Tag Archive for: PSDMA Nadim

The phenomenon of Tourism Villages is increasingly widespread. Especially in the Instagram age, now many people want to visit various Instagram-able places. In addition to healing from fatigue, it continues to exist in the virtual world by updating Instagram stories pages and feeds.

However, developing a tourist village is not easy. There are many things to consider and prepare. Starting from human resources, infrastructure and also funding sources. The rise of this tourist village is the main attraction to investigate further how to seek the formation of a tourist village, what obstacles are, and how to overcome them.

To find out how the community and the Karangrejo village government built this tourist village, Zubaidah Nur Oktafiani, a Communication Department student, chose it as a theme to complete her final assignment as a student. Empowerment Communication in Improving the Welfare of Tourism Village Communities in the Borobudur Magelang Region is the theme. Zubaidah explained this in a monthly discussion organized by the Center for the Study and Documentation of Alternative Media (PSDMA) NADIM of the Communication Department at the Islamic University of Indonesia (UII) on Thursday, June 9, 2022.

She recounted the most important steps the village government and community had to take were planning, including exploring village potential, making a master plan of development plans, and forming supporting organizations.

According to Zubaidah, several basic principles are often neglected to consider when forming a tourist village. In the establishment of the Karangrejo Borobudur tourism village, the principles that are maintained and applied are, among others, equality, participation of all components of society, and independence without relying on assistance from the government or other parties, and the principle of sustainability.

There are seven village government efforts toward the development of tourist villages. The first is that the Village conducts human resource development through educational activities, skills training, discussions and comparative studies. Second, the Village cooperates with various parties. For example, partnerships with government agencies, NGOs, travel agents, and even state companies.

In the third effort, the Village also organizes government activities in the Village by holding meetings, annual events, and also meetings. Meanwhile, the fourth effort made by the village government is to strengthen the image and promotion through online and offline means.

These four efforts ultimately support how the fifth effort works effectively. The village hosts festivals or other activities that attract visits and popularity. Apart from festivals, for example, volleyball matches and cultural festivals are also held regularly.

Of course, this sixth effort is also important to support other efforts. This sixth effort is also carried out to support tourism. This effort was made to form a citizen organization as a tourism support system. The seventh effort is to partner with universities. Some partner campuses are ISI, UGM, UNY, Sahid Tourism School, UMS, etc.

The positive impact of community empowerment in the Karangrejo tourism village can be seen in several ways. According to Zubaidah, for example, is the impact of institutional improvements in the village scope, other improvements such as improving the business climate, improving income in the economic sector, improving the environment, for example by increasing public awareness of clean and healthy living that supports clean tourist sites. There is also an impact by increasing the standard of living of the community and improving the community’s social conditions, which are becoming more cohesive with the existence of several community institutions that support tourism.

Apa kabar desa wisata Borobudur Magelang?

Di kesempatan kali ini, PSDMA Nadim akan melaksanakan diskusi bulanan.

Tema yang dibahas adalah “Komunikasi Pemberdayaan dalam Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat (Studi Kasus Pemerintah Desa Wisata Karangrejo Borobudur Magelang)”.

📅 Kamis, 9 Juni 2022
🕑 14.00 WIB
📍 Zoom Link at:

Jangan lupa untuk hadir, ya!

Pandemic The pandemic has changed work patterns. There have been many new challenges. Like what? Monthly discussions held by the UII Communications Nadim try to raise it and find answers to these questions. Starting from changing online media strategies, and looking for various strategies and content tricks to win over readers, even amidst the Coronavirus siege.

This time, Nadim’s discussion invited a resource person named Muhammad Diast Reyhan Rafif to become a discussion partner for students at UII Communications. Diast is an alumnus of the 2017 batch of UII Communication Studies. His final research in his thesis examined Editorial Management in Reporting on the Cancellation of the National Football League Competition. Several media are used as research objects. Among them are detik.com, and okezone.com. Bolasport.com, Jawapos.com.

