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To become a professional, we must be able to decide whether to be a generalist or a specialist. Even though there are some people who choose to be generalists, they can do anything, but it’s best if pursuing your field of specialization can be a direction since you are a student. Specialization in the field of study and expertise will be very decisive when you enter the world of professional work.

“In the world of work, there is someone who chooses to be a ‘yes man. Or, for example, if you want to be a specialist, from the start, your portfolio will lead to the speciality you want to go to,” said Nasuha Ali, copywriter at Edutech Zenius Education, during the Teatime talk show, Friday, August 27, 2021.

Through the live Instagram Live channel, Nasuha told how he started his career and struggled with rivalries in the professional world. “Students of communication like to create creative projects, so this work and portfolio are your capital to face competition.

Instead, they have more experience. How can fresh graduates compete with anyone who already has at least one to two years of experience?” said Nasuha Ali, who is also an alumnus of UII of the Department of Communications. “Yes, multiply the work and project experience, you can do research with lecturers, the program with friends, and so on. That experience is what makes us competitive with those professionals with one or two years of experience,” he advised.

According to him, campus and college activities helped him face the world of work. Many courses that contributed to helping him now thrive in the world of copywriting.

“In the past, there were basic courses on writing theory, advertising, basic PR (Public Relations), and writing press releases. We are trained to write in the field of strategic communication,” said Nasuha, reminiscing about his college days.

In the past, Nasuha told us that he had tried this and that work experience. Starting from participating in lecturer programs, work programs with friends, to registering in trivial jobs. That’s his way of knowing the complexity of the world of work. He also ended up still having to struggle to send hundreds of applications. 

The competitors, according to him, are those who have work experience, even though the vacancies are intended for fresh graduates. The key and the main competitive capital is the experience of community and academic activities while studying at UII of the Department of Communications.

In the midst of Independence Day, a sense of nationalism is not limited to flag symbols and flag ceremonies. Expressing nationalism in the midst of a pandemic can be done by doing small and simple things, but it can be very influential, done together. This can be done by students who are often embedded as agents of change.

Herman Felani, one of the lecturers at Department of Communications at the Universitas Islam Indonesia  (UII) offered the meaning of nationalism at the Teatime International Program of Communication Department, UII. Guided by Muhammad Daffa Athalariq, student class 2019, Saturday, August 20, 2021, we talked casually, discussing how to fill nationalism during a pandemic.

During a pandemic like this, any nuance loses its passion. August, which is usually filled with various competitions and other celebrations, can now only be done at home. Socializing is only limited to social media or the zoom room. In this condition at least, “If you can’t feel the vibe. But, we can put up flags, put up banners. It’s symbolic. It’s a trivial thing, but it awakens the spirit of nationalism,” suggested Herman if he couldn’t do anything else that was more useful.

On a higher level, on independence day Herman advised young people to convey good things as a nation. “If we can’t get together as a nation, imagine community we still apply. We are still one community by spreading good messages during the pandemic.

At the next level, Herman said that students can do simple and trivial things, but have great benefits. Herman described that many Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) have gone out of business. He gave an example of a neighbor who helps other neighbors whose sales are quiet due to the pandemic. “He helps sell his friend’s merchandise through social media accounts and online buying and selling accounts. This simple thing is not a big thing, but if many people do it, the benefits are great. It can help a lot of people,” said Herman as an example.

For Herman, nationalism is not just an independence day, a flag, or a ceremony. Nor is it about a particular geographic area, nor is it merely the hometown where I was born and raised. “Nationalism is humanity and justice. It’s not about the hometown where I was born and raised by my mother,” Herman said. Because now it is very felt that whatever happens on earth will have an effect wherever we are. Everything is connected.

International Communication Department program has been running since 2018. International programs are becoming increasingly important when the world is now interconnected. Now humans are no longer isolated by the state and nation, but have become global citizens. International competition and collaboration is a necessity. However, many students still feel that they do not have the English language skills to join the International Communication program.

The Teatime discussion this time, Saturday, August 20, 2021, talked about the International Program at Communications Department of the Univeritas Islam Indonesia (IPC UII). This discussion invited Ida Nuraini Dewi Kodrat Ningsih as Secretary of the International Program of Communication, UII. In this casual chat, they talked about how the lecture process at IPC is, what if you want to change the path from regular class to International class, what about international collaborations such as double degree, IPC UII student admissions, and other international activities at IPC UII.

