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Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Indonesia International Student Mobility Award (IISMA) seeks future young leaders and students who are competent and able to be part of global change. Their real contribution is the key point to getting into this prestigious scholarship.

In a relaxed talk show, an event held regularly by the International Program of Communication Department, Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII), discussing IISMA issues by inviting Dr. rer. nat. Dian sari Utami. He is the Director of the Partnership of International Affairs. The teatime entitled “Lest Find out IISMA” was held on March 5, 2022.

The Indonesian International Student Mobility Award (IISMA) is a program from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia. In collaboration with the Education Fund Management Institution (LPDP), this program is part of the Merdeka Campus program, namely Merdeka Belajar. This scholarship is given specifically for Indonesian students, “only for Indonesian students, not for foreign students studying in Indonesia, but specifically for Indonesian students,” said Dian.

Dian divulged a little about what kind of students are sought at IISMA. Apart from meeting the minimum requirements such as completeness of files, English language skills, and student GPA, one more thing that students at IISMA most want.

In the interview test, an important point is always asked, which influences the contribution to society and Indonesia after attending IISMA. “In the interview test, you will definitely be asked something like, ‘We have paid for this course. So, what will your contribution be?’” Dian said, imitating the interviewer.

“On average those who have been accepted can tell a lot about their current activities, more about the social work they do outside the campus. They will also study there, and take courses that support their current activities. Well, later they will come back and develop their social work. So it’s relatable and sustainable.” added Dian.

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Indonesia International Student Mobility Award (IISMA) mencari pemimpin muda masa depan, serta mencari mahasiswa yang kompeten dan mampu menjadi bagian dalam perubahan global. Kontribusi nyata mereka adalah poin kunci untuk menembus beasiswa bergengsi ini.

Dalam acara ngobrol santai yang diselenggarakan rutin oleh International Program of Communication Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi, Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII), membahas soal IISMA dengan mengudang Dr. rer. nat. Dian sari Utami. Beliau adalah Direktur Parnership of International Affair. Teatime yang bertajuk “Lest Find out IISMA” ini diadakan pada 5 Maret 2022.

Indonesian International Student Mobility Award (IISMA) adalah program dari Kementrian Pendidikan, kebudayaan, Riset dan teknologi Republik Indonesia. Bekerjasama dengan Lembaga Pengelola dana Pendidikan (LPDP) program ini adalah bagian dari program Kampus Merdeka yakni Merdeka Belajar. Beasiswa ini diberikan khusus untuk mahasiswa Indonesia, “cuma untuk mahasiswa Indonesia, bukan untuk pelajar asing yang sedang studi di Indonesia, tapi khusus untuk mahasiswa Indonesia,” ujar Dian.

Dian sedikit membocorkan seperti apa mahasiswa yang dicari di IISMA ini. Selain memenuhi syarat minimum seperti kelengkapan berkas, kemampuan bahasa Inggris, dan IPK mahasiswa, satu hal lagi yang most wanted student di IISMA.

Dalam tes wawancara ada poin penting yang selalu ditanyakan dan itu sangat mempengaruhi yakni kontribusi bagi masyarakat dan Indonesia setelah mengikuti IISMA. “Di tes wawancara pasti akan ditanyakan begini, ‘Kami sudah membiayai kuliah ini. Nah, apa kontribusimu nanti?’”Kata Dian menirukan pewawancara.

“Rata-rata mereka yang sudah diterima mereka bisa cerita banyak soal kegiatan mereka saat ini, lebih pada kerja-kerja sosial yang banyak mereka lakukan di luar kampus. Nah, juga nanti mereka belajar kesana, mengambil mata kuliah yang mendukung kegiatan mereka saat ini. Nah, nantinya mereka akan kembali dan mengembangkan kerja sosial mereka. Jadi relate dan berkesimbungnan.” imbuh Dian.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Indonesian International Student Mobility Award (IISMA) is in great demand by students. Private universities, in one period, can send 24 students to join this program. Scholarships with the very competitive competition; what exactly is IISMA, and how is it?

In the talk show, casual chat, held regularly by the International Program of Communication (IPC) of the Communication Department, Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII), Teatime, reviews questions about IISMA. Inviting Dr. rer. nat. Dian Sari Utami, Director of Partnership of International Affair UII. She thoroughly discussed IISMA. The event held on March 5, 2022, was titled “Let’s Find out IISMA” and hosted by Arsila Khairunnisa, an international class Communication Student (International Program).

