agenda yang ada di prodi ilmu komunikasi

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Undangan Sosialisasi

Bidang Minat Mahasiswa Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi

Acara ini adalah sosialisasi mengenalkan bidang minat atau konsentrasi bidang minat studi untuk Mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi angkatan 2020. Bidang minat yang dimaksud adalah pilihan bidang minat atau konsentrasi studi Jurnalisme dan Penyiaran, Kajian Media, Media Kreatif, dan Public Relation. Bidang minat ini penting untuk dipilih baik untuk mahasiswa kelas International Program maupun Kelas Reguler. Acara akan diadakan pada:

Jumat, 19 Agustus 2022
Zoom Meeting

Acara ini bersifat wajib

Reading Time: 6 minutes

The Southeast Asian Frontier Workshop is looking to hold cutting-edge conversations about the process of frontierization that has occurred or is currently occurring in Southeast Asian regions. The workshop intends to establish a network of Southeast Asianists with an academic interest in the region’s borders while stimulating fruitful academic conversation and output around Southeast Asian frontiers. Joining is open to participants from all humanities, social science, and environmental studies disciplines. This workshop will be divided into several parts, with each part covering a different geographic region. We’ll begin the first series in the highlands of Southeast Asia.

Keynote Speaker:

Tania Murray Li
(University of Toronto)

Two Capitalisms, Two Commodity Frontiers: A View from Indonesia

There are two different kinds of commodity frontiers and two different capitalist relationship configurations in Indonesia. One is the corporately occupied commodities border, which is home to extensive concessions like mines and plantations. Although it is not characterized by “free” markets or competition, this arrangement is frequently referred to as capitalist. Instead, it relies on state-provided subsidies, coerced labor, and forced land seizures. Monopoly agreements shield inefficiency, serving objectives like national prestige and getting access to illegal rent streams that are only tangentially related to production or profit. Small-scale farmers make up the majority of the second configuration, and when capitalist relations do arise, they typically follow the standard textbook pattern: producers pay market prices for land, labor, and credit; and they are governed by the imperative of market competition. Ineffective producers fail, and there are no bailouts or subsidies. For 300 years, Indonesia’s small-scale farmers have been extremely effective exporters of coffee, cocoa, and rubber. If a corporate-friendly dictatorship did not repress them, they would currently also control the supply of palm oil. In addition to normalizing the marginalization of the highly productive, small-scale capitalists who receive no support or recognition despite being by far the most dynamic actors on commodity frontiers, calling the corporate variant of capitalism capitalist obscures its dependence on state support and subsidies.




Michael Eilenberg
(Aarhus University)

Smoke, Fire and Crisis on the Indonesian Forest Frontier

Since the 1970s, Indonesia has experienced widespread forest and land fires, but in the past 20 years, the intensity of these fires, particularly on the outer islands, and their effects on neighboring nations due to cross-border haze have drawn significant media attention and led to new political engagements on a national and international level. The Indonesian government has implemented strict measures as a direct result, forbidding farmers from utilizing land and forests for agricultural purposes. Large-scale forest and land fires have complicated causes that involve a variety of people and organizations, from small-scale swidden farmers to massive plantation corporations. However, small-scale subsistence farmers and their traditional practices of swidden agriculture are targeted as among the principal offenders of forest and land fires. Subsistence agriculture is directly linked to deforestation once more. I will talk about the “business of fire” and how burning land and forests is a part of a wider scheme to seize land and turn it into an investment for massive plantation expansion.



Timo Maran
(Tartu University)

Towards A Semiotics of Ecocultures: Semiotic Ground and Ecosemiosphere


From a semiotic perspective, the Anthropocene is characterized by a massive increase in abstract symbols that lack any connection to biological or material processes. This growth of symbols is anti-ecological, because the production and maintenance of the various media and artifacts that embody the symbols requires large amounts of matter and energy.Since symbols are based on human customs, they also cannot respond directly to changes in environmental and ecological processes (described by David Low as dissent in 2009). Eduardo Kohn and Andrew Whitehouse proposed the concept of semiotic ground to denote the semiotic basis of the ecosystem. It may be argued that iconic and indexical signs are a common semiotic ground for both human and non-human species, and that this ground is also connected to the patterns of the material world. In the biological world, organisms need things around them in order to survive. In icons and indexes, there is a connection between objects and interpretations.This relationship between the material and semiotic realms is important. Highlands are particularly rich environments with a variety of constraints, patterns, and resources. In ecocultures we should find ways to ground the culture, that is, to restore the connection between the human symbolic sphere and ecosystems that are predominantly iconic and indexical.Semiosphere could be reinterpreted here as ecosemiosphere – a semiotic system encompassing all species and their environments, alongside the multiple semiotic relationships (including humans with their culture) they have in the given ecosystem and also matter