According to Diast, several online media are quite responsive and creative in dealing with reporting amid a pandemic. “Detik.com, for example, raised the human interest side during the pandemic. Regarding salary uncertainty amidst competition uncertainty, also player activities during the pandemic, including news of league I and league 2 uncertainties,” said Diast revealing one of his research results on Tuesday, 15 February 2022.

Another second, another dotcom media, and the rest. Bolasport, said Diast, provides football travel content, in the form of a timeline or memorable moments. That timeline is tracked year by year. Apart from that, bolasport also covers supporter activities during the pandemic. Even though it seems ordinary, you can see creative efforts meandering amidst the lack of events that could be sources of writing due to the cancellation of the National Football League competition.

Different Srategies from different medias

It’s no different, Okezone from the MNC group media has another strategy. “Okezone.com has soccertainment. It is a rubric that reports on player activities when the leagues haven’t started, for example, player support, federation support, health support when a player or coach is exposed to corona,” said Diast, who also served as Chair of the Communication Editor’s Journalism Club. this. According to Diast, this rubric talks a lot about international football because it still attracts a lot of interest from readers.

If Legal publishes a lot of international sports news because it is liked by many readers, Jawapos focuses more on national sports news. For example, the news raised is about the activities of coaching players outside the field. Or also the theme of the player transfer market because there are many players abroad. This includes not forgetting to also cover PSSI’s steps to run the league.

Ifa Zulkurnaini, the moderator of the discussion, also asked if there was further research that could be done in the context of sports journalism. Narayana, UII Communication Lecturer, who was also present as a participant in the discussion said that there was still something that could be researched about sports journalism. Not only what Diast did, in football, but other research could also be carried out on how other sports journalism media cover amid a pandemic, especially for sports other than football. “Football can still go on, but what about basketball, badminton, and others? How can sports journalists and the media cover and survive during a pandemic? Maybe that’s what can be continued,” said Nara trying to argue in the middle of the discussion.

Pandemi membuat pola kerja berubah, Ada banyak tantangan baru. Seperti apa? Diskusi bulanan yang digelar Nadim Komunikasi UII mencoba mengangkatnya dan mencari jawab dari pertanyaan-pertanyaan itu. Mulai dari strategi media online yang berubah, mencari ragam strategi, dan trik konten untuk merebut pembaca, bahkan di tengah kepungan virus Corona.

Diskusi Nadim kali ini mengundang Narasumber bernama Muhammad Diast Reyhanrafif untuk menjadi mitra berdiskusi para mahasiswa di Komunikasi UII. Diast adalah alumni Ilmu Komunikasi UII angkatan 2017. Penelitian akhirnya dalam skripsi meneliti Manajemen Redaksional dalam Pemberitaan Pembatalan Kompetisi Liga Sepakbola Nasional. Ada beberapa media yang dijadikan objek riset. Di antaranya Detik.com, okezone.com. Bolasport.com, Jawapos.com.

Menurut Diast, beberapa media online cukup responsif dan kreatif mengatasi pemberitaan di tengah pandemi. “Detik.com misalnya, mereka mengangkat sisi human interest selama pandemi. Mengenai ketidakpastian gaji di tengah ketidakpastian kompetisisi, Juga kegiatan pemain selama pandemi, Termasuk juga berita ketidakpastian liga I dan liga 2,” kata Diast mengungkap salah satu hasil penelitiannya pada Selasa, 15 Februari 2022.

Lain Detik, lain media dotcom sisanya. Bolasport, kata Diast, memberikan sajian konten perjalanan sepakbola, Bentuknya timeline atau momen memorable. Timeline itu dilacak dari tahun ke tahun. Selain itu, bolasport juga meliput kegiatan supporter selama pandemi. Meski terkesan biasa, tapi terlihat upaya kreatif berkelok di tengah minimnya peristiwa yang bisa jadi sumber tulisan karena adanya pembatalan kompetisi Liga Sepakbola nasional.

