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He was banned from studying the International Program at UII Communications. The reason is none other than the distance of the campus, which is far from home. With determination and intention, he never stopped convincing his family to allow him to study at the International Communication Studies program at UII Yogyakarta. Finally, his hard work paid off with his family’s permission to study at UII through the Report-Based Selection (SIBER) route.

He is Arul Setiawan. People used to call him Arul. In the city where he lives, this young man has achieved various proud achievements. For example, he became Deputy Cultural Ambassador of Bujang Song Benuo Taka 2021 and Tourism Ambassador of Benuo Taka 2018. At a young age, he is already flapping his wings here and there.

This 20-year-old youth is one of 25 new students of the 2021 international class Communication Studies program. By studying in Jogja, he wants to try new and more challenging experiences, he said. He had the opinion that he should try something he had never had in his life.

“The International Program is not something to be afraid of because of the English class. However, because we have the intention, determination, and want to try to be better, we are sure we can deal with it,” said the man from North Penajam Paser Regency, East Kalimantan, when contacted via Instagram message @arl_sulaiman12, Friday (03/10/2021).

Arul says excitedly that in the future, he wants to have a dream job. He wants to be a successful diplomat and businessman. With hope, he prays that UII will assist him in accommodating and becoming a stepping stone so that he avoids becoming a successful and accomplished person.

“I hope that I can understand every material presented by the lecturer. I also want to be one of the students who is always obedient in everything,” he said.

As a young person, Arul feels there are still many shortcomings. He believes that he still has to learn to be helpful and inspire many people. In the future, Arul wants to become a young Islamic generation who has character, dares to appear, and becomes an intelligent generation of the nation.


Author/ Reporter: Erinna Zandra (Student at Department of Communications, Class of 2017, Internship Student at the International Program at Department of Communications, UII)

Editor: AP Wicaksono

The Asian Journal of Media and Communication (AJMC) was born with the spirit of filling the void of communication studies in Indonesia, which is still dominated by certain paradigms and fields of analysis. The domination in question, for example, is the dominance of public relations studies or the dominance of positivism. Suppose we refer to the International Communication Association (ICA) field of study. In that case, it will immediately be seen that many areas of study are not sufficiently developed in Indonesia.

AJMC was born with a vision to become a reference journal for communication and media studies in Asia. “Asia” in the AJMC can refer to several things (open for discussion): Asia as a perspective or Asia as a study area. As a study area, Asia can be discussed by anyone, or by Asians themselves, or Indonesian academics talking about Asia.

This refresh of AJMC’s vision and positioning was one of the conclusions at the Editorial Meeting of the AJMC editors on September 13, 2021, via the Zoom Meeting Conference Application. On occasion were editors from various campuses and institutions both from Indonesia and outside Indonesia. For example, there are editors from Northwestern University (USA), Lund University (Sweden), Tartu University (Estonia), Multimedia Nusantara University, UII, Diponegoro University, Atma Jaya University Yogyakarta, Univ. Syiah Kuala, and The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies. Switzerland. And the institute for communication and media studies: Remotivi.

Here it is are the arrangement of Editors of AJMC (Period 2021-2023) based on Dean’s Decree FPSB UII Number: 12/SK-DEK/DURT/IV/2021.

  • Alfi Rahman, M.Si., Ph.D., Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of Universitas Syiah Kuala and a researcher at the Tsunami and Disaster Mitigation Research Center (TDMRC) of Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh, Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Lintang Ratri Rahmiaji, Dr., M.Si., S.Sos. (Scopus ID: 57205339118) Department of Communication Science, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
  • Mario Antonius Birowo, Ph.D., Department of Communication, Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Heychael, M.Si., Researcher of Remotivi, Center of Communication and Media Studies, Indonesia
  • Roy Thaniago, M.Sc., The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva, Switzerland, Switzerland
  • Zaki Habibi, Dr., Researcher at Lund University | Universitas Islam Indonesia

AJMC was born with an “international” orientation aimed at a global audience in English. Therefore, the governance and direction of the journal must be consistent with “international indexing and citation.” With these minimal standards, things outside of it can be tolerated (corrected in the editorial process at AJMC). For example, articles with fewer or more words or inadequate English. By meeting these minimum standards, it is hoped that shortly (the next few years), AJMC can become a “benchmark” for media and communication studies journals in Indonesia or even Southeast Asia. In addition to meeting these minimum standards, AJMC must be published regularly or on time to become a benchmark.


