Reading Time: 2 minutes

Banyak Mahasiswa dari berbagai jurusan saling berkompetisi untuk melolosan proposalnya menembus PIMNAS. Tapi banyak program yang gagal didanai Kementrian Riset Teknologi Pendidikan dan Perguruan Tinggi (Kemenristekdikti) itu. Apa sih sebenarnya kunci sukses untuk menembus Pekan Ilmiah Mahasiswa Nasional alias PIMNAS?

Pusat Studi dan Dokumentasi Media Alternatif (PSDMA) Nadim menghadirkan Rizqiyah Yusrinawati, salah satu mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) yang berhasil lolos menjadi finalis di Pimnas ke-34. Pada diskusi Nadim 25 November 2021 ini, Yusrina menceritakan prosesnya dalam menggapai sukses di PiMNAS. “Prosesnya cukup panjang dan cukup mengguras perhatian. Tapi menyenangkan,” Ungkap Yusrina yang kerap dipanggil Yus itu.

Yusrina yang juga adalah Ketua Komunitas Dispensi (Diskusi dan Penelitian Komunikasi) Ilmu Komunikasi UII, memberikan poin penting dalam prosesnya. Ia menceritakan bagaimana salah satu juri sangat mempertimbanhkan timnya untuk lolosa sebagai salah satu Finalis di PIMNAS. “Salah satu juri senang karena tim kami ini berbeda. Kami berani untuk berkolaborasi dengan jurusan lain,” cerita Yus.

Kolaborasi memberikan perspektif dan pandangan lebih luas dalam melihat sebuah masalah dengan lebih berbagai sudut pandang. Kolaborasi juga membuka cakrawala berpikir untuk melihat masalah dan memecahkannya dengan lebih komprehensif dari berbagai disiplin ilmu.

Namun, kolaborasi saja bukanlah hal yang spesial ketika tidak dibarengi dengan sebuah ide dan gagasan yang bermanfaat. Sebuah ide yang menarik adalah ide yang berangkat untuk menjadi solusi atas masalah yang banyak dialami banyak orang. Atau, ide inovatif dalam arti ide yang mampu menawarkan upaya untuk memempermudah pekerjaan manusia.

Yusnita dan timnya mengambil poin pertama, yakni mengatasi permasalahan yang kini sedang krusial. Masalah lingkungan adalah isu yang tensinya makin meningkat dalam satu dekade ini. Ia menawarkan solusi untuk memurnikan kembali air limbah dari mesin cuci. Jumlah air makin berkurang, kualitas air kini makin kotor.

Pengetahuan tentang lingkungan ini bukanlah hal yang sehari-hari ia geluti sebagai mahasiswa komunikasi. Ia justru mengerti bahwa ini krusial karena ia banyak berteman dan berdiskusi dengan mahasiswa dari jurusan teknik lingkungan.

Tetapi dalam prosesnya, menuju Finalis PIMNAS tak semudah pose foto instagram. Jatuh bangun dengan kekompakan tim harus dia lalui. Menyesuaikan jadwal, membangun mood dengan tim, mengatur prioritas antar tim, hingga disiplin pencatatan di log book harus dibangun dengan tak mudah. Mudah jika hanya satu dua hari. Tapi jika harus dilakukan dalam satu tahun itu jadi persoalan ketabahan dan kesabaran.

Berikut adalah beberapa tips yang diberikan oleh Yus. “Jalani dengan usaha maksimal bersama tim, ikuti setiap prosedur yang ada, isi log book setiap pengerjaan, gunakan dana secara optimal, kolaborasi dengan jurusan lain.”

Mengisi list tips tersebut jauh lebih mudah daripada menjalankan dari waktu ke waktu dalam hitungan tahun. Tetapi bisa dilakukan satu persatu meski harus gagal, gagal lalu bangkit.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Many students from various majors compete to pass their proposals through PIMNAS. But many programs failed to be funded by the Ministry of Research, Technology, Education, and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti). What is the real key to penetrating the National Student Scientific Week, also known as PIMNAS?

The Nadim Center for Alternative Media Studies and Documentation (PSDMA) presented Rizqiyah Yusrinawati, a Communication Science student at the Indonesian Islamic University (UII) who successfully qualified as a finalist at the 34th Pimnas. In Nadim’s discussion on November 25, 2021, Yusrina told her process in achieving success at PiMNAS. “The process is quite long and quite draining attention. But it’s fun,” said Yusrina, who is often called Yus.

