Teatime 13th edition will invite:

Riefki Fajar Ganda Wiguna, M.Hum – Manager of UII Learning Center

The next International Program of Communication’s Teatime

Talking about UII Learning Center Facilities that IPC Members Can Access

Live On Instagram


Friday, September, 25th, 2020
Start at 3pm (UTC+7)Keep update on IGTV

How is the experience of Communication IP class different from the regular class? What was the most memorable experience? Those are the questions that often arise. Responding to that question, Rasya and Daffa shared their experiences during lectures at UII IP communication. During the welcoming day last year, they met a number of study program staff, seniors, lecturers and foreign students.

Presentations and talks at the welcoming day were given in English. This activity is designed so that students can face the international environment. According to Daffa, at that time the lecturers explained what IPC was, as well as interesting little games. This atmosphere creates a strong relationship between them and the entire UII Communication academic community.

This is the conversation that surfaced in the talk show Teatime episode 10. On this occasion, Teatime took place as usual using live broadcasts via Instagram social media. On September 5, 2020, the theme raised was “Take a Peek at The Orientation Days with IPC Student 2019”. M. Daffa Athallariq from IP Communication (IPC) UII (Indonesian Islamic University), class 2019 guided by Rasya, class 2019 talked about the excitement of studying at UII IP Communications as it emerged at the beginning.

Besides the welcoming atmosphere during the welcoming day, the small class capacity also makes students focus more on lecture material. This also creates a culture that is close to lecturers, employees or fellow students. “We were close to lecturers, staff, and seniors even before starting to study at IPC,” said Daffa.

In addition, IPC students always open minded to make friends with non-IP communication students or students of other majors. The reason is of course because the scope of their activities is similar. Apart from the classrooms, the language of instruction is English and different perspectives. The perspective on the material must be seen with an international or global perspective. For example, there are subjects for basic writing, language improvement, and academic writing. Further information and details regarding IPC UII registration can be checked directly on Instagram @ ip.communication.uii. “You have to register quickly, because IP communication is very interesting,” said Rasya.

The interesting thing about being an International Program Student

In the first year, IP students will get an academic writing course with the APA Style reference. Do you have to be good at English at first? Certainly not. Through learning in IPC classes, students will learn about public speaking and basic language through practice. Like writing practice and public speaking. This will certainly help students. Every student has the opportunity to learn. They will learn the process of practicing English directly, said Daffa, “So that’s where learning at IPC feels very interesting!”

Another exciting thing, lecture facilities are also adequate. Complete equipment is available to support lecture practice and assignments. Lecturers have free time for students to ask questions about all things that are still confusing in class. Students can also help each other. With a global perspective learned in IP programs, there are many study opportunities around the world, as well as contacts around the world.

In addition, IPC also has courses that focus on video production. This course deals with film production which is in great demand lately. There are also P2A (Passage to Asean) programs, international seminars and other programs that provide scholarships. This unique experience can only be obtained at the IPC UII second node.

How to understand communication from a global perspective? Students can understand international phenomena by referring to international journals and references. Even though it was tough at first, at IPC they have a strong bond, so they often help each other when faced with various difficulties. Such as language difficulties, reading English journals, and other academic difficulties. “Lecturers are close to students, and there is a class agreement. That makes it easier for us at IPC,” continued Rasya.


Writer: Ridwan Ainurrahman, Communication Science Internship Student of the IPC UII, batch 2016.

Editor: A. Pambudi W







The orientation period with the name “Serumpun” raises the theme of brotherhood. The mission of the committee is to make the introduction of this campus embraced like brothers without any seniority that still occurs in several campuses in Indonesia. Before starting the serumpun activity, the committee first opened the event. The opening event started by giving a speech for the new students. The Vice Dean of the FPSB also gave a very warm welcome to the new FPSB students before starting this campus orientation activity.

The Serumpun activities which were held on September 20th, 2020 through the Zoom Meeting application, were attended by all freshmen from the Faculty of Psychology and Socio-Cultural Sciences, including Communication Science students. The committee prepares for this activity very well and is ready to face the obstacles that will occur in the online group (online aspect) for the first time at FPSB.

The committee also anticipates this activity, namely by providing credit subsidies worth 50 thousand rupiah to new students to be used in this allied activity. The credit subsidy provided is expected to provide convenience online if you experience interference with wifi signals or limited quota.

