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This article is a follow-up article from this article,

Imam Mujiono also, in his lecture, commented on how good the new FPCS UII Mosque was. The prayer room, which the Dean built at the end of the term of the Dean of FPSB UII, Fuad Nashori, had just been completed three days ago when this event was held. According to Imam, along with constructing a co-working space called Ruang Bahagia located in the Master of Psychology Room of FPSB UII, it became a unit for student development at FPCS.

Imam Mujiono, a speaker at the FPCS UII Grand Recitation in the context of the 27th Milad of FPSB UII, believes that it is time for lecturers and educators (and staff) to contribute to the prosperity of prayer rooms and mosques on campus and around their homes. This is an effort to develop the religious life of students and the community around the campus, said Imam, at the event, which was held on Saturday, May 28, 2022. The FPSB UII Grand Recitation was held in the framework of the 27th Anniversary of FPSB UII, which was broadcast live from the first online TV at UII named Ikonisia TV, belonging to the UII Communication Department.

“Let’s prosper the mosque; whoever is the congregation in this faculty, we will immediately approach the mosque. It is like if we are close, we will surely enter the mosque easily,” said Imam to the audience.

“Well, if you are not close, you will probably not come to the mosque. So let me invite all of us so that if there is an offer to become the mosque manager, just hurry. So that if you are close to the mosque, when there is a call to prayer, it will be easy to walk. At least it is in Magrib prayer. Ha-ha,” he said. While joking, it would be unique if UII’s academic community rarely went to the mosque.

“I once again hope that the lecturers and staff of this faculty will be willing to become managers at nearby mosques. Because student development is not only on campus, On-campus, the coaching may only take six hours. But coaching can also be done by the mosque manager closest to students. Mosque managers can involve and develop students around the mosque,” said Imam, who, according to his confession, has always been an activist for being a mosque manager since he was a student until now as a lecturer.

“From the student days, when I moved around on every place I lived, until now, I’m still a mosque manager. The difference is, I’m about to retire and change the mosque management, uh, I was asked to be on the Board of Trustees, so I’m still mosque manager too. I truly can not resign. Ha-ha,” he said with a chuckle.

In the past, the story goes, he made the campus mosque a center for student and community development. “In the afternoon, we provide these long tables for student coaching. Then in the afternoon, we can use these long tables for the Quran education for the children of the surrounding community. I don’t know how it is now. This story was before,” he said nostalgically to used to be a student.

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Why do prayers often go unanswered? How to make it easier for prayers to have the possibility of being answered? These questions often arise in every human effort to pray to the divine. Sometimes people don’t know when their prayers will be answered and how their efforts and endeavors can produce the expected results.

Imam Mujiono, a lecturer, said at the FPSB UII Grand Recitation, expressed the same thing in the context of the 27th Milad of FPCS UII. The event, which was held on Saturday, May 28, 2022, occupies at the FPCS UII Mosque, which has just been renovated for three days. This recitation program was conducted in a hybrid way (online via Zoom and Youtube broadcast live by UII Communications Department, Online TV “Ikonisia TV” and offline at the Mushola).

Ud’uuni astajib Lakum (Almu’min: 60) and Fal Yastajibuu lii wa Yu’min Billah (Al Baqarah: 186). If you want prayers to be heard, the key is to follow this verse of Allah,” said Imam Mujiono, a Lecturer in the Program Islamic Religious Education Studies, Faculty of Islamic Studies, UII.

According to Imam, people often want something but do not understand why prayer does not come true. “Even though the SOP in Islam is clear. If you want something, pray to me,” said Imam. “The word ‘me’ is referring to Allah. Not referring to the magician, not to shamans, not to superiors, etc.”

Then the next thing is to carry out the commandments of Allah. Each order, according to Imam, means SOP (Standard Operational Procedure). “Follow the SOP. If you want to make a stall that sells well, make an SOP so that people are interested in coming,” said Imam. The stalls should be clean, and the service should be polite, the prices are cheap, and don’t forget to ask Allah, the owner of the fortune, not the traditional healer or shaman, said Imam.

