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Teatime IPC will invite:

Jemima Josephine Hormigas
IP Communication Student Batch 2019

The next International Program of Communication’s Teatime

Archery VS Academic, Balancing Out Two Different Worlds at the Same Time

Live On Instagram


Friday 6 August 2021 Start at 4-5 p.m (UTC +7)

Start at 4 pm (UTC+7). Keep updated on IGTV


Keinginan adanya lingkungan hidup yang baik terkadang terbentur oleh kemampuan untuk mengelola lingkungan itu sendiri.

Deforestasi, sampah plastik, dan polusi menjadi masalah yang kerap terjadi dan sulit untuk diatasi.

Gery Cahya Peranginangin, Mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi UII, lewat Tugas Akhirnya, mengajak kita untuk menumbuhkan kesadaran bahwa lingkungan perlu kita jaga dan lestarikan agar kebermanfaatan alam dapat berjangka panjang melalui karya yang dibuatnya, berjudul “Makhluk Hidup dan Lingkungan dalam Karya Fotografi Konseptual”.

Oleh karena itu, kami mengundang semua sahabat PSDMA Nadim Komunikasi UII untuk hadir dalam diskusi terkait karya fotografi ini, agar terwujudlah pembaruan baik dari konteks akademis maupun praktis.

Jangan sampai tertinggal karena diskusi akan berjalan asyik dengan turut menghadirkan Achmad Oddy Widyantoro sebagai praktisi yang akan mengulas karya ini.

The fate of traditional markets has been underestimated. But the Perumda Pasaraya traditional market is just the opposite. However, after the pandemic, this market experienced a drastic decline. According to data from the Association of Indonesian Market Traders (APPSI), the sales turnover of traditional markets decreased by 35%. This condition makes traditional market managers must immediately make strategies to bring consumers back to the market.

The topic of the marketing strategy in this traditional market is research conducted by Amalia Nur Rachman. She is a Communication student in the Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) class of 2017. On this occasion, Amalia shared her research results in a discussion held by the Center for Alternative Media Studies and Documentation (PSDMA) NADIM at the Department of Communications, UII on Thursday, July 29, 2021.

In her research entitled Strategy Integrated Marketing to Increase Shopping Enthusiasm at Traditional Markets, Amalia focuses on a traditional market in the Menteng area, Central Jakarta. The marketing strategy is not enough just to revitalize the market. But also carry out various more integrated marketing strategies.

Some of the elements used by Perumda Pasar Jaya are to promote by advertising both print and digital. Amalia explained some examples of advertising by way of promotional prints for paid advertising products, printing banners and posters. Meanwhile, digital promotion with a totem video wall for events to be held. In addition to these advertisements, Perumda Pasaraya also activates four official social media accounts to publish events that will be or have already been held.

Perumda Pasaraya also conducts personal selling and other promotions by organizing an event, shopping tourism year, basic food bazaars for local residents, providing discounts, coupons, gifts.

Corporate Social Responsibility (SCR) efforts are also carried out by the Public Relations (PR) of Perumda Pasaraya. Early Childhood Education Center for local residents and traders, assistance for disaster victims, MSME centers, atmospheric control machines to prolong the age of vegetables, onions and chillies, free health checks, giving masks, hand sanitisers, face shields and socialization of health protocols, building 40 food barns, and managing rubbish.


Filmmaking is a job that requires teamwork. If we don’t have our qualified tools, we can invite other friends to the crowd. It is also possible that other friends will share not in tools but help in funding.

“So the production is not done by one person. For example, I have a good idea. Still, I don’t have a good gadget, so you can collaborate with friends who are of the same vision and idea,” said Bagoes Kresnawan, a speaker at the Workshop on How to make creative video content with gadgets on Friday, July 30, 2021. Ida Nuraini DKN, lecturer at International Program of Department of Communications, UII host the workshop live on Zoom.

The workshop, a series of events for the 2nd Inspirational Content Festival (FKI), is a regular competition event organised by Uniicoms TV, the first online TV at UII, belonging to the UII Communication Study Program.

