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Why is tracking the history of public relations important? In other countries, the history of public relations only has the context of each country. This study has a lot of enthusiasts. Its also many writers write textbooks, but there are not many issues in the history of public relations.

“Some books have written descriptions of the history of public relations / PR in Indonesia. The problems are they lack social, political and cultural contexts,” said I Gusti Ngurah Putra. Ngurah is a scholar from the UGM Department of Communication Sciences. He speak on Saturday (22/8) at the Forum Amir Effendi Siregar (AES) which was broadcast live on the Uniicoms TV Channel.

Books and Reference of History of PR                                                 

Books from other countries have discussed history according to the context of their country. For example, Ngurah cited the book entitled The Unseen Power, Public Relations: A history. Scott M. Cutlip wrote it up to 832 pages in thickness about the history of PR. Jacquie L’Etang also wrote the history of public relations in England in a book entitled Public Relations in Britain.

Meanwhile,  the history of PR in Indonesia is still not seriously worked on. According to Ngurah, if the writing of public relations history does not start, there is a fear that it will be difficult to access data and informants.

“There are only a few expert informants from the early actors or public relations pioneers in Indonesia. Another challenge is that documents related to PR practices and developing ideas are not easy to obtain,” explained Ngurah.

He gave a marker about who could be the starting point of indonensian PR in history. For example Prof. Alwi Dahlan, who founded a public relations consultant in Indonesia, “then there is Wicaksono Noeradi, a public relations practitioner who attended the School of Journalism in the United State. Then Amiruddin, PR of PT. Astra,” he added.

How Public Relations in Indonesia Early

In its history, public relations during the independence and Soekarno era were more focused in particular issues. Soekarno focused on building a new spirit as a new nation. According to Ngurah, public diplomacy is Indonesian PR focus at the beginning of the republic. It also focus on international relations, said Ngurah. Ngurah completed his Masters study and studied Indonesian PR at the University of Canberra, Australia.

Not only that. “Foreign oil companies in the early 1950s such as STANVAC, Shell, Caltex, BTM to Indonesia are often seen as the beginning of the emergence of Corporate PR in Indonesia,” he said. At about the same time, several companies or state institutions such as the Police, RRI and Garuda Indonesia also started having a Public Relations section.

In the 60s, this year was the forerunner to the development of PR in Indonesia. The term “purel” as an acronym for PR is getting more and more popular than the term “public relations”. Then in 1962, PM Juanda’s Cabinet presidium instructed each agency to form a public relations division.

Further developments, said Ngurah, during the New Order era, government agencies began to have a public relations department. The Ministry of Information / Deppen also performs a public relations function for the government.


Forum Amir Effendi Siregar #6: Biografi Kompas: Sejarah Hubungan Harian Kompas dan Kekuasaan 1965-2015

Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Islam Indonesia dalam rangkaian Forum #AES menggelar Serial Bincang Sejarah Komunikasi (Seri 6)


Biografi Kompas: Sejarah Hubungan Harian Kompas dan Kekuasaan, 1965-2015


Wijayanto, Ph.D

Direktur Center for Media and Democracy, LP3ES dan dosen Media dan Demokrasi di Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan, Universitas Diponegoro. Peraih research grant KNAW Belanda tahun 2020-2021 dengan judul Cyber Troops and Public Opinion Manipulation: A Mixed-Method Study of Social MEdia Propaganda in Indonesia.


Sabtu, 15 Agustus 2020
Pukul 10:00 WIB
Via Zoom


Continued from previous writting entitled History Of UI’s Communication Dept.

Haryanto managed to collect UI Communication Department data from various sources. For example the data of Professor of Communications at UI and his dissertation, changes in names and faculties, and keenly seeing the tendency of social sciences in Indonesia due to the tight supervision of the Soeharto New Order.

In the discussion via zoom conference video application also emerged several new facts that were completed from the participants who were mostly speaking as UI academics. For example Ade Armando, Pinckey Tri Putra, Nina Muthmainnah. There are also I Gusti Ngurah from UGM, Masduki from Communication Science Department of UII and others.