Then after that, humans are asked to believe and believe in the provisions of Allah. “So, pray that don’t hesitate to Allah. You must be sure that You will achieve everything you ask to God,” he added.

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Imam Mujiono juga dalam ceramahnya, ikut mengomentari begitu bagusnya Mushola FPSB UII yang baru ini. Mushola yang dibangun di akhir masa jabatan Dekan FPSB UII, Fuad Nashori, ini baru saja selesai tiga hari saat pengajian ini dilaksanakan. Menurut Imam, bersamaan dengan dibagunnya co-working space yang disebut Ruang Bahagia yang bertempat di Ruang Mapro FPSB UII, menjadi satu kesatuan pembinaan mahasiswa di FPSB.

Imam Mujiono, penceramah dalam Pengajian Akbar FPSB UII dalam rangka Milad ke-27 FPSB UII, berpendapat sudah saatnya Dosen dan Tendik juga ikut memakmurkan mushola dan masjid di kampus maupun di sekitar tempat tinggalnya. Ini adalah upaya mengembangkan kehidupan beragama mahasiswa dan masyarakat di sekitar kampus, kata Imam, pada acara yang diselenggarakan pada Sabtu 28 Mei 2022 ini. Pengajian Akbar FPSB UII ini dilaksanakan dalam rangka Milad ke-27 FPSB UII yang ditayangkan Live dari TV online pertama di UII bernama Ikonisia TV milik Prodi Komunikasi UII.

“Mari kita memakmurkan masjid, siapapun jamaah di FPSB ini, segera kita mendekat dengan masjid. Ibaratnya kalau kita dekat itu kan pasti kita akan mudah masuk masjid,” ajak Imam pada hadirin.

“Lha kalau nggak dekat boro-boro datang ke masjid. Jadi mari saya mengajak kita semua agar kalau ada tawaran menjadi takmir, disegerakan saja. Supaya kalau dekat dengan masjid, ada panggilan azan itu bakal mudah kaki melangkah. Minimal magriblah. Hehe,” katanya sembari berkelakar, betapa uniknya jika sivitas akademika UII jarang ke Masjid.

“Saya sekali lagi berharap dosen dan tendik FPSB UII berkenan menjadi takmir-takmir di masjid-masjid terdekat. Karena pembinaan mahasiswa tidak hanya di kampus. Di kampus pembinaannya hanya mungkin enam jam. Tapi pembinaan juga bisa dilakukan oleh takmir masjid terdekat dengan mahasiswa. Takmir bisa ikut melibatkan dan mengembangkan mahasiswa di sekitar masjid,” kata Imam, yang menurut pengakuannya adalah selalu aktif menjadi takmir sejak mahasiswa hingga sekarang.

“Dari jaman mahasiswa, jaman pindah-pindah ngontrak, sampai sekarang, saya masih takmir. Bedanya, sudah mau pensiun ganti pengurus takmir, eh diminta jadi Dewan Pembina, ya tetap takmir juga, hehe,” ujarnya sambil terkekeh.

Dulu, ceritanya, ia menjadikan masjid kampus sebagai pusat pembinaan mahasiswa dan masyarakat. “Kalau siang meja-meja panjang ini kami sediakan untuk pembinaan mahasiswa. Lalu sorenya meja-meja panjang ini bisa kita gunakan untuk taman pendidikan quran anak-anak masyarakat di sekitar. Saya tidak tahu kalau sekarang bagaimana. Ini dulu sih,” katanya nostalgia pada jamannya dulu menjadi Mahasiswa.

