Reading Time: 3 minutes

How Imam’s Effort as Student Choir Club’s Leads to Victory

“Bass Team, shut up. You are all too noisy,” Irene Vista snapped at the group of male bass team who were joking when they were practicing at that time. One time, Irene also firmly advised all the Choir, “if possible you should not consume fried foods and spicy foods. first until the competition is over, ” She added firmly, recalled Imam Akbar Pohan, one of the Choir. Tired, angry, exhausted, excited, and also: passionate enthusiasm said Imam. But for the sake of The 6th Singapore International Choral Festival 2019, all the choir of the Miracle Voices, Student Choir (PSM MV) of the Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) were compliant with Irene, their coach.

At that time, Imam was the one who was joking during the practice. Imam, who is come from North Sumatran, may be tired, and also exhausted, can not be avoided if the practice is happen for months. He also have to obey and  follow the rules of the coach. Especially with regard to food, of course, make you want to do cat and mouse, secretly eat their favorite foods: fried foods and spicy foods. “Yes, at first it didn’t work, right, so there were some who used cheating days. Only after that the impact (on voice quality) was immediately apparent to us. If so, you can obey,” Imam said, digging up the memory during practice. But it seems more passion and enthusiasm than fatigue if you see his achievements later.

PSM MV UII sang several songs at the 6th Singapore International Choral Festival. Imam, as Communication Student of  UII, class of 2017, it is one of the choir at bass position. Together with some of his colleagues, on PSM (UII’s Student Choir Club), performed a number of songs to compete at the 2019 Singapore International Choral Festival (SICF) on August, 1-4, 2019. Unmitigated, Imam and friends managed to won the Golden Award and Silver Award at SICF.

“When we heard that we won the Gold, it felt mixed up remembering all the things during almost six month training. Sometimes he is scolded, he must keep his food for a clean voice, and I even wonder we can get Gold too,” Imam said. “The problem is, we are the new comer in this competition and the standard is higher than the competitions that their Choir Club has participated in before.”

For Imam, the achievement of PSM MV UII was not achieved by just holding up. There is a sweat behind the incision to the Singapore. In addition there are also cold hands of Irene Vista, the coach who was credited with galvanizing them. Imam said, he must practice every day. Not only that, “Sunday night and Monday is time to street singing (busking), he-he-he,” said Imam. The Preparation is not easy, because participants who depart a lot and need a lot of money, “we have to busking to add money.” There is also Choir Club making paid promoting services on its Instagram account for fundraising. Not a day or two, all the preparations even reached five months, said Imam.

Then, what about lectures and other personal activities? “If it is a personal obstacle, it is most difficult for time to be tasked (making assignments). In Communication Science, it has a lot of group assignments so it must be clever for time management and sometimes there are some people who don’t understand my busy schedule. Yes this is the risk,” he said. Finally, he outsmarted when it was a group assignment, he would spend time, and try to contribute even though he could not attend. There were also some who cried out, “How busy is Choir Club, It just singing.” said the Imam imitating.

Continues to Lack Money, Busking, and Legend Songs (2)

Reading Time: 2 minutes

For two consecutive days, August, 30th to 31th, 2019, International Program (IP) Communication Department’s Manager conducted Welcoming Day and Academic Skill Study activities for all IP communication students for class of 2019. The event took place at two place, each day, at Blangkon Resto (first day) and Audio Visual Room ( RAV) 3rd floor of Communication Department, this also involved IP lecturers such as Puji Rianto, Herman Felani, Holy Rafika, Ali Minanto, and of course the Secretary of IP Communication Department, Ida Nuraini Dewi Kodrat Ningsih.

Ali Minanto gave a speech representing the Head of the Communication Department, at the beginning of the event. Jogjakarta is a city of culture, he said. He is also at the same time a city of art that can certainly stimulate the reasoning power of students of Communication Department . There is a good and creative atmosphere in Jogjakarta. “Congratulations for joining us. You will get a lot of opportunities to have experience in several countries. You can join many student activities such as Klik18, Kompor.Kom film club, ‘Dispensi’ for intellectuals and Red-Action and Galaxy for Journalism and Radio,” he said.

Ali Minanto added, Communication Department also opened specialization in studies focusing on Journalism, media studies, and PR. “We are also have several lecturers whose films are screened in several countries, in Japan, in Estonia, and there are also cross-country trips with the title Passage to Asean /P2A.”