“This is a preliminary search. It only opens doors and hopefully my talk will provoke other campuses to also explore the same data so we can see,” Haryanto said.

Other facts, for example, “Why does UGM only have one professor / professor? I haven’t checked further. Hasanuddin University (unhas) has at least quite a lot. This means it’s interesting, Unhas is younger, there are already many professors. UGM is older, how come I only have two professors? “Is this administrative or what? UGM should answer.” said Haryanto. “UI even though it is younger, but has 12 professors. Why? Let’s examine it further,” he said.

I Gusti Ngurah answered, as a UGM lecturer, this fact could have happened because of stagnation in the 80s. At that time the Chair of the UGM Communication Department was stagnant. He served too long and many lecturers did not continue their studies. It was only in the late 80-90s that a new generation of renewed spirits emerged.

Is There Indonesian School of Communication?

Masduki from Communication UII also asked, “as far as observation until now, whether the phenomenon of two academic camps in UI: positivist-empirical-quantitative developmentalist vs. critical-normative-qualitative in the last twenty years and then productively produced a scientific synthesis / approach this new study of communication that is uniquely Indonesian or continues as an open or latent scientific confession? ”

There is no final answer. But Pinckey Tri Putra tried to answer. He said, until now there has not been

the formulation as mentioned by Masduki as a typical Indonesian scientific communication study at UI. The UI is still far away, he said. He still continues to process and develop. According to him, this process has not yet found anything unique to Indonesia.

Yus Ariyanto, one of the participants, also asked. “It seems that (almost) all UI communication professors were born from publicist / mass communication” wombs. What’s with the realm of public relations or advertising? ” he asked.

“In the early 1980s, there was a specialization in Public Relations, Advertising. Mass Communication, and Development Communication. Then Development Communication was abolished. Later the interest in Journalism developed. Mass Communication turned into Media Studies,” Nina said. He, and Haryanto wanted to say, that this could have happened because there was a great influence on the thoughts brought by his lecturers. For example, earlier explained the great influence of Prof. Dedy Nur Hidayat with his critical thinking.

Historical Research and Reading Archive Guide

In this study of the history of communication, it can follow a very basic guide. Luthfi Adam, speaker of the first session of the AES Forum said, we can use a very basic historical research guide through a book by Mary Lynn Rampola entitled “A Pocket Guide to Writing in History.”

As for the guide to reading the archive, “you can use the book” Allure of the Archive “by Arlette Ferge. If the guide is conducting research on humanities try to check” How to Write a Thesis “by Umberto Eco,” explained Lutfi in the Zoom Chat feature. He at last tries to complete the discussion the research of history of communication.

Lanjutan dari Sejarah Jurusan Komunikasi UI (1)

Haryanto berhasil mengumpulkan data-data Komunikasi UI dari beragam sumber. Misal data guru-guru besar Profesor Komunikasi di UI beserta disertasinya, perubahan nama dan fakultas, dan tajam melihat kecenderungan tidak tajamnya ilmu sosial di Indonesia karena ketatnya pengawasan Orde Soeharto.

Dalam diskusi via aplikasi video konferensi zoom ini juga muncul beberapa fakta-fakta baru yang dilengkapi dari para peserta yang mayoritas bicara sebagai akademisi UI. Misalnya Ade Armando, Pinckey Tri Putra, Nina Muthmainnah. Ada juga I Gusti Ngurah dari UGM, Masduki dari Komunikasi UII dan lain-lain.

“Ini adalah penelusuran awal. ini hanya membuka pintu-pintu dan mudah-mudahan omongan saya akan memancing kampus-kampus lainnya juga menggali data yang sama sehinga kita bisa melihat,” kata Haryanto.

Fakta lain misalnya, “Kenapa UGM baru punya satu profesor/ guru besar? Saya belum cek lebih jauh. Unhas minimal ada cukup banyak. Artinya ini kan menarik, Unhas lebih muda, udah banyak profesor. UGM yang lebih tua, kok baru punya dua profesor. Apakah ini adminsitatif atau apa? UGM yg harus menjawab.” kata Haryanto. “UI padahal lebih muda, tapi punya 12 profesor. Kenapa? Mari teliti lebih jauh,” ajaknya.

