Reading Time: 2 minutes

Many students think that the Nadim Center for Alternative Media Studies and Documentation (PSDMA) is a library. It’s no wonder that Nadim’s PSDMA is physically filled with books. Many things Nadim did. As the name suggests, a center for studies and documentation, Nadim conducts studies and documentation such as discussions, research, and alternative media collection. It is a Center for Studies and Documentation Center specialized in alternative media.

This introduction to PSDMA Nadim became a topic of casual chat at the International Program Communication Department, Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII). This teatime invited Ifa Zulkurnaini, a staff member and researcher at Nadim. The teatime was hosted by Lani Diana, a 2018 IPC UII student, on Friday, September 24, 2021.

Ifa explained that the PSDMA Nadim was initiated by one of them by Muzayin Nazaruddin, a UII Communications Lecturer (Lecturer specialist in Media, Disasters, and Semiotics) who at that time served as Head of the UII Communication Science Laboratory. “He wants a forum for students who want to do research, community service, share knowledge, or discuss. It’s odd if it’s accommodated in the laboratory, it doesn’t connect. So PSDMA Nadim was made in 2008,” Ifa explained.

Regarding the collection at PSDMA Nadim, it is not only owned books; PSDMA Nadim prioritizes alternative media, meaning that it is not media that is commonly found. NADIM itself is taken from a bibliographer of thousands of manuscripts in Baghdad named Ibn Al Nadim, who lived in the 990s. Apart from collecting, he also reads and catalogs them. Likewise, PSDMA Nadim has books and films, pamphlets, tabloids, magazines, and journals. “If you want to watch old films, but you can’t go to the cinema, you can borrow them from Nadim,” said Ifa when telling stories about Nadim’s collection, some of which can be borrowed online.

In addition to collecting several alternative media, Nadim has activities that anyone can follow, whether students or the general public, namely discussions held once or twice a month. “Every month, students or lecturers from UII and other universities fill it.”



Reading Time: 2 minutes

So far, there have been many misunderstandings in the practice of media analysis. For example, many students consider critical discourse analysis (CDA) to only analyze at the textual level. It is as if discourse analysis cannot read everything outside the text. However, many things affect the text.

CDA is not enough with textual dimension analysis. “So you have to also talk about conditions outside the text/producer/social action: conditions that affect producers (history of the text, etc.),” ​​said Holy Rafika Dhona, UII Communications Lecturer, who became an instructor in the Advanced Journalism Training/PJTL HIMMAH UII on 16 September 2021, noon. HIMMAH is a university-level Student Press Institution/LPM within the Indonesian Islamic University (UII).

CDA always connects the dimensions of the text, social action with context. CDA also combines the historical-power-ideological extent because it is based on the PHI (power-history-ideology) principle. Therefore, said Holy, CDA is not only done by conducting linguistic analysis.

What is an example?

“The discourse, for example, about the Breksi Cliff tourist spot, changed something that was originally just an ordinary cliff into a place for good photos. It was a process of changing discourse,” said Holy.

Holy added, according to Fairclough, discourse is the way people produce and interpret texts in social interactions, which are also influenced by the broader social environment, namely social institutions, and society. “That’s why Fairclough said that behind language is ideology or politics,” he added.

Media discourse, therefore, according to Norman Fairclough, CDA is not only text analysis but also connects context (production texts and consumption texts) and sociocultural practices (talking about history and others). . Because they are all intertwined.

This is where it is essential to understand what critical theory is. The critical theory includes three things according to Max Horkheimer (1937), namely: (1) theory that sees reality is never neutral, (2) theory that sees reality is always historical, (3) theory that does not separate praxis.

The value of a critique, said Holy, briefly is (1) Power of power: where there is power, there are the oppressed and oppressors, then the second is (2) dialectical, and (3) 3. Historical. Therefore, students must be able to understand critical thinking. The critical way of thinking is to see that something is not neutral and shaped by history.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Selama ini banyak kesalahpahaman dalam praktik analisis media. Misalnya, banyak pembelajar menganggap analisis wacana kritis (Critical Discourse Analysis/ CDA) hanya melakukan analisis pada tataran tekstual. Seakan-akan analisis wacana tidak dapat membaca semua yang di luar teks. Padahal banyak hal yang mempengaruhi teks.

CDA tidak cukup dengan analisis dimensi tekstual. “Maka anda harus juga ngomongin kondisi di luar teks/ produsen/ social action: kondisi yang mempengaruhi produsen (sejarah teks dll),” kata Holy Rafika Dhona, Dosen Komunikasi UII, yang menjadi instruktur dalam Pelatihan Jurnalistik Tingkat Lanjut/ PJTL HIMMAH UII pada 16 September 2021, siang. HIMMAH adalah Lembaga Pers Mahasiswa/LPM tingkat universitas di lingkungan Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII).

