Corona virus 19 pandemic has hit Indonesia for more than 6 months, claiming thousands of deaths. It caused economic recession in various countries. Socially, the Covid 19 pandemic has also caused fear in the community. Many aspects change drastically and rapidly. In this expert lecture, the Indonesian Islamic University Communication Science (28/11) invited Eko setiawan SI Kom, M. Med.Kom, a social media strategist from the Communication and Information Agency of  East Java.

Eko explained that psychologically, in a disaster situation, in this case the Covid 19 pandemic, people will continue to look for the latest information. Information about the number and area distribution of people who have been confirmed positive has become much sought after by the community.

To be able to provide accurate information, the government’s recommendation must know the demographic map of its population, age, distribution of areas, and also the widely used media. The type of content presented must also be considered carefully so as not to add to panic and be useful. From the start, the agenda setting was that news had to have a good impact, for example not to panic, prioritizing a healthy and safe life with a new lifestyle using masks, diligently washing hands, keeping your distance. “The focus of information is information that has an impact on society for the public, it is useful not just ceremonial news,” said Eko.

To make the information easy to understand, the Communication and Information Technology Agency of East Java also uses videos and infographics to support the readability of the community. “If you look at the demographic data of the community, the social media platforms that are widely used by people are FB and IG,” said Eko.

In a pandemic situation that is completely uncertain, the government must provide services that can be accessed interactively and quickly. In this case, the East Java communication and information office made a tactical move. Some of them are establishing media centers and call centers to receive complaints and reports from the public regarding Covid 19, conducting press conferences, both periodically and incidental, open volunteers and using networks to disseminate information, spread information through billboards, posters, banners, and public service advertisements.


Ada kalanya sebuah perusahaan mengalami krisis dengan pemberitaan miring. Semua kasus yang mempengaruhi citra perusahaan tentunya akan menimbulkan krisis tertentu. Dalam situasi krisis tersebut kerja Public Relation menjadi sangat penting untuk menyelamatkan nama baik perusahaan.

Dalam rangkaian acara diskusi Komunikita yang dipandu Nadia Wasta Utami, Dosen Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Islam Indonesia, kali ini (@1 November 2020) menghadirkan Dr. Ayu Cornelia, seorang pendiri Agensi PR dan Markering Communication, sekaligus salah satu Dewan Kebudayaan Yogyakarta.

Dalam upaya menyelamatkan citra perusahaan itu PR tidak hanya beraksi saat krisis saja. Tugas PR, kata Ayu Cornelia, sebelumnya Marketing Communication Hotel Hyatt, tidak hanya saat terjadi krisis saja. “Tugas PR itu bukan pemadam kebakaran,” ujar Cornelia.

Ia melanjutkan bahwa PR harus juga menjalin relasi dengan banyak pihak. Semua pekerjaan di semua lini perusahaan dia harus tahu. Ia juga harus menjalin relasi dengan wartawan bahkan pimpinan wartawan. Selain harus menjaga kegiatan atau event mungguan dan bulanan untuk menjaga berita positif perusahaan, PT juga harus menjaga media relation. “Tidak hanya saat krisis, tetapi dalam setiap event. Bahkan sekadar mengucapkan idul fitri, paskah, atau Natal,” ungkap Cornelia yang sejak lulus doktor, ia merintis agensi atas namanya Cornelia and Co.

“Selama saya 7 tahun di Hyatt ada 5 sampai 6 krisis. Alhamdulillah nama Hyatt ga selalu ditulis di surat kabar, paling cuma ditulis ‘hotel bintang lima di Jogja Utara’,” kata Cornelia.

PR itu tentang bagaiamana menjalin hubungan dengan semua pihak. Jadi seorang PR dituntut low profile tetapi high content. “PR is about maintaining relationship, buka cuma menghubungi relasi kalau kita butuh tok!” ujar Cornelia.

