Riset menjadi penting dalam produksi konten kreatif. Riset menentukan seberapa kuat konten podcast yang akan anda buat. Ide kreatif juga akan muncul dengan sendirinya ketika riset konten podcast dilakukan. Termasuk meneliti konten-konten podcast milik orang lain.

Setidaknya, ada lima tips dalam melakukan riset agar menjadikan konten podcast Anda unik dan menarik. “Pertama, tentukan dulu mau konten apa yang mau kamu sajikan dan narasumbernya siapa,” kata Tri Rizal Ghofur, Content Creative di Narasi pada 2018 – 2020, pada Selasa, 31 Agustus 2021.

Ghofur adalah pembicara dalam Webinar Series “Penting Nggak sih Riset dalam Podcast Interview?” Acara webinar bersama Ghofur ini adalah Rangkaian Acara Festival Konten Inspiratif (FKI) 2021. FKI tahun kedua ini digelar oleh Uniicoms TV, TV online pertama di UII, agar muncul konten-konten yang bermutu dan inspiratif di dunia maya.

Pria yang juga Producer di Lemonilo, ini mengatakan, selain menentukan narasumber, kita juga harus membaca semua artikel tentang calon narasumber yang akan diajak bicara dalam konten podcast. “Hal ini penting supaya konten kita menjadi konten yang nggak biasa,” kata Ghofur, panggilan akbra Tri Rizal Ghofur. Tips kedua, kata Ghofur, tonton semua video tentang si calon narasumber. Cara ini juga akan kita mendapatkan pencerahan dari narasumber.

Kemudian, tips keempat kata Ghofur, adalah, “ngobrol dengan orang terdekat narasumber.” Menurut Ghofur, dari obrolan dengan narasumber harapannya akan ditemukan ide dan kata-kata yang bisa dijadikan konten kemasa kreatif dengan si narasumber.

Perlu juga dicoba tips terakhir dari Ghofur. Misalnya menngikuti dan melacak konten media sosial si narasumber. Dari sini, bahan obrolan untuk podcast bisa menjadi lebih kaya dan tentu saja bahan untuk host agar tidak kehabisan isu obrolan.

Pungkasan, Ghofur memberi tips ringkas memulai hingga mememrtahankan konten podcast yang menarik. “Ceritakan saja tentang hal yang sangat dekat, dan tidak usah berpikir ingin menggunakan alat yang bagus, pakai HP saja,” kata Ghofur. Tentunya, topik yang ingin dibicarakan harus diriset dahulu. Lalu yang terakhir, dan terpenting, konsisten memproduksi konten.

Metode adalah semata alat. Ia membantu penelitian mencapai tujuannya. Oleh karenanya, metode sedapat mungkin dikuasai semuanya. Baik itu metode penelitian kualitatif maupun kuantitatif. Dengan metode kuantitatif, riset bisa melihat beragam kemungkinan statistik dan angka.

Kunto Adi Wibowo, Dosen di Fikom Unpad, Bandung, mendapatkan pesan itu dari profesornya selama ia studi doktoral di Amerika Serikat. Sejak itu ia menekuni beragam metode termasuk memelajari metode kuantitatif hingga menelusuri metode ini di bidang statistik dan psikologi. “Kata profesor saya, penguasaan atas ini (metode) akan memudahkan peneliti melakukan riset,” kata Kunto di Pelatihan Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif pada 28 Agustus 2021.

Unit Pengelolaan Jurnal dan Publikasi Karya Ilmiah FPSB UII, mengadakan kegiatan ini agar ada penyegaran metode. Para pengelola jurnal di lingkungan FPSB UII diharapkan dapat meningkat kapasitasnya dan, “membantu editor dalam menyeleksi naskah kuantitatif yang berkualitas,” kata Puji Rianto, Kepala Unit Pengelolaan Jurnal dan Publikasi Karya Ilmiah FPSB UII, saat dihubungi kemarin 30 Agustus 2021.

Jenis Penelitian Kuantitatif

Jenis penelitian kuantitatif, kata Kunto, dibagi menjadi tiga jenis. Pertama adalah penelitian kuantitatif deskriptif, korelasional, dan yang ketiga adalah penelitian kuantitatif jenis eksperimental.

“Eksperimental itu soal hubungan sebab akibat. Cirinya yaitu pertama, Sebab harus lebih duluan. Kalo korelasional itu yg penting korelatif,” kata Kunto yang juga adalah reviewer jurnal nasional dan internasional. “Yang kedua, sebab harus mengakibatkan akibat. Ketiga, sebab dan akibat tidak boleh kebetulan semata hubungannya. Itu eksperimental. Makanya itu di laboratorium ada pengukuran-pengukuran,” tambahnya.

