Fortune increases, and fortune decreases. But no one ever knows, whether fortune is a blessing or not. Or is it precisely the fortune that we get that we are often not grateful for? Actually, what is the blessing of fortune?
Barokah or blessing is something that is permanent, lasting, and something that increases in goodness. “That’s why I titled the Koran Communication this time with layers of blessings, borrowing the title of my friend’s book,” said Subhan Afifi, speaker at the Communication Koran which was held in Yogyakarta on December 10, 2022. Based on Subhan’s narrative, the blessings can go deeper. layers and in various contexts.
He is usually called ziyadatul khoir. Keep being good, then the kindness will increase, said Subhan, who is also a UII Communications lecturer in the Public Relations research cluster.
Subhan Afifi said, the fortune of blessings is not a matter of quantity, but what are the benefits? “You can make this, it can be used for anything. But if there is no blessing, then there is a problem. It’s lacking. Some are sick, some are missing, and so on,” explained Subhan Afifi.
The increase in goodness, said Subhan, is in all lines of our life. The more his good deeds, the more good he is for society. “Real empowerment is when it is useful for all. Then how to achieve that blessed fortune? what efforts can be made to achieve it?
Ustadz Subhan Afifi said that this effort can be achieved by doing the following four things maximally and sincerely. “If we do, the blessings will flow,” he added. The four things are trying with knowledge and seeking it, then the second is by doing the best deed. Then the third is doing da’wah. “Maybe in this critical view, yes, meaning ma’ruf nahi munkar includes this da’wah,” explained Subhan on this third point. Three things have been done, so all that remains is to do the fourth, which is patience. “This summarizes all the good that we strive for. So, I am inspired by Surat al-Ashr, a blessed fortune is a fortune that makes us do more good,” said Subhan closing the Koran Communication at the end of this year.