According to Bagoes, it is essential to determine the goal first before producing a video work. This is even more important than determining the tool.

We can use any tool, even using Android. “If you want to create a work, you need to know what the goal is first, don’t think about the tools first. I often make videos and edit using Android. Not an iPhone,” said Bagoes, who is also a content creator and founder of the photo community @huntingpasarid.

Bagoes also suggested that content creators be more observant and intelligent in developing their potential. Don’t let ambition hinder your potential. In the past, Bagoes said, he had ambitions in bands, in music, “I almost dropped out of college. After graduating, I did a lot of work in video and photography. Why didn’t I study video since I was in college, for example, choosing to concentrate on broadcasting,” he said remembering his experience during the lecture at UII at Department of Communications. “Sometimes, this ambition closes out our potential,” said Bagoes.

Tips for Making Videos Using Mobile Phones

There are many tips that Bagoes shared in this workshop opportunity. For example, how to understand the types of shooting (type of shot). There are three types that many people commonly use. The first is the broad or wide type. “With this wide shot, the subject of this person, we can see anything around him. This type of shot can tell about this person and the profile around him,” said Bagoes.

Meanwhile, medium type shots are often used for social media. And the third type of shot is close up. This type of close up is focused on one thing, but the viewer doesn’t know the broad profile of the subject. The close-up type only provides the least amount of information. “But it’s the most intense and gives the impression of being intense and taking on a lot of expressions,” said Bagoes.

“If the type of shot is medium, this is the usual TikTok frame. Maybe my friends can practice it, and now you don’t only know the method, but also the theory and its name. There are many shots, but these three are common,” said Bagoes while showing examples of the videos he took and edited using his cellphone.

According to Bagoes, not only production but editing can also be done with a smartphone.

“So don’t worry, you can still make creative videos only with Android. Yes, Android, not even iPhone,” said Bagoes stressed.

The workshop, which was held via zoom and live youtube, started the FKI 2021 series. In addition to this workshop, there were two workshops and a video competition as well. Information about the competition can be seen on Instagram @uniicomstv.


Filmmaking adalah pekerjaan yang membutuhkan kerja tim. Jika kita tak punya alat mumpuni sendiri, bisa ajak teman lain untuk urun daya. Bisa juga teman lain akan berbagi bukan di alat tapi membantu di pendanaan.

“Jadi produksi iti bukan oleh satu orang. Misal aku punya ide bagus, tapi nggak punya gadget yang bagus, nah kamu bisa kerjasama dengan teman yang sevisi dan seide,” kata Bagoes Kresnawan, pembicara di Workshop How to make creative video content with gadget pada Jumat, 30 Juli 2021.

Workshop yang merupakan rangkaian acara 2nd Festival Konten Inspiratif (FKI), ini adalah ajang rutin kompetisi yang diselenggarakan oleh Uniicoms TV, TV online pertama di UII, milik Prodi Komunikasi UII.

Menurut Bagoes, penting sekali menentukan tujuan lebih dahulu sebelum produksi sebuah karya video. Ini bahkan lebih penting dibanding menentukan alat.

Alat apapun bisa kita gunakan, bahkan pakai android. “Kalau mau bikin karya, tahu dulu tujuannya mau apa dulu, bukan mikir alat dulu. Saya sering bikin video sampai editing itu pakai android. Bukan iPhone ya bisa,” kata Bagoes, yang juga adalah content creator dan pendiri komunitas foto @huntingpasarid.

Bagoes juga menyarankan agar pembuat konten lebih jeli dan cerdas mengembangkan potensi. Jangan sampai ambisi justru menghambat potensi diri. Dulu, Bagoes bercerita, ia punya ambisi di band, di musik, “Kuliah saya sampai hampir DO. Belakangan setelah lulus, saya banyak berkarya di video dan fotografi. Kenapa ya tidak dari dulu saat kuliah saya belajar video, misal memilih konsentrasi broadcast,” ungkapnya mengingat pengalaman masa kukiah di Komunikasi UII. “Kadang-kadang ambisi ini menutup potensi kita,” kata Bagoes.