Regarding lectures, IPC UII uses full English as an introduction to lectures. The same goes for assignments and exams. “Especially for lectures, if there are some students who find it difficult with full English, they can communicate with lecturers who are in charge of certain courses so that they use Indonesian on several occasions,” said Ida.

For some new students who are worried that they will not be able to participate in international programs, IPC UII provides a bridging program, which is a program that bridges students to adapt to learning through various academic preparations.

“There are special courses for new students so they can adapt, the program also includes how to write academically,” added Ida.

There was also Anggi, an IP Communication UII student who at first felt inferior because he felt his English skills were not good. But, after this program he lived, he was able to get used to it. In addition, he also saw that he was not alone, there were several other friends like him who were also still in the process of adapting to the English-academic nuance. “Over time I feel my ability to speak English has improved by itself.”


Di tengah hari kemerdekaan, rasa nasionalisme tak eebatas simbol bendera dan upacara bendera. Mengungkapkan nasionalisme di tengah pandemi bisa dilakukan dengan melakukan hal kecil dan simple, tapi bisa sangat berpengaruh besar dilakukan secara bersama-sama.  Hal ini bisa dilakukan oleh mahasiswa yang sering sekali tersemat sebagai agen perubahan.

Heman Felani, salah satu dosen pengajar di Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) menawarkan makna nasionalisme di acara Teatime International Program of Communication DEpartment, UII. Dipandu oleh Muhammad Dafa Athalariq, ngobrol santai sore ini, Sabtu, 20 Agustus 2021, mengulik soal bagaimana mengisi nasionalisme di kala pandemi.

Saat pandemi seperti ini, nuansa apapun jadi kehilangan gairahnya. Agustus yang bisanya diisi dengan berbagai lomba dan perayaan lain, kini hanya bisa di rumah saja. Berssosialisasi hanya sebatas di sosial media atau ruang zoom. Dalam kondisi ini paling tidak, “If you cant feel the vibe. Tapi,  kita bisa memasang bendera, memasang umbul-umbul. Itu simbolisnya. Hal sepele, tapi membangkinkan spirit nasionalisme,” saran Herman jika memang tidak dapat melakukan hal lain yang lebih berguna.

Pada level yang lebih tinggi, di hari kemerdekaan Herman menyarankan anak muda untuk menyampaikan hal-hal yang baik sebagai sebuah bangsa. “kalau nggak bisa kumpul bareng sebagai sebuah bangsa, imagine community masih kita terapkan. Kita masih tetap menjadi satu komunitasdengan menyebarkan pean-pesan yang baik saat pendemi.

Pada level berikutnya, Herman menyampaikan bahwa mahasiswa bisa melakukan hal sederhana dan sepele, tapi punya manfaat yang besar. Herman menggambarkan banyaknya Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah (UMKM) banyak yang gulung tikar. Ia mencontohkan seorang tetangganya yang membantu tetangga lain yang jualannya sepi karena pandemi. “dia membantu menjual barang dagangan temannya melalui akun sosial media dan akun jual beli online. Hal simpel begini bukan hal besar, tapi kalau banyak orang melakukannya manfaatnya besar. Bisa bantu banyak orang” kata Herman mencontohkan.

Bagi Herman, nasionalisme bukan sekadar hari kemerdekaan, bendera, atau upacara. Bukan juga tentang satu wilayah geografi tertentu, bukan juga semata kampung halaman tempat lahir dan dibesarkan. “Nasionalisme adalah humanity and justice. Bukan tentang kampung halaman tempat aku lahir dan dibesarkan bunda,” kata Herman. Karena sekarang sudah sangat terasa bahwa apapun yang terjadi di muka bumi akan berpegaruh dimanapun kita berada.  Semua terkoneksi.

International program Communication Department seudah berjalan sejak 2018. international Progam menjadi kian penting dirasakan ketika kini dunia sudah saling terhubung. Kini manusia sudah tidak lagi terskat oleh negara dan bangsa, tapi sudah menjadi warga global. Kompetisi dan kolaborasi secara internasional menjadi kebutuhan. Tapi, banyak mahasiswa masih merasa kecil diri merasa tidak punya kecakapan berbahasa inggris untuk bergabung dengan International program Communication.

