Workshop Tata Letak dan Desain Web
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Designing the official website of an institution from scratch requires a concept and even a detailed pictorial design plan. The concept of the navigation menu must also consider the needs and goals of the web created.

Risky Falahiyah, a speaker from Websupport of  UII Public Relations, said that web design will be easier if the image design is visible. “Only then will the layout be better on the online page. You can draw a web display plan through the Figma application,” said Risky at the Web Layout and Design Workshop for website management staff in  Department of Communications  UII  on Tuesday (23/2 / 2021).

Website is like a home. According to Zarkoni, UII Communication staff, in this training all staff will learn to improve their own capacity from building houses as well as their interiors. “When the web domain address has been created, the team’s responsibility is to finalize the interior of the website. Prepare the elements that need to appear on the web according to the pixel size required in this UII’s web template,” said Zarkoni who is also web maintenance  of

Designing the official website of an institution from scratch requires a concept and even a detailed pictorial design plan. The concept of the navigation menu must also consider the needs and goals of the web created.


On this occasion, Risky Falahiyah, assisted by Zarkoni, facilitated and trained the website team for Uniicoms TV, UII Communication’s online TV, the website team for the Center for Study and Documentation of Alternative Media / PSDMA Nadim, and the website team for the International  Programof Communication UII (IPC).

Ifa Zulkurnaini, UII Communications Nadim staff, said that it was not so difficult for him to follow Risky’s presentation. “Maybe because my background is in the Computer and Network Engineering Vocational School, it is not difficult to follow,” she said.

Meanwhile, Desyatri Parawahyu, staff of the UII Communication Laboratory and Unit Manager of Uniicoms TV, admitted that she needed to slowly take part in learning to build the Uniicoms TV website, UII Communication. She was greatly helped by teamwork such as Iven Sumardiantoro and Yudi Winarto who specifically designed the web interface design through the Figma application.

The Figma application makes web display design easy because its features are easy to recognize. Figma does function to design the user interface to adjust the user experience of the UII Communication web.

Zarkoni hopes that web managers can work a maximum in the next three weeks. Basically, the development of website development will be monitored every week.

Risky also expressed the same hope. He said the website as the foreground of the house should be designed with the right choice of colors and elements. “As much as possible, follow the branding guide set by the Public Relations of UII.”


Reading Time: 2 minutes

Pengelola Jurnal se-UII mulai melakukan beberapa rangkaian pelatihan guna memperbarui kualitas layanan dan substansi naskah jurnal. Misalnya beberapa waktu yang lalu, para pengelola jurnal mengundang Asesor dari LLDikti menilai kualitas jurnal untuk akreditasi/ reakreditasi.

Kini, pelatihan bertajuk “Workshop Pengelolaan Jurnal Ilmiah Berbasis OJS 3” mencoba mengajak para pengelola jurnal memahami dan mempersiapkan diri untuk migrasi dari Open Journal System (OJS) versi 2 saat ini ke versi 3.

Yuli Andriansyah, selaku narasumber workshop kali ini mengatakan secara sistem OJS 3 lebih praktis dari OJS 2 yang dipakai saat ini. Pihak OJS 3 menekankan bahwa mereka kini lebih responsif dan memiliki konsep feedback. Feedback ini maksudnya, “ngobrol dengan author ini jadi lebih fleksibel,” katanya. “Bahkan kita bisa berkomunikasi langsung antar peran dalam satu grup di OJS,” ungkap Yuli yang juga adalah Dosen FIAI UII, ini pada Kamis (18/2/2021).

Menurut Yuli, migrasi adalah keniscayaan. Cepat atau lambat, semua jurnal tentu akan migrasi, menanggapi pertanyaan salah satu peserta.

“Apakah kalau menerbitkan jurnal baru harus sudah menggunakan OJS 3?” Tanya As’ad Royan, salah satu peserta dari Unit Jurnal dan Publikasi Karya Ilmiah FPSB UII, tersebut lewat kolom chat pada aplikasi Zoom Meeting.

