Reading Time: 2 minutes

Retyan Sekar, a researcher in this discussion under the theme: The Space and Power in Jogja, got interesting and unusual findings. Retyan drew conclusions from her research (research title: Normalization of Demonstrations at the Jogja Zero Kilometers. He tracked during the pre-reformation era in Indonesia, none of the activists in the 80s and 90s were interested in protesting at the zero kilometer of Jogja. “In that era, the demonstration was usually held at the Gedung Agung or the closest is at Keraton Palace,” said Retyan, who is also a student female activist in Yogyakarta.

There is no big magnet to protest at Zero Kilometers’ Jogja, said one of the research sources. Likewise, during the reform era, the concentration of student demonstrations was not at Zero Kilometers’ Jogja. “In fact, the Gejayan Street, Bundaran UGM, and along the Malioboro Street or the Gedung Agung (National Palace) were the points of action,” Retyan said in the Monthly Routine Discussion of UII Communication Department on Tuesday, April 9, 2019, in the RAV (Mini Theatre) Room of UII Communication Department.

The student and civil protest is going to be popular to be held at the zero Kilometer of Jogja is in the post-reform era around 2004. At that time, many artists who protested at zero-kilometer Jogja as a form of counter-discourse to the government. In 2010 until now, the opposite happened. The Provincial Government of Yogyakarta carried out a counter discourse by making the zero kilometer jogja, at the end of Malioboro street, as the center of Jogja’s. What have they done was by revitalizing the infrastructure of the zero kilometers so that Zero Kilometer Jogja become the center of everything. Retyan, by the Geographic Communication perspective and using the Foucoult’s theory that listed in “Discipline and Punish”, saw this practice of space production by this local government as the normalization of protest actions.

There is discipline, supervision, and surveillance, by the local government through the media and various factors in the protest actions that held at the zero-kilometer point of Jogja. The demonstration at the zero kilometers is also being mediated by the media. Even though during the pre-reform and reformation, there was no interest and important point to made the zero kilometer as the peak of the demonstration. In the middle of the discussion, during the question and answer session, one of the discussion participants, Razik, questioned Retyan’s analysis, and quoting Henry Lefebvre’s thought.

“How actually happened, is media the only one that formed a Zero Kilometer as an action/ demonstration space or actually there are other factors or elements that formed? Is zero space important because it is part of “mode of production” of the capitalism model in Jogja?” Asked Razik. Retyan answered that she did not deny that there were other factors that formed the Zero Kilometer of Jogja as space of the center of the demonstration, but her research focus was that the media also contributed to the protest actions so that activists in the post reform era choosing zero kilometers of Jogja rather than at other locations such as other activists in the previous era.

This Discussions that were also carried out while breaking the fasting of ramadhan was became a space of appreciation and meeting of ideas. It also became a forum for sharing stories, methods, and techniques in conducting or doing research at the UII Communication Studies.

This writing is a continuation of What’s Up with Jogja Scrummy and the Zero Kilometer of Jogja?


Reading Time: 2 minutes

Vivi Mulia Ningrum and Retyan Sekar Nurani, students of Communication Studies (2015), began to sit in front of the participants of the discussion in the Audio Visual Room (Mini Theater) of UII’s Communication Department. Both were accompanied by Risky Wahyudi, researcher and staff of Center for Study and Documentation of Alternative Media NADIM (PSDMA Nadim) Communication Department  of the Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII). Today, Tuesday, April 9, 2019, the three of them were the center of attention from the attendees at the Monthly Routine Discussion of UII Communication Department under the discussion theme: Space and Power in Yogyakarta.

This discussion is the first series on student research series in the Geography Communication cluster. Risky Wahyudi said, Communication Department hopes that this Monthly Discussions such as this models can strengthen the academic culture, academic pulpits, and become learning spaces for research, service and previous preaching. Both the research conducted by lecturers, students, and academicians can be used as learning and appreciation space.

