Reading Time: 2 minutes

Many previous scholars emphasized and practiced learning etiquette before studying science. This is useful so that the blessings of knowledge are not lost because they do not understand the adab. In turn, people can achieve success with this noble adab because they get blessings from knowledge.

That’s what the high priest, Imam Malik, said, quoted Subhan Afifi. Subhan said that there have been many examples of memorizing the Quran who have good morals, getting achievements as a bonus. “Don’t let that person be smart, he has a high GPA, but his presence is not expected by his friends. Spicy speech and thumbs up (social media) can make holes in the heart,” said Subhan Afifi, UII Communication Lecturer, one of the authors of the book Student Adab: A Guide to the Noble Adab for Knowledge Seekers on Saturday, June 19, 2021. Subhan spoke at the Book Launching online with the theme Building Civilized Student Character in the Era of Disruption.

This book is a collaboration of the four of us, “I am Subhan Afifi from Department of Communications, Mrs. Banatul Murtafiah from English Education Department, Mrs. Nanum Sofia from the Department of Psychology, and Rizki Dian Nursita from the Department of International Relation,” explained Subhan. This book was originally started from a letter of assignment, “but because our concern is the world of education, this book was born.”

Islamic education, which is discussed in this book, seeks to create adaby people.Insan Adaby are human beings whose education makes the owner of his knowledge a civilized human being. “Civilized means not only to himself, but also to his environment,” said Subhan.

Prof. Dr. H. Imam Suprayogo, one of the speakers said that what students do is think about what Allah created. Nothing created by God is in vain. “The question is how to make what was created was not in vain? We have a variety of God’s creations, so technology was created so that it would not be in vain,” said Imam.

Imam said that if technology is not controlled, it can even damage. “Then it is continued with obedience to keep away from hell by controlling technology so it doesn’t damage,” said Imam. According to Imam, the Student Ethics book is very good. “Unfortunately, today’s children are not very diligent in reading 200 pages,” he said. Imam suggested there should be a short edition of about 15-20 pages of this book. “Let’s be curious and then read the whole thing.”

According to him, the content of this book is complete. Starting from adab to Allah, to knowledge, to adab to teachers, to institutions, to fellow friends, to the quran, to the apostle. “Until we study online, this goes in. Adab using social media and the internet exists,” he said.


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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Para ulama terdahulu banyak yang menekankan dan mempraktikan belajar adab dahulu sebelum belajar ilmu. Ini berguna agar keberkahan ilmu tidak hilang karena tak mengerti adabnya. Pada gilirannya, orang bisa mencapai sukses juga dengan adab mulia tersebut karena mendapatkan barokah dari ilmu.

Begitulah kata Imam besar, Imam Malik, kata Subhan Afifi mengutip. Subhan mengatakan sudah banyak contoh penghafal quran yang memiliki akhlak yang baik, mendapatkan prestasi sebagai bonusnya. “Jangan sampai, orang itu pintar, IPK-nya tinggi, tapi oleh teman sendiri kehadirannya tidak diharapkan. Pedasnya omongan dan jempol (media sosial) bisa bikin lubang-lubang di hati,” kata Subhan Afifi, Dosen Komunikasi UII, salah satu penulis buku Adab Mahasiswa: Panduan Adab Mulia Pencari Ilmu pada Sabtu, 19 Juni 2021. Subhan berbicara dalam Peluncuran Buku tersebut secara daring dengan tema Membangun Karakter Mahasiswa yang Beradab di Era Disrupsi.

Buku ini adalah kerja bareng berempat, “Saya Subhan Afifi dari Komunikasi, Ibu Banatul Murtafiah dari PBI, Ibu Nanum Sofia dari Jurusan Psikologi, dan Rizki Dian Nursita dari Jurusan HI,” jelas Subhan. Buku ini awalnya adalah dimulai dari surat tugas, “tetapi karena concern kami adalah dunia pendidikan, maka bisa lahirlah buku ini.”