Written by Muzayin Nazaruddin, Editor In Chief AJMC UII 2021-2023.

Edited by A. Pambudi W


“Indonesia is not made up of map boundaries, but the movement and big role of young people,”

These are the words of a leading Indonesian journalist: Najwa Shihab. Indonesian youths play an essential role in advancing the nation and state. So in 2021, to increase young people, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) will hold the IISMA or Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards program through the Merdeka Campus. The government sends 1000 students to make credit transfers to 500 leading campuses around the world.

One of the UII students selected in the 2021 Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA) is Nadira Muthia Supadi. The girl, usually called Nadira, is a student of the 2018 UII Communication Science class. Nadira was accepted by the University of Leeds in England and will stay for one semester.

Nadira can spend a semester at an overseas partner university to study. In addition to studying, Nadira will experience the destination country’s culture and carry out academic activities to hone her skills. This year, Nadira managed to pass along with 1000 students from 2700 students who participated.

Nadira said that she needed two weeks of preparation time for registration. She started from drafting documents to submitting files. She said as many as 100 UII students participated, and only 24 people were selected. Nadira feels grateful to have this opportunity.

Nadira said that She could freely choose the courses offered by the University of Leeds in this program. IISMA invites all students to be free to study whatever suits their interests and IISMA’s mission. The plan is that Nadira will leave in early September and will return in January 2022.

UII’s Response to the IISMA Program

Dr.rer.nat. Dian Sari Utami, S.Psi., MA, as Director of the Directorate of Partnerships/Office of International Affairs UII said that UII responded well to the IISMA program. After receiving the program socialization from the organizers, She immediately spread the news to the study programs at UII. “The study program then immediately sent several candidates who met the criteria, including students who are in semester 4, have a GPA of not less than 3.00 and a minimum TOEFL score of 500,” said Dian Sari Utami via Whatsapp, Tuesday (31/08/ 2021).

According to Dian Sari Utami, 200 UII students joined the WhatsApp group chat. However, only 72 children complete the file. Of the 72 students who have undergone the selection process, only 24 students were selected. The 24 students come from nine study programs at UII and will transfer credit to 15 well-known universities worldwide.

She also added that the selected students could maximize their time while studying abroad. For example, it could be while building connections with the academic community at the related university. The goal is that this academic journey is helpful when you want to take further studies or work in the country.


Author/ Reporter: Erinna Zandra (UII Department of Communications Student, Class of 2017, Internship Student at the International Program at UII Department of Communications Program)

Editor: AP Wicaksono

“Indonesia tak tersusun dari batas peta, tapi gerak dan peran besar kaum muda,”

Itu adalah kata-kata jurnalis terkemuka Indonesia: Najwa Shihab. Anak muda Indonesia sangat berperan penting dalam memajukan bangsa dan negara. Maka pada 2021, demi memajukan kaum muda, Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset dan Teknologi (Kemendikbudristek) mengadakan program IISMA atau Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards melalui Kampus Merdeka.  Pemerintah mengirimkan 1000 mahasiswa untuk melakukan transfer kredit ke 500 kampus terkemuka di seluruh dunia.

Salah satu mahasiswa UII yang terpilih dalam Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA) 2021 adalah Nadira Muthia Supadi. Gadis yang biasa dipanggil Nadira ini merupakan mahasiswi kelas internasional Ilmu Komunikasi UII angkatan 2018. Nadira diterima oleh University of Leeds di Inggris dan akan menetap selama satu semester.