Diskusi Teatime kali ini, Sabtu, 20 Agustus 2021, berbincang soal International program Communication Department of Universitas Islam Indonesia (IPC UII). Diskusi ini mengundang Ida Nuraini Dewi Kodrat Ningsih sekalu Sekretaris International program of Communication, UII. Dalam ngobrol santai kali ini mereka berbincang tentang bagaimana proses perkualiahan di IPC, bagaimana jika ingin pindah jalur dari reguler class ke International class, bagaimana dengan kerjasama international seperti double degree, jalur penerimaan mahasiswa IPC UII, dan kegiatan international lain yang ada di IPC UII.

Tentang perkuliahan, di IPC UII menggunakan bahasa inggris sepenuhnya sebagai pengantar perkuliahan. Begitu juga dengan tugas dan ujian. “Khusus untuk perkuliahan, jika ada beberapa mahasiswa yang merasa kesusahan dengan full inggris bisa komunikasikan dengan dosen pengampu mata kuliah tertentu agar menggunakan bahasa Indonesia di beberapa kesempatan,” ujar Ida.

Untuk beberapa mahasiswa baru yang khawatir jika tidak mampu mengikuti internasional program, IPC UII menyediakan bridging program yakni sebuah program yang menjembatani mahasiswa untuk beradaptasi dengan pembelajaran melalui beragam persiapan akademik. “Ada mata kuliah khusus mahasiswa baru agar mereka bisa adaptasi, program itu juga ada di antaranya adalah bagaimana menulis akademik,” kata Ida.

Ada pula Anggi, mahasiswa IP Communication UII yang pada awalnya sempat minder karena merasa kemampuan bahasa Inggrisnya kurang baik. Tapi, setelah program ini ia jalani, ia sudah bia membiasakan diri. Selain itu ia juga melihat bahwa dia tidak sendiri, ada beberapa teman lain yang seperti dia yang juga masih berproses adaptasi dengan nuansa ingris-akademis. “Lama-lama saya merasa kempampuan saya berbahasa Inggris sudah improve dengan sendirinya.”

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Socialization of Student Interests for Class of 2019 (Regular and International Program)

All Students at the Department of Communications, FPSB UII, Class of 2019 (International Program Class and Regular Class) who will take the fifth (5) semester are required to attend the Socialization of Study Interests on:

Day/Date: Tuesday, August 24, 2021
Time: 13.00 WIB
Zoom Links     :

Thus we submit this notice. We thank you for your attention.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Humans and nature coexist. But in recent years, the earth’s environment is not doing well. Human nature is greedy to make nature a victim. Earth, which was once beautiful, is now starting to be disturbed. Garbage that accumulates around us to deforestation causes an imbalance of nature.

 Starting from this idea about environmental issues, Gery Cahayanta Perangin Angin, Department of Communications at UII, student class 2017, did a final project entitled “Living Creatures and the Environment in Conceptual Photography.” His work uses multiple exposure or double exposure photo techniques. The man who is usually called Gery invites people who see his work to realize the importance of protecting nature through his eleven photographs.

Gery said that the idea of ​​this project originated from a sense of human concern for the environment that is not getting better. It took approximately five months to complete this work, from the end of 2020 to April 2021.

 “I often play in nature and often see damaged natural conditions. I am also often faced with problems related to nature. Then I studied conceptual photography and came up with ideas,” said Gery via Zoom, Wednesday (04/08/2021), in the discussion on the Work of Living Humankind and the Environment.

 Seeing the increasing number of covid-19 patients, Gery chose to conduct a digital photo exhibition. Gery thought about the impact that would be had if he showed an exhibition offline. It uses websites and apps ARTSTEPS to display his work so that everyone can enjoy it. Gery also uses Zoom as a medium for discussion about his work.

 In a discussion via Zoom that lasted for approximately two hours, a practitioner named Achmad Oddy Widyantoro also commented on Gery’s work. Achmad Oddy Widyantoro, commonly called Mas Oddy, is a practitioner who already has experience in photography. He was appointed as the examiner for Gery’s final project. He argues that messages and forms of criticism from photos must be conveyed to the public as a form of communication.

 In his observations, Gery’s work conveys his concerns about environmental damage such as deforestation, deformation, plastic waste, and extreme weather changes. According to him, the effort, execution, and visualization of the 11 photos presented by Gery have been able to convey a message to the audience.

 “This work attempts to express dissatisfaction with the environment by using photography as a means of conveying messages. Many are dissatisfied with the current state of nature but just keep quiet. Here Gery has taken action through these photos. In terms of effort, execution, and visuals, it’s good,” he said.

 Oddy added that Gery’s work is a type of conceptual expression photography because it conveys the reality or objectivity of the photographer. This work is presented in various ways, for example, with unique objects such as snack wrappers depicting garbage and various other depictions. This phenomenon was used as an experience and a source of ideas for Gery’s work.