Untuk membedakan eksperimental dan korelasional, “Biasanya saya pake ini. Correlation is not causation,” jelas Kunto membedakan.

Bagi Kunto, Tidak semua yang hipotesisnya hasilnya keliru adalah penelitian gagal. Justru ia memfalsifikasi teori. “Penelitian seperti itu malah memberi sumbangan pada pengetahuan,” kata Kunto. Namun itu juga tergantung apakah metodenya benar dan valid.

Dengan memahami metode kuantitatif lebih detil, pengelola jurnal di lingkungan FPSB UII diharapkan dapat jeli menentukan naskah-naskah jurnal yang masuk dengan menggunakan metode kuantitatif yang berkualitas. Pada gilirannya, kualitas jurnal diharapkan akan meningkat.

Features allow us to write in style. Writing news stories, or commonly called features, can make writers explore language styles, inject values, and tell stories like fairy tales.

“Although it looks like a story or a fairy tale, the feature is not an imagination, it’s just a storytelling style. It’s more flexible and less rigid than writing hard news stories,” said AP Wicaksono, a speaker from UII of the Department of Communications Web manager, in a content production workshop for the UII Islamic Boarding School website on August 22. 2021.

According to Wicaksono, writing hardnews is enough with 6W and 2H information. “One additional W is What next, and one additional H is How Much,” said Wicaksono explaining tips that are no longer just 5W1H. “As long as the most important information from the first informant appears in advance, then we can add complementary information from other sources,” he said.

Farikha, one of the participants, also observed that features can make writers transmit human values ​​and concern for speakers to readers. Participants in this training were asked to read the work of a Kompas journalist entitled Om Batman, as a simple example.

After reading the example of feature writing delivered by the speaker, Asliha Latifa believes that there are values ​​conveyed in the feature writing style. There is also the use of figures of speech and figurative language in feature writing, as is the opinion of Khalida, another participant.

But the point is, with training using the comparative method, the participants have been able to clearly feel the difference in style between hard news and features. This understanding makes it easy for participants to write hard news in the simulation session. Collected 11 news articles on the activities of the participants in the website content production training this time. 

Farchan, the member of Media Santri, hopes that after this training, in turn, these writings can become the capital for the santri media retainer to manage the UII pesantren web in the future. “A total of 18 santri media managers will later manage the santri media lines, ranging from the web to social media,” he said.

If you review research journal manuscripts with quantitative methods, be sure to do an empathetic review. Submission of criticism is good, but still must be constructive.

As a manuscript reviewer, make sure that you do not have a conflict of interest with the content of the manuscript. “Immediately inform the editor if you have a conflict of interest,” said Kunto Adi Wibowo, Fikom Unpad lecturer, at the Quantitative Research Methods Training on August 28, 2021.

“I, for example, will refuse to review a manuscript where he criticizes my research. Although I can, I avoid bias in the review,” added this doctoral graduate from Wayne State University, United States.

The first step in reviewing quantitative research is to do a preliminary reading. Check what the main objective is and whether it is relevant and interesting. Ensure the originality of the topic and, “Newness of both theoretical perspectives, methods, and results,” said Kunto. This includes checking whether the methods and interpretations are convincing.

The next step is to examine the introduction section. In addition to reading the objectives, arguments accompanied by state of art, it is also necessary to check the literature review section. Kunto said, “Literature review is not cherry-picking. If the researcher is serious, we can see that the researcher understands the context and not the origin of the paste.”

The study of the methods section is also important as the next step. In the method section, check whether the information is detailed enough about the measurement, “if possible there is a questionnaire attached,” said Kunto in his presentation. In his presentation page, Kunto does not contain a theory/definition of the method, but a description of what has been done and the arguments for doing it.

Next is the step of review and discussion in the results and discussion section: does statistical analysis have a solid foundation? The reviewer also reads whether the data description is explained in a simple way.

In the closing section, according to Kunto, the author should write a conclusion briefly and based on the results of his research. He also doesn’t use much self-citation in the reference section.


Writing is not an easy matter. Moreover, writing so that many people buy and are interested in the products we sell. Writing for advertising content especially, can’t be too long, let alone convoluted. Advertising content must persuade people to at least stop viewing our products.