The event also become more familiar after the first batch of IP communication student representatives shared their last year stories. The story was represented by Ilyasa Alvin Abadi, IP student class of year 2018, “When I entered to this campus, I did not have friends, not even friendship, but finally day by day, and we proceed together, I can get it now,” he said in a mix language of English and Arabic. “If you join IP Class, you can also try the experience of traveling in Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam and also can understand and hone sensitivity and critical thinking,” said Ilyasa. The sensitivity is the skill to analyze social problems clearly. “I want to say welcome to our family, Ahlan wa sahlan,” Ilyasa closed with English and Arabic as well.

The introduction continues with the game. “This is a challenge of the game: how you introduce with a unique way in front of us,” said Herman Felani, Lecturer in Communication IP. Each group, which is divided up based on different group such as groups of students, lecturers, staff. Every groups have to make an introduction as unique as possible. At least, some introduced themselves in two languages: In Arabic English, there are also groups who introduce themselves by shouting using many traditional indonesian languages. It is also interesting to see a group of lecturers making “guesses game” about their names with a special sign and instructions related to themselves and the meaning of their names.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“I will develop my skills in film editing here, and many other things,” Sorlehah Pohleh said in her fluent Indonesian language. Sorlehah who is also a UII Islamic Boarding School student along with 5 other Thai students is the recipient of the UII Asian Scholarship scholarship. She is the first batch of Thai students at UII.

Sorlehah, her nickname, is from Pattani, who usually uses Malay. So it’s not too difficult to use Bahasa. Sorlehah is the first Communication Science student from Thailand to do an internship at Uniicoms TV. While Uniicoms TV is the first internet-based television at UII by raising the concept of inspiring and empowering content. As said PR Director of Uniicoms TV, Nurul Diva Kautsar, that the UniicomsTV tagline is “Inspiring and Empowering”. Uniicoms TV, established in 2018, accepts volunteers, interns, and students who want to develop themselves in the digital broadcasting and creative world.

The latest programs that have been made are for example the Ramadhan Web Series, Our “Sosok Kita” a documentary program of Chairperson of the Board of UII’s Wakaf Foundation, Elderly Boarding School Documentary Films, Coverage and News Programs, Inspiration Programs for food sovereignty from Gemah Ripah Bausasran Community, Diksi Program (Communication Discussion), and others.

Starting last August, Sorlehah was accompanied by a Uniicoms TV crew in carrying out internship work at Uniicoms TV. She will do internships like other student interns such as doing video editing, photo, video content production, social media content production, production meetings, including pre and post production activities.

Pre-production activities are important too. It start from the cultivation of scripts or program scripts, preparation of program tools and equipment, maintenance of equipment and studios, discussion and brainstorming of ideas, sharpening of ideas and program angles. Post-production activities are also commonly performed such as video editing, brand promotion, sharpening branding ideas and social media content, including routine evaluation and monitoring meetings.

Indeed, Sorlihah experienced several obstacles during her 4 years studying in Indonesia. “The obstacles are various. Starting from the language, studying culture, and also lectures and strict discipline at the Islamic Boarding School of UII.” Sorlehah also revealed that even though tuition fees are free, living costs and visas (and residence permits) are not cheap and the rates always go up. Even so, Sorlehah remains enthusiastic and will apply their knowledge so far that is learned in the classroom lectures.


Reading Time: 2 minutes

“Saya akan mengembangkan kemampuan saya dalam editing film di sini, dan banyak hal lain,” kata Sorlehah Pohleh dengan bahasa indonesianya yang fasih. Sorlehah yang juga adalah mahasiswi Pondok Pesantren UII bersama 5 mahasiswi thailand lainnya adalah penerima beasiswa UII Asian Scholarship. Ia adalah angkatan pertama mahasiswa Thailand di UII.

Sorlehah, panggilannya sehari-hari, asli Pattani yang biasa pakai bahasa melayu. Jadi sudah tidak terlalu sulit pakai bahasa Indonesia. Sorlehah adalah mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi dari Thailand pertama yang magang di Uniicoms TV. Sedangkan Uniicoms TV adalah televisi berbasis internet pertama di UII dengan mengangkat konsep konten yang inspiratif dan memberdayakan. Seperti kata Direktur PR Uniicoms TV, Nurul Diva Kautsar, bahwa tagline UniicomsTV adalah “Inspiring and Empowering”. Uniicoms TV yang berdiri pada 2018 ini menerima relawan, magang, dan mahasiswa yang ingin mengembangkan diri dalam dunia broadcasting dan dunia kreatif.