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Mengapa doa sering tidak terkabul? Bagaimana agar doa lebih mudah memiliki kemungkinan terkabul? Beberapa pertanyaan itu sering mengemuka dalam tiap upaya manusia memanjatkan doanya pada ilahi. Kadang manusia hanya tidak tahu kapan doanya terkabul, dan bagaimana bisa upaya dan ikhtiarnya berbuah hasil sesuai yang diharapkan.

Begitu pula yang diungkapkan oleh Imam Mujiono, penceramah dalam Pengajian Akbar FPSB UII dalam rangka Milad ke-27 FPSB UII. Acara yang diselenggarakan pada Sabtu 28 Mei 2022 ini menempati Mushola FPSB UII yang baru saja tiga hari selesai direnovasi. Acara pengajian ini dilaksanakan secara hybrid (daring via Zoom dan Youtube disiarkan langsung oleh TV Daring Komunikasi UII “Ikonisia TV” dan luring di Mushola).

“Ud’uuni astajib lakum (Almu’min: 60) dan Fal Yastajibuu lii wa Yu’min Billah (Al Baqarah: 186). Jika ingin doa didengar maka kuncinya ikuti ayat Allah ini,” kata Imam Mujiono yang juga adalah Dosen di Program Studi Pendidikan Agama Islam, FIAI UII.

Menurut Imam, seringkali manusia menginginkan sesuatu tetapi tidak paham mengapa doa tidak kunjung maqbul. “Padahal SOP nya di islam sudah jelas. Kalau ingin sesuatu, berdoalah padaku,” kata Imam. “Ku ini merujuk pada Allah. Bukan merujuk pada pesugihan, bukan pada dukun, bukan pada atasan, dll.”

Lalu yang berikutnya adalah melaksanakan perintah-perintah Allah. Setiap perintah itu, menurut Imam, berarti SOP (Standar Operational Procedure). “Ikuti SOP nya. Mau bikin warung laris, ya bikin SOP sehingga orang tertarik datang,” kata Imam. Warungnya bersih, pelayanan sopan, harganya murah, dan jangan lupa memohon pada Allah sang pemilik rejeki, bukan pada dukun pesugihan, kata Imam.

Lalu setelah itu, manusia diminta yakin dan beriman pada ketentuan Allah. “Jadi, berdoa itu Jangan ragu-ragu pada Allah, harus yakin tercapai,” tambahnya.

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The FKI (Inspirational Content Festival) has finally reached its conclusion. Ikonisia TV presented an awards ceremony, as well as interviews with the judges, for a competition to make creative and inspirational content. Regardless of whether they won, participants received immediate feedback on their effort.

On November 30, 2021, the announcement and awarding of the 2nd FKI were broadcast live on Ikonisia TV’s Youtube page. Ifa Zulkurnaini, a researcher at the Center for Alternative Media Studies and Documentation (PSDMA) NADIM of the UII Communications Department, hosted the event, introducing Bagoes Kresnawan also known as Bagus Tikus, one of the judges, and Heri Fadlie, another jury member.

There are three competitive categories in this year’s FKI tournament. The first is the fiction category. Bagoes claims that anyone who chooses a work in the Fiction category is unafraid of being evaluated or of any other fear. “For friends, laying the first foundation is a watershed moment. Bagoes said on the works in the Fiction category, “Valuable quality issues will be established over time.”

Video podcasts are another option. This podcast, according to Bagoes, is a trap-filled genre. “It sounds simple, chatting and hearing people share,” says the narrator. But what people tolerate is that they stay to watch till the finish,” Bagoes, who is also the founder of huntingpasar (dot) id, added. “But that’s fine; podcasting allows people to talk freely.” Unlike others, iPod broadcasting, for example, people chat, is intimate. The point is intimacy, depth,” he added.

As for the documentary category, it must capture the world as it is. “It has to inspire or move,” said Bagoes. According to him, documentaries are also a medium for social criticism. People will feel moved. Many pitfalls arise when working on a documentary, said Bagus, sometimes the documentary makes you bored. “I like it the most when there are many conflicts, the phenomenon of the land mafia, for example. How to deal with continuous conflicts. In storytelling, there are ups and downs. It moves people to think and act,” added Bagoes, telling his experience about the characteristics of the documentary.