Pendidikan islam, yang dibahas dalam buku ini, berupaya menciptakan insan adaby. Insan adaby adalah manusia yang dengan pendidikannya membuat pemilik ilmunya menjadi manusia beradab. “Beradab artinya tidak hanya pada dirinya, tapi juga lingkungannya,” kata Subhan.

Prof. Dr. H. Imam Suprayogo, salah satu pembicara mengatakan, bahwa apa yang dilakukan mahasiswa adalah memikirkan apa yang diciptakan Allah. Semua yang diciptakan Allah itu tidak ada yang sia-sia. “Pertanyaannya bagaimana supaya yang diciptakan itu tidak sia-sia? Kita punya beragam ciptaan tuhan itu, maka diciptakanlah teknologi agar tidak sia-sia,” papar Imam.

Imam mengatakan, Teknologi juga kalau tidak terkendali malah merusak. “Maka lalu diteruskan dengan sebuah ketaatan agar menjauhkan diri dari neraka dengan cara mengendalikan teknologi agar tidak merusak,” kata Imam. Menurut Imam, buku Adab Mahasiswa ini bagus sekali, “sayangnya anak sekarang kan tidak terlalu telaten baca 200-an halaman,” ucapnya. Imam menyarankan sebaiknya ada edisi singkat sekira 15-20 halaman dari buku ini. ”Biar nanti penasaran lalu membaca keseluruhan.”

Menurutnya, secara isi buku ini komplit sekali. Mulai dari adab pada Allah, pada ilmu, adab pada guru, pada institusi, pada sesama teman, pada quran, pada rasul. “Sampai kita kuliah dengan daring ini masuk. Adab menggunakan media sosial dan internet ini ada,” katanya.


Ikuti kelanjutan berita ini di tautan berikut.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Nothing is left behind when someone has died except charity, pious children, and useful knowledge. The wealth of knowledge is one of the charity and knowledge of the late Amir Effendi Siregar (AES). The knowledge heritage is in the form of books, thoughts, and students who pursue deep thinking.

That was the response from Aditya Siregar, the eldest son of Amir Effendi Siregar at the Launching of AES Corner and the thought book of AES friends and students, on Saturday (19/6/2021). Aditya said he is grateful to his father’s colleagues, friends, students, and everyone who knows his father. He Thanks those who have given testimony and immortalized and cared for AES books and AES collections in the AES corner catalog. He hopes those can be useful knowledge and good deeds for his father in the afterlife.

AES corner is a reading corner for all the works of AES, who is also the UII Department of Communications founder, from books of thought to his lifelong collections. AES corner contains 638 collections and 577 books ever written, compiled, and collected by AES. The language is also diverse. Starting from Indonesian to English.

Several collections in English appeared as his collection when he continued his studies at the School of Journalism and Mass Communication at The University of Iowa, United States. There are many collections there. From the 1980s to the 1990s. The themes also range from journalism, democracy, communication, ideology, and political economy.

“In the end, we hope that AES corner can become a reference for academics and students. AES Corner also could be the reference for media and communication studies enthusiasts who want to enjoy AES thinking. AES Corner is located at the Nadim, The Center and Documentation of Alternative Media Studies (PSDMA) at UII. Nadim is also located on the slopes of Mount Merapi,” said Masduki, one of the lecturers of the Department of Communications UII. Masduki also a colleague of AES at the PR2Media think tank (Media Regulatory and Regulatory Monitor Institution).

Remarks and Messages from Colleagues

Several colleagues, friends, and students were present on this occasion. We can mention, for example, Paulus Widiyanto. Paulus is a figure who became the chairman of the special committee on the Broadcasting act at the Indonesia House of Representatives. This act became a milestone in media democratization. There was also Prof Alwi Dahlan who also gave a speech at the beginning of the event. He said the waves (frequency, red) belonged to the citizen as AES was fighting for.