Nadira dapat menghabiskan satu semester di universitas mitra luar negeri untuk belajar. Selain belajar, Nadira akan merasakan budaya negara tujuan dan melakukan aktivitas akademik untuk mengasah keterampilan. Tahun ini Nadira berhasil lolos bersama 1000 mahasiswa dari 2700 mahasiswa yang berpartisipasi.

Nadira mengatakan bahwa ia membutuhkan waktu persiapan selama dua pekan saat pendaftaran. Mulai menyusun dokumen hingga penyerahan berkas. Ia mengatakan sebanyak 100 orang mahasiswa UII yang ikut berpartisipasi dan hanya 24 orang yang terpilih. Nadira merasa bersyukur dapat memperoleh kesempatan tersebut.

Nadira mengatakan bahwa dalam program ini, ia dapat dengan bebas memilih kursus yang ditawarkan oleh University of Leeds. IISMA mengajak semua mahasiswa untuk bebas untuk mempelajari apapun yang sesuai dengan minat mahasiswa dan misi IISMA. Rencananya, Nadira akan berangkat pada awal September dan akan kembali Januari 2022 mendatang.

Respon UII Pada Program IISMA

Dr.rer.nat. Dian Sari Utami, S.Psi., M.A. selaku Direktur Direktorat Kemitraan/Kantor Urusan Internasional UII mengatakan bahwa UII merespon baik program IISMA ini. Setelah mendapatkan sosialisasi program dari penyelenggara, ia segera menyebarkan berita ini kepada program studi yang ada di UII. “Program studi lalu segera mengirimkan beberapa kandidat yang memiliki kriteria, antara lain mahasiswa/mahasiswi yang sedang berada di semester 4, memiliki IPK tidak kurang dari 3.00 dan nilai TOEFL minimal 500,” ujar Dian Sari Utami lewat Whatsapp, Selasa (31/08/2021).

Menurut Dian Sari Utami, ada 200 mahasiswa UII yang bergabung ke dalam groupchat Whatsapp. Namun hanya 72 anak saja yang melengkapi berkas. Dari 72 mahasiswa yang telah menjalani proses seleksi, hanya 24 mahasiswa yang terpilih. 24 mahasiswa tersebut berasal dari sembilan  program studi yang ada di UII dan akan melakukan transfer kredit ke 15 universitas ternama di dunia.

Ia pun menambahkan agar mahasiswa yang terpilih bisa memaksimalkan waktu selama belajar di luar negeri. Misalnya bisa sambil membangun koneksi dengan sivitas akademika di universitas terkait. Tujuannya agar perjalanan akademik ini bermanfaat ketika ingin mengambil studi lanjut atau bekerja di negara tersebut.


Penulis/ Reporter: Erinna Zandra (Mahasiswa Komunikasi UII, Angkatan 2017, Mahasiswa Magang di International Program at Prodi Komunikasi UII)

Editor: A. P. Wicaksono

Methods are mere tools. It helps research achieve its goals. Therefore, the method as far as possible is mastered by all. Both qualitative and quantitative research methods. With quantitative methods, research can look at various statistical and numerical possibilities.

Kunto Adi Wibowo, Lecturer at Fikom Unpad, Bandung, received the message from his professor during his doctoral studies in the United States. Since then he has pursued various methods including studying quantitative methods to explore these methods in statistics and psychology. “My professor said that mastery over this (method) will make it easier for researchers to do research,” said Kunto at the Quantitative Research Methods Training on August 28, 2021.

The Journal and Publication Management Unit of FPSB UII held this activity so that there would be a method refresh. Journal managers within FPSB UII are expected to increase their capacity and, “assist editors in selecting quality quantitative manuscripts,” said Puji Rianto, Head of the Journal and Scientific Paper Publication Management Unit of FPSB UII, when contacted yesterday, August 30, 2021.

Types of Quantitative Research

Quantitative research, said Kunto, is divided into three types. The first is descriptive, correlational quantitative research, and the third is experimental quantitative research.

