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Committing Achievements During the Pandemic

UII Communication Students Win Achievements at International Conferences.

The pandemic seems to never end. One of the key strategies is handling in the line of information. If stakeholders do not have one voice in conveying information about Covid-19 and its handling, of course the public will be in doubt and doubt. So a unit of information from stakeholders is necessary.

Two UII Communication students, Ajeng Putri Andani, together with Roiyan Nangim, successfully completed their research on this issue. Unmitigated, they, guided by Sumekar Tanjung, UII Communication supervisor, presented their research findings at an international conference. This conference was held on December 4, 2020 with Thailand as the host. The conference, called the 8th Asian Academic Society International Conference, was entitled “ASIA Sustainable Innovation: Global Health Diplomacy, Technology and SDGs Accordance.”

“The DIY regional government uses new media as a strategy to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic by means of a single narrative,” said Ajeng. The results of his research entitled Mitigation Analysis of the Provincial Government of the Special Region of Yogyakarta in Handling Covid-19 through New Media.

What does a single narrative mean? “Single narrative is a unit of information that has been coordinated on obtaining information from various sources from the Task Force Team,” he said. it becomes the same information to be published through social media, especially the Instagram platform and the website, “she explained.

Ajeng and Roiyan, assisted by another team member from the UII FH Masters, Bayu Mogana Putra, entered the presentation room in the Sub-theme of Disaster Mitigation and Political Science. Both of them were also awarded as best presenters (best oral presenter) in a conference with 25 teams and 23 campuses from 3 countries. Starting from Thailand, Indonesia, to Libya. They raised a paper entitled Analysis of the Mitigation of the Provincial Government of the Special Region of Yogyakarta in Handling Covid-19 through New Media.

The participating campuses, if you want to be called, come from various universities. In total more than 20 universities. For example, call it from the University of Indonesia, Indonesian Islamic University, ITB, Unair, Univ Teuku Umar, Raja Ali Hajj Tanjung Pinang Maritime University, STAIN Sultan Abdurrahman, Mahidol University, Brawijaya University, Ramathibodi Hospital, UGM, Sirindhorn College of Public Health Phitsanulok Thailand, Univ. Muhammadiyah Bengkulu, Kasetsart University Thailand, Mae Fah Luang University Thailand, BE Logist Research center, Bani Walid University Libya, Tripoli University Libya, Gunadarma University – Jakarta, Yogyakarta state university, UPN Veteran, Chulalongkorn university.

How to Research and Speak at International Conference

How can you face the world of international academy? According to Ajeng, the most important thing is that we are able to convey the message that we want to convey to the judges. If we feel comfortable conveying it, the jury will more easily grasp what we have to say.

Regular exercise is also quite helpful. “More exercise will not make us nervous, but with that we will be more prepared and more confident,” said Ajeng.

In addition, the support and trust of those closest to you is also the key to success. Ajeng thanks the people who have supported him. For example, parents, teammates, as well as supervisors. He thanked his group team for being willing to support the ups and downs of making paper, “and always strengthen one another,” she said.

Her close friends also have an important role to play, she said. “I often ask them for help. Both for abstract correction and training me presentations.”



Foreign writers consider many journals that have been indexed by DOAJ and Copernicus. Both are considered intermediate indexes at the international level.

That was the experience of the Journal of Islamic Economics and Finance (JEKI) from FBE UII when sharing in the FGD of UII Journal Managers on January 12, 2021 via Zoom Meeting. The Manager of Jurnal Komunikasi UII and Asian Journal of Media and Communication (AJMC), international journal of Department of Communication Science also participate in this FGD. AJMC also have been indexed by Copernicus.

Heri Sudarsono, the manager of JEKI, even said that JEKI even gives fees to foreign writers when their journals are indexed in sinta 3. There are also criteria that writers do not have to pay to send a manuscript if they are foreign writers or collaborate with foreign writers. He executed the trick in order to spur an increase in the number of foreign writers in his journal.

