The Covid-19 pandemic period has whipped up a change in the organizational culture at FPSB UII. The number of Covid-19 cases has also increased. If someone is exposed to Covid-19, just isolate the body, not their heart and soul. The soul should not be isolated, said Fuad Nashori, Dean of FPSB UII, opening and motivating employees on employee training at the FPSB UII on Monday (28/12).

In addition, Fuad Nashori also encouraged work to be based on wishing for good luck in the hereafter. Motivate your work with the right motivation. “Whoever hopes for good fortune in the hereafter, Allah will increase the luck in the world,” he said while presenting 17 Motivational Circles on the presentation screen.

This means that if work is based on spiritual motivation, your world mission will automatically be fulfilled. If you only work to find the world, it will be difficult to achieve what Allah has promised with the happiness of the hereafter.

On the second day, Fuad Nashori added, the importance of self-reflection. Reflection serves to keep a distance from yourself. “What we do is used as an object to be assessed and to be better at doing it.” According to Fuad, according to what the Prophet did while alone in the cave of hira, the Prophet received enlightenment from Allah SWT by reflecting in the cave of hira. Give yourself distance so you can see what you have done.

This employee training for two days (28-29 / 12), this also intends to discuss and evaluate year-end performance. The end of year evaluation is delivered by the divisions such as the presentation of achievements and evaluations by the Head of the SIM (information system management), General Division, Academic Administration and Finance Division. The presentation was also enriched by the elaboration of the targets that have been achieved, evaluation, and the 2021’s Work Program.

Putri Asriyani, a participant who is also the staff of the Nadim Center for Documentation and Alternative Media Studies (PSDMA) of Communication UII, said that this event could be a means of evaluation to further improve future plans.

In line with that, Yudi Winarto also has an opinion. “This training has given me new motivation to work in the midst of many constraints due to the pandemic that has hit. In addition, evaluation and exposure of achievements are important moments for future program reflection,” said Yudi Winarto, Staff of the Department of Communication Science, giving the impression that he had attended this training.

Even though the training was held offline, the committee still urged that the health protocol be carried out strictly. For those who feel sick, it is better to apply for permission to not attend this training. “We hope that the participants who attend are really in good health, if they are sick, please apply for permission not to attend the training,” appealed Mira Aliza Rachmawati, Deputy Dean I of FPSB UII, to the participants.

Reporting by Putri Asriyani

Photo by Widodo HP

Writer by A. Pambudi


Masa pandemi covid-19 mendera hingga mengubah budaya kerja di FPSB UII. Peningkatan jumlah kasusnya juga semakin banyak. Bila ada yang terpapar Covid-19, cukup badan yang diisolasi, hati dan jiwa (psikis) jangan. Jiwa jangan sampai ikut diisolasi, kata Fuad Nashori, Dekan FPSB UII, membuka sekaligus memotivasi kerja para pegawai FPSB UII di acara Pelatihan Tenaga Pendidikan FPSB UII pada Senin (28/12).

Selain itu, Fuad Nashori juga mendorong agar pekerjaan dilandasi dengan semangat mengharap keberuntungan akhirat. Sebisa mungkin isi motivasi saat bekerja dengan motivasi yang tepat. “Siapa yang mengharap keberuntungan akhirat maka Allah akan meningkatkan keburuntungan di dunia,” katanya mempresentasikan 17 Lingkaran Motivasi di layar.

Artinya, jika kerja dilandasi oleh motivasi spiritual, maka urusan dunia akan secara otomatis mengikuti. Bukan sebaliknya. Jika bekerja hanya mencari dunia, tentu sulit mencapai apa yang dijanjikan Allah dengan kebahagian akhirat.

Pada hari kedua, Fuad Nashori menambahkan, pentingnya refleksi diri. Refleksi berfungsi menjaga jarak dengan diri sendiri. “apa yang kita lakukan dijadikan objek untuk bisa dinilai dan agar bisa lebih baik dalam melakukannya.” Menurut Fuad, sesuai yang dilakukan Nabi saat menyendiri di gua hira, Nabi  mendapatkan pencerahan dari Allah SWT dengan melakukan refleksi di gua hira. Memberi jarak dengan diri sehingga dapat melihat apa yang telah dilakukan.