“Experimentality is a matter of causality. The characteristics are first because it must come first. Correlational is what matters,” said Kunto, who is also a reviewer of national and international journals. “Secondly, the cause must cause effect. Third, cause and effect cannot be just coincidence. It’s experimental. That’s why in the laboratory there are measurements,” he added.

To differentiate between experimental and correlational, “I usually use this. Correlation is not causation,” explained Kunto.

For Kunto, not everything whose hypothesis is wrong is a failed research. Instead, he falsified the theory. “Such research actually contributes to knowledge,” said Kunto. However, it also depends on whether the method is correct and valid.

By understanding quantitative methods in more detail, journal managers in FPSB UII are expected to be able to carefully determine incoming journal manuscripts using quality quantitative methods. In turn, the quality of the journal is expected to improve.

Features allow us to write in style. Writing news stories, or commonly called features, can make writers explore language styles, inject values, and tell stories like fairy tales.

“Although it looks like a story or a fairy tale, the feature is not an imagination, it’s just a storytelling style. It’s more flexible and less rigid than writing hard news stories,” said AP Wicaksono, a speaker from UII of the Department of Communications Web manager, in a content production workshop for the UII Islamic Boarding School website on August 22. 2021.

According to Wicaksono, writing hardnews is enough with 6W and 2H information. “One additional W is What next, and one additional H is How Much,” said Wicaksono explaining tips that are no longer just 5W1H. “As long as the most important information from the first informant appears in advance, then we can add complementary information from other sources,” he said.

Farikha, one of the participants, also observed that features can make writers transmit human values ​​and concern for speakers to readers. Participants in this training were asked to read the work of a Kompas journalist entitled Om Batman, as a simple example.

After reading the example of feature writing delivered by the speaker, Asliha Latifa believes that there are values ​​conveyed in the feature writing style. There is also the use of figures of speech and figurative language in feature writing, as is the opinion of Khalida, another participant.

But the point is, with training using the comparative method, the participants have been able to clearly feel the difference in style between hard news and features. This understanding makes it easy for participants to write hard news in the simulation session. Collected 11 news articles on the activities of the participants in the website content production training this time. 

Farchan, the member of Media Santri, hopes that after this training, in turn, these writings can become the capital for the santri media retainer to manage the UII pesantren web in the future. “A total of 18 santri media managers will later manage the santri media lines, ranging from the web to social media,” he said.

If you review research journal manuscripts with quantitative methods, be sure to do an empathetic review. Submission of criticism is good, but still must be constructive.

As a manuscript reviewer, make sure that you do not have a conflict of interest with the content of the manuscript. “Immediately inform the editor if you have a conflict of interest,” said Kunto Adi Wibowo, Fikom Unpad lecturer, at the Quantitative Research Methods Training on August 28, 2021.

“I, for example, will refuse to review a manuscript where he criticizes my research. Although I can, I avoid bias in the review,” added this doctoral graduate from Wayne State University, United States.

The first step in reviewing quantitative research is to do a preliminary reading. Check what the main objective is and whether it is relevant and interesting. Ensure the originality of the topic and, “Newness of both theoretical perspectives, methods, and results,” said Kunto. This includes checking whether the methods and interpretations are convincing.

The next step is to examine the introduction section. In addition to reading the objectives, arguments accompanied by state of art, it is also necessary to check the literature review section. Kunto said, “Literature review is not cherry-picking. If the researcher is serious, we can see that the researcher understands the context and not the origin of the paste.”

The study of the methods section is also important as the next step. In the method section, check whether the information is detailed enough about the measurement, “if possible there is a questionnaire attached,” said Kunto in his presentation. In his presentation page, Kunto does not contain a theory/definition of the method, but a description of what has been done and the arguments for doing it.

Next is the step of review and discussion in the results and discussion section: does statistical analysis have a solid foundation? The reviewer also reads whether the data description is explained in a simple way.

In the closing section, according to Kunto, the author should write a conclusion briefly and based on the results of his research. He also doesn’t use much self-citation in the reference section.


