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Workshop Tata Letak dan Desain Web

Designing the official website of an institution from scratch requires a concept and even a detailed pictorial design plan. The concept of the navigation menu must also consider the needs and goals of the web created.

Risky Falahiyah, a speaker from Websupport of  UII Public Relations, said that web design will be easier if the image design is visible. “Only then will the layout be better on the online page. You can draw a web display plan through the Figma application,” said Risky at the Web Layout and Design Workshop for website management staff in  Department of Communications  UII  on Tuesday (23/2 / 2021).

Website is like a home. According to Zarkoni, UII Communication staff, in this training all staff will learn to improve their own capacity from building houses as well as their interiors. “When the web domain address has been created, the team’s responsibility is to finalize the interior of the website. Prepare the elements that need to appear on the web according to the pixel size required in this UII’s web template,” said Zarkoni who is also web maintenance  of communication.uii.ac.id.

Designing the official website of an institution from scratch requires a concept and even a detailed pictorial design plan. The concept of the navigation menu must also consider the needs and goals of the web created.


On this occasion, Risky Falahiyah, assisted by Zarkoni, facilitated and trained the website team for Uniicoms TV, UII Communication’s online TV, the website team for the Center for Study and Documentation of Alternative Media / PSDMA Nadim, and the website team for the International  Programof Communication UII (IPC).

Ifa Zulkurnaini, UII Communications Nadim staff, said that it was not so difficult for him to follow Risky’s presentation. “Maybe because my background is in the Computer and Network Engineering Vocational School, it is not difficult to follow,” she said.

Meanwhile, Desyatri Parawahyu, staff of the UII Communication Laboratory and Unit Manager of Uniicoms TV, admitted that she needed to slowly take part in learning to build the Uniicoms TV website, UII Communication. She was greatly helped by teamwork such as Iven Sumardiantoro and Yudi Winarto who specifically designed the web interface design through the Figma application.

The Figma application makes web display design easy because its features are easy to recognize. Figma does function to design the user interface to adjust the user experience of the UII Communication web.

Zarkoni hopes that web managers can work a maximum in the next three weeks. Basically, the development of website development will be monitored every week.

Risky also expressed the same hope. He said the website as the foreground of the house should be designed with the right choice of colors and elements. “As much as possible, follow the branding guide set by the Public Relations of UII.”


The key to making animated bumper videos is skillfully combining a variety of simple ornaments and work tools. Creativity and being diligent in looking at other animation references are also important.

That was suggested by Dwi Agus and Mudrik Slamet, two instructors at the Motion Graphic Workshop for UII Communication staff on Tuesday (16 February 2021).

This workshop, which is conducted with strict health protocols, is to hone the technical skills of staff to use various design applications with simple ornaments and features. “We are trying to design a video bumper by combining CorelDraw, Photoshop, and after effects applications,” said Dwi Agus, this Photoshop and CorelDraw specialist instructor. Dwi Agus has received many prestigious awards in film competitions. For example, he once won the # 1 Disability Film Festival film competition which specifically raised the issue of diffable advocacy.

Iskandar T. Gunawan, an expert filmmaker who is also a staff of the UII Communication Laboratory, added that the training which was held for two days was a routine activity of the study program. “The goal is to increase staff capacity. Especially because staff can use this expertise for their daily work as an editor for Uniicoms TV and content creators on department’s social media publication pages,” said Iskandar. The main focus of this training is on multimedia editing.

The key to creating animated bumper videos is skillfully combining a variety of simple ornaments and work tools. Creativity and being diligent in looking at other animation references are also important.

This training runs for two days from 16-17 February 2021. This motion graphics and video editing workshop produces various video bumpers for events on the Uniicoms TV channel. A bumper is an explanatory animation commonly used for the opening or closing of a video or film.

According to Dwi Agus, the steps needed are to collect materials. “Starting with where to look for the photos, which typography, broadcast time, what elements we need to use. They are collected in one folder so that it is easy to organize and use in design software,” Dwi said.