Program-program mutakhir yang telah dibuat misalnya Web Series Ramadhan, Program Sosok Kita dokumenter Ketua Pengurus Yayasan Badan Wakaf, Film Dokumenter Pesantren Lansia, Program liputan dan News, Program inspirasi kemandirian pangan dari Gemah Ripah Bausasran, Program Diksi (Diskusi Komunikasi), dan lain-lain.

Mulai Agustus lalu, Sorlehah didampingi oleh kru Uniicoms TV dalam menjalankan kerja-kerja magang di Uniicoms TV. Ia akan melakukan magang seperti mahasiswa magang yang lain seperti menjalankan kerja-kerja editing video, foto, produksi konten video, produksi konten media sosial, rapat produksi, termasuk juga melakukan kegiatan pra dan paska produksi.

Kegiatan pra produksi tak kalah penting, mulai penggarapan skrip atau naskah program, persiapan alat dan perlengkapan program, perawatan alat dan studio, diskusi ide, penajaman gagasan dan angle program. Aktivitas paska produksi juga yang biasa dilakukan seperti editing video, promosi brand, penajaman ide branding dan konten media sosial, termasuk juga rapat evaluasi dan monitoring rutin.

Sudah 4 tahun menimba ilmu di Indonesia bukan berarti tanpa kendala yang dihadapi mahasiswa Komunikasi asal Thailand ini. “Kendalanya macam-macam. Mulai dari bahasa, mempelajari budaya, dan juga kuliah dan disiplin yang ketat di Pondok Pesantren UII.” Sorlehah juga mengungkapkan meski biaya kuliah digratiskan, biaya hidup dan visa (dan ijin tinggal) bukan perkara yang murah dan selalu naik tarifnya. Meski begitu, Sorlehah tetap semangat dan akan menerapkan ilmunya selama ini yang dipelajari di bangku kelas-kelas kuliah.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“I will develop my skills in film editing here, and many other things,” Sorlehah Pohleh said in her fluent Indonesian language. Sorlehah who is also a UII Islamic Boarding School student along with 5 other Thai students is the recipient of the UII Asean Scholarship scholarship. She is the first batch of Thai students at UII.

Sorlehah, her nickname, is from Pattani, who usually uses Malay. So it’s not too difficult to use Bahasa. Sorlehah is the first Communication Science student from Thailand to do an internship at Uniicoms TV. While Uniicoms TV is the first internet-based television at UII by raising the concept of inspiring and empowering content. As said PR Director of Uniicoms TV, Nurul Diva Kautsar, that the UniicomsTV tagline is “Inspiring and Empowering”. Uniicoms TV, established in 2018, accepts volunteers, interns, and students who want to develop themselves in the digital broadcasting and creative world.

The latest programs that have been made are for example the Ramadhan Web Series, Our “Sosok Kita” a documentary program of Chairperson of the Board of UII’s Wakaf Foundation, Elderly Boarding School Documentary Films, Coverage and News Programs, Inspiration Programs for food sovereignty from Gemah Ripah Bausasran Community, Diksi Program (Communication Discussion), and others.

Starting last August, Sorlehah was accompanied by a Uniicoms TV crew in carrying out internship work at Uniicoms TV. She will do internships like other student interns such as doing video editing, photo, video content production, social media content production, production meetings, including pre and post production activities.

Pre-production activities are important too. It start from the cultivation of scripts or program scripts, preparation of program tools and equipment, maintenance of equipment and studios, discussion and brainstorming of ideas, sharpening of ideas and program angles. Post-production activities are also commonly performed such as video editing, brand promotion, sharpening branding ideas and social media content, including routine evaluation and monitoring meetings.

