Reading Time: 2 minutes

Trying various opportunities and joining several international institutions opens the door to international knowledge and excitement. Feel and experience directly associating with people with different cultures, as well as introducing Indonesian culture and wealth in the land of a hundred palaces.

The experience was passed by Jorgi Radivka. Jorgi is a 2014 student of Department of Communication at the Universitas Islam Indonesia, who had the opportunity to do an internship as a teacher at an elementary school in the middle of the blue continent of Europe, the Czech Republic. She shared this experience in one of the online casual chat programs made by UII’s International Program of Communication UII on Saturday, June 26, 2021. Annisa Putri Jiany led a discussion with Jorgi, exploring his various experiences with AIESEC in Czech.

Jorgi is a member of an international organization whose mission is to spread peace and humanity. His organization is by inviting young people to do international internships or activities as well as to develop youth leadership potential. The organization is (Association Internationale des Etuadiants Sciences Economiques et Commerciales (AIESEC).

In that school, Jorgi has to teach for approximately two months. Many of them do not know Indonesia. They don’t even know there is a country called Indonesia. Jorgi finally brought a map of the globe and showing where Indonesia is located. He also introduced Indonesian language and songs.

Not only that, he also introduced batik motifs by wearing batik every time he went to school and discussing batik with his friends.

At first there were several obstacles he faced when teaching at school . The language barrier is one of the obstacles because English is not the main language of the people in the Czech Republic. This language barrier makes the students not pay much attention during the learning process. But Jorgi has some tricks that he uses to win attention back. “I use the traditional game here. Gobak sodor for 10-15 minutes to let them be happy first. After that they want to pay attention to the lesson.”

He recounts the funniest and most memorable experiences. On several occasions Jorgi also cooks for his friends and the teachers there. He was so happy and satisfied because he managed to make his friends spicy. “They can’t really eat spicy food, but I cook bakwan and sambal matah. They can’t stand how spicy it is, but they’re done.”

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Mencoba berbagai peluang dan bergabung beerapa lembaga international membuka pintu pengetahuan dan keseruan pengalaman international. Merasakan dan mengalami langsung bergaul dengan orang dengan kultur yang berbeda, sekaligus mengenalkan kultur dan kekayaan Indonesia di negeri seratus istana.

Pengalaman itu dilalui oleh Jorgi Radivka. Jorgi adalah mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Islam Indonesia angkatan 2014, yang berkesempatan magang sebagai pengajar di sekolah dasar di tengah-tengah benua biru Eropa, Republik Ceko. Pengalaman ini ia bagikan di salah satu program ngobrol santai daring Teatime besutan International Program Communication UII pada Sabtu, 26 Juni 2021. Annisa Putri Jiany memandu diskusi dengan Jorgi, mengulik beragam pengalamannya bersama AIESEC di Ceko.

Jorgi tergabung dalam sebuah organisasi International yang misinya adalah untuk menyebarkan kedamaian dan kemanusiaan dengan mengajak anak-anak muda magang atau berkegiatan International sekaligus untuk menumbuhkan potensi kepemimpinan pemuda. Organisasi tersebuat adalah (Association Internationale des Etuadiants Sciences Economiques et Commerciales (AIESEC).

Dalam sekolah itu Jorgi harus mengajar selama kurang lebih dua bulan. Banyak diantara mereka yang tidak mengenal Indonesia. Bahakan tidak tahu ada negara bernama Indonesia. Jorgi akhirnya membawa peta globe dan menunjukkan dimana Indonesia teretak. Ia juga mengenalkan bahasa dan lagu-lagu Indonesia.

Tak hanya itu, Ia juga mengenalkan motif batik dengan mengenakan batik setiap kali ke sekolah dan memperbincangkan dengan teman-temannya.

Mulanya ada beberapa hambatan yang ia alami ketika mengajar di sekolah. Kendala bahasa menjadi salah satu penghambat karena bahasa Inggris bukannah bahasa utama orang-oarang di Czech Republic. Kendala bahasa ini membuat murid-murinya tidak begitu memeberikan perhatian saat proses belajar. Tapi Jorgi punya beberapa trik yang dia gunakan untuk merebut perhatian kembali. “aku pakai permaian tradisional di sini. Gobak sodor 10-15 menit biar mereka senang dulu. Setelah itu mereka mau perhatikan pelajaran.”