Sebuah artikel dalam Journal of The Royal of Medicine (2021) menyebutkan bahwa penderita covid-19 pernah mengalami penyakit ringan hingga sedang. Waktu pemulihan rata-rata setelah terinfeksi Covid-19 adalah dua hingga tiga minggu. Durasi pemulihan tergantung pada tingkat keparahan gejalanya. Terlepas dari tingkat keparahan infeksi akut, satu dari lima orang mungkin mengalami gejala lebih dari lima minggu. Satu dari sepuluh memiliki gejala lebih dari 12 minggu. Kondisi ini dikenal sebagai pasca-covid.

Pada Juli 2021, jumlah total kasus Covid-19 telah melampaui 200 juta secara global, dengan jumlah kematian melebihi 4 juta, menurut Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO). Banyak institusi yang mengantisipasi pandemi covid-19. Misalnya, Tim Gugus Tugas Covid-19 Fakultas Psikologi dan Ilmu Sosial Budaya UII melakukan tracing covid secara rutin. Hingga Juli 2021, Gugus Tugas Covid-19 menyatakan covid-19 menginfeksi 34 siswa setelah dilakukan penelusuran. Banyak dari mereka isolasi mandiri atau dirawat di rumah sakit. Gugus tugas Covid-19 menyebutkan, saat ini ada tujuh mahasiswa yang tinggal di Jogja selama tinggal di kost, dan salah satunya tinggal bersama keluarganya. Dua di antaranya dinyatakan sembuh dari Covid-19.

Seseorang yang telah terinfeksi virus corona dapat mengalami empat minggu atau lebih. Bahkan seseorang yang tidak memiliki gejala corona pun bisa mengalami gejala pasca-covid. Kondisi ini dapat memiliki berbagai jenis masalah kesehatan dari waktu ke waktu.

Berdasarkan dr. Nadia Nurotul Fuadah dari RSUD Depok, Jawa Barat, Indonesia, melalui Alodokter, Senin (19/07/21), mengatakan ada beberapa gejala yang mungkin merupakan lanjutan dari Covid-19 (post-covid). “Seperti napas berat, hidung tersumbat di satu sisi, dan rasa sesak. Namun nyatanya, gejala tersebut juga bisa terjadi disebabkan oleh pemicu lain,” kata dr. Nadia Nurotul Fuadah. Dr Nadia Nurotul Fuadah juga menambahkan berbagai keluhan tersebut muncul karena diperparah oleh gangguan jantung, anemia, gangguan irama, atau lainnya.

Nadia Nurotul Fuadah menyarankan jika gejalanya ringan, pasien covid perlu melakukan perawatan di rumah. Orang yang terinfeksi Post-covid perlu banyak istirahat. Jangan sembarangan meminum obat. Tidak perlu terlalu panik atau cemas; mengelola stres dan tetap tenang. Anda dapat mengangkat kepala sehingga tidur jadi lebih nyenyak. Anda dapat mengompres area tertentu dengan kompres hangat jika merasa tidak nyaman. Makanan yang mengandung gas dilarang. Minuman berisi kafein, susu, dan soda juga tidak disarankan. Berolahragalah agar tubuh lebih kuat. Berhentilah merokok agar penyakit tidak bertambah parah. 

Jangan ragu untuk berkonsultasi dengan dokter terdekat jika gejalanya parah. Petugas kesehatan dapat merujuk Anda ke ahli atau dokter internal, atau fasilitas kesehatan jika penyakit Anda memburuk.

Saat ini, menurut jurnal dari lembaga kesehatan masyarakat Amerika bernama CDC atau Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2019), pencegahan terbaik dari covid adalah dengan mendapatkan vaksin covid. Disarankan agar setiap orang yang berusia 12 tahun ke atas mendapatkan vaksin covid sesegera mungkin. Pasien yang sudah sembuh dari covid atau Post-covid juga bisa mendapatkan vaksin. Gaya hidup sehat juga penting untuk melawan gejala virus corona. Dukungan lingkungan untuk mengatasi rasa malu atau ketakutan yang tidak berdasar untuk menulari orang lain juga diperlukan untuk membangkitkan semangat para penyintas corona.


