Reading Time: 2 minutes

Knowledge can be grown by reading or attending seminars. Good skills are not just enough to read; they must also be honed with practice. Likewise, with public speaking. Public kicking is a skill that must be honed with practice and knowledge. Exercise must also be done in a variety of effective ways. Not only a usual practice.

This Friday, 4 February 2022, the International Program Communication Department of the Universitas Islam Indonesia (IPC UII) held a Teatime session on public speaking. IPC UII invited Trisnawati Sovitia Putri, a UII Communication Department alumnus currently working as a Public Relations (PR) at Genting Energy. In this relaxed chat entitled “The Urgency of PR Skills in the Work Environment,” Puput explained how She practiced public speaking while still in college.

Starting from Herself to Practicing with Friends

Puput, Trisnawati’s nickname, shares learning techniques and practicing public speaking in her style. This is all based on her personal experience forging herself practicing public speaking. Starting from ourselves to finally with friends. There are stages, She said. The following is Puput’s experience in practicing.

Talking in Front of the Mirror

The first is to practice speaking in front of the mirror. Puput practiced speaking in front of the mirror as if facing the audience. “I practice all gestures, all utterances; even my facial expressions are serious as if there is an audience in front of me,” said Puput.

Record using the smartphone screen.

After practicing in front of the mirror, Puput tried to practice by recording herself talking in front of a smartphone. She can judge her presentation when it has been recorded and viewed again. “From there, I came to know which ones need to be fixed. Check which ones are lacking; the gestures should just be like this,” Puput said, telling us which parts were good and needed changes.

Practice in front of friends

The final step is to practice in front of friends. This will further establish yourself and train your confidence. If previously there was no audience, now there will be an audience who can later practice their confidence in front of the audience.


Reading Time: 2 minutes

Pengetahuan bisa ditumbuhkan dengan membaca atau mengikuti seminar. Ketrampilan yang baik tak cukup hanya dengan membaca, tapi juga harus diasah dengan latihan. Begitu juga dengan public speaking. Public sepaking adalah ketrampilan yang harus diasah dengan latihan juga pengetahuan. Latihan pun harus dilakukan dengan berbagai cara yang efektif. Tak sekadar “yang penting latihan”.

Jumat, 4 Februari 2022 ini, International Program Communication Department Universitas Islam Indonesia (IPC UII) mengadakan sesi Teatime tentang public speaking. IPC UII mengundang Trisnawati Sovitia Putri, alumni Komunikasi UII yang kini bekerja sebagai Public Relation (PR) di Genting Energy. Ngobrol santai yang bertajuk “The Urgency of PR Skill in the Work Environment” ini, Puput membeberkan bagaimana ia dulu berlatih public speaking ketika masih di bangku kuliah.

Mulai dari Diri Sendiri sampai Berlatih Bersama Teman

Puput, panggilan akrab Trisnawati, membagikan teknik belajar dan berlatih public speaking ala dirinya. Ini semua adalah berdasarkan pengalaman pribadinya menempa diri berlatih berbicara di depan umum. Mulai dari diri sendiri hingga akhirnya bersama teman-teman. Ada tahapannya, katanya. Berikut pengalaman Puput dalam berlatih.

Bicara di Depan Cermin
Pertama adalah latihan dengan cara ngomong di depan cermin. Puput dulu mempraktikan berbica di depan cermin seolah sedang menghadapi audience sungguhan. “Aku praktekkan semua gesture, semua ucapan, bahkan mimik muka juga aku serius kayak ada audience di depanku,” tutur Puput.

Record pakai layar ponsel.
Setelah latihan di depan cermin, Puput mencoba mempraktekan dengan merekam dirinya sendiri sedang berbicara di depan ponsel. Ketika sudah direkam dan dilihat lagi, ia akan bisa menilai presentasinya sediri. “Dari situ aku jadi tahu mana yang perlu diperbaiki. Cek mana yang kurang, Harusnya gesturnya begini aja,” kata Puput bercerita bagian mana yang sudah baik dan bagian mana yang perlu perubahan.

Latihan di depan teman
Langkah terakhir adalah latihan di depan teman-temannya. Ini akan semakin memantapkan diri dan melatih percaya diri. Jika sebelumnya tidak ada audience sugguhan, kini akan ada audience yang nantinya bisa melatih kepercayaan dirinya de depan audience sungguhan.

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Menjadi mahasiswa adalah kesempatan paling baik untuk mengembangkan diri. Tak Banyak kampus yang memberikan peluang untuk mengembangkan kapasitas ketrampilannya dan membuka peluang jaringan bagi mahasiwanya. Tak sedikit juga mahasiswa yang berkompetisi untuk berpartisipasi di belantara liar untuk ikut di ajang internasional. Adanya kegiatan internasional yang disediakan oleh kampus menjadi kesempatan baik bagi mahasiswa untuk turut berpartisipasi.

