Tag Archive for: diskusi nadim

The official Doc-Camp photo story exhibition and discussion were held from 20 to 23 September 2022. In the first Photo Discussion, Nadim (the center of media alternative studies) presented Boy Harjanto as a speaker to dissect 12 photo story themes from UII students across the globe. From across the class and department. Boy said in addition to technical photography, the photo exhibition of the participants has tried to raise various themes. Even so, there are some assessments from him.

He judged that some photographers were still not brave enough to experiment with photo techniques with a fairly high difficulty level. “For example, using panning, slow motion, zooming, rotation, and other technique,” said Boy Harjanto in a Photo Discussion by Participants of the 2022 Doc-Camp Photo Exhibition; this discussion is a result of the collaboration between PSDMA Nadim Communication UII and Klik18 that held on September 20, 2022. Boy gave an assessment and dissects the photos of the participants while also showing examples of his works that capture the moment of Iqra’s printing around Kotagede or freezing the routine activities of Ramadan in Jogokariyan with various experiments of high-level photography techniques.

Therefore, in addition to considering the technical aspects of photography and photo experimentation, photo story photographers must also consider what Boy calls the storyline exposure technique. A photo story is a technique of telling stories through photos. So photo story photographers must be able to play smart with photos and storylines.

“In terms of storyline presentation, Doc-Camp photographers, some of them have focused on making story photos according to the plans made,” Boy explained. “Although there are also participants who are less focused on the plans that have been made previously,” said Boy. For example, there is a team that creates another storyline in the photo of the story itself.

This Doc-camp Photo Story class combines student photographers from across generations, departments, faculties and multi genders with various themes. So, not all photographers are dominated by men. “This class is divided into two groups with different durations. Doc-camp 2019 resulted in the production of seven photo story titles that were done individually and in groups. Then Doc Camp in 2022 produced five photo story productions. Personally and also the majority are made in groups,” said Boy. In total, 12 story photos have been produced by all participants with various themes. For example, the theme of Islamic traditions at the Ancient Kraton Pathok Negoro Mosque in Plosokuning, the anti-mainstream recitation of Ngaji Filsafat (a religious recitation that study of Philosophy as the material) at the Sudirman Mosque, Biker Subuhan (Subuh bikers), to portraits of a pesantren with deaf majority students in Sleman.

At the end of the event, Naufal Syahrofi, Chairman of Klik18 (UII Communications student also the head of the student photo community), gave a memento from the Department of Communications, UII, to Boy T. Harjanto, their speaker and mentor during the process of making and producing photo stories in 2022. Boy has accompanied the participants from the training process, planning, sequencing, to photo curation and exhibitions.

(Featured Photos by Nabiel Marazieq)

Gunawan Marjito, speaking on behalf Doc-Camp initiators, talk about the idea of Doc-Camp as a students media development program with high-quality standard driven by a lot of mentors from staff and lecturers of The Department of Communications, UII since 2018 (Photo by Desyatri Parawahyu)

After being delayed because of two years of the Covid-19 pandemic, the exhibition of seven photo story themes from the Photographer who received the Doc-Camp (Doctrine-Media Camp) scholarship in 2019 was also successful. This time, the exhibition also collaborates with 16 participants of the 2022 Doc-Camp, a collaboration with a communication student community that focuses on the world of photography at UII, namely Klik18. Klik18 contributed five photo story themes to this exhibition.

The aspiration to see the face of Islam 20 years after reform has existed since 2018. “We, Mas Muzayin, Ali MInanto (both are Communication Lecturers at UII), and I have a dream to take a picture of what Islam looks like after 20 years of reform. Then we made training to make films, photos, videos, and feature writings,” recalls M. Iskandar Tri Gunawan about the first release of Doc-Camp. Initially, Doc-Camp was two activities with two names to be merged: Doctrine (documentary training) and Media Camp in 2018. According to Iskandar, in 2019, these two student development programs were merged into one name with the same passion for becoming Doc-Camp 2019 At Doc-Camp 2019, the theme raised is no longer about Islam 20 years after the reformation but Islam and transformation: depict the cities and villages, said Iskandar at the opening of the 2022 Doc-Camp Photo Discussion and Exhibition on September 20, 2022, at the Mini Theater of Department of Communications, UII.