Saat terjadi krisis, usahakan hanya satu suara yang keluar dari perusahaan. Maksimal 2 orang yg boleh ngomong cm CEO dan humas, “harus kita komunikasan juga sama semua internal, ‘guys-guys nanti kalau ada pertanyaan dari wartawan yang boleh jawab cuma pimpinan dan saya marcom’. Jangan ada ilmu kebatinan diantara kita,” jelas Ayu.


There are times when a company goes through a crisis with skewed coverage. All cases that affect the company’s image will certainly give rise to a certain crisis. In this crisis situation, Public Relations work is very important to save the good name of the company.

In a series of Communikita discussion events hosted by Nadia Wasta Utami, Lecturer in Communication Sciences at the Islamic University of Indonesia, this time (@ November 1, 2020) presented Dr. Ayu Cornelia, a founder of the PR and Marketing Communication Agency, one of the Yogyakarta Cultural Council.

In an effort to save the company’s image, PR does not only act in times of crisis. The task of PR, said Ayu Cornelia, was previously Marketing Communication at the Hyatt Hotel, not only during a crisis. “Homework is not a firefighter,” said Cornelia.

She statedd that PR must also establish relationships with many parties. All jobs in all lines of the company he should know. He also has to establish relationships with journalists and even the head of journalists. Apart from having to maintain weekly and monthly activities or events to maintain positive company news, PT must also maintain media relations. “Not only in times of crisis, but in every event. Even just saying Eid, Easter, or Christmas,” said Cornelia, who since graduating from her doctorate, has started an agency under her name Cornelia and Co.

“During my 7 years at Hyatt there were 5 to 6 crises. Alhamdulillah, the name Hyatt was not always written in the newspapers, at most it was written as ‘five star hotel in North Jogja’,” said Cornelia.

PR is about how to build a relationship with all parties. So a PR is required to have a low profile but high content. “PR is about maintaining relationships, not just contacting relationships if we need to knock!” said Cornelia.

When a crisis occurs, keep only one voice out of the company. A maximum of two people can talk to the CEO and PR, “we have to communicate with all internally, ‘guys, if there are questions from journalists, only the leader and I can answer them.’ Don’t have mysticism between us,” Ayu explained.


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Oleh Masduki, Dr.rer.soc.

Pengesahan UU Cipta Kerja No. 11/2020 hingga kini masih meninggalkan kontroversi di berbagai sektor publik termasuk sektor penyiaran. Dimasukkannya sejumlah pasal yang mengatur tata kelola lembaga penyiaran ke dalam UU ini memicu protes karena mereduksi prinsip universal penyiaran sebagai entitas yang tidak hanya bersifat benda/kerja komersial dan karenanya menjadi pengguna tenaga kerja seperti spirit UU Cipta Kerja. Penyiaran adalah  entitas media massa, terkait pengelolaan konten yang sehat dan infrastruktur yang otonom, independen serta sebaran lembaganya harus merata, tidak Jakarta sentris. Tulisan pendek ini mengulas dua persoalan pokok yang memicu kontroversi tersebut.

Pemerintah Regulator Tunggal

Warisan penting demokratisasi penyiaran pasca 1998 di Indonesia adalah penguatan hak publik atas tata kelola media yang tercermin pada tiga aspek: Pertama, kehadiran lembaga regulator independen beranama Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia. Kedua, sistem penyiaran yang berformat lokal dan jaringan, bukan siaran berskala nasional. Ketiga, keberadaan lembaga penyiaran publik dan komunitas yang kuat dan profesional.

Terdapat perubahan signifikan penjaminan ketiga aspek diatas antara UU Penyiaran No. 32/2002 dengan UU Cipta Kerja. Dalam UU No. 32, terdapat dua regulator penyiaran yang posisinya relatif seimbang: Pemerintah dan KPI. Ini suatu kondisi yang relatif baik, meskipun belum paripurna karena seharusnya pemerintah tidak lagi menjadi regulator.

