Tag Archive for: journalism

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Google for Media: Strengthening Democracy through informed journalists and citizens – Webinar

Discuss with these Speaker:

Wahyu Dhyatmika, Editor in Chief Majalah TEMPO and Sekretaris Jenderal AMSI (Asosisasi Media Siber Indonesia)

Septiaji Eko Nugroho, Ketua Presidium MAFINDO (Masyarakat Anti Fitnah Indonesia)

Revolusi Riza, Head Of News Gathering CNN Indonesia TV and Sekretaris Jenderal AJI (Aliansi Jurnalis Independen)

For a discussion about:
Fighting the common enemy of misinformation

Senin, 26 Oktober 2020
Pukul 13.00-15.00WIB

Youtube Channel: Google Indonesia


Komunikasi UII yang bervisi communication for empowerment. Kami berupaya melakukan manajemen pengetahuan dengan menjadi pusat informasi dan knowledge untuk mendukung pengembangan keilmuan dan kapasitas mahasiswa dan warga akademik Komunikasi UII. Mahasiwa san warga akademik yang fokus pada kajian jurnalisme, PR, kajian media, dan media kreatif, dapat merujuk pada konten ini demi pengayaan pengetahuan. Konten ini bertujuan edukasi dan nonprofit. #knowledgeproject #kliping

Reading Time: 3 minutes

IP Programs During the Pandemic: Keeping Up with Strict Health Protocols. The Covid-19 pandemic has affected many activities, especially teaching activities in schools and colleges of higher education. The Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) is no exception, which has set new rules for activities during the pandemic period. One example is the UII International Program (IP). Activities here comply with the rules by complying with the Rector’s Circular and government protocols during the pandemic.

IP UII has one of the excellent programs related to global mobility or international mobility. Through interviews with the Directorate of Partnerships / International Affairs Office (DK / KUI), Dian Utami, many programs of global mobility are  still possible to be implemented online. For example Summer Programs, Internships, Lecture Series, Web Seminars, Student Exchange, and Double Degree. Bridging Program in the form of the development of skills such as academic and learning skills training is also implemented in the form of online lectures. The form can be asynchronous or synchronous according to the Circular of the Rector of UII.


Some were postponed, some changes from offline to online

In the Communication Science Department, especially the International Program of Communication (IPC), activities related to global mobility such as the annual Passage to Asean (P2A) program and Student Exchange had to be postponed. Even though they had received offers to implement the P2A program virtually, the IPC still chose to postpone the P2A program. The delay is carried out indefinitely.

“We still hope that there will be an opportunity to get hands-on experience in the P2A program. By going directly abroad. So, currently we can only provide tell to students regarding the postponement of several programs,” said Ida Nuraini Dewi KN, as the IPC secretary.

Various interesting programs with international insight still continue, said this specialist lecturer in journalism and media studies. IPC programs implemented during the pandemic, among others is International Webinar held in May and Career Webinar held in August. There are also Teatime’s regular Talk Show and  Annual Workshop with the theme The Future of Globalization which was held last July.

The Annual Workshop invited Assoc. Prof. Dr. Huey Rong Chen from the Graduate School of Journalism, Chinese Culture University, Taiwan. Meanwhile, the Teatime Talk Show invited Zaki Habibi, a PhD candidate from Lund University, Sweden.

If usually the Annual Workshop is held offline and is open to IPC students and the public, then during the pandemic period the program must be transferred to online. Ida said, in general, several programs such as seminars would still be held even though they were online. Collaboration and research requiring face-to-face meetings and overseas trips where possible will be carried out online.

International Programs in Other Departments / Major

Similar conditions also occur in the International Relations Department. Activities related to global mobility cannot be carried out during the pandemic period. Karina Utami Dewi, as the Secretary of the International Program (IP) of International Relations (IR) Department confirmed this.

Even so, several programs that have been planned and will be implemented in the odd semester of 2020/2021. For example a visiting professor from NUS (National University of Singapore) who will teach in IP for 1 semester. Other programs include implementing IELTS simulations for all IP students and providing mentor academic facilities. Academic mentors are to assist IP students in implementing online learning.

During the pandemic period, the programs that can be implemented in the IP of IR Department vary. For example the Bridging Program and Inspiring Lecture with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. There are also several guest lectures from experts in various subjects in IP. These programs are carried out as usual. The only difference is the form of implementation which is done online.

