Entries by pampam

Continue the Ideals of Bang Amir as the founder of Communication Science Department

After more than a year of the funeral of Amir Effendi Siregar, the family of Communication Departmennt conducted a ceremony and sprinkling flowers at Amir Effendi Siregar’s cemetery. Bang Amir, Amir Effendi Siregar’s nickname. is a founder figure of Communication Department of UII. This activity which was held on August 2, 2019, was participated by […]

Teruskan Cita-Cita Bang Amir Sebagai Pendiri Komunikasi UII

Setelah lebih dari satu tahun wafatnya Bang Amir Effendi Siregar, dan juga bersamaan dengan telah diraihnya Akreditasi A Prodi Komunikasi UII, keluarga Prodi Komunikasi UII melakukan takziah dan tabur bunga di makam Amir Effendi Siregar. Bang Amir, panggilan akrab Amir Effendi Siregar. adalah satu tokoh pendiri Komunikasi UII. Kegiatan tabur bunga yang diadakan pada 2 […]

Uniicoms TV Produksi Program Rasa-Rasa Selera Gen-Z

“Habis ini kita akan nyobain kuliner unik dan khas surabaya yang lain, ikuti kami terusnya,” begitu kata Annisa Putri Jiani dan Nurul Diva Kautsar presenter program Rasa-rasa, program acara yang baru dari Uniicoms TV, sebuah TV daring di Universitas Islam Indonesia. Kalimat-kalimat ajakan itulah yang kini sehari-hari selalu mengemuka berulang di ruang studio editing Uniicoms […]

Uniicoms TV Produce a Gen-Z Taste Program

“After this we will try other unique and extraordinary culinary of Surabaya, come on follow us,” said Annisa Putri Jiani and Nurul Diva Kautsar, host of Rasa-Rasa Program, a new program from Uniicoms TV, an online TV at the Universitas Islam Indonesia. Those persuasive sentences that are now everyday are always repeated repeatedly in the […]

Mata Lensa Uniicoms TV Hadirkan Tayangan TV Alternatif

Jika anda merasa bosan dengan tayangan televisi yang kurang mendidik, maka sudah saatnya mencoba beralih ke saluran TV daring Uniicoms TV. Kini Uniicoms TV akan meluncurkan tayangan baru khas anak mudanya yang diproduksi oleh kru dari beragam program studi di Universitas Islam Indonesia. Setelah sukses dengan ribuan view Web Series-nya Ramadhan lalu, Uniicoms TV coba […]

Mata Lensa of Uniicoms TV Presents Alternative TV Shows

If you feel bored with less educating television shows, then it’s time to try switching to Uniicoms TV, the online TV channels. Now Uniicoms TV will launch a new program typical of young people produced by crews from various multidisciplinary at the Universitas Islam Indonesia. After the success of the thousands views of Web Series […]


Students of IP Work on Travel Writing Project in 3 Countries

Starting by Wednesday, July 31, 2019 until the next nine days, the International Program (IP) of Communication Department will sent 13 students, Mr. Herman Felani Tanjung, MA (lecturer), and 2 staff to conduct an academic tour and doing ‘Travel Writing Projects’ at many variety important locations in Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand. This Travel Writing Project […]

13 Mahasiswa IP Garap Travel Writing ke 3 Negara

Mulai Rabu, 31 Juli 2019 hingga sembilan hari ke depan, International Program (IP) Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi memberangkatkan 13 Mahasiswa, dosen, dan staf untuk melakukan lawatan disertai proyek Travel Writing di lokasi-lokasi penting di Vietnam, Kamboja, dan Thailand. Proyek Travel Writing ini adalah bagian dari program rutin yang diselenggarakan setiap tahun. Program lawatan negara-negara Asean, yang […]

Communication Departement Achieved A Grade Again

At least, after a lot of steps, Communication Department can maintain its Accreditation rank with A grade again. The news came after the assessors of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) visited to check documents and evidence of accreditation on July, 10th, 2019. Exactly, six days later, July 16, 2019, a Decree from […]

Komunikasi UII Kembali Raih Akreditasi A

Ya, Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII kembali dapat memertahankan peringkat Akreditasi Program Studi-nya dengan peringkat A. Berita itu datang setelah sebelumnya, pada 10/7/2019, asesor Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi (BAN-PT) melakukan kunjungan untuk mengecek dokumen-dokumen dan bukti-bukti akreditasi. Tepat enam hari kemudian, 16 Juli 2019, masuk Surat Keputusan dari BAN-PT bernomor 2387/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/VII/2019 ke program studi ini. […]