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Second Teatime the afternoon sharing with IPC

Second Edition


“Seeking global Experiences”

Special guest

Iwan Awaluddin Yusuf , Lecturer of Communication Science Department UII and PHD Candidate of Monash University Australia


Friday, July, 3rd, 2020

Start at 4 PM (Jakarta time)

Ini adalah edisi pertama Teatime IP Komunikasi UII bersama Shadira Firdausi dengan tema: Muda Kreatif dan berbakat. Acara diadakan oleh Program Internasional Jurusan Komunikasi Universitas Islam Indonesia. Tea Time  adalah forum untuk mendorong dan menginspirasi siswa dan kaum muda untuk memperkaya kapasitas, pengetahuan, dan pengalaman mereka di tengah pandemi saat ini. Bintang tamu pertama dari Program Teatime adalah Shadira Firdausi yang merupakan mahasiswa sarjana Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi. Ia memiliki kemampuan berbicara banyak bahasa.

Setidaknya Shadira menguasai tiga bahasa yang berbeda. Shadira dapat berbicara bahasa Italia, bahasa Inggris, dan Indonesia. “Karena jika Anda tahu bahasa, baik bahasa Spanyol, Italia, maupun Perancis, Anda dapat dengan mudah berbicara dan memahami bahasa asing lain karena tata bahasanya serupa,” kata Shadira di Program Internasional (IP) Komunikasi UII Instagram. Tapi bagaimana dia bisa mendapatkan kemampuan itu?

Shadira mengikuti program pertukaran pelajar ketika dia masih di sekolah menengah. Dia belajar di sekolah di luar negeri selama setahun. Dia juga melakukan kursus bahasa Italia, kursus bahasa Prancis, dan bahasa Spanyol,” katanya. “Anda juga dapat mengunduh aplikasi bernama duolingo, pada saat pandemi ini, Anda tidak dapat berbuat apa-apa selama pandemi. Ini Gratis. Anda juga dapat belajar bahasa Arab di sana.”

Shadira mengatakan Anda dapat berbicara bahasa Italia dan Indonesia sedikit sama dan agak mudah dipelajari karena jenisnya yang mirip.

“Aku bisa mengajarimu bu Ida, jika kamu mau. Haha, kamu dulu sudah mengajariku di kelas dan sekarang giliranku  akan mengajarimu bahasa itu,” kata Shadira tertawa. Ida Nuraini Dewi, pembawa acara Live Instagram itu juga tertawa setelah tawaran itu. “Agak gugup jika saya mencoba belajar bahasa lain, tetapi saya akan mencobanya nanti, ha-ha-ha,” kata Ida.

Shadira pernah bernyanyi dalam sebuah kompetisi di italia, “Saya adalah satu-satunya orang Indonesia di sana, tapi saya harus menghadapinya,” Shadira berbagi cerita ketika dia memulai karir menyanyinya.

Menjawab Pertanyaan dari Audiens

Di tengah percakapan Instagram itu, seseorang bertanya di Instagram Live Chat,

“Mana yang lebih sulit? Bahasa Spanyol atau Italia?”

“Bagi saya bahasa Spanyol. Ini agak sulit untuk mengucapkan bahasa Spanyol. Dalam bahasa Italia, sama seperti Anda menulis, bagaimana Anda mengatakannya di Indonesia,” kata Shadira.

Ida dan Shadira juga berbagi tentang pengalaman mereka #stayathome #dirumahaja selama pandemi. Mereka memberi tahu kami bahwa, sepertinya semua orang melakukannya, virus korona sangat mengganggu. “Aku tidak pernah begitu merindukan aktivitas akademik di universitas,” kata Shadira. “Itu membuatmu frustasi. Kita tidak bisa bertemu dan kita bisa mengungkapkan sesuatu ketika bertemu seseorang. Aku berharap ini akan segera berakhir. Dan kemudian pergi ke kantin lagi seperti yang kita lakukan sebelum pandemi.”

Ida, sebagai pembawa acara, kemudian mengajukan pertanyaan kunci kepada Shadira. “Apa yang Anda pikirkan dalam situasi seperti ini, sebagai generasi muda, bagaimana memaksimalkan untuk mencapai talenta? Mungkin Anda berencana mengambil studi master di luar negeri? karena kita sepertinya tidak dapat melakukan apa-apa selama pandemi,” kata Ida bertanya.

