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[Diskusi NADIM] Menjadi Penulis Artikel dan Wartawan Sejak Mahasiswa

Ingin nulis artikel di media tapi bingung harus memulai dari mana? Jangan khawatir, PSDMA Nadim akan membahas hal ini.

Di hari Rabu, 15 Desember 2021 kita akan kembali mengadakan diskusi dengan tema yang berbeda dari sebelumnya.

Ke dua teman kita, @sitifauz_ dan @nfjrk akan berbagi pengalaman serta pengetahuan di dunia kepenulisan, sesuai dengan kiprah mereka selama menjadi wartawan dan kontributor di beberapa media.

Jangan lewatkan diskusi dengan tema Menjadi Penulis Artikel dan Wartawan di Media Sejak Mahasiswa! ini, ya!

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Reading Time: 2 minutes

Setelah beberapa kali webinar dan kuliah umum, seluruh peserta P2A mulai membuat produksi media kreatif selama dua minggu. Semua peserta dibagi menjadi sepuluh kelompok. Setiap kelompok terdiri dari berbagai anggota dari universitas dan negara beragam di ASEAN. Seperti Indonesia (UII dan UAJ), Vietnam (DTU dan UEL), Kamboja (AIC), Malaysia (UUM), Singapura, dan Filipina.

Dan hari H pun tiba, tepatnya 10 Desember 2021, setelah berminggu-minggu dan bekerja sama tim, masing-masing kelompok diundang untuk mempresentasikan hasil akhirnya. Ada yang mempresentasikan photo story dengan media flipbook, atau website photo story, ada yang menghadirkan e-magazine, atau ada juga yang menyajikan animasi yang disebut picture story.

Banyak juga yang membuat vlog individual dan vlog grup. Yang menarik adalah tema apa yang mereka bawakan kepada para juri. Misalnya, Anda dapat melihat bagaimana mereka menyajikan tema dan topik yang berbeda seperti berbagai es krim di negara-negara ASEAN, Tempat Bersejarah di Asian, atau Anda dapat melihat berbagai pekerjaan atau profesi unik di seluruh negeri di Asean. Setidaknya terkumpul sepuluh media kreatif dari sepuluh kelompok, enam negara, delapan kampus, dan lebih dari seratus mahasiswa (peserta).

Banyak komentar dari para juri yang juga merupakan dosen dari rekanan P2A Ice Cream. “Ini adalah proses pembelajaran yang sempurna untuk mereka dan masa depan mereka. Ya. Selamat untuk kalian semua. Tahukah Anda, tidak semua mahasiswa kita memiliki kesempatan untuk mengikuti program ini,” kata Dorien Kartikawangi, Kepala Prodi Komunikasi, Universita Katolik Atma Jaya, Jakarta, Indonesia.

Adzira Husain, dosen School of Computing, College of Arts & Sciences, Universiti Utara Malaysia, juga mengapresiasi semua pihak. Ia mengomentari konsep, sinematografi, foto, dan teknik lain dari karya para peserta. “Saya tahu sulit mendapatkan komitmen dari negara lain, tetapi Anda telah melakukannya dengan sebaik-baiknya,” kata Adzira Husain.

Sementara itu, Herman Felani, dosen Departemen Ilmu Komunikasi UII, juga mengapresiasi kerja keras tim tersebut. Ia mengucapkan selamat kepada seluruh kerja tim dan para mentor yang telah mendampingi proses media kreatif. “Ini juga pembelajaran berbasis proyek Anda. Jadi prosesnya juga jauh lebih berharga dari sekadar hasil. Tapi tentunya kita ingin yang berbasis hasil juga, bagus,” kata Herman Felani.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

After several webinars and general lectures, all of the participants of P2A start to make a creative media production for two weeks. All of the participants were divided into ten groups. Every group contains various members from any university and country in ASEAN. Such as Indonesia (UII and UAJ), Vietnam (DTU dan UEL), Cambodia (AIC), Malaysia (UUM), Singapore, and Filipina.

And the D day has come, ot 10 December 2021, after weeks and teamwork, each group was invited to present their final results. Some of them offer a photo story with flipbook medium, or website of photo stories, some of them were presenting e-magazine, or some of them present an animation so-called picture story

Many of them also create vlogs and group vlogs. The exciting thing is what theme they bring to the judges. For example, you can see how they present different themes and topics such as various ice cream in other countries in ASEAN, Historical Places in Asia, or you can see multiple unique jobs or professions across the country.  At least there collected ten creative media from ten groups, six countries, eight campuses, and more than a hundred students (participant).