CDA selalu menghubungkan dimensi teks, tindakan sosial dengan konteks. CDA juga mengoneksikan dimensi sejarah-kuasa-ideologi karena berprinsip PHI (power -history -ideology). Oleh karenanya, kata Holy, CDA tidak hanya dilakukan dengan melakukan analisis linguistik.

Apa contohnya?
“Discourse itu misalnya soal tempat wisata Tebing Breksi itu mengubah sesuatu itu yang awalnya hanya tebing biasa menjadi tempat foto-foto yang bagus. Itu proses mengubah discourse/ wacana,” kata Holy.

Holy menambahkan, wacana menurut Fairclough adalah cara masyarakat memproduksi dan menginterpretasi teks dalam interaksi sosial juga dipengaruhi oleh lingkungan sosial yang lebih luas; yaitu institusi sosial dan masyarakat. “Makanya Fairclough bilang di balik bahasa adalah ideologi atau politik,” tambahnya

Media discourse karenanya, menurut Norman Fairclogh, CDA itu tidak hanya analisis teks aja, tapi Menghubungkan konteks (teks produksi dan teks konsumsi) dan praktik sosiokultutal (berbicara soal history dan lainnya). Karena mereka semua saling bertautan.

Di sini lah pentingnya memahami apa itu Teori kritis. Teori kritis itu mencakup tiga hal menurut Max Horkheimer (1937) yaitu: (1) teori yang melihat realitas tidak pernah netral, (2) Teori yang melihat realitas adalah selalu historis, (3) Teori yang tidak memisahkan praksis.

Nilai sebuah kritik, kata Holy, secara singkat adalah (1) Power kekuasaan: dimana ada kekuasan, ada yang ditindas dan menindas, lalu kedua (2) dialektis, dan (3) 3. Historis. Maka dari itu, mahasiswa harus bisa memahamin cara berfikir kritis. Cara berfikir kritis adalah melihat sesuatu itu tidak netral dan sesuatu itu dibentuk oleh sejarah.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Hello IPC Friends!
International Program of Communication Universitas Islam Indonesia proudly presents:

Annual Workshop on Globalization of International Program of Communication Universitas Islam Indonesia

This workshop is an annual event organized by the International Program of Communication Universitas Islam Indonesia. Through this workshop, it is expected that students and participants who attend the workshop will be able to get an overview and more understanding about globalization and how to apply the values of globalization with the current situation.

The workshop this year will be entitled *Disaster, Media and Globalization*

The current situation that is very uncertain, both in natural and non-natural conditions and also the rapid distribution through the media, makes information and descriptions about disasters become a close discussion in the current context of globalization.

As told before, through this workshop, we will discuss more deeply how globalization is seen in the context of disasters and also the media.

1. Ruzinoor Che Mat, Ph.D. ( Associate Professor at Universiti Utara Malaysia )

2. Alfi Rahman, Ph.D. ( Head of the Research Center for Social and Cultural Studies Universitas Syiah Kuala )

3. Dr. Herman Felani, S.S., M.A. ( Lecturer at Department of Communications, Universitas Islam Indonesia )

Holy Rafika Dhona (Lecturer of Communication Science Department Universitas Islam Indonesia)

Saturday , 25 September 2021
at 1 p.m to 3.30 p.m (UTC +7)
Via Zoom Meeting:

Or you can access it through youtube in:

Please fill out this form to participate in this workshop:

Don’t forget to join IPC Friends!

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Halo, mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi UII!

Dunia Kesehatan dihebohkan dengan kehadiran Covid-19 pada Desember 2019. Virus ini terus menyebar bahkan sampai ke Indonesia. Berbagai macam usaha dilakukan untuk memutus rantai penyebaran. Salah satu usaha yang dilakukan ialah menekan mobilitas masyarakat. Hal ini membuat BPJS Kesehatan perlu untuk melakukan peningkatan pelayanan. mengingat banyak kegiatan yang harus dilakukan secara daring. Lantas bagaimana E-Customer Relationship management di Masa Pandemi ini dilakukan oleh BPJS Kesehatan di masa pandemi covid-19?  

Sebentar lagi sudah masuk semester baru, ya? Namun sebelum itu, yuk, kita pemanasan dulu!

Caranya Ikuti diskusi bulanan PSDMA Nadim Ilmu Komunikasi UII yang berjudul E-Customer Relationship Management di Masa Pandemi: Studi Kasus BPJS Kesehatan Republik Indonesia. Turut menghadirkan Vania Taufik Rahmani sebagai narasumber dalam diskusi kali ini.