Vivi and Retyan, in their thesis research, try to dismantle the ideology and practice of space production in Jogja. The results are diverse, Vivi for example, found in her research that Jogja Scrummy produced its outlets and outlets in such a random way just to form the ideology that Jogja was formed as a tourism city. “How can Dude Herlino advertise that Jogja Scrummy is a typical product of Jogja but he wears traditional Javanese clothes which are not typical of Jogja, but Surakarta?” Vivi said. The packed tagline reads “Remember Jogja, Remember Jogja Scrummy” suggests that their consumers are also tourists: people who travel. Jogja is no longer formed as a student city, but tourism, even though it is inconsequential, he said. The design of the interior space is arranged so that consumers who come not only shop but also take photographs.

“So the photo of artist Dude Herlino is mediation, then photographed consumers have also been included as a presenter, twice as much as this,” added Vivi, who claimed to have gone back and forth from Jogja Scrummy outlets for more than 15 times. Starting from interviewing various buyers there, He also recorded interviews, saw forms, found patterns, and simultaneously recited the meaning behind the space in Scrummy Yogyakarta. The atmosphere of the discussion warmed up when Risky Wahyudi, the moderator, questioned the conception of consumers as tourists who were not entirely right. .

For him and according to his observations in recent years, consumers of Yogyakarta Scrummy look not tourists but students or jogja people who buy their products to be made as souvenirs. The formation of Jogja as a tourist city does not seem right. Vivi answered by explaining the emphasis on the meaning of the Jogja Scrummy tagline interpretation that looked as if the consumer segment was a tourist seen from the choice of words in the tagline. Discussion # Series of Geography Communication Clusters

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Retyan Sekar, peneliti dalam diskusi Ruang dan Kuasa di Jogja (Selain NYIA), mendapat temuan menarik sekaligus tak biasa. Retyan menarik kesimpulan dari risetnya soal Normalisasi Demonstrasi di Titik Nol Kilometer Jogja. Ia melacak selama pra reformasi, tidak ada satupun aktivis pada 80an dan 90an yang tertarik untuk melakukan aksi protes di titik nol kilometer jogja. “Pada jaman itu, yang ada biasanya aksi demo dilakukan di gedung agung atau kraton yang paling dekat,” kata Retyan yang juga adalah aktivis perempuan di Yogyakarta ini. Tak ada magnet besar untuk melakukan aksi protes di titik nol kata salah satu narasumber risetnya. Begitu juga pada masa reformasi, konsentrasi aksi demontrasi mahasiswa justru bukan di Titik nol Kilometer.

“Malah gejayan, bunderan UGM, dan sepanjang jalan malioboro atau gedung agung yang jadi titik-titik aksi,” tambah Retyan dalam Diskusi Rutin Bulanan Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII pada Selasa, 9 April 2019, di Ruang RAV Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII. Kecenderungan aksi demontrasi marak dilakukan di titik nol muncul pada masa paska reformasi sekitar 2004an. Saat itu banyak seniman yang melakukan aksi protes di titik nol kilometer jogja sebagai bentuk kontra wacana pada pemerintah.


Pada 2010 ke sini, yang terjadi sebaliknya, Pemerintah Daerah Provinsi DIY (pemda) melakukan perlawanan wacana balik dengan menjadikan titik nol sebagai titik sumbu jogja dengan melakukan revitalisasi fisik titik nol kilometer nol. Retyan, dengan kacamata Komunikasi Geografi dan menggunakan teori Foucoult dalam “Discipline and Punish”, melihat praktek produksi ruang oleh pemda ini sebagai normalisasi aksi-aksi protes. Ada pendisiplinan dan pengawasan oleh pemda lewat media dan beragam faktor pada aksi yang dilakukan di titik nol kilometer Jogja. Demonstrasi di titik nol menjadi termediatisasi juga oleh media. Padahal selama pra reformasi dan reformasi, tidak ada satupun ketertarikan dan titik penting untuk memasukkan titik nol kilometer sebagai puncak demontrasi.