I Gusti Ngurah menjawab, sebagai dosen UGM, fakta ini terjadi bisa saja karena terjadi kemandegan pada era 80an. Saat itu Ketua Jurusan Komunikasi UGM stagnan. Ia menjabat terlalu lama dan banyak dosen tidak meneruskan studi. Barulah di generasi muda akhir 80-90an muncul hawa baru semangat pembaruan.

Adakah Komunikasi Mazhab UI atau Indonesia

Masduki dari Komunikasi UII juga sempat bertanya, ” sejauh pengamatan hingga sekarang, apakah fenomena dua kubu akademik di UI: positivis-empiris-kuantitatif developmentalis vs. kritis-normatif-kualitatif ini dalam dua puluh tahun terakhir kemudian secara produktif melahirkan suatu sintesis keilmuan/pendekatan kajian komunikasi baru yang khas Indonesia atau ini tetap berlangsung sebagai konflk mazbah keilmuan yang terbuka atau laten?”

Belum ada jawaban final. Namun Pinckey Tri Putra mencoba menjawab. Ia mengatakan, sampai saat ini belum ada rumusan yang seperti disebut Masduki sebagai kajian keilmuan komunikasi khas indonesia di UI. UI masih jauh, katanya. Ia masih terus berproses dan berkembang. Menurutnya, proses ini belum menemukan sesuatu yang khas Indonesia.

Yus Ariyanto, salah satu peserta, juga bertanya. “Kayaknya (hampir) semua guru besar komunikasi UI lahir dari “rahim” publisistik/komunikasi massa. Ada apa dengan ranah hubungan masyarakat atau periklanan?” tanyanya.

“Pada awal 1980, terdapat peminatan Humas, Periklanan. Komunikasi Massa, dan Komunikasi Pembangunan. Kemudian Komunikasi Pembangunan ditiadakan. Belakangan berkembang peminatan Jurnalisme. Komunikasi Massa berubah menjadi Kajian Media,” kata Nina menjawab. Ia, dan Haryanto ingin mengatakan, bahwa hal ini bisa saja terjadi karena ada pengaruh yang besar dari pemikiran yang dibawa dosen-dosennya. Misalnya sebelumnya dijelaskan pengaruh besar Prof. Dedy Nur Hidayat dengan pemikiran kritisnya.

Panduan Riset Sejarah dan Membaca Arsip

Dalam studi sejarah komunikasi ini, bisa merunut panduan yang sangat mendasar. Luthfi Adam, pembicara Forum AES sesi pertama mengatakan, kita bisa menggunakan panduan riset sejarah yang sangat mendasar lewat buku karya Mary Lynn Rampola berjudul “A Pocket Guide to Writing in History.”

Sedangkan untuk panduan membaca arsip, “bisa pakai buku “Allure of the Archive” karya Arlette Ferge. Kalau panduan melakukan riset humanities coba cek “How to Write a Thesis” karya Umberto Eco,” jelas Luthfi dalam kolom Chat fitur aplikasi Zoom mencoba melengkapi diskusi sejarah komunikasi ini.

Sejarah Komunikasi UI tak bisa lepas dari dosen-dosen yang mewarnainya. Mulai dari pengaruh lulusan Amerika, Jurnalis profesional ternama, hingga angkatan-angkatan generasi baru yang memberi warna baru di era milenial. Meski pada 70-90an beberapa dosen Komunikasi UII pulang dari Amerika, tapi nyatanya Komunikasi UI justru tak mengekor mazhab Komunikasi Amerika.

Begitulah sekilas catatan dari diskusi dalam Forum Amir Effendi Siregar seri ke 3. Acara yang diselenggarakan PSDMA Nadim Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII ini mampu menarik lebih dari 80 peserta pendaftar. Forum AES yang dilaksanakan pada 18 Juli 2020 ini menghadirkan Ignatius Haryanto, Akademisi dari Universitas Multimedia Nusantara sekaligus kandidat doktor dari Universitas Indonesia.