“For typography and the particles use Corel. Meanwhile, photo editing uses Photoshop. Then, together with Mudrik, an animation specialist, we put the materials that have been designed in Corel and Photoshop we put them in Adobe After Effects,” Dwi added.

“Only then will we move the elements and design elements with the animated features provided by Adobe After Effects,” said Mudrik, another instructor.

Zarkoni, one of the staff, said that uniicoms TV staff and crew are more capable of using Adobe Premiere. Meanwhile, animation making has not been thoroughly studied. So this training found its urgency in order to improve skills as well as the quality of content on the Uniicoms TV channel, as UII Communications’ Online TV and the first at UII.

 The performance of staff and all academics in an effort to improve quality is an important part of the realization of the university’s vision and mission. To see the form of staff and academic performance, good documentation is needed as evidence that their performance has actually been accomplished and achieved.

Quality audits and performance audits are the keys to sound, good and standard governance of study programs and laboratories. UII applies auditing standards based on MERCY OF GOD. This standard has become a measurable reference and a model benchmarking.

This reason was the background of the Quality Document Preparation Training conducted by UII Communication which was attended by UII Communication Study Program and Laboratory Staff on Monday (8/2) offline or offline. This workshop aims to improve the documentation system for quality assurance of the Study Program. The target is study program staff and laboratory staff of Department of Communication Science, UII.

In this workshop, the Quality Document Preparation Training presented the Head of the BPM Data Analysis Division / UII Quality Assurance Agency, Eliza Gustri Wahyuni, and Ahmad Nurozi as the Head of BPM Quality System Control Division. One of the things that Eliza underlined in this training was the formation of a quality culture in the work environment at UII. He said, “For the sake of a culture of superior quality, study program managers need to discipline and improve technical forms for validation, improve all forms. Discipline the administration of SPM (Quality Assurance Standards) documents.”

Eliza explained that all document preparation refers to SPM. “All documents implement SPM in the implementation of education at UII, so as to create a quality culture,” said Eliza.

The training this time explored and explained all the quality documents that the unit needed to compile. For example, how and what is a quality statement document, quality policy, quality objectives and plans, to examining key performance indicator documents, strategic planning and RKAT.

According to Desyatri Parawahyu, one of the UII Communication Laboratory staff, this workshop is useful for the continuity of archiving quality documents of the UII Communication Laboratory. In turn, neat filing will be followed by superior service quality to UII Communication students and partners, she said.

Sumekar Tanjung, Head of the UII Communication Laboratory, after participating in this training was very helpful in sorting and organizing the archives of study programs and laboratories. “So it is easier to identify documents, management is more organized for forms in administrative files that are tidier. It makes it easier to evaluate performance in the end,” she added.

On the other hand, this workshop is also useful for measuring the quality of educational services offered by UII. UII students and partners will feel the indirect impact of the quality of service and superior education.

“AMI (Internal Quality Audit) becomes an annual homework. So after this training, we know better. In the second workshop, if there is a problem, we can do another workshop to further finalize and internalize SPM in our daily performance,” said Desyatri.


Seminar Proposal is one of the main courses run by Communication Science students in the 6th semester. This course requires students to make proposals containing about chapter 1 as a part of the research for their undergraduate thesis. Then, students will present the results of their research at the end of the class, the 14th meeting.

Seminar Day was held on Tuesday (2/2) from 09.30 am to 11.30 am. Attended by more than 160 Communication Science students and held in Zoom Meeting Application. This event was hosted by Narayana Mahendra Prasetya, S.Sos., M.A. and Ida Nuraini Dewi Kodrat Ningsih, S.I.Kom., M.A.

“Seminar Day aims to help students of the 2018 class prepare their research. The lecturers will explain step by step how students submit the theme to be researched for their thesis,” Ida said.

Puji Hariyanti, also a lecturer who guides students in determining research, said that Seminar Proposal is not something scary, and can always be done. She also said that students should look for as much data as possible before discussing with their respective lecturers.

