Inspiring & Empowering
TV Kampus Berbasis Daring
IKONISIA TV (Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Islam Indonesia) adalah TV Kampus pertama yang berbasis daring di UII. Sebelumnya, IKONISIA TV menggunakan nama UNIICOMS TV sejak 2018. Mulai 2021, UNIICOMS TV bertransformasi menjadi IKONISIA TV. IKONISIA TV lahir sebagai respon atas kebutuhan proses pembelajaran di Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi, sekaligus menyuarakan nafas Prodi yang mempunyai semangat empowering. IKONISIA TV didirikan pada pertengahan 2018 oleh Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi dan digawangi oleh segenap mahasiswa, staf, dan dosen Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi.
IKONISIA TV memanfaatkan platform media sosial (youtube) yang tumbuh dengan sangat pesat dalam beberapa waktu belakangan. Program IKONISIA TV dapat diakses melalui youtube. Dalam channel ini, dapat ditonton program siaran berita, hiburan dalam bentuk feature, film pendek, dan juga talkshow. Selama bulan Ramadhan, IKONISIA TV memproduksi film web series dengan tema Ramadhan, disponsori oleh Universitas Islam Indonesia. Hingga saat ini, film itu telah disaksikan lebih dari 4000 penonton/viewers.
IKONISIA TV is the first online-based Campus TV at UII. Previously, IKONISIA TV used the name UNIICOMS TV in 2018. Starting in 2021, UNIICOMS TV will transform into IKONISIA TV. IKONISIA TV was born to respond to the needs of the learning process in the Communication Department, as well as voicing the breath of the Communication Department: the spirit of empowering and inspiring. IKONISIA TV was established in mid-2018 by the Communication Department and managed by all students, staff, and lecturers of the Communication Department of UII.
IKONISIA TV utilizes the social media platform (youtube) which has grown very rapidly in recent times. The IKONISIA TV program can be accessed via youtube. In this channel, the various programs can be watched, such as news programs, feature entertainment, short films, and talk shows. During the month of Ramadhan, UNIICOMS TV produced web series films with the theme of Ramadan, sponsored by the Universitas Islam Indonesia. Until now, the film has been witnessed by more than 4000 viewers.
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