Tak beda, Okezone dari grup MNC punya strategi lain. “Okezone.com memiliki soccertainment, Itu adalah rubrik yangmemberitakan kegiatan pemain saat liga-liga belum mulai, Misalnya dukungan pemain, dukungan federasi, dukukangan kesetahan saat ada pemaian atau pelatih terkena corona,” papar Diast yang juga pernah menjabat sebagi Ketua Klub Jurnalistik Redaksi Komunikasi ini. Menurut Diast, rubrik ini banyak bicara bola international karena masih bayak diminati pembaca.

Jika okezone banyak melansir berita olahraga internasional karena disukai pembaca banyak, Jawapos justru lebih banyak Fokus berita olahraga nasional. Misalnya berita yang diangkat adalah seputar aktifitas pemain pelatih di luar lapangan. Atau juga tema bursa transfer pemain karena banyak pemain di luar negeri. Termasuk tak lupa juga melakukan peliputan tentang langkah PSSI dalam upaya menjalankan liga.

Ifa Zulkurnaini, moderator diskusi juga sempat bertanya, apa ada lagi riset lanjutan yang bisa dilakukan dalam konteks jurnalisme olahraga ini. Narayana, Dosen Komunikasi UII, yang juga hadir sebagai peserta diskusi mengatakan, bahwa masih ada yang bisa diteliti berkaitan dengan jurnalisme olahraga. Tak hanya yang dilakukan Diast, di olahraga sepak bola, tapi juga bisa dilakukan riset lain bagaimana media-media jurnalisme olahraga lain meliput di tengah pandemi khususnya untuk olahraga selain sepak bola. “Sepak bola masih bisa jalan pertandingannya, tapi basket, badminton, dan lain-lain gimana? bagaimana jurnalis olahraga dan medianya meliput dan bertahan di tengah pandemi? mungkin itu ya yang bisa dilanjutkan,” kata Nara mencoba berpendapat di tengah diskusi.

[Diskusi NADIM] Menjadi Penulis Artikel dan Wartawan Sejak Mahasiswa

Ingin nulis artikel di media tapi bingung harus memulai dari mana? Jangan khawatir, PSDMA Nadim akan membahas hal ini.

Di hari Rabu, 15 Desember 2021 kita akan kembali mengadakan diskusi dengan tema yang berbeda dari sebelumnya.

Ke dua teman kita, @sitifauz_ dan @nfjrk akan berbagi pengalaman serta pengetahuan di dunia kepenulisan, sesuai dengan kiprah mereka selama menjadi wartawan dan kontributor di beberapa media.

Jangan lewatkan diskusi dengan tema Menjadi Penulis Artikel dan Wartawan di Media Sejak Mahasiswa! ini, ya!

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Banyak mahasiswa yang mengira Pusat Studi dan Dokumentasi Media Alternatif (PSDMA) Nadim adalah perpustakaan. Tak heran karena PSDMA Nadim sementara ini, secara fisik, dipenuhi dengan buku-buku. Sebenarnya, banyak hal yang Nadim lakukan. Seperti namanya, pusat studi dan dokumentasi, Nadim melakukan studi dan dokumentasi seperti diskusi, penelitian, dan juga pengumpulan media-media alternatif. Ia adalah Pusat Studi dan Pusat dokumentasi khusus media alternatif.

Perkenalan dengan PSDMA Nadim ini menjadi topik ngobrol santai teatime International Program Communication Department Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII). Teatime ini mengundang Ifa Zulkurnaini, seorang staf sekaligus peneliti di Nadim. Teatime kali ini dipandu oleh Lani Diana, mahasiswa IPC UII Angkatan 2018, pada Jumat, 24 September 2021.

Ifa menjelaskan bahwa PSDMA Nadim digagas salah satunya oleh Muzayin Nazaruddin, Dosen Komunikasi UII (Dosen spesialis Media, Bencana, dan Semiotika) yang saat itu menjabat sebagai Kepala Laboratorium Ilmu Komunikasi UII. “Beliau ingin ada wadah buat mahasiswa yang ingin penelitian, pengabdian masyarakat, sharing pengetahuan, atau diskusi. Janggal kalau diwadahi di laboratorium, nggak nyambung. Jadi dibikinlah PSDMA Nadim ini di tahun 2008,” Jelas Ifa.