Pelatihan tendik selama dua hari (28-29/12), ini juga bermaksud mendiskusikan dan melakukan evaluasi kinerja akhir tahun. Evaluasi akhir tahun disampaikan oleh pemaparan Divisi-divisi seperti pemaparan capaian dan evaluasi oleh Kepala Divisi SIM, Umum, Administrasi Akademik, dan Keuangan. Pemaparan juga diperkaya dengan penjabaran target yang sudah dicapai, evaluasi,dan Program Kerja 2021.

Putri Asriyani, peserta yang juga Staf Pusat Studi dan Dokumentasi Media Alternatif (PSDMA) Nadim Komunikasi UII, mengatakan acara ini bisa menjadi sarana evaluasi untuk lebih meningkatkan rencana kedepannya.

Senada dengan itu, Yudi Winarto juga berpendapat. “Pelatihan ini memberi saya motivasi baru bekerja di tengah terkendala banyak hal karena pandemi mendera. Selain itu, evaluasi dan paparan capaian menjadi momen penting untuk refleksi program ke depan.” kata Yudi Winarto, Staf Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII, memberi kesan mengikuti pelatihan tendik ini.

Meski pelatihan dilaksanakan secara luring, panitia tetap menghimbau agar protokol kesehatan dijalankan denngan ketat. Bagi tendik yang merasa sakit, sebaiknya mengajukan ijin tidak hadir dalam pelatihan ini. “Kami harapkan peserta yang hadir benar-benar dalam keadaan sehat, apabila sedang sakit dimohon mengajukan ijin untuk tidak mengikuti pelatihan,” himbau Mira Aliza Rachmawati, Wakil Dekan I FPSB UII, pada para peserta.

It has been more than half a year of Work From Home and online lectures using the Shift model run by a large family of the Faculty of Psychology and Socio-Cultural Sciences UII. At first, pandemics create anxiety, worry, and even fear. It has been a long time since FPSB residents have seen each other, only through online screens. All of this was done to mitigate the spread of Covid-19 by taking care of each other, still wearing a mask, keeping your distance, and washing your hands with soap in running water.

In order to support the efforts of the Covid-19 Mitigation Team of the UII Covid-19 Task Force, the FPSB UII Family Gathering Committee held an online FPSB UII 2020 family meeting on Saturday (19/12) online. The goal is an effort to strengthen the relationship between the FPSB UII community because they have never met offline since the pandemic broke out in Yogyakarta.

Through the Zoom Application, all FPSB UII academicians gathered that morning. The event was opened with the reading of divine kalam, followed by remarks from the Dean of the FPSB UII, Fuad Nashori. After that, the video shows competitions, games, and door prizes. Interestingly, even though the Family Gathering this time was using a virtual method, the excitement was still felt.

The committee, from the start, also challenged all academicians of the FPSB UII to record a video of the excitement of their family with the Stay at home Challenge. Videos depict fun and family activities and activities. In various forms, it turned out that the videos were collected on the committee’s table. There are videos of cooking activities, learning the Quran, cleaning the mosque, riding, eating together, and some even playing tiktok videos.

Apart from being lively, reflections and sharing experiences between families are also enlightening. For example, there is a special time to tell stories from the families of FPSB UII staff and lecturers who are exposed to covid-19. How do they get through it, the obstacles, and the efforts to overcome them.

The majority of participants felt the excitement of this event even though they followed it online. For example Erdina Trisna, Staff of the FPSB Journal and Publication Unit, “First time participating, and following online. The event was fun, entertaining from video footage of the family frantically.”

Not only that, he also felt that he had gained new knowledge from the experiences of fathers, mothers, or families of Zoom Meeting Family Gathering participants who were exposed to Covid-19.

In line with that, Putri Asriyani, Staff of the Center for Study and Documentation of Alternative Media (PSDMA) NADIM Communications, FPSB UII, said that this is the first time experiencing family meetings online. “The festivities are different, still festive.”