“Saya bukan orang yang bisa memutuskan itu. Tapi saya menyarankan kalau kita lihat OJS 1 sudah diberhentikan servicenya, dan kalau kita ke OJS 3 pun tidak terlalu sulit, saya rasa tidak ada ruginya kita migrasi langsung ke OJS 3,” kata Yuli berpendapat.

Soal tampilan dan pencatatan statistik performa kunjungan web, Yuli menjelaskan, bahwa OJS 3 sudah menyiapkan sistem terintegrasi dengan google analytics bahkan. Secara tamilan juga lebih indah bisa dikustomasi sendiri. “Bawaan asli OJS itu google analytics. Biar database-nya kuat. Bukan statcounter. Statcounter ini kewajiban dikti,” ungkapnya.

Satu kelebihan lain, OJS 3 bisa menambahkan peran baru yaitu Language Editor. Pada OJS 2 peran Language Editor dijadikan satu di proofreader.

Dodik Setiawan, Dosen FH UII, pengelola Jurnal di Fakultas Hukum, juga bertanya. “Apakah di OJS 3 itu bisa menambahkan nomor WA,” tanyanya.

“Jika API WA itu ada tersedia, jadi sejatinya secara teoritis itu bisa dikoneksikan dengan pesan WA langsung,” jawab Yuli. OJS 3, menurut Yuli, memungkinkan koneksi dengan beragam aplikasi, jika aplikasi bersangkutan menyediakan API yang bisa diakses terbuka.

Pada lain kesempatan pascapelatihan, Heri Sudarsono, dosen pengelola Jurnal JEKI, mengatakan bahwa harapan dari pelaksanaan workshop ini adalah agar dapat ditindaklanjuti dengan beberapa workshop OJS berikutnya. “Target kita semakin yakin dan termotivasi untuk migrasi ke OJS 3,” katanya optimis.

Menurut Heri, setelah mendapat penjelasan dari narasumber, ia berpendapat bahwa dengan menggunakan sistem OJS 3, bisa dipertanggungjawabkan keilmiahan naskahnya. “Penjelasan Pak Yuli itu OJS 3 itu sangat bagus,” katanya.

Heri juga menambahkan bahwa tim internal di tingkat universitas akan berupaya merumuskan model migrasi bagi seluruh jurnal di lingkungan UII. Rumusan tersebut berusaha mempertimbangkan berbagai risiko yang akan mungkin dihadapi. Termasuk kendala dan risiko keamanan dan kehilangan data yang ditanyakan oleh beberapa peserta.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Journal Managers at UII have started to carry out a series of trainings to update the quality of service and substance of journal manuscripts. For example, some time ago, journal managers invited assessors from LLDikti to assess the quality of journals for accreditation / re-accreditation.

Now, the training entitled “Workshop on Management of Scientific Journals Based on OJS 3” tries to invite journal managers to understand and prepare themselves for the migration from the current version 2 of the Open Journal System (OJS) to version 3.

Yuli Andriansyah, as the workshop resource person, said in a systemic manner OJS 3 is more practical than OJS 2 in use today. OJS 3 emphasized that they are now more responsive and have a feedback concept. This feedback means, “chatting with this author is more flexible,” he said. “In fact, we can communicate directly between roles in a group at OJS,” said Yuli, who is also a lecturer at FIAI UII, this Thursday (18/2/2021).

According to Yuli, migration is a necessity. Sooner or later, all journals will of course migrate, responding to a question by one of the participants.

“Is it necessary for a new journal to use OJS 3?” Asked As’ad Royan, one of the participants from the Journal and Publication Unit of FPSB UII’s Scientific Works, through the chat column on the Zoom Meeting application.

“I am not the person who can decide that. But I suggest that if we see OJS 1 has terminated its service, and if we go to OJS 3 it is not too difficult, I think there is nothing to lose if we migrate directly to OJS 3,” said Yuli.