Tips Bikin Video Pakai Hape

Ada banyak tips yang dibagi Bagoes dalam kesempatan workshop kali ini. Misalnya bagaimana memahami tipe-tipe pengambilan gambar (type of shot). Ada tiga tipe yang biasa dipakai banyak orang. Pertama adalah tipe wide atau lebar. “Dengan shot wide ini, Si subjek orang ini kita bisa lihat apa saja sekeliling dia. Shot jenis ini bisa menceritakan tentang orang ini dan profil sekitarnya,” kata Bagoes.

Sedangkan shot jenis medium sering digunakan untuk media sosial. Sedangkan type of shot yang ketiga adalah close up. Jenis close up adalah fokus pada satu hal, tetapi penonton tidak tahu profil luas subjek. Tipe close up hanya memberikan paling sedikit informasinya. “Tapi ini paling intens dan memberi kesan intens dan banyak ambil ekspresi,” kata Bagoes.

“Kalau jenis shot medium Ini frame tiktok ini biasanya. Mungkin temen-temen bisa mempraktikannya, nah sekarang ini tak hanya tahu cara, tapi juga tahu teori dan namanya. Ada banyak type of shot, tapi yang common ya tiga ini,” kata Bagoes sembari menayangkan contoh-contoh videonya yang ia ambil dan edit pakai ponsel.

Menurut Bagoes, bahkan tak hanya produksi, editing pun bisa dilakukan dengan smartphone.

“Jadi jangan khawatir, kamu tetap bisa bikin video kreatif hanya dengan android. Android ya, bahkan bukan iPhone,” kata Bagoes menekankan.

Workshop yang diadakan via zoom dan live youtube ini mengawali rangkaian FKI 2021. Selain workshop ini, ada dua workshop dan kompetisi video juga. Info tentang lomba bisa dilihat di instagram @uniicomstv.

Nasib pasar tradisional selama ini dipandang sebelah mata. Tapi parasr tradisional Perumda Pasaraya justru sebaliknya. Hanya saja, setelah pandemi pasar ini mengalami penurunan drastis. Menurut data Asosiasi Pedangan Pasar Seluruh Indonesia (APPSI), omset penjualan pasar tradisional menurun hingga 35%. Kondisi ini membuat pengelola pasar tradisional harus segera membuat strategi untuk kembali mendatangkan konsumen ke pasar.

Topik Strategi pemasaran di pasar tradisional ini adalah penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Amalia Nur rachman. Ia adalah mahasiswa Komunikasi Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) angkatan tahun 2017. Pada kesempatan ini Amalia berbagai hasil penelitiannya dalam diskusi yang diadalakan oleh Pusat Studi dan Dokumentasi Media Alternatif (PSDMA) NADIM Ilmu Komunikasi UII pada Kamis, 29 Juli 2021.

Dalam penelitian berjudul Strategi Pemasaran Terpadu untuk Meningkatkan Antusiasme Berbelanja di Pasar Tradisional ini, Amalia fokuskan di sebuah pasar traditional di area menteng, Jakarta Pusat. Strategi pemasarannya tidak cukup hanya sebatas melakukan revitalisasi pasar saja. Tapi juga melaukan berbagai strategi pemasan yang lebih terintegrasi.

Beberapa elemen yang digunakan Perumda Pasarjaya adalah melakukan promosi dengan beriklan baik cetak mapun digital. Amalia menjelaskan beberapa contoh advertising dengan cara promosi cetak produk iklan berbayar, cetak spaduk dan poster. Sedangkan promosi digital dengan totem video wall untuk event yang akan diselenggarakan. Selain iklan tersebut, Perumda Pasaraya juga mengaktifkan media sosial sebanyak 4 akun resmi untuk mempublikasikan acara yang akan dilaksanakan maupun sudah.

Perumda pasaraya juga melakukan personal selling dan promosi lain dengan membuat event tahun wisata belanja, bazar semabako untuk warga sekitar, memberikan diskon, kupon, hadiah.