The key to reaching consumers is to write-copywriting eye catching, simple, and not long. It’s rare to start writing for an ad that can’t be arbitrary. “The main thing is research. We have to research first before writing for advertising,” said Nasuha Ali, copywriter at Zenius Education, on Friday (27/8/2021) on the talk show belonging to the International Program, Teatime, .

Nasuha Ali is currently working at edutech zenius. He is used to writing for the benefit of Zenius ad copywriting. Nasuha said that many of his creative and writing abilities were formed since college. “The crisis course is used once. IMC is also the key for me to work in the creative and marketing world. Academic writing is primarily the foundation for determining the structure of writing,” he said.

Are there steps to do copywriting?

“First, it depends on the brief. Copywriters and content writers are different. If a copywriter works in creative for ad text. It depends on the brief, graphic design, creative, and others,” said Nasuha. Especially the main step is research. Competitor research, reader segment research, then language determination and message research.

“Then we need to adjust what key message we want to highlight in the creative ad content,” explained Nasuha, who is also an alumni of UII at the Department of Communications. “The division of tasks in advertising production includes copywriters, graphic designers, or from the campaign section, as well as marketing,” Nasuha said, this team also considers brand voice, key messages, and aesthetic elements. “The point is teamwork,” he said.

Zenius, said Nasuha, is a technology-based education company. Online tutoring. “We provide a platform outside of school hours. Now, the teacher is there, you can live, you can immediately do practice questions until you try out,” he said, explaining Zenius’ profile.

A copywriter is a person who writes digital advertising content. The output provides an eye-catching, simple, and appropriate advertisement for the key message. “The difference is that if the content writer or SEO writer outputs long writing, more than 300 words, what if people see it, they immediately buy or click. Help sales (sales).”

This is very important for a copywriter, said Nasuha. “People nowadays rarely like to read long, so copywriters are important to write to reach more consumers in a short and digital way.”

Jika anda melakukan review (mengulas) naskah jurnal penelitian dengan metode kuantitatif, pastikan lakukan penelaahan secara empatik. Penyampaian kritik itu baik, tetapi tetap harus konstruktif.

Sebagai reviewer naskah, pastikan juga anda tidak memiliki konflik kepentingan dengan konten naskah. “Segera informasikan pada editor jika anda memiliki conflict of interest,” kata Kunto Adi Wibowo, dosen Fikom Unpad, di Pelatihan Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif pada 28 Agustus 2021.

“Saya, misalnya, akan menolak mengulas naskah yang dia mengkritik penelitian saya. Meskipun saya bisa, tapi saya menghindari bias dalam review,” imbuh doktor lulusan Wayne State University, Amerika Serikat, ini.

Langkah pertama mengulas penelitian kuantitatif adalah melakukan pembacaan awal. Cek apa tujuan utama dan apakah relevan dan menarik. Pastikan orisinitas topik dan, “Kebaruan baik perspektif teoretis, metode, maupun hasil,” kata Kunto. Termasuk cek apakah metode dan interpretasi meyakinkan.

Langkah berikutnya adalah menelaah pada bagian introduksi. Selain membaca tujuan, argumen yang disertai state of the art, perlu pula dicek bagian literature review. Kunto mengatakan, “Literature review tidak cherry picking. Kalau peneliti serius, kita bisa melihat peneliti memahami konteks dan bukan asal tempel.”

Penelaahan bagian metode juga penting sebagai tahap berikutnya. Pada bagian metode, cek apakah Informasi cukup detil tentang pengukuran, “jika memungkinkan ada lampiran kuesioner,” kata Kunto dalam presentasinya. Dalam laman presentasinya, Kunto Bukan berisi teori/definisi tentang metode namun deskripsi apa yang telah dilakukan serta argument mengapa melakukan hal tersebut.

Selanjutnya, langkah penelaahan dan pembahasan pada bagian hasil dan diskusi: apakah analisis statistik memiliki landasan yang kuat? Pengulas juga membaca apakah deskripsi data dijelaskan dengan cara yang sederhana.

Pada bagian penutup, menurut Kunto, penulis harus menulis simpulan dengan singkat dan berdasar hasil risetnya. Ia juga tidak banyak menggunakan self citation pada bagian referensi.

Menulis bukan perkara mudah. Apalagi menulis agar banyak orang ikut membeli dan tertarik dengan produk jualan kita. Menulis untuk konten iklan terutama, tak bisa terlalu panjang, apalagi berbelit-belit. Konten iklan harus mengajak orang minimal berhenti melihat produk kita.