Dalam UU Cipta Kerja, pemerintah kembali menjadi regulator tunggal dan posisi Komisi Penyiaran adalah ‘regulator penggembira’ saja, karena tidak ada lagi hak review atas perizinan siaran. Setiap pelaku penyiaran yang mengajukan izin berdiri atau perpanjangan, cukup memberikan pernyataan sanggup mengikuti ketentuan P3SPS. Terminologi izin ini juga berubah, dari izin penyelenggaraan, menjadi hanya izin usaha. Artinya ada reduksi makna yang memposisikan penyiaran sebagai entitas bisnis semata, melihat publik sebagai konsumen, bukan entitas sosial yang berperan strategis untuk pemberdayaan publik.

Ancaman Baru Sentralisasi

Peta umum kepemilikan lembaga penyiaran analog (radio televisi) sejak 2002 hingga sekarang adalah Jakarta sentris atau Jawa sentris. Kepemilikan dan isi siaran televisi berpusat di Jakarta, sedangkan radio swasta adalah fenomena Jawa Barat dan Timur. Sebaran pemilik televisi yang hanya 12 kelompok disebut oligarki karena mereka menguasai, dan kemudian memakai media untuk tujuan politik praktis. Sentralisasi dan monopoli kepemilikan menjadi penyebab penyiaran tidak menjadi ruang publik yang egaliter, tetapi justru memicu destruksi harmoni sosial. Upaya mengatasi problem ini lewat UU Penyiaran No. 32/2002 tidak berhasil karena ada perlawanan yang kuat dari pemilik modal kuat.

UU Cipta Kerja berpeluang besar memperkuat peta sentralisasi dan monopoli bisnis penyiaran karena dua hal. Pertama, UU ini mengatur izin operasi penyiaran dapat berskala nasional, tidak lagi berskala lokal dan jaringan seperti amanat UU sebelumnya. Pemilik modal tentu lebih memilih mengembangkan model siaran nasional seperti saat ini karena menghemat modal dan kerja manajemen. Tanpa mekanisme perlindungan yang kuat, inisiatif pendirian televisi lokal sebagai upaya redistribusi hak publik akan makin terhambat.

UU Cipta Kerja khususnya pasal 60A juga memberi ‘cek kosong’ pengaturan teknis tata kelola siaran ddigital dan migrasi teknologi analog ke digital kepada Kementerian Kominfo bukan KPI. Artinya pemerintah menjadi penentu tunggal penyiaran digital dan berdasarkan pengalaman 10 tahun terakhir, pemerintah berpihak kepada pemodal bukan publik.

Memperhatikan kedua problem krusial diatas, maka para aktifis dan pemerhati media penyiaran perlu merapatkan barisan dan mendukung upaya judicial review yang kini diajukan komunitas masyarakat sipil ke Mahkamah Konstitusi. Harapan akan terjadinya koreksi UU ini juga masih ada pada rencana revisi UU Penyiaran No. 32/2002 tahun depan. Namun, melihat potret legislator yang dikuasai partai politik besar dengan kepentingan pragmatis yang kuat, harapan itu tampaknya sangat kecil untuk dapat terwujud.


Masduki, Dr.rer.soc.

Dosen Tetap Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi UII

Ketua Pemantau Regulasi dan Regulator Media (PR2Media)

Tulisan ini telah dimuat sebelumnya di harian Kedaulatan Rakyat edisi 16 November 2020. Kami muat kembali di laman ini untuk kepentingan edukasi, dokumentasi dan pembelajaran dalam dunia akademik. Pemuatan ini juga bagian dari komitmen situs Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII dalam upaya pengelolaan pengetahuan (Knowledge Management).

Pandemi membuat interaksi antara mahasiswa dan dosen terbatas. Termasuk layanan-layanan akademik juga menjadi tak semudah biasanya. Sivitas akademik kampus sulit mengakses sarana dan kegiatan untuk memerkaya keilmuan seperti diskusi, Workshop, Pelatihan, hingga Kuliah-kuliah pakar dengan pembicara ahli. Maka, kualitas lini digital kampus harus mencapai performa terbaiknya. Baik website maupun media sosial dan platform lainnya.

