Reading Time: 2 minutes

Talking about the days of the final semester when you have to struggle with finishing and writing a thesis, days can seem very heavy. Discipline and a support system will help through that stressful day.

The discussion about the thesis days became the topic of the Teatime program, hosted by Arsila and Ola, students of the International Program in Communication at UII. The teatime entitled “Talking About Thesis Defense and Final Years Student Life in IPC UII” invited Muhammad Aditya Arvian, a student of the International Program of Communication Department, on Friday, March 25, 2022.

Muhammad Aditya Arvian, usually called Adit, recounted his days at the end of the semester. He said his day was not as many people imagine. “Don’t imagine me working on my thesis and waiting for the laptop day and night. Not really. There is also a lot of free time,“ said Adit.

But being too preoccupied with a lot of free time is also not beneficial. The time he has to work on the thesis is enough for him to complete it. Sometimes there is a hard time, and sometimes, there is a time to loose. One thing he underlined in carrying out his thesis days: “Don’t wait for a good mood,” said Adit. “If you’re in a bad mood, calm down first then remember again what goal is.”

Overcoming it is also sometimes challenging. It takes the ability to regulate self-will and reluctance. The word discipline is not enough to help get out of laziness. Setting targets and being consistent day after day is the key.

“I am committed to making progress every day, even if only by making one sentence or paragraph,” Adit said, remembering the process of writing his thesis. Adit noted that the process was often profitable. Because sometimes, there are days when you are very excited and can write several pages at once.

Apart from daily progress, Adit also provides self-rewards to trigger him to complete his thesis. He’ll have a lot of free time to spend on whatever he loves if he can finish before the deadline. “For example, next Wednesday, I have to finish Chapter 2, and I will have a personal deadline to finish on Sunday. If it’s finished before that day, I have a long free time,” said Adit.

In addition to the motivation built within himself, Adit admits that friends are a formidable support system in completing the thesis. “Friends are needed. Very supportive. Many have encouraged me when there is a fear of not finishing the thesis. Some friends can also be friends for discussion. Seeing the progress of other friends also triggers myself to be even more enthusiastic.”

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Berbincang tentang hari-hari semester akhir yang harus bergumul dengan penyelesaian dan penulisan tesis, hari-hari sepertinya bisa terasa sangat berat. Disiplin dan support system akan sangat membantu melalui hari yang penuh tekanan itu.

Obrolan tentang hari-hari skripsi itu menjadi topik acara Teatime yang dipandu oleh Arsila dan Ola, keduanya adalah mahasiswa Program Internasional di Komunikasi UII. Teatime yang bertajuk “Talking About Thesis Defence and Final Years Life Student in IPC UII” itu mengundang Muhammad Aditya Arvian, salah satu mahasiswa International Program of Communication Department pada Jumat, 25 Maret 2022.

Muhammad Aditya Arvian yang biasa disapa Adit itu menceritakan hari-harinya di akhir semester. Dia bilang, harinya tidak seperti yang banyak orang banyangkan. “Jangan dibayangin aku ngerjain skripsi dan nungguin laptop siang malem. Nggak juga. Banyak juga waktu luang,” kata Adit.

Namun terlalu terlena dengan banyak waktu luang juga tidak menguntungkan. Waktu yang dimiliki untuk mengerjakan skripsi itu cukup untuknya untuk menyelesaikan. Kadang ada waktu yang berat, kadang ada waktunya untuk longgar. Satu hal yang dia garis bawahi dalam menjalani hari-hari skripsinya: “Don’t wait for good mood,” kata Adit. ”Kalau sedang  bad mood, tenangin diri dulu baru inget lagi apa goal kita.”

Untuk mengatasi itu juga kadang tak mudah. Butuh kemampuan mengatur keinginan dan keengganan diri. Kata disiplin, tidak cukup membantu keluar dari rasa malas. Menetapkan target dan selalu konsisiten hari demi hari adalah kuncinya.