Di tengah diskusi, saat sesi tanya jawab, salah seorang peserta diskusi, Razik, mempertanyakan analisis Retyan disambi mengutip Henry Lefebvre. “Bagaimana sebetulnya, apakah media adalah yang satu-satunya yang membentuk titik nol sebagai ruang aksi atau sebetulnya ada faktor atau elemen lain yang membentuk?Apakah ruang titik nol menjadi penting karena itu adalah bagian dari “mode of production” dari model kapitalisme di Jogja?“ tanya peserta tersebut.


Retyan menjawab bahwa ia tidak menafikan ada faktor-faktor lain yang membentuk ruang titik nol sebagai titik pusat demonstrasi, namun fokus dia adalah media juga punya andil dalam memediatisasi aksi-aksi di titik nol sehingga membuat aktivis-aktivis paska reformasi lebih memilih aksi di titik nol ketimbang di titik-titik lain seperti aktivis-aktivis lain di era sebelumnya.

Diskusi yang juga dilakukan sembari berbuka bersama itu menjadi ruang apresiasi dan pertemuan gagasan. Ia juga menjadi wadah berbagi cerita, cara, metode, dan teknik dalam melakukan penelitian di Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII.

Tulisan ini adalah lanjutan dari Ada Apa dengan Jogja Scrummy dan Titik Nol Kilometer Jogja?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Sore itu, Vivi Mulia Ningrum dan Retyan Sekar Nurani, mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi (2015), mulai duduk di depan para peserta di Ruang Audio Visual (RAV Mini Theatre) Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII. Keduanya ditemani Risky Wahyudi, peneliti dan staf dari Pusat Studi dan Dokumentasi Media Alternatif (PSDMA) NADIM Program Studi (Prodi) Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Islam Indonesia  (UII). Kali ini, Selasa, 9 April 2019, mereka bertiga adalah pusat perhatian dari para hadirin di Diskusi Rutin Bulanan Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII dengan tema Ruang dan Kuasa di Jogja. Diskusi ini adalah diskusi seri pertama dari diskusi seri penelitian mahasiswa dalam klaster Komunikasi Geografi.


Risky Wahyudi mengatakan, prodi punya harapan Diskusi Bulanan dengan model seperti ini dapat menguatkan kultur akademik, mimbar akademik, dan menjadi ruang pembelajaran atas kerja-kerja penelitian, pengabdian, dan dakwah terdahulu. Baik itu penelitian yang dilakukan dosen, mahasiswa, maupun sivitas akademika yang dapat dijadikan pembelajaran dan ruang apresiasi.


Vivi dan Retyan, dalam penelitian skripsinya, berusaha membongkar ideologi dan praktek produksi ruang di Jogja. Hasilnya beragam, Vivi misalnya, menemukan dalam risetnya bahwa Jogja Scrummy memproduksi ruang-ruang gerai dan outlet-nya sedemikian rupa secara serampangan hanya untuk membentuk ideologi bahwa Jogja dibentuk sebagai kota pariwisata. “Bagaimana bisa iklan Dude Herlino mengatakan Jogja Scrummy adalah produk khas Jogja tetapi ia memakai pakaian adat jawa yang beskapnya bukan khas jogja, melainkan Surakarta?” kata Vivi yang . Tagline yang dikemas berbunyi “Ingat Jogja, Ingat Jogja Scrummy” mengesankan bahwa konsumen mereka juga adalah wisatawan: orang yang berwisata. Jogja bukan lagi dibentuk sebagai kota pelajar, melainkan pariwisata, meski secara ngawur, katanya.