Mengenai koleksi di PSDMA Nadim, tidak hanya buku yang dimilki, PSDMA Nadim lebih mengedepankan media alternatif, artinya bukan media yang banyak umum ditemui. Nama NADIM sendiri diambil dari nama seorang bibliografer ribuan manusrkrip di Bagdad bernama Ibn Al Nadim yang hidup pada tahun 990an. Selain mengumpulkan, ia juga membaca dan mengkatalogisasinya. Begitupun PSDMA Nadim, tidak sebatas buku saja yang dimiliki, tapi juga film, pamfet, tabloid, majalah, dan jurnal. “Kalau teman-teman pengin nonton film-film lama, tapi nggak bisa ke bioskop, bisa pinjam di Nadim,” kata Ifa saat cerita tentang koleksi Nadim yang beberapa bisa dipinjam secara online.

Selain mengkoleksi beberapa media alternatif, nadim punya kegiatan yang bisa diikuti oleh siapapun baik mahasiswa ataupun umum yakni diskusi yang dilakukan satu hingga dua kali sebulan. “Tiap bulan diisi oleh mahasiswa atau dosen baik dari UII maupun universitas lain.”

Many students think that the Nadim Center for Alternative Media Studies and Documentation (PSDMA) is a library. It’s no wonder that Nadim’s PSDMA is physically filled with books. Many things Nadim did. As the name suggests, a center for studies and documentation, Nadim conducts studies and documentation such as discussions, research, and alternative media collection. It is a Center for Studies and Documentation Center specialized in alternative media.

This introduction to PSDMA Nadim became a topic of casual chat at the International Program Communication Department, Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII). This teatime invited Ifa Zulkurnaini, a staff member and researcher at Nadim. The teatime was hosted by Lani Diana, a 2018 IPC UII student, on Friday, September 24, 2021.

Ifa explained that the PSDMA Nadim was initiated by one of them by Muzayin Nazaruddin, a UII Communications Lecturer (Lecturer specialist in Media, Disasters, and Semiotics) who at that time served as Head of the UII Communication Science Laboratory. “He wants a forum for students who want to do research, community service, share knowledge, or discuss. It’s odd if it’s accommodated in the laboratory, it doesn’t connect. So PSDMA Nadim was made in 2008,” Ifa explained.

Regarding the collection at PSDMA Nadim, it is not only owned books; PSDMA Nadim prioritizes alternative media, meaning that it is not media that is commonly found. NADIM itself is taken from a bibliographer of thousands of manuscripts in Baghdad named Ibn Al Nadim, who lived in the 990s. Apart from collecting, he also reads and catalogs them. Likewise, PSDMA Nadim has books and films, pamphlets, tabloids, magazines, and journals. “If you want to watch old films, but you can’t go to the cinema, you can borrow them from Nadim,” said Ifa when telling stories about Nadim’s collection, some of which can be borrowed online.

In addition to collecting several alternative media, Nadim has activities that anyone can follow, whether students or the general public, namely discussions held once or twice a month. “Every month, students or lecturers from UII and other universities fill it.”



The fate of traditional markets has been underestimated. But the Perumda Pasaraya traditional market is just the opposite. However, after the pandemic, this market experienced a drastic decline. According to data from the Association of Indonesian Market Traders (APPSI), the sales turnover of traditional markets decreased by 35%. This condition makes traditional market managers must immediately make strategies to bring consumers back to the market.

The topic of the marketing strategy in this traditional market is research conducted by Amalia Nur Rachman. She is a Communication student in the Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) class of 2017. On this occasion, Amalia shared her research results in a discussion held by the Center for Alternative Media Studies and Documentation (PSDMA) NADIM at the Department of Communications, UII on Thursday, July 29, 2021.

In her research entitled Strategy Integrated Marketing to Increase Shopping Enthusiasm at Traditional Markets, Amalia focuses on a traditional market in the Menteng area, Central Jakarta. The marketing strategy is not enough just to revitalize the market. But also carry out various more integrated marketing strategies.