“Yah sebenarnya untuk saya, 4 bulan sekarang ya, ini seperti waktu yang sangat lama bagi saya, dan saya mendapatkan banyak kesempatan untuk mengenal diri sendiri sekarang. Saya mencoba untuk belajar memahami diri secara mendalam, belajar untuk memeriksa kembali rencana saya. Sekarang saya tahu apa yang harus dilakukan, meng-cover lagu lagi, melakukan apa saja, mempelajari bahasa baru, jika Anda di rumah sekarang  membuat Anda lebih kreatif, ” jawab Shadira.

Pengalaman saat Pandemi

Apa yang Anda sadari saat ini ketika pandemi mendera, tanya Ida.

Shadira mengatakan bahwa sekarang dia dapat menghabiskan lebih banyak waktu dengan keluarganya. “Karena ibuku adalah ibu pekerja keras, wanita karier, sekarang kami terjebak dalam satu rumah, kami meraih ikatan emosional kami kembali, ini adalah semacam anugrah, itu efek positif dari virus korona.”

Pertanyaan lain dari peserta live chat Instagram muncul lagi: “apa yang harus kita lakukan untuk mengatasi kemalasan?”

Shadira menjawab, “Tergantung pada hal apa yang Anda sukai. Jika Anda suka memasak, Anda bisa menjual masakan Anda. Jika Anda ingin mengedit video, Anda dapat mengunggah vlog atau sesuatu di Youtube. Saya pikir Anda dapat menemukan apa pun di Youtube sekarang. Yang harus Anda lakukan adalah, Anda hanya perlu berpikir apa yang cocok dengan hobi dan keahlian anda. Unggah di tiktok atau Instagram. Lakukan pemotretan virtual untuk Anda yang suka memotret, atau lainnya. ”

Pengalaman karir bernyanyi

Ida juga bertanya tentang pengalaman bernyanyi Shadira. Shadira sekarang sedang menapaki pengalaman baru. Dia menandatangani kontrak dengan rumah produksi populer bernama Warner Music. Bagaimana bisa awalnya?

“Awalnya, dulu, Saya memenangkan kompetisi di sekolah menengah tanpa memberi tahu keluarga saya di awal aktivitas menyanyi saya,” kata Shadira. Dan itu menjadi begitu lama setelah orang tuanya tahu tentang hal itu. Orang tuanya tidak mengetahuinya sampai Ia memberi tahu mereka. “Sekarang mereka benar-benar mendukung saya untuk kompetisi apa pun, atau bahkan sampai Warner memberi kontrak saya dan saya menandatangani kontrak itu.”

“Aku sedang mengerjakan single saya. Ini sedang dalam proses. Aku perlu memikirkan apa saja, instrumen, liriknya pas, dan segalanya untuk memastikan lagunya cukup bagus untuk didengar.”

Pertanyaan lain untuk  Shadira lagi di live chat. “Apa hal pertama yang kamu lakukan jika pandemi hilang?”

“Aku sangat menginginkan salim (bersalaman), memeluk keluargaku, Kau tahu, kami melambaikan tangan ke yang lain sampai sekarang. Karena kami bahkan tidak bisa menyentuh salaman, tradisi kita. Bahkan kita tidak bisa memeluk seseorang. Ini hal pertama yang akan saya lakukan. Dan, juga mengambil gelar master mungkin ya? “

Kunci untuk mendapatkan Prestasi yang luar biasa.

“Tapi apa kunci untuk memiliki banyak prestasi sepertimu, kalau begitu?”

“Kuncinya adalah, saya tidak terburu-buru. Saya tidak perlu terburu-buru meraih sesuatu, jika Anda ingin sesuatu yang benar-benar bagus, Anda tidak perlu terburu-buru. Lakukan saja dan hal yang benar akan datang. Mungkin itu tidak akan benar-benar datang tahun ini. Tapi itu akan terjadi,” kata Shadira.

Shadira juga menceritakan kisah bagaimana semuanya dimulai. Dia mengatakan bahwa pada hari itu, ketika dia bangun suatu hari, dia merasa, “Mengapa saya tidak memiliki prestasi besar sampai hari ini?”

Kemudian Dia membuka “fitur explore instagram” dan dia mencari seseorang yang muncul di Instagram. Dia menemukan jika dia bisa melakukannya, mengapa saya tidak bisa melakukannya juga. Itu terjadi saat ia di sekolah menengahnya, katanya.

Dia berkata bahwa dia ingin menjadi salah satu dari mereka yang memiliki prestasi yang baik. “Aku bisa melakukan apa yang mereka lakukan. Jadi, bagaimana memulai, begitu sulit untuk pertama kalinya,” Shadira berbagi.

Sikap dalam meraih prestasi

Di akhir pembicaraan, Shadira memberikan nasihat yang bijak dan baik kepada setiap anak muda di luar sana.