According to the Vice  Dean of the FPSB UII, Dr. Phil. Emi Zulaifah, M.Sc, enrollment of new students has increased in all departments, especially those that seem to have increased, namely from the Department of International Relations, she said. So do not be surprised if this group is attended by hundreds of new students. She said, “For example, the department of psychology and communication science is relatively high, such as every year.”

FPSB student admission is very competitive because of the thousands of applicants, only 10 percent are accepted. Last year there were around 8000 prospective students and only around 830 were accepted who re-registered to become students at FPSB. Then now, the applicants exceed 9000 and this faculty is accepting around 984 new students.

UII has the goal of realizing students and its academic community as ulil albab people. This will later be a blessing for the surrounding. A number of hundreds of students who are accepted at the FPSB will undergo the process of becoming the ulil albab human being. The vice dean said, “because we have this mission, the religious program is structured in such a way that these students do undergo these activities intensively.”

For example, through taklim which must be followed 4 semesters, until graduation taklim will attend pre-KKN (mandatory community services) Islamic boarding schools, then there is an Islamic basic value orientation program and a an Islamic boarding school program in semester 1 which will later have material on religion, morals and leadership, she said . Ms. Emi continued her message, “we give the widest opportunity for students to develop in a good corridor. And also will build the benefit of the people and their nation. UII’s human concern should go beyond national boundaries because of Islam. Our student affairs have the view that every UII’s student has the right to develop and we facilitate that. ”


Author: Ibnu Mufti Sumarno, UII Communication Science Internship Student, Class of 2016

Editor: A. Pambudi W.


Tepat pada tanggal 23 september 2020 pukul 1 Siang, Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi UII melakukan penyambutan mahasiswa baru. Vadhiya selaku Host serta Jiany selaku Co Host menemani percakapan via Zoom ini. Acara ini khususnya akan memperkenalkan mengenai apa itu Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi FPSB UII. Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi Gelar “Welcoming Day” daring Menyambut Mahasiswa Baru 2020 di saat Pandemi

Sekitar 250 Maba (Mahasiswa Baru) komunikasi mengikuti acara ini. Dosen, alumni, mahasiswa internasional di International Program (IP) Communication, Dekan, dan mahasiswa komunikasi umumnya turut serta mengikuti. Dibuka dengan bacaan surat Quran oleh Ibrahim, mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi 2019. Ada pula motivasi keagamaan dan pendidikan yang disampaikan oleh Dekan FPSB UII, Dr. H. Fuad Nashori, S.Psi., M.Si., M.Ag., Psikolog. Ia menjelaskan mengenai semangat kuliah dan pembekalan diri di masa depan serta membenahi diri sebagai mahasiswa UII.

Ketua Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi UII, Puji Hariyanti juga memberi sambutan dan semangat untuk kuliah daring yang akan dihadapi maba ke depan. Selanjutnya, Kak Shorlihah (Alumni Komunikasi  UII, 2015) dan Kak Suwaibah (Mahasiswa IP Komunikasi 2019) berasal dari Thailand juga turut membagikan pengalamanya menjalani perkuliahan di UII. Selama berada di IPC, staff, dosen dan mahasiswa selalu membantu, katanya. “Kesulitan utama yang didapatkan masalah bahasa, meski begitu teman-teman membantu saya,” ucap Kak Shorlihah.

Setelah pembukaan dirasa cukup, dilanjutkan sesi Video. Membahas mengenai apa itu Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi. Menjelaskan mengenai komunikasi memiliki 4 bidang peminatan. Program dan Kurikulum yang ada di dalam komunikasi. Termasuk juga penegnalan kegiatan riset dan pengabdian masyarakat. Perkenalan dosen dan staff prodi komunikasi tak luput diperkenalkan lewat video perkenalan yang disiarkan lewat aplikasi zoom tersebut. Selanjutnya di lanjutkan acara Q&A (Questions and Answer).

Salah seorang maba bertanya tentang program P2A (Passage to Assean). Ida Nuraini menjelaskan P2A adalah program workshop dan studi budaya yang diselenggarakan di negara-negara ASEAN. P2A pertama misalnya, pada 2018, mahasiswa di beberapa kampus Asean, termasuk Komunikasi UII, melakukan perjalanan dan kompetisi fotografi di 3 negara ASEAN: Malaysia, Thailand, Kamboja. Program ini berusaha meningkatkan pemahaman lintas budaya tanpa batas.