Sudah lebih dari setengah tahun Work From Home dan Kuliah daring dengan model Shift dijalankan keluarga besar Fakultas Psikologi dan Ilmu Sosial Budaya UII. Mulanya, pandemi memunculkan kecemasan, kekhawatiran, bahkan ketakutan. Telah lama pula warga FPSB tak saling jumpa, hanya lewat layar daring. Semua ini dilakukan demi mitigasi penyebaran Covid-19 dengan tetap saling jaga, tetap pake masker, jaga jarak, dan cuci tangan pake sabun di air mengalir.

Demi mendukung upaya tim Mitigasi Covid-19 Satgas Covid-19 UII, Panitia Family Gathering FPSB UII mengadakan pertemuan keluarga FPSB UII 2020 pada Sabtu (19/12) secara daring. Tujuannya sebagai upaya untuk mempererat tali silaturrahmi antar civitas FPSB UII karena tak pernah jumpa luring sejak pandemi merebak di Yogyakarta.

Melalui Aplikasi Zoom, semua sivitas akademik FPSB UII berkumpul pagi itu. Acara dibuka dengan pembacaan kalam ilahi, lalu sambutan dari Dekan FPSB UII, Fuad Nashori. Setelah itu penayangan video lomba, permainan, dan Doorprize. Menariknya, meski Family Gathering kali ini dengan metode virtual, kemeriahan tetap terasa.

Panitia, sejak mula, juga menantang seluruh warga akademik FPSB UII untuk merekam video keseruan keluarganya dengan Stay at home Challenge. Video menggambarkan kegiatan dan aktivitas keseruan dan kebersamaan keluarga. Bentuknya beragam ternyata video yang terkumpul di meja panitia. Ada video kegiatan memasak, belajar mengaji, membersihkan masjid, gowes, makan bersama, bahkan ada yang video bermain tiktok.

Selain meriah, refleksi dan berbagi pengalaman antar keluarga juga mencerahkan. Misalnya ada waktu khusus untuk bercerita dari keluarga staf dan dosen FPSB UII yang terpapar covid-19. Bagaimana mereka melaluinya, kendala, dan upaya-upaya penanganannya.

Mayoritas peserta merasakan keseruan acara ini meski mengikuti secara daring. Misalnya Erdina Trisna, Staf Unit Jurnal dan Publikasi FPSB, “Pertama kali ikut, dan ikutnya secara daring. Acaranya seru, menghibur dari cuplikan video keluarga yang gemes-gemes.”

Tak hanya itu, ia juga merasakan mendapat pengetahuan baru dari pengalaman bapak, ibu, atau keluarga peserta Zoom Meeting Family Gathering yang terpapar covid-19.

Senada dengan itu, Putri Asriyani, Staf Pusat Studi dan Dokumentasi Media Alternatif (PSDMA) NADIM Komunikasi FPSB UII, mengatakan pertama kali ini merasakan pertemuan keluarga dengan daring. “Kemeriahannya berbeda, tetap meriah.”

Towards the end of 2020 #ngajikomunikasi this time raised the theme of Reflection End of 2020 guided by Subhan Afifi, Lecturer of Communication UII by presenting Dr. Harry B Santoso S.Kom, M.Kom (Lecturer, Faculty of Computer Science, University of Indonesia) in a routine study of #ngajikomunikasi on Saturday (12/12).

Harry explained, there are so many verses of God that are conveyed by oath. “Why God swears by something, it means that there is a sign to pay attention to. For example, for the sake of the masses, time,” he gave an example.

Harry quoted the opinion of the commentator, Imam Ibn Kathir. Ibn Kathir said, al ashr. Or, he said, see Jalalain’s tafsir, “Al Ashr is meant by the time or time of ashar. So there are two meanings. So al ashr is marked by human activity in which he can do good and evil. Why does man lose? Because he is too focused on the world. Except which focuses on the orientation of the hereafter, “he explained, quoting two books of tafsir Al quran surat al Ashr.

“Or try to study the Quran Surat An-Naaziat verse 46. When we are reminded by God through Surat An-Naaziat, life is only for a moment,” Harry asked looking at the letter. According to Harry, the letter explained that on the day when they saw the Day of Judgment, they felt that they had only lived in the world for a short time, in the afternoon or morning.