Penulis/ Reporter: Erinna Zandra (Mahasiswa Komunikasi UII, Angkatan 2017, Mahasiswa Magang di International Program at Prodi Komunikasi UII)

Editor: A. P. Wicaksono




The process of writing institutional website content cannot go through an instant process. It must be preceded by the mechanism of extracting and checking facts in the style of journalistic practice. This process is also known as the reporting process. 

Reportage is the backbone of making news by collecting, digging, and seeking information. The information sought must be based on the facts of the event. “The condition for information to be considered news is when the facts extracted can be proven to be true,” said Rifqi Sasmita, Public Relations staff of the Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) in the Website Management Workshop “Website Content Updating” on Thursday, August 5, 2021.

The workshop held by UII Public Relations was originally carried out for the launch of UWA (UII Website Appreciation) 2021 and the preparation of websites within UII. 

Rifqi Sasmita said that all information that will be written into the news must be checked for the truth. This is done by verifying and testing the information with the main questions of journalism in the 5W+1H questions. 

Before checking facts, gathering facts must also be done in three ways. First, the observations of journalists who were present directly in the event. Everything obtained by the five senses can be observed. It can be seen, heard, touched, felt, and tasted. 

The second way of gathering facts is by interviewing. This is done if you want to know the background of the story, the causes of events, and the plot that cannot be obtained from observation. “While the last one is collecting facts from written documents or also known as documentation research,” said Rifqi. 

If all the facts and data have been collected, news writing can be done. News writers should avoid the repetition of words and compound sentence structures. “Paragraphs should also not be too long and do not include personal opinions,” concluded Rifqi.

A Journal of The Royal of Medicine (2021) states that people with Covid-19 have experienced mild to moderate illness. The average recovery time after being infected with Covid-19 is two to three weeks. The duration of recovery depends on the severity of the symptoms. Regardless of the severity of the acute infection, one in five people may experience symptoms for more than five weeks. One in ten have symptoms for more than 12 weeks. This condition is known as post-covid.

By July 2021, the total number of Covid-19 cases had surpassed 200 million globally, with the death toll exceeding 4 million, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Many institutions are anticipating the Covid-19 pandemic. For example, the Covid-19 Task Force Team of the Faculty of Psychology and Socio-Cultural Sciences UII conducts Covid tracing regularly. Until July 2021, the Covid-19 Task Force stated that Covid-19 had infected 34 students after a search was carried out. Many of them are self-isolating or hospitalized. The Covid-19 task force stated that currently there are seven students living in Jogja while staying at the boarding house, and one of them lives with his family. Two of them have recovered from Covid-19.

A person who has been infected with the coronavirus can have four weeks or more. Even someone who doesn’t have coronavirus symptoms can experience post-covid symptoms. This condition can have different types of health problems over time.

Based on dr. Nadia Nurotul Fuadah from Depok Regional Hospital, West Java, Indonesia, through Alodokter, Monday (19/07/21), said there were several symptoms that might be a continuation of Covid-19 (post-covid). “Like heavy breathing, stuffy nose on one side, and a feeling of tightness. But in fact, these symptoms can also occur due to other triggers,” said dr. Nadia Nurotul Fuadah. Dr. Nadia Nurotul Fuadah also added that these various complaints arise because they are exacerbated by heart problems, anemia, rhythm disturbances, or others. 

Nadia Nurotul Fuadah suggested that if the symptoms were mild, Covid patients needed to be treated at home. People infected with Post-covid need plenty of rest. Don’t take drugs carelessly. There’s no need to panic or worry too much; manage stress and stay calm. You can lift your head so that you sleep more soundly. You can compress certain areas with warm compresses if you feel uncomfortable. Gas-containing foods are prohibited. Drinks containing caffeine, milk, and soda are also not recommended. Exercise to make your body stronger. Stop smoking so that the disease does not get worse. 

Do not hesitate to consult the nearest doctor if the symptoms are severe. Health workers can refer you to an in-house specialist or doctor, or health facility if your illness worsens.

Currently, according to a journal from an American public health agency called the CDC or Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2019), the best prevention of covid is to get a covid vaccine. It is recommended that everyone aged 12 years and over get the covid vaccine as soon as possible. Patients who have recovered from Covid or Post-Covid can also get the vaccine. A healthy lifestyle is also important to fight the symptoms of the coronavirus. Environmental support to overcome shame or unfounded fear of infecting others is also needed to lift the spirits of corona survivors.


Writer/ Reporter: Erinna Zandra (UII Student at Department of Communications, Class of 2017, Internship Student of International Program at Department of Communications UII)

Editor: AP Wicaksono