Kunci meraih konsumen adalah menulis copywriting yang eyecathing, simpel, dan tidak panjang. Langka memulai menulis untuk iklan tak bisa sembarangan. “Yang utama itu riset. Kita harus riset dulu sebelum menulis untuk advertising,” ujar Nasuha Ali, copywriter di Zenius Education, pada Jumat (27/8/2021) di acara bincang-bincang milik International Program yaitu Teatime, .

Nasuha Ali saat ini bekerja di edu tech zenius. Dia terbiasa menulis untuk kepentingan copywriting iklan Zenius. Nasuha berkata kemampuan kreatif dan menulisnya banyak dibentuk sejak kuliah. “Mata kuliah krisis itu terpakai sekali. IMC juga jadi kunci saya juga bergerak di dunia kreatif dan marketing. Penulisan akademik terutama jadi pondasi menentukan struktur tulisan,” katanya .

Adakah Langkah-langkah Melakukan Copywriting?

“Pertama tergantung brief nya. Copywriter dan content wirter beda. Kalo copywriter kan bekerja di kreatif untuk teks iklan. Itu tergantung dengan biefnya, desain grafis, creative, dan lain-lain,” kata Nasuha. Terutama langkah utama adalah riset. Riset kompetitor, riset segmen pembaca, lalu penentuan bahasa dan riset pesan.

“Lalu kemudian kita perlu menyesuaikan apa key message yang mau kita tonjolkan dalam konten iklan kreatif,” jelas Nasuha, yang juga alumni Komunikasi UII. “Pembagian tugas di produksi iklannya ada copywiter, graphic designer, atau dari bagian campaign, juga marketing,” Nasuha bilang, tim ini juga memertimbankan brand voice, key message, dan unsur estetik. “Intinya adalah kerja tim,” katanya..

Zenius, kata Nasuha, adalah perusahaan edukasi berbasis teknologi. Bimbingan belajar online. “Kami menyediakan satu platform di luar jam sekolah. Nah sekarang gurunya ada, bisa live, bisa langsung ngerjain latihan soal sampai try out,” katanya emnejlaskan profil Zenius.

Copywriter adalah orang yang menulis konten iklan digital. Outputnya menyediakan iklan yang eyecathing, simple, dan sesuai key message. “Bedanya kalau content writer atau SEO writer itu outputnya tulisan panjang, lebih dari 300 kata, gimana caranya kalo orang liat itu langsung beli atau klik. Ngebantu penjualanlah (sales).”

Ini penting sekali copywriter, kata Nasuha. “Orang sekarang kan jarang suka membaca panjang, jadi copywriter penting menulis untuk meraih konsumen lebih banyak secara singkat dan digital.”

Untuk Menjadi profesional, kita harus bisa menentukan menjadi generalis atau spesialis. Meskipun beberapa orang ada yang memilih menjadi generalis, bisa melakukan segala, tetapi sebaiknya menekuni bidang spesiaisasimu bisa menjadi arah sejak menjadi mahasiswa. Spesialisasi bidang kajian dan keahlian akan sangat menentukan ketika kamu memasuki dunia kerja profesional.

“Ada di dunia kerja itu ada yang dia milih jadi palugada, apa lu mau gue ada. Semua yang diminta, aku bisa. Atau kalau misal mau spesialis, ya sejak awal protofoio kamu itu mengarah ke spesialisasi yang mau kamu tuju,” ujar Nasuha Ali, copywriter di Edutech Zenius Education, pada bincang-bincang Teatime, Jumat, 27 Agustus 2021.

Lewat saluran tayangan langsung Instagram Live, Nasuha bercerita bagaimana ia mengawali karir dan berjibaku dengan rivalitas di dunia profesional. “Anak-anak komunikasi itu kan suka berkarya, nah karya dan portofolio ini yang jadi modal kamu menghadapi persaingan. Justru yang sudah punya pengalaman lebih banyak. Ada yang sudah punya pengalaman minimal satu hingga dua tahun, gimana fresh graduate bisa bersaing?,” papar Nasuha Ali, yang juga adalah alumni Komunikasi UII. “Ya perbanyak karya dan pengalaman project, bisa penelitian dengan dosen, program dengan teman, dan lain sebagainya. Pengalaman itulah yang menjadi daya saing kita dengan orang-orang profesional berpengalaman satu dua tahun itu,” katanya memberi saran.