Several years of creating a series of training called Doctrine in 2018, Media Camp in 2018, and Doc-Camp in 2019. “The year 2020-2021 is a vacuum due to the pandemic. Until finally, we invited our friends to collaborate with Klik18 for a joint exhibition,” said Iskandar, a Laboratory Assistant in the Communication Department at the Universitas Islam Indonesia, at the opening of a photo discussion entitled Islam and Transformation on September 20, 2022.

Pause and Reflection Space

The time lag for activities is two to three years because the pandemic provides an important time marker. “The existence of this event also manifests the results of that process. The process of providing space for creativity, space for expression, and encouraging dialogue with clubs from other campuses,” said Zaki Habibi, one of the lecturers of the UII Communication Department, giving a speech representing the UII Department of Communications. According to Zaki, the 2022 Doc-Camp photo exhibition and discussion in collaboration with PSDMA Nadim Communication UII and Klik18 is a space to reflect on photos and Islam after a break due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

“This stage is an appreciation for Klik18, mentors, the Department of Communications of UII crew and all of you. Our waist is stiff because he’s been lying down for two years,” joked Zaki, a Communication Lecturer at UII specializing in Urban and Visual Culture studies.

Photos are like a pandemic. Zaki explained that photos are part of frozen moments, space and time to give pause. Pause for a moment to read the visual space. Pause, take a little time to take a break from the constant flow of routine, to reflect.

Zaki Habibi, a representative of the Communications Department of UII, gave a speech at the Opening of the Doc-Camp 2022 Photo Discussion and Exhibition on September 20, 2022. According to him, this exhibition is the result of a pause and reflection during the two years of the Covid-19 pandemic (Photo by Desyatri Parawahyu)


Here in this exhibition, reading photography and reading society in terms of content. “It seems that our friends see Islam as not narrow, not only Islam with theology and rituals,” said Zaki.

Through photographs, Zaki said, it can be seen in our society that Islam is not limited to theological, ritualistic, and spiritual teachings. “But we can see Islam which is more cultural, which interacts with the community,” said Zaki in his speech

. “We must be able to read it with glasses that are beyond the symbol of worship.”

On many other sides of culture, photography can take a moment to pause to see the world stopped in the frame. The hallmark of photography is that it freezes the moment, freezes space and time to stop for a moment, giving us pause to reflect together.” the lid.

The next session was filled with material on Photo Editing from Boy Tri Harjanto, a training companion since 2018. Boy is a photographer for the European Press Agency (EPA) Photo, he provides both technical and conceptual input on several photos exhibited at this photo exhibition with the theme of Islam and Transformation.

*Featured Photo by Nabiel Marazieq

The theme of photo stories about Islam is now easier to pick up. In addition to the theme being quite universal, the subjects taken for the subject of the photo story are quite common because the majority of Indonesians are Muslims with various backgrounds. Both male and female students can have no difficulty assembling a story through the shutter and lens of a photo story.

“The growth of Islam in the archipelago is also significant, both in big cities and in villages, making it easier to take Islamic issues in photos story,” said Boy T. Harjanto, a photographer from EPA (European Press Agency) Photo, which became the main speaker in the Discussion and Photo Exhibition of Doc-Camp 2022 stories in collaboration with the Nadim Communication Center for Alternative Media Studies and Documentation UII and Klik18. Boy sees photo exhibitions with Islamic themes that are currently very easy to take because they are also abundant in variety besides being universal.

On this occasion, on September 20, 2022, Boy was appointed by the Doc-Camp 2022 committee to be the reviewer of 12 photographic works of photographers from UII students. Nizli Nailunni’mah the moderator of this evening’s discussions said, all photographers are here and share their experience of making the photo stories. Many of them face obstacles while taking pictures, particularly a refusal from the subject. According to Boy, from the photography aspect, the 7 themes of the photo stories from the early Doc-Camp participants had the opportunity to find momentum and photo events to be more flexible and explore photos more. “The 2019 Doc-Camp participants have quite a bit of time, so it is possible for the participants to produce better photo repetitions than the 2022 Doc-Camp participants,” said Boy judging from the photographic aspect.