Hari, Tanggal : Jumat, 24 September 2021

Pukul : 15:00 wib

Zoom : 

Jangan sampai tertinggal karena banyak pengetahuan yang akan kami bagikan.


Reading Time: 2 minutes

Ia sempat dilarang kuliah Program Internasional di Komunikasi UII. Alasannya tak lain adalah jarak kampus yang jauh dari kampung halaman. Dengan tekad dan niat, ia tidak henti-henti meyakinkan keluarganya agar memperbolehkannya menempuh pendidikan di program internasional Ilmu Komunikasi UII Yogyakarta. Akhirnya kerja kerasnya pun terbayarkan dengan izin keluarganya untuk berkuliah di UII melalui jalur Seleksi Berbasis Rapor (SIBER).

Ia adalah Arul Setiawan. Orang biasa memanggilnya Arul. Di kota tempat tinggalnya, pemuda ini sudah meraih berbagai prestasi yang membanggakan. Contohnya, ia menjadi Wakil Duta Budaya Bujang Song Benuo Taka 2021 dan Duta Wisata Benuo Taka 2018. Di umurnya yang masih muda, ia sudah mengepakkan sayapnya di sana sini.

Pemuda berumur 20 tahun ini merupakan salah satu dari 25 mahasiswa baru program studi Ilmu Komunikasi kelas internasional 2021. Dengan berkuliah di Jogja, Ia ingin mencoba pengalaman baru dan lebih menantang katanya. Ia punya pendapat bahwa ia harus mencoba sesuatu hal yang belum pernah ia dapat selama Ia hidup.

“International Program bukanlah hal yang harus ditakuti karena kelas Bahasa Inggrisnya. Tetapi, karena kita punya niat, tekad dan ingin berusaha menjadi lebih baik,, yakin kita bisa menghadapinya,” ujar pria asal Kabupaten Penajam Paser Utara, Kalimantan Timur, ini saat dihubungi via pesan Instagram @arl_sulaiman12, Jumat (03/10/2021).

Arul mengatakan dengan bersemangat bahwa di masa depan, ia ingin punya pekerjaan impian. Ia ingin menjadi diplomat dan pengusaha yang sukses. Dengan penuh harap, ia berdoa agar UII akan dapat membantunya dalam mewadahi dan menjadi batu loncatan sehingga elak ia menjadi seseorang yang sukses dan berprestasi.

“Saya sangat berharap dapat memahami setiap materi yang disampaikan dosen. Saya juga ingin menjadi salah satu mahasiswa yang selalu taat dalam segala hal,” katanya berkomitmen. “Saya juga ingin menjadi mahasiswa berprestasi di ranah nasional bahkan internasional untuk membanggakan UII tercinta dan pastinya keluarga,” imbuhnya.

Sebagai kaum muda, Arul merasa masih banyak kekurangan. Ia berpendapat masih harus belajar agar dapat berguna serta menginspirasi orang banyak. Kelak Arul ingin menjadi generasi muda islami yang berkarakter, berani tampil, serta menjadi generasi bangsa yang cerdas.


Penulis/ Reporter: Erinna Zandra (Mahasiswa Komunikasi UII, Angkatan 2017, Mahasiswa Magang di International Program at Prodi Komunikasi UII)

Editor: A. P. Wicaksono

Reading Time: 2 minutes

He was banned from studying the International Program at UII Communications. The reason is none other than the distance of the campus, which is far from home. With determination and intention, he never stopped convincing his family to allow him to study at the International Communication Studies program at UII Yogyakarta. Finally, his hard work paid off with his family’s permission to study at UII through the Report-Based Selection (SIBER) route.

He is Arul Setiawan. People used to call him Arul. In the city where he lives, this young man has achieved various proud achievements. For example, he became Deputy Cultural Ambassador of Bujang Song Benuo Taka 2021 and Tourism Ambassador of Benuo Taka 2018. At a young age, he is already flapping his wings here and there.

This 20-year-old youth is one of 25 new students of the 2021 international class Communication Studies program. By studying in Jogja, he wants to try new and more challenging experiences, he said. He had the opinion that he should try something he had never had in his life.

“The International Program is not something to be afraid of because of the English class. However, because we have the intention, determination, and want to try to be better, we are sure we can deal with it,” said the man from North Penajam Paser Regency, East Kalimantan, when contacted via Instagram message @arl_sulaiman12, Friday (03/10/2021).