Yusrina, the Head of the Communication Science Dispensation (Discussion and Research Communication) Community UII, gave essential points in the process. He told how one of the judges considered his team to qualify as one of the Finalists in PIMNAS. “One of the judges is happy because our team is different. We dare to collaborate with other majors,” said Yus.

Collaboration provides a broader perspective and view in seeing a problem with more various points of view. The partnership also opens the horizon of thinking to see the issues and solve them more comprehensively from multiple disciplines.

However, collaboration alone is nothing special when a helpful idea does not accompany it. An interesting idea is an idea that sets out to solve a problem that many people experience. Or innovative ideas in pictures that can offer efforts to simplify human work.

Yusrina and her team took the first point: overcoming the current crucial problems. Environmental problems are issues that have increased in tension in this decade. It offers a solution for re-purifying wastewater from washing machines. The amount of water is decreasing; the water quality is now getting dirty.

This knowledge of the environment is not something he is involved in every day as a communication student. He understands that this is crucial because he makes a lot of friends and discusses with students from the environmental engineering department.

But in the process, getting to the PIMNAS Finalists is not as easy as posing for Instagram photos. He had to go through the ups and downs with the team’s cohesiveness. Adjusting the schedule, building the mood with the team, setting priorities between groups to the discipline of recording in the logbook must not be created easily. Easy if only one or two days. But if it has to be done in one year, it becomes a matter of fortitude and patience.

Here are some tips are given by Yus. “Go with maximum effort with the team, follow every existing procedure, fill in the logbook for every work, use funds optimally, collaborate with other majors.”

Filling out the list of tips is much easier than running it from time to time in a matter of years. But it can be done one by one even if you have to fail, fail and then get up.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Nowadays, international journals have been monopolized by dominant western thoughts and discourses. Though balancing the discourse of eastern thought is also essential. ‘Eastern’ academic thoughts and discourses must also reference global academic discourse. Indeed, the eastern discourse can also be a reliable reference for scientific development.

What is the strategy for the de-westernization of journals? Lecturers in Indonesia, especially at UII and journal managers, should try to write Scopus indexed publications. If that’s the case, then it’s easy to recognize Indonesian lecturers in the global arena. Masduki provides tips and strategies to achieve international publications. Masduki as a resource person, explained and shared his journal writing strategies in internationally reputed journals. Not only that, Masduki, whose writings have been published in various Scopus indexed journals, has now reached H-Index 2 Scopus.

Masduki, the Author of Articles & Books, the Assessment Team for the Ranks of UII Lecturers, and the Reviewer of International Journals indexed by SCOPUS, said that writing in international journals is very important. The reason is, “We need to share research results to reduce the gap in information and academic analysis between the ‘West’ and the ‘East’,” he said at the Sharing session on Saturday, November 20, 2021, at the Eastparc Hotel. The event, which was held by the Journal and Scientific Paper Publication Management Unit, FPSB UII, seeks to increase the capacity of journal managers to make the journals at FPSB more reputable.

The first strategy is that lecturers must write articles in indexed international journals. It is also time for journal managers “to write books in English as an international language at indexed publishers, articles in international language books to indexed publishers,” said Masduki. Masduki also added another strategy so that the work was Scopus indexed. For example, said Masduki, lecturers need to write articles to be Scopus indexed international conference proceedings.

According to Masduki, in his material entitled ‘Breaking Reputable International Journals’, writing in international journals is also as “a form of international academic friendship, strengthening the community base on similar study interests.

” In addition, publishing an international journal can also improve the lecturer’s academic career, such as becoming a head lector and professor. Writing in international journals can also increase the number of awards. “Both financial and social forms,” ​​said Masduki.

Lecturers in FPSB UII participated in this event. Lecturers across departments have held group discussions and collaborated to determine themes and strategies to penetrate international journals. In general, four to five groups of lecturers from across departments have agreed to write a joint international journal. The participants, who are also journal managers at FPSB, will become role models and strengthen the reputation of journals at FPSB.