Ia mencerikan pengalaman paling lucu dan mengesankan. Dalam beberapa kesempatan Jorgi juga memasak untuk teman-temannya para guru di sana. Ia yang begitu senang dan puas karena berhasil membuat teman-temannya kepedasan. “Mereka itu kan tidak begitu bisa makan pedas, tapi aku memasak bakwan dan sambel matah. Mereka nggak tahan betapa pedasnya, tapi habis.”


Reading Time: 2 minutes

Music Topophilia is music tourism that refers to a sense of love in a place through music. This happened to fans and JKT48, a sister group from Japan, AKB48. They are said to have changed the image of the city of Jakarta in the eyes of JKT48 fans who are often called Wota.

Initially, Wota thought of Jakarta as a city with a hard life. The emergence of JKT48 made Wota change his view of the city of Jakarta. Jakarta is now a friendly city. JKT48 contributed to this view, such as mentioning the name of the city in their song lyrics. This aspect is the main attraction for fans to watch JKT48 live in the theatre.

“Fans of JKT48 or Wota will only feel prosperous when they come to Jakarta and watch JKT48 live,” said Amey, the speaker in the discussion “Music Topophilia: The Meaning of Jakarta for JKT48 Fans” held by the Center for Alternative Media Studies and Documentation (PSDMA) Nadim Communication UII. The discussion was held on Thursday (17/6/2021), which was broadcast live by the first online TV at UII, Uniicoms TV.

 The meaning of Jakarta for Wota

Wota interpreting Jakarta as a friendly city cannot be separated from the role of his idol. JKT48 maintains good relations with fans, especially those who live outside Jakarta. The relationship that exists between fans and JKT48 is a new tourism practice. It includes several dimensions of activity. For example, attending the theatre, handshake, and concerts.

Watching theatre is the activity that Wota is most interested in. This is because the theatrical event has its own meaning for fans, so they like the city of Jakarta. In addition, fans can also get to know members other of the theatre which is held every day, so that the desire to continue watching the theatre arises.

Amey said that some fans even visited Jakarta just for activities idolizing (idolizing characters). According to Amey, in his research, he found that it is estimated that in a year, activities idols can do one to five times.

Idoling activities are one component of music tourism practice. The complete practice is to feel euphoric, enjoy songs while doing fanchant (songs or shouts from fans when their idols act on stage), and pay attention to the development of members. In addition, Wota is also waiting for announcements from JKT48 members regarding graduations, promotions and events that will be held next. They will follow things related to JKT48. In this discussion, Amey revealed that fans, both male and female, all melt accidentally while doing idols. They believe that the city of Jakarta is a pleasant city because they find what is not in their hometown.

Reporter/ Author: Nadia Sofiyanti (UII Communication Studies Student, 2017. Internship at PSDMA Nadim Communication UII)

Editor: AP Wicaksono


Reading Time: < 1 minute

Diskusi PSDMA Nadim Komunikasi UII

PSDMA Nadim edisi Juni mulai lagi. Nadim menghadirkan narasumber yang melakukan riset di klaster Komunikasi Visual. Diskusi bertajuk:

Dinamika Maskulinitas Iklan Kendaraan dalam Televisi


Selasa, 29 Juni 2021

15.30 WIB


Jamilatul Makrifah

Live Uniicoms TV dan Daring Zoom di Poster berikut:

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Continuation of the first post at the following link.

But even so, according to him, there is one thing that is lacking from this book. “For example, what is lacking is adab about himself. This is sometimes forgotten. Sometimes you know other people but you don’t know yourself. Including forgetting yourself, “added Imam later.

The Imam added that in the Qur’an, humans are not commanded to see others, “but in the Qur’an, we are asked to look at ourselves. Iqra Kitabaka binafsi,” he said.

Subhan Afifi, responding to the issue of the thickness of the book, explained that this was an effort by the lecturer to provide the best service. “I remember my colleague at UII Communications, said Mas Holy, we often see students being a bit pessimistic. Yes, we don’t think about students who don’t want to read. It’s not serious,” said Subhan.