Upaya Corporate Sosial Responsibiity (SCR) juga dilakukan oleh Public Relation (PR) Perumda Pasaraya ini.  PAUD untuk warga sekitar dan pedangan, bantuan korban musibah, sentra UMKM, mesin kontrol atmosfer untuk memperlama usia sayuran, bawang dan cabai, Pemeriksaan kesehatan gratis, pemberian masker, handsanitizer, faceshiled dan sosialisasi protokol kesehatan, membangun 40 titik lumbung pangan, dan pengelolaan sampah.

No one is affected by the year then, he stays at home patiently and hopes for his blessing, so he always gets a reward. If he also realizes that no one can be hit by tha’un other than because of Allah’s provisions, then that will be a way to get rewards from Allah as well. If he dies, he is a martyr.

Veby Novri Yendri, a doctor at UII Hospital and a lecturer at FK UII, cites one of the prophet’s hadiths which tells about the plague. Veby said Indonesian Muslims, especially academics at FPSB UII, should become heroes who help reduce the spread of the Covid-19 outbreak. The simplest way is to be disciplined in applying the 6M and 3T protocols. 6M consists of avoiding crowds, keeping distance, wearing masks properly, washing hands, getting enough rest, reducing mobility, and maintaining a healthy diet. In comparison, 3T stands for testing, tracing, and treatment.

“Hopefully we will be given instructions, and become heroes in the fight against COVID-19,” said dr. Veby Novri Yendri, Sp.THT-KL (FK UII) at the routine recitation of FPSB UII with the theme ‘Pandemic is getting stronger again: how to take care of yourself?’ on Friday, July 23, 2021.

Veby also suggested using cloth masks outside and surgical masks inside: double masks. This activity is an effort to anticipate the spread of the new type of Covid-19 virus mutation.

This time the Faculty recitation was held simultaneously with a prayer together. This prayer is for the big family of FPSB and family members to get healing for those who are sick and get husnul khotimah for those who have preceded.

According to Veby, as of Friday, July 23, 2021, the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide has reached 191 million. “In fact, last week 184 million. Meanwhile in Indonesia, up to three million cases were tracked, active cases were 561.384 thousand,” said dr. Veby explained the update of data on Covid-19 cases.

What if a confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis is confirmed? Make sure the air insulation location must be good. Sunlight should also be able to enter the room. Don’t lock yourself in your room, keep trying to get fitter and fitter. “Even when we accompany us in the village, we invite video calls and ask to be enthusiastic about moving. This is to ensure that people who are self-isolating are really fit,” said Veby telling his experience.

There is no specific cure for COVID-19.

In general, in principle, treat symptoms early. Although there is no specific drug for people exposed to corona, it can handle the symptoms appropriately. When these symptoms are treated quickly, they can be cured more quickly. Based on the advice of dr. Veby, people with covid symptoms should avoid ibuprofen because it can increase the rate of covid-19. Instead, use paracetamol or CTM for anti-histamine.

“If you have a mild cough, you can use what is usually available in pharmacies. Multivitamins C, D, and E,” suggested Veby.

What if you can’t get it?

“Such as not being able to get, the important thing is that nutrition and intake meet and feel better. Try to eat well if it’s easy for us.”

Veby said that at first, the coronavirus was considered mysterious pneumonia. Then later, a variety of unexpected symptoms appeared. Even in medical circles, the corona is also called ‘the thousand faces disease’ because of various symptoms. Symptoms most often occur in the upper to lower airways.

Lots of people are afraid and don’t understand how to deal with some mild symptoms at home. For example, how to remove post-exposed virus carcasses, as asked by one of the participants, Didin Syafaat, alumni of FPSB UII.

Veby said that the public could speed up the removal of virus carcasses by washing their noses with salt. “Washing is like an istinsyak when cleaning the nose during ablution. You can also see various guidelines about corona on the UII Hospital Youtube account,” added Veby. There are also other guides on the Youtube channel, such as getting enough oxygen by prostration. You should also always coordinate every four to six hours with health workers and primary health services in self-isolation.


