Kalender Akademik FPSB Genap 2020-2021
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Berikut adalah Kalender Akademik FPSB Genap 2020-2021. Versi PDF dapat anda unduh di kalender akademik fpsb Genap 2020-2021
The Covid-19 pandemic period has whipped up a change in the organizational culture at FPSB UII. The number of Covid-19 cases has also increased. If someone is exposed to Covid-19, just isolate the body, not their heart and soul. The soul should not be isolated, said Fuad Nashori, Dean of FPSB UII, opening and motivating […]
Masa pandemi covid-19 mendera hingga mengubah budaya kerja di FPSB UII. Peningkatan jumlah kasusnya juga semakin banyak. Bila ada yang terpapar Covid-19, cukup badan yang diisolasi, hati dan jiwa (psikis) jangan. Jiwa jangan sampai ikut diisolasi, kata Fuad Nashori, Dekan FPSB UII, membuka sekaligus memotivasi kerja para pegawai FPSB UII di acara Pelatihan Tenaga Pendidikan […]
It has been more than half a year of Work From Home and online lectures using the Shift model run by a large family of the Faculty of Psychology and Socio-Cultural Sciences UII. At first, pandemics create anxiety, worry, and even fear. It has been a long time since FPSB residents have seen each other, […]
Sudah lebih dari setengah tahun Work From Home dan Kuliah daring dengan model Shift dijalankan keluarga besar Fakultas Psikologi dan Ilmu Sosial Budaya UII. Mulanya, pandemi memunculkan kecemasan, kekhawatiran, bahkan ketakutan. Telah lama pula warga FPSB tak saling jumpa, hanya lewat layar daring. Semua ini dilakukan demi mitigasi penyebaran Covid-19 dengan tetap saling jaga, tetap […]
Towards the end of 2020 #ngajikomunikasi this time raised the theme of Reflection End of 2020 guided by Subhan Afifi, Lecturer of Communication UII by presenting Dr. Harry B Santoso S.Kom, M.Kom (Lecturer, Faculty of Computer Science, University of Indonesia) in a routine study of #ngajikomunikasi on Saturday (12/12). Harry explained, there are so many […]
Menjelang akhir tahun 2020 #ngajikomunikasi kali ini mengangkat tema Refleksi Akhir Tahun 2020 dipandu Subhan Afifi, Dosen Komunikasi UII dengan menghadirkan Dr. Harry B Santoso S.Kom, M.Kom (Dosen Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia) dalam kajian rutin #ngajikomunikasi pada Sabtu (12/12). Harry menjelaskan, banyak sekali ayat-ayat Allah yang disampaikan dengan sumpah. “Kenapa Allah bersumpah dengan sesuatu, […]
Have a story idea? Confused about developing story ideas? Ideas always stuck on a white laptop screen? These various obstacles may often arise for students of communication science when working on creative work projects. Whether it’s a film script, novel, essay, short story, even writing based on field reportage. The key is strong in research: […]
Punya ide cerita? Bingung buat mengembangkan ide cerita? Ide selalu mentok di layar putih laptop? Beragam kendala ini barangkali sering muncul bagi mahasiswa ilmu komunikasi ketika menggarap proyek karya kreatifnya. Entah itu naskah film, novel, esai, cerita pendek, bahkan tulisan berbasis reportase lapangan. Kuncinya adalah kuat dalam riset: meneliti dan membaca. “Jadi kuncinya riset dan […]
The end of the year is like a series of pit stops. There must be times when we stop. Perspective as a Muslim, life as a series of milestones. There are certain moments as a Muslim for reflection. “For example, we have a special month, namely the month of Ramadan. There we can perform worship. […]
Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi
Fakultas Psikologi & Ilmu Sosial Budaya
Kampus Terpadu Universitas Islam Indonesia
Jl. Kaliurang km. 14,5 Sleman, Yogyakarta 55584 Indonesia
Telephone: +62-274-898444 ext. 3267
Faks: +62 274 898444 ext. 2106
Email: [email protected]