Indeed, Sorlihah experienced several obstacles during her 4 years studying in Indonesia. “The obstacles are various. Starting from the language, studying culture, and also lectures and strict discipline at the Islamic Boarding School of UII.” Sorlehah also revealed that even though tuition fees are free, living costs and visas (and residence permits) are not cheap and the rates always go up. Even so, Sorlehah remains enthusiastic and will apply their knowledge so far that is learned in the classroom lectures.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Puji Hariyanti pada Rapat Koordinasi Perkuliahan 26 Agustus 2019, menunjukkan dan menjelaskan beberapa poin kondisi dan situasi perkuliahan yang akan dihadapi para dosen pada semester ini di layar presentasi. Ada beberapa hal yang musti dipahami dan dimengerti, apalagi soal mahasiswa baru Komunikasi UII yang kabarnya vokal dan kreatif. “Mahasiswa komunikasi kali ini sudah terlihat vokal sejak orientasi mahasiswa (serumpun), banyak yang bertanya dan berpendapat saat diberi kesempatan,” kata Puji.

“Besok juga akan ada empat mahasiswa dari Thailand di FPSB UII. Soal bahasa tentu menjadi catatan khusus untuk membantu mereka dalam perkuliahan nantinya, terutama yang memilih masuk ke kelas International Program,” kata Puji menjelaskan kondisi perkuliahan di semester ganjil mendatang.

“Tugas-tugas yang diberikan pun kita harus sepakati tidak lebih dari empat kali, lebih dari itu bisa jenuh mahasiswa,” tambahnya. Selain itu Puji menekankan, dosen tidak diperkenankan memberi tugas sebagai pengganti ketidakhadiran dosen. “Sebaiknya anda beri kuliah tamu (pakar) atau kelas konsultasi sebagai pengganti ketidakhadiran anda,” kata Puji membaca aturan yang terpampang di layar presentasi.

Kaprodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII ini juga menegaskan bahwa tugas mahasiswa sebaiknya dikumpulkan dengan prinsip paperless. Selain sebagai komitmen pada karya yang anti plagiat, ia juga mewujudkan kampus yang minim kertas dan plastik. Salah satu dosen yang hadir dalam rapat koordinasi pagi itu juga mengamini perihal tugas kuliah yang paperless. Menurutnya, jika pun harus membuat tugas dengan bentuk hardcopy/ kertas, sebaiknya mulai sekarang dosen meminta mahasiswa tidak menggunakan kulit muka (cover makalah) dari bahan plastik mika. “Ini komitmen kita untuk mewujudkan kuliah ramah lingkungan, sebuah dukungan pada gerakan yang kini menggema di seantero dunia soal kampus dengan perspektif hijau,” kata Saifuddin Zuhri, dosen tersebut.

Kata Saifudin Zuhri, komitmen pada hidup yang ramah lingkungan memang harus dimulai dari dunia pendidikan dan dari hal yang paling sederhana. Pembiasaan-pembiasaan harus menjadi keseharian dunia akademik. Beberapa dosen lain yang hadir juga terlihat mengangguk menyepakati. Puji menyahut dan sepakat dengan usul tersebut, apalagi fasilitas google classroom atau surel bisa dipakai agar meminimalisir tugas yang banyak menggunakan kertas dan plastik mika.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The invitees gradually arrived. That morning, in the 3rd floor of Communication Department, all the staff began to rush back and forth. They are staff from academics, laboratories, documentation teams, to the Center for Documentation of Alternative Media Studies (PSDMA) Nadim which are prepared the room, presence, some practicum forms. The invitees were lecturers in this semester of 2019/2020 academic year. Ahead of the awaited event, the Lecturer and Practicum Coordination Meeting, Communication Department of FPSB UII, Puji Hariyanti, Head of Communication Department, was ready with a presentation slide in front of the audience. After everything is done, the coordination meeting begun.

The interesting things from the meeting that held on August 26, 2019, for example, Puji explained that as much as possible the assignment of students is not copying and paste or do the plagiarism. Plagiarism can damage the integrity of students. Students must be educated to anti-plagiarism action since they are students, so that when they work they have integrity. “Communication Department is committed to educate students to have integrity, so every task must be digitally collected and it can be inputed in Turnitin plagiarism testing software,” said Puji.

Undergraduate Thesis and final project in Communication Department have now been checked by a special team for plagiarism checks. Checks carried out with the help of Turnitin (via online and computerized) as well as by manual checks by specially trained teams can recognize models of writing that have a high indication of plagiarism. According to Her, there should be no “Kopasus”, the abbreviation She made which means the Copy-Paste troops . Students must be introduced that plagiarism is an act of hurting science and knowledge.