There are many tricks and tips that can be imitated and applied to attract international writers to the journal. Apart from consistency in style and quality of writing both technically and in substance, journal indexes also need to be considered, as stated at the beginning of this writing.

According to Heri, the mapping of the typology of journals at UII is still only a few indexed by DOAJ and copernicus. “So this is why, in this FGD, it is important that we make this FGD to determine a forum to formulate a measurable and comprehensive strategy for the development of journals at UII,” said Heri, who also agreed by Eko Siswoyo, manager of the Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering (JSTL), who is also a moderator of this FGD.

According to Eko, there are two types of DOAJ indexes. “Reportedly, foreign writers pay more attention to the DOAJ index with the green tick,” he said. According to Eko’s monitoring, only 6 journals in UII that have been indexed by DOAJ. We have to level it up all our journal to be indexed by two of them.

Imam Djati Widodo, Vice Rector 2 of UII, said that he will continue to support the development of journals at UII, “For example, there was a proposal for OJS training, then yesterday we also supported and gives incentives at the end of each year for journals with good progress.” Some time ago, said Imam, at the end of 2020, the UII Rectorate gave grants selectively for the development of journals at UII, which amounted to around 20 to 50 million rupiah per journal.

At the end of the FGD, the journal managers from all over the UII finally agreed to encourage and commit themselves so that their journals could be indexed by DOAJ and copernicus. The hope is that if these two intermediate indexes have been achieved, writers at the international level will be more interested. The hope is that the university will facilitate, for example, with training and various supports as stated at the beginning.

The Criteria for journals you manage to be indexed by Scopus, it must be specific. However, getting your UII journal indexed by Scopus is not a matter of specific names, but of scope. Of course, consistent use of English is also a major requirement.

“To be indexed by Scopus, it is not a matter of the name of the journal. But the content. In English, reviewers and writers are also plural,” said Dr. Lukman, ST, M. Hum, Secretary of the Central Java Region VI of  Higher Education Service Institute, in the UII’s Journal Training, on January 12th, 2021, via Zoom Conference.

Heri Sudarsono, manager of the Journal of Islamic Economics & Finance, guided the training with the theme “Improving Journal Management Quality Towards SINTA 2 Accreditation and the SCOPUS Index”.

Lukman also said the key to penetrating the Scopus index was to pay attention to two things. First from a technical point of view: the quality of the style and format editing. Then the second is in terms of substance: quality of content and writing ideas.

According to him, what is meant by being specific for Scopus indexing is not a matter of name, but the specific scope of it. “Even so, it would be nice to make a specific journal name,” he added later.

Consistency in technical editing and substance of writing seems to be the first step even when you want the journal to be indexed in any index. The neatness of journal management, clarity of functions among journal managers, the duties of editors, and clear duties of reviewers are also requirements for journals to become references for the authors.

The management of the Asian Journal of Media and Communication (AJMC) has also shown consistency. This international journal in Communications Department has been indexed by Copernicus. The step towards Scopus, as Lukman said, is certainly a little easy step forward. Apart from that, the AJMC journal is already in English consistently and involves various foreign writers. Meanwhile, the Jurnal Komunikasi (UII Communication Journal) is heading towards re-accreditation towards indexed by Sinta 3 (National Journal Accreditation index level 3)  in the coming months.

Participants also asked Lukman, as an expert on publications and journals at the Ministry of Research and Technology / National Agency for Research and Technology about the role of editors and reviewers and consistency in editing journal manuscripts. According to Lukman, editors can write in their own journals, as long as the reviewers are not themselves. But you should avoid writing in your own journal, so don’t only dare at your own turf, Lukman explained.

Lukman added that the editor’s job is to make writing so that it is technically pleasing. “Correction of conformity with the environment is the task of editors, not reviewers.”

Meanwhile, reviewers check whether the writing has a state of the art, has an impact and in a nutshell, “reviewers make their writing easy to read, not check semicolons and language style,” said Lukman.

