“Habis ini kita akan nyobain kuliner unik dan khas surabaya yang lain, ikuti kami terusnya,” begitu kata Annisa Putri Jiani dan Nurul Diva Kautsar presenter program Rasa-rasa, program acara yang baru dari Uniicoms TV, sebuah TV daring di Universitas Islam Indonesia. Kalimat-kalimat ajakan itulah yang kini sehari-hari selalu mengemuka berulang di ruang studio editing Uniicoms TV di Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII. Rencananya, tayangan ini akan diluncurkan di Channel Uniicoms TV menyambut mahasiswa baru. Saat ini Uniicoms TV dikelola oleh Laboratorium Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII yang diisi oleh tenaga-tenaga tim prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII, relawan, dan kru yang muda, kreatif, energik.

Rata-rata kru dan pegiatnya adalah anak-anak muda yang punya begitu ragam ide khas milenial. Namun bedanya, anak-anak muda di Uniicoms TV tak sekadar milenial, populer, dan muda, melainkan punya visi mulia dalam tiap sajian kreatifnya: empowering and inspiring. Ya, bersama menjadi berdaya dan inspirasi. Maka tentu program apapun yang diproduksi adalah hasil kreasi yang mengajak khalayaknya berdaya dan menginspirasi.

Meskipun acara kuliner seperti ini sudah populer dan banyak, Nurul Diva, Digital Public Relation Uniicoms TV, yakin model acara kuliner yang kali ini justru kuat dengan misi yang mulia: empowering and inspiring. Nurul yang juga adalah presenter acara kuliner ini mengatakan Uniicoms TV mengajak kaum muda untuk tidak lupa akar budaya dan tradisinya lewat program acara kuliner yang diberi nama “Rasa-Rasa”. Menurutnya, sudah saatnya ada program TV alternatif, di tengah merebaknya acara TV yang tidak mendidik, yang juga mempertahankan warisan budaya tradisional pada generasi muda kekinian. “Sepengamatanku, uniknya yang makan di sini anak mudanya sedikit,” kata Nurul menjelaskan keadaan warung-warung yang dikunjungi untuk masuk dalam program.

Pada kesempatan episode pertama ini, Tim Uniicoms TV mengangkat kuliner-kuliner yang khas dan yang tidak biasa di Surabaya seperti Lontong Balap dengan lentho, Rawon Pak Gendut, hingga Rawon Kalkulator. Rawon kalkulator misalnya, adalah salah satu tempat wisata kuliner yang membuat khalayaknya terhenyak dengan cara uniknya di warungnya, kata Nurul Diva, dari lokasi produksi di Surabaya pada 27 Juli 2019. Simak keunikannya di saluran Uniicoms TV.

“After this we will try other unique and extraordinary culinary of Surabaya, come on follow us,” said Annisa Putri Jiani and Nurul Diva Kautsar, host of Rasa-Rasa Program, a new program from Uniicoms TV, an online TV at the Universitas Islam Indonesia. Those persuasive sentences that are now everyday are always repeated repeatedly in the Uniicoms TV editing studio at Communication Science Department. The plan is, this show will be launched on Channel Uniicoms TV to welcomes new students. At present, Uniicoms TV is managed by the Communication Science Department Laboratory which is staffed by Communication Science Department teams, volunteers, and young, creative, energetic crews.

The average crew and activists are young people who have a variety of typical millennial ideas. But the difference is, young people at Uniicoms TV are not just millennial, popular, and young, but have a noble vision in each of their creative serving: empowering and inspiring. Yes, together to be empowered and inspiring. So naturally any program that is produced is the creation that invites the audience to be empowered and inspire.

Although culinary shows like this are already popular and many, Nurul Diva, Uniicoms TV’s Digital Public Relations, believes the culinary model nowadays is strong with a noble mission: empowering and inspiring. Nurul, who is also the presenter of the culinary program, said Uniicoms TV invites young people not to forget their cultural roots and traditions through a culinary program called “Rasa-Rasa”. According to him, it is time for an alternative TV program, in the midst of the spread of TV shows that do not educate, which also maintain traditional cultural heritage in today’s young generation. “In my view, the unique thing about eating here is that young man are few,” Nurul said, explaining the food stalls visited on the program.