According to him, not infrequently, there are actually students who act beyond expectations. “It turns out that there are also those who are still serious about learning, so we have just given maximum service. So that those who are serious can develop a lot, while those who are less serious, we invite slowly, “said Subhan imitating his colleague’s words.

The purpose of this book, said Subhan, to represent the authors, is to make this campus a center for cultural development. Therefore, this book talks about philosophy, technical matters, how to, concepts and examples of their application.

Another speaker who was invited to review this book, Iip Wijayanto said that this was the book he had hoped for since he was still at UII. “Back when I was the Secretary General of the DPM FTSP UII, we were hot and there was a student movement, why was this student wearing a headscarf not disciplined. Then one of the lecturers said, people have reached the moon, why are you still here talking about clothes? That was 20 years ago, now UII is better,” said Iip Wijayanto. He hopes that this book will be the basis for special courses on adab.

Besides Iip, there were also discussion audiences from seasoned academics. For example, Prof. Djamaludin Ancok, UGM Psychology lecturer who is also the first Dean of the Faculty of Psychology. He had high hopes for this book. “Hopefully this book will become a quality human development guidebook,” he wrote in the chat column on the live broadcast of this event on Uniicoms TV.


Reading Time: 2 minutes

Musik Topophilia merupakan pariwisata musik yang mengacu pada rasa cinta di suatu tempat melalui musik. Hal ini terjadi pada penggemar dan JKT48, salah satu sister grup asal Jepang yaitu AKB48. Mereka disebut telah mengubah citra kota Jakarta di mata penggemar JKT48 yang sering disebut Wota.

Awalnya Wota menganggap Kota Jakarta sebagai kota dengan kehidupan yang keras. Munculnya JKT48 membuat Wota mengubah pandangannya tentang kota Jakarta. Jakarta kini adalah kota yang ramah. JKT48 berkontribusi dengan pandangan ini, seperti menyebut nama kota di lirik lagu mereka. Aspek inilah yang menjadi daya tarik tersendiri bagi penggemar untuk menonton langsung JKT48 di teater.

“Para penggemar JKT48 atau Wota baru terasa mabrur kalau sudah ke Jakarta dan menonton JKT48 secara langsung,” ungkap Amey, pembicara dalam diskusi “Music Topophilia: Makna Jakarta bagi Penggemar JKT48” diadakan oleh Pusat Studi dan Dokumentasi Media Alternatif (PSDMA) Nadim Komunikasi UII. Diskusi diselenggarakan pada Kamis (17/6/2021), yang disiarkan langsung oleh TV Daring pertama di UII, Uniicoms TV.


Makna Jakarta bagi Wota

Wota memaknai Jakarta sebagai kota yang ramah tidak lepas dari peran idolanya. JKT48 menjalin hubungan baik dengan penggemar khususnya yang berdomisili di luar Jakarta. Hubungan yang terjalin antara penggemar dan JKT48 merupakan praktik wisata baru. Hal tersebut mencakup beberapa dimensi aktivitas. Misalnya antara lain menghadiri teater, handshake, dan konser.

Menonton teater merupakan aktivitas yang paling diminati oleh Wota. Hal tersebut dikarenakan acara teater memiliki makna tersendiri bagi penggemar, sehingga mereka menyukai kota Jakarta. Selain itu, penggemar juga dapat mengenal member lain dari teater yang diadakan setiap hari, sehingga timbul keinginan untuk terus menonton teater.

Amey berkisah, beberapa penggemar bahkan berkunjung ke Jakarta hanya untuk kegiatan idoling (mengidolakan tokoh). Menurut Amey, dalam penelitiannya menemukan bahwa, diperkirakan dalam setahun, kegiatan idoling dapat mereka lakukan sebanyak satu hingga lima kali.