Melalui UII Website Appreciation, Humas UII memacu pengelola situs di seluruh UII untuk meningkatkan performanya agar kualitas layanan meningkat. Banyak jurusan, fakultas dan unit yang diganjar juara website. Salah satunya adalah situs Komunikasi UII yang didapuk menjadi Juara I Kategori Website pembaruan konten terbanyak. Maka penghargaan gold winner diberikan sebagai apresiasi atas kerja keras seluruh warga akademik Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII.

Penganugerahaan ini dilakukan pada acara Virtual Awarding UII Website Appreciation 2020 yang disiarkan melalui kanal YouTube Universitas Islam Indonesia pada Jum’at (13/11). Sebelumnya, penjurian pada 45 peserta dari perwakilan website dilakukan dari 20 Agustus hingga 20 Oktober 2020.

Pendekatan Knowledge Management (KM) dalam Produksi Konten Situs, Media Sosial, dan Youtube

Komunikasi UII, sejak 2018, telah menerapkan pendekatan Knowledge Management (KM) dalam menerbitkan konten-konten situs, media sosial PSDMA Nadim dan IP.Communication, serta TV Online Uniicoms TV. Pendekatan ini memungkinkan konten dikreasi dari beragam potensi dan pengetahuan yang dimiliki jurusan. Pengelolaan pengetahuan membuat proses kemasulang dan temukenali data dan informasi menjadi pengetahuan. Maka bukan tidak mungkin, pendekatan KM dapat menunjukkan ciri khas dari Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII yang memiliki visi Communication for Empowerment.

Rektor UII, Fathul Wahid, juga memberi apresiasi yang tinggi pada para pengelola situs di UII. “Ketika mobilitas fisik terbatas karena pandemi, kualitas dan pemutakhiran konten website menjadi ujung tombak. Maka apresiasi yang tinggi kami sematkan pada para pengelola website,” kata Rektor UII membuka ajang penganugrahan ini.

Senada dengan itu, Ratna Permata Sari, Kepala Bidang Humas UII, mengatakan bahwa, “Untuk pertama kalinya, apresiasi ini diberikan kepada website yang dikelola oleh unit Fakultas, Jurusan/Program Studi, Unit layanan, dan Pusat Studi di lingkungan UII.” Apresiasi ini diberikan pada seluruh pengelola situs atas upaya kreatif di tengah pandemi dalam mempertahankan citra positif Universitas Islam Indonesia.

“Semoga bisa memberikan inspirasi, semangat dan juga membuka perhatian bersama mengenai pentingnya kemutakhiran website sebagai garda depan perguruan tinggi”, imbuh Fathul Wahid dalam siaran digitalnya.

Pandemic limiting interaction between students and lecturers. Including academic services is also not as easy as usual. Campus academicians find it difficult to access facilities and activities to enrich their knowledge such as discussions, workshops, training, and expert lectures with expert speakers. So, the quality of the campus digital line must reach its best performance. Both websites and social media and other platforms.

Through UII Website Appreciation, UII Public Relations encourages site managers throughout UII to improve their performance so that service quality increases. Many departments, faculties, and units are rewarded with many website winners categories. One of them is the UII Communication site, which won first place in the Website Category for the most content updates. So the gold winner award was given as an appreciation for the hard work of all academic members of the UII Communication Science Study Program.

This award was made at the Virtual Awarding UII Website Appreciation 2020 event which was broadcast through the YouTube channel of the Islamic University of Indonesia on Friday (13/11). Previously, the judging of 45 participants from website representatives was carried out from 20 August to 20 October 2020.