“Aku berkomitmen untuk membuat progress setiap hari walaupun hanya dengan membuat satu kalimat,atau  satu paragraf,” ujar Adit mengingat prosesnya menulis skripsi. Adit menceritakan bahwa proses itu sering kali menguntungkan. Karena kadang ada hari yang sangat bersemangat, dan bisa menuliskan beberapa halaman sekaligus.

Selain progress harian, Adit juga memberikan self-reward untuk memicunya menyelesaikan skripsi. Ia akan punya banyak waktu luang yang dapat ia gunakan untuk apapun yang ia sukai jika ia bisa menyelesaikan sebelum waktu tenggatnya. “Misal rabu depan aku harus menyelesikan Bab 2, aku akan punya deadline pribadi yaitu menyelesaikan di hari minggu. Jika selesai sebelum hari tersebut kan aku punya free time yang panjang,” kata Adit.

Selain motivasi yang dibangun dalam diri, Adit juga mengakui bahwa teman seperjuangan dalam menyelesaikan skripsi merupakan support system yang tangguh. “Teman sangat dibutuhkan. Support banget. Saat ada rasa takut skripsinya takut nggak kelar, banyak yang udah semangatin. Ada teman bisa juga untuk teman diskusi. Melihat progress teman lain juga menjadi pemicu diri untuk lebih semangat lagi.”

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Mencipta blog atau website kini adalah niscaya. Eranya sudah masuk ke era serba internet. Serba terhubung satu sama lain.
Lewat media sosial dan website. Selain saling terkoneksi, setiap orang kini juga bisa membuat medianya sendiri. Tak pandang bulu.

Dari Desa hingga kota, dari pelajar sampai pekerja, petani hingga pegawai, mulai muda hingga tua. Tujuannya juga beragam.
Buat jualan, ekspresi pribadi, sarana sosialisasi, sampai hanya numpang eksis. Semua bisa bikin blog untuk mengutarakan
pendapat dan komentarnya atas banyak peristiwa di sekitarnya.

Begitulah yang diungkapkan oleh Anugrah Pambudi, pengelola website Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII. Pambudi mengatakan manfaat aktif menulis dan membuat konten di blog atau website banyak sekali. Misalnya, mengembangkan kemampuan menulis hingga sekadar menambah kenalan dan pengalaman di seluruh penjuru dunia. Beberapa blog ada yang digunakan juga untuk wadah aspirasi komunitas dan juga untuk berbagi tips pengalaman pribadi.

“Selain itu, nge-blog juga bisa membantu kita mengembangkan kemampuan berbahasa dan fotografi,” kata Pambudi, dalam pelatihan pengelolaan blog dan sosial media pada Rabu (23/3/2022). Pasalnya, semakin sering kita
menulis dan memotret untuk selalu aktif di blog kita, semakin lihai juga kemampuan kita nantinya. Seperti pepatah Alah bisa karena biasa atau seperti pepatah jawa: Witing trisno jalaran seko kulino.

Pada pelatihan kerjasama antara Prodi Komunikasi UII dan Diskominfo, Bantul, ini, semua peserta juga langsung praktek membuat blog pribadi. Pambudi memandu pelatihan dengan tahap demi tahap sampai semua peserta memiliki alamat web-blog masing-masing. “Harapannya, ke depan semua peserta dari Kelompok Informasi Masyarakat (KIM) se-Bantul, ini dapat mengangkat potensi lokal lewat publikasi berita di blognya masing-masing,” kata Narayana Mahendra Prastya, Dosen Komunikasi UII, pelaksana Program Pengabdian Masyarakat kali ini. Menurut Narayana, selain membuat blog, peserta juga bakal belajar menulis berita dan fotografi di beberapa hari berikutnya.

