Di Malang, sebuah tragedi memilukan melanda arena sepak bola Indonesia. Stadion Kanjuruhan bergemuruh tembakan gas air mata pasca pertandingan Arema versus Persebaya pada 1 Oktober 2022.  Pada 13 Oktober 2022 tercatat ada korban 754 jiwa dan penonton meninggal sebanyak 135 jiwa. Pada titik ini, para penggemar terlihat di lapangan saat pertandingan berakhir. Kemudian secara bertahap masuk supporter yang lain. Polisi kemudian tiba-tiba melepaskan gas air mata.

Sudah sering terjadi kerusuhan dalam laga sepak bola. Dalam kasus Kanjuruhan, gas air mata ditembakkan polisi untuk menghalau massa. Banyak pihak menjurus ini adalah sebab utama tingginya banyak korban. Apakah ada alternatif menghalau kerusuhan? Jawaban pertanyaan ini mengemuka dalam diskusi LPM Kognisia yang diselenggarakan oleh Podcast yang ditayangkan 31 Oktober 2022.

Narayana, Dosen Komunikasi UII, juga berpendapat, sudah ada waktunya politik masuk dalam arti mengelola. “Mengelola masyarakat itu kan politik,” papar Nara. Dalam konteks sepak bola, penontoh ini harus dikelola. Bisa saja kita tahu kan semua stadion kan milik pemda, jadi inilah saatnya desain stadion itu diredesain agar bentrokan antar suporter bisa diantisipasi. Jadi, menurut Nara, kondisinya di Kanjuruhan ini over capacity. Kedua, juga soal Mitigasi bencana. Ada bencana sosial, selama ini yang dimitigasi bencana alam. “Tapi bencana di stadion sepak bola seperti ini belum ada mitigasi yang terencana dengan baik,” kata Nara, panggilan Narayana. Harusnya, ada perencanaan mitigasi dan pertimbangan politik dalam menggelar pertandingan.

Berdasar pelacakan ringkas singkat oleh Nara, terkait kejadian ini ada 10 kasus gas air mata. Nara menelusur dari data-data selama ini, ada kejadian gas air mata untuk membubarkan kerumunan di stadion sejak 2010. Itu melanggar aturan FIFA. Jadi sejak 2010 ada pelanggaran,” ungkap Narayana. Padahal PSSI paham aturan tersebut, kata Nara, panggilan akrab Narayana.

“Gas air mata memang nggak boleh, senjata juga nggak boleh. Atributnya juga seharusnya seminimal mungkin atributnya, bahkan seragam polisi yang pakai lencana topi dan lainnya itu dihimbau tidak pakai, juga dianjurkan memakai kaos saja coklat,” ungkap Alif Madani, suporter PSS Sleman. Alif, yang juga adalah mahasiswa Komunikasi UII angkatan 2016, menambahkan bahwa dalam kondisi normal, pengamanan harus mempertimbangkan kondisi crowd, massa yang begitu banyak terutama jika massa akan keluar dari stadion. Massa sebegitu banyak akan butuh waktu lama keluar. Apalagi dalam peristiwa Kanjuruhan, gas air mata ditembakkan pada para penonton. “Bayangkan dengan gas air mata pasti kan orang tambah panik makin bersesakan. Apalagi ada yang ditembakkan di pintu keluar,” jelas Alif. Korban jatuh terelakkan di tengah kepanikan.

Menurut Alif, hal lain yang bisa dilakukan adalah dengan menggunakan alternatif selain gas air mata. Misalnya polisi kan membawa anjing K9 dan himbauan dikeluarkan oleh petinggi klub. “Anjing K9, ada itu kemarin di Malang. Sempet mundur itu waktu dilepas. Bisa juga misal petinggi klub atau kapten tim dikasih pelantang suara dan suruh ngomong itu bisa nglerem,” usul Alif. Usul ini bukan berarti tidak berdasarkan pengalaman.

