Tag Archive for: teatime

“What are the manifestations of Mustadha’afun or marginalized people in Islam?” This question got interesting and not short answers. Then Holy gives a picture of the social context of modern society today with many buildings and luxury cars milling about. “The easiest way,” said Holy, “we can check whether there are neighbors who are still hungry or not, lacking or not.”

Prophetic communication is not just da’wah. “Dakwah is also prophetic communication, only it is in the pragmatic-normative dimension; worship procedures. You can do this, you can’t do that.”

But prophetic communication does not eliminate the frontal ways of worship in Holy’s explanation of realizing a just society. “In the practice of prophetic communication, if it can’t be done in a subtle way and conveyed through normative procedures, if you have to do a demo, then a demo.”

Mustada’afun at the time of the prophet Muhammad used to be usually seen from the social and economic status, for example, poor and slaves. Today’s era must be researched first. For instance, whether the beggar is in the category of the oppressed. “Today there are indeed beggars as a ‘profession’ and even richer than UII lecturers,” Holy example joked.

In the daily life of students, for example, some are oppressed. For example, among students who after college have access to work from campus with A accreditation and superior predicate, some lose opportunities because the campus is accredited C, even though their skills could be better. Well, while many are struggling, few are not. This is an oppressed, unfair job acceptance system.

In another case, Holy gives a picture of an old transvestite. “Transvestites find it difficult to get a job. In the midst of society isolated, let alone to get a decent job. Only the young transvestites are oppressed, let alone the old ones who are physically weak.” Holy does not rule out the transvestite controversy, “it’s about people who are oppressed. They need to be embraced, not isolated and even vulnerable.”

“Transvestites find it difficult to get a job. In the midst of society isolated, let alone to get a decent job. Only the young transvestites are oppressed, let alone the old ones who are physically weak.”

-Holy Rafika Dhona-

To increase our sense and recognize whether there are still oppressed people around us, we need to read a lot; reading conditions, reading conditions, it is also essential to read books. “We must develop a sense that there are problems around us, that something doesn’t happen by itself, everything is constructed,” Holy suggested to students who want to be more sensitive to the social situations around them.

Kajian Komunikasi profetik bukanlah hal baru, hanya saja selama ini masih dipahami secara normatif sebagai dakwah keagamaan atau dakwah yang sifatnya agamis seperti tatacara nabi. Kajian Komunikasi Profetik dalam dalam perspektif kenabian yakni membela yang terpinggirkan, lemah, dan terindas belum banyak dibahas dalam kajian komunikasi profetik selama ini.

Obrolan komunikasi profetik sambil ngeteh sore ini dilangsugkan secara online via live Instragram oleh International Program of Communication Department Universitas ISlam Indonesia IP comunication UII) atau biasa mereka sebut dengan teatime. Acara yang dilaksanakan di senin sore, 19 April 2021 tersebut mengadirkan Holy Rafika Dhona sebagai pembicara. Holy adalah dosen pengajar Ilmu Komunikasi UII, sekaligus penulis buku ajar Komunikasi Profetik yang ia susun tiga tahun terakhir sejak 2018.

Islam sebagai kajian ilmu sudah sejak lama dikaji oleh Kuntowijoyo, keilmuan islam yang disilaturahmikan dengan kajian komunikasi belumlah memuaskan. “Buku ini pun juga masih jauh, apalagi saya.” Kelakar Holy menegaskan dirinya masih jauh dari sifat kenabian, saat diajak ngobrol santai dalam acara Teatime yang dipandu oleh Nadira dan Lani.

Obrolan dibuka dengan mengajak berpikir dengan merefleksikan satu rutinitas harian tentang aktifitas posting status facebook. “Kamu posting FB itu bukan ibadah, tapi kalau taklim itu ibadah. Perpektifnya selalu begitu selama ini. Padahal bisa jadi itu sangat profetik isinya”

“Kamu posting FB itu bukan ibadah, tapi kalau taklim itu ibadah. Perpektifnya selalu begitu selama ini. Padahal bisa jadi itu sangat profetik isinya”

-Holy Rafika Dhona-

Dalam kajian komunikasi profetik, bisa jadi posting di facebook adalah abgian dari upaya profetik. Holy menjelaskan bahwa komunikasi profetik itu tidak sekadar dakwah agamis yang mengenalkan tatacara wudhu, sholat, puasa atau tatacara menyampaikan pesan. “Kalau komunikasi profetik pinginnya ilmu didekati dengan tujuan kenabian. Hero banget. Bukan untuk ngajain sholat ritual belaka. Sebenarnya dalam pandangan komunikasi profetik itu klise kok. Komunikasi yang membimbing dari jalan kegelapan menuju jalan terang. Terang itu ya, sejahtera, aman, nyaman. nggak cuma ritual belaka,” jelas Holy.