Especially the things that need to be prepared and matured by the participants are in terms of story writing. “Sometimes we feel that this can be more interesting. It should be able to plot it like this. Interesting. The problem of image quality is that it’s easy; it’s a matter of tools. You can buy or rent it,” said Bagoes. The most important thing is about writing the script. But about what message we will convey, it requires a long reflection.

The key to a good documentary, said Bagoes, is also the approach to the film’s subject. “I approached Mr. Min, my documentary subject used to take two weeks. I ate there, ordered food and drink many times. Chatted, he trusted us, it was comfortable,” said Bagoes. Even Bagoes finally became acquainted and understood whether the subject was easy to joke or stubborn and so on. “So we know the character first,” he said. So please don’t rush to do it. Want to go viral fast. You can stop by, ask how, play, close first. Good human relations. Because the core of the documentary is to capture reality.

Bagoes said there are many theories in approaching the subject in our films. “Don’t just seem to take advantage or use it. The important thing is that while taking pictures, later you want to be cool or go bankrupt, it’s up to you. Periodically contact the subject. Ask for news. Then also establish good relations,” said Bagoes, telling his experience.

According to Heri Fadli, another jury, many approaches or storytelling techniques can be used in producing documentaries. For example, short or long documentaries are interactive, expository, participatory, and observational approaches.

FKI (Festival Konten Inspiratif) kedua kali ini akhirnya sampai ke puncak acara. Ajang kompetisi membuat konten kreatif dan terutama inspiratif yang dikelar Ikonisia TV menggelar acara penghargaan, penganugrahan, dan bincang-bincang bersama para juri. Peserta langsung mendapat ulasan atas karyanya baik yang berhasil meraih juara maupun tidak.

Pengumuman dan pemberian penghargaan FKI 2nd ini dilaksanakan secara live melalui channel Youtube Ikonisia TV pada 30 November 2021. Acara yang dipandu oleh Ifa Zulkurnaini, Peneliti di Pusat Studi dan Dokumentasi Media Alternatif (PSDMA) Nadim Komunikasi UII, ini menghadirkan Bagoes Kresnawan, salah satu juri FKI kedua, dan Juga Heri Fadlie, juri lainnya.

Dalam kompetisi FKI tahun ini, terdapat tiga kategori lomba. Pertama, adalah kaegori fiksi. Menurut bagoes tiap peserta yang memilih karya dalam kategori Fiksi, jangan takut karya dinilai dan segala ketakutan lain. “Ini milestone buat teman-teman, membangun pondasi pertama. Soal kualitas yang Berharga nanti akan terbangun lama kelamaan,” kata Bagoes mengomentari karya-karya yang masuk di kategori Fiksi.

Kategori lainnya adalah Video podcast. Menurut Bagoes, podcast ini adalah kategori yang penuh jebakan. “Kedengarannya mudah, ngobrol lalu share bisa didengar orang. Tapi bagaimana orang bertahan untuk stay nonton sampai akhir,” kata Bagoes yang juga adalah pendiri huntingpasar(dot) id. “Tapi tidak apa-apa, media podcast yang nyaman bisa ngomongin opini. Beda dibanding yg lain, ipod broadcasting, misalnya, Orang ngobrol, intim. Poinnya adalah keiintiman, kedalaman,” tambahnya.

Sedangkan untuk kategori documenter, ia harus menangkap dunia apa adanya. “Harus menginspirasi atau menggerakkan,” kata Bagoes. Menurutnya, karya dokumenter juga menjadi media untuk kritik sosial. Orang akan merasa tergerak hatinya. Banyak jebakan yang muncul ketika menggarap dokumenter, kata Bagus, kadang dokumenter itu bikin bosan. “Aku paling suka kalau banyak konfliknya, fenomena mafia tanah misalnya. Gimana menghadapi konflik-konflik yang terus menerus. Secara story telling ada naik turun. Menggerakan orang untuk berpikir dan bertindak,” imbuh Bagoes menceritakan pengalamannya mengenai karakteristik dokumenter.