Tiada seorangpun yang terkena tha’un kemudian ia menahan diri di rumah dengan sabar dan mengharap ridhanya maka ia senantiasa mendapat ganjaran. Jika ia juga menyadari bahwa tak ada yang dapat terkena tha’un selain karena ketentuan allah maka itu akan menjadi jalan mendapat ganjaran dari allah pula. Jikapun ia mati, ia mati syahid.

Veby Novri Yendri, dokter di RS UII dan juga pengajar di FK UII, menyitir salah satu hadits nabi itu yang bercerita tentang wabah. Veby mengatakan umat muslim Indonesia, terutama sivitas akademik di FPSB UII, sebaiknya bisa ikut menjadi pahlawan yang ikut mengurangi penyebaran Wabah Covid-19. Cara paling sederhana adalah dengan disiplin menerapkan protokol 6M dan 3T. 6M terdiri dari menghindari kerumunan, menjaga jarak, memakai masker dengan benar, mencuci tangan, istirahat yang cukup, mengurangi mobilitas, dan menjaga pola makan sehat. Sedangkan 3T kependekan dari testing, tracing, dan treatment.

“Mudah-mudahan kita diberi petunjuk, dan menjadi pahlawan dalam melawan covid19 dengan taat protokol kesehatan dan protokol iman,” kata dr. Veby Novri Yendri, Sp.THT-KL (FK UII) pada pengajian rutin FPSB UII bertema ‘Pandemi menguat lagi: bagaimana menjaga diri?’ pada Jumat, 23 Juli 2021.

Veby juga menyarankan agar menggunakan masker kain di luar dan masker bedah di dalam: rangkap masker. Ini adalah upaya mengantisipasi penyebaran mutasi virus covid-19 jenis baru.

Pengajian Fakultas kali ini sekaligus dilaksanakan bersamaan dengan doa bersama. Doa ini untuk keluarga besar FPSB dan anggota keluarga untuk segera mendapat kesembuhan bagi yang sedang sakit, dan mendapat husnul khotimah bagi yang telah mendahului.

Menurut penuturan Veby, per Jum’at, 23 Juli 2021, kasus terpapar covid-19 terkonfirmasi di seluruh dunia mencapai 191 juta. “Padahal seminggu lalu 184 juta. Sedangkan di Indonesia, yang terlacak hingga tiga jutaan kasus, kasus aktif 561,384 ribu,” ungkap dr. Veby memaparkan pembaharuan data kasus covid-19.

Bagaimana jika didiagnosis konfirmasi covid-19? Pastikan udara lokasi isolasi harus baik. Sinar matahari juga sebaiknya dapat masuk dalam ruangan. Jangan mengurung diri di kamar, tetap mengusahakan diri untuk semakin bugar dan semakin bugar. “Bahkan kami ketika mendampingi di kampung, kami ajak video call dan minta untuk semangat bergerak. Ini untuk memastikan orang yang isolasi mandiri betul-betul bugar,” kata Veby menceritakan pengalamannya.


Belum ada obat spesifik untuk covid-19

Secara umum, prinsipnya, atasi gejala lebih dini. Meski belum ada obat spesifik untuk orang yang terpapar korona, bisa atasi gejala dengan tepat. Ketika gejala itu tertangani dengan cepat, maka bisa lebih cepat tertangani pulih. Berdasarkan saran dr. Veby, obat Ibuprofen sebaiknya dihindari karena bisa meningkatkan tingkat covid-19. Sebaliknya gunakan paracetamol atau CTM boleh untuk anti histamin.

“Kalau batuk ringan boleh gunakan yang biasa tersedia di apotik. Multivitamin C, D, dan E,” saran Veby.

Bagaimana jika tidak bisa mendapatkan?

“Semisal tidak bisa mendapatkan, yang penting nutrisi dan asupan memenuhi dan dirasa lebih baik. Berusaha makan enaklah kalau gampangnya kita.”

Veby menceritakan mulanya virus korona dianggap pnemonia misterius. Lalu belakangan muncul beragam gejala yang tidak terduga. Bahkan di kalangan medis korona disebut juga ‘the thousand faces disease’ karena sangat beragamnya gejala. Gejala tersering muncul di jalan napas atas sampai ke bawah.