Di Teatime kali ini, 29 Januari 2022, International Program Communication Department Universitas Islam Indonesia (IPC UII) berbincang tentang program kampus yang sayang jika dilewatkan. Menghadirkan salah satu alumni Ilmu Komunikasi UII, Muhammad Akbar Priandanu, ngobrol santai ini akan memotivasi mahasiswa untuk memanfaatkan peluang dan fasilitas yang disediakan oleh kampus. Akbar yang kini bekerja di sebagai Event Management Specialist di PR Indonesia Group ini juga menceritakan partisipasinya semasa kuliah di Komunikasi UII dulu.

Semasa menjadi mahasiswa di Komunikasi UII, Akbar melihat banyaknya kegiatan dan program di kampus yang bisa menumbuhkan keterampilan dan peluang aktifitas internasional. “Aku dulu sering banget mengikuti event-event kampus. Bagiku itu peluang bagus. Kesempatan buat aku untuk mengembangkan diri,” kata Akbar.

Akbar menceritakan berbagai pengalamannya ikut program kolaborasi antara Ilmu Komunikasi UII dengan program PBB, juga program Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi Passage to ASEAN (P2A). “Program-program tersebut banyak mengenalkan aku dengan kegiatan dan perpektif sosial kemanusiaan seperti gender, inklusifitas, pemberdayaan, bahkan budaya dan peninggalan sejarah,” jelas Akbar. Dia juga pernah menjadi Presenter Riset dalam Konferensi Asia Tenggara tentang Media, Sinema, dan Seni 2021 yang diselenggarakan oleh Pusat Kajian Sosial Asia Tenggara, Universitas Gadjah Mada.

Terlibat aktif dalam event-event tersebut membuka peluang Akbar untuk mengenal dunia internasional. Selain itu juga membuka peluang pertemanan dan kesempatan untuk berkembang lebih jauh lagi.

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Reading Time: 2 minutes

There are many international events where you can try to develop skills, build self-confidence, and expand global networks in college. Model United Nations (MUN) is one of them. MUN is a simulation of the UN’s official assembly conference attended by school or university students. This MUN invites students from all over the world to introduce how the UN official assembly is conducted.

This Teatime chat event, Friday, 21 January 2022, was organized by the International Program of Communication at the Universitas Islam Indonesia (IPC UII). Teatime presented Rafif Sulthan. He is a 2017 UII Communication Department alumnus who has participated in the simulation of the UN meeting. Rafif, currently working as Digital Content Creator at Sport77, has participated in international MUN activities in Malaysia. He told how he joined and how he experienced the excitement of the activity.

In the registration process, he has to compete with thousands of candidates. In addition to filling out the registration form and preparing files, he should fulfill other requirements. He must also write an essay containing his motivation and background on his interest in participating in the MUN event.

During the registration process, participants were also asked to state their interest in being involved in representing themselves as a particular profession. On this occasion, Rafif chose to become a journalist by considering his competence. “In the end, I chose to be a journalist because it was relevant to my knowledge, Communication Studies. Let me know what to do, so I won’t get confused,” said Rafif.

Participants were also asked to choose what issues or topics they were interested in to later put together in a certain room and meeting according to the course of the official UN session. There are many themes proposed in the MUN in Malaysia. Among them are issues of humanity, health, economy, and social. “I chose humanitarian and social topics, especially discussing forest fires,” said Rafif, who was also assigned to write articles in English as a journalist at the UN MUN forum.

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Banyak sekali event internasional yang bisa dijajal untuk mengembangkan skill, menumbuhkan rasa percaya diri, dan memperluas jejaring internasional semasa kuliah. Model United Nations (MUN) salah satunya. MUN adalah simulasi konferensi sidang resmi PBB yang diikuti oleh siswa sekolah atau mahasiswa. MUN ini mengundang pelajar dari seluruh dunia untuk mengenalkan bagaimana sidang resmi PBB dilakukan.

Acara ngobrol Teatime kali ini, Jumat 21 januari 2022, yang diselenggarakat oleh International Program of Communication Universitas Islam Indonesia (IPC UII) menghadirkan Rafif Sulthan. Ia adalah alumi Ilmu Komunikasi UII 2017 yang pernah berpartisipasi dalam simulasi rapat PBB tersebut. Rafif yang kini bekerja sebagai Digital Content di Sport77 ini sempat berpartisipasi pada kegiatan internasional MUN di Malaysia. Ia menceritakan bagaimana ia ikut bergabung dan bagaimana ia menjalani keseruan kegiatan tersebut.

Dalam proses pendaftarannya, ia harus bersaing dengan ribuan kandidat. Selain mengisi formulir pendaftaran dan menyiapkan berkas, ia juga harus menuliskan esai yang berisi motivasi dan latar bekakang ketertarikaanya mengkuti acara MUN.