“Ini studi kasus Komunikasi UI, jadi unofficial history-lah disclaimer-nya,” kata Ignatius Haryanto memulai Forum AES kali ini. Haryanto menjelaskan beberapa temuan riset sejarah komunikasi UI versinya.

Misalnya, ia menemukan sederet jumlah dosen dan mahasiswa di Indonesia yang diberhentikan paska kasus tergelap Indonesia pada medio 65. Haryanto, mengutip penelitian Abdul Wahid, mencatat ada 115 dosen UGM dikeluarkan. 3000 mahasiswa UGM juga.  Unpad 25 dosen yang diberhentikan.  “Sedangkan dosen UI tidak ada datanya,” katanya.

Haryanto menambahkan, gonjang-ganjing di kancah nasioanal sedikit banyak terpapar dan terpengaruh ke kampus. Sementara ini banyak yang tidak mau banyak bicara soal ini.

“Dalam kasus ini Abdul Wahid mau bicara soal tragedi-tragedi ini. UI masih tertutup soal tragedi ni,” ungkap Haryanto.

Banyak Sarjana Amerika Tapi tidak Mengekor Amerika

Mengapa UI tidak terpengaruh pemikiran Komunikasi dari Amerika? Mengapa corak positivistik tidak dominan di Komunikasi UI? Haryanto, dan kemudian dikuatkan dengan pendapat Dr. Pinckey Triputra, M.Sc. , Dosen Senior Komunikasi UI, justru Komunikasi UI banyak sekali dipengaruhi pemikiran kritis setelah pulangnya Prof. Dedy Nur Hidayat.

“Ada banyak pemikiran Prof Dedy di balik pergerakan mahasiswa di UI dari 80an. Ia fokus pada pemikiran kritis di UI. Ia bahkan sudah melesakkan pemikiran kritis  sejak ia kuliah S1, dan diteruskan setelah doktoral. Itu mewarnai fisip, tidak hanya komunikasi,” papar Pinckey. “Ia di awal berkarir sebagai dosen, yang pertama ia kenalkan adalah cara berpikir,” sambungnya.

Nina Muthmainnah juga menguatkan, bahwa pemikiran Wilbur Schramm dan murid-muridnya sebenarnya juga dibawa oleh Prof. Alwi Dahlan ketika kembali dari Amerika. “Ada cerita-cerita di kelas soal Pak Schramm yang jadi guru pak Alwi, yang itu percakapan-percakapan yang tidak ada di buku kadang.”

Pemikiran dan praktik-praktik jurnalisme bermutu juga didapat dari pengaruh dosen-dosen yang ebrasal dari praktisi jurnalis senior. Misalnya sebut saja Rosihan Anwar yang mengampu Bahasa Indonesia Jurnalistik, Aristides Katoppo, hingga Jacob Oetama yang kini diabadikan namanya menjadi salah satu gedung di UI.

Haryanto berhasil mengumpulkan data-data Komunikasi UI dari beragam sumber. Misal data guru-guru besar Profesor Komunikasi di UI beserta disertasinya, perubahan nama dan fakultas, dan tajam melihat kecenderungan tidak tajamnya ilmu sosial di Indonesia karena ketatnya pengawasan Orde Soeharto.

berlanjut ke Sejarah Jurusan Komunikasi UI (2)

History of Communication at Universitas Indonesia can not be separated from the lecturers who color it. Starting from the influence of American graduates, Famous professional journalists, to the new generation of generations who gave a new color in the millennial era. Although in the 70-90s some UI’s Communications lecturers returned from America, but in fact UI’s Communication Science did not follow the American Communication school.

That was a brief note from the discussion in the 3rd Amir Effendi Siregar Forum. The event that was held by PSDMA Nadim Communication Communication Science Department of UII was able to attract more than 80 registrant participants. The AES Forum which was held on July 18, 2020 presented Ignatius Haryanto, a scholar from Universitas Multimedia Nusantara and a doctoral candidate from the Universitas Indonesia.

“This is an UI Communication Science case study, so this is the unofficial history. this is my disclaimer,” Ignatius Haryanto said, starting the AES Forum this time. Haryanto explained some of the findings of his UI communication department history research.