Arul says excitedly that in the future, he wants to have a dream job. He wants to be a successful diplomat and businessman. With hope, he prays that UII will assist him in accommodating and becoming a stepping stone so that he avoids becoming a successful and accomplished person.

“I hope that I can understand every material presented by the lecturer. I also want to be one of the students who is always obedient in everything,” he said.

As a young person, Arul feels there are still many shortcomings. He believes that he still has to learn to be helpful and inspire many people. In the future, Arul wants to become a young Islamic generation who has character, dares to appear, and becomes an intelligent generation of the nation.


Author/ Reporter: Erinna Zandra (Student at Department of Communications, Class of 2017, Internship Student at the International Program at Department of Communications, UII)

Editor: AP Wicaksono

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Special issue-based publishing is an opportunity for international journals. It is also possible for an international journal belonging to UII Communications called the Asian Journal of Media and Communication or commonly abbreviated as AJMC. Special issues or special editions are journal publications that focus on a particular object of study. This specific study is essential to color the enrichment of communication thinking and media studies at the Southeast Asian level.

This special edition is a publication fronted by an editor (or a team of editors – 2 or 3 people), according to the field of study of each editor at AJMC. “Each editor can propose a special edition. With a general calculation, there are 11 editors, then AJMC can publish 11 special editions for the next six years,” said Muzayin Nazaruddin at the AJMC Editorial Meeting on September 14, 2021 via Zoom. AJMC now has internationally qualified editors and has published publications on the Scopus index. These editors come from various campuses both in Indonesia and abroad.

“The publication of this special edition is essential for setting the agenda to bring out new themes and color the study of communication and media in Indonesia, Southeast Asia, and even Asia,” said Muzayin in front of the editors. According to Muzayin, in this context, AJMC is a “long-term project,” there is greater interest, academic idealism is more important than just publication.

The process of issuing special issues also cannot be managed in a mediocre way. The processes and stages that can be carried out, for example, start from calls for abstracts (papers), invited papers, including the most important thing is making a series of workshops and talks. “These steps show that the special issue was designed from the start by AJMC. UII Communication Study Program is committed to supporting funding and other resources for the necessary processes,” said Muzayin.

Holy Rafika and Zaki Habibi, the editors at AJMC, also argue that special issues in AJMC can also not be designed but obtained through a network of editors; for example, special issues can be obtained from conference panels. With this model, it is possible to issue a particular issue with an outside ‘guest editor’.

Luthfi Adam, the journal editor from Northwestern University, argues that AJMC could regularly hold public lectures or seminar series on relevant topics. The content of the public lecture can be published. Muzayin added, or vice versa, a good article that has already been published in AJMC, the author is invited to speak at the seminar.

Zaki Habibi, Ignatius Haryanto, Lintang Ratri, and also M Heychael, the editor of AJMC, also suggested that this international journal should also publish various types of manuscripts. Research articles and conversations, for example, can be taken from a series of workshops that have been held, retrospective articles, theoretical articles, book reviews, film reviews, visual articles (photo-based), and others.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Penerbitan berbasis special issue menjadi sebuah peluang bagi jurnal internasional. Tidak menutup kemungkinan juga bagi jurnal internasional milik Komunikasi  UII bernama Asian Journal of Media and Communication atau biasa disingkat AJMC. Special issue atau edisi khusus adalah terbitan jurnal yang fokus pada satu objek kajian khusus. Kajian khusus yang spesifik ini menjadi penting mewarnai pengayaan pemikiran komunikasi dan kajian media di level asia tenggara.

Edisi khusus ini adalah terbitan yang digawangi oleh seorang editor (atau tim editor – 2 atau 3 orang), sesuai dengan bidang kajian masing-masing editor di AJMC. “Setiap editor bisa mengusulkan special edition. Dengan perhitungan umum terdapat 11 editor, maka AJMC bisa menerbitkan 11 special edition untuk enam tahun ke depan,” papar Muzayin Nazaruddin, dalam Rapat Redaksi AJMC pada 14 September 2021 via Zoom. Kini AJMC telah memiliki editor yang berkualifikasi internasional dan telah menerbitkan publikasi di Scopus index. Para penyunting ini berasal dari beragam kampus baik di Indonesia maupun mancanegara.

“Penerbitan special edition ini sangat penting untuk “setting the agenda” untuk membawa tema-tema baru dan mewarnai kajian komunikasi dan media di Indonesia, Asia Tenggara, bahkan Asia,” ungkap Muzayin di depan para penyunting. Menurut Muzayin, dalam konteks ini, AJMC adalah “long term project”, terdapat kepentingan lebih besar, idealisme akademik yang lebih penting, daripada sekadar terbit.

