The month of Ramadan is a very great month. A month full of blessings, a harvest of rewards, because in the month of Ramadan all rewards are multiplied compared to other months. Even in the month of Ramadan, there is one night whose night is better than a thousand months. Including the reward for feeding the person who is breaking the fast.
“Silence is worth worshiping, let alone glorifying,” said Ust KH. Supriyanto, S.Ag. in Pengajian Akbar with the theme of Ramadan passes, Takwa Always Ready on May 29, 2021. The event was held in conjunction with the 26th Milad series of FPSB UII and conducted with a hybrid model (online and offline) with the support of Uniicoms TV, the first online TV in UII.
“When the harvest is over, we enter Eid. The width of the nopo, the width of the bean harvest, the width of the stingray harvest. While the harvest of people who fast the month of Ramadan as mentioned in al baqoroh verse 183, the width of the harvest, Eid, increases his piety,” explained Supriyanto.
Supriyanto said in his lecture, whoever sins to the point of filling the earth, no matter how great the person’s sin, is still greater forgiveness from God. The original condition is that in the person’s mouth there is still the sentence laa ila ha illallah.
“Because the sentence lailaahaillah is the remover of sins. So get used to reading the words of Allah SWT verbally,” he added.
Meanwhile, if asked, what is a sign of obedience to God? The sign of obedience to Allah SWT is the five daily prayers, said Supriyanto. The person who will perform the five daily prayers is like in front of his house there is a deep spring. The depth of this source was so deep that it was as if he could take a bath five times a day. “As clean as what, try to take a bath five times a day, then ablution is the purifier of sins,” said Supriyanto, a scholar from Puntuk, Umbulmartani, Ngemplak, Sleman, this.
If a Muslim has fulfilled the three pillars of Islam, then his obedience is fulfilled. All three are creed, prayer, and fasting. “Yes, the binding of Islam is these three. And from those three pillars, Islam is enforced. Where is zakat? Not everyone can pay zakat,” said Supriyanto. What about Hajj? Hajj can also only be performed if he is able. “Please to obey God, let’s do these three,” he said later.
Including the practice of a pious person is a person who wants to invest his property. “Sodakoh does not have to wait for the rich (alms does not have to wait to be rich first), even when it is not loose, alms are still asked,” said Supriyanto motivating. “So the alms of the poor and the rich are actually adjusted by their respective abilities.”