Regarding the display and recording of web visit performance statistics, Yuli explained that OJS 3 has even prepared an integrated system with Google Analytics. The view is also more beautiful, you can customize yourself. “The original OJS product is google analytics. So that the database is strong. Not a statcounter. This statcounter is a DIKTI obligation,” he said.

One other advantage, OJS 3 can add a new role, namely Language Editor. In OJS 2, the role of Language Editor is combined in the proofreader’s role.

Dodik Setiawan, Lecturer at FH UII, Journal manager at the Faculty of Law, also asked. “Can OJS 3 add WhatsApp (WA) numbers,” he asked.

“If the WA API is available, theoretically it can actually be connected with a direct WA message,” Yuli replied. OJS 3, according to Yuli, allows connection with various applications, if the application provides an API that can be accessed openly.

On another post-training occasion, Heri Sudarsono, a lecturer who manages the JEKI Journal, said that the hope of the implementation of this workshop is that it can be followed up with the next few OJS workshops. “Our target is increasingly confident and motivated to migrate to OJS 3,” he said optimistically.

According to Heri, after receiving an explanation from the resource person, he was of the opinion that by using the OJS 3 system, the scriptures could be accounted for. “Pak Yuli’s explanation that OJS 3 is very good,” he said.

Heri also added that the internal team at the university level would try to formulate a migration model for all journals in UII. This formula tries to consider the various risks that might be faced. Including the security and data loss constraints and risks that were asked by some of the participants.


Reading Time: 2 minutes

The key to making animated bumper videos is skillfully combining a variety of simple ornaments and work tools. Creativity and being diligent in looking at other animation references are also important.

That was suggested by Dwi Agus and Mudrik Slamet, two instructors at the Motion Graphic Workshop for UII Communication staff on Tuesday (16 February 2021).

This workshop, which is conducted with strict health protocols, is to hone the technical skills of staff to use various design applications with simple ornaments and features. “We are trying to design a video bumper by combining CorelDraw, Photoshop, and after effects applications,” said Dwi Agus, this Photoshop and CorelDraw specialist instructor. Dwi Agus has received many prestigious awards in film competitions. For example, he once won the # 1 Disability Film Festival film competition which specifically raised the issue of diffable advocacy.

Iskandar T. Gunawan, an expert filmmaker who is also a staff of the UII Communication Laboratory, added that the training which was held for two days was a routine activity of the study program. “The goal is to increase staff capacity. Especially because staff can use this expertise for their daily work as an editor for Uniicoms TV and content creators on department’s social media publication pages,” said Iskandar. The main focus of this training is on multimedia editing.

The key to creating animated bumper videos is skillfully combining a variety of simple ornaments and work tools. Creativity and being diligent in looking at other animation references are also important.

This training runs for two days from 16-17 February 2021. This motion graphics and video editing workshop produces various video bumpers for events on the Uniicoms TV channel. A bumper is an explanatory animation commonly used for the opening or closing of a video or film.

According to Dwi Agus, the steps needed are to collect materials. “Starting with where to look for the photos, which typography, broadcast time, what elements we need to use. They are collected in one folder so that it is easy to organize and use in design software,” Dwi said.

“For typography and the particles use Corel. Meanwhile, photo editing uses Photoshop. Then, together with Mudrik, an animation specialist, we put the materials that have been designed in Corel and Photoshop we put them in Adobe After Effects,” Dwi added.

“Only then will we move the elements and design elements with the animated features provided by Adobe After Effects,” said Mudrik, another instructor.

Zarkoni, one of the staff, said that uniicoms TV staff and crew are more capable of using Adobe Premiere. Meanwhile, animation making has not been thoroughly studied. So this training found its urgency in order to improve skills as well as the quality of content on the Uniicoms TV channel, as UII Communications’ Online TV and the first at UII.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Mudah Bikin Kreasi Asik dengan Animasi Motion Graphic

Kunci membuat animasi bumper video adalah dengan terampil mengkombinasikan ragam ornamen sederhana dan alat kerja. Kreativitas dan rajin melihat referensi animasi lain juga penting.