Kegiatan idoling merupakan salah satu komponen praktik pariwisata musik. Adapun praktik lengkapnya yaitu merasakan euforia, menikmati lagu sembari melakukan fanchant (nyanyian atau seruan penggemar saat idolanya beraksi di panggung), dan memperhatikan perkembangan member. Selain itu, Wota juga menanti pengumuman dari member JKT48 tentang graduation, promosi dan event yang akan diadakan selanjutnya. Hal yang berkaitan dengan JKT48 akan mereka ikuti. Dalam diskusi ini, Amey mengungkapkan bahwa, penggemar, baik laki-laki maupun perempuan, semuanya melebur tanpa sengaja saat melakukan idoling. Mereka meyakini kota Jakarta adalah kota yang menyenangkan, karena mereka menemukan apa yang tidak ada di kota asal mereka.

Reporter/ Penulis: Nadia Sofiyanti (Mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi UII, 2017. Magang di PSDMA Nadim Komunikasi UII)

Penyunting: A. P. Wicaksono

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Lanjutan dari tulisan pertama di tautan berikut.

Namun meski begitu, menurutnya ada satu yang kurang dari buku ini. “Misal ini yang kurang adalah adab tentang dirinya sendiri. Ini kadang-kadang terlupakan. Kadang-kadang tahu orang lain tapi tidak tahu dirinya sendiri. Termasuk lupa diri,” imbuh Imam kemudian.

Imam menambahkan bahwa dalam quran, manusia itu tidak ada perintah melihat orang lain, “tapi justru di quran kita diminta melihat diri sendiri. Iqra kitabaka binnafsi,” katanya.

Subhan Afifi, menanggapi soal tebalnya buku, menjelaskan bahwa ini adalah upaya dosen memberi layanan terbaik. “Saya ingat kolega saya di Komunikasi UII, kata Mas Holy, sering kali kita lihat agak pesimistik pada mahasiswa. Ya sudah kita tidak berpikir mahasiswa yang tidak mau membaca. Tidak serius,” kata Subhan.

Menurutnya tak jarang, ada sebenarnya mahasiswa yang berlaku diluar ekspektasi. “Ternyata ada juga yang masih serius belajar, ya sudah kita berikan saja layanan maksimum. Supaya mereka yang serius ini bisa banyak berkembang, sembari yang kurang serius kita ajak pelan-pelan,” kata Subhan menirukan ucapan koleganya.

Tujuan buku ini, kata Subhan, mewakili para penulis, agar kampus ini menjadi kampus candradimuka pusat pembangunan adab. Maka dari itu buku ini bicara filosofi, sampai hal-hal teknis, how to, konsep dan contoh pengaplikasikannya.

Pembicara lain yang diundang untuk membedah buku ini, Iip Wijayanto mengatakan, bahwa ini adalah buku yang ia harapkan sejak dulu ia masih di UII. “Dulu ketika saya menjadi Sekjen DPM FTSP UII, kami gerah dan ada gerakan mahasiswa kenapa cara berjilbab mahasiswi ini kok tidak ditertibkan. Lalu ada salah satu dosen yang mengatakan, orang sudah sampai ke bulan, kenapa kok masih di sini bicara soal pakaian? Itu 20 tahun yang lalu, sekarang UII sudah lebih baik,” kata Iip Wijayanto. Ia berharap buku ini nantinya bisa menjadi dasar bagi mata kuiah khusus tentang adab.

Selain Iip, ada juga penonton diskusi dari Akademisi kawakan. Misalnya Prof. Djamaludin Ancok, dosen Psikologi UGM yang juga adalah Dekan pertama di Dakultas Psikologi. Ia banyak berharap pada buku ini. “Semoga Buku ini akan menjadi buku panduan pengembangan manusia berkualitas,” tulisnya dalam kolom chat di kanal siaran langsung acara ini di Uniicoms TV.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Many previous scholars emphasized and practiced learning etiquette before studying science. This is useful so that the blessings of knowledge are not lost because they do not understand the adab. In turn, people can achieve success with this noble adab because they get blessings from knowledge.

That’s what the high priest, Imam Malik, said, quoted Subhan Afifi. Subhan said that there have been many examples of memorizing the Quran who have good morals, getting achievements as a bonus. “Don’t let that person be smart, he has a high GPA, but his presence is not expected by his friends. Spicy speech and thumbs up (social media) can make holes in the heart,” said Subhan Afifi, UII Communication Lecturer, one of the authors of the book Student Adab: A Guide to the Noble Adab for Knowledge Seekers on Saturday, June 19, 2021. Subhan spoke at the Book Launching online with the theme Building Civilized Student Character in the Era of Disruption.