“It’s late in the afternoon even though the time for pious deeds is over. This is a warning of advice that is quite powerful if we ponder together,” said Harry.

Later, Harry invited the participants to conduct this online communication to study Al Quran Surat Al-Hasyr verse 18. “We are required to prepare provisions for piety. Umar reminded us, examine yourself before being examined, weigh yourself before being weighed,” said Harry. According to Harry, Umar ibn Khottob, a Caliph, the leader of the Muslims, at the time after the death of the Prophet Muhammad, gave advice to people to muhasabah (self -examination) and continue to improve themselves. “It’s about what we can do to weigh the scales of goodness. So it’s about self-reflection,” Harry said.

How to start a muhasabah? Imam Ghazali, Harry said, showed me how to start. Muhasabah can be started on obligatory deeds. Have the obligatory practice done correctly and correctly. “This becomes the key. Then we move on to other deeds. After that then meditate as the Qur’an says Surat Ali Imron verse 191. This is interesting. That some people do intend to recite dhikir, not just sitting, but even standing and lying down. Dzikir, remembering about the creation of the god of the universe. Always looking for wisdom, “he said giving tips.

Harry also quoted the Book of Ihya which revealed that thinking for a moment is better than worshiping for a year. “Think about how much worship we have done. Reflect on quite a few things about the purpose of our creation.

Menjelang akhir tahun 2020  #ngajikomunikasi kali ini mengangkat tema Refleksi Akhir Tahun 2020 dipandu Subhan Afifi, Dosen Komunikasi UII dengan menghadirkan Dr. Harry B Santoso S.Kom, M.Kom (Dosen Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia) dalam kajian rutin #ngajikomunikasi pada Sabtu (12/12).

Harry menjelaskan, banyak sekali ayat-ayat Allah yang disampaikan dengan sumpah. “Kenapa Allah bersumpah dengan sesuatu, berarti itu ada pertanda yang harus diperhatikan. Misalnya, demi massa, waktu,” katanya memberi contoh.

Harry mengutip pendapat ahli tafsir, Imam Ibnu Katsir. Ibnu Katsir berkata, al ashr. Atau, katanya lihat tafsir Jalalain, “Al Ashr ini dimaknai waktu ataupun waktu ashar. Jadi ada dua makna. Jadi al ashr adalah ditandai aktivitas manusia yang di dalamnya ia bisa melakukan kebaikan dan keburukan. Manusia kerugian kenapa? Karena terlalu fokus pada dunia. Kecuali yang fokus pada orientasi akhirat,” terangnya mengutip dua kitab tafsir Al quran surat al Ashr.

“Atau coba kita telaah Al Quran Surat An-Naaziat ayat 46. Ketika kita diingatkan oelh allah lewat surat An-naziat, hidup itu cuma sebentar aja,” ajak Harry menilik surat tersebut. Menurut Harry, surat itu menjelaskan pada hari ketika melihat hari kiamat itu, mereka merasa hanya sebentar saja hidup di dunia, pada sore atau pagi saja.

“Tahu-tahu sudah sore padahal waktu untuk beramal saleh sudah berakhir. Ini peringatan nasihat yang cukup dahsyat kalau kita renungkan bersama,” kata Harry.

Seturut kemudian, Harry mengajak para peserta ngajikomunikasi daring ini untuk mengkaji Al Quran Surat Al-Hasyr ayat 18. “Kita dituntut mempersiapkan bekal untuk bertakwa. Umar mengingatkan kita, periksalah dirimu sebelum diperiksa, timbanglah dirimu sebelum ditimbang,” kata Harry. Menurut Harry, Umar bin Khottob, seorang Khalifah, pemimpin umat islam, pada masa paska wafatnya Nabi Muhammad, memberikan kiat pada manusia untuk muhasabah (memeriksa diri) dan terus memperbaiki diri. “Kira-kira hal-hal apa yang bisa kita lakukan untuk memperberat timbangan kebaikan. Jadi kira-kira diperlukan self reflection,” kata Harry.