Hal senada juga diungkapkan oleh Annisa Putri Jiany selaku alumni Ilmu Komunikasi 2015. Ia mendapatkan banyak pengalaman di 3 negara berbeda, serta mendapatkan relasi pertemanan yang sampai saat ini masih berlangsung. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan lain bermunculan. Misalnya komunitas apa yang ada di prodi komunikasi? Apakah itu akan mengganggu perkuliahan? Iven selaku alumni Ilmu Komunikasi angkatan 2016 menjelaskan mata kuliah wajib yang didapatkan juga berkaitan dengan komunitas. Oleh sebab itu, kegiatan di komunitas justru mendukung kegiatan perkuliahan. Komunitas-komunitas di Komunikasi UII dapat menambah relasi kita dan tidak mengganggu perkuliahan.  “Justru menambahkan keuntungan saat berada di dalam komunitas, karena kita bisa langsung mempraktikkan ilmu di kelas,” kata Iven Sumardiantoro.


Penulis: Ridwan Ainurrahman,  Mahasiswa Magang Ilmu Komunikasi UII. Angkatan 2016

Editor: A. Pambudi W

Photo: Ajeng’s Works

Caption: Students Work on P2A 2018: Humanature- Asean Photography Competition


Bagaimana perbedaan pengalaman kelas IP Komunikasi UII dengan kelas reguler? Apa pengalaman yang paling berkesan? Itulah pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang sering muncul. Merespon pertanyaan itu, Rasya dan Daffa berbagi pengalaman mereka selama kuliah di IP komunikasi UII. Saat welcoming day setahun lalu, mereka bertemu dengan sejumlah staf prodi, senior, dosen dan mahasiswa asing.

Presentasi dan pembicaraan saat welcoming day diberikan dalam Bahasa Inggris. Kegiatan ini dibuat agar mahasiswa dapat menghadapi lingkungan internasional. Menurut Daffa, saat itu para dosen menjelaskan apa itu IPC (international Program of Communication), serta permainan-permainan kecil yang menarik. Suasana ini membuat relasi yang kuat antara mereka dan seluruh sivitas akademika Komunikasi UII.

Inilah pembicaraan yang mengemuka di acara bincang-bincang Teatime episode ke 10. Pada kesempatan  kali ini, Teatime berlangsung seperti biasa pakai siaran langsung lewat media sosial Instagram. Pada 5 September 2020 ini, tema yang diangkat adalah “Obrolan Orientasi serta pengalaman Mahasiswa IPC 2019”. M. Daffa Athallariq dari IP Communication (IPC) UII (Universitas Islam Indonesia) angkatan 2019 dipandu Rasya, angkatan 2019 berbincang soal keseruan kuliah di IP Komunikasi UII seperti yang mengemuka di mula.

Selain suasana penyambutan saat welcoming day, kapasitas kelas yang kecil juga membuat mahasiswa lebih fokus pada materi perkuliahan. Ini juga menciptakan kultur yang akrab dengan dosen, karyawan ataupun sesama mahasiswa.”Kami dekat dengan dosen, staf, dan senior bahkan sebelum memulai pembelajaran di IPC,” kata Daffa.

Selain itu mahasiswa IPC tidak menutup diri berteman dengan mahasiswa komunikasi non IP ataupun mahasiswa jurusan lain. Sebabnya tentu karena ruang lingkup aktivitasnya juga serupa. Selain ruang kelasnya, bahasa pengantar dengan Bahasa Inggris dan perspektif juga berbeda. Cara pandang terhadap materi harus dilihat dengan kacamata internasional atau global. Misalnya ada materi perkuliahan basic writing, penyampaian Bahasa, dan academic writing. Informasi lanjutan dan detil mengenai pendaftaran IPC UII dapat cek langsung di Instagram @ip.communication.uii. “Kamu harus daftar cepat ya, karena komunikasi IP sangat menarik,” kata Rasya.

Menariknya menjadi Mahasiswa International Program

Pada tahun pertama, mahasiswa IP akan mendapatkan mata kuliah penulisan akademik dengan referensi APA Style. Apakah mulanya masuk menjadi mahasiswa IP harus pintar bahasa inggris? Tentu tidak. Melalui pembelajaran di kelas IPC, mahasiswa akan belajar tentang public speaking dan dasar berbahasa lewat praktik. Seperti praktik menulis dan public speaking. Ini tentu akan membantu mahasiswa. Setiap mahasiswa mempunyai kesempatan belajar. Mereka akan mempelajari proses berlatih Bahasa inggris secara langsung kata Daffa, “Jadi di situlah pembelajaran di IPC terasa sangat menarik!”