Participants are also expected to learn from examples of journals that have been indexed by Scopus. For example in the use of cross-linking. Journals indexed by Scopus / Elsevier must have Cross-linking, he said. Cross-linking links refers to their original sources. “You can see and imitate the elsevier journals’s standard, how do you see it in the manuscript,” said Lukman.

Shouldn’t the journal manager change the writing style? Another question arose. According to Lukman, it is permissible for journals to change their writing style, but it must be consistent.

Then if everything has been fixed, consistency has been carried out, what are the next steps? “If the provisions are in place, immediately check the readiness and submit it on “Ready for Scopus” website, immediately. But don’t be sure without all the preparations and register at Ready for Scopus, it will be rejected,” said Lukman. “Most journal incidents in Indonesia arose, so yesterday there was an impression that Indonesia must be careless, hopefully it was not from UII.”

Lukman gave a closing message and impression to the training participants who were all journal managers at UII. “Ladies and gentlemen, must understand the instruments in Arjuna and the provisions of Sinta. It must be consistent, thorough, and observant. Between one volume and the next, whether the writing is consistent with the style, writing, and quality of the editing with an affinity. Be careful.”

It has been more than half a year of Work From Home and online lectures using the Shift model run by a large family of the Faculty of Psychology and Socio-Cultural Sciences UII. At first, pandemics create anxiety, worry, and even fear. It has been a long time since FPSB residents have seen each other, only through online screens. All of this was done to mitigate the spread of Covid-19 by taking care of each other, still wearing a mask, keeping your distance, and washing your hands with soap in running water.

In order to support the efforts of the Covid-19 Mitigation Team of the UII Covid-19 Task Force, the FPSB UII Family Gathering Committee held an online FPSB UII 2020 family meeting on Saturday (19/12) online. The goal is an effort to strengthen the relationship between the FPSB UII community because they have never met offline since the pandemic broke out in Yogyakarta.

Through the Zoom Application, all FPSB UII academicians gathered that morning. The event was opened with the reading of divine kalam, followed by remarks from the Dean of the FPSB UII, Fuad Nashori. After that, the video shows competitions, games, and door prizes. Interestingly, even though the Family Gathering this time was using a virtual method, the excitement was still felt.

The committee, from the start, also challenged all academicians of the FPSB UII to record a video of the excitement of their family with the Stay at home Challenge. Videos depict fun and family activities and activities. In various forms, it turned out that the videos were collected on the committee’s table. There are videos of cooking activities, learning the Quran, cleaning the mosque, riding, eating together, and some even playing tiktok videos.

Apart from being lively, reflections and sharing experiences between families are also enlightening. For example, there is a special time to tell stories from the families of FPSB UII staff and lecturers who are exposed to covid-19. How do they get through it, the obstacles, and the efforts to overcome them.

The majority of participants felt the excitement of this event even though they followed it online. For example Erdina Trisna, Staff of the FPSB Journal and Publication Unit, “First time participating, and following online. The event was fun, entertaining from video footage of the family frantically.”

Not only that, he also felt that he had gained new knowledge from the experiences of fathers, mothers, or families of Zoom Meeting Family Gathering participants who were exposed to Covid-19.

In line with that, Putri Asriyani, Staff of the Center for Study and Documentation of Alternative Media (PSDMA) NADIM Communications, FPSB UII, said that this is the first time experiencing family meetings online. “The festivities are different, still festive.”


Towards the end of 2020 #ngajikomunikasi this time raised the theme of Reflection End of 2020 guided by Subhan Afifi, Lecturer of Communication UII by presenting Dr. Harry B Santoso S.Kom, M.Kom (Lecturer, Faculty of Computer Science, University of Indonesia) in a routine study of #ngajikomunikasi on Saturday (12/12).

Harry explained, there are so many verses of God that are conveyed by oath. “Why God swears by something, it means that there is a sign to pay attention to. For example, for the sake of the masses, time,” he gave an example.

Harry quoted the opinion of the commentator, Imam Ibn Kathir. Ibn Kathir said, al ashr. Or, he said, see Jalalain’s tafsir, “Al Ashr is meant by the time or time of ashar. So there are two meanings. So al ashr is marked by human activity in which he can do good and evil. Why does man lose? Because he is too focused on the world. Except which focuses on the orientation of the hereafter, “he explained, quoting two books of tafsir Al quran surat al Ashr.