Knowing Perspective, Culture, and Global Academic Climate

The aim of initiating the IISMA program is to send Indonesian students to study abroad to open a global perspective and find out the academic situation of Indonesian students. “So that the students have a global perspective, global culture, and global academic culture. If they return they can apply what they learned abroad, to develop Indonesia,” explained Dian.

Dian emphasized that this program is student mobility, not transfer credit. You must only convert courses with a certain number of credits to courses at the home campus. And The Former University will write the courses taken in the IISMA program as they are in the grade transcript. “This has the consequence that students will lose one semester at their home campus. And still, have to take all the required courses,“ said Dian.

“Except, if you take courses related to compulsory courses that you have to take at your home campus. The course grades at the destination campus can be transferred,” he added.

Even so, this program recommends that students take courses completely different from the majors taken at their home university. “We at IISMA highly recommend taking a completely different subject. Why? Because we want you to enrich perspectives from different disciplines. You will also have many competencies that can be developed,” said Dian, finally explaining the goals and expectations of the IISMA program.

As previously reported, one UII Communication student from the International Program (IP) class passed the IISMA program. Nadira Muthia Supadi, a class 2018 student, joins the IISMA program and studies at the University of Leeds, England, in 2021.

Reading Time: 2 minutes


Indonesian International Student Mobility Award (IISMA) sangat diminati mahasiswa. Universitas swasta, dalam satu kali periode, bisa mengirimkan 24 mahasiswa untuk mengikuti program ini. Beasiswa dengan persaingan sangat kompetitif, sebenarnya apa dan bagimana IISMA itu?

Dalam Talk Show ngobrol santai yang diselenggaran rutin oleh International Program of Communication (IPC) Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi, Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII), Teatime, mengulas soal seputar IISMA. Mengundang Dr. rer. nat. Dian sari Utami, Direktur of Parnership of International Affair UII. Ia mengupas tuntas IISMA. Acara yang diadakan pada 5 Maret 2022 itu bertajuk “Let’s Find out IISMA” dipandu oleh Arsila Khairunnisa, Mahasiswa Komunikasi kelas internasional (Internasional Program).

Mengenal Perspektif, Budaya, dan Iklim Akademik Global

Tujuan dari diinisiasinya program IISMA adalah mengirimkan mahasiswa Indonesia studi keluar negeri untuk membuka perspektif global dan mengetahuai situasi akademik mahasiswa Indonesia. “Biar mahasiswa itu memiliki perspektif global, kultur global, dan budaya akademic global. Jika mereka kembali mereka bisa menerapkan apa yang mereka pelajari di luar negeri, untuk mengembangkan Indonesia,” jelas Dian.

Dian menegaskan bahwa program ini adalah student mobility, bukan kredit transfer. Maksudnya adalah Mata kuiah dengan jumlah jumah SKS tertentu ini bukan untuk dikoversikan dengan mata kuiah di kampus asal. Dan mata kuliah yang diambil di program IISMA akan terlulis seperti apa adanya di transkrip nilai. “Ini punya konsekuensi bahwa mahasiswa akan kehiangan satu semester di kampus asal. Dan tetap harus mengambil semua mata kuliah yang diwajibkan,”kata Dian.

“Kacuali, jika kamu mengambil mata kuliah yang berkaitan dengan mata kuliah wajib yang harus kamu ambil di kampus asal. Nilai mata kuliah di kampus tujuan bisa ditransfer,”imbuhnya.

Meskipun begitu, program ini merekomendasikan agar mahasiswa mengambil mata kuliah yang sama sekali berbeda dari jurusan yang diambil di universitas asal. “Kami di IISMA sangat merekomendasikan untuk mengambil subjek yang sungguh berbeda. Kenapa? Karena kami ingin kalian memperkaya perpektif dari disiplin ilmu yang berbeda. Kalian juga nanti akan memiliki banyak kompetensi yang bisa dikembangkan,” papar Dian akhirnya menjelaskan tujuan dan harapan dari program IISMA.