For example, he found a series of lecturers and students in Indonesia who were dismissed after Indonesia’s darkest case in mid-65. Haryanto, citing Abdul Wahid’s research, noted that 115 Universitas Gajah Mada (UGM) lecturers were excluded. 3000 UGM students too. Unpad (Universitas Padjadjaran) 25 lecturers were dismissed. “While the UI lecturer has no data,” he said.

Haryanto added, the unrest in the national arena was more or less exposed and affected to campus. While  UI do not want to talk much about this.

“In this case Abdul Wahid wants to talk about these tragedies. UI is still closed about this tragedy,” Haryanto said.

Many American Scholars But Not Followed Americans

Why is the UI not influenced by American Communication Scholars thinking? Why is positivistic style not dominant in UI Communication? Haryanto, and then strengthened with the opinion of Dr. Pinckey Triputra, M.Sc. , UI Communication Senior Lecturer, UI Communication Department actually influenced a lot of critical thinking after returning Prof. Dedy Nur Hidayat.

“There is a lot of thoughts of Prof. Dedy behind the movement of students at UI from the 80s. He focused on critical thinking at UI. He even had critical thinking since he graduated from undergraduate, and continued after his doctoral. It colored the Faculty, not only communication department,” Pinckey said . “At the beginning of his career as a lecturer, the first he introduced was a way of thinking,” he continued.

Nina Muthmainnah also confirmed that the thoughts of Wilbur Schramm and her students were actually brought by Prof. Alwi Dahlan when returning from America. “There are stories in the class about Mr. Schramm who is Pak Alwi’s teacher, those conversations that are not in the book sometimes.”

The thinking and practices of quality journalism are also obtained from the influence of lecturers from senior journalist practitioners. For example, let’s call Rosihan Anwar who teach Bahasa for Journalistics , Aristides Katoppo, and Jacob Oetama, whose name is now enshrined as one of the buildings in UI.

To be Continued to next writing entitled History of UI’s Communication Dept.


Forum Amir Effendi Siregar menggelar bincang sejarah komunikasi seri 4
Topik: Penerapan Studi Sejarah Komunikasi: Kasus Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Brawijaya


Dr. Antoni

Tesisnya mengenai sejarah pers. Bukunya, “Riuhnya Persimpangan itu”, (2004) memetakan profil sarjana sarjana komunikasi di dunia. Ia mengembangkan kajian sejarah komunikasi di Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi Univ. Brawijaya dengan tema seperti: Pemikiran tokoh pers dan akademisi komunikasi; sejarah pendidikan komunikasi; serta budaya populer.

Minggu, 26 Juli 2020

Pukul 09:30 WIB

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Ahad, 26 Juli 2020

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Forum Amir Effendi Siregar menggelar bincang sejarah komunikasi seri 3

Topik: Penelusuran Awal Sejarah Komunikasi Indonesia: Kasus Universitas Indonesia


Ignatius Haryanto

Sabtu, 18 Juli 2020
Pukul 09:30 WIB
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atau tonton di kanal Uniicoms TV Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII



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Previous Writing Amir Effendi Siregar Forum # 2: Soeharto’s Regime Influences Indonesian Communication Science Curriculum and Research (2) Soeharto’s Regime Development of communication science

Alwi then began to become part of the authority of publicist knowledge and began to participate in discourse to change ‘publicist science’ to ‘communication science’. “The results of his studies in America, of course there is friction, influence, and all kinds,” he said.

Tito, who also completed his masters in the UGM Culture and Media Studies Department, said that his research based on empirical experience might become multi methodological. “From my empirical observations yesterday, this might have to be a survey for communication scholar who have experienced teaching and lectures in 1980-1990,” he explained to strengthen the argument.

There is something unique, if not exactly strange, according to Tito. Tito’s tracking, if indeed the paradigm of communication science shifted from continental Europe to the Anglo-Saxon, then the study books by Laswell, Lazarfeld, Hovland, and American scientists were truly studied in detail, intensive, and seriously.

