diverse if you look at Communication Science study programs at other campuses. “According to the Dikti’s data, as of April 1, 2021, there are now 344 communication science study programs in Indonesia. There are two communication management study programs. Then there are 21 Islamic Broadcasting Communication Study Programs under the Ministry of Religion (Ministry of Religion),” said Engkus in the Workshop on the Development of the Department Roadmap of Communication Study Program of UII on Friday (2/4/2021).

Engkus, who had been Vice Rector Unpad, adding that now is not known to the nomenclature of ‘majors’, “If you see in Law No. 12 of 2012, there were no term departments and faculties. The latest is a study program.”

He, referring to the policy, the education program is carried out by the study program, not the department. “Then the accreditation is the study program, not the department,” he added.

This workshop invited several figures who became role models of the Communication Study Program in Indonesia. They were Prof. Engkus Kuswarno from the Faculty of Communication Sciences / Faculty of Science. Unpad Communications Major, Prof. Iswandi Syahputra from UIN Communication Major Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, and I Gusti Ngurah from UGM Communications Major.

This workshop is an effort of the UII Department of Communications to update a department roadmap. Puji Hariyanti, Chair of the Department of Communications of UII, said that this workshop was held to share each other lesson learned, renew the roadmap for this department, some of which have been surpassed, and some have not reachable will be a guide for the Department of Communications of UII to make it better.

Questions arose after the presentation of speakers from three well-known universities in Indonesia. For example Masduki, one of the UII Department of Communications Lecturers, Specialist in the Media Policy and Journalism Research Cluster. Masduki asked, from the many discussions and historical backgrounds of this Department of Communication, especially Unpad, “how was the history to have its own faculty? How did these three campuses build their schools of thought in their respective campuses?”

Prof. Engkus said that Unpad Communication major had never turned into a faculty of its own. “From the beginning it was a publicistic faculty. Then in 1987 there was a change in regulations from Higher Education. All departments of public relations, information, etc. in Unpad had to become a communication major,” he explained.

“It used to be called a department. Previously it was majoring in information, PR, publicist. Then asked to change to a study program. Then we fought for the majors to appear again with new study programs submitted in 2013,” he added. Engkus added that since changing its status to PTNBH (Legal Entity of Public University)  Unpad, there is no need for a Dikti (Ministry that govern university) permit. “Even though our PTNBH is only in 2014, after the permit to make a new study program was issued in 2013,” said Engkus.

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Perkembangan kajian atas sejarah perguruan tinggi dengan bidang ilmu komunikasi di Indonesia memiliki corak yang beragam. Unpad, UIN, dan bahkan UGM memiliki sejarah dan coraknya masing-masing. Tak semuanya bernaung di bawah fakultas bernama ilmu komunikasi.

Prof. Engkus Kuswarno, Profesor Ilmu Komunikasi dari Universitas Padjadjaran mengatakan corak itu semakin beragam jika menilik prodi Ilmu Komunikasi di kampus-kampus lain. “Menurut data forlap dikti, per 1 April 2021, kini ada 344 prodi ilmu komunikasi di Indonesia. Prodi manajemen komunikasi ada dua. Lalu ada 21 Prodi Komunikasi Penyiaran Islam di bawah Kemenag (Kementrian Agama),” papar Engkus dalam Workshop Pengembangan Roadmap Prodi oleh Prodi Komunikasi UII pada Jumat (2/4/2021).

Engkus, yang pernah menjadi Wakil Rektor I Unpad ini, menambahkan bahwa kini sudah tidak dikenal nomenklatur ‘jurusan’, “Jika anda lihat dalam UU No. 12 tahun 2012, itu tidak ada kata jurusan dan fakultas. Yang terbaru adalah program studi. Alhamdulillah

Menurutnya, merujuk kebijakan tersebut, program pendidikanya dilakukan oleh prodi, bukan jurusan. “Maka yang diakreditasi adalah prodi, bukan jurusan,” imbuhnya.

Workshop ini mengundang beberapa tokoh yang menjadi model Prodi Komunikasi di Indonesia. Mereka adalah Prof Engkus Kuswarno dari Fikom/ Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Unpad, Prof. Iswandi Syahputra dari Komunikasi UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, dan I Gusti Ngurah dari Komunikasi UGM.

Workshop ini adalah upaya Prodi Komunikasi UII memperbarui sebuah peta jalan program studi. Puji Hariyanti, Ketua Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII, mengatakan bahwa workshop ini diadakan untuk belajar bersama menikik roadmap prodi ini yang beberapa telah terlampaui, dan beberapa lagi belum. Peta jalan ini harapannya akan menjadi panduan untuk Prodi Komunikasi UII agar menjadi lebih baik.