At the end of the meeting, Puji reminded the lecturers to remember the wise words from the the deceased Kiai Maimun Zubair, as a guide for educators: “So the teacher does not need to have the intention of making people smart. Later you will only get angry when you see that your students are not smart. Your sincerity will disappear. The important thing is the intention to convey knowledge and educate the good. Being smart or not, leave it to God. Pray for it continuously so that students can get guidance. “

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Para undangan berangsur-angsur berdatangan. Sepagi itu lantai 3 Komunikasi UII mulai ramai hilir mudik pula para staf tenaga pendidikan baik dari akademik, laboratorium, tim dokumentasi, hingga Pusat Studi dan Dokumentasi Media Alternatif (PSDMA) Nadim menyiapkan ruangan, presensi, konsumsi dan beberapa formulir praktikum. Para undangan itu adalah dosen pengajar pada semester ganjil tahun akademik 2019/2020. Menjelang jam acara yang dinanti, Rapat Koordinasi Dosen Pengajar dan Praktikum, Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi FPSB UII, Puji Hariyanti, Kaprodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII sudah siap di dengan slide presentasi di depan para hadirin. Setelah semua siap, rapat koordinasi dimulai.

Hal menarik dari rapat yang dihelat pada 26 Agustus 2019 ini misalnya Puji yang menjelaskan bahwa sebisa mungkin tugas mahasiswa tidak menyalin tempel atau melakukan plagiasi. Plagiasi dapat merusak integritas mahasiswa sedari awal. Mahasiswa harus dididik untuk anti plagiat sejak mahasiswa, sehingga saat bekerja ia punya integritas. “Prodi sudah berkomitmen untuk mendidik mahasiswa punya integritas, sehingga tugas-tugas yang dikumpukan secara digital dapat dimasukkan perangkat lunak penguji plagiasi turnitin,” tegas Puji.

Skripsi dan tugas akhir di Komunikasi UII pun kini telah lama dicek oleh tim khusus cek plagiasi. Cek yang dilakukan dengan bantuan Turnitin (via daring dan terkomputerisasi) maupun dengan cek manual oleh tim khusus yang sudah terlatih dapat mengenali model-model karya tulis yang memiliki indikasi plagiat yang tinggi. Menurutnya, jangan lagi ada kopasus, singkatan buatannya yang berarti pasukan kopas (copy paste). Mahasiswa harus dikenalkan bahwa plagiat adalah tindakan melukai ilmu pengetahuan.

Di akhir rapat, Puji mengingatkan para pengajar untuk ingat kata bijak dari Alm. Kiai Maimun Zubair, sebagai pegangan para pendidik: “Jadi guru itu tidak usah punya niat bikin pintar orang. Nanti kamu hanya marah-marah ketika melihat muridmu tidak pintar. Ikhlasnya jadi hilang. Yang penting niat menyampaikan ilmu dan mendidik yang baik. Masalah muridmu kelak jadi pintar atau tidak, serahkan pada Allah. Didoakan saja terus menerus agar muridnya dapat hidayah.”

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Puji Hariyanti at the Lecture Coordination Meeting on August 26, 2019, showed and explained several points on the presentation screen. The points is about the condition and situation of lectures that will be faced by lecturers this semester. There are some things that must be understood, especially about new students of Communication Department of UII who are reportedly vocal and creative. “Communication students nowadays have been seen vocal since the orientation of students (Serumpun Event), many students ask questions and think when given the opportunity,” said Puji.

“Tomorrow there will also be four students from Thailand at Faculty of Psychology, and Culture and Social Studies (FPCS)  UII too. Language problems certainly become a special note to help them in their future lectures, especially those who choose to enter the International Program class, “Puji said explaining the condition of lectures in the next odd semester.

“The assignments we give must be agreed to no more than four times, more than that students can get bored,” he added. In addition, Puji emphasized that lecturers are not permitted to give assignments as a substitute for teacher absence. “You should give a guest lecture (expert) or consultation class in lieu of your absence,” said Puji reading the rules displayed on the presentation screen.

The Head of Communication Department at UII also emphasized that student assignments should be collected on paperless principles. Aside from being a commitment to anti-plagiarism work, it also creates a campus that is minimal in paper and plastic. One of the lecturers who attended the morning coordination meeting also agreed on paperless assignments. According to him, even if you have to make assignments in the form of hard-copy / paper, it is better from now on lecturers asking students not to use cover papers from mica plastic material. “This is our commitment to realize environmentally friendly lectures, a support for the movement that is now echoing around the world about campus with a green perspective,” said Saifuddin Zuhri, the lecturer.