Terutama hal yang perlu dipersiapkan dan dimatangkan oleh teman-teman peserta adalah dalam hal penulisan cerita. “Terkadang kita merasakan ini bisa lebih menarik sebetulnya. Gemes harusnya bisa begini saja plotnya. Menarik. Masalah kualitas gambar, itu gampang, itu soal alat. Bisa beli atau sewa,” kata Bagoes. Paling penting adalah soal menulis naskah.
Namun tentang pesan apa yang akan kita sampaikan itu butuh perenungan panjang.

Kunci bagusnya dokumenter, kata Bagoes, adalah juga soal pendekatan pada subyek film. “Aku pendekatan ke pak min subjek dokumenterku dulu itu bisa dua minggu. Aku makan di sana, pesen makan dan minum berkali kali. Ngobrol, dia percaya kita, nyaman,” Kata Bagoes. Bahkan Bagoes akhirnya jadi kenal, dan paham apakah si subyek gampang bercanda atau keras kepala dan lain-lain. “Jadi kita kenal dulu karakternya,” katanya. Jadi tidak ujug-ujug bikin. Pengin cepet viral. Anda bisa mampir, tanya kabar, main, dekat dulu. Hubungan baik antar manusianya. Sebab, inti dokumenter adalah menangkap realita.

Bagoes mengatakan ada banyak teori dalam mendekati subyek dalam film kita. “Jangan cuma terkesan memanfaatkan atau memperalat. yang penting itu sambil ambil gambar, nanti mau jadi keren atau bangkrut ya terserah. Secara berkala kontak dengan subyek. Nanya kabar. Lalu juga menjalin hubungan baik,” kata Bagoes menceritakan pengalamannya.

Menurut Heri Fadli, juri lainnya, banyak pendekatan atau teknik penyampaian cerita yang bisa digunakan dalam memproduksi dokumenter. Baik itu dokumenter pendek ataupun panjang bahkan. Misalnya pendekatan interaktif, ekspository, partisipational, hingga observasional.

Research is essential in the production of creative content. Research determines how strong your podcast content will be. Creative ideas will also come naturally when podcast content research is done. This includes researching other people’s podcast content.

At least, there are five tips for researching to make your podcast content unique and exciting. “First, determine what content you want to present and who the source is,” said Tri Rizal Ghofur, Content Creative at Narasi TV  in 2018 – 2020, on Tuesday, August 31, 2021.

Ghofur is a speaker in the Webinar Series “Is it important for research in Podcast Interviews?” This webinar event with Ghofur is the 2021 Inspiring Content Festival (FKI) Series of Events. Uniicoms TV held this second year of FKI, the first online TV at UII, to produce quality and inspiring content in cyberspace.

Ghofur, the man who is also a Producer at Lemonilo, said that apart from determining the sources, we also have to read all the articles about potential sources to talk to in the podcast content. “This is important so that our content becomes unusual content,” said Ghofur, Tri Rizal Ghofur’s nickname. The second tip, said Ghofur, is to watch all the videos about the potential sources. In this way, we will also get enlightenment from the source.

Then, the fourth tip, said Ghofur, is, “chat with people closest to the source.” According to Ghofur, from the chat with the resource person, he hopes to find ideas and words that can be used as creative packaging content with the resource person.

It is also worth trying the last tips from Ghofur and for example, following and tracking the social media content of the source. From here, chat material for podcasts can become more prosperous and, indeed the material for hosts so as not to run out of chat issues.