There are many comments from the judges, who are also a lecturer from partners of P2A Ice Cream. “This is a perfect learning process for them and their future. Yeah. Congratulation to all of you. You know, not all our students have the opportunity to join this program,” said Dorien Kartikawangi, head of School of Communication, Universita Katolik Atma Jaya, Jakarta, Indonesia.

Adzira Husain, lecturer at the School of Computing, College of Arts & Sciences, Universiti Utara Malaysia, also appreciates all groups. She shares more comments on the concept, the cinematography, the photo, and other technique of the work. “I know it’s hard to get the commitment from a different country, but you have done it the best,” Said Adzira Husain.

At the same time, Herman Felani, lecturer of the Department of Communications, UII, also appreciate the team’s hard work. He congrats all the teamwork and the mentors who have accompanied the creative media process. “This is also your project-based learning. So the process is also much more precious than just the result. But of course, we want an outcome-based, good,” said Herman Felani.


Reading Time: 2 minutes

Internasionalisasi jurnal di lingkungan FPSB UII semakin mendesak. Ini sejalan dengan keluarnya peraturan baru dari Kemristekdikti tentang Pedoman Akreditasi Jurnal Ilmiah tahun 2021. Peraturan ini dibuat dan disahkan pada pertengahan 2021 lalu. Peraturan ini memuat beberapa perubahan yang membuat seluruh pengelola jurnal di UII harus menyesuaikan dengan bahkan standar internasional.

Berdasar pada Panduan Akreditasi Jurnal Ilmiah yang dikeluarkan pada 2021 dengan surat keputusan Nomor 106/ E / KPT / 2021, oleh Direktur Jenderal Pendidikan Tinggi, Kementerian pendidikan, beberapa perubahan muncul. Misalnya, harus ada pelibatan mitra bestari dengan jumlah tertentu. Jika dahulu standar akreditasi hanya mewajibkan adanya mitra bestari, kini tak hanya itu, sekarang mitra bestari harus berkualifikasi internasional dan berasal minimal dari 4 negara. Poin pada item ini dinilai enam poin. Jika ingin poin penilaian akreditasi jurnalnya tinggi, komposisi empat negara ini juga berlaku untuk susunan dewan penyunting berkualifikasi internasional. Penulis pun sebaiknya berasal lebih dari lima negara dalam setahun.

Yuli Andriansyah mengatakan hal itu pada Workshop Internasionalisasi Jurnal untuk Staf Jurnal Psikologika UII pada 9 Desember 2021. Meski diperuntukkan staf Psikologika, namun Staf dari Jurnal Komunikasi, AJMC, JEE, dan JIP juga turut hadir karen urgensi internaionalisasi mencakup seluruh jurnal pada akhirnya. Yuli Andriansyah, Dosen Ekonomi Islam sekaligus senior dalam pengelolaan jurnal di UII, mengatakan mau tidak mau pada akhirnya semua jurnal nasional yang ingin mempertahankan atau meningkatkan SINTA-nya harus memiliki mitra bestari, penyunting, dan bahkan penulis lebih dari empat negara.

Pada kesempatan ini, Yuli, yang juga adalah pengelola jurnal Millah dan Unisia, memulai workshop dengan memeplajari panduan akreditasi dikti lalu pengenalan jurnal-jurnal internasional. Pengenalan juga dilakukan dengan mendedah dan mengenali ciri-ciri penulis dan jurnal yang dapat disebut sebagai penulis internasional dan jurnal bereputasi internasional. Pengenalan pada jurnal dan penerbit internasional membawa pemahaman juga pada pengenalan mitra bestari yang cocok dan pakar di bidangnya. Juga contohnya Melihat kepakaran akademisi dari H-indeks Scopus dan kredibilitas kampus. Pada akhirnya, pada sesi kedua, semua staf diminta untuk praktik melakukan pelacakan mengumpulkan database calon penulis, editorial board, dan reviewer internasional.


Reading Time: 2 minutes

The internationalization of journals within the FPSB UII is increasingly urgent. This is in line with issuing a new regulation from the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education regarding Guidelines for Accreditation of Scientific Journals in 2021. This regulation was made and ratified in mid-2021. This regulation contains several changes that make all journal managers at UII have to adapt to international standards.