Proses penerbitan special issue juga tak bisa dikeloal dengan biasa-biasa saja. Proses dan tahapan yang yang bisa dilakukan misalnya adalah misalnya mulai dari call for abstracts (papers), invited papers, termasuk yang paling penting adalah membuat seri workshop and talk. “Langkah-langkah ini menunjukkan special issue memang dirancang sejak awal oleh AJMC. Prodi Komunikasi UII berkomitmen untuk mendukung pendanaan dan sumber daya lain untuk proses-proses yang diperlukan,” papar Muzayin.

Holy Rafika dan Zaki Habibi, para penyunting di AJMC, juga berpendapat special issue dalam AJMC bisa juga tidak dirancang, namun diperoleh dengan jaringan para editor, misalnya special issue diperoleh dari panel-panel konferensi. Dengan model ini, sangat mungkin terbit special issue dengan ‘guest editor’ dari luar.

Luthfi Adam, penyunting dari Nortwestern University, berpendapat bahwa AJMC bisa secara rutin mengadakan kuliah umum atau seri seminar dengan topik yang relevan. Konten kuliah umum tersebut bisa diterbitkan. Muzayin menambahkan, atau sebaliknya, tulisan yang bagus yang sudah terbit di AJMC, penulisnya diundang untuk berbicara di seminar.

Zaki Habibi, Ignatius Haryanto, Lintang Ratri, dan juga M Heychael, pada editor AJMC ini juga menyarankan jurnal internasional ini selayaknya juga menerbitkan beragam jenis naskah. Tidak hanya artikel penelitian, tapi juga conversation, misalnya bisa diambil dari seri workshop yang sudah diadakan, retrospective article, theoretical article, book review, film review, visual article (photo-based), dan lainnya.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Asian Journal of Media and Communication (AJMC) was born with the spirit of filling the void of communication studies in Indonesia, which is still dominated by certain paradigms and fields of analysis. The domination in question, for example, is the dominance of public relations studies or the dominance of positivism. Suppose we refer to the International Communication Association (ICA) field of study. In that case, it will immediately be seen that many areas of study are not sufficiently developed in Indonesia.

AJMC was born with a vision to become a reference journal for communication and media studies in Asia. “Asia” in the AJMC can refer to several things (open for discussion): Asia as a perspective or Asia as a study area. As a study area, Asia can be discussed by anyone, or by Asians themselves, or Indonesian academics talking about Asia.

This refresh of AJMC’s vision and positioning was one of the conclusions at the Editorial Meeting of the AJMC editors on September 13, 2021, via the Zoom Meeting Conference Application. On occasion were editors from various campuses and institutions both from Indonesia and outside Indonesia. For example, there are editors from Northwestern University (USA), Lund University (Sweden), Tartu University (Estonia), Multimedia Nusantara University, UII, Diponegoro University, Atma Jaya University Yogyakarta, Univ. Syiah Kuala, and The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies. Switzerland. And the institute for communication and media studies: Remotivi.

Here it is are the arrangement of Editors of AJMC (Period 2021-2023) based on Dean’s Decree FPSB UII Number: 12/SK-DEK/DURT/IV/2021.

  • Alfi Rahman, M.Si., Ph.D., Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of Universitas Syiah Kuala and a researcher at the Tsunami and Disaster Mitigation Research Center (TDMRC) of Universitas Syiah Kuala, Banda Aceh, Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Lintang Ratri Rahmiaji, Dr., M.Si., S.Sos. (Scopus ID: 57205339118) Department of Communication Science, Universitas Diponegoro, Indonesia
  • Mario Antonius Birowo, Ph.D., Department of Communication, Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta, Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Heychael, M.Si., Researcher of Remotivi, Center of Communication and Media Studies, Indonesia
  • Roy Thaniago, M.Sc., The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva, Switzerland, Switzerland
  • Zaki Habibi, Dr., Researcher at Lund University | Universitas Islam Indonesia

AJMC was born with an “international” orientation aimed at a global audience in English. Therefore, the governance and direction of the journal must be consistent with “international indexing and citation.” With these minimal standards, things outside of it can be tolerated (corrected in the editorial process at AJMC). For example, articles with fewer or more words or inadequate English. By meeting these minimum standards, it is hoped that shortly (the next few years), AJMC can become a “benchmark” for media and communication studies journals in Indonesia or even Southeast Asia. In addition to meeting these minimum standards, AJMC must be published regularly or on time to become a benchmark.


Written by Muzayin Nazaruddin, Editor In Chief AJMC UII 2021-2023.

Edited by A. Pambudi W