“Or try to study the Quran Surat An-Naaziat verse 46. When we are reminded by God through Surat An-Naaziat, life is only for a moment,” Harry asked looking at the letter. According to Harry, the letter explained that on the day when they saw the Day of Judgment, they felt that they had only lived in the world for a short time, in the afternoon or morning.

“It’s late in the afternoon even though the time for pious deeds is over. This is a warning of advice that is quite powerful if we ponder together,” said Harry.

Later, Harry invited the participants to conduct this online communication to study Al Quran Surat Al-Hasyr verse 18. “We are required to prepare provisions for piety. Umar reminded us, examine yourself before being examined, weigh yourself before being weighed,” said Harry. According to Harry, Umar ibn Khottob, a Caliph, the leader of the Muslims, at the time after the death of the Prophet Muhammad, gave advice to people to muhasabah (self -examination) and continue to improve themselves. “It’s about what we can do to weigh the scales of goodness. So it’s about self-reflection,” Harry said.

How to start a muhasabah? Imam Ghazali, Harry said, showed me how to start. Muhasabah can be started on obligatory deeds. Have the obligatory practice done correctly and correctly. “This becomes the key. Then we move on to other deeds. After that then meditate as the Qur’an says Surat Ali Imron verse 191. This is interesting. That some people do intend to recite dhikir, not just sitting, but even standing and lying down. Dzikir, remembering about the creation of the god of the universe. Always looking for wisdom, “he said giving tips.

Harry also quoted the Book of Ihya which revealed that thinking for a moment is better than worshiping for a year. “Think about how much worship we have done. Reflect on quite a few things about the purpose of our creation.

Have a story idea? Confused about developing story ideas? Ideas always stuck on a white laptop screen? These various obstacles may often arise for students of communication science when working on creative work projects. Whether it’s a film script, novel, essay, short story, even writing based on field reportage. The key is strong in research: researching and reading.

“So the key is research and observation. We will have a lot of data for us to put in the storyline,” said Dirmawan Hatta in the Creative Work Design Workshop on Saturday (12/12/2020). Dirmawan, the speaker this time, is the Founder of Growing Up Cinema Rakyat. An institution that has the vision to grow the spectacle of the people and their networks.

The event is aimed at supporting students in designing their final project Proposal Seminar. On the second day, the workshop was held online and broadcast live from the Audiovisual Laboratory of the UII Communication Science Study Program.

If the research is complete, and you have found a lot of material to include in the story, the next step is to determine the boundary range.

How far will the story in this film take. Make concrete boundaries about time. Time limit for telling. How to tell events according to what the senses get, not from ideas.

Begin to lay down story ideas. “What did it start with, what did it end with? Then look for the most important thing, put it at the end, that will make it taste different,” added Dirmawan.

He added, “So, the point is that the story line can be seen first. The way of presenting a film can be reversed freely.”

According to Dirmawan, conveying information is easier than capturing feelings. Our tool to captivate the audience, one of the currencies is feeling. So make a story that brings feelings, that’s what is captivating.

How to Capture an Audience? Use the Suspense and Surprise trick.

What is the difference between surprise and suspense. Many budding filmmakers confuse the two. Even if its use in films is often inappropriate. Dirmawan tries to explain it to the workshop participants so that these two tricks can be used in designing story ideas.

“Surprise was unexpected but happened. It was surprising,” said Dirmawan, whose film some time ago was nominated for the 2020 Indonesian Film Festival / FFI.

As for suspense, for example when we realize that we think something happened but never happened. “We thought it must have happened. It didn’t happen. For example, They chasing the police. Hiding in the room, but when the door was smashed there was not there,” Dirmawan gave an example.

“If you make a story that always has suspense and surprise, it will make the audience watch until the end,” he explained.