“If I look at it from the curriculum and reading books and others, the 1980-1990 period is not a lot of books that become a reference. Usually we, the communication scholars, will learn the science of communication from translation books, summary books, introductory books whose contents do quote Lazarfeld “It could also quote Laswell, Hovland, and so on. But none of the original references,” said Tito in surprise.

This is what later became a note of Professor Alwi Dahlan’s argument in his writings in 1980. Daniel Dhakidae in 1980 also said that indeed many Indonesian social science scholars who received scholarships were sent to America. “They go to school or just visit, which ultimately makes them build imagination about how the social science discourse should actually be developed,” said Tito. Then from there the possibility of an expansion of the ‘communication science’ discourse.

After the 1965 incident, Suharto rose to power. The Ministry of Information in turn became a weapon to strengthen its government. “In his language Hill, as a warhead for banning press,” said Tito referring to Australian academics, David T. Hill, who has long been researching the press and media in Indonesia.

Tito’s presentation explained that the Information Department was based on Sukiman’s research notes, which examined the history of information science in Indonesia, “he said that the information department was mainly absorbed by graduates of communication science. Mass media employees or journalists were also drawn from communication science graduates,” Tito said reading the screen his presentation.

Tito’s tracking explained, in the 1970s, communication science graduates at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences in Indonesia were at that time prepared to become employees in the Ministry of Information. “Of course not all of it, but the focus of learning the skills honed by his scientific teaching departs from there, meeting the needs of the information department.”

Then where are the rest who don’t work at the Ministry of Information?

Not Only State Servants, Journalists Are Also Influenced By Information Science

Tito revealed, those who did not enter the Information Department, usually entered into journalists or journalists. Interestingly, continued Tito, the values ​​that were instilled in teaching communication majors were also embedded in these journalists. Tito found that the curriculum majoring in Communication Studies was also adjusted to the Department of Information. Tito’s emphasis was that the values ​​of this ‘information science’ also ultimately influenced the knowledge of journalists in the 1970s. “Especially those from lighting science,” said Tito.

“Imagine the Information Department taking part in influencing the information science curriculum, whereas at that time the Information Department was trying to control, especially after the 1974 Malari incident,” Tito explained.

In mid 1974, the Government and the Ministry of Information wanted to discipline the mass media and students. But at that time the department also had control over the information science curriculum on campuses in which journalists would also be candidates. They eventually became part of the journalism discourse at the time. “The information department made communication science an epistemic authority to control journalism even at the time there was the term development communication. There was even development journalism at the time,” Tito said, explaining the development and developmentism communication discourse trends that were rampant and intensified by the Suharto government in the 1970s .

“This is interesting because in 1974 it was a moment when the science of publicism tried to be shifted into the science of communication,” Tito added. At that time, he said, Dean of the Faculty of Publications Astrid Susanto, who eventually moved to UI, offered to replace the publicist’s image as a communication science.” He said at one of the workshops in Bandung. The 1974 moment was an important milestone, because, according to Tito, the date refers to the end of the five-year plan of the Republic of Indonesia (Pelita 1) approximately 1969-1974. During that time, Prof. Astrid who served as Head of the Information, Science Bureau , and Culture of BAPPENAS, offering scholarly scholarly publicities to transform publicist science into communication science.

“This makes a big question mark. My initial argument, if we look at the plot, the transition from publicist science to communication science is part of the development of the new order. So it is not about the epistemic shock of American communication science, not that,” said Tito.

According to TIto’s initial findings, what happened was not a shift in the German publicist school to America. He alleged that there was momentum when Prof. Astrid introduces what is called development communication. “For sociology, there is development sociology. For anthropology, there is development anthropology,” Tito explained.

Tito’s search found several books by Prof. Astrid, who in every book, always found inserts or sub-chapters on development communication. and of course if your friends read his book Prof. Astrid, the definition of development here is community service. Devotion to the new order and everything related to it, “said Tito.

In addition, Tito also emphasized that, “the shift in publicistism to communication science is part of the govermentality undertaken by the state authorities to bring this publicist social science discourse closer to being a tool of state governmentality,” Tito said.