Holy menceritakan tentang hijrah nabi Muhammad dari mekah ke Yatsrib (Madinah) juga disertai oleh orang yang belum memeluk Islam tapi teraniaya di Mekah. Dalam cerita Holy itu Holy ingin menunjukan bahwa Nabi selalu datang dengan konsep orang tertindas: mustadhaafun. Komunikasi yang ditujukan untuk membela orang tertindas.

bersambung ke part 2

The study of prophetic communication is not new things, it’s just that so far it is still understood normatively as religious da’wah or da’wah that is religious in nature such as the procedures of the prophet. The study of prophetic communication in a prophetic perspective, namely defending the marginalized, weak, and oppressed has not been widely discussed in the study of prophetic communication so far.

This prophetic communication chat while having tea this afternoon was held online via Live Instragram by the International Program of Communication Department, Universitas ISlam Indonesia (IP comunication UII) or what they call teatime. The event, which was held on Monday afternoon, April 19, 2021, presented Holy Rafika Dhona as a speaker. Holy is a lecturer in Communication Studies at UII, as well as the author of a textbook on prophetic communication which he has compiled for the last three years since 2018.

Islam as a study of science has long been studied by Kuntowijoyo, Islamic scholarship which is in touch with the study of communication has not been satisfactory. “This book is still far away, let alone me.” Holy jokes asserted that he was still far from prophetic, when he was invited to casually chat in a Teatime program hosted by Nadira and Lani.

The chat was opened by inviting people to think by reflecting on a daily routine about posting Facebook status activities. “You post on FB it’s not worship, but ta’lim is worship. That perspective has always been that way. Even though it could be very prophetic in its content.”


“You post on FB it’s not worship, but taklim is worship. That perspective has always been that way. Even though it could be very prophetic in its content”

-Holy Rafika Dhona-

In the study of prophetic communication, it could be that posting on Facebook is part of a prophetic effort. Holy explained that prophetic communication is not just a religious da’wah that introduces procedures for ablution, prayer, fasting or procedures for conveying messages. “In prophetic communication, science wants to be approached with prophetic goals. So heroic. Not for mere ritual prayers. Actually, in the view of prophetic communication it’s a cliché. Communication that leads from the path of darkness to the path of light. The light is yes, prosperous, safe, comfortable. It’s not just a ritual,” explained Holy.

Holy tells about the migration of the prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Yatsrib (Medina) also accompanied by people who have not embraced Islam but were persecuted in Mecca. In the Holy story, Holy wants to show that the Prophet always came with the concept of the oppressed: mustadha’afun. Communication aimed at defending the oppressed.

to be continue on part 2


Halo teman-teman IPC !!

Kali ini kita akan membahas lagi tentang AIESEC, minggu lalu kita membahas Global Volunteer di AIESEC UGM, nah di episode minggu ini kita akan membahas Global Talent di AIESEC UGM.

Oh iya, sebelumnya tamu kita kali ini adalah Fadila Amani, dia adalah Team Leader Marketing Initiative AIESEC di UGM.

Apa itu Global Talent?

Global Talent merupakan program yang ditawarkan oleh AIESEC di UGM yang berfokus pada magang di luar negeri dengan tujuan untuk mengembangkan kepemimpinan. Program ini adalah program berbayar. Dengan membayar empat juta rupiah, Anda akan mendapatkan pengalaman terbaik hingga kembali ke Indonesia. Berbeda dengan Global Volunteer, program ini hanya terdiri dari Outgoing Global Talent dimana AIESEC UGM mengirimkan magang ke berbagai negara anggota AIESEC.