Some groups that have been successfully created are, for example, Holy Rafika and Banatul Murtafiah, who wrote texts about learning by teleconference during the Covid-19 period. Subhan Afifi’s group decided to write a journal about Global Public Relations. Meanwhile, Puji Rianto’s group plans to write about defamation articles and psychological perspectives.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Selama ini jurnal internasional dimonopoli oleh pemikiran dan wacana yang dominan barat. Padahal penyeimbang wacana dari pemikiran ketimuran juga penting. Pemikiran dan wacana akademik ‘timur’ harus juga bisa menjadi referensi wacana akademik global. Wacana timur sudah barang tentu bisa juga menjadi referensi yang andal bagi pengembangan keilmuan.

Bagaimana strategi agar de-westernisasi jurnal dapat dilakukan? Para dosen di Indonesia, terutama di UII, dan juga para Pengelola jurnal, harus berusaha menulis publikasi terindeks scopus. Jika sudah begitu, maka mudah terjadi rekognisi dosen Indonesia di kancah global. Masduki memberikan tips dan strategi untuk meraih publikasi internasional. Masduki sebagai narasumber menjelaskan dan berbagi strategi menulis jurnal di jurnal bereputasi internasional. Tak hanya itu, Masduki yang tulisannya telah tersebar di beragam jurnal berindeks scopus, dan kini telah mencapai H-Indeks 2 Scopus.

Masduki, yang juga adalah Penulis Artikel & Buku, Tim Penilai Kepangkatan Dosen UII, dan Reviewer Jurnal Internasional terindeks SCOPUS, mengatakan penting sekali menulis di jurnal internasional. Alasannya, “Kita perlu berbagi hasil riset untuk mengurangi ketimpangan informasi dan analisis akademik antara ‘Barat’ dan ‘Timur’,” katanya di acara Sharing session pada Sabtu, 20 November 2021, di Hotel Eastparc. Acara yang diadakan oleh Unit Pengelolaan Jurnal dan Publikasi Karya Ilmiah FPSB UII ini berusaha meningkatkan kapasitas para pengelola jurnal sehingga menjadikan jurnal-jurnal di FPSB semakin bereputasi.

Strategi pertama adalah para dosen harus menulis artikel di jurnal internasional terindeks. Para pengelola jurnal juga sudah saatnya, “menulis buku berbahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa internasional pada penerbit terindeks artikel dalam buku berbahasa internasional pada penerbit terindeks,” kata Masduki. Masduki juga menambahkan strategi lain agar karya terndeks scopus. Misalnya, kata Masduki, dosen perlu menulis artikel dengan sasaran pada prosiding konferensi internasional terindeks Scopus.

Menurut Masduki, dalam materinya yang berjudul ‘Menembus Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi’, menulis di jurnal internasional juga sebagai, ”bentuk ‘silaturrahmi’ akademik internasional, memperkuat basis komunitas pada minat studi serupa.” Selain itu ia juga dapat meningkatkan karir akademik seperti menjadi lektor kepala dan guru besar. Menulis di jurnal internasional bisa menambah pula jumlah penghargaan. “Baik bentuknya finansial maupun sosial,” kata Masduki.

Para Dosen di lingkungan FPSB UII mengikuti acara ini. Para dosen lintas jurusan telah melakukan diskusi kelompok dan berkolaborasi menentukan tema dan strategi untuk menembus jurnal internasional. Secara umum, telah terkumpul empat sampai lima kelompok dosen lintas jurusan yang bersepakat menulis jurnal internasional Bersama. Para peserta yang juga adalah pengelola jurnal di FPSB ini pada gilirannya akan menjadi role model dan menguatkan reputasi jurnal di FPSB.

Beberapa kelompok yang sudah berhasil dibuat adalah Misalnya, Holy Rafika dan Banatul Murtafiah menulis naskah wacana pembelajaran dengan telekonferensi selama masa Covid-19. Kelompok Subhan Afifi menentukan tulisan jurnal soal Global Public Relation. Sedangkan Kelompok Puji Rianto berencana menulis tentang pasal defamasi dan persepktif psikologi.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Finding Theme Ideas for work is often a headache and time-consuming. However, ideas can arise amid unforeseen conditions and even within limitations.

Denty Piaway Nastitie’s experience, a journalist and photographer for Kompas Group Media, Indonesia, studying in London, UK. Denty speaking in a Webinar entitled P2A (Passage to ASEAN) Ice Cream 2021, International Course on Creative Media (Ice Cream) Inspiring the World with Creative Production, was initiated by the Communication Studies Program, the Islamic University of Indonesia on November 16, 2021.