SEAF Workshop Series #1: Highlands have excitedly accepted 36 panelists who will be presenting in 9 panels. Our panel themes are:

  • Highlands and development
  • Highlands and religious change
  • Natural hazards and social resilience in highlands
  • Conservation and environmentalism in highlands
  • Scientific practices in highlands
  • Political economic change in highlands
  • Governing Southeast Asian highlands
  • Representation of highlands and highlanders

The workshop is funded by:

Logo of The Regional Science Association International
Logo of Universitas Islam Indonesia

Supported by:

Workshop Convenors:

  • Muzayin Nazaruddin (Department of Communication Universitas Islam Indonesia – Department of Semiotics Tartu University),
  • Luthfi Adam (Research Fellow at Monash Indonesia & Dumbarton Oaks, Harvard University),
  • Sindhunata Hargyono (Dept. of Anthropology, Northwestern University)Sari Damar Ratri (Dept. of Anthropology, Northwestern University),
  • Sari Damar Ratri (Dept. of Anthropology, Northwestern University),
  • M. Fathi Rayyani (Center for Ecology and Ethnobotany, BRIN)


CLICK HERE for SEAF Workshop Website


Prosedur bebas pustaka
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Pengumuman Wisuda Luring Periode I Tahun Akademik 2022/2023

Informasi tentang wisuda dan ijazah akan diperbarui secara berkala di laman dan Instagram @akademikuii

Detil Informasi bisa lihat di file berikut

Kuota Wisuda dibatasi 800 peserta.
1. Waktu pendaftaran: 8-31 Agustus 2022.
2. Belum pernah mengikuti atau terdaftar sebagai peserta wisuda di periode sebelumnya.
3. Yudisium kelulusan paling akhir 30 Agustus 2022, dibuktikan dengan status lulus di UllGateway.
4. Lunas tagihan ijazah dan iuran alumni yang dapat dilihat pada UIITagihan masing-masing.
5. Calon peserta wisuda melakukan pendaftaran wisuda melalui aplikasi pada laman menu
UIILayanan » Akademik » Pendaftaran Wisuda login dengan menggunakan akun Ull.
6. Pastikan data yang diisi atau dipilih sudah sesuai, karena pendaftar tidak dapat melakukan pengubahan data
apabila pendaftaran wisuda sudah dinyatakan lolos verifikasi.
7. Lunas 5PP angsuran 3 dan 4 (Lulus di Semester Genap TA. 2021/2022} atau angsuran 1 dan 2 (Lulus di Semester
GanjilTA. 2021/2022).
Informasi semester kelulusan bagi mahasiswa:
Semester Ganjil: 1 September-28/29 Februari, Semester Genap: 1 Maret-31 Agustus

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Informasi Ujian Remedisi semester Genap TA 2021/2022 detil bisa dilihat dengan unduh tombol berikut:


a. Waktu Key-in: 8 dan 9 Agustus 2022
b. Pembayaran 9 dan 10 Agustus 2022
c. Pembatalan oleh Kaprodi: 10 Agustus 2022 (setelah masa pembayaran selesai)
d. Ujian Remediasi: diumumkan kemudian (12-19 Agustus 2022)
e. Pembayaran mulai 9 Agustus 2022 pkl 16.30 WIB s.d 10 Agustus 2022 pkl. 14.00 WIB melalui loket bank/transfer, atm, dan internet banking (bank Mandiri, bank Muamalat, bank Bukopin, BSI, dan BPD DIY Syariah)
f. Mahasiswa yang telah melakukan key-in Ujian Remediasi tetapi tidak melakukan pembayaran, maka key-in dinyatakan batal.