Program ini terdiri dari tiga jenis, yaitu jangka pendek, menengah, dan panjang. Anda dapat memilih program mana yang ingin Anda ikuti. Jangka pendek 6-12 minggu, jangka menengah 13-26 minggu, dan jangka panjang 27-78 minggu. Biasanya mahasiswa lebih memilih jangka pendek untuk mengisi waktu liburan mereka. Untuk negara yang akan dibidik, Anda bisa memilih negara mana yang menjadi anggota AIESEC di dunia.

Selama magang, Anda tidak perlu khawatir karena AIESEC UGM akan membantu Anda saat mengalami kesulitan. Perusahaan yang bekerja sama juga dijamin bisa mendapatkan pengalaman yang luar biasa, karena bekerja di perusahaan asing akan mengembangkan kemampuan bahasa Inggris. Selain itu, Anda juga akan mendapatkan pengalaman dari budaya di negara lain.

“Kalau magang di luar negeri, bisa memotivasi orang lain untuk melakukan hal-hal yang baik. Kamu juga bisa bekerja dengan tantangan, sehingga kamu bisa waspada terhadap masalah di luar diri kita,” kata Fadila.

Sebelum Anda memilih negara yang akan dituju, AIESEC UGM akan membantu dengan membahas negara mana yang Anda sukai, bahasa yang Anda kuasai, dan bidang apa yang Anda inginkan. Nantinya itu dapat sehingga memudahkan Anda untuk melakukan magang di perusahaan.

“Untuk persyaratan yang terpenting adalah CV, berusia 19-30 tahun, dan minimal 5 semester. Jadi program ini juga terbuka untuk kamu yang sudah lulus kuliah dan ingin magang di luar negeri,” imbuh Fadila.

Fadila menjelaskan, saat terjadi pandemi seperti ini, AIESEC UGM akan mengikuti Global Safety Protocol di masing-masing negara tujuan. “Sebelum ke Tanah Air, kami akan mengadakan seminar untuk membahas prosedur darurat, protokol keselamatan, dan memastikan Anda sudah memiliki asuransi kesehatan,” ujar Fadila di tengah diskusi Live Instagram Teatime pada Jumat (5/3).

“Selama magang di luar negeri, kami akan memantau setiap minggu, bagaimana kesehatannya, masalah, atau apapun tentang magang. Sebelum kembali ke Indonesia, Anda juga harus memiliki sertifikat kesehatan, mengikuti protokol kesehatan, dan karantina sendiri. Jadi AIESEC UGM sangat menjamin dan membantu permasalahan Anda,” ungkap Fadila menjamin.

Selain magang bisa juga liburan di negara tersebut, karena ada waktu liburan jadi tidak bekerja terus menerus. Selain itu, Anda juga bisa menjelajahi kuliner dan budayanya di sana.

Informasi lebih lanjut, anda bisa bertanya dan diskusi lanjutan di Instagram dan LINE AIESEC UGM.

Instagram: @aiesecugm

LINE: @aiesecugm (dengan @)


Reporter dan Penulis: Sera Zahria, Mahasiswa Komunikasi UII, Angkatan 2016, Magang di Komunikasi UII Program Internasional.

Penyunting: A. Pambudi. W.

Hello IPC friends !!

This time we will discuss AIESEC again. Last week we discussed Global Volunteer at AIESEC UGM, now in this week’s episode we will discuss Global Talent at AIESEC UGM.

Oh yeah, before that our guest this time was Fadila Amani, she was the AIESEC Marketing Initiative Team Leader at UGM.

What is Global Talent?

Global Talent is a program offered by AIESEC at UGM that focuses on internships abroad with the aim of developing leadership. This program is a paid program. By paying four million rupiahs, you will get the best experience until you return to Indonesia. Unlike the Global Volunteer, this program only consists of Outgoing Global Talent where AIESEC UGM sends internships to various AIESEC member countries.

This program consists of three types, namely short, medium, and long term. You can choose which program you want to join. Short term 6-12 weeks, medium term 13-26 weeks, and long term 27-78 weeks. Usually students prefer a short term to fill their vacation time. For the countries to be targeted, you can choose which countries are members of AIESEC in the world.

During your internship, you don’t need to worry because AIESEC UGM will help you when you have difficulties. Companies that work together are also guaranteed to get an extraordinary experience, because working for a foreign company will develop their English language skills. Apart from that, you will also get experiences from cultures in other countries.

“Internships abroad can motivate other people to do good things. You can also work with challenges, so you can be aware of problems outside ourselves,” said Fadila.