Meanwhile, Doc-Camp 2022 participants experienced limited time, and the tight schedule of lectures and campus committees made it difficult for them to take photos again. Although the hunting period is also entering the exam holiday period, not every team has the opportunity to take photos again, so it is difficult to get better photos.

According to Boy, the photos from participants’ stories, in terms of taking photos, the basic technique of taking photos is quite good, “although there are still some technical errors, such as lack of focus and under and overexposure,” added Boy.

Dozens of participants attended this discussion. Both from the student community and clubs at UII to several photo communities and photo lovers from outside UII. In addition to discussions, a photo exhibition has also been held from 20-23 September 2022 with 12 photo themes and more than 150 photo frames exhibited at the UII Library with the Kimpulan Temple as the background. Visitors to the photo exhibition recorded more than 300 participants from inside and outside UII, such as Unriyo Yogyakarta, Fotka, Lens Club Sanata Dharma, Semarang student photo community, and others.

(Featured Photo by Nabiel Marazieq and Galih Abimanyu: featuring Nizli as the moderator (left) and Boy as the speaker (right))

A Souvenir was given to Our Keynote Speaker, Boy Harjanto (Left), by Naufal Syahrofi (right), The Head of the Committee of this Discussion and Photo Exhibition on 20 September 2022 (Photo by Desyatri Parawahyu)


Setelah terkendala dua tahun lebih Pandemi Covid-19, akhirnya pameran karya tujuh tema foto story dari Fotografer penerima beasiswa Doc-Camp (Doctrine-Media Camp) 2019 berhasil juga terlaksana. Uniknya, kali ini pameran juga berkolaborasi dengan 16 peserta Doc-Camp 2022 buah kerjasama dengan komunitas mahasiswa komunikasi yang fokus pada dunia fotografi di UII yaitu Klik18. Klik18 menyumbang lima tema foto cerita pada perhelatan pameran ini.

Cita-cita untuk melihat wajah Islam 20 tahun pasca reformasi sudah sudah ada sejak 2018 lalu. “Kami, tepatnya Mas Muzayin, Ali MInanto (keduanya adalah Dosen Komunikasi UII) dan Saya punya angan-angan untuk memotet bagaimana wajah Islam pasca 20 tahun reformasi. Lalu kami membuat pelatihan membuat film, foto, video, dan tulisan feature,” kenang M. Iskandar Tri Gunawan tentang mula-mula Doc-Camp dirilis. Mulanya, Doc-Camp adalah dua kegiatan dengan dua nama yang akan digabung: Doctrine (documentary training) dan Media Camp pada 2018. Menurut Iskandar, pada 2019, kedua program pengembangan mahasiswa ini dilebur menjadi satu nama dengan semangat yang serupa menjadi Doc-Camp 2019.  Pada Doc-Camp 2019, tema yang diangkat tidak lagi soal Islam 20 tahun pasca reformasi, melainkan islam dan transfromasi: membaca kota dan mendaras desa, kata Iskandar di pembukaan Diskusi dan Pameran Foto Doc-Camp 2022 pada 20 September 2022 di Mini Theathre Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII.

Beberapa tahun membuat rangkaian pelatihan yang dinamai Doctrine di tahun 2018, Media Camp di 2018, dan Doc-Camp di 2019. “Tahun 2020-2021 kosong terjeda pandemi. Hingga akhirnya kami mengundang kerjasama dengan temen-teman Klik18 untuk pameran bareng,”Ujar Iskandar selaku Laboran di Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Indonesia dalam pembukaan acara diskusi foto yang bertajuk Islam dan Transformasi pada 20 September 2022.

Jeda dan Ruang Berefleksi

Jeda waktu aktifitas dua hingga tiga tahun karena pandemi memberikan penanda waktu yang penting. “Adanya acara ini juga adalah salah satu wujud dari hasil proses itu. Proses memberi ruang untuk berkreasi, ruang berekspresi, dan mendorong berdialog dengan klub dari kampus lain,” sambut Zaki Habibi, salah satu dosen Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII memberi sambutan mewakili dari Prodi Komunikasi UII. Menurut Zaki, pameran dan diskusi foto Doc-Camp 2022 hasil kerjasama dengan PSDMA Nadim Komunikasi UII dan Klik18 adalah ruang untuk berefleksi atas foto dan islam kini setelah istirahat akibat pandemi Covid-19.