On the occasion of this first episode, the Uniicoms TV Team brought up unique and unusual culinary in Surabaya such as Lontong Race with lentho, Rawon Pak Gendut, to Rawon Calculator. Rawon calculator, for example, is one of the culinary attractions that makes its audience stunned by its unique way in its warung, said Nurul Diva, from a production location in Surabaya on July 27, 2019. Check out its uniqueness on the Uniicoms Online TV channel.


Jika anda merasa bosan dengan tayangan televisi yang kurang mendidik, maka sudah saatnya mencoba beralih ke saluran TV daring Uniicoms TV. Kini Uniicoms TV akan meluncurkan tayangan baru khas anak mudanya yang diproduksi oleh kru dari beragam program studi di Universitas Islam Indonesia. Setelah sukses dengan ribuan view Web Series-nya Ramadhan lalu, Uniicoms TV coba memproduksi program acara yang diberi tajuk: ‘Mata Lensa’.

Mata Lensa adalah program dengan konsep anak muda yang dipandu oleh Host yang melakukan perjalanan lengkap dengan kamera untuk mengabadikan momen yang ditemuinya. Tayangan Mata Lensa selain edukatif, juga menghibur karena dikemas dengan segar, khas anak muda, dan lokasi perjalanan yang dipilih adalah lokasi-lokasi yang punya nilai edukasi, pemberdayaan, dan inspirasi, kata Nurul Diva, Digital Public Relation Uniicoms TV, pada Juni lalu.

Program pada episode pertama ini mengajak kamu penonton muda untuk menyelami seluk beluk festival yang terhitung sangat lawas di Yogyakarta. Ya festival kuna itu adalah Festival Kebudayaan Yogyakarta (FKY) yang selalu dihelat tahunan sejak 1989. Tak banyak yang tahu jika festival yang dirindukan orang yang pernah dan hidup di Yogyakarta ini dilaksanakan bersamaan dengan peresmian proyek orde Soeharto yaitu Monumen Jogja Kembali. Uniicoms TV membawa penontonnya ikut hadir menyelami festival kuna rasa baru ini di pertengahan 2019. Mata Lensa menyajikan seluk beluk kebudayaan khas Yogyakarta dengan perspektif anak muda.

Bagi penikmat lawas FKY, jangan heran jika pada sajian program episode pertama ini menemui kejanggalan. Pasalnya, tahun ini FKY berubah nama. Sebelumnya, ‘K’ pada singkatan FKY adalah ‘Kesenian’, sedangkan sejak 2019 berubah menjadi ‘Kebudayaan’ yang tentu saja cakupannya menjadi lebih luas, tak sekadar perhelatan seni, tapi seluruh tujuh unsur budaya: nilai-nilai pengetahuan & teknologi, benda, budaya, seni, adat, bahasa, dan yang kini sudah banyak digerus era digital: tradisi luhur.

Sebagai indentitas budaya dan seni di Yogyakarta, FKY tak bisa dilepaskan dari kolaborasi seniman, relawan, masyarakat, dan beragam industri kreatif lokal di Yogyakarta. Apalagi FKY tahun ini mengusung tema ‘Mulanira’ yang berarti permulaan sebuah kreasi dalam balutan ruang, ragam, dan interaksi, semakin jelas menguatkan Yogya sebagai identitas Yogya sebagai pusat kebudayaan nasional.