Students can choose which lecturers guide their proposals. They should look for issues related to their preferences, discuss with lecturers, then formulate ideas. The submitted outline contains the background of why it is important to research, research purposes, determine the theory to be used, and research methods.

First Experience for IP Students

According to International Program of Communication/ IPC 2018 students, Sheila Jasmine,  Seminar Day is very helpful for them in determining their research. IPC 2018 students are greatly helped by the answers of lecturers who tell them what they need to do to make research. Before attending the Seminar Day, they did not know what to do for their research.

“After joining the Seminar Day, it turns out that the lecturer calmed us not to be burdened, by telling us what steps we should take,” said Sheila, a student of IPC 2018.

Sheila also said that with Seminar Day, she has a lot of considerations to make research.

Just like Nadira Muthia, a student of IPC 2018, she felt helped by Mr. Nara’s explanation. Nadira also has a lot of pictures for her research because the lecturers are very open to discussion.

“The lecturers are also active in Q&A, so I feel helped by their answers, and the questions asked by friends are also very helpful,” Nadira said on Wednesday (3/2).

Author and Reporter: Sera Zahria, Internship Student of Communication Department of UII, at International Program of Communication Department, Student Batch 2016

Editor: A. Pambudi W.

Seminar Day 2021

Wajib untuk mahasiswa Komunikasi UII angkatan 2018 yang akan mengambil Mata Kuliah Seminar Proposal (Reguler dan International Program)


Selasa, 2 Februari 2021
09.30-11.30 WIB


Dokumentasi Acara

Sebelum mengikuti seminar day mahasiswa harus melihat penjelasan dari dosen-dosen berikut:

Seminar Day 2021 (Bersama: Nadia Wasta Utami, S.I.Kom, M.A.)

Seminar Day 2021 (Bersama: Ida Nuraini Dewi Kodrat Ningsih, S.I.Kom., M.A.)

Seminar Day 2021 (Bersama: Dr. Rer. Soc. Masduki, S.Ag., M.A., M.Si.)

Seminar Day 2021 (Bersama: Puji Hariyanti, S.Sos., M.I.Kom.)

Seminar Day 2021 (Bersama: Ratna Permata Sari, S.I.Kom., M.A.)

Seminar Day 2021 (Bersama: Sumekar Tanjung, S.Sos., M.A.)

Seminar Day 2021 (Bersama: Narayana Mahendra Prastya, S.Sos., M.A.)

Seminar Day 2021 (Bersama: Herman Felani, S.S., M.A.)

Seminar Day 2021 (Bersama: Holy Rafika Dhona, S.I.Kom., M.A.)

Seminar Day 2021 (Bersama: Dr. Subhan Afifi, M.Si.)


Setelah mahasiswa mengikuti Seminar Day, mahasiswa konsultasi kedosen, setelah itu mahasiswa mengirimkan outline yang sudah di acc ke link:


Upload Outline Skripsi


Adapun format outline sebagai berikut:

Format Outline Penelitian




Rencana Judul:


1. Latar Belakang, berisi tentang :  

  • Konteks empiris (sosial, budaya, politik, ekonomi, atau historis) yang melatarbelakangi penelitian. Tidak semua konteks harus dijelaskan, cukup dijelaskan konteks yang relevan saja.
  • Identifikasi masalah Penjelasan atas konteks empiris yang relevan tersebut akan menuntun peneliti menemukan masalah-masalah yang ada dalam konteks tersebut. Bagian ini dicirikan dengan identifikasi beberapa masalah yang sesuai dengan konteks permasalahan.
  • Hal-hal yang mendorong atau argumentasi pentingnya dilakukan penelitian.