Writing is not an easy matter. Moreover, writing so that many people buy and are interested in the products we sell. Writing for advertising content especially, can’t be too long, let alone convoluted. Advertising content must persuade people to at least stop viewing our products.

The key to reaching consumers is to write-copywriting eye catching, simple, and not long. It’s rare to start writing for an ad that can’t be arbitrary. “The main thing is research. We have to research first before writing for advertising,” said Nasuha Ali, copywriter at Zenius Education, on Friday (27/8/2021) on the talk show belonging to the International Program, Teatime, .

Nasuha Ali is currently working at edutech zenius. He is used to writing for the benefit of Zenius ad copywriting. Nasuha said that many of his creative and writing abilities were formed since college. “The crisis course is used once. IMC is also the key for me to work in the creative and marketing world. Academic writing is primarily the foundation for determining the structure of writing,” he said.

Are there steps to do copywriting?

“First, it depends on the brief. Copywriters and content writers are different. If a copywriter works in creative for ad text. It depends on the brief, graphic design, creative, and others,” said Nasuha. Especially the main step is research. Competitor research, reader segment research, then language determination and message research.

“Then we need to adjust what key message we want to highlight in the creative ad content,” explained Nasuha, who is also an alumni of UII at the Department of Communications. “The division of tasks in advertising production includes copywriters, graphic designers, or from the campaign section, as well as marketing,” Nasuha said, this team also considers brand voice, key messages, and aesthetic elements. “The point is teamwork,” he said.

Zenius, said Nasuha, is a technology-based education company. Online tutoring. “We provide a platform outside of school hours. Now, the teacher is there, you can live, you can immediately do practice questions until you try out,” he said, explaining Zenius’ profile.

A copywriter is a person who writes digital advertising content. The output provides an eye-catching, simple, and appropriate advertisement for the key message. “The difference is that if the content writer or SEO writer outputs long writing, more than 300 words, what if people see it, they immediately buy or click. Help sales (sales).”

This is very important for a copywriter, said Nasuha. “People nowadays rarely like to read long, so copywriters are important to write to reach more consumers in a short and digital way.”

Menulis bukan perkara mudah. Apalagi menulis agar banyak orang ikut membeli dan tertarik dengan produk jualan kita. Menulis untuk konten iklan terutama, tak bisa terlalu panjang, apalagi berbelit-belit. Konten iklan harus mengajak orang minimal berhenti melihat produk kita.

Kunci meraih konsumen adalah menulis copywriting yang eyecathing, simpel, dan tidak panjang. Langka memulai menulis untuk iklan tak bisa sembarangan. “Yang utama itu riset. Kita harus riset dulu sebelum menulis untuk advertising,” ujar Nasuha Ali, copywriter di Zenius Education, pada Jumat (27/8/2021) di acara bincang-bincang milik International Program yaitu Teatime, .

Nasuha Ali saat ini bekerja di edu tech zenius. Dia terbiasa menulis untuk kepentingan copywriting iklan Zenius. Nasuha berkata kemampuan kreatif dan menulisnya banyak dibentuk sejak kuliah. “Mata kuliah krisis itu terpakai sekali. IMC juga jadi kunci saya juga bergerak di dunia kreatif dan marketing. Penulisan akademik terutama jadi pondasi menentukan struktur tulisan,” katanya .

Adakah Langkah-langkah Melakukan Copywriting?

“Pertama tergantung brief nya. Copywriter dan content wirter beda. Kalo copywriter kan bekerja di kreatif untuk teks iklan. Itu tergantung dengan biefnya, desain grafis, creative, dan lain-lain,” kata Nasuha. Terutama langkah utama adalah riset. Riset kompetitor, riset segmen pembaca, lalu penentuan bahasa dan riset pesan.