Even said Prof. Alwi that Prof. Priyatna Abdurrasyid, who is an expert in outer space law, also said about the waves (frequencies). Priyatna said that the waves are the right of the people. Professor Alwi wants to say that because this is the people’s right, the waves cannot be traded to the private sector.

“Hopefully the younger generation, who studies communication, will also be willing to study the technology. Otherwise, those of us in the social sciences will just nag all the time. Then we will always be preceded by the owners of capital who are the core concerns of AES,” said Alwi in front of the audience.

Apart from these two, there are also other AES friends, students, and colleagues present. Such as Nina Mutmainnah from Universitas Indonesia/ UI, Puji Rianto from Universitas Islam Indonesia/ UII. Ade Armando from UI and Darmanto from BPSDMP of the Ministry of Communication and Information also joined the zoom. Asmono Wikan, Eduard Lukman, Rahayu, and several which were his students at UGM, UII, UI, and journalists and media activists in Indonesia also joined. All of them hope to immediately emulate the work and ideas of democratizing AES media at the AES Corner managed by PSDMA Nadim Communications UII.


Reading Time: 2 minutes

Tak ada yang tertinggal ketika seseorang tiada kecuali amal jariyah, anak saleh, dan ilmu yang bermanfaat. Kekayaan pengetahuan adalah salah satu amal jariyah dan ilmu dari mendiang Amir Effendi Siregar (AES). Kekayaan pengetahuan berupa buku, pemikiran, dan murid-murid yang menekuni pemikiran mendalamnya.

Begitulah sambutan dari Aditya Siregar, anak sulung Amir Effendi Siregar pada acara Launching AES Corner dan buku pemikiran sahabat dan murid AES, pada Sabtu (19/6/2021). Aditya mengatakan, ia berterima kasih pada kolega, teman, murid dan setiap orang yang mengenal ayahnya. Ia mengucap terima kasihnya pada mereka yang telah memberi testimoni dan mengabadikan serta merawat buku karya AES dan koleksi AES dalam katalog AES corner. Ia berharap ini bisa menjadi ilmu bermanfaat bagi ayahnya di akhirat.

AES corner adalah sebuah pojok baca seluruh karya AES, yang juga pendiri komunikasi UII, mulai dari buku karya pemikiran hingga koleksi-koleksinya selama hidup. AES corner berisi 638 koleksi dan 577 buku yang pernah ditulis, disusun, dan dikoleksi oleh AES. Bahasanya pun beragam. Mulai dari Bahasa Indonesia hingga Inggris.

Beberapa koleksi berbahasa inggris nampak sebagai buku koleksinya ketika melanjutkan studi di School of Journalism and Mass Communication pada The University of Iowa, Amerika Serikat. Terlihat banyak koleksi tercatat angka tarikh 1980an hingga 1990. Temanya juga merentang dari jurnalisme, demokrasi, komunikasi, ideologi, dan ekonomi politik.

“Pada akhirnya kami berharap AES corner dapat menjadi rujukan para akademisi,mahasiswa, dan peminat studi media dan komunikasi yang ingin menikmati pemikiran AES di Pusat Studi dan Dokumentasi (PSDMA) Nadim Komunikasi UII yang terletak di lereng Gunung Merapi,” kata Masduki salah satu dosen Komunikasi UII yang merupakan murid sekaligus kolega AES di lembaga think tank PR2Media (Pemantau Regulasi dan Regulator Media).

Sambutan dan Pesan Kolega

Beberapa kolega, sahabat, murid yang hadir pada kesempatan itu misalnya Paulus Widiyanto, tokoh yang menjadi ketua pansus UU Penyiaran yang menjadi tonggak demokratisasi media. Ada pula Prof Alwi Dahlan yang juga memberi sambutan di awal acara. Ia mengatakan gelombang (frekuensi, red) adalah milik rakyat seperti yang diperjuangkan AES.