Telah diberitakan sebelumnya, ada satu mahasiswa Komunikasi UII kelas International Program (IP) yang lolos pada program IISMA ini. Nadira Muthia Supadi, Mahasiswa angkatan 2018, ikut program IISMA dan belajar di University of Leeds, Inggris, pada 2021.


Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Conferences on Communication, Culture and Media Studies (The 6th CCCMS 2022)
📢 Call For Papers

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to invite you to participate in the Conferences on Communication, Culture and Media Studies (6th CCCMS 2022) which will be held virtually, June 14-15, 2022. It is organized by Department of Communications, Universitas Islam Indonesia, with the theme “Visualizing The Crisis.”

The spread of a pandemic is changing behavior, including the way we communicate with one another. The pandemic has accelerated communication technology. The use of visual aspect can simplify and speed up the delivery of the messages. The Covid 19 phenomenon was also followed by massive infodemic spread. Thus, the visual communication element does not only play a role in this period, but also the days after.

💡 Sub-themes:

1. Visual criticism in cyber culture
2. Environmental and Spatial issues in visual culture
3. Infodemic: an epidemic of information
4. Gender role and society
5. Visual Culture and religion
6. Visual leisure and tourism
7. Hegemony and popular culture
8. Political dynamic through visual media
9. Creative journalism
10. Digital strategi communication

🗓️ Important Dates:

• Deadline for abstract submission: March 15, 2022
• Notification of acceptance: March 30, 2022
• Full paper submission: April 19, 2022
• Registration due date: May 17, 2022
• Workshop date: June 13, 2022
• Conference date: June 14-15, 2022


📝 Publication:

• Asian Jurnal of Media dan Communication (AJMC)
• Jurnal Komunikasi Universitas Islam Indonesia (Accredited Sinta 2 by Ristekdikti)
• E-proceeding 6th Cccms 2022


🔎 For more information, please visit
Abstract submission link:


Best Regards,
Chair of 6th CCCMS 2022
Department of Communications
Universitas Islam Indonesia

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Universitas Islam Indonesia has six scholarship programs to help students pay for college. Completeness of files and personal qualities well described in the motivation letter is key.

Apart from helping to reduce tuition fees, getting a full scholarship is a matter of pride. This teatime, February 25, 2022, presents Fikri Haikal Ramadhan, an International Program student at the Department of Communication Science at the Indonesian Islamic University, to discuss tips and tricks on getting a full scholarship at UII. This Haikal is one of the recipients of the Superior Santri scholarship. The event entitled ‘Tips and Tricks to become the Awardee of the UII Scholarship Santri‘ was guided by Arsila as the host.  

This scholarship is a one-of-a-kind scholarship that provides full support. This scholarship funds tuition and living expenses, as well as housing. The Featured Santri Scholarship aims to provide provisions for cadres of community leaders in the future. This scholarship also seeks to prepare students who are ready for concepts and ready for practice. PP UII Santri (UII Islamic Boarding School) is expected to be able to consolidate and integrate religion, science, and technology.

Haikal advised being careful in preparing files to apply for this scholarship. Make sure all of the files are included. Apart from that, writing essays in motivational letters. Haikal suggested that in writing, self-motivation as much as possible to show a strong character for self-improvement. “Intentions, intentions. Not just want to go to college for free or try. But we need it, and we are improving,” explained Haikal.

In building self-image in a motivation letter, we should show ourselves with some of the things we have achieved as proof of our quality. What dreams do you want to achieve, and how will those dreams be achieved? This can be related to the purpose of this scholarship program which will help participants achieve their dreams. “Not just canceling the obligation because we have received a scholarship, but how can we grow and improve ourselves while living it,” he added.

In addition to the Superior Santri scholarships, UII has several scholarship schemes that you can select according to students’ conditions, talents, and achievements. The scholarship is Art Athlete and Champion Scholarship, Dhuafa, Tahfidz Al Qur’an scholarship, Excellence Scholarship, and Scholarships For Foreign Students.  

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Universitas Islam Indonesia memiliki enam program beasiswa untuk membantu mahasiswa dalam pembiayaan kuliah. Kelengkapan berkas dan kualitas personal yang dideskripsikan dengan baik di motivation letter menjadi kunci.