Denty told his story when she was quarantined in a hotel in England. Several weeks she was tired of not getting out of the hotel. She watches Netflix Apps all day. But over time, he got bored. Just somersault on the bed staring at the hotel ceiling and occasionally looking out the window.

After so many frustrating days, She looked out. She imagined that the windows were screens framing passersby on the streets of London. “I imagine they are models who are waddling like a model who is on a fashion show,” said Denty.

Activating imaginations like Denty’s is one of many ways to help find themes for story photos. In addition, Denty also shared how we found a suitable piece.

Find the story

The first way is to find the story. Here, Denty suggests first finding the story or memory you want to convey. For example, you want to talk about childhood, memorable places, exciting events, natural beauty, painful experiences, and others.

Identify the Audience

When you have found a theme, you also have to think about who this photo will be shown. For yourself, the local community, national media, or international media. This will make the photographer think about what theme or image to take.

Decide the order

A photo story is a story, and we have to think about how this story will begin, how the conflict will build, and end. We have to compose the picture. Is it with a chronological narrative or by associating one story with a particular event that is already known to the public?

In addition to telling about her creative process in taking themes and taking pictures during the quarantine period, Denty also told how he took photos of the life journey of someone with a mental illness. She takes pictures of his daily life, how he struggles with his condition, lives with the surrounding community, the people who support him, and his inner mood.

To describe a person’s inner life with a mental disorder is not easy. Denty wants to show it in a photo; people who see it can feel a complicated psychological condition. “This picture of a person with a black shadow, and this black and white color, I want other people to feel what is in their psychological atmosphere. Humans are angry, happy, sad, disappointed; humans feel different thoughts and feelings. The human psychological atmosphere is like multi-layered.”


Reading Time: 2 minutes

Mencari Ide Tema untuk sebuah karya sering kali membuat pusing dan memakan banyak waktu. Namun, ide bisa saja muncul di tengah-tengah kondisi yang tak terduga dan bahkan dalam keterbatasan.

Pengalaman tersebut diceritakan Denty Piaway Nastitie, Jurnalis dan Fotografer Kompas Media yang sedang melanjutkan Studi di London, UK. Webinar P2A  (Passage to Asean) Ice Cream 2021, International Course on Creative Media (Ice Cream) Inspiring the World with Creative Production, ini diprakarsai oleh Program Ilmu Komunikasi, Universitas Islam Indonesia pada 16 November 2021.

Denty menceritakan kisahnya saat ia di karantina di sebuah hotel di Inggris. Beberapa minggu ia bosan tak bisa keluar dari hotel. Ia hanya menonton netflix sepanjang hari. Tapi lama-kelamaan ia merasa bosan. Hanya bisa jungkir balik di kasur menatap langit-langit hotel dan sesekali melihat keluar melalui jendela.

Setelah sekian hari frustasi, ia melihat keluar dan membayangkan bahwa jendelanya adalah layar yang membingkai orang-orang yang lewat di jalanan London. “Saya berimajinasi mereka adalah model yang sedang berlenggak lenggok layaknya seorang model yang sedang fasion show,” kata Denty.

Mengaktifkan imajinasi seperti Denty tersebut adalah satu dari sekian cara untuk membantu menemukan tema untuk foto cerita. Selain itu, Denty juga membagikan bagaimana cara kita menemukan tema yang pas.

Find the story

Cara pertama adalah dengan menemukan cerita. Di sini, Denty menyarankan untuk menemukan dulu cerita atau memory yang ingin disampaikan. Misalnya ingin menceritakan tentang masa kecil, tempat yang memorable, atau peritiwa menarik, keindahan alam, pengalaman menyedihkan, dan lainnya.

Identify the Audience

Ketika sudah menemukan tema, kita juga harus memikirkan tentang untuk siapa foto ini akan diperlihatkan. Untuk diri sendiri, masyakat lokal setempat, media nasional atau media international. Hal ini akan membuat fotografer memikirkan tema atau foto apa yang akan diambil.

Decide the order

Fotostory adalah cerita, dan kita harus memikirkan bagaimana cerita ini akan dimulai, bagaimana konflik dibangun, dan diakhiri. Kita harus menyusun gambarnya. Apakah dengan cerita yang kronologis, atau dengan mengasosiasikan satu cerita dengan sebuah event tertentu yang sudah dikenal publik.