Hal seru lainnya, fasilitas perkuliahan juga memadai. Tersedia peralatan lengkap untuk menunjang praktik perkuliahan dan tugas. Dosen mempunyai waktu luang bagi mahasiswa untuk bertanya tentang segala hal yang masih membingungkan di kelas. Mahasiswa bisa juga saling membantu. Dengan perspektif global ang dipelajari di program IP, ada banyak kesempatan belajar di seluruh dunia, serta relasi di seluruh dunia.

Selain itu, IPC juga memiliki mata kuliah yang memfokuskan ke produksi video. Mata kuliah ini berkaitan dengan produksi film yang banyak diminati belakangan ini. Terdapat juga program P2A (Passage to Asean), seminar internasional dan program lain yang menyediakan beasiswa.  Pengalaman unik ini hanya bisa didapatkan di IPC UII simpul keduanya.

Bagaimana memahami komunikasi dengan perspektif global? Mahasiswa dapat memahami fenomena internasional dengan mengacu pada jurnal-jurnal dan rujukan internasional. Meski awalnya berat, di IPC mereka memiliki ikatan yang kuat sehingga mereka sering saling membantu ketika menghadapi kesulitan yang beragam. Seperti kesulitan berbahasa, membaca jurnal Bahasa inggris, serta kesulitan akademik lainnya. “Dosen dekat denga mahasiswa, serta ada kesepakatan kelas. Itu memudahkan kami di IPC,” sambung Rasya.


Penulis: Ridwan Ainurrahman, Mahasiswa Magang Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Islam Indonesia 2016.

Penyunting: A. Pambudi W.





Masa orientasi dengan nama “Serumpun” mengangkat tema persaudaraan. Misi panitia ingin membuat pengenalan kampus ini dirangkul seperti saudara tanpa adanya senioritas yang masih terjadi di beberapa kampus di Indonesia. Sebelum kegiatan serumpun dimulai, panitia terlebih dulu membuka acara dengan memberikan sambutan untuk mahasiswa baru dan tak ketinggalan juga Wakil Dekan dari FPSB memberikan sambutan yang sangat hangat untuk mahasiswa baru FPSB sebelum memulai kegiatan ospek serumpun ini berlangsung.

Kegiatan Serumpun yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 20 September 2020 melalui aplikasi Zoom Meeting diikuti oleh seluruh mahasiswa baru dari Fakultas Psikologi dan ilmu Sosial Budaya, termasuk mahasiswa Komunikasi UII. Panitia mempersiapkan kegiatan ini dengan sangat baik dan siap dalam menghadapi halangan yang akan terjadi pada serumpun (ospek daring) online pertama kali di FPSB.

Panitia juga melakukan antisipasi pada kegiatan ini yaitu dengan memberikan subsidi pulsa senilai 50 ribu rupiah kepada para mahasiswa baru untuk dimanfaatkan dalam kegiatan serumpun ini. Subsidi pulsa yang diberikan diharapkan dapat memberi kemudahan dalam serumpun daring jika mengalami gangguan pada sinyal wifi atau kuota yang terbatas.

Menurut Wakil Dekan FPSB UII, Dr. Phil. Emi Zulaifah, M.Sc, pendaftaran mahasiswa baru mengalami kenaikan di semua program studi, terutama yang tampak melonjak yaitu dari jurusan Hubungan Internasional katanya. Maka tak heran bila serumpun kali ini diikuti oleh ratusan mahasiswa baru. Ia mengatakan, “kalau  seperti jurusan psikologi dan Ilmu Komunikasi relatif stabil tinggi seperti dari tahun ke tahun.” Penerimaan mahasiswa FPSB  sangat kompetitif karena dari ribuan pendaftar, yang diterima hanya 10 persen. Pada tahun lalu ada sekitar  8000 calon mahasiswa dan yang diterima hanya sekitar 830-an yang daftar ulang untuk menjadi mahasiswa pada FPSB. Lalu sekarang, pendaftar melampaui 9000 dan fakultas ini menerima sekitar 984 mahasiswa baru.

UII memiliki cita- cita mewujudkan mahasiswa dan civitas akademiknya sebagai insan ulil albab. Ini nantinya akan menjadi rahmat bagi sekitarnya. Sejumlah ratusan mahasiswa yang diterima di FPSB ini akan menjalani proses menjadi insan ulil albab tersebut. Wakil dekan mengatakan, “karena kita memiliki misi seperti itu maka program keagamaan disusun sedemikian rupa sehingga mahasiswa ini memang menjalani kegiatan tersebut secara intensif.”