“Jika kamu memiliki bakat yang kurang atau prestasi yang kurang, sesuatu yang harus kamu lakukan adalah lakukan saja. Kita harus menghancurkan dan menghadapinya. Jika mereka selalu mengatakan kamu tidak cukup baik, patahkan saja! Karena kamu adalah orang yang tahu siapa Anda. Kamu harus mencoba untuk membuktikannya. Kita hanya berusaha sebaik mungkin agar orang tidak meremehkan kita.”

Yang terakhir, namun tidak kalah pentingnya, Ibu Ida ingin menutup percakapan Teatime ini  dengan sebuah lagu yang dinyanyikan oleh Shadira. “Bisakah kita mendengar sedikit lagu? Untuk mengobati kerinduan kita selama pandemi ini? Shadira mengatakan ya untuk itu. Pembicaraan ditutup dengan Shadira menyanyikan lagu Before You Go yang dipopulerkan Lewis Capaldi.

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This is the first edition of Teatime IP Communication UII With Shadira Firdausi under the theme: Young Creative and talented by International Program of Communication Department Universitas Islam Indonesia. This Tea Time is a forum to encourage and inspire student and young people to enrich their capacity, knowledge, and experience in the middle of pandemic nowadays. The first guest star of the Tea Time Program is Shadira Firdausi who were a undergraduate student of Communication Science Department which is have a capability to speak at least mastering three different language. Shadira able to speak italian, english, bahasa. “Because if you know language either spanish, italian, of french you can easy speak and understand another foreign language cause of the similiar grammar among it,” said Shadira on International Program (IP) Communication UII Instagram. But how come she could get the ability?

Shadira were get the student exchange program when she were at high school. She were studying at school abroad for a year. She also do the italian language course, french course, and spanish, “or you can download an app named duolingo, in this time of pandemic, you can no doing nothing. its free. you can also learn arabic there.” Shadira said that how do you speak italian and indonesian is little bit same and is kind of easy to learn because of that similar type.

“I can teach you mom, if you want. haha, you were teach me and now I will teach you then those language,” said Shadira laughing. Mrs Ida Nuraini Dewi, the Host of Live Instagram also laughing after that offer. “it’s kind a nervous if I am trying to learn another language, but I will try it then, ha-ha-ha,” Ida said then.

Shadira sang in a competition in italia, “I was the only indonesian there, I need  to deal with it then,” Shadira share the stories when she begun the career on singing.

Answering Questions from Audiences

In the middle of live Instagram conversation, someone is asking a question on Instagram Live Chat,

“Which is more difficult? Spanish or italian language?”

“For me it is Spanish. It is a kind a hard to pronounce Spanish. In Italian language, its same how you write, how you say in indonesia,” said Shadira.

Miss Ida and Shadira also share about their experience #stayathome #dirumahaja during pandemic. They tell us that, it seems everybody did, corona virus is very annoying. “I never like miss academic university activity so much,” said Shadira. “its frustating you know. we can not meet and we can express the response. I wish its gonna end very soon. and then going to the canteen again like we do before pandemic.”

Mrs Ida, as the host, then asking a key question to Shadira. “What do you think in this kind situation, as a young generation, how to maximize to achieve something, maybe you have go to the master abroad, we seems like cannot do anything during pandemic,” Mrs Ida asking.

“Well actually for me, 4 month right now yeah, this is like really long time to me, and I get a lot of chance to know my self right now. I’m trying to learn myself deeply, learning to recheck my plan. Now i know what to do, do a cover again, doing anything, learning new language, its if you at home is make you more creative,” Shadira answer.

Experience from Pandemic

What do you realize in this time of pandemic, Mrs Ida said.

Shadira said that now She can spending more time with her family. “Because my mom is mother of hard-worker, now we are trapped in one house, we experience the bonding, is kind of privilege, it is plus effect of corona viruses.”

Another question from audience of Instagram live chat appears again: “what we have to do to overcome the laziness?”

Shadira answer, “Its depend  on what thing do you really like. If you like to cook, you can sell your cooking. If you  in to video editing you can upload a vlog or something in Youtube. I think you can figure anything on Youtube right now. What you have to do is, You just think what am I in to. Upload it in tiktok or Instagram. Do a virtual photo shoot for you that in to photography, or etc.”

Mrs Ida also asking about Shadira’s singing experience. Shadira now have a new step of experience. She was signing a contract with popular production house named Warner Music. How come it can happen then?

“I was winning the competition in high school without telling my family in the beginning of my singing activity,” said Shadira. And it become so long after her parens know about it. Her parent did not know it until She tell them. “Now she really support me for any competition, or even until Warner they contract me and I sign the contract then.”