Bahkan kata Prof Alwi, Prof. Priyatna Abdurrasyid yang ahli hukum Angkasa Luar juga mengatakan bahwa gelombang yang itu menggunakan satelit adalah hak rakyat. Prof Alwi ingin mengatakan bahwa karena ini adalah hak rakyat, maka soal gelombang tidak bisa diperjualbelikan pada swasta.

“Mudah-mudahan generasi yang muda, teman-teman yang mempelajari komunikasi mau juga mendahului mempelajari teknologi, kalau tidak nanti ilmu sosial, kita ini hanya mengomel dan selalu didahului oleh pemilik modal yang menjadi inti kekhawatiran AES,” pesan Alwi pada para hadirin.

Selain keduanya, ada juga sahabat, murid dan rekan AES yang lain seperti Nina Mutmainnah, Puji Rianto, Ade Armando, Darmanto, Asmono Wikan, Eduard Lukman, Rahayu, beberapa murid beliau di UGM, UII, UI dan jurnalis dan pegiat media di Indonesia. Kesemuanya berharap dapat segera meneladani karya dan pemikiran demokratisasi media AES di AES Corner yang dikelola PSDMA Nadim Komunikasi UII.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The essence of writing activity news is the delivery of messages. Website content writers should meet the rules of news writing. If it meets these rules, the reader will easily understand the events or messages conveyed by the author.

“This 5w+1H writing rule must later be fulfilled in news writing,” said Pambudi, a speaker at the Website Content Production Training held in collaboration between the BnB Community and the Department of Communication UII Thursday (17/6) online. This training is a form of community empowerment for the UII Communication academic community.

Sumekar Tanjung, Head of the UII Department of Communication Laboratory, said in his remarks, the website is one of the essential elements in the community. The website exists to broadcast all community activities and profiles. The public becomes aware and knows the profile of the community.

Therefore, training is carried out to develop the capacity of managers Community website “Grateful & Sharing Group” or commonly called BnB. The BnB community is a place for families with children with disabilities. It becomes a forum for sharing, therapy, and self-development for families and communities with disabilities. BnB’s address is at the BnB Education Center in Kulon Progo.

This training is a continuation of the previous program, namely the production and building of a community website. The BnB education house website has now been established on the In the future, the website will be managed by BNB management to broadcast activities and education for families with children with disabilities.

The presentation of the material this time uses an adult education approach. This approach believes that participants are not empty glasses. The facilitator believes that each participant has the experience and capital to share and learn, writing website content. 

Therefore, the facilitator invites the participants to analyze the elements of the news. The Analysis is through case studies of news that seasoned journalists have written. After that, participants apply that element in writing simple hard news.

Through this approach, this training resulted in five articles written by the participants. “We hope that in the future the training will not only stop at writing, but also practice maintaining the website for the sake of the institution’s existence,” said Puji Wahyuni, one of the participants and administrator of the BNB Education Center, Kulon Progo.


Reading Time: 2 minutes

Inti menulis berita kegiatan adalah tersampaikannya pesan. Penulis konten website sebaiknya memenuhi kaidah-kaidah penulisan berita. Jika memenuhi kaidah tersebut, pembaca akan mudah memahami peristiwa atau pesan yang disampaikan penulis.

“Kaidah penulisan 5w+1H inilah yang nanti harus dipenuhi dalam penulisan berita,” kata Pambudi, pemateri dalam Pelatihan Produksi Konten Website yang diadakan kerjasama antara Komunitas BnB dan Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII, Kamis (17/6) secara daring. Pelatihan ini adalah salah satu bentuk pemberdayaan masyarakat sivitas akademik Komunikasi UII.

Sumekar Tanjung, Kepala Laboratorium Ilmu Komunikasi UII, mengatakan dalam sambutannya, website adalah salah satu elemen penting dalam komunitas. Website hadir agar tersiar segala kegiatan dan profil komunitas. Publik menjadi tahu dan kenal profil komunitas tersebut.