Before you choose the country to go to, AIESEC UGM will help by discussing which country you prefer, the language you are fluent in, and what field you want. Later it can make it easier for you to do an internship at the company.

“For the most important requirement is a CV, 19-30 years old, and a minimum of 5 semesters. So this program is also open to those of you who have graduated from college and want to do internships abroad, ” said Fadila.

Fadila explained, when a pandemic like this occurs, AIESEC UGM will follow the Global Safety Protocol in each destination country. “Before going to Indonesia, we will hold a seminar to discuss emergency procedures, safety protocols, and ensure that you have health insurance,” said Fadila in the middle of Teatime’s Live Instagram discussion on Friday (5/3).

“During the internship abroad, we will monitor every week, how is his health, problems, or anything about the internship. Before returning to Indonesia, you must also have a health certificate, follow health protocols and self-quarantine. So AIESEC UGM really guarantees and helps your problems, “said Fadila who also guaranteed.

Apart from internships, you can also vacation in the country, because there is vacation time so you don’t work continuously. Besides that, you can also explore the culinary and culture there.

For further information, you can ask questions and have further discussions on Instagram and LINE AIESEC UGM.

Instagram: @aiesecugm

LINE: @aiesecugm (with @)


Author and Reporter: Sera Zahria, Internship Student of Communication Department of UII, at International Program of Communication Department, Student Batch 2016

Editor: A. Pambudi W.

Tulisan sebelumnya.

Proyek outgoing akan dilaksanakan pada musim dingin pada bulan Desember 2021 hingga Januari dan Februari 2022. Selanjutnya proyek incoming akan dilaksanakan pada musim dingin juga pada tahun 2022. Sayangnya selama pandemi ini AIESEC di UGM belum dapat melaksanakan proyek outgoing. Namun AIESEC telah menerapkan program Relawan Virtual yang diadakan melalui aplikasi zoom meeting. Program Relawan Virtual ini disebut Proyek Lokal.

Proyek Lokal dilaksanakan secara virtual selama empat minggu. Program ini membahas sebuah workshop, khususnya tentang ilmu ekonomi. Ini karena AIESEC di UGM menjalankan SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) No.8: memberdayakan perekonomian di wilayah Yogyakarta. Kegiatan virtual ini juga diisi dengan sesi berbagi dari mitra yang berasal dari negara lain. Sharing session ini berguna untuk mengetahui pengalaman dan pengetahuan dari negara lain.

Program ini, kata Ardyaksa, terbuka untuk semua anak muda di Yogyakarta. Prosesnya, sebelumnya menjadi relawan outgoing atau incoming,  mereka akan dilatih terlebih dahulu. Mereka akan berkenalan dengan anak muda lainnya di antara peserta, dan akan belajar bagaimana membuat sesuatu agar bisa memasarkan hasil kreativitas/ kerajinan yang mereka buat. “Tujuannya agar generasi muda di Yogyakarta dapat mendukung Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM), menggerakkan roda perekonomian, mengembangkan kepemimpinan, dan meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat,” imbuhnya kemudian.

Pendaftaran Local Project ini akan dibuka pada bulan April atau Mei. Rencananya, AIESEC akan melaksanakan proyek ini pada bulan Juli-Juni. Menurut penuturan Ardyaksa, info kelanjutannya dapat dilihat di media sosial AIESEC UGM di Instagram. “Syaratnya hanya mengumpulkan curriculum vitae/CV dan alasan kenapa Anda ingin mengikuti program ini,” jelas Ardyaksa yang kini juga beraktivitas sebagai Learning Representative di lembaga Widya Edu, sebuah perusahaan rintisan (start up) platform belajar online interaktif.

Tujuan pembuatan CV (Riwayat Hidup) adalah untuk melihat latar belakang pelamar. Riwayat hidup akan dicocokkan dengan pelamar yang memiliki minat yang sama sehingga dapat berkolaborasi.

Tenang saja, program Local Project ini tetap akan memberikan pelatihan kepada kalian yang mendaftar, karena AIESEC UGM akan memantau dan mengontrol kegiatan yang akan dilakukan selama program berlangsung. AIESEC UGM juga akan mengurus praproyek hingga pascaproyek. Dengan mengikuti Local Project di AIESEC UGM, Anda akan mendapatkan pengalaman tak terlupakan, bertemu teman baru, mendapatkan sesi berbagi dari negara lain, bisa mengetahui kondisi negara lain, dan masih banyak lagi.