Bagaimana memulai muhasabah? Imam ghazali, kata Harry, menunjukkan cara memulainya. Muhasabah dapat dimuali atas amal-amal wajib. Sudahkan amalan wajib itu dilakukan dengan tepat dan benar. “Ini menjadi kunci. Lalu kita lanjutkan pada amal-amal yang lain. Setelah itu kemudian bertafakkur seperti kata Al Quran Surat Ali Imron ayat 191. Ini menarik. Bahwa sebagian orang memang menyengajakan untuk berdzikir, tidak hanya duduk, tapi bahkan berdiri dan berbaring. Berdzikir, mengingat tentang penciptaan allah akan semesta. Senantiasa mencari hikmahnya,” katanya memberi tips.

Harry juga menyitir Kitab Ihya yang mengungkapkan bahwa berpikir sesaat lebih baik daripada beribadah setahun. “Pikirkan sejauh mana ibadah yang telah kita lakukan. Merefleksikan cukup banyak hal tentang tujuan penciptaan kita.

Have a story idea? Confused about developing story ideas? Ideas always stuck on a white laptop screen? These various obstacles may often arise for students of communication science when working on creative work projects. Whether it’s a film script, novel, essay, short story, even writing based on field reportage. The key is strong in research: researching and reading.

“So the key is research and observation. We will have a lot of data for us to put in the storyline,” said Dirmawan Hatta in the Creative Work Design Workshop on Saturday (12/12/2020). Dirmawan, the speaker this time, is the Founder of Growing Up Cinema Rakyat. An institution that has the vision to grow the spectacle of the people and their networks.

The event is aimed at supporting students in designing their final project Proposal Seminar. On the second day, the workshop was held online and broadcast live from the Audiovisual Laboratory of the UII Communication Science Study Program.

If the research is complete, and you have found a lot of material to include in the story, the next step is to determine the boundary range.

How far will the story in this film take. Make concrete boundaries about time. Time limit for telling. How to tell events according to what the senses get, not from ideas.

Begin to lay down story ideas. “What did it start with, what did it end with? Then look for the most important thing, put it at the end, that will make it taste different,” added Dirmawan.

He added, “So, the point is that the story line can be seen first. The way of presenting a film can be reversed freely.”

According to Dirmawan, conveying information is easier than capturing feelings. Our tool to captivate the audience, one of the currencies is feeling. So make a story that brings feelings, that’s what is captivating.

How to Capture an Audience? Use the Suspense and Surprise trick.

What is the difference between surprise and suspense. Many budding filmmakers confuse the two. Even if its use in films is often inappropriate. Dirmawan tries to explain it to the workshop participants so that these two tricks can be used in designing story ideas.

“Surprise was unexpected but happened. It was surprising,” said Dirmawan, whose film some time ago was nominated for the 2020 Indonesian Film Festival / FFI.

As for suspense, for example when we realize that we think something happened but never happened. “We thought it must have happened. It didn’t happen. For example, They chasing the police. Hiding in the room, but when the door was smashed there was not there,” Dirmawan gave an example.

“If you make a story that always has suspense and surprise, it will make the audience watch until the end,” he explained.

Apart from using the surprise and suspense tricks, character and plot development must also be considered. Character development is determined by, “how much knowledge you have and how focused you will be on developing the character of the character,” he explained.

“The development of character is not random either, it must follow a certain pattern from the way we define the cultural space and the spatial space attached to the character / character,” he said.

Character development can be done by translating the form of characters between characters or between characters and events and story values.

Dirmawan said, “So we have to define characters. If we can’t describe the characters, hobbies and character traits, then our ideas and story characters will have no appeal and will be just ideas.” This deepening of the characters, stories, and story plots can only be obtained after doing research.

Basically, according to Dirmawan, the formula for telling or telling a story is always reading, being critical, “not just listening and imitating, but being processed.”

He added, “if we know our character well, by doing research and observation from various directions, the audience will bring something after watching,” he said.


Punya ide cerita? Bingung buat mengembangkan ide cerita? Ide selalu mentok di layar putih laptop? Beragam kendala ini barangkali sering muncul bagi mahasiswa ilmu komunikasi ketika menggarap proyek karya kreatifnya. Entah itu naskah film, novel, esai, cerita pendek, bahkan tulisan berbasis reportase lapangan. Kuncinya adalah kuat dalam riset: meneliti dan membaca.