“Panggung ini adalah apresisi untuk klik18, para mentor, kru Prodi Komunikasi UII dan Anda semua. ini pinggangnya kaku karena dua tahun ini rebahan,” Kelakar Zaki, yang juga adalah Dosen Komunikasi UII spesialis kajian Urban dan Visual Culture.

Foto sama halnya dengan pandemi. Zaki menjelaskan foto adalah bagian dari momen, ruang dan waktu yang dibekukan untuk memberi jeda. Jeda sejenak untuk membaca ruang visual. Jeda, ambil sedikit waktu untuk berhenti sejenak dari arus rutinitas yang terus menerus, untuk berefleksi.

Zaki Habibi, perwakilan Prodi Komunikasi UII, memberi sambutan dalam Pembukaan Diskusi dan Pameran Foto Doc-Camp 2022 pada 20 September 2022. Menurutnya, pameran ini adalah hasil dari jeda dan refleksi selama dua tahun pandemi Covid-19 (Foto oleh Nabiel Marazieq)

Di sini, dalam pameran ini, membaca fotografi dan membaca masyarakat dalam ranah isi. “Kayaknya teman kita melihat Islam ini tidak sempit, tidak hanya Islam yang teologi dan ritual,” kata Zaki.

Lewat foto-foto, kata Zaki, dapat dilihat di masyarakat kita bahwa Islam tidak sebatas pada ajaran yang sifat nya teologis, ritual, dan spiritual. “Tapi kita bisa lihat Islam yang lebih kultural, yang berinteraksi dengan masyarakat,“ kata Zaki dalam sambutannya

“Kita harus bisa membacanya dengan kacamata yang beyond the simbol of ibadah.”

Banyak sisi lain dari kultur, fotografi itu mampu mengambil jeda sejenak untuk melihat dunia yang dihentikan dalam frame. Ciri khas fotografi adalah membekukan momen, membekukan ruang dan waktu untuk berhenti sejenak memberikan kita jeda untuk berefleksi bersama.” tutupnya.

Sesi selanjutnya diisi dengan materi Bedah Karya Foto dari Boy Tri Harjanto, pendamping pelatihan sejak 2018. Boy adalah fotografer European Press Agency (EPA) Photo, ia memberi masukan baik teknis dan konsep pada sejumlah foto yang dipamerkan di Pameran foto bertema Islam dan Tranformasi kali ini.


Tema foto cerita tentang Islam kini lebih mudah diangkat. Selain tema tersebut cukup universal, subjek yang diambil untuk
subjek foto cerita cukup banyak ditemui karena mayoritas warga Indonesia adalah muslim dengan beragam latar belakang. Baik mahasiswa, laki perempuan, bisa tak punya kesulitan merangkai cerita lewat rana dan lensa menjadi sebuah foto cerita.

“Pertumbuhan Islam di Nusantara juga signifikan baik yang terjadi di kota-kota besar ataupun di desa-desa membuat kemudahan mengambil isu Islam dalam foto cerita semakin tinggi,” kata Boy T. Harjanto, fotografer dari EPA (European Press Agency) Photo, yang menjadi pembicara utama dalam Diskusi dan Pameran Foto Cerita Doc-Camp 2022 hasil kerjasama Pusat Studi dan Dokumentasi Media Alternatif Nadim Komunikasi UII dan Klik18. Boy melihat pameran foto dengan mengangkat tema islam saat ini sangat mudah diambil karena selain universal juga ragamnya berlimpah.

Pada kesempatan ini, pada 20 September 2022, Boy didapuk oleh panitia Doc-Camp 2022, menjadi pembedah 12 karya foto cerita para fotografer dari mahasiswa se-UII. Menurut Boy, dari aspek fotografi, 7 tema foto cerita dari peserta Doc-Camp awal ini, punya kesempatan menemukan momentum dan peristiwa foto lebih fleksibel dan lebih bisa mengeksplorasi foto. “Peserta Doc-Camp 2019 punya waktu agak panjang, sehingga sangat memungkinkan peserta untuk melakukan produksi pengulangan foto yang lebih baik ketimbang peserta Doc-Camp 2022,” kata Boy menilai dari aspek fotografis.