Selain mengambil momen puncak FKY 2019, produksi program ini secara teknis juga memanfaatkan kesempatan sebelum kru-kru Uniicoms TV berhadapan dengan Ujian Akhir Semester, kata Nurul Diva yang pada kesempatan kali ini sebagai pengarah program. Uniicoms TV sebagai TV yang berbasis kampus dan diisi kru mahasiswa yang tidak hanya terdiri dari Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII ini pastinya harus memertimbangkan faktor-faktor akademik juga. Meski begitu, sebagai sebuah kawan candradimuka, Uniicoms TV berharap program ini punya misi akan menjadi sebuah ajang mengasah kepekaan seni dengan: olah karya dan olah rasa yang memberdaya dan menginspirasi mahasiswa dan niscaya: seluruh sivitas akademika UII. Tonton Mata Lensa di saluran TV daring – Uniicoms TV.

If you feel bored with less educating television shows, then it’s time to try switching to Uniicoms TV, the online TV channels. Now Uniicoms TV will launch a new program typical of young people produced by crews from various multidisciplinary at the Universitas Islam Indonesia. After the success of the thousands views of Web Series of its last Ramadan Series, Uniicoms TV tried to produce new programs titled: ‘Mata Lensa’ means Lens Eyes.

The Mata Lensa is a program with a concept made of youth. The Program guided by the Host who travels with a camera in hand to capture the moment he meet. Beside of being educative, it is also entertaining because it is packaged with fresh, typical young people. The Mata Lensa was also selected travel locations are locations that have educational, empowerment and inspiration values, said Nurul Diva, Digital Public Relations of Uniicoms TV, in June.

The program in this first episode invites you, the young viewers, to dive into the ins and outs of the festival which is very old in Yogyakarta. Yes, the legend festival was the Yogyakarta Cultural Festival (FKY), which has always been held annually since 1989. Not many people know that this festival was held in conjunction with the inauguration of the Soeharto order project, the Jogja Kembali Monument. Uniicoms TV brought its audience into the new ancient festival in mid-2019. Mata Lensa presents the ins and outs of Yogyakarta’s distinctive culture with the perspective of young people.

For old connoisseurs of FKY, don’t be surprised if the first episode of this program presents anomalies. Because, this year FKY has changed its name. Previously, ‘K’ in the abbreviation of FKY was ‘Art’, whereas since 2019 it was changed to ‘Culture’ which of course had a wider scope, not just art events, but all seven cultural elements: values of knowledge & technology, objects, culture art, tradition, language and what has now been eroded by the digital age: lofty traditions.

As a cultural and artistic identity in Yogyakarta, FKY cannot be separated from the collaboration of artists, volunteers, the community, and various local creative industries in Yogyakarta. Moreover, FKY this year carries the theme ‘Mulanira’, which means the beginning of a creation in space, variety and interaction, making it increasingly clear that Yogya is the identity of Yogya as the center of national culture.

Besides taking the moment of the peak FKY 2019, the production of this program technically also took advantage of the opportunity before the crew of Uniicoms TV faced the Final Exams Semester, said Nurul Diva who on this occasion as the program director. Uniicoms TV as a online campus-based TV and filled with student crews that not only consist of UII Communication Studies, of course, must consider academic factors as well. Even so, as a center of learning, Uniicoms TV hopes that this program will have a mission to sharpen the sensitivity of art by work and feeling that empower and inspire students and undoubtedly: the entire academic community of UII. Watch Mata Lensa on online TV channels on Youtube: Uniicoms TV.


Starting by Wednesday, July 31, 2019 until the next nine days, the International Program (IP) of Communication Department will sent 13 students, Mr. Herman Felani Tanjung, MA (lecturer), and 2 staff to conduct an academic tour and doing ‘Travel Writing Projects’ at many variety important locations in Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand. This Travel Writing Project is part of a routine program that is held every year. This visiting program for Asean countries, which are often known as Passage To Asean (P2A) Program, is the second time that held by the UII’s Communication Department, since 2018. Students will also visit three campuses in Southeast Asia: University of Economics and Law (Vietnam), Svay Rieng University (SRU) Cambodia, Thammasat University (Thailand). P2A is a network of Asean universities and institution of higher education.