Maka dari itu, pelatihan dilakukan untuk mengembangkan kapasitas pengelola website Komunitas “Kelompok Bersyukur & Berbagi” atau biasa dipanggil BnB. Komunitas BnB adalah wadah bagi keluarga dengan anak difabel. Ia menjadi forum berbagi, terapi, dan mengembangkan diri bagi keluarga dan lingkungan komunitas difabel. BnB beralamat di Rumah Edukasi BnB di Kulon Progo.

Pelatihan ini merupakan lanjutan dari program sebelumnya yaitu produksi dan membangun website komunitas. Website rumah edukasi BnB kini telah berdiri di laman Ke depan, website akan dikelola oleh pengurus BNB untuk menyiarkan kegiatan dan edukasi keluarga dengan anak difabel.

Pemaparan materi kali ini menggunakan pendekatan pendidikan orang dewasa. Pendekatan ini meyakini bahwa peserta bukanlah gelas kosong. Fasilitator percaya bahwa tiap peserta memiliki pengalaman dan modal untuk berbagi dan belajar, dalam hal ini menulis konten website. Oleh karenanya, fasilitator mengajak peserta menganalisa elemen berita lewat studi kasus berita yang telah ditulis oleh wartawan kawakan. Setelah itu, peserta menerapkan elemen itu dalam penulisan.

Melalui pendekatan tersebut, Pelatihan ini menghasilkan 5 tulisan hasil karya para peserta. “Kami berharap ke depannya pelatihan tidak hanya berhenti pada menulis, tapi juga berlatih merawat website untuk kepentingan eksistensi lembaga,” kata Puji Wahyuni, salah satu peserta dan pengurus Rumah Edukasi BNB, Kulon Progo.

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Memperingati 17 Tahun Prodi Komunikasi Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) dan 11 tahun PR2Media (Pemantau Regulasi dan Regulator Media) dan untuk mengapresiasi jejak pemikiran sang pendiri, tokoh pers dan pendekar demokratisasi media di Indonesia Amir Effendi Siregar (AES), dua kegiatan sekaligus akan digelar besok Sabtu, 19 Juni 2021 jam 0900 pagi.

Pertama, peresmian perpustakaan publik yang didedikasikan untuk mengenang dan mewariskan gagasan tokoh pers Indonesia Amir Effendi Siregar (AES) terkait reformasi media di Indonesia, dikelola oleh Pusat Studi dan Dokumentasi Media Alternatif (PSDMA) Nadim Komunikasi UII. Namanya: AES CORNER. Lokasinya di lantai III Gedung Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Islam Indonesia, Jl. Kaliurang Km 14,5 Sleman Yogyakarta.
cek laman digitalnya di

Kedua, peluncuran terbatas buku berjudul: ‘Melawan Otoritarianisme Kapital: Amir Effendi Siregar dalam Pemikiran dan Gerakan Demokratisasi Media’ (2021), yang memuat tulisan para kolega, sahabat dan murid terkait kiprah dan gagasan Amir Effendi Siregar.  Editor: Puji Rianto, Nina Mutmainnah, Rahayu.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

If you have the talent or desire to expand your experience internationally, immediately join the UII International Mobility Program. International travel allows you to expand your network, improve your English language skills, and add perspective on things. Whether it’s a matter of cross culture understanding to increasing insight related to your studies and interests in academic studies.

In general, English proficiency is the key to joining the UII international Mobility program. “Partner universities with UII also require fluency in English. IELTS 6 or IBT with equivalent score. Or TOEFL ITP is also okay. They, several partner campuses, allow students to register with the TOEFL ITP,” said Nihlah Ilhami, Head of the International Mobility Division, UII on June 11, 2021 at the UII Communication Program International Teatime casual talk. Nihlah said that English language skills must be improved from now on if students plan to expand their experience abroad.