Sedangkan peserta Doc-Camp 2022 mengalami keterbatasan waktu dan padatnya jadwal kuliah dan kepanitiaan kampus
mengakibatkan mereka kesulitan mengambil foto ulang. Meskipun sebenarnya masa hunting juga memasuki masa libur ujian, tak sepenuhnya tiap tim punya kesempatan untuk mengambil foto ulang sehingga sulit mendapatkan foto lebih baik.

Menurut Boy, foto-foto cerita para peserta ini, dari segi pengambilan foto, secara teknik dasar pengambilan foto sudah cukup baik, “meski masih ada beberapa kesalahan teknis, seperti kurang fokus dan ada yang under dan over exposure,” tambah Boy.

Acara Diskusi ini dihadiri oleh puluhan peserta. Baik dari komunitas mahasiswa dan klub di UII, hingga beberapa komunitas foto dan penikmat foto dari luar UII. Selain diskusi, pameran foto juga telah diadakan dari 20-23 September 2022 dengan 12 tema foto dan lebih dari 150 pigura foto yang dipamerkan di Perpustakaan UII yang berlatar Candi Kimpulan. Pengunjung pameran foto tercatat lebih dari 300 peserta baik dari dalam dan luar UII, misalnya dari Unriyo Yogyakarta, Fotka, Lens Club Sanata Dharma, Komunitas foto mahasiswa Semarang, dan lain-lain.

The Covid-19 pandemic has clearly limited space for movement. The short period bored everyone, and people wanted to immediately engage in activities within those limitations. The entertainment world is also looking for alternative solutions to keep the economy running. Many K-Pop music industries are also trying to make digital concerts amid the pandemic.

One of the phenomena of this digital concert was brought up by Salsabila Dewi Kemuning for her to explore more deeply as the topic of her thesis research. Results of her research, in addition to being presented in the final exam, She also presented in international seminars 6th Conference on Communication, Culture and Media Studies (CCCMS). On Tuesday, 28 June 2022, this research will also be presented in the Monthly Discussion Center for Study and Documentation of Alternative Media (PSDMA) NADIM Communication Department UII.

Kemuning’s research is entitled Digital K-Pop Concert Room. This research wants to know three things that are also stated in the research objectives. The first problem is how to construct liveness in digital concert shows. The second is how the audience positions themselves in the digital liveness concert ‘space.’

Third, how does this K-POP digital concert-show work as an ideology that produces liveness and space? The first and second points are how the concert organizers make the audience and the concert feels so real as if they feel the atmosphere of a real concert.

Ethnographic Qualitative Research 

This research uses an ethnographic qualitative approach. The way to do this is by joining the informants when watching the concert digitally. After that, the researcher will record all behavioral expressions, expressions, and habits made by the informants during the digital concert. Usually, the informants and researchers already have a close and fluid relationship, so all expressions and behaviors that appear are very natural.

The Kemuning process in selecting resource persons must be selective so that the data generated in the research is credible. The resulting data can certainly be justified scientifically. Kemuning is looking for college students who are true K-pop fans. At least the informant has been fond of K-Pop for three years. “What is certain is that he or she will watch a digital concert,” said Kemuning, referring to her research sources who are digital concertgoers. The next criterion is that the source is a reputable fandom, meaning those closest to him/ her know very well that he/ she is a K-Pop fandom.

During the research period, Kemuning conducted interviews and direct observations related to the experience of the informants watching. Kemuning recorded what they felt and saw their expressions while watching, as well as the expressions they said while watching or after watching.

You can watch the video here too:

Pandemi Covid-19 jelas membuat ruang gerak terbatas. Rentang waktunya yang tidak sebentar jelas membuat semua orang bosan dan ingin segera berkegiatan dalam keterbatasan itu. Dunia hiburan juga mencari alternatif solusi agar tetap bisa menjalankan roda ekonominya. Banyak industri musik K-Pop pun menjajal untuk membuat konser digital di tengah pandemi yang melanda.