PSSI dan pengelola kegiatan bisa belajar dari apa yang pernah terjadi sebelumnya. “Pernah waktu di Sleman, ramai kita suporter menyarankan nanti di depan ada Bagus Nirwanto, Kaptem Tim PSS Sleman. Waktu kasus Bali United itu Irfan Bahdim turun, bisa dipakai untuk menenangkan massa. Di saat yang bersamaan pemain Yang disegani dengan tetua suporter itu menenangkan orang akan segan mengikuti orang yang dihormati dan dikenal,” cerita Alif Madani.

In Malang, a heartbreaking tragedy hit the Indonesian football arena. Tear gas shot at the Kanjuruhan Stadium after the Arema versus Persebaya match on October 1, 2022. On October 13, 2022, 754 victims and 135 spectators died. At this point, fans were seen on the pitch as the game ended. Then gradually enter the other supporters. The police then suddenly released tear gas.

There have been riots at football matches. In the Kanjuruhan case, tear gas was fired by the police to drive away the crowd. Many parties point to this as the main reason for the high number of victims. Is there an alternative to dispel the riots? The answer to this question emerged in the student Press Kognisia discussion organized by Podcast, which aired on October 31, 2022.

Narayana, a UII Communication Lecturer, also thought it was time for politics to enter. “Managing society is politics,” said Nara. In a football context, this attendance must be managed. So, according to Nara, conditions at Kanjuruhan are over capacity. Second, it is also about disaster mitigation. There are social disasters, but so far, natural disasters have been mitigated. “But a disaster at a football stadium like this has not been properly planned,” said Nara, Narayana’s nickname. There should be a mitigation plan and political considerations in holding the match.

Based on a short brief tracking by Nara related to this incident, there were 10 cases of tear gas. Nara traced from the data so far that there have been tear gas incidents to disperse stadium crowds since 2010. This violated FIFA rules. So since 2010, there have been violations,” said Narayana. Even though PSSI understands these rules, said Nara, Narayana’s nickname.

“Tear gas is not allowed; weapons are not allowed either. Attributes should also be as minimal as possible; even police uniforms with badges are also recommended to wear brown shirts,” said Alif Madani, a PSS Sleman supporter. Alif, a 2016 batch of UII Communications students, added that security must consider the masses under normal conditions. there were so many, especially if the masses were about to leave the stadium. So many people would take a long time to leave. Especially in the Kanjuruhan incident, tear gas was fired at the spectators. Moreover, someone was fired at the exit,” explained Alif. Victims fell inevitably amid the panic.

According to Alif, another thing that can be done is to use an alternative to tear gas. For example, bringing K9 dogs and an appeal issued by club officials. “K9 dogs , there was it yesterday in Malang. They were backwards when released. It could also be, for example, for example, club officials or team captains are given a loudspeaker and told to speak; it can slow down,” suggested Alif. This suggestion does not mean it is not based on experience.

PSSI and activity managers can learn from what has happened before. “Once in Sleman, it was crowded; we fans suggest that later there will be Bagus Nirwanto, the captain of the PSS Sleman team. Bahdim take a role, can be used to calm the masses. Which is respected by the elder supporters,” said Alif Madani.

In the study of communication, games are rarely included in the radar of studies considered important. In the past, gaming was just a useless that was done in spare time. But now, the face of the game has changed. Hundreds or even thousands of games are produced every month. Even games have become a business field that generates billions of rupiahs. 

Some of these reasons motivated Andi M. Rafli Manggabarani to research games to be researched as the ultimate task of completing his undergraduate studies in communication science at UII. The results of his research were then responded to positively by the Center for Alternative Media Studies and Documentation (PSDMA) of Nadim Communication Studies, Islamic University of Indonesia (UII) in a discussion. The discussion on October 21, 2022, was moderated by Latifika Gupita, a UII communication student. 

The research conducted by Andi was entitled “Agonistic Relationship in Single-Player Game and the construction of Vilain in Video Game Narrative multimodal proceduralist analysis of Assassin’s Creed III.”