In conclusion, Ghofur gives brief tips from starting to maintaining interesting podcast content. “Just tell me about something very close, and don’t think about using a good tool, just use a cellphone,” said Ghofur. Of course, the podcast’s producer must research the topic you want to talk about first. Then lastly, and most importantly, consistently produce content.


Riset menjadi penting dalam produksi konten kreatif. Riset menentukan seberapa kuat konten podcast yang akan anda buat. Ide kreatif juga akan muncul dengan sendirinya ketika riset konten podcast dilakukan. Termasuk meneliti konten-konten podcast milik orang lain.

Setidaknya, ada lima tips dalam melakukan riset agar menjadikan konten podcast Anda unik dan menarik. “Pertama, tentukan dulu mau konten apa yang mau kamu sajikan dan narasumbernya siapa,” kata Tri Rizal Ghofur, Content Creative di Narasi pada 2018 – 2020, pada Selasa, 31 Agustus 2021.

Ghofur adalah pembicara dalam Webinar Series “Penting Nggak sih Riset dalam Podcast Interview?” Acara webinar bersama Ghofur ini adalah Rangkaian Acara Festival Konten Inspiratif (FKI) 2021. FKI tahun kedua ini digelar oleh Uniicoms TV, TV online pertama di UII, agar muncul konten-konten yang bermutu dan inspiratif di dunia maya.

Pria yang juga Producer di Lemonilo, ini mengatakan, selain menentukan narasumber, kita juga harus membaca semua artikel tentang calon narasumber yang akan diajak bicara dalam konten podcast. “Hal ini penting supaya konten kita menjadi konten yang nggak biasa,” kata Ghofur, panggilan akbra Tri Rizal Ghofur. Tips kedua, kata Ghofur, tonton semua video tentang si calon narasumber. Cara ini juga akan kita mendapatkan pencerahan dari narasumber.

Kemudian, tips keempat kata Ghofur, adalah, “ngobrol dengan orang terdekat narasumber.” Menurut Ghofur, dari obrolan dengan narasumber harapannya akan ditemukan ide dan kata-kata yang bisa dijadikan konten kemasa kreatif dengan si narasumber.

Perlu juga dicoba tips terakhir dari Ghofur. Misalnya menngikuti dan melacak konten media sosial si narasumber. Dari sini, bahan obrolan untuk podcast bisa menjadi lebih kaya dan tentu saja bahan untuk host agar tidak kehabisan isu obrolan.

Pungkasan, Ghofur memberi tips ringkas memulai hingga mememrtahankan konten podcast yang menarik. “Ceritakan saja tentang hal yang sangat dekat, dan tidak usah berpikir ingin menggunakan alat yang bagus, pakai HP saja,” kata Ghofur. Tentunya, topik yang ingin dibicarakan harus diriset dahulu. Lalu yang terakhir, dan terpenting, konsisten memproduksi konten.

Uniicoms TV, Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII mempersembahkan:

“Festival Konten Inspiratif”
Kompetisi Video Tingkat Nasional



– Film Fiksi
– Film Dokumenter
– Video Podcast

– Pelajar, Mahasiswa, dan Umum
– Warga Negara Indonesia
– Individu/ Kelompok
– Durasi 2 – 10 menit
– Resolusi 1080p (ukuran bebas)
– Belum pernah di publikasikan
– Orisinil
– Tidak mengandung unsur SARA, pornografi, kekerasan, dan politik.

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Amir Effendi Siregar is not only a thinker, he is also the initiator of many media movements and activists, as well as an ideologue of broadcasting democracy. This is not easy to find nowadays. AES thinking is broad and diverse. This can be a valuable lesson for future generations, especially in UII of Department of Communications.

Kristiawan said AES’s thinking spans from political economy, regulation, broadcasting and includes the press and media regulators. According to Kristiawan, AES is also the driving force behind KIDP (Independent Coalition for Broadcasting Democratization).