The Knowledge Management (KM) approach in the Production of Site Content, Social Media, and Youtube Communication UII, since 2018, has implemented the Knowledge Management (KM) approach in publishing website content, social media PSDMA Nadim and IP.Communication, and Uniicoms TV Online TV. This approach allows content to be created from a variety of potentials and knowledge that the department has. Knowledge management makes the process of coming back and identifying data and information into knowledge. So it is not impossible, the KM approach can show the characteristics of the Communication Science Study Program UII which has a vision of Communication for Empowerment.

The Chancellor of UII, Fathul Wahid, also gave high appreciation to the site managers at UII. “When physical mobility is limited due to the pandemic, the quality and updating of website content becomes the spearhead. So our high appreciation goes to the website managers,” said the UII Chancellor opening this award ceremony.

In line with that, Ratna Permata Sari, Head of Public Relations at UII, said that, “For the first time, this appreciation is given to the website which is managed by the Faculty units, Departments / Study Programs, Service Units, and Study Centers within UII.” This appreciation is given to all site managers for their creative efforts in the midst of the pandemic in maintaining a positive image of the Islamic University of Indonesia.

“Hopefully it can provide inspiration, enthusiasm and also open mutual attention about the importance of updating the website as the vanguard of higher education,” added Fathul Wahid in his digital broadcast.


Diskusi Forum Amir Efendi Siregar yang diselenggarakan Pusat Studi dan Dokumentasi (PSDMA) NADIM Ilmu Komunikasi UII kali ini, Sabtu 14 November 2020, membahas sejarah pers mahasiswa Indonesia. Jika mau melihat persma dari sudut media, mungkin persma hanyalah satu bagian kecil yang turut mewartakan peristiwa-peristiwa saja. Apalagi di jaman sekarang yag kita dapat dengan mudah mencari dan menerima berita apapun lewat gawai.

Tapi 2 atau 3 dekade lalu, pers mahasiswa memiliki peran yang startegis di ranah baik sosial maupun politik. Wisnu Prasetya Utomo, dosen Departemen Fisipol UGM,merunut sejarah pers mahasiswa dalam diskusi Forum AES kali ini. Wisnu menjabarkan bagaimana persma mahasiswa membawa semangat yang tak terbebani oleh berbagai kepentingan politik. Hal ini penting sebagai jawaban akan tekanan politik pada masa kekuasaan orde baru kala itu.

Diawali dengan pemaparan artikel Daniel Dhakidae, seorang Kepala Litbang kompas 1977, yang saat itu resah dengan kondisi pers umum yang penuh dengan tekanan politik bahkan banyak media umum yang dibredel. Meskipun belum secara eksplisit menyebut persma dalam artikel yang dimuat di Jurnal Prisma tahun 1977 itu, Dhakidae menyatakan adanya kebutuhan pers alternatif dalam upaya menyuarakan kepentingan publik.

Kegelisahan Dhakidae yang ditulis di Jurnal Prisma berjudul Cagar Alam Kebebasan Pers akhirnya terjawab dengan berkembangnya Persma. Persma ini seperti hidup seperti tanpa beban. Persma tidak takut dibredel, tidak takut tekanan politik, ataupun tekanan ekonomi politik lainnya dalam menyuarakan kondisi politik orde baru.

Responds to the Discussion  Amir Efendi Siregar Forum held by the NADIM Center for Communication Studies dan Alternative Media Documentation (PSDMA) UII Communication Science this time, Saturday, November 14, 2020, discussed the history of the Indonesian student press. If you want to look at the student press from the point of view of the media, maybe the student press is just a small part that contributes to reporting events. Especially in this day and age where we can easily find and receive any news through our devices.

But 2 or 3 decades ago, the student press had a strategic role in both social and political spheres. Wisnu Prasetya Utomo, lecturer at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UGM, traced the history of the student press in the AES Forum discussion this time. Wisnu explained how the student press brings enthusiasm that is not burdened by various political interests. This was important in response to political pressure during the reign of the New Order at that time.