Why did Andi research this? The development of the video game discourse was very rapid in the early 90s and early 2000s, starting to research and analyze games. There was even the first gaming conference in the 2000s. “Unfortunately, the reality is different in Indonesia. Research on games is quiet in Indonesia. Even though games are big business now,” said Andi.

Game studies, said Andi, are interdisciplinary studies. That is, the game can be viewed from various perspectives. It can be viewed from various elements. Such as the program, artistic, visual, narrative, musical, and others. “In the past, gaming was seen as leisure and recreation. Even now, it has been recognized as a sport,” said Andi. 

Andi explained that the game studies that had been analyzed so far, on average, the rest revolved around the depiction of women in video games and several similar ones. Even though the game has other elements that can be said to be unique. For example, the game design itself. “In fact, the elements of this research have not appeared much. This game has its own plot and all kinds of elements (game design), but this is what distinguishes games from movies, books, and others,” said Andi rigidly. 

“The game I chose to discuss was Assassin’s Creed III. This game series is very identical, always packaging the game in the concept of history in all its games,” he said. Andi explained that the game developer, Ubisoft, always consults with historians so that the built games can provide the most accurate picture possible of the setting (place) and historical context. This game has also sold 155 million copies as of October 2020. 

This game tells the story of two secret organizations named Assassin and Templar. The game developer takes the background and historical context of the American revolution that wants to be independent of Britain. Both Templar and Assassin, These two organizations exist to lead human civilization to peace, prosperity, and technological and intellectual progress.

However, both have different approaches to achieving their goals. Assassins believe that humans can progress in an atmosphere of civilization that is full of freedom. While Templar thinks that humans need to be guided and governed. The Templars admitted that they were the most worthy of arranging this. In this video game, the Templar represents a villain (the evil party).

Andi’s research aims to uncover how villains (evil characters and concepts) are built from game design and narrative elements in this game. Game developers image the Templars and values ​​that they believe are considered evil. Andi’s research also wants to reveal what values ​​are considered evil by the Ubisoft game developer and, lastly, what makes someone a ‘villain.’

This question stems from Andi’s assumption why Templars and Assassins are imaged differently even though they have the same goal: prosperity and peace.

More details can be seen on the IKONISIA TV channel https://youtu.be/ax4I8AVVdYA.


Dalam kajian komunikasi, game jarang sekali masuk dalam radar kajian  yang dianggap penting. Dulu game hanyalah kegiatan unfaedah yang dilakukan di waktu-waktu luang. Namun kini, wajah game berubah. Ratusan bahkan ribuan game diproduksi tiap bulannya. Bahkan game menjadi ladang bisnis yang mengasilkan miliaran rupiah. 

Beberapa alasan tersebut melatarbelakangi Andi M. Rafli Manggabarani untuk meneliti game untuk diteliti sebagai tugas pamungkas merampungkan studi S1 di ilmu komunikasi UII. Hasil risetnya ini kemudian ditanggapi positif oleh Pusat Studi dan Dokumentasi Media Alternatif (PSDMA) Nadim Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) dalam sebuah diskusi. Diskusi pada 21 Oktober 2022 sore itu dimoderatori oleh Latifika Gupita, mahasiswa ilmu komunikasi UII pula. 

Penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Andi itu berjudul “Agonistic Relationship in Single-Player Game and the construction of Villain in Video Game Narativve multimodal proseduralist analysis of Assassin’s Creed III”

Kenapa Andi meneliti hal ini? Perkembangan wacana video game sangat pesat di awal tahun 90an dan awal 2000an mulai banyak meneliti adan analisis game. Bahkan ada konferensi game pertama di tahun 2000an. “Namun sayangnya kenyataannya berbeda di Indonesia. Riset tentang game itu sepi di Indonesia. Padahal game adalah bisnis besar sekarang,” kata Andi.

Studi game, kata Andi, adalah studi interdisipliner. Maksudnya, game bisa dilihat dari beragam perspektif. Bisa dipandang dari sisi program, artistik, .visual, narative, musik, dan lain-lain. “Dulu game dilihat sebatas aktifitas di waktu luang. Sekarang telah diakui sebagai salah satu cabang olah raga,” papar Andi. 