2. Rumusan Masalah (dan pertanyaan penelitian), berisi tentang :

  • Fokus masalah. Setelah masalah-masalah diidentifikasi, penelitian akan berfokus untuk menjawab satu masalah, dua masalah, atau beberapa masalah yang telah diidentifikasi tersebut. Jadi, singgung secara singkat identifikasi masalah yang ada di bagian latar belakang kemudian tegaskan fokus penelitian. Dalam bagian ini dapat dijelaskan asumsi dan lingkup yang menjadi batasan penelitian.
  • Penentuan lokasi penelitian dan argumentasinya
  • Rumusan masalah : Rumuskan dengan jelas permasalahan yang akan diteliti, baik dengan sebuah pertanyaan ataupun pernyataan penelitian

3. Kerangka Teori, berisi tentang : list/ daftar teori yang akan digunakan, penjelasan singkat untuk masing-masing teori, minimal dari 2 (dua) penelitian terdahulu

4. Metode penelitian, berisi tentang : metode yang akan digunakan (kuantitatif/ kualitatif) dan rencana Teknik pengambilan data

 5. Daftar Pustaka : minimal 2 (dua) sumber ilmiah (jurnal, buku, laporan penelitian)



ACC dosen
(tanda tangan)
Nama lengkap dosen





Format Outline Karya




Rencana Judul:


1. Latar Belakang, berisi tentang :

  • Konteks empiris (sosial, budaya, politik, ekonomi, atau historis) yang melatarbelakangi penciptaan karya. Tidak semua konteks harus dijelaskan, cukup dijelaskan konteks yang relevan saja.
  • Identifikasi masalah Penjelasan atas konteks empiris yang relevan tersebut akan menuntun peneliti menemukan masalah-masalah yang ada dalam konteks tersebut. Bagian ini dicirikan dengan identifikasi beberapa masalah yang sesuai dengan konteks permasalahan.
  • Hal-hal yang mendorong atau argumentasi pentingnya karya tersebut diciptakan


2. Rumusan Ide Penciptaan, berisi tentang :alasan memilih medium tertentu (misal lewat film, foto, dan medium komunikasi lainnya) untuk menyampaikan pesan dari karya tersebut

3. Tinjauan Pustaka : berisi tentang referensi terdahulu berkaitan dengan penciptaan karya karya

4. Metode penciptaan karya : berisi tentang daftar rencana langkah-langkah penciptaan karya (aktivitas untuk tahap pra-produksi, produksi, pasca-produksi)

5. Daftar Pustaka : minimal 2 (dua) sumber ilmiah (jurnal, buku, laporan penelitian) berkaitan dengan karya terdahulu


ACC dosen
(tanda tangan)
Nama lengkap dosen




Based on the latest news on Covid-19 cases in Indonesia. Until December 2020, there were nine thousand cases recorded, said the spokesperson of the Government of Yogyakarta Special Province. Therefore, some actions urge to do. UII also began to anticipate.

Hence, Fathul Wahid, The Rector of Universitas Islam Indonesia give an announcement on Wednesday (16/12). He state that the next semester learning is run online. It will begin in the academic year 2020/ 2021. Some courses such as medical therapy, clinical education, studios, and certain practicums of each faculty can be run offline. This was announced in the latest Circular of the Rector of UII.

Every courses must also pay attention to the health protocols if that are run offline. It is stated in the Regulation of the Rector of UII Number 10 of 2020. It is concerning Mitigation Guideline and the New Order of the UII Responding to the pandemic of Corona-virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19).

Likewise, Head of Communication Sciences Department of UII, Puji Hariyanti, also states that the Department of Communication Science is still running online lectures in the next semester. This aims to anticipate an increase Covid-19 cases.

Synchronous and Asynchronous Lecture System

“All courses are still being run online. It will start on March 1, 2021. We are still using various tools. Such as Zoom Meeting Application, Google Meet, teaching video, podcast on Spotify, Google classroom, WhatsApp and other applications,” said Puji on Tuesday (26/1). All the application integrated with Google Classroom as the core.

