Entries by pampam

Forum AES  #11: Sejarah Semiotika dalam Kajian Komunikasi di Indonesia

Semiotika sebagi sebuah metode analisis teks visual sudah sering kita dengar. Nama seperti Roland Barthes, Pierce, atau Saussure pasti juga tak asing bagi teman-temen komunikasi. Semiotika sebagai pisau bedah analisis bahkan pernah menjadi trend analisis di sekitar tahun 2000an terlihat dari adanya beberapa mata kuliah wajib di beberapa kampus di Indonesia. Tetapi, Muzayin Nazaruddin, salah […]

Salam Komunikasi dari Seluruh Penjuru Negeri: Sambutan untuk Maba (2)

Pelaksanaan serumpun pada 20 September 2020 telah usai. Para mahasiswa baru Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi UII berkumpul dan disambut oleh Kaprodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII beserta para staf Komunikasi UII. Di saat berkumpul seperti ini para mahasiswa baru yang berasal dari jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi dapat mengenal satu sama lain. Harapannya mereka akan menjadi akrab dengan teman-teman, dosen, […]

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Calling All Young Talent for Editors – Photographers – Videographer – News and Content Writer

Calling All Young Talent for Editors – Photographers – Videographer – News and Content Writer Assalamu’alaikum kawan Nurani! Saat ini, Rumpun Nurani sedang mencari Intern untuk bergabung di tim media kami. ⁣ ⁣ Kalau kamu semangat buat menebar kebaikan dan memberi dampak baik untuk masyarakat Yogyakarta dan sekitarnya, yuk klik link: Info Lengkap mengenai Pilihan […]

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Open Internship (magang) Content Analyst, Social Media Specialist, Data Trainer, For Final Year Communication Student at Atmatech

We are looking for 1. Data trainer and social media specialist 2. Content Analyst (Bahasa indonesia & English) QUALIFICATION Data trainer and social media specialist: 1. Final Year Student (Bahasa & sastra indonesia, english letters, communication Study Program, or related) 2. Thorough and have neutral political view 3. Good time management skill And so on […]

Getting to Know Department of Communication Science UII: Greeting for New 2020 Students

On Sept, 23, 2020 at 1 PM, the UII Communication Science Department welcomed new students of UII. Vadhiya as Host and Jiany as Co-Host accompanied this conversation via Zoom Meeting Conference Application. This event in particular will introduce what the Department of Communication Science is about. Department of Communication Science holds an online “Welcoming Day”  […]

Menyikapi Kuliah Daring Bersama Komunikasi UII

Pembelajaran saat masih di SMA tentu sangat berbeda setelah menuju dunia perkuliahan. Dosen bukanlah tuhan. Artinya, mahasiswa dituntut belajar mandiri dengan sistem belajar berbeda. Peran dosen hanya menemani dan membimbing mahasiswa, dan tentu saja mahasiswa harus sadar sejak mula: mahasiswa berbeda dari siswa biasa seperti saat masih di SMP ataupun SMA. Begitulah pesan yang disampaikan […]

How to Adjust to Online Lecture in The Middle of Pandemic

How to Adjust to Online Lecture with Department of Communication Science Studying while still in high school is certainly very different after going to the world of higher education. Lecturers are not gods. This means that students are required to study independently with a different learning system. The role of a lecturer is only to […]

Creating Ulil Albab People with Serumpun 2020

The orientation period with the name “Serumpun” raises the theme of brotherhood. The mission of the committee is to make the introduction of this campus embraced like brothers without any seniority that still occurs in several campuses in Indonesia. Before starting the serumpun activity, the committee first opened the event. The opening event started by […]