Misalnya antara lain melalaui taklim yang wajib diikuti 4 semester, hingga lulus taklim nanti akan mengikuti pesantren pra-KKN, lalu ada program orientasi nilai dasar islam dan program pesantren sesi 1 di semester 1 yang nanti ada materi tentang agama, akhlak, dan kepemimpinan, katanya. Ibu Emi melanjutkan pesannya, “kita berikan kesempatan seluasnya pada mahasiswa agar berkembang dalam koridor yang baik dan akan membangun kemaslahatan bagi umat dan bangsanya. Kepedulian insan dari UII seharusnya melampui batas-batas negara karena keislaman. Kemahasiswaan kita memiliki pandangan setiap mahasiswa uii memiliki hak untuk berkembang dan kita memfasilitasi itu.”


Penulis: Ibnu Mufti Sumarno, Mahasiswa Magang Ilmu Komunikasi UII, Angkatan 2016

Editor: A. Pambudi W.



Forum Amir Effendi Siregar – Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Islam Indonesia menggelar

Serial Bincang Sejarah Komunikasi (Sesi 11)


Stagnasi Riset Komunikasi: Belajar dari Sejarah Semiotika dalam Studi Komunikasi Indonesia


Muzayin Nazaruddin

Dosen Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Islam Indonesia. Memperoleh pendidikan semiotika di International Master Program of Semiotica, Department of Semiotics, University of Tartu, Estonia. Saat ini tengah menempuh PhD di almamater yang sama dengan topik riset Semiotika bencana, memadukan pendekatan cultural semiotics dan ecosemiotics.



Sabtu, 26 September 2020
Pukul 15:30 WIB
Via Zoom




In this digital era, cyberspace is increasingly crowded and massive. There is a lot of fake news circulating and it is becoming increasingly difficult to figure out which facts and opinions are. Therefore, to avoid fake news and unclear truth, students are required to think critically in finding facts. If students do not have a critical nature, it can become a time bomb and dangerous for their future.

Teatime 11th episode, entitled the theme “Bridging program” in the UII International Program Communication provided those skills to face the digital era and campus environment. This discussion presented an internal lecturer from IP Communication (IPC) UII, Mr. Ginanjar Gailea. This discussion on September 11, 2020, is very interesting because in this discussion the host will present a theme that is characteristic of the IPC program. 

This discussion program was broadcast via IPC’s Live Instagram (@ ip.communication.uii). Nadira Muthia Subhari as the host of IPC accompanied the discussion and shared information related to the Bridging Program with IPC Communication Science lecturer Mr. Ginanjar Gailea. The discussion provides an overview especially for IPC new students.

So the Department of Communication of UII opens special courses that are different from the regular communication science program called “Bridging Program”. In the bridging program, students will discuss with friends and lecturers how to become a student who can think critically. Critical thinking is a skill that helps students to distinguish between facts, opinions, and hoaxes. The Bridging Program is a special facility provided to all UII international student programs of Communication Science. This facility assists international students in preparing them to adapt to the University learning environment and assists in other subjects.

Bridging classes also try to change the student’s perspective. Usually when they are in high school, students are guided step by step in detail, now when they enter the university environment, even the lecturers only provide guidance and the rest is provided by discussions and study independently. The campus world allows lecturers to act as a bridge of knowledge, not to be central knowledge like the high school period. This paradigm must be understood by new students at IPC.

“I will encourage students to enjoy my classes. I realize that every student has a different level of intellectual capacity but that is not the main measure in my class. I want my students to be proactive and confident,” said Ginanjar Gailea.

Bridging programs can also hone the skills (Skills) of a student to be creative and critical and have excellent intuition. If students have these traits it will make students who innovate and ready to face the outside world. Mr. Ginanjar said do not hesitate if there are students who would like to consult about the IP program. “Do not build the scary side of classroom lectures, class was made fun anyway,” said Ginanjar.

What skills learned together in the bridging program? “There are various things,” said Ginanjar. “For example, we will learn together about how to become independent learners, academic writing, develop critical thinking skills, and so on,” he said. These skills will be very useful if they are well understood. According to him, it is always practiced.

He as an IP lecturer will accept students well to get better and ready to face the international world. Mr. Ginanjar hopes that when the pandemic is over, IPC communication science students are ready to come out without hesitation in facing all conditions.


Author: Ibnu Mufti Sumarno, Communication Student (Batch 2016), Internship Student in Communication Science UII (International Program)

Editor: A. Pambudi W.