Desain ruang interiornya pun diatur sehingga konsumen yang datang tak hanya berbelanja tapi juga berswafoto. “Jadi foto artis Dude Herlino adalah sudah mediasi, lalu konsumen berswafoto juga sudah termasuk termediatisasi, dua kali termediatisasi ini,” tambah Vivi yang mengaku telah bolak-balik outlet Jogja Scrummy hampir lebih dari 15 kali. Mulai dari mewawancarai beragam pembeli di sana, Ia juga mencatat wawancara, melihat bentuk, menemukan pola, dan sekaligus mendaras makna di balik ruang di Jogja Scrummy.

Suasana diskusi pun menghangat saat kemudian Risky Wahyudi, moderator, mempertanyakan konsepsi konsumen sebagai wisatawan yang tidak sepenuhnya tepat. Baginya dan menurut pengamatannya tahun-tahun belakangan, konsumen Jogja Scrummy terlihat bukanlah wisatawan melainkan mahasiswa atau orang jogja yang membeli produknya untuk dijadikan oleh-oleh. Pembentukan Jogja sebagai kota wisata sepertinya belum tepat. Vivi menjawabnya dengan menjelaskan titik tekannya pada makna tafsir tagline Jogja Scrummy yang melihat seakan segmen konsumennya adalah wisatawan terlihat dari pilihan-pilihan kata dalam tagline.


Diskusi #SeriPenelitian Klaster Komunikasi Geografi


Reading Time: 2 minutes

“You are better apprenticed to community media, to be a creator, a planner. Instead of an internship in a large industry but to be a photocopier or clipper who has far-reaching communication skills.”

The three people who have been waiting for sharing their experiences in the professional job are now sitting at the front desk of the UII Auditorium. The three people are expert practitioners who will amaze their professional stories in front of hundreds of students at UII’s FPSB Communication Department. To mention from left, the youngest, is a professional broadcaster from UNISI Radio, Syarif or commonly called Acil’s as his radio name. Then beside him, there was Sigit Raharja, from Diskominfo Kulon Progo, and Ir. Riyanto, MM. Secretary of Community Empowerment and Child Protection Department of Yogyakarta Government.

All three explain the same thing: if you want to get into the world of work, the key is perseverance, want to learn, and believe in yourself. Acil for example said, even though now people often say the world of radio is approaching the twilight, but he rejects it. It was precisely the words of people about his work in the world of broadcasting that made him even more challenged and convinced that the world of radio would still live. People only change the medium, for example there is sound-cloud, there are podcasts, there are radios that can be accessed via the internet. So, perseverance and enthusiasm for learning are the key to facing digital developments in the world of work. Similarly, said Sigit Raharja and Riyanto from the regional government in DIY.

On that occasion, 5/4/2019, at the FPSB UII Auditorium, Anang Hermawan, Lecturer in Communication Department at UII, also gave a brief description of the implementation of the internship as a graduation requirement at the FPSB UII Communication Department.

Today, the this activity titled “Provisioning and Internship Preparation” was joined by dozens of Communication students in the class of 2015 who would start doing an internship.

“It used to be called KKK (Communication Work Lecture), which was held before the thesis. Now it has become an apprenticeship, and is carried out after the thesis is finished,” Anang said.

“The goal is to work on a thesis more seriously. Then you can enter the practical world,” he said. Anang explained, this was one of the three marrow bones of the UII Communication Department. “Our bone marrow is scientific research, academic/ knowledge, and practical,” he explained.

The concept of an communication department’s internship such as like this intends to actualize academic & practical competence. Internships are also an arena for realizing social competence (soft skills).

According to Mutia Dewi, one of the lecturers of Empowerment Communication expertise, now this communication department student can take advantage of the cooperation that has been established between Communication Department with more than 10 partners from government agencies, the private sector, creative industries, NGOs, community media, and others.