Some of the elements used by Perumda Pasar Jaya are to promote by advertising both print and digital. Amalia explained some examples of advertising by way of promotional prints for paid advertising products, printing banners and posters. Meanwhile, digital promotion with a totem video wall for events to be held. In addition to these advertisements, Perumda Pasaraya also activates four official social media accounts to publish events that will be or have already been held.

Perumda Pasaraya also conducts personal selling and other promotions by organizing an event, shopping tourism year, basic food bazaars for local residents, providing discounts, coupons, gifts.

Corporate Social Responsibility (SCR) efforts are also carried out by the Public Relations (PR) of Perumda Pasaraya. Early Childhood Education Center for local residents and traders, assistance for disaster victims, MSME centers, atmospheric control machines to prolong the age of vegetables, onions and chillies, free health checks, giving masks, hand sanitisers, face shields and socialization of health protocols, building 40 food barns, and managing rubbish.


Nasib pasar tradisional selama ini dipandang sebelah mata. Tapi parasr tradisional Perumda Pasaraya justru sebaliknya. Hanya saja, setelah pandemi pasar ini mengalami penurunan drastis. Menurut data Asosiasi Pedangan Pasar Seluruh Indonesia (APPSI), omset penjualan pasar tradisional menurun hingga 35%. Kondisi ini membuat pengelola pasar tradisional harus segera membuat strategi untuk kembali mendatangkan konsumen ke pasar.

Topik Strategi pemasaran di pasar tradisional ini adalah penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Amalia Nur rachman. Ia adalah mahasiswa Komunikasi Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) angkatan tahun 2017. Pada kesempatan ini Amalia berbagai hasil penelitiannya dalam diskusi yang diadalakan oleh Pusat Studi dan Dokumentasi Media Alternatif (PSDMA) NADIM Ilmu Komunikasi UII pada Kamis, 29 Juli 2021.

Dalam penelitian berjudul Strategi Pemasaran Terpadu untuk Meningkatkan Antusiasme Berbelanja di Pasar Tradisional ini, Amalia fokuskan di sebuah pasar traditional di area menteng, Jakarta Pusat. Strategi pemasarannya tidak cukup hanya sebatas melakukan revitalisasi pasar saja. Tapi juga melaukan berbagai strategi pemasan yang lebih terintegrasi.

Beberapa elemen yang digunakan Perumda Pasarjaya adalah melakukan promosi dengan beriklan baik cetak mapun digital. Amalia menjelaskan beberapa contoh advertising dengan cara promosi cetak produk iklan berbayar, cetak spaduk dan poster. Sedangkan promosi digital dengan totem video wall untuk event yang akan diselenggarakan. Selain iklan tersebut, Perumda Pasaraya juga mengaktifkan media sosial sebanyak 4 akun resmi untuk mempublikasikan acara yang akan dilaksanakan maupun sudah.

Perumda pasaraya juga melakukan personal selling dan promosi lain dengan membuat event tahun wisata belanja, bazar semabako untuk warga sekitar, memberikan diskon, kupon, hadiah.

Upaya Corporate Sosial Responsibiity (SCR) juga dilakukan oleh Public Relation (PR) Perumda Pasaraya ini.  PAUD untuk warga sekitar dan pedangan, bantuan korban musibah, sentra UMKM, mesin kontrol atmosfer untuk memperlama usia sayuran, bawang dan cabai, Pemeriksaan kesehatan gratis, pemberian masker, handsanitizer, faceshiled dan sosialisasi protokol kesehatan, membangun 40 titik lumbung pangan, dan pengelolaan sampah.

Diskusi PSDMA Nadim Komunikasi UII

Diskusi PSDMA Nadim kembali digelar. Kali ini Nadim menghadirkan riset di klaster Komunikasi Geografi. Diskusi akan diselenggarakan dengan mengangkat tema:

Music Topophilia: Makna Jakarta bagi Penggemar JKT48


Kamis, 17 Juni 2021

15.30 WIB


Ameylia Firza Tamara

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