Saifudin Zuhri said, the commitment to an environmentally friendly life must start from the world of education and from the simplest things. Habituation must become an everyday academic world. Several other lecturers who were present also seemed to nod and agree. Puji answered and agreed with the proposal, especially Google classroom facilities or e-mail can be used to minimize the many tasks that use paper and plastic cover.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Pada 22 Agustus 2019 dosen dan civitas akademika Prodi Komunikasi UII menggelar rapat koordinasi untuk merancang strategi menembus hibah Dikti di Ruang Rapat Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII. Para dosen menyiapkan beberapa usulan judul penelitian. Setelah itu judul-judul tersebut didiskusikan kemungkinan-kemungkinan konten atau variabel apa yang memiliki popularitas dan nilai kebaruan yang tinggi. Pada kesempatan ini juga para dosen membincangkan judul mana, atau fenomena mana yang punya probabilitas tinggi agar bisa menembus hibah Ristekdikti.

Rapat ini adalah tindak lanjut dari masukan-masukan yang sudah diterima prodi komunikasi dari asesor BAN PT. Sebelumnya dua asesor BAN PT, Prof. Hafid Cangara dan Dr. Irwansyah telah melakukan kunjungan (visitasi) untuk menilai standar-standar yang dipegang prodi ini selama ini. Saat itu Dr. Irwansyah mengatakan bahwa kampus dengan jumlah riset dengan dana yang berasal dari Ristekdikti punya bobot kualitas yang tinggi dalam penilaian akreditasi. Meski seandainya tidak masuk dalam penilaian, menurutnya, dengan mendapatkan dana hibah dikti untuk penelitian itu artinya menunjukkan bahwa program studi tersebut mempunyai kredibilitas dan kualitas yang tinggi dan diakui secara nasional. Pasalnya, cukup sulit menerima hibah dikti, sulit dari segi menembusnya, pengelolaan dana dan juga dari segi pelaporan.

Rapat kali ini mencoba memetakan fenomena-fenomena penting apa yang seringkali luput dari pandangan kita, tetapi penting dan belum pernah diteliti dan punya nilai kebermanfaatan yang besar. Tiap dosen pada rapat ini telah menyiapkan proposal dan dibahas satu per satu untuk dinilai, dikritisi, dan dikomentari diberi masukan perbaikan atau sekadar menguatkan. Masing-masing individu dosen juga bisa berbagi sumber, referensi, dan koneksi untuk menyempurnakan rencana penelitian yang akan dikirim agar mendapat hibah dikti tersebut. Selain itu, tanpa hibah dikti pun, ruang-ruang akademik dalam skema penelitian sejatinya sudah mentradisi di Prodi Komunikasi UII. Prodi Komunikasi UII telah memiliki kebiasaan mendanai riset-riset dosennya untuk mendukung tradisi riset dan menguatkan klaster akademik para akademisinya.

Perlu diketahui, Komunikasi UII memiliki enam klaster besar yang menjadi fokus kajian tiap dosennya. Enam klaster inilah yang menjadikan akademisi-akademisi di Komunikasi UII menjadi rujukan solusi kebangsaan dan keumatan. Klaster-klaster tersebut juga secara tidak langsung menguatkan kepakaran para dosen di Komunikasi UII. Enam klaster itu adalah Jurnalisme, Public Relation, Komunikasi Pemberdayaan, Kebijakan dan Regulasi Komunikasi, Komunikasi Visual, Komunikasi Lingkungan dan Geografi.

Puji Rianto misalnya, ia akan menguatkan dirinya pada keahlian Regulasi Komunikasi dan Kajian Khalayak dalam rencana risetnya. Sedangkan Ratna Permata Sari dan Sumekar Tanjung akan berduet mengajukan gagasan penelitian tentang fenomena budaya populer dan gender dalam balutan komunikasi visual. Atau bisa juga menilik rencana riset Holy Rafika yang dalam tahun-tahun belakangan telah menegaskan kepakarannya pada kajian-kajian ruang, mediatisasi, dan sebagainya dalam bingkai komunikasi geografi.