Selain membantu meringankan biaya kuliah, meraih beasiswa penuh adalah kebanggaan tersendiri. Teatime kali ini, 25 Februari 2022, menghadirkan Fikri Haikal Ramadhan, mahasiswa International Program di Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Islam Indonesia, untuk mengupas tip dan trik memperoleh beasiswa penuh di UII. Haikal ini adalah salah satu penerima beasiswa Santri Unggulan. Acara bertajuk ‘Tips and Trick to be the Awardee of Santri Unggulan UII scholarship” ini dipandu oleh Arsila sebagai host.  

Beasiswa ini adalah salah satu jenis beasiswa yang memberikan dukungan penuh. Beasiswa ini mendanai biaya kuliah dan biaya hidup, serta tempat tinggal. Beasiswa Santri Unggulan bertujuan memberikan bekal kepada kader-kader pemimpin umat di masa yang akan datang. Beasiswa ini juga berusaha menyiapkan santri yang siap konsep dan siap praktik. Santri PP UII (Pondok Pesantren UII) diharapkan mampu memantapkan dan memadukan antara agama, sains dan teknologi.

Haikal menyarankan untuk cermat dalam menyiapkan berkas untuk mendaftar beasiswa ini. Pastikan tidak ada satupun berkas yang kurang. Selain itu juga, penulisan esai dalam motivation letter. Haikal menyarankan agar dalam penulisan motivasi diri sedapat mungkin menunjukan karakter yang kuat untuk peningkatan kualitas diri. “Niat, intention. Bukan sekadar ingin kuliah gratis atau coba-coba. Tapi memang kita butuh dan kita improve,” jelas Haikal.

Dalam membangun citra diri di motivation letter hendaknya kita menunjukan diri kita dengan beberapa hal yang sudah kita capai sebagai bukti kualitas diri. Apa impian yang mau dicapai serta bagaimana impian itu akan dicapai. Hal itu bisa dikaitkan dengan tujuan program beasiswa ini yang akan membantu peserta mencapai impian. “Bukan sekadar menggugurkan kewajiban karena sudah mendapat scholarship, tapi bagaimana bisa grow dan improve diri kita saat menjalaninya,” imbuhnya.

Selain beasiswa Santri Unggulan, UII juga memiliki beberapa skema beasiswa yang dapat menjadi pilihan sesuai dengan kondisi, bakat, dan prestasi mahasiswa. Beasiswa tersebut adalah Beasiswa Atlet dan Juara Seni, Beasiswa Dhuafa, beasiswa Tahfidz Al Qur’an, Beasiswa Unggulan, dan Beasiswa Untuk Mahasiswa Asing.  

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Perjalanan seorang mahasiswa yang broken home hingga mendapatkan beasiswa Unggulan Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII). Arul Sulaiman namanya. Percaya atau tidak, menurutnya, kekuatan sebuah ayat Al Qur’an mendongkraknya menjalani kehidupan yang sama sekali berbeda.

Dalam bincang santai Teatime, sebuah program obrolan santai sore yang diadakan rutin oleh international Program Ilmu Komunikasi UII, menghadirkan Arul Sulaiman. Teatime pada jumat 18 Februari 2022 ini bertajuk The Importance of the Personal Branding and Scholarship for Higher Education Student. Arul menceritakan kisah hidupnya dan bagaimana ia menjalani kuliahnya dengan Beasiswa Unggulan UII.

Arul tumbuh besar di tengah keluarga yang kurang harmoni. Orangtuanya berpisah saat ia usia kelas 1 Sekolah dasar. Hal itu membuatnya hidup dengan kondisi psikologis yang berantakan. “Aku nggak naik kelas dua kali. Saat itu aku kayak nggak terurus. Nggak pernah belajar, sering bolos sekolah,” ungkap Arul menceritakan kisahnya.

Di umur sekitar 10 tahun, Tuhan menunjukan keajaiban padanya. Arul begitu mengimani sebuah ayat dalam surat Al Baqarah 143 tentang sabar dan sholat sebagi penolong: Hai orang-orang yang beiman, jadikanlah sholat dan sabar sebagai penolongmu. Sesungguhnya, Allah bersama orang-orang yang sholat dan sabar. “Aku percaya itu. Saat itu aku aplikasikan semua itu. Di Al Baqarah ayat 143, aku ingat banget,” kenang Arul pada masa-masa kelamnya.