Some lecturers teach using Zoom for synchronous learning. Meanwhile, some others produce podcast audio, learning video, or giving assignments by WhatsApp Group for asynchronous learning. The use of several applications of the latter mentioned, aimed at minimizing the use of student’s internet quota.

As previously known, students of the Department of Communication Science came from various regions in Indonesia, even those in the remote area.

Back to Hariyanti, students can finish the courses that require practice such as Photography, Video Production, and others by using their respective smartphone cameras. Hence, students can fulfill their tasks without having to come to campus.

Whereas, the International Program of Communication (IPC) also conducts online lectures in the next semester. It will be the same as the previous semester since the pandemic. However, IPC UII is still postponing programs based on global mobility. This year in February and March 2021, IPC UII held a cultural exchange program and conducted online.

The IPC Secretary, Ida Nuraini Dewi K. N., who is also a Citizen Journalism Specialist,  said, “The requirement for graduation at IPC is to participate in one of the global mobility programs. So if students of IPC join a P2A program (Passage to Asean) or exchange program, it can meet their global mobility requirements.”


Author and Reporter: Sera Zahria, Internship Student of International Program of Communication, batch 2016

Editor: A. Pambudi W.



Berdasarkan pemberitaan terbaru kasus Covid-19 di Indonesia. Hingga Desember 2020, masih ada sembilan ribu kasus tercatat, kata juru bicara Pemerintah Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Oleh karena itu, beberapa tindakan mendesak untuk dilakukan. UII pun mulai melakukan antisipasi.

Demikian pengumuman Rektor Universitas Islam Indonesia Fathul Wahid pada Rabu (16/12). Ia menyatakan, pembelajaran semester depan dijalankan secara online. Peraturan tersebut berlaku pada tahun ajaran 2020/2021. Beberapa mata kuliah seperti terapi medik, pendidikan klinik, studio, dan praktikum tertentu dari masing-masing fakultas dapat dijalankan secara offline. Hal itu diumumkan dalam Surat Edaran Rektor UII terbaru.

Setiap kursus juga harus memperhatikan protokol kesehatan jika dijalankan secara offline. Hal tersebut tertuang dalam Peraturan PT Rektor UII Nomor 10 Tahun 2020. Hal itu terkait Pedoman Mitigasi dan Tatanan Baru UII Menyikapi Pandemi Virus Corona 2019 (Covid-19).

Senada dengan itu, Ketua Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi UII, Puji Hariyanti, juga menyatakan Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi masih menjalankan perkuliahan secara online pada semester depan. Hal tersebut bertujuan  mengantisipasi peningkatan kasus Covid-19.

Sistem Perkuliahan Sinkron dan Asinkron

“Semua mata kuliah masih dijalankan secara online. Ini akan dimulai pada 1 Maret 2021. Kami masih menggunakan berbagai alat. Seperti Aplikasi Zoom Meeting, Google Meet, video pengajaran, podcast di Spotify, Google classroom, WhatsApp, dan aplikasi lainnya,” kata Puji, Selasa (26/1).

Beberapa dosen mengajar menggunakan Zoom untuk pembelajaran sinkron. Sementara itu, ada yang memproduksi audio podcast, video pembelajaran, atau pemberian tugas oleh Grup WhatsApp dan semua terintegrasi dengan Google Classrom, untuk pembelajaran asynchronous. Penggunaan beberapa aplikasi yang disebutkan terakhir, bertujuan untuk meminimalisir penggunaan kuota internet mahasiswa.

Seperti diketahui sebelumnya, mahasiswa Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi berasal dari berbagai daerah di Indonesia, bahkan hingga ke pelosok.

Kembali ke Hariyanti, mahasiswa dapat menyelesaikan mata kuliah yang membutuhkan praktek seperti Fotografi, Produksi Video, dan lainnya dengan menggunakan kamera ponsel pintar masing-masing. Sehingga mahasiswa dapat menyelesaikan tugasnya tanpa harus datang ke kampus.