Apart from using the surprise and suspense tricks, character and plot development must also be considered. Character development is determined by, “how much knowledge you have and how focused you will be on developing the character of the character,” he explained.

“The development of character is not random either, it must follow a certain pattern from the way we define the cultural space and the spatial space attached to the character / character,” he said.

Character development can be done by translating the form of characters between characters or between characters and events and story values.

Dirmawan said, “So we have to define characters. If we can’t describe the characters, hobbies and character traits, then our ideas and story characters will have no appeal and will be just ideas.” This deepening of the characters, stories, and story plots can only be obtained after doing research.

Basically, according to Dirmawan, the formula for telling or telling a story is always reading, being critical, “not just listening and imitating, but being processed.”

He added, “if we know our character well, by doing research and observation from various directions, the audience will bring something after watching,” he said.


The end of the year is like a series of pit stops. There must be times when we stop. Perspective as a Muslim, life as a series of milestones. There are certain moments as a Muslim for reflection.

“For example, we have a special month, namely the month of Ramadan. There we can perform worship. Then Allah multiplies the reward. There is a night of lailatul qodar, there is a warning of Nuzulul Quran. So there are momentum in Islam,” said Dr. Harry B Santoso S.Kom, M.Kom (Lecturer at the Faculty of Computer Science, University of Indonesia) in a routine study of #ngajikomikasi on Saturday (12/12). This time #ngajikomikasi raised the theme End of Year 2020 Reflection guided by Subhan Afifi, UII Communication Lecturer.

Harry added, for example, if there are days, there are also special days. He gave an example, Friday is the day of gathering. On Friday, the Muslims gather and listen to the preacher. “From a social perspective, of course there is no mechanism for Muslims to gather. But with Friday prayers Muslims gather and listen to messages from the preacher, and that’s where the Islamic community is built spiritually,” said Harry.

For him, the life series of a Muslim becomes a series. Humans have milestones. There are milestones for important events that we can see from a daily perspective. “Or we can see it monthly, or annually. For example, it could be like what we do now, reflecting the end of the year,” said Harry.

How should you live in the world? What a guide for reflection on life during the year. “The mental attitude of the Muslims, ideally, even though their feet stand in the world, their views are far ahead, to the final goal, namely jannah, or heaven,” explained Harry explaining the ideal mental attitude of a Muslim as a guide to self-assessment.

“This is what we need to reflect on that a Muslim should be a traveler, and the end of his journey is the hereafter,” he added.


Corona virus 19 pandemic has hit Indonesia for more than 6 months, claiming thousands of deaths. It caused economic recession in various countries. Socially, the Covid 19 pandemic has also caused fear in the community. Many aspects change drastically and rapidly. In this expert lecture, the Indonesian Islamic University Communication Science (28/11) invited Eko setiawan SI Kom, M. Med.Kom, a social media strategist from the Communication and Information Agency of  East Java.

Eko explained that psychologically, in a disaster situation, in this case the Covid 19 pandemic, people will continue to look for the latest information. Information about the number and area distribution of people who have been confirmed positive has become much sought after by the community.

To be able to provide accurate information, the government’s recommendation must know the demographic map of its population, age, distribution of areas, and also the widely used media. The type of content presented must also be considered carefully so as not to add to panic and be useful. From the start, the agenda setting was that news had to have a good impact, for example not to panic, prioritizing a healthy and safe life with a new lifestyle using masks, diligently washing hands, keeping your distance. “The focus of information is information that has an impact on society for the public, it is useful not just ceremonial news,” said Eko.

To make the information easy to understand, the Communication and Information Technology Agency of East Java also uses videos and infographics to support the readability of the community. “If you look at the demographic data of the community, the social media platforms that are widely used by people are FB and IG,” said Eko.

In a pandemic situation that is completely uncertain, the government must provide services that can be accessed interactively and quickly. In this case, the East Java communication and information office made a tactical move. Some of them are establishing media centers and call centers to receive complaints and reports from the public regarding Covid 19, conducting press conferences, both periodically and incidental, open volunteers and using networks to disseminate information, spread information through billboards, posters, banners, and public service advertisements.