These partners such as the Office of Governance, KOMPAS TV, the Office of Women’s Empowerment, Konner Digital Asia, Diskominfo Kulon Progo, UNISI Radio,, X-Code Films, Cinema, Cornellia CO, INFEST Yogyakarta,, UNIICOMS TV, Metro TV, NET TV, BPPTKG, Mafindo, Narasi TV, Combine Resource Institution, Public Relations of DIY Government, Culture Office of Yogyakarta Government, and others.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

“Anda lebih baik magang di media komunitas jadi kreator, perencana. Daripada magang di industri besar tapi jadi tukang fotokopi atau kliping yang jauh keahlian komunikasi.”

Tiga orang yang ditunggu-tunggu cerita pengalamannya di dunia profesional itu kini sudah duduk di meja panggung depan Auditorium FPSB UII. Meski komposisinya berjejer tiga, mirip juri audisi di layar kaca yang lagi ramai itu, mereka tak hendak memiripinya.

Tiga orang tersebut adalah praktisi ahli yang akan memukau dengan cerita profesionalnya di depan ratusan mahasiswa Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi FPSB UII. Yang paling ujung kiri, paling muda, adalah broadcaster profesional dari UNISI Radio, Syarif atau biasa dipanggil Acil nama udaranya. Lalu ada pula Sigit Raharja, dari Diskominfo Kulon Progo, dan Ir. Riyanto, MM. Sekretaris Dinas Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Perempuan Dan Perlindungan Anak Kota Yogyakarta.

Ketiganya menjelaskan satu hal yang sama: jika ingin terjun ke dunia kerja, kuncinya adalah ketekunan, mau belajar, dan yakin pada kemampuan diri sendiri. Acil misalnya mengatakan, meski kini orang sering mengatakan dunia radio sudah menjelang senjakala, tetapi ia menampiknya. Justru perkataan orang tentang pekerjaannya di dunia broascasting itu membuat dirinya semakin tertantang dan yakin bahwa dunia radio tetap masih akan hidup. Orang hanya berganti medium, misalnya kini ada soundcloud, ada podcast, ada radio yang bisa diakses lewat internet. Maka, ketekunan dan semangat mau belajar adalah kunci menghadapi perkembangan digital di dunia kerja. Begitu pula kata Sigit Raharja dan Riyanto dari pemda di DIY.

Dalam kesempatan itu, 5/4/2019, di Auditorium FPSB UII, Anang Hermawan, Dosen Ilmu Komunikasi UII, juga memberi gambaran ringkas tentang pelaksanaan magang sebagai syarat kelulusan di Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi FPSB UII.

Kali itu, pada kegiatan yang bertajuk “Pembekalan dan Persiapan Magang” diikuti puluhan mahasiswa Komunikasi tahun angkatan 2015 yang akan mulai melaksanakan magang.

“Dulu namanya KKK (Kuliah Kerja Komunikasi), dilaksanakan sebelum skripsi. Sekarang berubah jadi magang, dan dilaksanakan setelah setelah skripsi selesai,” kata Anang.

“Tujuannya supaya garap skripsi lebih serius. Lalu bisa masuk dunia praktis,” tambahnya. Anang menjelaskan, inilah salah satu dari tulang sumsum kelimuan prodi ilmu komunikasi UII. “Tulang sumsumnya keilmuan kita kan ada Riset, akademik/ pengetahuan, dan Praktis,” jelasnya.

Konsep magang seperti ini bermaksud mengaktualisasikan kompetensi akademik & praksis. Magang juga menjadi ajang mewujudkan kompetensi sosial (soft skill).

Menurut Mutia Dewi, salah satu dosen keahlian Komunikasi Pemberdayaan, kini mahasiswa prodi ini bisa memanfaatkan kerjasama-kerjasama yang telah terjalin antara prodi dengan lebih dari 10 mitra dari instansi pemerintah, kalangan swasta, industri kreatif, NGO, media komunitas, dan lain-lain.