This book is a collaboration of the four of us, “I am Subhan Afifi from Department of Communications, Mrs. Banatul Murtafiah from English Education Department, Mrs. Nanum Sofia from the Department of Psychology, and Rizki Dian Nursita from the Department of International Relation,” explained Subhan. This book was originally started from a letter of assignment, “but because our concern is the world of education, this book was born.”

Islamic education, which is discussed in this book, seeks to create adaby people.Insan Adaby are human beings whose education makes the owner of his knowledge a civilized human being. “Civilized means not only to himself, but also to his environment,” said Subhan.

Prof. Dr. H. Imam Suprayogo, one of the speakers said that what students do is think about what Allah created. Nothing created by God is in vain. “The question is how to make what was created was not in vain? We have a variety of God’s creations, so technology was created so that it would not be in vain,” said Imam.

Imam said that if technology is not controlled, it can even damage. “Then it is continued with obedience to keep away from hell by controlling technology so it doesn’t damage,” said Imam. According to Imam, the Student Ethics book is very good. “Unfortunately, today’s children are not very diligent in reading 200 pages,” he said. Imam suggested there should be a short edition of about 15-20 pages of this book. “Let’s be curious and then read the whole thing.”

According to him, the content of this book is complete. Starting from adab to Allah, to knowledge, to adab to teachers, to institutions, to fellow friends, to the quran, to the apostle. “Until we study online, this goes in. Adab using social media and the internet exists,” he said.


Follow this news on following link.


Reading Time: 2 minutes

Para ulama terdahulu banyak yang menekankan dan mempraktikan belajar adab dahulu sebelum belajar ilmu. Ini berguna agar keberkahan ilmu tidak hilang karena tak mengerti adabnya. Pada gilirannya, orang bisa mencapai sukses juga dengan adab mulia tersebut karena mendapatkan barokah dari ilmu.

Begitulah kata Imam besar, Imam Malik, kata Subhan Afifi mengutip. Subhan mengatakan sudah banyak contoh penghafal quran yang memiliki akhlak yang baik, mendapatkan prestasi sebagai bonusnya. “Jangan sampai, orang itu pintar, IPK-nya tinggi, tapi oleh teman sendiri kehadirannya tidak diharapkan. Pedasnya omongan dan jempol (media sosial) bisa bikin lubang-lubang di hati,” kata Subhan Afifi, Dosen Komunikasi UII, salah satu penulis buku Adab Mahasiswa: Panduan Adab Mulia Pencari Ilmu pada Sabtu, 19 Juni 2021. Subhan berbicara dalam Peluncuran Buku tersebut secara daring dengan tema Membangun Karakter Mahasiswa yang Beradab di Era Disrupsi.

Buku ini adalah kerja bareng berempat, “Saya Subhan Afifi dari Komunikasi, Ibu Banatul Murtafiah dari PBI, Ibu Nanum Sofia dari Jurusan Psikologi, dan Rizki Dian Nursita dari Jurusan HI,” jelas Subhan. Buku ini awalnya adalah dimulai dari surat tugas, “tetapi karena concern kami adalah dunia pendidikan, maka bisa lahirlah buku ini.”

Pendidikan islam, yang dibahas dalam buku ini, berupaya menciptakan insan adaby. Insan adaby adalah manusia yang dengan pendidikannya membuat pemilik ilmunya menjadi manusia beradab. “Beradab artinya tidak hanya pada dirinya, tapi juga lingkungannya,” kata Subhan.

Prof. Dr. H. Imam Suprayogo, salah satu pembicara mengatakan, bahwa apa yang dilakukan mahasiswa adalah memikirkan apa yang diciptakan Allah. Semua yang diciptakan Allah itu tidak ada yang sia-sia. “Pertanyaannya bagaimana supaya yang diciptakan itu tidak sia-sia? Kita punya beragam ciptaan tuhan itu, maka diciptakanlah teknologi agar tidak sia-sia,” papar Imam.