Selain menceritakan prses kreatifnya dalam mengambil tema dan memotret selama masa karantina, Denty juga menceritakan bagaimana ia memotret perjalanan hidup seseorang dengan gangguan mental (mental illness). Ia memotret bagaimana hidup kesehariannya, bagaimana ia berjuang dengan penyakitnya, hidup dengan masyarakat sekitar, orang-orang yang mendukungnya, dan suasana batinnya.

Untuk melukiskan suasana batin kehidupan seorang dengan gangguan mental teryata tidaklah mudah. Denty ingin menampilkannya dalam sebuah foto orang yag melihat bisa seolah merasakan kondisi psikologis yang rumit. “Gambar orang dengan bayangan hitam, dan warna hitam putih ini, saya ingin orang lain ikut merasakan apa yang ada dalam suasana psikologisnya. Marah, senang, sedih, kecewa, manusia merasakan berbagai pikiran dan perasaaan yang berbeda dalam satu waktu. Suasananya psikologis manusia itu kan seperti multi layer.”

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Kolaborasi International memang sudah menemui jamannya sekarang ini. Dunia Kreatif sudah menemukan salurannya untuk muncul dan tampil di muka publik lewat berbagai media dan sarana. Tak perlu lagi merasa takut akan dijajah budaya asing. Teknologi kini justru membantu semua eleman untuk ambil peran sesuai dengan kapasitasnya.

Hal ini dimunculkan oleh Iwan Awaluddin Yusuf, salah satu dosen Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII). doktor bidang media, gender, dan jurnalisme. Dalam panel International Webinar on Cultivating Values with Creative Media. Kolaborasi antara Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) dan School of Creative Industry Management & Performing Art (SCIMPA), Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), Ilmu Komunikasi UII diwakili oleh dua doktor yakni Iwan Awaluddin Yusuf dan Zaki Habibi.

Iwan yang bersanding dengan beberapa doktor dari UUM pada Kamis, 18 November 2021, ini mencoba memberikan poin penting. Dalam slide presentasinya yang berjudul Communicating “Now” Creativity in the Digital Disruption Era, ia mencoba memaknai kreatifitas era ini melalui pemusik lokal Indonesia seperti Gamelawan, Didi kempot, dan DJ Alffy.

Youtube sebagai hosting platform penyedia konten paling besar menyediakan ruang yang begitu besar untuk kreatifitas, termasuk musik. Tiga musisi besar di Indonesia tadi, Gamelawan, Didi Kempot, DJ Alffy Reff mendapat apresiasi yang sangat besar di Indonesia.

Iwan mengajak pesertanya dengan melihat untuk memberikan gambaran tentang Gamelawan melalui beberapa karya video Gamelawan yang diunggah di Youtube. Gamelawan adalah grup dari Jawa Timur. Mereka menyanyikan ulang lagu-lagu yang sudah populer agar mudah dinikmati masyatakat luas. Mereka mengaransemen ulang lagu tersebut dengan gamelan. Nelongso, salah satu judul.lagu yang mereka aransement ulang dari lagu “See You Again”. Selain itu mereka juga menyanyikan ulang dan mengaransemen lagu populer lain yang diintepretasi dengan nuansa hidup kesehariannya dalam perpektif Jawa ndeso (rural).

Pemusik berikutnya adalah Didi Kempot, Legend Sobat Ambyar ini adalah pemusik yang sempat redup yang booming lagi dengan menarik ribuan pencinta musik dari generasi kekinian.

Fenomena berbeda dengan DJ Alffy. Ia adalah DJ dengan talenta yang komplit. Ia adalah pemusik yang juga memiliki kamampuan sinematografi, musik modern tradisional. Ia banyak memasukkan unsur seni dan nasionalisme dipadu dalam video artistik dengan musik moderen dan tradisional di dalamnya.

Bagi Gamelawan dan DJ Alffy, menyanyikan ulang lagu itu tak sekadar mencomot lagu untuk dinyanyikan ulang. Tapi juga turut andil menyebarkan aspirasi dan kelokalan budaya. “Lewat karya kreatifnya adalah bentuk partisipasi warga dunia. Juga menyuarakan dan menggugah nasionalisme dengan keindahan karya seni,” jelas Iwan.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

 International Collaboration has indeed met its era today. The Creative World has found its channel to appear and appear in public through various media and means. There is no need to be afraid of being colonized by a foreign culture. Today’s technology helps all elements to take roles according to their capacities.