Mitra-mitra tersebut seperti Dinas Tata Kelola Pemerintahan, KOMPAS TV, Dinas Pemberdayaan Perempuan, Konner Digital Asia, Diskominfo Kulon Progo, Unisi Radio,, X-Code Films, Mata sinema, Cornellia CO, INFEST Yogyakarta,, Uniicoms TV, Metro TV, NET TV, BPPTKG, Mafindo, Narasi TV, Combine Resource Institution, Humas Pemda DIY, Dinas Kebudayaan, dan lain-lain.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

All staff of the Communication Department were excited that morning. The Reason was They will get the new knowledge to be implemented for designing of the new Communication Department’s website for the Re-Accreditation. All website of the faculty at UII now have used content management system that are newest, faster, and easily accessible. There were two trainers from UII’s Public Relations Webmaster who would be there to accompany all the staff all day long. They are Rizka Ariyanto and Risky Falahiyah.

Rizka Ariyanto was presenting in front of the staff in the Training of Communication Department Website. That big and tall man was busy fiddling with his laptop. He were showing how to operate the dashboard of the website of the Communication Department. Communication Department is part of the Faculty of Psychology and Socio-Cultural Sciences (FPCS) of the Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII). “Don’t forget to fill out the Yoast section. This machine will help our sites to be searched easily by Google index and Google crawl,” Rizky said at the Website Training of the Communication Departments. SEO or Search Engine Optimizer allows websites to be tracked quickly by the Google search engine.

While She explained the slide on power point, some participants begin asking questions interactively.

For example, Zarkoni asks about the advantages of creating content with a wordpress CMS. Pambudi, the another participants, also asked how to optimize the website with Yoast SEO. While Risky explained, his colleague, Rizka Ariyanto, help the other participants. He accompanied other participants who did not understand how to upload with the new CMS. Previously, Communication Department still used Joomla Content Management System (CMS), not WordPress, as the basis for managing its website pages.

On Tuesday, March 5, 2019, Risky and Rizka were presenting as presenters of the FPCS UII Communication Department Website in the Primary Room of Communication Department. All of the Communication Department staff are attend this Website Training. Although the participants occasionally frowned on the terms of information technology (IT) that speakers told, but with the open minded and cool speaker, made the participants understand the lesson sooner or later.

Practice Makes Perfect

Moreover, the training also forced participants to practice directly with their laptops. Not only to train how to produce and upload the content, the UII’s web support team, from UII’s Public Relations,  also introduced new practices in website management at UII. This practices introduce the website team also to carry out routine maintenance. “UII’s web has a lot of visits, so many web visitors are vulnerable to hack. The only solution is to do maintenance and backup data just in case of hacker attacks,” said Ratna Permatasari,  Lecturer of Communication Department who is also Head of UII’s Public Relations.

The simplest basic tips and tricks shared by Rizka are actually simple. “The easiest way to anticipate the web hack is to update the plugins that provided by wordpress.  Don’t hesitate to update our passwords as regularly as possible. But yes, you don’t have to do it every day, isn’t it?” He said then laughing. Rizka closed the training with an advice to the site’s webmasters who will take care the website maintenance: backup your data routine and do web check regularly, Rizka said then.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Semua staf Prodi Komunikasi pagi itu di bergegas, dan juga bersemangat. Pasalnya, mereka akan mendapat ilmu baru untuk memperbarui perwajahan dan perawatan website Komunikasi UII menjelang Re-Akreditasi Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII tahun ini. Kabarnya, semua website unit dna prodi di UII kini telah menggunakan sistem pengelolaan konten yang baru dan lebih cepat dan mudah aksesnya dari segi tampilan. Ada dua pemateri kunci dari Webmaster Humas UII yang akan hadir menemani semua staf seharian itu. Mereka adalah Rizka Ariyanto dan Risky Falahiyah.