Based on the Guide to Accreditation of Scientific Journals issued in 2021 by decree Number 106/E/KPT/2021, the Director-General of Higher Education, Ministry of education, several changes emerged. For example, there must be a certain number of reviewers involved. In the past, accreditation standards only required the existence of a reviewer, now not only that, now reviewer must be internationally qualified and come from at least four countries. Points on this item are valued at six points. If you want high journal accreditation assessment points, the composition of these four countries also applies to the design of the internationally qualified editing board. Writers should also come from more than five countries in a year.

Yuli Andriansyah said this at the Journal Internationalization Workshop for UII Psychology Journal Staff on December 9, 2021. Although it was intended for Psychology staff, staff from the Communication Journal, AJMC, JEE, and JIP were also present because of the urgency of internationalization covering all journals in the end. Yuli Andriansyah, Lecturer of Islamic Economics and senior in journal management at UII, said that all national journals that want to maintain or improve their SINTA must inevitably have review partners, editors, and even authors from more than one four countries.

On this occasion, Yuli, the manager of the Millah and Unisia journals, started the workshop by studying the Higher Education accreditation guidelines and introducing international journals. The introduction is also done by exploring and recognizing the characteristics of writers and journals called international writers and journals of international repute. The introduction of international journals and publishers brings understanding and the introduction of suitable review partners and experts in their fields. Also, an example of looking at academic expertise from the Scopus H-index and campus credibility. In the end, in the second session, all staff were asked to practice tracking collecting a database of prospective authors, editorial boards, and international reviewers.

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Keterlibatan dalam berbagai kegiatan baik organisasi maupun non-organisasi membuka peluang peningkatan soft skill dan mengembangkan portopolio. Hal ini akan sangat menguntungkan bagi mahasiswa yang ingin memudahkan peluang karir di masa depan.

Diskusi yang diselenggarakan oleh Pusat Studi dan Dokumentasi Media Alternatif (PSDMA) NAdim Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) mengupas pengalaman dua mahasiswanya yang sembari kuiah juga meniti karir sebagai pewarta di media online yakni Purworejonews dan Diskusi dilakukan secara daring pada Rabu, 5 Desember 2021 dengan menghadirkan Siti Fauziah atau biasa disapa Fau (Purworejonews) dan Nurul Fajrikusumastuti (

Kedua mahasiswi Imu komunikasi UII ini sama-sama bekerja di media dengan menulis artikel untuk media yang berbeda. Meski mereka sama-sama penulis artikel, namun keduanya memiliki cerita yang berbeda dalam proses perjalanannya.

Sebelum menjadi bagian dari Perworejonews, Siti Fauziah ikut terlibat aktif di Student Journalist Community di Humas UII. Kemampuan menuis artikel membauatnya mudah untuk memenuhi kebutuhan penulis artikel di purworejonews.

Berbeda dengan Nurul, mahasiswa komunikasi angkatan 2018 ini mengikuti sebuah pelatihan yang diselenggarakan oleh liputan6. Pelatihan eksklusif yang hanya diikuti oleh enam orang ini membekalinya banyak hal dan mengasah kemampuannya di bidang jurnalistik. Usai pelatihan, melihat kompetensinya yang bagus di dunia tulis menulis, Nurul ditawari untuk menjadi salah satu kontributor di sejak Mei 2021 ini.

Nurul dan Fau mendapatkan beberapa keuntungan dengan keterlibatannya dalam berbagai kegiatan. Selain mendapatkan honor untuk setiap tulisan yang dimuat, mereka juga dapat megembangkan diri dengan berbagai pengalaman dan soft skill yang mereka dapatkan di media. “Aku nggak berpikir soal dapet honor awalnya. Aku cuma mikir bahwa ini akan bagus untuk membangun portofolioku,” ungkap Nurul.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Waktu adalah istilah yang tak pernah habis dibahas. Waktu pulalah yang selalu menjadi kambing hitam ketika berhadapan dengan pekerjaan. Ada yang bisa memanfaatkan waktu, ada pula yang tidak. Ada yang suka terlena dengan waktu, ada pula yang sebaliknya justru berlebihan. Namun, apakah waktu yang kita gunakan telah mencapai keberkahan?