“I’m working for my single. Its on progress. I need to figure anything, the instrument, the lyrics is on, and everything to make sure the song is quite good to heard.”

Other question is going to Shadira again on live chat. “What is the first thing you do if the pandemic gone?”

“I want salim so much, hug my family, You know, we are waving to another since now. Because we cannot touch even salim, our tradition.  Even we can not Hug somebody. Its the first thing I’m going to do. And, also take a master degree maybe ya?”

The Key to get great Achievement

“But what is the key to have a lot of achievement like yours, then?”

“The key is, I’m not rushing my self. I do not need to rush something, if you want to something really out, you can not rush it. Just do it and the right thing will come. Maybe it will not really this year. But it will,” said Shadira.

Shadira also tell us the story how everything begun. She said that in that day, when she woke up someday, she felt, “Why I have no great achievement since today?”

Then She opened “instagram explore” and she look for someone stories that appears on instagram. She found if he can do, why I can’t do it too. Its happen on her senior high school, she said.

She said that she want be one of them who have a good achievement. “I can do what they do. so that how its started. its so hard for the first time always,” shared Shadira.

In the end of conversation, Shadira give a wise and good advice to every young people out there.

“If you have a lack talent or lack achievement, something you have to do is just do it. We should break and face it. If they always said you are not good enough, just break it! Because you are the one who know who you are. You have to try to proof it. We just try keep our best so people not underestimate us.”

The last, but not least, Mrs Ida want to close the Teatime Conversation with a song sang by Shadira. “Can we hear a little song a bit? for treat our longing during this pandemic? Shadira said yes for that. The conversation then closed by shadira’s singing cover on “Before You Go” by Lewis Capaldi.

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At a glance, the summary of the AES # 1 Forum is: Journalistic History Important To Taught in the Department of Journalism and Communication Studies. Lutfi Adam, scholar graduate from Northwestern University, speaker of the Amir Effendi Siregar Forum (Forum AES) said that. This First Session held on June 28, 2020 in a Zoom video conference by the Center for Study and Alternative Media Documentation NADIM of Communication Science Department at Univeersitas Islam Indonesia. He was the first speaker at the first AES Forum this year with the theme: History of Communication.

Holy Rafika Dhona is the Head of PSDMA Nadim Communication Department at UII. He, as well as the moderator, said he and the team chose Lutfi Adam, Ph.D as the guest speaker with many reason. First, because he had a history and communication background as well. “And his knowledge is still new because he just graduated in May 2020. He is also the winner of a dissertation prize at the Department of History at Northwestern University. It was the campus where he earned his doctorate,” said Holy Rafika, Lecturer in Communication Science Department. Holy also have a specialty in the field of Geographic Communication studies.

Rafika also explained why this forum was called the AES Forum. This forum was formed by Communication Science Department of UII to talk about ideas or spirit about communication in particular. “This name is a reminder of the founder of our department. And he is also owned by all members of the press in Indonesia.”

Historical Method for Communication Research

Lutfi Adam said in his presentation at the beginning, this event was also planned to be made into a book. “So maybe in the future, I will write a method for communication research. It should be in more detail in the form of an essay. So that the picture can be clearer.”

On this occasion, first, Lutfi Adam explained what he would explain in this session. “I will discuss the historical method as communication research,” he said. “Before begining this session, there is any disclaimer: I was no longer a scholar of communication science. My last education was history. So, I represent the discipline of history, not communication,” he continued. Lutfi said, he would share a historical method. However, he can provide an overview of how to adopt historical research methods for communication research. It is because he has a background in communication and media studies.

Then, we neet to answer many question when discussing the history of communication. First, why is it important to research the history of communication. Then, how about researching history. Then, how does communication adopt the historical method for research?

Mas Marco and Journalistic History

Hence, Lutfi Adam also explained the urgency of the history of communication by recounting flash back a few years ago when in the 2005 and 2006 he composed a undergraduated thesis. The theme of the undergraduated thesis he raised was a matter of his strong urge to write journalistic history. He read many sources, especially, about the experiences and stories of journalism journey of Tirto Adi Soerjo. And at least, He finally passed on Mas Marco Kartodikromo as an early journalist.

Pramoedya Ananta Toer’s Tetralogy Book very inspiring Luthfi. That the book titled is This Earth of Mankind. “In the past, when I was composing my research, I was concerning to compose journalistic history. Tetralogy of This Earth of Mankind was inspiring me. And in my opinion was the history of the press,” Luthfi explained.