Even so, the implementation of the program ran smoothly and in general IP students were able to participate well. “Of course there are technical barriers such as connections. This is because most of the IP students return to their hometown. Not all of them have stable internet connections there,” said Karina when interviewed via email.

UII Internationalization Globally 

Dian said that this is understandable during the pandemic period that many programs cannot be implemented as usual. Programs that cannot be implemented can be transferred to other programs. In essence, other activities have benefits and outcomes that support achieving UII Strategic Plan. Including increasing the internationalization of UII globally.

DK / KUI provides facilities in the form of services related to the initiation of new partners proposed by the Department or Faculty. Partners come from both industry, government, academia, and society. In addition, DK / KUI also continues to play a role in delivering information by publishing international activities within UII. Whether it’s mobility activities for lecturers, students, and students.


Author: Fitriana Ramadhany (Student of the Department of Communication Science UII – Internship for the International Program of Communication UII)

Editor: A. Pambudi W



Reading Time: < 1 minute

Forum Amir Effendi Siregar Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Islam Indonesia menggelar Serial Bincang Sejarah Komunikasi (Seri 9)

Meletakkan Sejarah Pers Mahasiswa dalam Kajian Media di Indonesia

Wisnu Prasetya Utomo

Menyelesaikan studi master di School of Media and Communication, University of Leeds. Menulis buku Pers Mahasiswa Melawan Komersialisasi Pendidikan (2013) yang diangkat dari skripsi S1.  Saat ini merupakan pengajar di Departemen Ilmu Komunikasi UGM dan sedang menyelesaikan buku yang diolah dari tesis S2 tentang Media and Political Parallelism in Indonesia.

Sabtu, 5 September 2020
Pukul 10:00 WIB
Via Zoom



Reading Time: 2 minutesStarting by Wednesday, July 31, 2019 until the next nine days, the International Program (IP) of Communication Department will sent 13 students, Mr. Herman Felani Tanjung, MA (lecturer), and 2 staff to conduct an academic tour and doing ‘Travel Writing Projects’ at many variety important locations in Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand. This Travel Writing Project is part of a routine program that is held every year. This visiting program for Asean countries, which are often known as Passage To Asean (P2A) Program, is the second time that held by the UII’s Communication Department, since 2018. Students will also visit three campuses in Southeast Asia: University of Economics and Law (Vietnam), Svay Rieng University (SRU) Cambodia, Thammasat University (Thailand). P2A is a network of Asean universities and institution of higher education.

All the student will learn a lot of things under supervision Mr. Herman Felani Tandjung, MA, lecturer of film and culture studies, Yudi Winarto, and Marjito Iskandar T. G. as profesional supervisor from Audio Visual Laboratory of Communication Department.  The IP students of Communication Department UII, under supervision of Mr. Tandjung, will travel to several locations and sharpen their view and sensitivity to capture the social reality there. According to Ida Nuraini Dewi K. N., Secretary of International Program of Communication Department, in addition to capturing social reality, communication students are expected to be able to probe, analyze, compare and record the history, cultural diversity, religiosity, and many things that will appear behind these tourist sites. Ida also said that, “the most important thing and different than other P2A Program, is student will learn about character building that is consist of problem solving, decision making, and teamwork beside learn to implement their communication skill (such as speaking, writing, photography, video, etc).

Lecturers, staff, and students will also conduct comparative visits on many campuses at three countries. There is a hope that Communication IP students, beside applying their knowledge so far in the classroom, they also will have new perspectives that emerge from these trips.

P2A in principle has the spirit of providing opportunities for students, lecturers, and staff of Communication Department to reach global and international studies and comparisons. The processes that are passed in P2A enable them to get a lot of new perspectives that are insightful for the future of communication studies. Not only that, both student and lecturer of Communication Department are ultimately expected to be able to improve their abilities such as social analysis skills, journalism, reportage, writing, photography, and brainstorming creative ideas in simultaneously.

The previous P2A, the committee of P2A designed P2A with the concept of Photography Workshop and Competition entitled: “P2A 2018 – Workshop and Photography Competition: Humanature”, to capture moment in various destination at Indonesia,  Malaysia and Thailand. Students from three campuses in the three countries were encouraged to collaborated, competed, and sharpen their photography skills in the tourist locations. They also capture iconic, unique, and interesting things into an aesthetic and meaningful photo work. In the end, P2A at that time gave awards to students who had the best photo works in collaboration with Nikon Malaysia, P2A, UII, and Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM).