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Kini telah hadir obrolan ringan namun berbobot bersama Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII. Obral atau Obrolan Bareng Alumni kali ini menghadirkan empat pembicara dari alumni Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII dari beragam fokus bidang. Obral yang bertema “Media Kreatif: Peluang dan Tantangan di Era Pandemi” ini akan dipandu oleh Ali Minanto, Dosen Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi FPSB UII. Sedianya, acara tersebut akan digelar pada Selasa, 19 Mei 2020 pukul 13.00 sampai dengan 15.00.

Jika anda berminat, anda bisa ikut bergabung pada tautan zoom video conference ini

Pembicara yang akan hadir adalah:

  1. Yogatama Yalesena, ia adalah Production Assistant GTV-MNC Media Group
  2. Tri Rizal Ghofur sebagai Production Assistant Narasi TV
  3. Arrozi Effendi kini adalah Head of Public Relations Kompas Gramedia Media
  4. M. Fajar Nugraha (Farlos) seorang Associate Producer di Trans TV.



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(Uniicomstv melawan Covid – 19) . Assalamualaikum Uniisyan! Buat yang kemarin tanggal 19 Mei 2020 ketinggalan ikut Webinar "Media Kreatif: Peluang dan Tantangan di Era Pandemi" kerjasama antara Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi UII, GTV-MNC Media Group, Narasi TV, KG Media, Trans TV dengan pembicara Ali Minanto, S.Sos, M.A (Dosen Ilmu Komunikasi UII), Yogatama Yalasena (Production Assistant GTV-MNC Media Group), Tri Rizal Ghofuur (Production Assistant Narasi tv), Arrozi Effendi (Head of Public Relations KG Media), dan M Fajar Nugraha (Associate Producer Trans TV), yang pastinya mereka semua alumni Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII lho. Bisa nonton ulang nih Uniisyan! Selamat menonton! . Cekidot ya 👉 https://youtu.be/WRqBTSawAZ8 atau klik link di bio! . @minantoali @alghofuur @yalesenayoga @arrozieffendi @farlosfajar Jangan lupa tetap #jagajarak dan #dirumahaja ya Uniisyan! . #uniisyansmartpeople #uniicomstv #inspiringempowering #programwebinarseries

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Nowadays, when the pandemic of Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19) is reaching almost all of the country in the world, everything is changing. Every kind of activities are going to be ‘New Normal.’ This is what we call that the usual become unusual. And also, the unusual becoming more usual. It is also happen at these university’s routine. When the marketing communication (marcomm) had a lot of offline activities of university promotion, now they are become online activities. When the course and study was being done by offline meeting, now every meeting is prohibited instead of online meeting. Zoom, Webex, Google meet, WhatsApp, and other communication apps become the hero among the physical distancing policies today.

It is also happen at Public Relation (PR) routine. Not only at UII, indeed. Everything, everywhere, every person will affect with these pandemic condition. It is also a lot of finding and new way to do PR and mar-comm routines. There will be a lot obstacles and also easiness. One of the difficulties is there will be a big adaptation to move from conventional way of PR activities. The PR officer should adapt faster in order to gain a big PR impact tomorrow. Indeed, the Safety Protocol should always done in every PR activities.

But, there will be some tricks and tips. There’s ease behind hardship. And only they who believe the classic proverb “Where there is a will, there is a way” that will win the battle in the middle of the pandemic.

Hence, International Program of UII’s Communication Science Department invite you all to discuss the tricks, the tips, and the strategy of PR in the middle of these pandemic. We invite you to join our webinar tomorrow in the zoom conference at Friday,  May, 15th, 2020.

Ricky Iskandar (Corporate PR Specialist Regional Forest Interactive), Aziz Malek (Digital Strategist Team Lead Forest Interactive), and Ratna Permata Sari (Lecturer in Communication Science Department) will speak all about Digital PR during Pandemic. So, what are you waiting for? Just Join us at Zoom tomorrow Friday.

​Hi guys, in a pandemic like this, what are you doing to fill your time?
On a typical day, of course you do online lectures, but when the weekend comes, what can we do?

Doing things that are fun at the same time can bring a lot of information might be tried as one answer.
How about attending a web seminar or what we often say with webinars. In a pandemic like this many institutions or media create webinars that can be followed by everyone and certainly free of charge.
Talking about the various webinars, on Saturday 16 May 2020 International Program Department of Communication Universitas Islam Indonesia held a webinar that raised the topic of Digital Marketing Strategy in Outbreak. The theme in this webinar topic is closely related to how to sustain business in a pandemic like this. Through this webinar we will find out more about the strategy of what to do in doing digital marketing.
This webinar is also part of the annual global seminar conducted by our study program and is intended for students who join the International Program.
The most important thing is, this webinar is free and open for the public.

So what are you waiting for, go register yourself now!
check out this video to watch the webinar’s documentation