Imam mengatakan, Teknologi juga kalau tidak terkendali malah merusak. “Maka lalu diteruskan dengan sebuah ketaatan agar menjauhkan diri dari neraka dengan cara mengendalikan teknologi agar tidak merusak,” kata Imam. Menurut Imam, buku Adab Mahasiswa ini bagus sekali, “sayangnya anak sekarang kan tidak terlalu telaten baca 200-an halaman,” ucapnya. Imam menyarankan sebaiknya ada edisi singkat sekira 15-20 halaman dari buku ini. ”Biar nanti penasaran lalu membaca keseluruhan.”

Menurutnya, secara isi buku ini komplit sekali. Mulai dari adab pada Allah, pada ilmu, adab pada guru, pada institusi, pada sesama teman, pada quran, pada rasul. “Sampai kita kuliah dengan daring ini masuk. Adab menggunakan media sosial dan internet ini ada,” katanya.


Ikuti kelanjutan berita ini di tautan berikut.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Nothing is left behind when someone has died except charity, pious children, and useful knowledge. The wealth of knowledge is one of the charity and knowledge of the late Amir Effendi Siregar (AES). The knowledge heritage is in the form of books, thoughts, and students who pursue deep thinking.

That was the response from Aditya Siregar, the eldest son of Amir Effendi Siregar at the Launching of AES Corner and the thought book of AES friends and students, on Saturday (19/6/2021). Aditya said he is grateful to his father’s colleagues, friends, students, and everyone who knows his father. He Thanks those who have given testimony and immortalized and cared for AES books and AES collections in the AES corner catalog. He hopes those can be useful knowledge and good deeds for his father in the afterlife.

AES corner is a reading corner for all the works of AES, who is also the UII Department of Communications founder, from books of thought to his lifelong collections. AES corner contains 638 collections and 577 books ever written, compiled, and collected by AES. The language is also diverse. Starting from Indonesian to English.

Several collections in English appeared as his collection when he continued his studies at the School of Journalism and Mass Communication at The University of Iowa, United States. There are many collections there. From the 1980s to the 1990s. The themes also range from journalism, democracy, communication, ideology, and political economy.

“In the end, we hope that AES corner can become a reference for academics and students. AES Corner also could be the reference for media and communication studies enthusiasts who want to enjoy AES thinking. AES Corner is located at the Nadim, The Center and Documentation of Alternative Media Studies (PSDMA) at UII. Nadim is also located on the slopes of Mount Merapi,” said Masduki, one of the lecturers of the Department of Communications UII. Masduki also a colleague of AES at the PR2Media think tank (Media Regulatory and Regulatory Monitor Institution).

Remarks and Messages from Colleagues

Several colleagues, friends, and students were present on this occasion. We can mention, for example, Paulus Widiyanto. Paulus is a figure who became the chairman of the special committee on the Broadcasting act at the Indonesia House of Representatives. This act became a milestone in media democratization. There was also Prof Alwi Dahlan who also gave a speech at the beginning of the event. He said the waves (frequency, red) belonged to the citizen as AES was fighting for.

Even said Prof. Alwi that Prof. Priyatna Abdurrasyid, who is an expert in outer space law, also said about the waves (frequencies). Priyatna said that the waves are the right of the people. Professor Alwi wants to say that because this is the people’s right, the waves cannot be traded to the private sector.

“Hopefully the younger generation, who studies communication, will also be willing to study the technology. Otherwise, those of us in the social sciences will just nag all the time. Then we will always be preceded by the owners of capital who are the core concerns of AES,” said Alwi in front of the audience.

Apart from these two, there are also other AES friends, students, and colleagues present. Such as Nina Mutmainnah from Universitas Indonesia/ UI, Puji Rianto from Universitas Islam Indonesia/ UII. Ade Armando from UI and Darmanto from BPSDMP of the Ministry of Communication and Information also joined the zoom. Asmono Wikan, Eduard Lukman, Rahayu, and several which were his students at UGM, UII, UI, and journalists and media activists in Indonesia also joined. All of them hope to immediately emulate the work and ideas of democratizing AES media at the AES Corner managed by PSDMA Nadim Communications UII.