“At least you can try toefl ITP first. Because some partners still accept this, especially for short programs or ICT (International Credit Transfers),” explained Nihlah. “Especially our partners in Asia such as Malaysia and Thailand. Europe and Australia still require IELTS,” he said. Nihlah said, we can improve English language skills also use a relatively easy method using the Duolingo application, he said.

“If you are interested in registering for the IISMA (Indonesian International Study Mobility Awards) tomorrow, it is reported that the quota has been increased by the ministry. Try registering first. Then just test one of the IELTS or TOEFL ITP, “advises Nihlah. According Nihlah, students can also try an online test TOEFL free.” for a time normally allowed to be. And I’m sure you can do it, you’re still young, do it.

“Whatare the conditions for the program of international mobility ?

“Suppose such IISMA, programs carried out regularly every year, drawn by the Kemendikbud ristek. You first must have a passport,” said Nihlah. This condition is the most important first. “Even though this is a pandemic situation, a passport is still a requirement that you must have. You must have a GPA of 3 to join any program abroad. Because our partners require it,” he added. The next requirement is of course English, as evidenced by TOEFL or IELTS. The rest is self-readiness to recognize culture and exchange views in a globalized world. “We will learn about the local people there, the language, culture, and various experiences that are really very different,” he said.

How does this mobility program take place during a pandemic. “The majority of countries have closed visits, but don’t worry, there is always virtual mobility. But now we know that there are several countries that have opened their own countries, such as the Netherlands and South Korea,” said Nihlah. Some UII students have started to go for dual degree studies to several partner countries and have opened overseas visits. “That’s why we have partners in the Netherlands and South Korea. Our faculty students at FBE have made a mobility trip to South Korea yesterday, Alhamdulillah, and have arrived there safely,” he said.



Reading Time: 2 minutes

JIka kamu punya bakat atau keinginan untuk memperluas pengalaman di lingkup internasional, segera saja gabung di UII International Mobility Program. Perjalanan internasional memungkinkan kamu meluaskan jaringan, meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa inggris, hingga menambah perspektif tentang memandang suatu hal. Baik itu soal cross culture understanding hingga peningkatan wawasan yang berkaitan dengan studi dan minat kajian akademikmu.

Secara umum, kecakapan bahasa inggris adalah kunci mengikuti program UII international Mobility. “Partner university dengan UII juga mensyaratkan kelancaran berbahsa inggris. IELTS 6 atau IBT dengan skor setara. Atau TOEFL ITP juga boleh. Mereka, beberapa kampus mitra, mengijinkan mahasiswa untuk mendaftar dengan Toefl ITP,” Kata Nihlah Ilhami, Kepala Divisi International Mobility, UII pada 11 Juni 2021 di bincang santai Teatime Internasional Program Komunikasi UII. Nihlah mengatakan, kecakapan bahasa inggris mulai harus ditingkatkan sejak sekarang jika nantinya mahasiswa berencana meluaskan pengalaman di luar negeri.

“Minimal kamu bisa mencoba dulu toefl ITP. Karena beberapa partner masih menerima ini, terutama untuk short program atau ICT (International Credit Transfer,” jelas Nihlah. “Terutama partner kita di asia seperti Malaysia dan Thailand. Kalau eropa dan australia masih mensyaratkan IELTS,” katanya. Nihlah mengatakan, kita bisa meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa inggris juga menggunakancara yang relatif mudah denga pakai Duolingo, katanya.

“Kalau kalian tertarik untuk mendaftar IISMA (Indonesian International Study Mobility Awards) besok, kuotanya kabarnya ditambah oleh kementrian. Coba saja dulu daftar. Lalu tes saja salah satu dari IELTS atau TOEFL ITP,” saran Nihlah. Menurtu Nihlah, mahasiswa bisa coba juga tes online TOELF gratis. “Untuk beberapa kali biasanya boleh. Dan saya yakin kamu bisa melakukannya, kamu masih muda, lakukanlah.”