According to Lutfi, in this Tetralogy Book of This Earth of Mankind, the role of journalists is embedded in an era known as the era of nationalism.

“I am curious about this character, Mas Marco. Then I wrote a thesis on the history of Mas Marco Kartodikromo.” Then he raised the question, “how do I write history in the communication department  Faculty?”

Why is Journalistic History Important To Taught in the Department of Journalism and Communication Studies ?

At that time, said Lutfi, he used solely the instincts used in the work of journalism. “Use the journalist’s instincts,” he said. How the journalists worked, mapped out topics, searched for data, written sources, interviewed sources, “and I plotted to do that and retrieve data. I went to the National Library. Read many, including the writings of Mas Marco from other newspapers I managed to collect,” he recalled.

“Until I brought the writing and I always got insights and research topics from there. That also made me succeed in getting a historical scholarship. If I could get a doctoral research history scholarship, wasn’t that what I used yesterday as the journalist’s instincts is a meaningful historical method? actually, it is no different,” he thought later.

“What I want to say is, why I say it is important to examine the history of Mas Marco? The difficulty when I first studied journalistic theory was to contextualize the values ​​taught by my lecturers,” he explained. “But more or less what I got in the classroom, the illustrations are not detailed and not down to earth. That makes me feel journalistic history is an important course. So it should taught in the journalism department,” concluded Luthfi.

“Because in my opinion, even though history is a very practical science, but when explored, journalistic history is very rich. It also can help journalistic scholars to develop journalism. We can not develop journalism, journalistic values, and journalistic techniques, if we do not understand the history of journalistic development,” said Lutfi to complete the story.

Also read Research on Communication with Historical Research Methods




An afternoon sharing with IPC: International Program of Communication
First Edition:

Young, Creative, And Achievement
Special Guest:

Shadira Firadausi (Communication Department Student UII 2016)


Friday, June, 26th, 2020 | Start at 4PM
IPC’S Instagram: @ip.communication.uii


Nowadays, when the pandemic of Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19) is reaching almost all of the country in the world, everything is changing. Every kind of activities are going to be ‘New Normal.’ This is what we call that the usual become unusual. And also, the unusual becoming more usual. It is also happen at these university’s routine. When the marketing communication (marcomm) had a lot of offline activities of university promotion, now they are become online activities. When the course and study was being done by offline meeting, now every meeting is prohibited instead of online meeting. Zoom, Webex, Google meet, WhatsApp, and other communication apps become the hero among the physical distancing policies today.

It is also happen at Public Relation (PR) routine. Not only at UII, indeed. Everything, everywhere, every person will affect with these pandemic condition. It is also a lot of finding and new way to do PR and mar-comm routines. There will be a lot obstacles and also easiness. One of the difficulties is there will be a big adaptation to move from conventional way of PR activities. The PR officer should adapt faster in order to gain a big PR impact tomorrow. Indeed, the Safety Protocol should always done in every PR activities.

But, there will be some tricks and tips. There’s ease behind hardship. And only they who believe the classic proverb “Where there is a will, there is a way” that will win the battle in the middle of the pandemic.

Hence, International Program of UII’s Communication Science Department invite you all to discuss the tricks, the tips, and the strategy of PR in the middle of these pandemic. We invite you to join our webinar tomorrow in the zoom conference at Friday,  May, 15th, 2020.

Ricky Iskandar (Corporate PR Specialist Regional Forest Interactive), Aziz Malek (Digital Strategist Team Lead Forest Interactive), and Ratna Permata Sari (Lecturer in Communication Science Department) will speak all about Digital PR during Pandemic. So, what are you waiting for? Just Join us at Zoom tomorrow Friday.

​Hi guys, in a pandemic like this, what are you doing to fill your time?
On a typical day, of course you do online lectures, but when the weekend comes, what can we do?

Doing things that are fun at the same time can bring a lot of information might be tried as one answer.
How about attending a web seminar or what we often say with webinars. In a pandemic like this many institutions or media create webinars that can be followed by everyone and certainly free of charge.
Talking about the various webinars, on Saturday 16 May 2020 International Program Department of Communication Universitas Islam Indonesia held a webinar that raised the topic of Digital Marketing Strategy in Outbreak. The theme in this webinar topic is closely related to how to sustain business in a pandemic like this. Through this webinar we will find out more about the strategy of what to do in doing digital marketing.
This webinar is also part of the annual global seminar conducted by our study program and is intended for students who join the International Program.
The most important thing is, this webinar is free and open for the public.

So what are you waiting for, go register yourself now!
check out this video to watch the webinar’s documentation