“Jadi kuncinya riset dan observasi. Kita akan punya sekian banyak data untuk kita letakkan dalam storyline,” kata Dirmawan Hatta dalam Workshop Desain Karya Kreatif pada Sabtu (12/12/2020). Dirmawan, pembicara kali ini, adalah Founder Tumbuh Sinema Rakyat. Sebuah lembaga yang bervisi menumbuhkan tontonan rakyat dan jaringannya.

Acara yang ditujukan mendukung mahasiswa merancang Seminar Proposal tugas akhir. Pada pelaksanaan hari kedua ini workshop dilaksanakan secara daring dan disiarkan langsung dari studio Laboratorium Audiovisual Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII.

Jika risetnya lengkap, dan sudah menemukan banyak bahan untuk dimasukkan dalam cerita, langkah selanjutnya adalah menentukan rentang batas.

Seberapa jauh akan dibawa cerita dalam film ini. Membuat batasan yang konkrit tentang waktu. Batas waktu penceritaan. Bagaimana menceritakan peristiwa sesuai apa yang didapat indra, bukan dari gagasan.

Pandailah meletakkan ide cerita. “Awalannya apa, akhirnya apa? Lalu cari yang paling penting itu letakkan di akhir, itu yang akan menjadikan rasanya beda-beda,” tambah Dirmawan.

Ia menambahkan, “Jadi, intinya jalan cerita bisa terlihat dulu. Cara mempresentasikan karya filmnya bisa dibolak balik bebas susunannya.”

Menurut Dirmawan, menyampaikan informasi lebih mudah daripada merebut perasaan. Alat kita untuk memikat penonton, salah satu mata uangnya adalah perasaan. Maka buatlah cerita yang membawa perasaan, itulah yang memikat.

Bagaimana Memikat Penonton? Gunakan trik Suspense dan Surprise

Apa beda surprise dan suspense. Banyak pembuat film pemula tertukar memahami keduanya. Pun jika penggunaannya dalam film tak jarang tak tepat. Dirmawan mencoba menjelaskannya pada peserta workshop agar dua trik ini dapat digunakan dalam merancang ide cerita.

“Surprise itu tidak menyangka tapi terjadi. Mengagetkan,” kata Dirmawan yang filmnya beberapa waktu lalu masuk dalam nominasi ajang Festival Film Indonesia/ FFI 2020.

Adapun suspense, misalnya ketika kita menyadari akan menyangka sesuatu terjadi tapi tak kunjung terjadi. “Kita menyangka pasti terjadi. Ternyata tidak terjadi. Misalnya, kejar=kejaran dengan polisi. Bersembunyi dalam ruang, tapi saat dobrak pintu ternyata tidak ada,” Dirmawan menyontohkan.

“Kalau teman-teman membuat cerita yang selalu ada ada suspense dan surprisenya ini akan membuat penonton menonton sampai akhir,” jelasnya.

Selain menggunakan trik surprise dan suspense, pengembangan karakter dan plot juga harus diperhatikan. Pengembangan karakter ditentukan pada, “seberapa besar pengetahuanmu dan seberapa fokus kamu akan mengembangkan karakter si tokoh,” jelasnya.

“Pengembangan karakter tidak ngasal juga, pasti mengikuti pola tertentu dari cara kita mendefinisikan ruang kultural dan ruang spasial yang melekat pada si tokoh/ karakter,” katanya.

Pengembangan karakter bisa dilakukan dengan menerjemahkan bentuk karakter antar tokoh atau antara tokoh dengan peristiwa dan nilai cerita.

Kata Dirmawan, “Jadi harus mendefiniskan karakter. Kalau kita tidak bisa mendeskripsikan karakter, hobi dan sifat tokoh, maka ide dan karakter cerita kita akan tak memiliki daya tarik dan hanya sekadar gagasan.” Pendalaman karakter, cerita, dan plot cerita ini hanya bisa didapat setelah melakukan riset.

Pada dasarnya, menurut Dirmawan, formula untuk bercerita atau mengisahkan cerita adalah selalu membaca, bersikap kritis, “tidak semata dengar dan tiru, tapi diolah.”