This was raised by Iwan Awaluddin Yusuf, one of the lecturers of Communication Studies at the Islamic University of Indonesia (UII). Doctorate in media, gender, and journalism. In the International Webinar on Cultivating Values ​​with Creative Media panel. Collaboration between the Communication Sciences of the Indonesian Islamic University (UII) and the School of Creative Industry Management & Performing Art (SCIMPA), Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), UII Communication Studies was represented by two doctors, namely Iwan Awaluddin Yusuf and Zaki Habibi.

Iwan, who was side by side with several doctors from UUM on Thursday, November 18, 2021, tried to give an important point. In his slide presentation entitled Communicating “Now” Creativity in the Digital Disruption Era, he tries to interpret the creativity of this era through local Indonesian musicians such as Gamelawan, Didi Kempot, and DJ Alffy.

As the most prominent hosting platform for content providers, Youtube provides a vast space for creativity, including music. The three great musicians in Indonesia, Gamelawan, Didi Kempot, DJ Alffy Reff, received great appreciation in Indonesia.

Iwan invites the participants to provide an overview of Gamelawan through several Gamelawan video works uploaded on Youtube. Gamelawan is a group from East Java. They sing back songs that are already popular so that the wider community can easily enjoy them. They rearranged the song with gamelan. Nelongso, one of the song’s titles, they re-arranged from the song “See You Again.” In addition, they also re-sung and arranged other popular songs, which were interpreted with the nuances of their daily life from a rural Javanese perspective.

The next musician is Didi Kempot, the Legend of Buddy Ambyar is a musician who was once dim and booming again by attracting thousands of music lovers from the current generation.

A different phenomenon with DJ Alffy. He is a DJ with complete talent. He is a musician who also has cinematography skills, traditional, modern music. He incorporates many elements of art and nationalism combined in artistic videos with modern and traditional music.

For Gamelawan and DJ Alffy, re-singing is not just picking a song to sing it over. But also contribute to spreading the aspirations and local culture. “Through his creative work, it is a form of participation of the world’s citizens. It also voices and inspires nationalism with the beauty of art,” explained Iwan.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Men have dominated photography. Every time Allmark sees a photographer, both in print and online, it is inhabited by a male figure. Even if you see female photographers, only a few. The resulting photos also tend to be framing born of patriarchal culture. Feminine photography was taken to critique and an alternative to capturing images that look from the feminine side.

Panizza Allmark, Professor of Visual and Cultural Studies from Edith Cowan University, Australia, presented the results of her study on feminine photography in a 2021 P2A Ice Cream Webinar, International Course on Creative Media. This year’s Passage to ASEAN (P2A) takes the theme Inspiring the World with Creative Production. P2A Ice cream 2021 was initiated by the Communication Science Program at the Universitas Islam Indonesia on November 16, 2021. 

Besides UII, other universities are co-hosts, for example, Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) and Duy Tan University Vietnam. At the same time, some of the official partners include AIC (Academy International Cambodia), Unika Atma Jaya Jakarta, Binus University, Genetic Computer School Singapore, University of Economic and Law Vietnam, Vietnam National University, Svay Rieng University, Victoria University College, and other.

In her presentation “Photography feminine and documentary photography,” Allmark explained a lot about what feminine photography is and why this perspective was born in the world of photography. “Feminine photography is a critique of patriarchal representation. The camera is usually behind the man and represents the male perspective. Because, so far, its history has been dominated by men.”

The camera, a shooting tool for framing photos, can now be seen from a feminine perspective. To show what feminine photography looks like, Allmark also displays pictures of her work. She wants to show that feminine photography is not just a photographer who is physically female because women can have a patriarchal perspective.

Some of the photos presented by Allmark are photos showing demonstrations of women with traumatized faces because authoritarian governments took their children. They are demonstrating demanding information and their child back. In one of the photos, two women are about to hug while still wearing the protest sign still wrapped around their shoulders during the demonstration.

She wanted to show how the psychological condition of women because their children were missing and when they supported each other during protests.

Other photos are photos that attempt to reframe photos produced by the patriarchy. She took photos randomly wherever she was.

“I want to show a different perspective. These photos try to appear as a critique of the existing photos,” She said.

Panizza also takes a photo in Bangkok, which is a photo which contains a picture of a woman who has won an academic degree, along with an image of a woman posing vulgarly in underwear.

Allmark sees a binary oppositional contrast in a photo he captured with feminine glasses in the image.