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Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi
Fakultas Psikologi & Ilmu Sosial Budaya
Kampus Terpadu Universitas Islam Indonesia
Jl. Kaliurang km. 14,5 Sleman, Yogyakarta 55584 Indonesia
Telephone: +62-274-898444 ext. 3267
Faks: +62 274 898444 ext. 2106
Email: [email protected]
Akreditasi Institusi Unggul. Universitas Islam Indonesia telah mendapatkan Akreditasi Institusi Unggul dari Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi (BAN-PT) pada tahun 2022
IP Komunikasi Sambut Mahasiswa Baru dengan Sharing Session dan Pengenalan Ketrampilan Akademik
Reading Time: 2 minutesSelama dua hari berturut-turut, 30 sampai 31 Agustus 2019, Pengelola IP Komunikasi melakukan kegiatan Welcoming Day dan Academic Skill Study untuk seluruh mahasiswa IP komunikasi angkatan 2019. Acara yang berlangsung masing-masing di Blangkon Resto (hari pertama) dan Ruang Audio Visual (RAV) Lt. 3, Komunikasi UII, ini juga melibatkan para pengajar IP seperti Puji Rianto, Herman […]
Academic Skill Study: A Guide of International Program for Beginner
Reading Time: 2 minutesOn the previous occasion, a Welcoming Day was held to welcome the students of International Program (IP) Communication Department on August 30, 2019. At that time, the Secretary of Communication Department IP, Ida Nuraini Dewi KN welcomed by introducing themselves, and giving advice to students, “If there is anything about academic, study, and other matters, […]
Pergi Ke Singapura dengan Montor-Montor Cilik (1)
Reading Time: 2 minutesBagaimana Jerih Payah Imam dari Komunikasi UII dan Tim PSM MV UII Berbulan-bulan Berbuah Kemenangan “Bass berisik muluk nggak bisa diem,” sentak Irene Vista pada kelompok laki-laki posisi bass yang malah bercanda saat ikut berlatih waktu itu. Satu waktu, Irene juga tegas memberi wejangan pada seluruh Choir, “kalau bisa kalian jangan konsumsi gorengan dan makanan […]
Go to Singapore with Little Cars (1)
Reading Time: 3 minutesHow Imam’s Effort as Student Choir Club’s Leads to Victory “Bass Team, shut up. You are all too noisy,” Irene Vista snapped at the group of male bass team who were joking when they were practicing at that time. One time, Irene also firmly advised all the Choir, “if possible you should not consume fried […]
IP of Communication Department Welcomes New Students with Sharing Session and Introduction to Academic Skills
Reading Time: 2 minutesFor two consecutive days, August, 30th to 31th, 2019, International Program (IP) Communication Department’s Manager conducted Welcoming Day and Academic Skill Study activities for all IP communication students for class of 2019. The event took place at two place, each day, at Blangkon Resto (first day) and Audio Visual Room ( RAV) 3rd floor of […]
Thai Students Do Internship at Uniicoms TV
Reading Time: 2 minutes“I will develop my skills in film editing here, and many other things,” Sorlehah Pohleh said in her fluent Indonesian language. Sorlehah who is also a UII Islamic Boarding School student along with 5 other Thai students is the recipient of the UII Asian Scholarship scholarship. She is the first batch of Thai students at […]
Mahasiswa Asal Thailand Magang di Uniicoms TV
Reading Time: 2 minutes“Saya akan mengembangkan kemampuan saya dalam editing film di sini, dan banyak hal lain,” kata Sorlehah Pohleh dengan bahasa indonesianya yang fasih. Sorlehah yang juga adalah mahasiswi Pondok Pesantren UII bersama 5 mahasiswi thailand lainnya adalah penerima beasiswa UII Asian Scholarship. Ia adalah angkatan pertama mahasiswa Thailand di UII. Sorlehah, panggilannya sehari-hari, asli Pattani yang […]
Thai Students Do Internship at Uniicoms TV
Reading Time: 2 minutes“I will develop my skills in film editing here, and many other things,” Sorlehah Pohleh said in her fluent Indonesian language. Sorlehah who is also a UII Islamic Boarding School student along with 5 other Thai students is the recipient of the UII Asean Scholarship scholarship. She is the first batch of Thai students at […]
Seluruh Dosen Komunikasi UII Sepakati Perkuliahan Harus Ramah Lingkungan
Reading Time: 2 minutesPuji Hariyanti pada Rapat Koordinasi Perkuliahan 26 Agustus 2019, menunjukkan dan menjelaskan beberapa poin kondisi dan situasi perkuliahan yang akan dihadapi para dosen pada semester ini di layar presentasi. Ada beberapa hal yang musti dipahami dan dimengerti, apalagi soal mahasiswa baru Komunikasi UII yang kabarnya vokal dan kreatif. “Mahasiswa komunikasi kali ini sudah terlihat vokal […]
Communication Department Committed to Encourage Students with High Integrity
Reading Time: 2 minutesThe invitees gradually arrived. That morning, in the 3rd floor of Communication Department, all the staff began to rush back and forth. They are staff from academics, laboratories, documentation teams, to the Center for Documentation of Alternative Media Studies (PSDMA) Nadim which are prepared the room, presence, some practicum forms. The invitees were lecturers in […]