Andi menjelaskan, studi game yang penah dianalisis selama ini, rata-rata sisanya berkutat tentang pengambaran perempuan dalam video game, dan beberapa yang serupa dengan itu. Padahal game punya elemen lain yang bisa dikatakan cukup unik. Misalnya desain game itu sendiri. “Malah justru elemen penelitian ini belum banyak muncul. Game ini punya alur dan segala macam unsurnya (game design) tersendiri, tapi ini yang membedakan game dengan film, buku, dan lainnya,” ungkap Andi secara rigid. 

“Game yang saya pilih untuk dibahas adalah Assasin’s Creed III. Seri game ini sangat identik selalu mengemas game dalam konsep sejarah dalam semua gamenya,” katanya. Andi memaparkan bahwa pembuat gamenya (game developer), Ubisol, selalu berkonsultasi dengan sejarawan agar game yang dibangun bisa memberi gambaran seakurat mungkin dengan latar (tempat) dan konteks sejarahnya. Game ini juga sudah terjual 155 juta kopi hingga oktober 2020. 

Game ini bercerita tentang dua organisasi rahasia bernama Assasin dan Templar. Game developer mengambil latar dan konteks sejarah revolusi amerika yang ingin memerdekakan diri dari Inggris. Baik Templar dan Assasin, Dua organisasi ini ada untuk menggiring peradaban manusia pada perdamaian, kemakmuran, kemajuan teknologi dan intelektual.

Namun keduanya memiliki perbedaan pendekatan dalam mencapaian tujuannya. Assasin percaya bahawa manusia bisa maju dalam suasana peradaban yang penuh kebebasan. Sedangkan Tamplar berpikir bahwa manusia perlu dibimbing dan diatur. Templar mengaku bahawa merekalah yang paling layak untuk mengatur hal tersebut. Dalam video game ini Templat direpresentasikan sebagai vilain (pihak jahat).

Penelitian Andi ini bertujuan untuk membongkar bagaimana villain (tokoh dan konsep jahat) dibangun dari elemen desain game dan naratif dalam game ini. Game developer mencitrakan Templar dan nilai yang mereka yakini dianggap jahat. Penelitian Andi juga ingin menguak nilai apa saja yang dianggap jahat oleh developer game Ubisoft ini, dan yang terakhir, apa saja yang membuat seseorag itu menjadi ‘villain’

Pertanyaan ini berasal dari asumsi Andi, mengapa Templar dan Assasin dicitrakan berbeda padahal punya tujuan yang sama: kemakmuran dan perdamaian.

Selengkapnya dapat dilihat di chanel Ikonisia TV:

Perubahan dari siswa sekolah menjadi mahasiswa baru di sebuah universitas kadang menjadi kecemasan tersendiri bagi mahasiswa. Perubahan tekanan dan pola pendidikan, perubahan pergaulan, dan perubahan kehidupan rumah menjadi kehidupan kos-kosan juga membawa dampak bagi psikologis dan gaya hidup seseorang. Perlu pengenalan kehidupan kampus agar adaptasi dengan budaya akademik berjalan lebih mudah bagi mahasiswa baru.

Beberapa pengenalan kehidupan mahasiswa itu dilakukan dalam rangka penyambutan mahasiswa baru International Program of Communication (IPC) Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) di Gedung FPSB UII. Penyambutan mahasiswa baru yang dilaksanakana pada Senin, 10 oktober 2022 itu, disambut oleh Ida Nuraini Dewi Kodrat Ningsih, Sekretaris Prodi IPC, Masduki (Dosen Komunikasi UII), dan Herman Felani (Dosen Komunikasi UII). Dalam penyambutan mahasiswa yang bertajuk “Creative and Adaptive Youth” itu Herman memberikan pembekalan terkait bagaimana beradaptasi menghadapi kehidupan sebagai mahasiswa. Acara itu dilaksanakan sebagai acara rutin bernama Academic and Skill Study (ACSS) 2022.