All the student will learn a lot of things under supervision Mr. Herman Felani Tandjung, MA, lecturer of film and culture studies, Yudi Winarto, and Marjito Iskandar T. G. as profesional supervisor from Audio Visual Laboratory of Communication Department.  The IP students of Communication Department UII, under supervision of Mr. Tandjung, will travel to several locations and sharpen their view and sensitivity to capture the social reality there. According to Ida Nuraini Dewi K. N., Secretary of International Program of Communication Department, in addition to capturing social reality, communication students are expected to be able to probe, analyze, compare and record the history, cultural diversity, religiosity, and many things that will appear behind these tourist sites. Ida also said that, “the most important thing and different than other P2A Program, is student will learn about character building that is consist of problem solving, decision making, and teamwork beside learn to implement their communication skill (such as speaking, writing, photography, video, etc).

Lecturers, staff, and students will also conduct comparative visits on many campuses at three countries. There is a hope that Communication IP students, beside applying their knowledge so far in the classroom, they also will have new perspectives that emerge from these trips.

P2A in principle has the spirit of providing opportunities for students, lecturers, and staff of Communication Department to reach global and international studies and comparisons. The processes that are passed in P2A enable them to get a lot of new perspectives that are insightful for the future of communication studies. Not only that, both student and lecturer of Communication Department are ultimately expected to be able to improve their abilities such as social analysis skills, journalism, reportage, writing, photography, and brainstorming creative ideas in simultaneously.

The previous P2A, the committee of P2A designed P2A with the concept of Photography Workshop and Competition entitled: “P2A 2018 – Workshop and Photography Competition: Humanature”, to capture moment in various destination at Indonesia,  Malaysia and Thailand. Students from three campuses in the three countries were encouraged to collaborated, competed, and sharpen their photography skills in the tourist locations. They also capture iconic, unique, and interesting things into an aesthetic and meaningful photo work. In the end, P2A at that time gave awards to students who had the best photo works in collaboration with Nikon Malaysia, P2A, UII, and Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM).

Mulai Rabu, 31 Juli 2019 hingga sembilan hari ke depan, International Program (IP) Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi memberangkatkan 13 Mahasiswa, dosen, dan staf untuk melakukan lawatan disertai proyek Travel Writing di lokasi-lokasi penting di Vietnam, Kamboja, dan Thailand. Proyek Travel Writing ini adalah bagian dari program rutin yang diselenggarakan setiap tahun. Program lawatan negara-negara Asean, yang sering dikenal Passage To Asean (P2A), ini adalah kali kedua yang dilaksanakan oleh Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi FPSB UII sejak 2018. Kegiatan ini juga akan dilengkapi dengan study banding ke tiga kampus di Asia Tenggara: University of Economics and Law (Vietnam), Svay Rieng University (SRU) Cambodia, Thammasat University (Thailand).

Mahasiswa-mahasiswa IP Prodi Komunikasi UII akan menjalani perjalanan ke beberapa lokasi dan mengasah kejelian dan kepekaan mereka menangkap realitas sosial di sana. Menurut Ida Nuraini Dewi K. N, Sekretaris Program Studi, International Program (IP) Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII, selain menangkap realitas sosial, mahasiswa komunikasi diharapkan juga bisa menelisik, menganalisis, membandingkan, dan merekam sejarah, keragaman budaya, religiusitas, dan aspek sosial lain yang nampak di balik lokasi-lokasi yang dikunjungi. Ida menambahkan, “yang paling penting, mahasiswa partisipan P2A Prodi Komunikasi UII akan belajar tentang character building, terutama soal problem solving, decision making, dan teamwork.”

Mahasiswa IP di sana akan didampingi oleh Herman Felani Tanjung, MA, Dosen Komunikasi UII spesialis Kajian Film dan Budaya, dan Yudi Winarto dan Marjito Iskandar T. G. sebagai pendamping profesional dari Laboratorium Fotografi dan Audio Visual Komunikasi UII. Mereka juga akan melakukan kunjungan perbandingan di kampus-kampus tersebut di atas. Harapannya, mahasiswa IP Komunikasi UII selain menerapkan ilmunya selama ini di kelas akan ada perspektif baru yang muncul dari perjalanan-perjalanan yang dilakukan ini.