Pada Kesempatan pelatihan kali ini, blog yang ditawarkan adalah blog dengan Content Management System (CMS) keluaran WordPress. Blogspot juga disarankan karena sifatnya yang tidak berbayar tapi juga tetap punya tampilan yang menarik. Blog dengan sistem WordPress dan Blogspot juga sudah banyak dipakai sehingga dirasa lebih stabil dan bisa mengabadi tak pernah hilang dalam jagat maya.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Creating a blog or website is now a must. The era has entered the age of the all-internet. Everything is connected to each other. Through social media and websites. Besides being connected to each other, now everyone can also create their own media. Indiscriminately.

From villages to cities, from students to workers, farmers to employees, and from young to old. The goals are also varied.
For sales, personal expression, and means of socialization, until it just rides in. Everyone can make a blog to express
his opinions and comments on many of the events around him.

That’s what Anugrah Pambudi, website manager of the UII Communication Department, said. Pambudi said the benefits of actively writing and creating content on a blog or website are numerous. For example, they were developing writing skills by simply adding acquaintances and experiences from all over the world. Several blogs are also used to accommodate community aspirations and share personal experience tips.

“Apart from that, blogging can also help us develop language and photography skills,” said Pambudi, in a blog and social media management training on Wednesday (23/3/2022). The reason is, the more often we write and take pictures to always be active on our blog, the more skilled our abilities will be. As the saying goes, you can because you used to do it or as the Javanese proverb says: Witing trisno jalaran seko kulino, The more you try, the more you can.

In this collaborative training between the UII Communication Study Program and Diskominfo, Bantul, all participants also immediately started practicing creating personal blogs. Pambudi guides the training step by step until all participants have their own web blog address. “Hopefully, in the future all participants from the Community Information Group (KIM) throughout Bantul, will be able to raise local potential through news publications on their respective blogs,” said Narayana Mahendra Prastya, UII Communications Lecturer, executor of the Community Service Program this time. According to Narayana, apart from creating a blog, the participants will also learn how to write news and photography in the following days.

At this training opportunity, the blog offered is a blog with a Content Management System (CMS) output by WordPress. Blogspot is also recommended because it is not paid but has an attractive appearance. Blogs with WordPress and Blogspot systems have also been widely used to feel more stable and can last forever and never disappear in cyberspace.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Being part of the IISMA (Indonesia International Student Mobility Award) Awardee is the dream of many Indonesian students nowadays. Listening to stories of the awardee’s journey and process while studying abroad will increase their enthusiasm to be part of IISMA. What Nadira’s journey was like when studying at Leeds University and how she got through has been much awaited by many students.

The theme for the teatime on 11 March 2022 reviews Nadira Muthia Supadi’s journey from preparation to the study process in the UK. Nadira is one of the students from the International Program of Communication Department at the Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) who successfully passed the IISMA and studied at Leeds University in the United Kingdom.

Preparations to Avoid Culture Shock

Nadira talks about her preparations before she left for London, UK. Before leaving, she searched for articles about life in the UK (England). She did this so that later She would not be surprised by all the culture and way of life in the UK, which is very different from the way of life in Indonesia. She also prepared himself not to carry many things. “I only bring important things. Bring only a little stuff. Remember, I go there alone, and I have to bring all the stuff myself,” Nadira advised, remembering her previous trip preparations.

What she only know is how to behave in a place far from home. How to prepare to avoid all the culture shock. Prepare all of them in a simple way only. Conversely, what Nadira wants to say is don’t bother yourself. You are not in your hometown.

Nadira did not experience too many difficulties in the UK because she had prepared before departure. “I’m quite ready there. I’ve prepared a lot of tips for this and that. If you have to travel, how should you travel? So be more prepared for that.”

Even so, Nadira admitted that she still faced obstacles after arriving there. “I have to adapt again,” said Nadira.

Even though she has good English skills and is used to speaking foreign languages, Nadira still has to get used to speaking with English people whose words are sometimes difficult for her to understand. “In the beginning, sometimes I didn’t understand what they were talking about. It’s not clear,” Nadira said when she faced several people whose accents and vocabulary pronunciations weren’t very familiar.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Menjadi bagian dari IISMA (Indonesia International Student Mobility Award) Awardee adalah impian banyak mahasiswa Indonesia. Mendengarkan cerita perjalanan dan proses awardee saat kuliah di negeri orang akan meningkatkan gairah mereka untuk menjadi bagian dari IISMA. Seperti apa perjalanannya Nadira saat Kuliah di Leeds University dan bagaimana dia bisa menembus sudah banyak ditunggu oleh banyak mahasiswa.