Penulis dan Reporter: Sera Zahria, Mahasiswa Magang Komunikasi Program Internasional, angkatan 2016

Penunting: A. Pambudi W.


Halo teman-teman IPC.

Kali ini kita akan membahas Program Relawan AIESEC di UGM.

Nah, tamu kita untuk Tea Time kali ini adalah Ardyaksa Pramudita. Dia adalah Local Head of Incoming Global Volunteer AIESEC di Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM).

Tahukah Anda apa itu AIESEC? AIESEC adalah organisasi internasional untuk kaum muda yang membantu mengembangkan potensi kepemimpinan mereka. Organisasi ini berfokus pada pengembangan kepemimpinan pemuda. Ia juga merupakan “duta besar” di luar negeri untuk melaksanakan proyek-proyek sosial. Tujuan AIESEC adalah memberdayakan kaum muda untuk perdamaian dan pemenuhan potensi umat manusia. Organisasi ini berdiri sejak 1946 dan hingga saat ini telah eksis di 185 negara dengan ribuan cabang.

Menurut Ardyaksa, AIESEC di UGM merupakan salah satu organisasi kemahasiswaan di UGM. Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa (UKM) ini beraktivitas sejak 2013. “AIESEC melakukan beberapa kegiatan di UGM seperti mengurus program relawan di luar negeri dan juga di kota Yogyakarta, serta magang,” jelas Ardyaksa sebagai perwakilan AIESEC pada bincang-bincang Tea Time International Program Komunikasi UII pada Jumat (25/2/2021).

Proyek Global Volunteer yang dilakukan AIESEC adalah berupaya melaksanakan salah satu dari rencana negara-negara dunia yang dikenal dengan Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). SDGs di setiap negara berbeda-beda fokusnya. Misalnya Vietnam mendukung pendidikan, maka siswa yang mendaftar untuk mengikuti Global Volunteer di Vietnam akan mengajar bahasa Inggris ke sekolah dasar atau taman kanak-kanak.

Melalui Live Instagram di akun ip.communication.uii, Ardyaksa menjelaskan bahwa Program Global Volunteer tidak dibatasi umur. Siapa saja boleh ikut. Namun sebagian besar program ini diikuti oleh pelajar. Alasannya karena banyak pelajar yang ingin merasakan pengalaman menjadi relawan di luar negeri.

Jenis-Jenis Program AIESEC

Program ini memiliki dua jenis proyek. Proyek outcoming dan proyek incoming. Proyek outgoing adalah mengirim relawan ke luar negeri. Sedangkan proyek incoming adalah membuat proyek yang dilaksanakan di Yogyakarta. Pada proyek incoming ke dalam negeri ini, orang-orang dari luar negeri datang ke dalam negeri untuk melihat proyek yang sedang AIESEC buat.

Proyek outgoing yang dilakukan sebelum pandemi dihadiri oleh 20 orang dari luar negeri dan 20 orang dari relawan lokal. Jadi AIESEC UGM akan mengurus semua kebutuhan pelamar yang menjadi relawan. Mulai dari mengurus visa, tempat tinggal, makanan, dan lain-lain. Sebelum berangkat ke luar negeri, pelamar akan dilatih terlebih dahulu dan diberi pengetahuan tentang apa yang harus dilakukan saat menjadi relawan di luar negeri.

Tulisan bersambung ke tautan ini.

Penulis dan Reporter: Sera Zahria, Mahasiswa Magang Komunikasi Program Internasional, angkatan 2016

Penunting: A. Pambudi W.

Click Here For Reading The Previous Article

The outgoing project will be carried out in the winter from December 2021 to January and February 2022. Furthermore, the incoming project will be carried out in winter also in 2022. Unfortunately, during this pandemic AIESEC at UGM has not been able to carry out the outgoing project. However, AIESEC has implemented a Virtual Volunteer program which is held through the zoom meeting application. This Virtual Volunteer Program is called a Local Project.