Salah satu fenomena konser digital ini diusung oleh Salsabila Dwi Kemuning untuk dia telusuri lebih dalam sebagai topik riset skripsinya. Hasil risetnya, selain dia paparkan dalam ujian akhir, juga dia presentasikan dalam seminar Internasional Conference on Communication, Culture and Media Studies (CCCMS) ke-6. Pada Selasa, 28 Juni 2022, riset ini juga dipaparkan di Diskusi Bulanan Pusat Studi dan Dokumentasi Media Alternatif (PSDMA) NADIM Ilmu Komunikasi UII.

Riset Kemuning ini berjudul Ruang Konser Digital K-Pop. Riset ini ingin mengetahui tiga (3) hal yang juga tertuang dalam ‘tujuan penelitian’. Pemasalahan yang pertama adalah bagaimana mengkonstruksi liveness dalam tayangan konser digital. Kedua adalah bagaimana penonton memposisikan diri dalam ‘ruang’ konser liveness digital.

Ketiga, bagaimana tayangan konser digital K-POP ini bekerja sebagai ideologi yang memproduksi liveness dan keruangan. Poin pertama dan kedua ini sebetulnya adalah bagaimana penyelenggara konser membuat seolah penonton dan konsernya terasa begitu nyata seolah merasakan atmosfir konser nyata.

Riset Kualitiatif Etnografis

Riset ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif etnografis. Cara melakukannya adalah dengan ikut serta dengan narasumber ketika menonton konsernya secara digital. Setelah itu, peneliti akan mencatat segala ekspresi perilaku, ungkapan, kebiasaan yang dilakukan oleh narasumber saat konser digital tersebut berlangsung. Biasanya narasumber dan peneliti sudah memiliki hubungan yang cair dan dekat, sehingga semua ekpresi dan perilaku yang muncul sangat natural.

Proses Kemuning memilih narasumberpun harus selektif supaya data yang dihasilkan dalam penelitiannya kredibel. Data yang dihasilkanpun tentu bisa dipertanggungjawabkan secara ilmiah. Kemuning mencari mahasiswa kuliah yang benar-benar penggemar K-pop. Setidaknya, informannya sudah menggemari K-Pop tiga tahun. “Yang pasti ia akan menonton konser digital,” kata Kemuning merujuk pada narasumber penelitiannya yang adalah penonton konser digital. Kriteria berikutnya adalah narasumber merupakan fandom yang punya reputasi, maksudnya orang-oarng terdekatnya tahu betul bahwa ia adalah fandom K-Pop.

Selama masa penelitian, kemuning melakukan wawancara dan observasi langsung terkait pengalaman narasumber menonton. Kemuning mencatat apa yang dirasakan, melihat ekspresi ketika menonton, juga ungkapan yang mereka ucapkan saat menonton atau setetelah menonton.

The music industry has been affected by the Covid-19 Pandemic. The pandemic in an unclear time frame makes the music industry have to make creative innovations to turn the wheels of their industry. The concept of digital concerts must be lived. They must consider how digital concerts can feel real instead of just showing regular video shows. For example The Online Concert BTS, NCT 127 online concert, and etc.

Salsabilla Dewi Kemuning, a student of the Department of Communications at the Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII), raised this digital concert phenomenon as the topic of her undergraduate thesis research. She saw how the audience could feel the atmosphere of this digital concert. He explained the liveness concept of this online concert at the Monthly Discussion Center for Alternative Media Studies and Documentation (PSDMA) NADIM of Communication Department UII on Tuesday, 28 June 2022.

To make the digital concert so real, the event organizer made various efforts, both visual appearance and audience experience. For example, by presenting a live chat feature, video calls, rest breaks, and stage creations. Some of the explanations for these efforts are as follows:

Live chat

The audience can feel so connected to the concert directly (synchronously) by providing a live chat feature where the audience can comment directly in the chat column provided.

Video call and lightstick

The existence of this video call makes the audience feel that when they are watching this concert, they are sure that this concert is taking place. Especially when the stage screen also shows all the audience from all directions, their faces live. In addition, the lights tick on the ticket is also used to impress a real concert.