P2A pada prinsipnya memiliki semangat memberikan peluang dan kesempatan mahasiswa, dosen, dan staf Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII melakukan studi dan dan perbandingan global dan internasional. Proses-proses yang dilalui di P2A ini memungkinkan munculnya perspektif baru yang berwawasan masa depan. Tidak hanya itu, sivitas akademika Ilmu Komunikasi UII pada akhirnya diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kemampuannya seperti skill analisis sosial, jurnalisme, reportase, penulisan, fotografi, dan brainstorming ide-ide kreatif dalam satu paket karya.

Tahun sebelumnya, Tim P2A Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII mengemas P2A dengan konsep Workshop dan Kompetisi Fotografi berjudul “P2A 2018 – Workshop and Photography Competition: Humanature”, ke pelbagai destinasi di Indonesia Malaysia, dan Thailand. Mahasiswa tiga kampus di tiga negara itu berkolaborasi, berkompetisi, dan mengasah keterampilan fotografi di lokasi-lokasi wisata itu. Mereka juga menangkap hal-hal ikonik, unik, dan menarik menjadi sebuah karya foto yang estetik dan bermakna. Pada akhirnya, P2A saat itu memberikan penghargaan pada mahasiswa-mahasiswa yang punya karya foto terbaik atas kerjasama Nikon Malaysia, P2A, UII, dan Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM).


Foto: Annisa Putri Jiany

At least, after a lot of steps, Communication Department can maintain its Accreditation rank with A grade again. The news came after the assessors of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN-PT) visited to check documents and evidence of accreditation on July, 10th, 2019. Exactly, six days later, July 16, 2019, a Decree from BAN-PT numbered 2387 / SK / BAN-PT/Akred/S/VII/2019 sent to this office.

The contents of the Decree (SK) wrote, “the decision of the national accreditation body of higher education regarding the accreditation status and ranking of the accredited Communication Department of UII at the undergraduate program of the Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII), Sleman Regency,” he wrote. BAN PT’s Executive Board Director, T. Basaruddin, through the letter then continued that he determined the Accreditation Status and Accredited Rank of the Communication Studies Program at the UII’s Undergraduate Program was accredited with grade: A.

Recorded in the UII Communication Department forms for the last three years, the lecturers of this department (accumulatively) already have 269 publications. Whether it’s international, national scientific publications, conference papers, journals, to popular articles in the mass media. These achievements can be exemplified, such as 5 documentary films with various international and national awards, 24 popular articles in mass media, 22 journal articles in international journals, 4 books and chapters with international publishing scale such as Springer and Routledge, and 60 scientific articles which was presented at an international conference. Also there were a lot of outstanding active students, there have been more than 90 awards that have been won by all the students over the past 5 years, which are on a regional, national and international scale.

Congratulations, and never stop empower, and work for others!


Photo by M. Iskandar T. G.

Ya, Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII kembali dapat memertahankan peringkat Akreditasi Program Studi-nya dengan peringkat A. Berita itu datang setelah sebelumnya, pada 10/7/2019, asesor Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi (BAN-PT) melakukan kunjungan untuk mengecek dokumen-dokumen dan bukti-bukti akreditasi. Tepat enam hari kemudian, 16 Juli 2019, masuk Surat Keputusan dari BAN-PT bernomor 2387/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/VII/2019 ke program studi ini.

Isi Surat Keputusan (SK) itu memutuskan, menetapkan,”keputusan badan akreditasi nasional perguruan tinggi tentang status akreditasi dan peringkat terakreditasi Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi pada program sarjana Universitas Islam Indonesia, Kabupaten Sleman,” tulisnya. Direktur Dewan Eksekutif BAN PT, T. Basaruddin, lewat surat itu kemudian melanjutkan bahwa ia menetapkan Status Akreditasi dan Peringkat Terakreditasi Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi pada Program Sarjana Universitas Islam Indonesia adalah berstatus terakreditasi dengan peringkat A.