Local Projects are implemented virtually for four weeks. This program discusses a workshop, especially on economics. This is because AIESEC at UGM runs SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) No.8: empowering the economy in the Yogyakarta region. This virtual activity is also filled with sharing sessions from partners from other countries. This sharing session is useful for obtaining experience and knowledge from other

This program, said Ardyaksa, is open to all young people in Yogyakarta. The process, before becoming outgoing or incoming volunteers, they will be trained first. They will get acquainted with other young people among the participants, and will learn how to make something so that they can market the results of their creativity / craft. “The goal is that the younger generation in Yogyakarta can support Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), move the wheels of the economy, develop leadership, and increase public awareness,” he added then.

Registration for this Local Project will open in April or May. The plan, AIESEC will carry out this project in July-June. According to Ardyaksa’s narrative, further information can be seen on AIESEC UGM social media on Instagram. “The only requirement is to collect a curriculum vitae / CV and the reasons why you want to take part in this program,” explained Ardyaksa, who is now also active as a Learning Representative at Widya Edu, a start-up company for an interactive online learning platform.

The purpose of making a CV is to see the background of the applicant. Curriculum vitae will be matched with applicants who have the same interests so they can collaborate.

Take it easy, this Local Project program will still provide training for those of you who register, because AIESEC UGM will monitor and control the activities that will be carried out during the program. AIESEC UGM will also take care of pre-project to post-project. By participating in the Local Project at AIESEC UGM, you will get unforgettable experiences, meet new friends, get sharing sessions from other countries, get to know the conditions of other countries, and much more.

Author and Reporter: Sera Zahria, Internship Student of Communication Department of UII, at International Program of Communication Department, Student Batch 2016

Editor: A. Pambudi W.

Hello IPC friends. This time we will discuss the AIESEC Volunteer Program at UGM. The program that will make us easier to Gain Global Experience Through International Volunteering.

So, our guest for this Tea Time of IPC is Ardyaksa Pramudita. He is the Local Head of Incoming Global Volunteer AIESEC at Gadjah Mada University (UGM). So, let’s check this out. The International Program of Communication talkshow.

Do you know what AIESEC is? AIESEC is an international organization for young people helping to develop their leadership potential. This organization focuses on youth leadership development. It is also an “ambassador” abroad for carrying out social projects. AIESEC’s goal is to empower young people for peace and the fulfillment of humanity’s potential. This organization was founded in 1946 and to date has existed in 185 countries with thousands of branches.

According to Ardyaksa, AIESEC at UGM is one of the student organizations at UGM. This Student Activity Unit has been active since 2013. “AIESEC has carried out several activities at UGM such as managing volunteer programs abroad and also in the city of Yogyakarta, as well as internships,” explained Ardyaksa as AIESEC representative at the IPC Tea Time talk on Friday ( 25/2/2021).

The Global Volunteer Project carried out by AIESEC is trying to implement one of the plans of world countries known as Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs in each country differ in focus. For example Vietnam focused on supporting education, so students who register to take part in Global Volunteer in Vietnam will teach English to primary schools or kindergartens.

Through Live Instagram on the ip.communication.uii account, Ardyaksa explained that the Global Volunteer Program is not limited by age. Anyone can join. However, most of these programs are followed by students of senior high school. The reason is because many students want to experience volunteering abroad.

Kind of Programs

This program has two types of projects. Outcoming projects and incoming projects. The outgoing project is to send volunteers abroad. Meanwhile, the incoming project is a project that is implemented in Yogyakarta. In the incoming project to this country, people from abroad come to the country to see the project that AIESEC is making.

The outgoing project carried out before the pandemic was attended by 20 people from abroad and 20 people from local volunteers. So AIESEC UGM will take care of all the needs of applicants who become volunteers. Starting from taking care of visas, housing, food, and others. Before leaving for overseas, applicants will be trained in advance and given knowledge on what to do when volunteering abroad.

To be Continue to the next article.

Author and Reporter: Sera Zahria, Internship Student of Communication Department of UII, at International Program of Communication Department, Student Batch 2016

Editor: A. Pambudi W.

Teatime 16th edition will invite:

Rini Asmiyati – Global Entrepreneur Returnee

(Alumni of communication Science Department, batch 2015)

The next International Program of Communication’s Teatime

Seeking For Unforgotten Experiences Through Being Intern

(An Experience in Wonderful City Jaipur, India)

Live On Instagram


Friday, October, 16th, 2020
Start at 4pm (UTC+7)

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