Sedangkan International Program of Communication (IPC) juga menyelenggarakan perkuliahan online pada semester berikutnya. Ini masih sama seperti semester sebelumnya sejak pandemi bermula. Namun, IPC UII masih menunda program berbasis mobilitas global. Tahun ini di bulan Februari dan Maret 2021, IPC UII mengadakan program pertukaran budaya dan dilakukan secara online.

Sekretaris IPC UII, Ida Nuraini Dewi KN, yang juga merupakan Dosen Spesialis Jurnalisme Warga menyampaikan, “Syarat untuk lulus di IPC adalah mengikuti salah satu program mobilitas global. Jadi jika mahasiswa IPC bergabung di Program P2A (Passage to Asean) atau program pertukaran, itu dapat memenuhi persyaratan mobilitas global mereka.”


Penulis dan Reporter: Sera Zahria, Mahasiswa Magang Komunikasi Program Internasional, angkatan 2016

Penunting: A. Pambudi W.

Planning to publish special journals for Communication students UII has now entered the first stage of preparation. The first stage is to prepare publishing guidelines, the name of the journal, the editorial structure, and the guidelines for writers and editors. Not to forget, publication ethics have also been designed.

According to Puji Rianto, Head of the Journal and Scientific Publication Unit, FPSB UII, the readiness of the UII Communication Department to publish a new journal specifically for students, this is a form of his passion for reading journal manuscripts. “This student communication journal is a pilot project to increase the publication of student scientific papers in the Communication Department of UII,” continued Puji Rianto on the occasion of a talk show and the first meeting of student journal publishing on January 26, 2021.

Improving Student Scientific Publications

Likewise, through Zoom Meeting, Muhammad Jamil, representative from the UII’s Directorate of Library, appreciates the efforts to establish communication science journals for students. Students in turn will be motivated to write well, and complete their research work with dedication to be published in scientific journals.

“In the future there will also be journals for the International Relations Department, and also English Education Department,” said Puji who is also a lecturer in the Media Policy and Regulation Research Cluster at the Communication Department. This limited meeting was attended by various parties from journal management staff at the FPSB UII Journal Unit, UII Library, Webmasters, and also UII Communication lecturers.

Even though the name is a student journal, the names and covers will be designed with a professional design. “It will look good, the editing process as well as the proofread have been well prepared,” said Puji, hoping to be optimistic.


Diskusi Komunikasi proetik Komunikasi UII

At the end of 2020, Holy Rafika Dhona wrote a book published by UII press. In this book entitled Prophetic Communication ” of Islamic Prophetic Perspectives, Holy refers to Kuntowijoyo who also sees Islam as a scientific concept rather than a mere religious building.

According to Holy, Kuntowijoyo was actually just trying to explain how to implement the prophetic paradigm. “Yes, Kunto explained the prophetic method with two things: synthetic analytic and transcendental structural. Then I added the historical dialectic because of course Kunto as a historian used it,” he explained. Holy Rafika Dhona said this in his online Book Review on Sunday (17/1) at the KBM Alumni Forum (Cultural and Media Studies).

From this, Holy wants to emphasize that he adds more to how prophetic communication is used as a means of resistance for the weak, and defends mustad’af (the weak or vulnerable groups).

Holy tries to translate prophetic terms into things that are communication in nature. “Islam is a knowledge system, then we need to develop it, and he named it a prophetic perspective. Kunto said,” Holy explained about Kuntowijoyo’s prophetic perspective.

“I am currently compiling a history of discourse on why Islamic communication emerged. For example, when discussing the character Harjani Hefni. In my opinion, the logical model imports everything in Egypt there and then it is translated into Indonesia. So it appears Islamic communication. If Prof. Iswandi takes it from Kuntowijoyo. Then there is a difference between Islamic Communication, Da’wah Communication, and others. I took this terminology from Prof. Iswandi, “said Holy.