Hal ini dilakukan untuk membekali mahasiswa baru sehingga dapat menghadapai berbagai perubahan kehidupan di universitas. Dalam penyambutan mahasiswa baru IPC UII, Herman Felani memberikan gambaran seperti apa kehidupan mahasiswa. Dalam pengenalan dunia mahasiswa, ia banyak memberikan gambaran bagaimana kehidupan mahasiswa di beberapa berapa negara.

Dalam penyambutan mahasiswa, Herman memberikan gambaran kehidupan mahasiswa di berbagai negara. Kebanyakan negara-negara Amerika dan Kanada, kehidupan mahasiswa banyak diwarnai dengan kondisi yang padat dengan tugas-tugas akademik. Sedang di negara-negara lain, selain beban dengan tugas akademik, mahaiswa juga dihadapkan dengan persoalan manajemen waktu dan pengaturan waktu dan prioritas kehidupan, serta perhatiaan pada stdui akademiknya. Sementara di negara lain seperti Arab, Rusia, Swedia, Australia, Korea dan lainnya juga banyak dihadapkan dengan masalah sepreti motivasi belajar, komunikasi, konsep perkuliahan, lingkungan sosial dan pergaulan, dan pengembangan diri.

Dengan barbagai pengambaran persoalan tersebut, Herman mencoba untuk memberikan beberapa nasehat agar ke depan mahasiswa baru ini memilki managemen waktu, managemen keuangan, skala prioritas kegiatan, kerangka waktu dan target jangka panjang dan pendek, serta kesehatan mental yang terjaga. “Take care of your mental health. While doing well in university is important, it’s also okay to prioritise your mental health,” ujar Herman.

Food Vlogs are becoming more and more common now. They were not only producing information or any entertainment content but also communicating the culture. The cultures are not only about art but also language, tradition, and the special way the food make. It varies what is covered. Starting with vloggers who produce content about regional Asian food in Indonesia. There are varied viewpoints regarding his vlog audience as well. Of course, a wide range of factors influences these diverse perspectives.

On the occasion of the Nadim Discussion session I in October, Bella Cita Nanda Hawa, UII Communication Alumni (international class) batch 2018, shared her experience researching viewers’ perceptions of Vloggers who create Asian food content. Through the Zoom digital conference room mediation, Bella was at the Nadim Discussion on October 7, 2022. The PSDMA (Center for Study and Documentation of Alternative Media) Nadim Communications UII is held regularly as a meeting room for academics at the Department of Communications UII to discuss temporary findings and research results, both in the form of a thesis, freelance research, and others.

In her research entitled, “Perceptions of the International Food Travel Vlog: Asian Food from Ria SW and Jwestbros,” Bella captures three findings. Viewers interviewed by Bella get international food Vlog content by Vlogger Ria SW and Jwestbros as three things. First, vlog content is a source of information, education, and entertainment. “Food vlogs affect the way viewers see and rate food. Food vlogs also influence viewers to try the food reviewed,” said Bella.

Viewers interviewed by Bella fall into two categories. First, viewers of food travel vloggers who have never been abroad and who have. After watching these two vloggers, She found no difference in effect or influence between these two categories.

Another finding is that this Asian food vlog does not only provide information about food content and traveling but also becomes intercultural communication between countries. “In some content, this Asian food vlogger also uses the local country’s languages,” said Bella. For example, when trying Thai cuisine, there is a Thai insert when reviewing. “The International Asian Food Travel Vlog also inserts information about the local culture that was visited,” said Bella.

Bella also compares some of her findings with international journals that discuss similar topics. For example, researching Food Vlogs in Bilaspur, India, food vlogs can be a restaurant promotion tool. Not only content affects viewers research in Chennai, India, also found that vlogger content can attract viewers’ attention due to three things: the vlogger’s body language, unique food, to technical aspects such as thumbnails on the video blog on the screen.