Tema teatime pada 11 Maret 2022 ini mengulas perjalanan Nadira Muthia Supadi dari persiapan hingga proses belajar di UK. Nadira adalah salah satu mahasiswa International Program of Communication Department Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) yang berhasil lolos untuk mengikuti IISMA ke Leeds University of United Kingdom.

Persiapan Menghindari Culture Shock

Nadira bercerita tentang persiapannya sebelum ia berangkat ke London UK. Sebelum berangkat ia banyak mencari artikel tentang kehidupan di UK (Inggris). Hal ini ia lakukan agara ia nantinya tidak kaget dengan semua kultur dan cara hidup di UK yang berbeda jauh dengan cara hidupnya di Indonesia. Ia juga mempersiapkan diri untuk tidak membawa barang banyak, “aku sih bawa barang yang penting aja. Jangan bawa barang banyak. Ingat, kalau aku kesana sendiri dan semua barang harus aku bawa sendiri,” pesan Nadira mengingat persiapan perjalanannya dulu.


Nadira tidak terlalu banyak mengalami kesulitasn ketika di UK karena ia sudah persiapkan sebelum keberangkatan. “Aku sih sudah agak siap di sana. Aku sudah banyak persiapan tentang beberapa tips untuk harus begini dan begitu. Kalau perjalanan harus bagaimana, kalau bepergian harus bagaimana. Jadi lebih siap gitu.”

Meskipun begitu, Nadira mengakui setelah sampai di sana ia masih menghadapi kendala. “Aku harus adaptasi lagi,” kata Nadira.

Meskipun memiliki kamampuan Bahasa Inggris yang bagus dan sudah terbiasa bertutur dengan Bahasa asing itu, Nadira masih harus membiasakan diri berbicara dengan orang Inggris yang kadang kata-katanya sulit ia pahami. “Ketika awal-awal kadang aku nggak ngerti mereka biacara apa. Enggak jelas,” Nadira bercerita saat ia menghadapi beberapa orang yang aksen dan pelafalan kosakatanya tidak begitu familiar.

Prosedur bebas pustaka
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Prosedur bebas pustaka
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Prosedur bebas pustaka
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Indonesia International Student Mobility Award (IISMA) seeks future young leaders and students who are competent and able to be part of global change. Their real contribution is the key point to getting into this prestigious scholarship.

In a relaxed talk show, an event held regularly by the International Program of Communication Department, Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII), discussing IISMA issues by inviting Dr. rer. nat. Dian sari Utami. He is the Director of the Partnership of International Affairs. The teatime entitled “Lest Find out IISMA” was held on March 5, 2022.

The Indonesian International Student Mobility Award (IISMA) is a program from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia. In collaboration with the Education Fund Management Institution (LPDP), this program is part of the Merdeka Campus program, namely Merdeka Belajar. This scholarship is given specifically for Indonesian students, “only for Indonesian students, not for foreign students studying in Indonesia, but specifically for Indonesian students,” said Dian.

Dian divulged a little about what kind of students are sought at IISMA. Apart from meeting the minimum requirements such as completeness of files, English language skills, and student GPA, one more thing that students at IISMA most want.

In the interview test, an important point is always asked, which influences the contribution to society and Indonesia after attending IISMA. “In the interview test, you will definitely be asked something like, ‘We have paid for this course. So, what will your contribution be?’” Dian said, imitating the interviewer.

“On average those who have been accepted can tell a lot about their current activities, more about the social work they do outside the campus. They will also study there, and take courses that support their current activities. Well, later they will come back and develop their social work. So it’s relatable and sustainable.” added Dian.