Ia menambahkan, “kalau kita kenal baik dengan karakter tokoh kita, caranya dengan riset dan observasi dari beragam arah, maka penonton akan bawa sesuatu setelah menonton,” katanya.

The end of the year is like a series of pit stops. There must be times when we stop. Perspective as a Muslim, life as a series of milestones. There are certain moments as a Muslim for reflection.

“For example, we have a special month, namely the month of Ramadan. There we can perform worship. Then Allah multiplies the reward. There is a night of lailatul qodar, there is a warning of Nuzulul Quran. So there are momentum in Islam,” said Dr. Harry B Santoso S.Kom, M.Kom (Lecturer at the Faculty of Computer Science, University of Indonesia) in a routine study of #ngajikomikasi on Saturday (12/12). This time #ngajikomikasi raised the theme End of Year 2020 Reflection guided by Subhan Afifi, UII Communication Lecturer.

Harry added, for example, if there are days, there are also special days. He gave an example, Friday is the day of gathering. On Friday, the Muslims gather and listen to the preacher. “From a social perspective, of course there is no mechanism for Muslims to gather. But with Friday prayers Muslims gather and listen to messages from the preacher, and that’s where the Islamic community is built spiritually,” said Harry.

For him, the life series of a Muslim becomes a series. Humans have milestones. There are milestones for important events that we can see from a daily perspective. “Or we can see it monthly, or annually. For example, it could be like what we do now, reflecting the end of the year,” said Harry.

How should you live in the world? What a guide for reflection on life during the year. “The mental attitude of the Muslims, ideally, even though their feet stand in the world, their views are far ahead, to the final goal, namely jannah, or heaven,” explained Harry explaining the ideal mental attitude of a Muslim as a guide to self-assessment.

“This is what we need to reflect on that a Muslim should be a traveler, and the end of his journey is the hereafter,” he added.


Akhir tahun bagaikan rangkaian pitstop. Harus ada saat-saat kita berhenti. Perspektif sebagai seorang muslim, kehidupan sebagai rangkaian milestones. Ada momen tertenu sebagai seorang muslim untuk refleksi.

“Misalnya kita memiliki satu bulan istimewa yaitu bulan ramadhan. Di situ kita bisa menunaikan ibadah. Kemudian allah melipatkgandakan pahala. Di situ ada malam lailatul qodar, ada peringatan nuzulul quran. jadi ada momentum-momentum dalam islam,” kata Dr. Harry B Santoso S.Kom, M.Kom (Dosen Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia) dalam kajian rutin #ngajikomunikasi pada Sabtu (12/12). #ngajikomunikasi kali ini mengangkat tema Refleksi Akhir Tahun 2020 dipandu Subhan Afifi, Dosen Komunikasi UII.

Harry menambahkan, misalnya kalau dalam hari-hari, ada juga hari yang istimewa. Ia mencontohkan, hari jumat adalah hari gathering. Pada hari jumat, kaum muslimin berkumpul dan menyimak khotib. “Dalam perspektif sosial, tentu tidak ada mekanisme umat islam berkumpul. Tapi dengan salat jumat kaum muslim berkumpul lalu menyimak pesan dari khotib, dan di situlah masyaraka islam dibangun secara spiritual,” jelas Harry.

Baginya, rangkaian hidup seorang muslim menjadi rentetan. Manusia memiliki milestone-milestone. Ada tonggak kejadian-kejadian penting yang bisa kita lihat dalam perspektif harian. “Atau bisa juga kita melihatnya bulanan, atau tahunan. misalnya bisa seperti yang kita lakukan sekarang refleksi akhir tahun,” papar Harry.

Bagaimana seharusnya hidup di dunia? Apa panduan untuk refleksi kehidupan selama tahun ini berjalan. “Sikap mental kaum muslimin, idealnya, walaupun kaki mereka berpijak di dunia, tapi pandangan mereka mengarah jauh ke depan, ke tujuan akhir, yaitu jannah, atau surga,” terang Harry menjelaskan sikap mental ideal seorang muslim sebagai panduan menilai diri.

“Ini yang perlu kita renungkan bahwa seorang muslim hendaklah menjadi musafir, dan akhir perjalannnya adalah akhirat,” imbuhnya.