Begitulah yang disarankan oleh Dwi Agus dan Mudrik Slamet, dua instruktur pada Workshop Motion Graphic untuk staf Komunikasi UII pada Selasa (16 Februari 2021).

Workshop  yang dilakukan dengan protokol kesehatan yang ketat ini, dilakukan untuk mengasah keterampilan teknis staf untuk menggunakan beragam aplikasi desain dengan ornamen dan fitur sederhana. “Kita coba mendesain sebuah bumper video dengan mengkombinasikan aplikasi coreldraw, photoshop, dan after effect,” kata Dwi Agus, instruktur spesialis photoshop dan coreldraw ini. Dwi Agus telah banyak menerima penghargaan bergama kompetisi film. Misalnya ia pernah menjuarai lomba film Festival Film Disabilitas #1 yang khusus mengangkat isu soal advokasi difabel.

M. Iskandar T. Gunawan, filmmaker gaek yang juga staf Laboran Komunikasi UII menambahkan bahwa pelatihan yang dilakukan dua hari kali ini adalah kegiatan rutin prodi. “Tujuannya dalam rangka peningkatan kapasitas staf. Terutama karena staf dapat menggunakan keahlian ini untuk kerja sehari-harinya sebagai editor Uniicoms TV dan kreator konten di laman publikasi media sosial Prodi,” kata Iskandar. Fokus utama pelatihan ini adalah pada bidang editing mutimedia.

Kunci membuat animasi bumper video adalah dengan terampil mengkombinasikan ragam ornamen sederhana dan alat kerja. Kreativitas dan rajin melihat referensi animasi lain juga penting.

Pelatihan ini berjalan selama dua hari dari 16-17 februari 2021. Workshop motion graphic dan editing video ini menghasilkan beragam bumper video untuk acara-acara di channel Uniicoms TV. Bumper adalah animasi penjelas yang biasa digunakan untuk pembuka atau penutup sebuah video atau film.

Menurut Dwi Agus, langkah-langkah yang dibutuhkan adalah dengan mengumpulkan bahan. “Dimulai dengan cari fotonya mana, typografinya mana, jam tayang jam berapa, unsur-unsur elemen apa yang perlu kita pakai. Itu dikumpulkan dalam satu folder sehingga mudah dalam pengorganisiran dan penggunaan di software desain,” kata Dwi.

“Untuk typografi dan partikel-partikelnya pakai corel. Sedangkan edit foto pakai Photoshop. Lalu nanti bersama Mudrik, spesialis animasi, kita masukkan bahan-bahan yang telah didesain di corel dan photoshop kita masukkan di adobe after effect,” imbuh Dwi.

“Barulah nanti elemen dan unsur desain tadi kita gerakkan dengan fitur-fitur animasi yang sudah disediakan oleh adobe after effect,” kata Mudrik, instruktur lainnya.

Zarkoni, salah satu staf, mengatakan kalau staf dan kru uniicoms TV lebih mumpuni menggunakan Adobe Premiere. Sedangkan pembuatan animasi selama ini belum terlalu didalami. Maka pelatihan ini menemukan urgensinya demi peningkatan skill sekaligus kualitas konten dalam channel Uniicoms TV, sebagai TV Online milik Komunikasi UII dan pertama di UII.


Reading Time: < 1 minute

Pusat Studi dan Dokumentasi Media Alternatif (PSDMA) Nadim, Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII, membuka lowongan magang bagi mahasiswa.