Pada kesempatan kali ini, NgajiKomunikasi hadir kembali bersama Ustadz Zakaria Rifqi Alfian, Lc. Zakaria adalah Mahasiswa S2 di Universitas Islam Madinah. Ia berkata, mengutip perkataan terkenal Imam Syafii, “waktu laksana pedang. Jika kita tidak mampu memanfaatkannya, waktu sendiri yang akan menebas kita.” katanya dalam Zoom Conference Ngajikomunikasi pada Sabtu, 4 Desember 2021 di Prodi Komunikasi UII. Zakaria, dipandu oleh Herman Felani (Dosen Komunikasi UII klaster Visual Communication) sebagai moderator, berbicara bagaimana agar segenap sivitas akademika dapat meraih keberkahan waktu. Ngaji Komunikasi adalah program kajian rutin yang telah diselenggarakan sejak awal 2021 oleh Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII. Kajian ini membahas beragam topik terkini dikaitkan dengan fenomena komunikasi dan islam terbaru. Misalnya pernah dalam satu sesi, Ngaji komunikasi membahas tentang fenomena Covid-19 dari perspektif fenomenologi dan islam. Dan kini bahasan difokuskan pada soal waktu dan mencapai keberkahannya.

Hasan Al Bashri, demikian kata Zakaria, pernah mengungkapkan sebuah perkataan terkait waktu. Menurut Hasan Al BAshri, penting setiap umat untuk memanfaatkan waktu karena ia tak akan kembali lagi. Hasan Al Bashri adalah putra sahabat nabi yang ikut melakukan penulisan mushaf alquran bernaa Zaid Bin Tsabit. Putra Zaid ini mengatakan satu hal yang patur direnungkan dalam menyikapi waktu. Ia mengatakan, “Wahai Anak Adam, kalian tidak lain hanyalah kumpulan hari, setiap satu hari berlalu maka sebagian dari diri kalian pun ikut pergi.”

Maka dari itu, penting untuk melakukan evaluasi diri terus menerus (muhasabah), kata Zakaria. Zakaria menegaskan pentingnya muhasabah agar mencapai keberkahan waktu kita selama ini dengan mengutip perkataan bijak dari Ibnu Mas’ud. “Tidaklah aku pernah menyesal kepada sesuatu seperti penyesalanku terhadap suatu hari, yang telah terbenam mataharinya, sementara ajalku semakin dekat, dan amalku tidak bertambah,” kata Zakaria menyitir Ibnu Mas’ud.


Reading Time: 2 minutes

Time is a term that never ends. Time is always the scapegoat when it comes to working. Some can take advantage of the time; some are not. Some like to be complacent with time; on the contrary, it is too much. However, has the time we used reached a blessing?

On this occasion, NgajiKomunikasi was back with Ustadz Zakaria Rifqi Alfian, Lc. Zakaria is a Masters’s student at the Islamic University of Medina. He said, quoting the famous saying of Imam Shafi’i, “time is like a sword. If we are not able to use it, time itself will cut us down.” he said in the Zoom Conference Ngajikomunikasi on Saturday, December 4, 2021, at the UII Communication Study Program. Zakaria, guided by Herman Felani (UII Visual Communications Cluster and Communication Lecturer) as moderator, talked about making all academics get the blessing of time. 

NgajiKomunikasi is a routine study program that has been held since early 2021 by the UII Communication Studies Study Program. This study discusses various current topics related to the latest communication and Islamic phenomena. For example, in one session, Ngaji Komunikasi discussed the Covid-19 phenomenon from a phenomenological and Islamic perspective. And now, the discussion is focused on time and achieving its blessings.

Hasan Al Bashri said Zakaria once said a word related to time. According to Hasan Al Bashri, every ummah needs to take time because he will never return. Hasan Al Bashri is the son of the Prophet’s companions who participated in writing the Qur’anic manuscripts named Zaid Bin Thabit. Zaid’s son said one thing that should be contemplated in responding to time. He said, “O Son of Adam, you are nothing but a collection of days, every day that passes, then a part of you goes with it.”

Therefore, it is essential to carry out continuous self-evaluation (muhasabah), said Zakaria. Zakaria emphasized the importance of muhasabah to achieve the blessings of our time so far by quoting the wise words of Ibn Mas’ud. “I had never regretted something like my regret for a day when the sun had set, while my death was drawing near, and my deeds were not increasing,” said Zakaria citing Ibn Mas’ud.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

So far, the maps we know are geographical maps: islands, regions, countries, continents, lakes, seas, land. However, if we get acquainted with history, the map may change color. For example, a geopolitical map where certain regions are supporters or opponents of a block or ally at a particular time. Then the map will change because there is a specific war or agreement ten years later.