Muhammad Heychael, Communication Lecturer at Multimedia Nusantara University, who is also one of the book reviewers at the forum, said that this book was able to break out of the trap of Islamization of knowledge which was very dichotomous in the 80s, despite the lack of methodology and praxis. “The Islamization of this knowledge is a sign that this is Islamic and this is not. And this arises from the inferiority of globalization. And this is ultimately not substantive,” Heychael argues.

Instead of marking what Islam needs to contribute to the discourse, “I think this is important so that we do not become normative. So we are not busy marking this as secular and Islamic, but not bringing up any new substance. And Holy managed to get out of the trap,” Heychael added.

According to Heychael, the book Holy written in this book is only the beginning that describes its principles. He gave a view to describe this book with a new perspective like Kuntowijoyo, for example on how the concept of prophetic communication is used in journalism or other domains.

“What Holy has written is not finished yet. The dialogue is not finished. We might be able to offer a new perspective from the previous one. Kan kunto is a liberation theology perspective. For example, we take it from journalism. How does journalism use this (prophetic communication). concept of justice. Now Holy just describes the principle, “he explained.


Diskusi Komunikasi Profetik Holy Komunikasi UII

Recently, there has been criticism on the study of Islamic communication. Islamic communication is considered stagnant. How come. So far, the study of Islamic communication has not moved on to discussing the principles of communication in the Koran. Like qaulan syadiidan and baliigha. In fact, the communication dimension in the Quran is more than that.

Holy Rafika Dhona, Communication Lecturer at UII, said this in an online review of his book entitled Prophetic Communication, ‘Islamic Prophetic Perspectives’ in Communication on Sunday (17/1) online. The KBM Alumni Forum (Cultural and Media Studies) dissected Holy Rafika’s book by inviting two dissectors. First, Fita Fathurokhmah, Lecturer in Communication and Islamic Broadcasting from UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta. Second, M. Heychael, Lecturer in Communication at Multimedia Nusantara University.

“Islamic communication stagnates, only to recognize whether this is in qoulan balighan, qaulan syadiidan, etc. But, when there is mustad’afin, why is it not discussed?” said Holy Rafika, author of the book published at the end of 2020. According to Holy, the book, published by UII Press, tries to push the idea of ​​Islam that gives mercy to the universe even for those who are oppressed.

Holy emphasized the assumption, “There are people who are oppressed, you know. How can you just leave it. Islam is not what it should be. Islam discusses the principle of justice,” Holy continued.

What is the relationship between justice and the oppressed in Prophetic Communication? According to Holy, seeing the phenomenon of oppression with the value of justice is very easy. Holy emphasized that from an Islamic perspective. Islam has the concept that people who are oppressed indicate that they do not get justice. According to him, Islam exists to defend the weak so that justice can be upheld. “People who are oppressed are people who do not get justice. So Islam is here to defend those who are weak, in order to get justice,” Holy explained.

Fita Fathurokhmah, on the other hand, gave notes on the publication of this book. He gave input so that this book should be prepared more practically so that “My input, Mas Holy, can write the next book more on praxis. This will sell for sure. How is Prophetic Communication from the intrappersonal level, from the interpersonal level, groups, masses, the public, to the level of media and organizations, “suggested Fita.

In addition, Fita also criticized why this book did not discuss the conceptualization of her knowledge building about what epistemology is, what axiology, and what is epistemology.

Holy points out that the issue of conceptualization of knowledge has been discussed by previous authors, for example Prof. Iswandi and Heddy Ahimsa. Prof. Heddy Shri Ahimsa and Iswandi Syahputra have written their emphasis on the conceptualization of knowledge and others. There are talks about ontology, axiology, and prophetic epistemology. “If Prof Iswandi and Ahimsa it mustad’afin (defending the weak)is missing,” he said. Here Holy wants to complete the study of rhophetic communication from a perspective that has been lacking so far, he patched another section.

“If you look at Pak Ahimsa’s version, there will be a debate about knowledge or not. But, in my opinion, knowledge must be rahmatan lil alamin,” he added.