Tawaran yang disediakan di antaranya:
1. Kegiatan internal
2. Dokumentasi Data Digital
3. Project foto dokumenter media warga di Yogyakarta
4. Project foto dokumenter di luar Yogyakarta

Silahkan bergabung bagi yang berminat. Info lebih lanjut bisa menghubungi kontak yang tertera di poster.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Kinerja staf dan seluruh akademisi dalam upaya peningkatan mutu adalah bagian penting untuk terwujudnya visi-misi universitas. Untuk melihat wujud kinerja staff dan akademisi, diperlukan suatu pendokumentasian yang baik sebagai bukti bahwa kinerja mereka benar-benar telah terlaksna dan tercapai.

Audit Mutu dan Audit Kinerja adalah kunci menuju tata kelola program studi dan laboratorium yang sehat, baik, dan standar. UII menerapkan stardar audit berdasar MERCY OF GOD. Standar ini telah menjadi acuan yang terukur dan menjadi model benchmarking.

Alasan tersebut melatarbelakangi Pelatihan Penyusunan Dokumen Mutu yang dilakukan oleh Komunikasi UII yang diikuti oleh Staf Prodi dan Laboratorium Prodi Komunikasi UII pada Senin (8/2) secara luring atau luar jaringan. Workshop ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan sistem dokumentasi untuk penjaminan mutu Program Studi. Sasarannya adalah staf prodi dan staf laboratorium Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi FPSB UII.

Dalam workshop Pelatihan Penyusunan Dokumen Mutu ini menghadirkan Kepala Bidang Analisis Data BPM/ Badan Penjamin Mutu UII, Eliza Gustri Wahyuni,  dan Ahmad Nurozi  selaku Kepala Bidang Pengendali Sistem Mutu BPM.  Salah satu yang digarisbawahi Eliza dalam pelatihan ini adalah terbentuknya budaya mutu dalam lingkungan kerja di UII. Ia mengatakan, “Demi budaya mutu yang unggul, pengelola program studi perlu mendisiplinkan dan memperbaiki formulir secara teknis untuk pengesahan, memperbaiki semua formulir. mendisiplinkan administrasi dokumen SPM (Standar Penjaminan Mutu).”

Eliza memaparkan, bahwa semua penyusunan dokumen mengacu pada SPM. “Semua dokumen mengimplementasikan SPM dalam penyelenggaraan pendidikan di UII, sehingga terwujud budaya mutu,” ujar Eliza.

Pelatihan kali ini mendedah dan menjelaskan semua dokumen mutu yang perlu disusun oleh unit. Misalnya bagaimana dan apa itu dokumen pernyataan mutu, kebijakan mutu, sasaran dan rencana mutu, hingga menelisik dokumen indikator kinerja mutu (Key performance indicator), serta renstra dan RKAT.

Menurut Desyatri Parawahyu, salah satu staf Laboratorium Komunikasi UII, workshop ini bermanfaat untuk keberlangsungan pengarsipan dokumen mutu laboratorium Komunikasi UII. Pada gilirannya, pengarsipan yang rapi akan diikuti dengan kualitas layanan yang unggul pada mahasiswa dan mitra Komunikasi UII, katanya.

Sumekar Tanjung, Kepala Laboratorium Komunikasi UII, setelah mengikuti pelatihan ini sangat membantu memilah dan menata arsip prodi dan Laboratorium. “Jadi lebih mudah dalam temukenali dokumen, manajemen lebih terorganisir untuk borang pada file administrasi lebih rapi. Memudahkan dalam evaluasi kinerja juga akhirnya,” imbuhnya.

Di sisi lain, workhshop ini juga berguna untuk mengukur mutu layanan pendidikan yang ditawarkan UII. Mahasiswa dan mitra UII akan merasakan dampak tidak langsung dari mutu layanan dan pendidikan yang unggul.

“AMI (Audit Mutu Internal) itu kan jadi PR tahunan. Maka setelah pelatihan ini, jadi lebih tahu. Pada workshop kedua kemungkinnan kita kalau ada masalah, katanya kita bisa workshop lagi agar semakin mematangkan dan meninternalisasi SPM dalam kinerja keseharian,” kata Desyatri.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

 The performance of staff and all academics in an effort to improve quality is an important part of the realization of the university’s vision and mission. To see the form of staff and academic performance, good documentation is needed as evidence that their performance has actually been accomplished and achieved.