Serumpun on September 20, 2020 has ended. The new students of the UII Communication Science Department gathered and were welcomed by the Head of the UII Department of Communication Science and the UII Communication staff. When gathering like this, new students from the Department of Communication Science can get to know each other. The hope is that they will become close with their friends, lecturers and staff. Joy is reflected in the faces of new students who are very interested in Communication Science. They feel proud to have entered the UII Department of Communication.

This picture was seen in the online meeting of the orientation period of the FPSB UII Serumpun at the department introduction session. In this session, new students were introduced to several communities in the Communication Science department by the Secretary General of Himakom UII (Communication Science Student Association), M. Diast. He explained several internal communities in this department and what they will get by participating in the activities in it.

After the Secretary General from Himakom gave his explanation and opinion about the various internal organizations, then the staff representative turned to speak. Staff from Communication Science gave an opinion to explain what facilities were obtained after new students entered the Communication Science department. The facilities provided by the UII Department of Communication Science include the Nadim PSDMA (Center for Alternative Media Studies and Documentation), which has a collection of research from alumni, lecturers and students as well as a collection of various alternative research. There is also a laboratory that can be used when students need media production tools or supporting equipment for later practicum lectures.

The Head of UII Department of Communication Science, Puji Hariyanti, also gave a speech to the new students. Puji said that from now on students must be enthusiastic about going through online courses in the future. “Congratulations to new students and always enthusiastic in carrying out lectures later,” she said. She also introduced the three finger greeting typical of the Communication Department in Indonesia. All students and participants of the Zoom meeting were busy taking pictures together showing the three-finger greeting symbol of the communication greeting.

After a warm welcome by the Head of Communication Science, then she gave the students the opportunity to get acquainted. During the introductory period, it turned out that communication science students came from various regions. There are those from Aceh, some from Papua, Temanggung, and of course also Yogyakarta. This makes Puji Hariyanti feel amazed that the enthusiasm for following the orientation period and the introduction of communication science is still being followed despite the difficulty of signals and connections from long distances. In fact, this shows that the enthusiasm of new students is very high and quite interactive.


Author: Ibnu Mufti Sumarno, UII Communication Science Internship Student, Class of 2016

Editor: A. Pambudi W.


Music always accompanies our daily activities. Music has also existed since time immemorial. For the sake of study studies in Indonesia, this article will be shortened from the colonial and pre-independence era.

In a history talk held by the Amir Effendi Siregar (AES) Forum, Idham Resmadi, a Creative Industry Lecturer from Telkom University, shared the history of music studies into 4 phases of periodization. “Starting from the colonial and pre-independence era, paca independence, the music industry era and post-reformation,” said Idhar on September 19, 2020.

At the event held by PSDMA Nadim Communications UII, Idhar said that the first phase, namely in the colonial period appeared on a radio station namely Radio NIROM, where the Dutch always enjoyed music every day. Then came soeara NIROM (NIROM voice) in the form of a leaflet. The contents are the program schedule on the radio.

Over time there was struggle and cultural influences began to develop. “For example, between fans of traditional keroncong and keroncong which is somewhat westernized. The term will develop, the arena of cultural contestation, there is the term keroncong gado-gado (Mixed Keroncong) because there is an assumption that western influence has cultural influences and negative values,” explained Idhar.

The second phase is post-independence. In this era, music has not entered the era of commercialization, and there is still a struggle for influence between East and West. The aura of fighting for discourse on cultural values ​​is still strong, said Idhar. But in print media like Diskorina, debate and criticism are no longer as harsh as before. And they tend to contain light information like astrology, humorous stories, crossword puzzles, etc. “Back then, Western culture was easier for teenagers to accept.”

In the 65th century, music became a political propaganda tool for the New Order. In the past, ABRI (Kostrad) used music, even through musical performances. “Even the cultural strategy is for soldiers to have their own band,” he added.

After that, there was a struggle for the discourse “Kampungan vs Gaul” between fans of the music “Dangdut vs Rock” which was quite busy. This kind of opinion was brought by Aktuil magazine. Also in the magazine, fashion trends are also easily accepted and adapted by the Indonesian people.

In the 1970s-1980s music developed. And this year, music entered the world of industry. There are also many tabloids and music magazines that support the music industry from an economic perspective. The magazine is not far from entertainment, lifestyle, or gossip. “There is a symbiosis of mutualism between music and media. The media supports the promotion of music, and music becomes a commodity.”