Apa saja sih syaratnya untuk mengikuti program international mobility?

“Misalkan seperti IISMA, program yang dilaksanakan reguler tiap tahun, dibuat oleh oleh kemendikbudristek. Kamu pertama harus punya paspor,” kata Nihlah. Syarat ini adalah pertama yang paling penting. “Meskioun ini situasi pandemi, paspor tetap syarat yang harus kamu miliki. Kamu harus punya IPK 3 untuk bergabung di program apapun ke luar negeri. Karena partner kita mensyaratkan itu,” imbuhnya. Syarat selanjutnya tentu bahasa inggris tadi, yang dibuktikan dengan TOEFL atau IELTS. Selebihnya adalah kesiapan diri untuk mengenali budaya dan bertukar pandangan di dunia global. “Kita akan belajar tentang local people di sana, bahasa, budaya, dan berbagai pengalaman yang sungguh sangat berbeda,” katanya.

Bagaimana program mobility ini berlangsung di masa pandemi. “Mayoritas negara menutup kunjungan, tapi tenang, selalu ada virtual mobility. Tapi sekarang kita tahu ada beberapa negara yang membuka negaranya, seperti belanda dan korea selatan,” kata Nihlah. Beberapa mahasiswa UII sudah mulai berangkat untuk studi dual degree ke beberapa negara yang bermitra dan telah membuka kunjungan luar negeri. “Itu kita punya partner di Belanda dan Korea Selatan, Mahasiswa fakultas kita di FBE sudah melakukan perjalanan mobility ke korea selatan kemarin Alhamdulilah, dan sudah sampai di sana dengan selamat,” katanya.


Reading Time: 2 minutes

Branding and marketing local products are the key to successful sales during a pandemic. Covid-19 has indeed hit micro, small and medium enterprises. But other than that, collaboration is a new trick rather than getting dizzy with the competition.

“I don’t see the similarity of products as competition. I recommend diligently monitoring at distribution locations,” said Dwi. “Even though there are many similar products in distribution locations, I don’t think it’s time for competition but collaboration,” said Dwi Karti Handayani, founder of Wedang Uwuh UMKM, by June 12, 2021. The UMKM is named Den Bagus. Dwi is speaking on an online seminar on the task activity in the commercial communication project management course at the Department of Communications, UII.

Dwi Karti was a speaker in a webinar on branding and product marketing during the pandemic, together with Den Bagus and eight projects. Eight Project is one of the creations of the students of the course. They choose Eight Project as the name.

“Who knows if we can’t meet the export demand, we can fulfill it by collaborating with other similar products,” added Dwi Karti. According to Dwi Karti, “For me, it’s unique in the packaging. Then, when people have repeated orders, we will talk about customer loyalty.”

This event uses a flash sale technique. Flash Sale encourages viewers to make direct purchases while getting discounted prices.

Flash sale Den Bagus and den ayu specifically for products with specific characteristics. Call it red ginger, which has higher properties, and ginger emprit, which is spicier.

In addition, there is also a processed product that is more popular during the pandemic, namely Wedang Uwuh Jakute. Jakute is an Indonesian abbreviation of ginger turmeric, temulawak or commonly called empon-empon in Indonesia. The combination of the benefits of empon-empon.

“This is the most sought after by buyers. There are friends whose products are sought by French buyers,” said Dwi Karti. “Our products are widely known abroad. There is a noni drink. My mother used this drink to take this and her back pain recovered,” She added, giving testimony.

According to Dwi Karti, these local products are essential and of high quality. For example, the Den Ayu noni product no longer smells bad. It is packaged instantaneously. Similar products also have a special drink (Wedang) product for red rosella. “Instant packaging and wrapping, the packaging is pressed so that it is not easily damaged,” She added.