Rizka Ariyanto kali itu hadir di depan para peserta Pelatihan Website Komunikasi UII. Pria tinggi besar itu sibuk mengotak-atik perangkat laptopnya sambil menunjukkan cara mengoperasikan dashboard website Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi, Fakultas Psikologi dan Ilmu Sosial Budaya (FPSB) Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII). Rekan Rizka, Risky Falahiyah, juga tak lupa memberikan tips dan trik dalam pengoperasian laman admin website Komunikasi UII ini. “Ini jangan lupa diisi bagian Yoast-nya ya, karena ini mesin untuk membantu pencarian indexing dan crawling google,” katanya di sela pelatihan Website Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII. SEO atau Search Engine Optimizer memungkinkan website dan laman yang diunggah terlacak dengan cepat oleh mesin pencari Google.

Sembari menjelaskan, beberapa peserta mulai mengajukan pertanyaan secara interaktif. Misalnya Zarkoni bertanya soal apa kelebihan membuat konten dengan CMS wordpress. Pambudi, salah satu peserta, juga bertanya bagaimana mengoptimalkan website dengan Yoast SEO. Sembari Risky menjelaskan, rekannya, Rizka mendampingi peserta yang lain yang belum memahami cara mengunggah konten dengan CMS baru. Sebelumnya, Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi masih menggunakan Content Management System (CMS) Joomla, belum menggunakan WordPress sebagai basis pengelolaan laman situsnya.

Pada kesempatan Selasa 5 Maret 2019 itu, Risky dan Rizka hadir sebagai pemateri Pelatihan Website Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi FPSB UII di Ruang Rapat Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi FPSB UII. Pelatihan ini diikuti oleh seluruh staf Prodi Komunikasi. Meski peserta sesekali mengerutkan dahi dengan istilah-istilah teknologi informasi (TI), tetapi dengan teknik penyampaian dan bahasa yang bernas dan mudah, membuat peserta kemudian mengangguk paham. Apalagi pelatihan juga “memaksa” peserta praktik langsung dengan laptop masing-masing.

Tak hanya melatih produksi dan unggah konten, tim websupport dari Humas UII ini juga mengenalkan praktik baru dalam manajemen pengelolaan website di UII. Praktik ini mengajak tim website di level prodi untuk juga melakukan perawatan rutin. “Web UII kan banyak kunjungannya, nah web yang banyak pengunjung itu rentan diretas. Solusinya cuma satu ya melakukan perawatan dan menyiapkan cadangan data (backup) sebagai antisipasi serangan hacker,” kata Ratna Permatasari Dosen Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi FPSB UII yang juga Direktur Humas UII.

Tip dan trik dasar paling sederhana yang ditularkan Rizka sebenarnya sederhana. “Paling mudah antisipasi web diretas ya perbarui plugin-plugin yang disediakan wordpress dan juga perbarui kata kunci (password) kita serutin mungkin. Tapi ya tidak harus tiap hari juga ya,” katanya sembari tertawa.

Pelatihan ditutup dengan sebuah petuah wajib buat webmaster situs di manapun: rajin-rajin backup data dan cek status web ya, tambah Rizka.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Lately, students will often experience difficulties if looking for references that talk about Public Relations Management. Usually, students must refer to references about management, then according to later books on public relations. Not many reference books or textbooks in one package talk about management on the one hand, and public relations on the other.

Mutia Dewi, lecturer in strategic communication skills, has completed completing textbooks that can be used as a reference to fill out the minimum references on public relation management studies. Starting in 2019, the book is available and can be consumed by the public. The textbook given under the title ‘Public Relations Management’ (only available in Bahasa) is not only talking about public relations but also swooping in stories about the history of public relations, its relation to management, media relations, community relations, to how public relations practices with state agencies and consumers.

As in his introduction, Mutia Dewi wrote that management cannot be separated from what is called PR and communication. One of the pillars in management issues is the management of public relations based on a complete understanding of the concept of public relations (PR). PR is demanded to be the front door of the organization, both government agencies, private companies, communities, even the media that do not even escape from relations with the public. So, in this context, this book will discuss a lot of managerial communication, communication within the scope of management and public relations.