Pertanyaan-pertanyaan muncul juga setelah pemaparan para pembicara dari tiga kampus ternama di Indonesia. Misalnya Masduki, salah satu Dosen Komunikasi UII Spesialis Klaster Riset Kebijakan Media dan Jurnalisme. Masduki bertanya, dari sekian banyak diskusi dan latar sejarah program studi ini, terutama Unpad, “bagaimana sejarahnya bisa punya fakultas sendiri? Bagaimana tiga kampus ini membangun madzhab/ aliran pemikirannya di masing-masing kampusnya?”

Prof. Engkus mengatakan bahwa justru Komunikasi Unpad tidak pernah berubah menjadi fakultas sendiri. “Dari awal memang fakultas publisistik. Lalu di tahun 1987 ikut perubahan regulasi dari dikti. Semua jurusan humas, penerangan, dll di Unpad harus menjadi prodi ilmu komunikasi,” jelasnya.

“Dulu bernama jurusan. Dulu jurusan penerangan, PR, publisistik. Lalu diminta berubah jd prodi. Lalu kami perjuangkan jurusan-jurusan tadi muncul lagi dengan pengajuan prodi baru pada 2013,” tambahnya. Engkus menambahkan kini sejak berubah status menjadi PTNBH Unpad tak perlu ijin dikti. “Padahal PTNBH kami baru 2014, setelah ijin bikin prodi baru tadi turun di 2013,” kata Engkus.

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Reading Time: 3 minutes

Vadhiya Rahma Naisya started gathering some materials for tomorrow. She and five other fellow students of the Department of Communications UII held a community empowerment event in the Difabelzone Community, Pandak, Bantul last December, 2020. Even though she was sweating, he never complained. Vadhiya has the principle, if sharing can be a blessing for others, it will gain happiness indeed.

These materials are dyes, cloth, and several other tools for the practice of making tie dye. For those who don’t know about tie dye, they will definitely frown. But it turns out that tie dye has been known for a long time, especially in Java with the name jumputan. Vadhiya said that making tie dyes with these members of difabel zone community is very enjoyable. How could it not be, enthusiasm and the unexpected finish that made the painstaking preparations here and there for about three weeks paid off. 

Strict Health Protocols

Despite the pandemic, they designed the tie dye-making training to be lively. It also going with strict health protocols, Ila, for example. According to Vadhiya’s stories, Mbak Ila, who has a speech disability, was very interested. She also active in following the instructions and practices of making tie dye from Vadhiya and friends. Vadhiya also learned various things, she said. “For example, if Ms. Ila wants to ask about techniques and methods that are not yet clear, Vadhiya will ask Mrs. Irene. From Mrs. Irene’s explanation, I also learned about how to communicate in sign language,” said Vadhiya. 


“It feels like the two days of Tie Dye making training are still not enough if we remember the togetherness and kinship here, even when we came home,  it took a long time to say goodbye there,” recalled Vadhiya. “I am happy with the enthusiasm and high willingness to learn from friends in difabelzone community.”

She and the team carried out community empowerment to fulfill the course Non-Commercial Communication Program Management taught by Puji Hariyanti, the lecturer of the Department of Communication, which is an Empowerment Communication specialist. Puji even appreciated the idea of ​​tie dye with the disabled community and hopes that it can be continued again.




How to make community empowerment in the midst of a pandemic?

“Yes, just go with the flow,” she said. “We live like playing. There is no burden. So even though there are those outside the city, we share tasks that can be done from outside the city,” explained Vadhiya. Precisely when you are taken to relax and obey the UII health protocols, everything that feels difficult at first becomes easy. 

“Many people said that people with disabilities are deficient, in fact, I say it was untrue. No, that really is friends with disabilities. It has many advantages,” said Irene Juliana, a companion community of 

Vadhiya revealed that in the previous time, difabelzone community, that was founded in 2016, has long been able to make batik. You can see how neatness and their perseverance. “We feel like we can go home for a week, we learn a lot about work,” said Vadhiya during a monthly discussion organized by the Nadim, Center for Alternative Media Studies and Documentation (PSDMA) of the Department of Communications of UII on March 31, 2021. 

Sara Fadila, a member of the empowerment team also said, “Their positive response made me happy. I’m happy to be able to try new things too. They are full of enthusiasm, and that is what impressed me,” she said.

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