Zaki Habibi offers a methodology for making new maps of specific cultural memories by walking. Collect, look for memory variations and then describe them in a narrative map. Maps, as a medium for telling stories.

Monthly Discussion Center for Alternative Media Studies and Documentation (PSDMA) NADIM invites Zaki Habibi, a lecturer in Communication Studies at the Islamic University of Indonesia (UII), who recently completed his doctoral studies in Sweden. The discussion on December 3, 021 offered a new method in studying geographic communication and cultural memory: “Narrative Cartography” works as a methodology for mapping cultural memory.”

The idea of ​​this narrative cartography departs from the critique of a single voice and a passion for seeking variety and diversity of cultural meanings for a particular region and culture. So far, the science and science studied are very anthropocentric, in the sense that all knowledge is used to help human interests: technology to facilitate humans, geology for human goods, agriculture to produce human prosperity.

“Well, the perspective that is built will be beyond the human world. This means that humans are not the only ones who live and live in prisons where all things are intended for human life and prosperity. But that humans are one entity related to other entities such as animals, plants, air, soil and other living entities in the ecosystem.”

For example, National boundaries are irrelevant because now there is interconnectedness and networking as citizens of a city. Those concerned with disaster certainly have a different map, or people with environmental concerns certainly have another map. For example, certain areas have certain geographical and geological conditions and potential disasters; they are associated with humans. In the future, it will be possible to map which areas are vulnerable, which areas are safe for settlement, which areas will be suitable for agricultural land, and so on.

So far, the map seems to be holding back. “This map regulates government-to-government relations but does not set creativity. People experience life on the coast. Differently, the north coast and the south coast have different lifestyles, and creativity to overcome various life problems simultaneously have certain similarities, “said Zaki.

Zaki emphasized that the task of a scholar is to be a part of connecting and understanding these differences.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Some time ago, the team led by Masduki, Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) Communication Lecturer, Journalism, and Media Regulation research cluster, completed the Road Map or 50 Years Roadmap of UII Communication Science. This Roadmap summarizes various plans and responses to current conditions and future projections. Mainly the response to digitalization, the challenges of disruption, and the humanitarian crisis due to modernization.

Masduki, Doctor of Communications at UII, a specialist in the study of public broadcasting and the political economy of media, said that several things became input or background for the importance of making this 50-year roadmap. Its upstream are three university mandates covering research, teaching, and service. “In the global scope, conflicts of civilization arise, at the Indonesian level there are problems related to the implementation of democracy, then in the context of Islam it is important to discuss the relation between Islam and empowerment,” said Masduki at the seminar presentation session as well as socialization and roadshow of the UII Communication Studies Study Program Roadmap which was held on Friday, December 3, 2021.

This event was hosted by Moderator Anang Hermawan, a doctoral candidate for the communication and empowerment cluster from UII, and invited Speaker Septiawan Santana Kurnia as Dean of FIKOM Unisba. Doctor Septiawan Santana appreciates this roadmap and provides input from the experience of the Communication Faculty of Universitas Islam Bandung (Unisba) over the past almost 30 years. According to him, same as what the Dean of FPCS UII said, it is perfect, and it is time for the Department of Communication at UII to become a Faculty that will undoubtedly increase its reach and access.

The three regions also have the output indicators of these three areas on the practical roadmap. First, indicators in the field of research are the presence of research roadmaps and international research collaborations. This includes conferences and international journal publications. It is also essential to have downstream research.

Second, indicators in teaching are the availability of S1, S2, to S3, post-doctoral levels, to international cooperation. The international collaboration in question is, for example, in the form of a double degree and student lecture mobility. It is also important to accelerate the achievement of students and lecturers. The third is the output indicator in the service field by contributing to applicable adaptive technology, contributions at the level of improving the quality of media and information, regulatory reform, and others.

In turn, in the field of research, the expected outcome or impact of the first 50-year roadmap design is the birth of schools of thought and scientists in the field of communication (prophetic perspective, Indonesian, etc.) as a form of de-westernization. There is a discourse on the emergence of the Kaliurang School, which looks like the Frankfurt School in Germany. The outcome in teaching is that alumni’s progress is increasingly felt at the Indonesian and international levels. At the same time, the work in the field of service is the creation of civil society as a form of communication democracy for the welfare of society.