Watch the full show in the video below:



Konten Vlog Makanan semakin menggurita kini ketika teknologi bisa diakses hampir semua orang. Cakupannya pun beragam. Mulai dari Vlogger yang membuat konten untuk konten makanan lokal indonesia, sampai konten Makanan Asia.
Beragam pula persepsi penonton vlog-vlog-nya. Beragam persepsi tersebut tentu saja dipengaruhi oleh banyak hal.

Pada kesempatan Diskusi Nadim sesi I Oktober, Bella Cita Nanda Hawa, Alumni Komunikasi UII (kelas internasional) angkatan 2018, membagikan pengalamanya meneliti persepsi-persepsi viewers atas Vloggers yang membuat konten makanan Asia. Bella hadir pada Diskusi Nadim Komunikasi UII pada 7 Oktober 2022 lewat mediasi ruang konferensi digital Zoom. Diskusi PSDMA (Pusat Studi dan Dokumentasi Media Alternatif) Nadim Komunikasi UII ini diselenggarakan rutin sebagai ruang bertemunya akademisi di Komunikasi UII mendiskusikan temuan sementara dan hasil risetnya, Baik dalam bentuk skripsi, penelitian lepas, dan lain-lain.

Dalam risetnya berjudul, “Persepsi Vlog Perjalanan Makanan Internasional: Makanan Asia dari Ria SW dan Jwestbros,” Bella menangkap ada tiga temuan. Viewers yang diwawancarai oleh Bella mendapatkan konten Vlog makanan internasional oleh Vlogger Ria SW dan Jwestbros sebagai tiga hal. Pertama, konten vlog sebagai sumber informasi, sebagai pendidikan, dan sebagai hiburan. “Vlog makanan memengaruhi cara viewers melihat dan menilai makanan. Food vlog juga memengaruhi viewers untuk mencoba makanan yang diulas,” kata Bella.

Viewers yang diwawancarai Bella ada dalam dua kategori. Pertama, viewers para food travel vlogger yang belum pernah ke luar negeri, dan yang sudah. Ia menemukan tak ada perbedaan efek atau pengaruh di antara kedua kategori ini setelah menonton dua vlogger ini.

Temuan lain adalah, vlog makanan Asia ini ternyata tidak hanya memberikan informasi tentang konten makanan dan travelling, tapi juga menjadi komunikasi antar budaya, antar negara. “Di beberapa konten, vlogger makanan Asia ini juga menggunakan bahasa-bahasa negara setempat,” kata Bella. Misalnya saat mencoba masakan Thai, ada sisipan bahasa Thai saat mengulas. “International Asian Food Travel Vlog juga menyisipkan informasi budaya setempat yang dikunjungi,” kata Bella.

Bella juga membandingkan beberapa temuannya dengan jurnal-jurnal internasional yang membahas tentang topik serupa. Misalnya, penelitian Vlog Makanan di Bilaspur, India, food vlog bisa menjadi alat promosi restoran. Tak hanya isi konten yang memengaruhi viewers, penelitian di Chennai, India, juga menemukan bahwa konten vlogger dapat menarik perhatian penonton karena tiga hal: bahasa tubuh vlogger, makanan yang unik, hingga aspek teknis seperti thumbnail di video blog di layar.

Tonton acara lengkapnya di tayangan di bawah ini:


Perhaps not everyone will reach a consensus when discussing good and terrible images. There is always a subjective issue with the power of the camera shutter finger. Subjectivity can also evolve in photography; it does so periodically when the mind and body pick up new information.

How the mind and body process and discipline themselves in the process of doing photographic works were conveyed by Zaki Habibi, Lecturer of the Department of Communication at the Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII), in a series of DOC-Camp (Documentary training and media camp) Photo Discussion and Exhibition events in collaboration between PSDMA Nadim UII of Communication Department and Klik18, the Student Photography Club, at the Department of Communication UII, on September 22, 2022. Zaki is a researcher in urban and visual culture studies and a photography enthusiast and practitioner. This photo exhibition took place from September 20 to 23, 2022.