“There are two praxis of Bang AES that I think are unique from the typology of Bang AES, the first is advocacy practice,” said Kristiawan in a book discussion Against Capital Authoritarianism, Amir Effendi Siregar in Media Democratization Thoughts and Movements, the first volume, at the Zoom Meeting Saturday , June 26, 2021.

“To be honest, Bang Amir said, it’s because of you, Wan. I’ve been living quietly; you pulled me here. That was around 2009. At that time, I was still at the Tifa foundation. A new actor in broadcasting democracy,” Kristiawan said. “If we go back to those years, the democratization movement for broadcasting was almost zero. At that time, Maksi (Indonesian communication and information society) started before KIDP. Then we created KIDP,” said Kristiawan.

According to Kristiawan, this is a milestone in the democratization of broadcasting. At that time, the KIDP movement raised the issue of media ownership in Indonesia as a problem from the start, “and I am grateful that this movement is so massive and strong that it ended up being tested for interpretation in the Constitutional Court (MK). That was AES’s first practice.”

Meanwhile, according to Kristiawan, the second praxis is managerial praxis. AES is willing and able to manage Warta Ekonomi magazine. “This requires other thinking skills. One goal is to criticize, the other is to sell. I think this is unique. And this confirms if we pull it up again, that Bang Amir’s style of thinking is indeed a social democrat style,” said Kristiawan later.

According to him, AES does not reject industry, does not reject capitalism, but how to tame capitalism to support the quality of life together, “or in the term decent capitalism, that is what Bang Amir often raises.”

In addition, Kristiawan also said the AES thinking model. “I want to emphasize in this forum that the building of Bang Amir’s thinking does not only stop at the micro and meso levels, but also reaches the macro level. In my term, the ideological horses are powerful,” said Kristiawan. Epistemologically, he said, AES’s thinking is very strong and consistent not only in action but also in logic.

“I think one thing that is not the focus of Bang Amir is a content analysis which is very micro. I see that AES is not interested here, except I don’t know,” added Kristiawan.

Nina Mutmainnah, as the editor of this book, also shared stories about AES. “This is very important in the history of broadcasting in Indonesia, because this group (KIDP) in 2011 conducted a test of interpretation of the ownership rules in the Broadcasting Law to the Constitutional Court. We know that the issue of media ownership is also an issue that is overseen by Bang Amir,” said Nina Mutmainnah, Lecturer at the UI Communications Department, as a speaker with Kristiawan.

The book, which was launched in conjunction with the 17th Anniversary of UII Communication and 11th Year of PR2Media, contains the writings of many authors representing students, colleagues, friends, and even teachers. For example, there were R. Kristiawan, Puji Rianto, Ade Armando, M. Heychael, Ignatius Haryanto, Nina Mutmainnah, and Eduard Lukman, who spoke at the level of AES thinking about political economy. Wisnu Martha Adiputra, Masduki, Hermin Indah Wahyuni, Darmanto, Ezki Soeyanto, Rahayu, and Iwan Awaluddin Yusuf wrote about Publicity and Public Broadcasting. Meanwhile, Wisnu Prasetya Utomo, and AP Wicaksono wrote Bang AES’ thoughts on the student press.

Topics The first part was discussed for the first time on Saturday, June 26, 2021. The topic of discussion this time presented the deputy writer R. Kristiawan (National Coalition for Broadcasting Reform), and the deputy book editor, namely Dr. Nina Mutmainnah (UI Communication Lecturer). Dr. Eni Maryani from UNPAD Communications, was also present as a discussant and was guided by moderator Mufti Nur Latifah, MA (UGM Communications Lecturer).

According to Nina, AES has also repeatedly stated in various writings that she believes that one indicator of a democratic country is the guarantee of Freedom of Expression, Freedom of speech, freedom of the press, diversity of voices, diversity of content), and diversity of ownership. AES emphasizes this that this must be maintained and guarded. Like what he wrote in 2014 in his book entitled Escorting the Democratization of the Media.