Tercatat dalam Borang Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi UII selama tiga tahun terakhir dosen-dosen program studi ini (secara akumulatif) sudah memiliki 269 karya publikasi. Baik itu publikasi ilmiah internasional, nasional, makalah konferensi, jurnal, hingga artikel di media massa. Capaian-capaian itu dapat dicontohkan seperti 5 karya film dokumenter dengan beragam penghargaan internasional dan nasional, 24 artikel populer di media masssa, 22 artikel jurnal masuk di jurnal skala internasional, 4 buku dan chapter berskala penerbit internasional seperti Springer dan Routledge, dan 60 artikel ilmiah yang dipresentasikan di konferensi internasional. Juga tak kalah aktif, ada lebih dari 90 penghargaan yang telah diraih mahasiswa Komunikasi UII selama 5 tahun terakhir, baik dalam skala regional, nasional, maupun internasional.

Selamat, dan terus berkarya dan berdaya, Civitas Akademika Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi UII!


Foto: M. Iskandar T. G.

Sertifikat Akreditasi tersebut bisa diakses pada tautan berikut ini.

After making preparations on all fronts, finally arrived the awaited day. The Study Program has made several preparations such as document preparation, proof checking, and intensive routine coordination for the past one to two years. All UII Communication academics ranging from students, staff staff, to lecturers unite their hopes for re-accreditation to achieve its targets: A again.

On 10/7/2019 Communication UII welcomed the visit of two assessors from the National Accreditation Agency for Higher Education (BAN-PT) in the context of the Field Assessment (AL) Re-accreditation of the UII Communication Studies Program. The UII Communication Accreditation, which was due to expire in the coming August, will now be reviewed directly after previously the Forms of Study Team and Faculty Former Formers sent documents to BAN-PT. The document will in turn be checked, assessed, and integrated with other assessment components.

On this occasion two assessors were sent to check the evidence and documents prepared by the team. They are Prof. Dr. Hafied Cangara, M.Sc. and Dr. Irwansyah, S.Sos., MA. Both are well-known lecturers who have long been known in the world of communication science universities in Indonesia. For example, Prof. Dr. Hafied Cangara, M.Sc. is a professor from Hasanuddin University and author of frequently referenced books such as Environmental Communication, Political Communication, and Introduction to Communication Studies. Whereas Dr. Irwansyah, S.Sos., MA. is a graduate of the University of Hawaii at Manoa (UHM) Honolulu in the United States and a consultant on several campuses in Indonesia and central government agencies.

At the end of his visit, Prof. Dr. Hafied Cangara, M.Sc. and Dr. Irwansyah, S.Sos., MA. provide important messages for the development of the UII Communication Science study program. For example, Dr. Irwansyah said that it is very important that in the future all study programs in Indonesia can prioritize courses that have a vision of the future. “So it is not only the present vision, but also the future. Global vision is not necessarily the future, digital is the future,” he said. Dikti grant research also needs to be intensified. Dr. Irwansyah said that now lecturers have an easier opportunity to be able to and manage Dikti grants. Reportedly the criteria and requirements remain strict, but the reporting has eliminated the technical requirements that are counterproductive to the essence of higher education research.

Whereas Prof. Hafied actually reinforced that it was time for UII Communication Studies to advance to become a faculty equivalent to other campuses. More internationalization is also needed. There are also many developments achieved, he said, for example alumni who are now spread in national media, play a role in community empowerment, and also, “the students are good in the realm of practice seen during the day’s visitation. I was also interviewed with alumni who taking part in TVone, Detik, Pertamina and national institutions are very good, “he said. Please note, when the first accreditation of UII Communication was also Prof. Hafied is the assessor. So do not be surprised if he can compare and see the rapid development of UII Communication.