Dalam proses pendaftaran juga diminta menyebutkan ketertarikan peserta untuk terlibat untuk mereprensetasikan dirinya sebagai profesi tertentu. Dalam kesempatan ini, rafif memilih menjadi jurnalis dengan pertimbangan kompetensi dirinya. “Akhirnya milih jadi jurnalis, relevan sama keilmuanku, Ilmu komunikasi. Biar aku tahu jelas harus melakukan apa, biar nggak bingung,” kata Rafif.

Partsispan juga diminta untuk memilih isu atau topik apa yang diminati untuk nanti disatukan dalam satu ruang dan rapat tertentu sesuai jalannya sidang resmi PBB. Ada banyak tema yang disodorkan dalam MUN di Malaysia itu. Di antaranya adalah Isu kemanusian, Kesehatan, Ekonomi, juga isu sosial. “Aku memilih topik kemanusiaan dan sosial, terutama membahas Kebakaran hutan,” kata Rafif yang juga diberi tugas untuk menulis artikel berbahasa Inggris sebagai seorang jurnalis di forum MUN PBB.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Many students feel that their lives are just like that. Their life is just college, playing social media, and watching online. Many activities are waiting for us to participate in, both national and events.

The Teatime chat event, routinely held by the International Communication Program at the Universitas Islam Indonesia (IPC UII), invites Rafif Sulthan as a speaker. He is an alumnus of the UII Communication Department, class of 2017, who has participated in a simulation of the UN meeting. Rafif, currently working as Digital Content at Sport 77, participated in MUN (Model United Nation) in Malaysia while still studying in semester 2. The casual teatime chat on Friday, January 21, 2022, was titled The Importance of International Skill as a medium to Expand Skills.

At the beginning of college, Rafif felt he needed a lot of experience participating in various activities. He believes that sharing these activities will lead to and open up many opportunities for new activities and broaden his social horizons. One day, a friend from the Department of International Relations gave him information about an international event called Model United Nations (MUN). “At first, I didn’t know much about it, so I googled it to find out more. I studied, and I thought about what part I could participate in,” thought Rafif at the time.

From the start, Rafif knew about this opportunity and immediately decided to participate. He feels that all activities will allow him to develop himself. “I have to go with this. I thought if I went with me, I would be a better person than I was yesterday,” he said.

And sure enough, the opportunity to participate with many people from all over the world and take part in a simulation of the UN’s official meeting as a French journalist gave him the knowledge and honed his new skills in writing articles seriously. “I participated in an event, and there were many challenges. Many meet with many people, so more networking. I had to be able to because I was forced to speak, I had to speak English, and I also wrote articles in English,” recalls Rafif.

Participating in international events attended by various national backgrounds and various backgrounds made Rafif realize that there are so many great people out there. He also learns that the world is vast, with multiple abilities and diverse views. “Realize that the world is big and diverse. Lots of cool people out there.”

In addition to new views, Rafif also had the opportunity to hone his skills. “I got a lot. What is certain is that my confidence has increased in public speaking and writing. Wider networking, as well as better analytical skills,” said Rafif.


Reading Time: 2 minutes

Banyak sekali mahasiswa yang merasa hidupnya gitu-gitu aja. Hidupnya cuma kuliah, skrol social media, dan nonton online. Sebenarnya banyak sekali kegiatan yang menunggu kita untuk partispasi, baik itu nasional maupun event internasional. Misalnya MUN (Model United Nation)

Acara ngobrol Teatime yang secara rutin diadakan oleh International Program Communication Universitas Islam Indonesia (IPC UII) menghadirkan Rafif Sulthan. Ia adalah alumi Ilmu Komunikasi UII angkatan 2017, yang pernah berpartisipasi dalam simulasi rapat PBB. Rafif yang kini bekerja sebagai Digital Content di Sport 77 ini mengikuti MUN (Model United Nation) di Malaysia saat masih berkuliah di semester 2. Obrol santai teatime, yang diselenggarakan Jumat 21 januari 2022, ini bertajuk The Importance of International Skill as a medium to Expand Skills.

Pada awal pertama kuliah Rafif merasa butuh banyak pengalaman mengikuti barbagai kegiatan. Dia percaya bahwa berbagi kegiatan itu nantinya akan membawa dan membuka banyak peluang kegiatan baru dan menambah wawasan pergaulannya. Tiba suatu saat seorang temannya dari jurusan Hubungan International memberinya informasi tentang sebuah event international bernama Model United Nation (MUN). “Awalnya aku nggak tahu banyak infonya, lalu aku googling untuk cari tahu lebih lanjut. Aku pelajari dan aku mikir kira-kira aku bisa partsisipasi ambil bagian apa,” pikir Rafif saat itu.