There are times when a company goes through a crisis with skewed coverage. All cases that affect the company’s image will certainly give rise to a certain crisis. In this crisis situation, Public Relations work is very important to save the good name of the company.

In a series of Communikita discussion events hosted by Nadia Wasta Utami, Lecturer in Communication Sciences at the Islamic University of Indonesia, this time (@ November 1, 2020) presented Dr. Ayu Cornelia, a founder of the PR and Marketing Communication Agency, one of the Yogyakarta Cultural Council.

In an effort to save the company’s image, PR does not only act in times of crisis. The task of PR, said Ayu Cornelia, was previously Marketing Communication at the Hyatt Hotel, not only during a crisis. “Homework is not a firefighter,” said Cornelia.

She statedd that PR must also establish relationships with many parties. All jobs in all lines of the company he should know. He also has to establish relationships with journalists and even the head of journalists. Apart from having to maintain weekly and monthly activities or events to maintain positive company news, PT must also maintain media relations. “Not only in times of crisis, but in every event. Even just saying Eid, Easter, or Christmas,” said Cornelia, who since graduating from her doctorate, has started an agency under her name Cornelia and Co.

“During my 7 years at Hyatt there were 5 to 6 crises. Alhamdulillah, the name Hyatt was not always written in the newspapers, at most it was written as ‘five star hotel in North Jogja’,” said Cornelia.

PR is about how to build a relationship with all parties. So a PR is required to have a low profile but high content. “PR is about maintaining relationships, not just contacting relationships if we need to knock!” said Cornelia.

When a crisis occurs, keep only one voice out of the company. A maximum of two people can talk to the CEO and PR, “we have to communicate with all internally, ‘guys, if there are questions from journalists, only the leader and I can answer them.’ Don’t have mysticism between us,” Ayu explained.


Pandemic limiting interaction between students and lecturers. Including academic services is also not as easy as usual. Campus academicians find it difficult to access facilities and activities to enrich their knowledge such as discussions, workshops, training, and expert lectures with expert speakers. So, the quality of the campus digital line must reach its best performance. Both websites and social media and other platforms.

Through UII Website Appreciation, UII Public Relations encourages site managers throughout UII to improve their performance so that service quality increases. Many departments, faculties, and units are rewarded with many website winners categories. One of them is the UII Communication site, which won first place in the Website Category for the most content updates. So the gold winner award was given as an appreciation for the hard work of all academic members of the UII Communication Science Study Program.

This award was made at the Virtual Awarding UII Website Appreciation 2020 event which was broadcast through the YouTube channel of the Islamic University of Indonesia on Friday (13/11). Previously, the judging of 45 participants from website representatives was carried out from 20 August to 20 October 2020.

The Knowledge Management (KM) approach in the Production of Site Content, Social Media, and Youtube Communication UII, since 2018, has implemented the Knowledge Management (KM) approach in publishing website content, social media PSDMA Nadim and IP.Communication, and Uniicoms TV Online TV. This approach allows content to be created from a variety of potentials and knowledge that the department has. Knowledge management makes the process of coming back and identifying data and information into knowledge. So it is not impossible, the KM approach can show the characteristics of the Communication Science Study Program UII which has a vision of Communication for Empowerment.

The Chancellor of UII, Fathul Wahid, also gave high appreciation to the site managers at UII. “When physical mobility is limited due to the pandemic, the quality and updating of website content becomes the spearhead. So our high appreciation goes to the website managers,” said the UII Chancellor opening this award ceremony.

In line with that, Ratna Permata Sari, Head of Public Relations at UII, said that, “For the first time, this appreciation is given to the website which is managed by the Faculty units, Departments / Study Programs, Service Units, and Study Centers within UII.” This appreciation is given to all site managers for their creative efforts in the midst of the pandemic in maintaining a positive image of the Islamic University of Indonesia.

“Hopefully it can provide inspiration, enthusiasm and also open mutual attention about the importance of updating the website as the vanguard of higher education,” added Fathul Wahid in his digital broadcast.