In the photo exhibition entitled Islam and Transformation, Zaki said that this photo discussion is a space of appreciation and a room for reflection on the hard work, thoughts, and determination of Klik18 members. “Appreciating the work of friends who have presented their work. It cannot be separated from work, efforts, thoughts, and hard work, which have been in progress since the first Doc-Camp was held in 2018,” said Zaki Habibi opening his session.

Mind and Body in Process

In this discussion, Zaki Habibi talked about subjectivity, sensitivity, and sensitivity to one’s mind and body processes. He started from his experience when he started his studies in a small Swedish town, Lund. He invited the audience to a discussion to imagine how Indonesians of color and body are relatively small among Caucasians. Who first set foot in the city. The eyes of local people must have been on him. Foreigner.

On his first Friday as a Muslim, He went to a mosque. How surprised he was, it turned out to be the mosque he imagined with a dome, and other distinctive ornaments, more appropriately called an ordinary building. It is not the same as the usual mosque in Indonesia that also build with a dome above. He also took pictures of the oddity.

Zaki Habibi, the Lecturer of The Department of Communication, UII as the Speaker of Photo Discussion of Doc-Camp 2022

After weeks, he lived there and visited the place on hundreds of Fridays. The mosque there no longer made him a stranger. He can now come closer and more intensely by seeing several sides of the place. Able to interact more deeply with other people. Can dig up stories about immigrants from Gaza. “I was able to chat with a lot of people, including Gaza immigrants, about how he came, about who came with him, about who he had to protect, who he left or was forced to stay.”

“Yes, I went with my son and brother, and my wife drowned while here. That’s how it is,” said Zaki telling how his friend told the story in a flat tone, but there was a deep sadness that his friend had held back for years. A photographer can capture sensory and even internal sensors through photos. And this subjectivity will unite with body discipline if it has been trained for years.

Zaki describes how subjectivity is formed and how subjectivity is not neutral. From the simplest things, Zaki explains how someone takes a selfie or selfie. “We are not neutral in front of our cameras. Let’s just take a selfie and choose an angle. Which side of us looks photogenic,” said Zaki.


A photo is more than just a still image that is contained within a frame and cannot move. A photograph might enable the spectator to perceive good and challenging circumstances. The smell of the waste gathered at the Piyungan Final Disposal Site can be captured in pictures (TPA).

In a series of DOC-Camp Photo Discussions and Exhibitions as a result of collaboration between PSDMA Nadim UII Department of Communication and Klik18, Zaki Habibi, a lecturer in the Communication Department at the Universitas Islam Indonesia, became one of the triggers for the photo discussion with the theme “Islam and Transformation”. In the discussion that showcased the 12 themes of the story photos, Zaki conveyed how a photo can turn on various human sensory sensors ranging from taste, smell, and even inner nuances.

“Seeing one photo, we will be taken to feel the rotten smell of a pile of garbage as high as a mountain,” said Zaki, describing the atmosphere of the Piyungan TPA.

Zaki also recounted how he was in the process of recognising a mosque in Sweden, which he initially felt foreign. But after a while, he got acquainted with the place and even conversed with another mosque-goer who is also a Gaza immigrant whose wife drowned in her search for asylum. “Photos can also turn on the inner sensor of suppressed sadness.” Zaki added.

To capture images that turn on the sensors in the body, it also takes a human sensory experience behind the camera itself. Photographers themselves need to explore experiences and keen observations for a long time. “It could be that we just hang out for weeks there, without taking photos,” said Zaki.

Zaki appreciates the Doc-Camp photo exhibition while quoting the curatorial notes from the representative of the curator, Risky Wahyudi, who has been able to present the image of Islam not as a normative matter about the teachings of goodness. But precisely because of seeing from a variety and a different perspective. “It takes sensory sensitivity and social sensitivity to produce a photographic work that is not only a normative issue but also a solution. It’s not just about the teachings of Islam but more about how Islam is present in various aspects of our society’s life,” Zaki quoted the curatorial statement.

“The detailed story in this photo will store and display the wealth of body and mind to make us enrich the other side of just a normative story,” said Zaki.


Membicarakan foto bagus dan tidak, bisa jadi setiap orang tidak akan mencapai titik temu yang presisi. Masalah subjektifitas kekuasaan jari pencet rana kamera selalu ada. Dalam fotografi, subjektifitas juga dapat berubah: berproses dari waktu ke waktu seiring proses pikiran dan sensor tubuh.

Bagaimana pikiran dan tubuh berproses dan mendisipinkan diri dalam proses membuat karya fotografi itu disampaikan oleh Zaki Habibi, Dosen Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Islam Indonesia, dalam rangkaian acara Diskusi dan Pameran Foto DOC-Camp hasil kerjasama antara PSDMA Nadim Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII dan Klik18, klub Fotografi di Ilmu Komunikasi UII, pada 22 september 2022. Zaki adalah peneliti kajian kultur urban dan visual sekaligus penikmat dan praktisi fotografi. Pameran foto ini telah berlangsung sejak 20 hingga 23 September 2022.

Dalam pameran foto yang bertajuk Islam dan Transformasi, Zaki mengatakan bahwa diskusi foto ini menjadi ruang apresiasi sekaligus ruang refleksi atas kerja keras, pemikiran, dan keteguhan anggota Klik18. “Mengapresiasi karya teman-teman yang sudah menghadirkan karyanya. Tak lepas dari kerja, upaya, pemikiran, dan kerja keras, yang berproses sejak Doc-Camp pertama diadakan sejak 2018,” kata Zaki Habibi membuka sesi materinya.

Pikiran dan Tubuh yang Berproses

Dalam diskusi ini, Zaki Habibi bercerita tentang bagaimana subjektifitas, kepekaan, dan sensifitas berproses dalam pemikiran dan tubuh seseorang. Ia memulai dari pengalamannya saat ia mengawali studi di kota kecil di Swedia, Lund. Ia mengajak hadirin diskusi untuk membayangkan bagaimana orang Indonesia yang berkulit berwarna dan berbadan relatif kecil di antara orang bule. Terlebih ia adalah orang yang pertama kali menapakkan kaki di kota itu. Pandangan mata orang setempat pastilah tertuju padanya. Asing.

Di hari jumat pertamanya, sebagai seorang muslim ia harus jumatan. Ia pun pergi ke sebuah masjid. Betapa herannya dia, ternyata masjid yang ia bayangkan dengan kubah, dan ornamen khas lainnya, lebih pantas dikatakan sebagai ruko. Dan kecil pula. Ia pun memotret kejanggalan itu.

Setelah berminggu-minggu tinggal di sana, dan ratusan jumat dia datangi tempat itu, “masjid yang ruko” di sana sudah tidak lagi membuatnya asing. Ia kini bisa datang dengan lebih dekat dan intens dengan melihat beberapa sisi tempat itu. Bisa makin dalam berinteraksi dengan orang lain. Bisa menggali cerita tentang imigran dari Gaza. “Saya lama-lama bisa mengobrol dengan banyak orang termasuk imigran gaza, tentang bagaimana dia datang, tentang siapa saja yang datang bersamanya, tentang siapa yang harus dia lindungi, siapa saja orang yang ia tinggalkan atau terpaksa ia tinggal.“

“Ya saya pergi dengan anak dan saudara saya, dan istriku dah tenggelam saat ke sini. Begitulah,” kata Zaki menceritakan bagaimana temannya bercerita dengan nada datar tetapi ada kesedihan mendalam yang ditahan bertahun-tahun. Seorang fotografer akan mamu menangkap sensor-sensor indrawi bahkan batin lewat foto. Dan subjektifitas ini akan bersatu dengan disiplin tubuh jika sudah terlatih selama bertahun-tahun.

Zaki menggambarkan bagaimana subjektifitas itu dibentuk, dan bagaimana subjektifitas tidaklah netral. Dari hal yang paling sederhana, Zaki menggambarkan bagaiman seseorang berswafoto atau selfi. “Kita nggak netral di depan kamera kita. Kita aja foto selfi milih angle. Sisi mana kita terlihat fotogenik,” kata Zaki.