Breaktime for rest

The impression of liveness is also felt when the artist needs a short break to rest. This break is also often done by artists when they do live concerts. Participants also got a real concert atmosphere when the artist asked for a break to change clothes or take a break.

Stage layout

The event organizer does two kinds of stage layouts when building a liveness image. The first is to use the studio during concerts and Augmented Reality (AR) to present effects on stage. The second is to build an outdoor concert stage with all the concert equipment like a real concert. “The two methods received different responses from the audience. The audience can feel the aura of the concert more with the second method,” said Kemuning.


Industri musik ikut terimbas Pandemi Covid-19. Pandemi dalam rentang waktu yang tidak jelas membuat industri musik harus membuat inovasi kreatif memutar roda industri mereka. Konsep konser digital harus dijalani. Mereka harus memikirkan bagaimana konser digital dapat dirasakan begitu nyata, alih-alih sekadar menampilkan tayangan video biasa. Misalnya Online Concert BTS, konser online NCT 127, dan sebagainya.

Salsabila Dwi Kemuning, salah satu mahasiswa Jurusan ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) mengangkat fenomena konser digital ini sebagai topik riset skripsinya. Ia melihat bagaiamana atmosfer konser digital ini dapat dirasakan oleh penontonnya. Konsep liveness konser online in ia ceritakan di Diskusi Bulanan Pusat Studi dan Dokumentasi Media Alternatif (PSDMA) NADIM Ilmu Komunikasi UII pada Selasa 28 Juni 2022.

Untuk membuat konser digital itu begitu nyata dirasakan, pihak Event organizer melakukan berbagai upaya baik visual appearence maupun audience experience-nya. Misalnya dengan menghadirkan fitur obrolan langsung (live chat), video call, jeda istirahat, hingga kreasi tata panggung. Beberapa penjelasan upaya itu adalah sebagai berikut:

Live chat

Membuat penonton merasaka begitu terhubung dengan konser secara langsung (sinkron) adalah dengan memberikan fitur live chat dimana penonton bisa memberikan komentar secara langsung di kolom chat yang disediakan.

Video call dan lightstick

Adanya fitur video call ini membuat penonton merasa bahwa saat ia sedang menonton konser ini, ia yakin bahwa konser ini nyata sedang berlangsung. Terlebih ketika layar panggung juga menampilkan semua penonton dari semua penjuru ditampilkan wajah mereka secara live. Selain itu, fasilitas lightstick yang ada di ticket juga digunakan untuk mengesankan real concert.

Breaktime untuk istirahat

Kesan liveness juga terasa saat artis membutuhkan break sejenak untuk istirahat. Break ini juga sering dilakukan oleh artis saat mereka melakukan konser langsung. Atmosfer konser real juga didapatkan peserta saat artis meminta jeda waktu untuk berganti baju atau istirahat.

Tata panggung

Ada dua macam tata letak panggung yang dilakukan oleh Event organizer saat membangun liveness image. Pertama adalah dengan menggunakan studio saat konser dan menggunakan Augmented Reality (AR) untuk menyajikan efek-efek di panggung. Kedua adalah membangun panggung konser outdoor dengan segala kelengkapan konser layaknya real concert. “Kedua metode ini mendapat tanggapan berbeda dari penonton. Penonton lebih bisa merasakan aura konser dengan metode kedua,” ungkap Kemuning.

You can watch the video here too:

Peraturan travel ban dan larangan berkumpul selama pandemi membuat konser-konser K-Pop terpaksa dibatalkan. Sayangnya, digitalisasi format konser ini menciptakan banyak tanda tanya di dalam kepala khalayak. Konser online K-Pop dinilai tidak lagi memiliki esensi karena tidak bisa mempertemukan idola dan penggemar dalam satu lokasi.

Lantas, bagaimana tayangan konser digital K-Pop dikonstruksi sebagai
sebuah “konser” dalam benak penonton?

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📅: Selasa, 28 Juni 2022
🕓: 16:00 WIB
📌: Klik Tombol di bawah ini untuk Tautan Zoom