Sejak awal rafif mengetahui soal kesempatan ini, ia langsung memtuskan untuk ikut serta ambil bagian. Ia merasa semua kegiatan akan memberinya kesempatan untuk mengembangkan diri. “Aku harus ikut ini. Aku mikir kalau aku ikut aku bakal jadi orang yang lebih baik dari aku yang kemarin,” katanya.

Dan benar saja, kesempatan berpartisipasi dengan banyak orang dari seluruh dunia, dan kesempatan mengikuti simulasi rapat resmi PBB sebagai jurnalis Perancis memberinya pengetahuan dan mengasah ketrampilan barunya dalam menulis artikel dengan serius. “Aku ikut event pertama, tantangan banyak. Banyak ketemu dengan banyak orang, jadi lebih banyak networking. Aku harus bisa karena dipaksa ngomong, harus berbahasa Inggris, dan nulis artikel juga berbahasa inggris,” kenang Rafif.

Mengikuti acara internasional yang diikuti oleh berbagai latar belakang negara dan berbagai background akademik membuat Rafif menyadari bahwa banyak sekali orang hebat di luar sana. Ia juga mendapat insight bahwa dunia ini begitu luas dengan berbagai kemampuan dan pandangan yang beragam. “Nyadar kalau dunia ini besar dan beragam. Banyak orang yang keren di luar sana.”

Selain pandangan baru, Rafif juga juga mendapatkan kesempatan untuk mengasah ketrampilan. “Banyak sekali yang aku dapat. Yang pasti kepercayaan diriku bertambah, ketrampilan public speaking, menulis. netrworking lebih luas, juga kemampuan analisis yang lebih baik,” ungkap Rafif.

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Finally, we have you back with us.

Today, we’ll have a really special episode with a former MUN Conference attendee who currently works in the sports industry.

We’ll be learning from Rafif Sulthan now, from his foreign experience. We’ll hear about how thrilling it was to participate in a MUN Conference in Malaysia, and of course, different suggestions about the necessity of engaging in international activities, particularly MUN, until he can find a job that matches his enthusiasm. Doesn’t it sound intriguing?

So join us in at 4 p.m. this afternoon for teatime on “The Importance of International Events (MUN) as a Medium to Expand Skills and Experiences.” Remember to set the reminder, and I’ll see you all soon!

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Camera mastery is the most important thing for Communication major students. Photography projects that explore nature and humans will be easy to do if you have mastery over the tools. In addition, being good at observing natural phenomena is also one of the important skills when students majoring in communication are finally involved in a cross-country photography competition project.

Atha Ramaputra, one of the 2017 UII Communications students, said that as a Communications student, he was obliged to hone his photography skills nationally and internationally. Atha had the opportunity to participate in the Global Mobility program held by the International Program, UII Communications Department called P2A.

P2A stands for Passage to ASEAN. The first P2A theme was Human Nature Photography. At the Teatime Talkshow by IPC (International Program of Communication) UII, on January 14, 2022, Atha took the time to share her experiences of learning and interacting with students across countries, universities, and ethnic, racial, and religious lines.

Actually, what is Atha’s motive for joining P2A? So asked Arsila Khairunnisa, the host of Teatime at that time. Atha said she likes photography and videography. He is also curious about his photos when he took part in the P2A Passage to Asean in 2018. What kind of work will he get when he comes to Thailand and Malaysia.

Atha, currently undergoing an internship program as an Internal Communication Content Production at Kompas Gramedia (KG) Media in Kompas, said he had learned many things while participating in P2A. According to Atha, UII Communication students need to take part in P2A. Students cannot obtain many experiences only by interacting with fellow Indonesians.

Mainly, Atha said, she could learn about the cultures of Asian countries, “we can also share the daily life of each participant between countries. We can also practice our English,” said Atha. “We are also not ashamed. We Asians are still learning together because we are not native English. They also understand our vocabulary. P2A also makes us practice self-confidence,” he added later.

Atha said the activities took place in three countries. First, activities are centred in Indonesia. From UII, Atha and other participants from Malaysia (UUM Malaysia), and Thailand, were invited to live in the homes of residents around Borobudur and Puntuk Setumbu, Magelang. “My group consists of various groups from Thailand and Cambodia, and we are one group. We are sharing with the residents,” said Atha. After the trip to Indonesia, Atha and the participants turned to Malaysia and Thailand. On this trip to Asian countries, all P2A participants were asked to hone their photography skills. The photos taken by each participant will be assessed and entered in the P2A competition, which will later receive the main prize from sponsors such as Nikon Asia.

Atha shared many experiences in this talk show. Not only emotion but also the experience of losing his passport when he was in a neighbouring country. The moral value is always to be careful in faraway lands.