Banyak sekali masyarakat yang takut dan belum paham cara mengatasi beberapa gejala ringan di rumah. Misalnya bagaimana menghilangkan bangkai virus paska terpapar, seperti pertanyaan salah satu peserta, Didin Syafaat, alumni FPSB UII.

Veby mengatakan masyarakat bisa melakukan upaya mempercepat menghilangkan bangkai virus dengan mencuci hidung pakai garam krosok. “Mencuci seperti istinsyak ketika membersihkan hidung saat wudhu. Bisa juga ibu bapak lihat beragam panduan tentang korona di akun Youtube RS UII,” tambah Veby. Panduan lain di saluran Youtube itu juga ada misalnya panduan mencukupkan kebutuhan oksigen dengan sujud. Jika sedang isolasi, sebaiknya juga selalu koordinasi empat sampai enam jam sekali dengan nakes dan layanan kesehatan primer.

The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted all fronts—political, social, cultural, and economical. According to  Tempo, in the first five months of the coronavirus spreading in Indonesia, the Indonesian Ministry of Manpower recorded more than 3 million people as having experienced layoffs. Some of these also have an impact on UII student parents.

The Islamic University of Indonesia (UII) responded to this impact by providing tuition waivers. Undergraduate and diploma program students can access this fee waiver in the 2021/2022 school year. This cost reduction program is a form of UII’s adjustment to the pandemic.

Students can choose various types of waivers according to family conditions affected by Corona. There are four types of fee waivers. Starting from relief for students who are not affected, those affected are mild, moderate, to severe.

Severely impacted students can apply for a 25% tuition fee waiver. Students can also choose a 20% tuition fee reduction if they are moderately affected. At the same time, the remaining students can also choose a 15% waiver. Last but not least, students who are not affected by COVID-19 will be given a 10% reduction in tuition fees.

All active students will automatically be deducted 10% from the nominal bill for the first and second installments for the 2021/2022 academic year. For professional students, masters, and doctorates will be arranged by their respective administrators. Requests for additional assistance can be made via the UII Gateway website no later than July 21, 2021.


There is a file that the applicant must upload. First, scan the Identity Card (KTP) and Family Card (KK) of the insurer or the person who pays the tuition fee. If the insurance company has a tax ID Number, they must attach a scan of the Annual Tax Return (SPT). The applicant also needs to upload a scan of the insurance payslip before and during the pandemic.

Insurers also need to install a scan of the sub-district original income report for cost bearers who do not work formally. All the files mentioned above must be in PDF format. Students are asked to record the processing schedule. Verification and authorization will continue on 9-24 July 2021. After that, the authorization results will be announced on July 20, 2021. Students must make all payments on 27 July-24 August 2021.

Service for Covid-19 Self-isolating Student

Additional notes for FPSB UII students who are currently self-isolating in-home or boarding house in Jogja or outside Jogja, The FPSB COVID-19 Task Force Team asks you to fill in the following basic data to add you to the Whatsapp group. The FPSB COVID-19 Task Force Team will monitor the group during self-isolation and provide further information in the WhatsApp group.

“There are two groups, for students who currently live in Jogja and for the public. For the general group, students who live in Jogja or outside Jogja can follow it,” said Muhammad Novaliant, the FPSB UII COVID-19 Task Force (Faculty of Psychology and Socio-Cultural Sciences).

The FPSB Covid-19 Task Force team provided medicines and food for students living in Jogja. Each Head of the Department at FPSB UII will monitor The WhatsApp group. “Meanwhile, students outside Jogja can exchange information and support each other during the self-isolation period,” added Novaliant.

Students must fill out a form before joining the group. Photos and the name linked to the google account will be recorded when you upload the file and submit this form at the following link:

Also, due to COVID-19, all services are carried out online. Students can check UII’s Digital Communication Services During the COVID-19 Mitigation Period on the Department of Communication website.


Author/ Reporter: Erinna Zandra (Student of Department of Communications, Batch 2017, Student Intern at International Program at Department of Communications UII)

Editor: A. P. Wicaksono