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A post shared by Daa Kuliah (@daaupdate)

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Hello everyone😊 we will have a webinar agenda that a series of P2A Passage to Asean 2022, with:


Luthfi Adam, PhD

(Historian of Modern Southeast Asia, Environment, Science)

Topic: A Discussion on Pandemic and Social Cultural Changes

Time: Aug 3, 2022 09:30 AM Jakarta by Zoom Meeting

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Universitas Islam Indonesia partnerships with Universiti Utara Malaysia, and Suan Dusit University Thailand, and Passage to ASEAN (P2A)

proudly presents:

“Pandemics and Socio-Cultural Changes”

ISS 2022
DATE: 7-9 AUGUST 2022 (ISS) (Hybrid)

4-13 AUGUST 2022


1 AUG-7 SEP 2022 (online)



Reading Time: < 1 minute


Pekan ini adalah pekan yang penuh dengan peluang dan kesempatan untuk mahasiswa Komunikasi UII. Salah satunya adalah helatan 28TahunAJI yang menggelar beragam aktivitas yang dapat mendukung peningkatan kompetensi, jaringan, dan pengalaman mahasiswa Komunikasi UII. Tentu khususnya dalam kaitannya konsentrasi Jurnalistik, Penyiaran, dan juga bisa menjadi wawasan mahasiswa yang mengambil konsentrasi bidang minat PR untuk melihat bagaimana lembaga non pemerintah membuat jenama (brand) dalam kegiatan rutin dan media sosialnya. Berikut ini ada peluang bagi mahasiswa Komunikasi UII yang aktif di pers mahasiswa dari Mitra komunikasi UII. Sila lihat detil sebagai berikut:

Pada peringatan HUT ke-28 #28TahunAJI, Aliansi Jurnalis Independen (AJI) memutuskan untuk memberikan penghargaan bagi pers mahasiswa berupa Student Pers Award 2022.

Penghargaan khusus ini diberikan kepada pers mahasiswa yang mengalami pelbagai bentuk tekanan karena aktivitas jurnalistik. AJI mengapresiasi pers mahasiswa yang gigih menyuarakan kebenaran dan memperjuangkan keadilan melalui kemerdekaan pers.

Anda punya calon kandidat penerima penghargaan ini?

Bisa juga merujuk pada media sosial AJI Indonesia berikut:


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A post shared by AJI Indonesia (@aji.indonesia)

Reading Time: < 1 minute

AJI Indonesia dan AIHSP mengirimkan undangan terbuka untuk menghadiri acara Graduasi Pelatihan & Fellowship Liputan “Pers dan Komunikasi Risiko dalam Krisis Kesehatan”. Acara ini terbuka untuk umum, untuk para jurnalis, lembaga pemerintah, mahasiswa, komunitas disabilitas, dan umum.

📅 Rabu, 13 Juli 2022
🕣 14.00-16.30 WIB
📍 Join Zoom :

Tersedia Doorprize!

Detil acara dapat dilihat pada tangkapan layar akun Instagram berikut:


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A post shared by AJI Indonesia (@aji.indonesia)

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Peraturan travel ban dan larangan berkumpul selama pandemi membuat konser-konser K-Pop terpaksa dibatalkan. Sayangnya, digitalisasi format konser ini menciptakan banyak tanda tanya di dalam kepala khalayak. Konser online K-Pop dinilai tidak lagi memiliki esensi karena tidak bisa mempertemukan idola dan penggemar dalam satu lokasi.

Lantas, bagaimana tayangan konser digital K-Pop dikonstruksi sebagai
sebuah “konser” dalam benak penonton?

Mari merapat dan kita diskusikan bersama pada:

📅: Selasa, 28 Juni 2022
🕓: 16:00 WIB
📌: Klik Tombol di bawah ini untuk Tautan Zoom

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Kepada Mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi UII, berikut ini adalah tawaran untuk berkarya dan menambah pengalaman keilmuan, jejaring, dan wawasan di bidang media, perpektif komunikasi pemberdayaan, profetika komunikasi, dan humanisme. Silakan daftar menjadi relawan di lembaga Rifka Annisa Women Crisis Centre. Lokasinya di Yogyakarta. Anda bisa mendaftar pada posisi relawan atau magang. Mau daftar tinggal Klik ya. Berikut ini informasi detilnya:

Sobat Rifka
Rifka Annisa memperpanjang masa recruitment relawan.

Silahkan cek informasi lengkap melalui link:
Pendaftaran melalui link:
Kami tunggu hingga tanggal 26 Juni 2022.

Jika membutuhkan informasi lebih lanjut silahkan email: [email protected]