Not only that, although there was a discussion about the history of public relations, it will not merely a history book. You as a reader, especially a beginner, will be greatly helped to understand the concept of PR from the beginning. You will be invited to explore the journey of public relations from time to time, how the emergence of PR in the begining, who the founder is, for what and why PR should present in every managerial activity of the organization. Mutia Dewi, who has also been teaching and studying the PR and Strategic Communication for several years, presents you with the scope of public relations work and how the process works, if you will, eventually, become involved in the PR world, anywhere.

So it is not exaggerated if this book is called a comprehensive reference for textbooks on public relations management that are hard to find today. The comprehensiveness of this book is expected to broaden the horizons of students in the Communication Department of Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII). Finally, it seems appropriate to emphasize this book’s message as expected by the author, “Hopefully the presence of this book will add insight to PR students in seeing and finding interesting dynamics in the scope of public relations work. Hopefully.”

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Tak jarang mahasiswa akan mengalami kesulitan jika mencari referensi yang berbicara tentang Manajemen Public Relation. Biasanya, mahasiswa harus merujuk referensi-referensi tentang manajemen, lalu seturut kemudian buku-buku soal public relation. Belum banyak buku rujukan atau buku ajar yang dalam satu paket berbicara soal manajemen di satu sisi, dan publik relation di sisi yang lain.

Mutia Dewi, Dosen pengampu bidang keahlian komunikasi strategis, telah menyelesaikan menyelesaikan buku ajar yang dapat dijadikan rujukan untuk mengisi minimnya referensi itu. Mulai 2019, buku itu tersedia dan dapat dikonsumsi publik. Buku ajar yang diberi tajuk Manajemen Public Relation ini tak hanya bicara soal public relation an sich melainkan juga menukik dalam berkisah tentang sejarah PR, kaitannya dengan manajemen, media relation, community relation, hingga bagaimana praktik-praktik hubungan masyarakat dengan instansi negara dan konsumen.

Seperti dalam pengantar bukunya, Mutia Dewi menulis bahwa manajemen tidak bisa dilepaskan dengan apa yang disebut PR dan komunikasi. Salah satu penopang, jika tidak mau disebut yang utama, dalam manajemen adalah pengelolaan public relation yang berdasar pada pemahaman utuh tentang konsep public relation. PR di sini dituntut menjadi pintu depan organisasi baik itu instansi pemerintah, perusahaan swasta, komunitas, bahkan media sekalipun yang bahkan tak luput dari relasi dengan publik. Jadi, dalam konteks ini, buku ini akan banyak membahas komunikasi manajerial, komunikasi dalam lingkup manajemen dan public relation.

Tak hanya itu, meski ada pembahasan soal sejarah PR, ia bukan melulu buku sejarah. Anda sebagai pembaca, utamanya pembaca pemula, akan sangat terbantu untuk memahami konsep PR dari mulanya. Anda akan diajak menyelami perjalanan PR dari waktu ke waktu, bagaimana mulanya kemunculan PR, siapa pendirinya, untuk apa dan mengapa PR hadir dalam setiap aktivitas manajerial organisasi. Mutia Dewi, yang telah lama juga mendalami kajian PR dan Komunikasi Strategis, ini menyuguhkan pada anda pula ruang lingkup kerja-kerja PR dan bagaimana proses kinerjanya jika anda pada akhirnya nanti menggeluti dunia PR, di manapun.

Maka tak berlebihan agaknya jika buku ini disebut sebagai rujukan komprehensif untuk buku ajar soal manajemen public relation yang sulit ditemukan. Komprehensifitasnya buku ini diharapkan akan menambah luas wawasan dan cakrawala mahasiswa di Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII. Akhirnya, menutup tulisan ini, tampaknya patut ditegaskan pesan buku ini seperti apa yang diharapkan oleh penulisnya, “Semoga dengan hadirnya buku ini, akan menambah wawasan mahasiswa PR dalam melihat dan menemukan dinamika yang menarik dalam ruang lingkup pekerjaan PR. Semoga.”