“aku aplikasikan itu. Aku sabar dan sholat. Dan aku jadi bisa berpikir apa yang seharusnya aku lakukan,” ungkap Arul. Mahasiswa yang sejak SMP memutuskan untuk tinggal sendiri ini terus menyibukan diri dengan berbagai kegiatan untuk berprestasi. “Aku harus survive. Aku ikut kegiatan yang bisa mengasah skill, ikut berbagai perlombaan baik tingkat kabupaten, hingga nasional bahkan internasional.”

“Hingga akhirnya aku mendapatkan beasiswa unggulan ini. aku harus menjadi lebih baik setiap hari,” ungkapan terakhir ini seolah menjadi jalan hidupnya sejak lama.

Kehidupan Kuliah Sebagai Mahasiswa 

Mendapatkan beasiswa ini menjadi salah satu kebanggaan karena awardee harus melewati seleksi yang cukup ketat dengan hanya memilih 20 orang dari ribuan pelamar. “Beasiswa ini menjadi salah satu yang membuat aku, dengan latar belakang kehidupanku yang nggak naik dua kali, saya makin tertantang memperbaiki diri, makin baik di kemudian hari.”

Terlebih, dengan mendapatkan beasiswa unggulan ini mahasiswa dipersiapkan betul untuk menjadi mahasiswa yang berprestasi dan aktif. “KIta juga ada kelas persiapan khusus. Selain itu juga untuk bisa mempertahankan beasiswa, IPK tidak boleh kurang dari 3.7, dan juga harus aktif ikut PKM,” lanjut Arul. PKM adalah Program Kreatifitas Mahasiswa yang diadakan oleh Kemenristek Dikti.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Pandemic The pandemic has changed work patterns. There have been many new challenges. Like what? Monthly discussions held by the UII Communications Nadim try to raise it and find answers to these questions. Starting from changing online media strategies, and looking for various strategies and content tricks to win over readers, even amidst the Coronavirus siege.

This time, Nadim’s discussion invited a resource person named Muhammad Diast Reyhan Rafif to become a discussion partner for students at UII Communications. Diast is an alumnus of the 2017 batch of UII Communication Studies. His final research in his thesis examined Editorial Management in Reporting on the Cancellation of the National Football League Competition. Several media are used as research objects. Among them are, and,

According to Diast, several online media are quite responsive and creative in dealing with reporting amid a pandemic. “, for example, raised the human interest side during the pandemic. Regarding salary uncertainty amidst competition uncertainty, also player activities during the pandemic, including news of league I and league 2 uncertainties,” said Diast revealing one of his research results on Tuesday, 15 February 2022.

Another second, another dotcom media, and the rest. Bolasport, said Diast, provides football travel content, in the form of a timeline or memorable moments. That timeline is tracked year by year. Apart from that, bolasport also covers supporter activities during the pandemic. Even though it seems ordinary, you can see creative efforts meandering amidst the lack of events that could be sources of writing due to the cancellation of the National Football League competition.

Different Srategies from different medias

It’s no different, Okezone from the MNC group media has another strategy. “ has soccertainment. It is a rubric that reports on player activities when the leagues haven’t started, for example, player support, federation support, health support when a player or coach is exposed to corona,” said Diast, who also served as Chair of the Communication Editor’s Journalism Club. this. According to Diast, this rubric talks a lot about international football because it still attracts a lot of interest from readers.

If Legal publishes a lot of international sports news because it is liked by many readers, Jawapos focuses more on national sports news. For example, the news raised is about the activities of coaching players outside the field. Or also the theme of the player transfer market because there are many players abroad. This includes not forgetting to also cover PSSI’s steps to run the league.

Ifa Zulkurnaini, the moderator of the discussion, also asked if there was further research that could be done in the context of sports journalism. Narayana, UII Communication Lecturer, who was also present as a participant in the discussion said that there was still something that could be researched about sports journalism. Not only what Diast did, in football, but other research could also be carried out on how other sports journalism media cover amid a pandemic, especially for sports other than football. “Football can still go on, but what about basketball, badminton, and others? How can sports journalists and the media cover and survive during a pandemic? Maybe that’s what can be continued,” said Nara trying to argue in the middle of the discussion.