Menurutnya, kegiatan kampus dan kuliah banyak membantunya mengahdapi dunia kerja. Banyak mata kuliah yang turut andil membantunya kini berkembang di dunia copywriter. “Dulu ada mata kuliah dasar-dasar soal teori penulisan, advertising, dasar soal PR (Public Relation), dan menulis rilis. Itu kita dilatih menulis di bidang minat komunikasi strategis,” papar Nasuha mengenang masa-masa kuliah

Dulu, Nasuha bercerita, ia sudah mencoba pengalaman berkarya ini dan itu. Mulai dari ikut program dosen, program karya bersama teman, hingga mendaftar di pekerjaan-pekerjaan yang dianggap sepele. Itu caranya untuk mengetahui kompleksitas dunia kerja. Ia juga akhirnya tetap harus berjuang mengirim ratusan lamaran. Saingannya, menurutnya, adalah mereka-mereka yang sudah berpengalaman kerja, meskipun lowongan itu diperuntukkan untuk fresh graduate. Kunci dan modal utama bersaingnya adalah pengalaman aktivitas di komunitas dan akademik ketika kuliah di Komunikasi UII.



To become a professional, we must be able to decide whether to be a generalist or a specialist. Even though there are some people who choose to be generalists, they can do anything, but it’s best if pursuing your field of specialization can be a direction since you are a student. Specialization in the field of study and expertise will be very decisive when you enter the world of professional work.

“In the world of work, there is someone who chooses to be a ‘yes man. Or, for example, if you want to be a specialist, from the start, your portfolio will lead to the speciality you want to go to,” said Nasuha Ali, copywriter at Edutech Zenius Education, during the Teatime talk show, Friday, August 27, 2021.

Through the live Instagram Live channel, Nasuha told how he started his career and struggled with rivalries in the professional world. “Students of communication like to create creative projects, so this work and portfolio are your capital to face competition.

Instead, they have more experience. How can fresh graduates compete with anyone who already has at least one to two years of experience?” said Nasuha Ali, who is also an alumnus of UII of the Department of Communications. “Yes, multiply the work and project experience, you can do research with lecturers, the program with friends, and so on. That experience is what makes us competitive with those professionals with one or two years of experience,” he advised.

According to him, campus and college activities helped him face the world of work. Many courses that contributed to helping him now thrive in the world of copywriting.

“In the past, there were basic courses on writing theory, advertising, basic PR (Public Relations), and writing press releases. We are trained to write in the field of strategic communication,” said Nasuha, reminiscing about his college days.

In the past, Nasuha told us that he had tried this and that work experience. Starting from participating in lecturer programs, work programs with friends, to registering in trivial jobs. That’s his way of knowing the complexity of the world of work. He also ended up still having to struggle to send hundreds of applications. 

The competitors, according to him, are those who have work experience, even though the vacancies are intended for fresh graduates. The key and the main competitive capital is the experience of community and academic activities while studying at UII of the Department of Communications.

In the midst of Independence Day, a sense of nationalism is not limited to flag symbols and flag ceremonies. Expressing nationalism in the midst of a pandemic can be done by doing small and simple things, but it can be very influential, done together. This can be done by students who are often embedded as agents of change.

Herman Felani, one of the lecturers at Department of Communications at the Universitas Islam Indonesia  (UII) offered the meaning of nationalism at the Teatime International Program of Communication Department, UII. Guided by Muhammad Daffa Athalariq, student class 2019, Saturday, August 20, 2021, we talked casually, discussing how to fill nationalism during a pandemic.

During a pandemic like this, any nuance loses its passion. August, which is usually filled with various competitions and other celebrations, can now only be done at home. Socializing is only limited to social media or the zoom room. In this condition at least, “If you can’t feel the vibe. But, we can put up flags, put up banners. It’s symbolic. It’s a trivial thing, but it awakens the spirit of nationalism,” suggested Herman if he couldn’t do anything else that was more useful.

On a higher level, on independence day Herman advised young people to convey good things as a nation. “If we can’t get together as a nation, imagine community we still apply. We are still one community by spreading good messages during the pandemic.

At the next level, Herman said that students can do simple and trivial things, but have great benefits. Herman described that many Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) have gone out of business. He gave an example of a neighbor who helps other neighbors whose sales are quiet due to the pandemic. “He helps sell his friend’s merchandise through social media accounts and online buying and selling accounts. This simple thing is not a big thing, but if many people do it, the benefits are great. It can help a lot of people,” said Herman as an example.

For Herman, nationalism is not just an independence day, a flag, or a ceremony. Nor is it about a particular geographic area, nor is it merely the hometown where I was born and raised. “Nationalism is humanity and justice. It’s not about the hometown where I was born and raised by my mother,” Herman said. Because now it is very felt that whatever happens on earth will have an effect wherever we are. Everything is connected.