“Lalu kemudian kita perlu menyesuaikan apa key message yang mau kita tonjolkan dalam konten iklan kreatif,” jelas Nasuha, yang juga alumni Komunikasi UII. “Pembagian tugas di produksi iklannya ada copywiter, graphic designer, atau dari bagian campaign, juga marketing,” Nasuha bilang, tim ini juga memertimbankan brand voice, key message, dan unsur estetik. “Intinya adalah kerja tim,” katanya..

Zenius, kata Nasuha, adalah perusahaan edukasi berbasis teknologi. Bimbingan belajar online. “Kami menyediakan satu platform di luar jam sekolah. Nah sekarang gurunya ada, bisa live, bisa langsung ngerjain latihan soal sampai try out,” katanya emnejlaskan profil Zenius.

Copywriter adalah orang yang menulis konten iklan digital. Outputnya menyediakan iklan yang eyecathing, simple, dan sesuai key message. “Bedanya kalau content writer atau SEO writer itu outputnya tulisan panjang, lebih dari 300 kata, gimana caranya kalo orang liat itu langsung beli atau klik. Ngebantu penjualanlah (sales).”

Ini penting sekali copywriter, kata Nasuha. “Orang sekarang kan jarang suka membaca panjang, jadi copywriter penting menulis untuk meraih konsumen lebih banyak secara singkat dan digital.”

Untuk Menjadi profesional, kita harus bisa menentukan menjadi generalis atau spesialis. Meskipun beberapa orang ada yang memilih menjadi generalis, bisa melakukan segala, tetapi sebaiknya menekuni bidang spesiaisasimu bisa menjadi arah sejak menjadi mahasiswa. Spesialisasi bidang kajian dan keahlian akan sangat menentukan ketika kamu memasuki dunia kerja profesional.

“Ada di dunia kerja itu ada yang dia milih jadi palugada, apa lu mau gue ada. Semua yang diminta, aku bisa. Atau kalau misal mau spesialis, ya sejak awal protofoio kamu itu mengarah ke spesialisasi yang mau kamu tuju,” ujar Nasuha Ali, copywriter di Edutech Zenius Education, pada bincang-bincang Teatime, Jumat, 27 Agustus 2021.

Lewat saluran tayangan langsung Instagram Live, Nasuha bercerita bagaimana ia mengawali karir dan berjibaku dengan rivalitas di dunia profesional. “Anak-anak komunikasi itu kan suka berkarya, nah karya dan portofolio ini yang jadi modal kamu menghadapi persaingan. Justru yang sudah punya pengalaman lebih banyak. Ada yang sudah punya pengalaman minimal satu hingga dua tahun, gimana fresh graduate bisa bersaing?,” papar Nasuha Ali, yang juga adalah alumni Komunikasi UII. “Ya perbanyak karya dan pengalaman project, bisa penelitian dengan dosen, program dengan teman, dan lain sebagainya. Pengalaman itulah yang menjadi daya saing kita dengan orang-orang profesional berpengalaman satu dua tahun itu,” katanya memberi saran.

Menurutnya, kegiatan kampus dan kuliah banyak membantunya mengahdapi dunia kerja. Banyak mata kuliah yang turut andil membantunya kini berkembang di dunia copywriter. “Dulu ada mata kuliah dasar-dasar soal teori penulisan, advertising, dasar soal PR (Public Relation), dan menulis rilis. Itu kita dilatih menulis di bidang minat komunikasi strategis,” papar Nasuha mengenang masa-masa kuliah

Dulu, Nasuha bercerita, ia sudah mencoba pengalaman berkarya ini dan itu. Mulai dari ikut program dosen, program karya bersama teman, hingga mendaftar di pekerjaan-pekerjaan yang dianggap sepele. Itu caranya untuk mengetahui kompleksitas dunia kerja. Ia juga akhirnya tetap harus berjuang mengirim ratusan lamaran. Saingannya, menurutnya, adalah mereka-mereka yang sudah berpengalaman kerja, meskipun lowongan itu diperuntukkan untuk fresh graduate. Kunci dan modal utama bersaingnya adalah pengalaman aktivitas di komunitas dan akademik ketika kuliah di Komunikasi UII.