Quality audits and performance audits are the keys to sound, good and standard governance of study programs and laboratories. UII applies auditing standards based on MERCY OF GOD. This standard has become a measurable reference and a model benchmarking.

This reason was the background of the Quality Document Preparation Training conducted by UII Communication which was attended by UII Communication Study Program and Laboratory Staff on Monday (8/2) offline or offline. This workshop aims to improve the documentation system for quality assurance of the Study Program. The target is study program staff and laboratory staff of Department of Communication Science, UII.

In this workshop, the Quality Document Preparation Training presented the Head of the BPM Data Analysis Division / UII Quality Assurance Agency, Eliza Gustri Wahyuni, and Ahmad Nurozi as the Head of BPM Quality System Control Division. One of the things that Eliza underlined in this training was the formation of a quality culture in the work environment at UII. He said, “For the sake of a culture of superior quality, study program managers need to discipline and improve technical forms for validation, improve all forms. Discipline the administration of SPM (Quality Assurance Standards) documents.”

Eliza explained that all document preparation refers to SPM. “All documents implement SPM in the implementation of education at UII, so as to create a quality culture,” said Eliza.

The training this time explored and explained all the quality documents that the unit needed to compile. For example, how and what is a quality statement document, quality policy, quality objectives and plans, to examining key performance indicator documents, strategic planning and RKAT.

According to Desyatri Parawahyu, one of the UII Communication Laboratory staff, this workshop is useful for the continuity of archiving quality documents of the UII Communication Laboratory. In turn, neat filing will be followed by superior service quality to UII Communication students and partners, she said.

Sumekar Tanjung, Head of the UII Communication Laboratory, after participating in this training was very helpful in sorting and organizing the archives of study programs and laboratories. “So it is easier to identify documents, management is more organized for forms in administrative files that are tidier. It makes it easier to evaluate performance in the end,” she added.

On the other hand, this workshop is also useful for measuring the quality of educational services offered by UII. UII students and partners will feel the indirect impact of the quality of service and superior education.

“AMI (Internal Quality Audit) becomes an annual homework. So after this training, we know better. In the second workshop, if there is a problem, we can do another workshop to further finalize and internalize SPM in our daily performance,” said Desyatri.


Reading Time: 2 minutes

Seminar Proposal is one of the main courses run by Communication Science students in the 6th semester. This course requires students to make proposals containing about chapter 1 as a part of the research for their undergraduate thesis. Then, students will present the results of their research at the end of the class, the 14th meeting.

Seminar Day was held on Tuesday (2/2) from 09.30 am to 11.30 am. Attended by more than 160 Communication Science students and held in Zoom Meeting Application. This event was hosted by Narayana Mahendra Prasetya, S.Sos., M.A. and Ida Nuraini Dewi Kodrat Ningsih, S.I.Kom., M.A.

“Seminar Day aims to help students of the 2018 class prepare their research. The lecturers will explain step by step how students submit the theme to be researched for their thesis,” Ida said.

Puji Hariyanti, also a lecturer who guides students in determining research, said that Seminar Proposal is not something scary, and can always be done. She also said that students should look for as much data as possible before discussing with their respective lecturers.

Students can choose which lecturers guide their proposals. They should look for issues related to their preferences, discuss with lecturers, then formulate ideas. The submitted outline contains the background of why it is important to research, research purposes, determine the theory to be used, and research methods.

First Experience for IP Students

According to International Program of Communication/ IPC 2018 students, Sheila Jasmine,  Seminar Day is very helpful for them in determining their research. IPC 2018 students are greatly helped by the answers of lecturers who tell them what they need to do to make research. Before attending the Seminar Day, they did not know what to do for their research.

“After joining the Seminar Day, it turns out that the lecturer calmed us not to be burdened, by telling us what steps we should take,” said Sheila, a student of IPC 2018.