It begins with the presentation of the article by Daniel Dhakidae, a Head of Research and Development for Kompas in 1977, who at that time was unsettled by the condition of the general press which was full of political pressure and even many public media were banned. Although he had not explicitly mentioned the press in the article published in the Prisma Journal in 1977, Dhakidae stated the need for an alternative press in an effort to voice the public interest.

Finally, Dhakidae’s anxiety which was written in the Prisma Journal entitled Press Freedom Nature Reserve was finally answered by the development of student press. student press was like life without a burden. Student press was not afraid of being banned, was not afraid of political pressure, or other political economy pressures in voicing the political conditions of the New Order.


Death is a sure thing even though it is mysterious. In the situation of the Covid 19 outbreak, death due to covid is a disgrace. Even in some areas there are those who do not want to accept corpses to be buried in these graves.

There were also residents who seized their brother’s body because they were not willing to be buried in a procession according to the covid-19 funeral protocol. There is even a phenomenon of death which is also tragic. A woman in Chicago, United States who was murdered by her lover because of shortness of breath. After that he shot himself dead for fear of the stigma of corona in society.

Prof. Dr. Deddy Mulyana, MA said, in the phenomenon of death due to Covid 19, there is a social construction that says dying because of Covid 19 is a disgrace. “Social reality is also influenced by social construction,” explained Deddy in #NgajiKomikasi with the theme Phenomenology Wisdom of the Covid-19 Pandemic on (11/11).

Besides Deddy Mulyana, Ridwan Hamid, Lc, MPI, MA were also present as speakers and moderated by Dr. Subhan Afifi, M.Si., Communication Lecturer at UII strategic communication research cluster.

The #NgajiKomunikasi which was first organized by the Communication Science Study Program of the Islamic University of Indonesia, was also broadcast live via the YouTube channel Uniicoms TV.

Deddy Mulyana said that death, which means being left behind by someone forever, is indeed painful. “Moreover, bearing disgrace as a consequence of social stigma is also more painful,” he added.

Then what is phenomenology?

“Phenomenology is a meaning, in this case it is the meaning of death. Now, to get out of social construction, suggested Edmund Husserl,” said Deddy in the Zoom Conference, “one needs to investigate again about the nature of reality by getting rid of the conception of meaning something.”

According to him, this suggestion is indeed grandiose. “Because Husserl does not provide practical guidelines for doing so,” argued Mulyana.

The meaning of phenomenology kneels Alfed Schutz that someone will interpret events after they have passed. Phenomenology can also be defined as the meaning of reality.

What is meant by what he said earlier by reality. Reality consists of various dimensions: everyday reality, scientific reality, post-truth, daydreaming, imagination, dreams, madness, the realm of the grave, and the realm of the spirit. “Everyday reality is the most dominant, but there are other realms that affect a person’s real life.”

In the phenomenology of death, “death is like dramaturgy, like theater. The aim is to please the audience. There is a front stage and a backstage,” Mulyana explained.

If you want to investigate further, scientifically all biological deaths are no longer breathing, loss of heartbeat. it’s a scientific phenomenon, he said. The Hindu version defines death as a transition to reincarnation. whereas in Islam and Christianity, it means the door to immortality. “But socially, every death can be different in each region. Some are wrapped in sadness, some are wrapped in joy and celebrations, some are prayed for,” he later explained.

Therefore Ali ibn Abu Talib told Kumail that if the dead person in the grave could speak, he would say that the best provision is piety. “And the grave is a place to accommodate charity. And we only realize after death,” he concluded.

So, according to Ridwan Hamid, the next speaker, it is the preparation before facing death that is important. It is important for humans to be aware of and implement and understand the foundation of life curriculum. The foundation that needs to be understood is the Koran, the Apostolate, death and resurrection, reckoning, also understanding the concepts of heaven and hell.

Then, Ridwan continued, understanding the surrounding nature, the story of the past people, and also understanding humans and monitoring the unseen. It is also necessary to understand sunnatut Tadaafu ‘which means that in life there is a conflict between what is true and what is false.