Setelah melakukan persiapan di segala lini, akhirnya tibalah hari yang ditunggu itu. Program Studi telah melakukan beberapa persiapan seperti penyusunan dokumen, pengecekan bukti, dan koordinasi-koordinasi rutin intensif sejak satu hingga dua tahun belakangan. Semua sivitas akademika Komunikasi UII mulai dari mahasiswa, staf pegawai, hingga dosen menyatukan asa agar re-akreditasi mencapai targetnya: A kembali.

Pada 10/7/2019 Komunikasi UII menyambut kunjungan dua asesor dari Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi (BAN-PT) dalam rangka Assesment Lapangan (AL) Re-akreditasi Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi UII. Akreditasi Komunikasi UII yang sedianya habis pada agustus mendatang kini akan ditinjau langsung setelah sebelumnya Tim Penyusun Borang Program Studi dan Fakultas mengirimkan dokumen pada BAN-PT. Dokumen itu pada gilirannya akan dicek, dinilai, dan dipadukan dengan komponen-komponen penilaian lainnya.

Pada kesempatan kali ini dua asesor dikirim untuk mengecek bukti dan dokumen yang telah disiapakan tim. Mereka adalah Prof. Dr. Hafied Cangara, M.Sc. dan Dr. Irwansyah, S.Sos., MA. Keduanya adalah dosen kenamaan yang sudah lama dikenal dalam dunia perguruan tinggi ilmu komunikasi di Indonesia. Misalnya, Prof. Dr. Hafied Cangara, M.Sc. adalah profesor dari Universitas Hasanuddin dan penulis buku-buku yang sering menjadi rujukan seperti Komunikasi Lingkungan, Komunikasi Politik, dan Pengantar Ilmu Komunikasi. Sedangkan Dr. Irwansyah, S.Sos., MA. adalah lulusan University of Hawaii at Manoa (UHM) Honolulu Amerika Serikat dan seorang konsultan beberapa kampus di Indonesia dan instansi pemerintahan pusat.

Di akhir kunjungannya, Prof. Dr. Hafied Cangara, M.Sc. dan Dr. Irwansyah, S.Sos., MA.  memberikan pesan-pesan penting untuk pengembangan program studi Ilmu komunikasi UII. Misalnya, Dr. Irwansyah mengatakan sangat penting ke depan seluruh prodi di indonesia dapat mengedepankan mata kuliah-mata kuliah yang punya visi masa depan. “Jadi bukan hanya bervisi kekinian, tapi juga masa depan. Visi global belum tentu masa depan, digital itu masa depan,” katanya. Riset-riset hibah Dikti juga perlu digencarkan. Dr. Irwansyah mengatakan kini dosen-dosen punya peluang lebih mudah untuk dapat dan mengelola hibah Dikti. Kabarnya kriteria dan persyaratannya tetap ketat, namun pelaporannya sudah mengeliminir syarat-syarat teknis yang kontraproduktif dengan esensi penelitian pendidikan tinggi.

Sedangkan Prof. Hafied justru menguatkan bahwa Ilmu Komunikasi UII sudah saatnya bisa melaju menjadi fakultas setara kampus-kampus lain. Perlu juga internasionalisasi lebih banyak. Banyak juga perkembangan yang diraih, katanya, misalnya alumninya yang kini tersebar di media-media nasional, berperan dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat, dan juga, “mahasiswanya bagus-bagus di ranah praktik terlihat saat visitasi seharian tadi. Saya juga tadi wawancara dengan alumni-alumninya yang berkiprah di TVone, Detik, Pertamina, dan institusi-institusi nasional, bagus sekali,” katanya. Perlu diketahui, saat akreditasi pertama Komunikasi UII juga Prof. Hafied adalah asesor-nya. Maka tak heran bila ia dapat membandingkan dan melihat perkembangan Komunikasi UII yang pesat.

Foto: M. Iskandar T. G.