Sheila also said that with Seminar Day, she has a lot of considerations to make research.

Just like Nadira Muthia, a student of IPC 2018, she felt helped by Mr. Nara’s explanation. Nadira also has a lot of pictures for her research because the lecturers are very open to discussion.

“The lecturers are also active in Q&A, so I feel helped by their answers, and the questions asked by friends are also very helpful,” Nadira said on Wednesday (3/2).

Author and Reporter: Sera Zahria, Internship Student of Communication Department of UII, at International Program of Communication Department, Student Batch 2016

Editor: A. Pambudi W.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Seminar Proposal merupakan salah satu mata kuliah utama yang dijalankan oleh mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi semester 6. Mata kuliah ini menuntut mahasiswa untuk membuat proposal yang berisi tentang bab 1 sebagai bagian dari penelitian skripsi. Kemudian, mahasiswa akan mempresentasikan hasil penelitiannya di akhir kelas yaitu pertemuan ke-14.

Seminar Day dilaksanakan pada Selasa (2/2) mulai pukul 09.30 hingga 11.30. Dihadiri oleh lebih dari 160 mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi dan diselenggarakan dalam Aplikasi Zoom Meeting. Acara ini dipandu oleh Narayana Mahendra Prasetya, S.Sos., MA dan Ida Nuraini Dewi Kodrat Ningsih, SIKom., MA

“Seminar Day bertujuan untuk membantu mahasiswa angkatan 2018 mempersiapkan penelitiannya. Dosen akan menjelaskan langkah demi langkah bagaimana mahasiswa mengajukan tema yang akan diteliti untuk skripsi, ”kata Ida.

Puji Hariyanti, dosen yang juga membimbing mahasiswa dalam menentukan penelitian, mengatakan Seminar Proposal bukanlah sesuatu yang menakutkan, dan selalu bisa dilakukan. Ia juga menyampaikan agar mahasiswa mencari data sebanyak-banyaknya sebelum berdiskusi dengan dosennya masing-masing.

Mahasiswa dapat memilih dosen mana yang akan memandu proposal mereka. Mereka harus mencari isu-isu terkait kesukaannya, berdiskusi dengan dosen, kemudian merumuskan ide. Garis besar yang disampaikan memuat latar belakang mengapa penting untuk penelitian, tujuan penelitian, menentukan teori yang akan digunakan, dan metode penelitian.

Pengalaman Pertama Memulai Riset Skripsi

Menurut mahasiswa International Program of Communication / IPC 2018, Sheila Jasmine, Seminar Day sangat membantu mereka dalam menentukan penelitiannya. Mahasiswa IPC 2018 sangat terbantu dengan jawaban para dosen yang memberi tahu mereka apa yang perlu mereka lakukan untuk melakukan penelitian. Sebelum mengikuti Seminar Day, mereka tidak tahu apa yang harus dilakukan untuk penelitiannya.

“Setelah mengikuti Seminar Day, ternyata dosen menenangkan kita agar tidak terbebani, dengan memberi tahu kita langkah apa saja yang harus kita ambil,” ujar Sheila mahasiswa IPC 2018.

Sheila juga menyampaikan bahwa dengan Seminar Day ia memiliki banyak pertimbangan untuk melakukan penelitian.

Sama seperti Nadira Muthia, mahasiswa IPC 2018, ia merasa terbantu dengan penjelasan dosen. Nadira juga memiliki banyak foto untuk penelitiannya karena dosennya sangat terbuka untuk berdiskusi.

“Para dosen juga aktif dalam tanya jawab, jadi saya merasa terbantu dengan jawaban mereka, dan pertanyaan yang diajukan oleh teman-teman juga sangat membantu,” kata Nadira pada Rabu (3/2).

Reporter dan Penulis: Sera Zahria, Mahasiswa Komunikasi UII, Angkatan 2016, Magang di Komunikasi UII Program Internasional.

Penyunting: A. Pambudi. W.