Diskusi Komunikasi profetik Holy Komunikasi UII
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Belakangan, muncul kritik pada kajian komunikasi islam. Komunikasi islam dianggap mengalami kemandekan. Bagaimana tidak. Selama ini kajian komunikasi islam tak beranjak pada bahasan seputar prinsip komunikasi dalam al-quran. Seperti qaulan syadiidan dan baliigha. Sesungguhnya, dimensi komunikasi dalam Quran lebih dari itu.

Holy Rafika Dhona, Dosen Komunikasi UII, mengatakan hal tersebut dalam bedah bukunya berjudul Komunikasi Profetik, ‘Perspektif Profetika Islam’ dalam Komunikasi pada Minggu (17/1) secara daring. Forum Alumni KBM (Kajian Budaya dan Media) membedah buku karya Holy Rafika dengan mengundang dua pembedah. Pertama Fita Fathurokhmah, Dosen Komunikasi dan Penyiaran Islam dari UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta. Kedua, M. Heychael, Dosen Komunikasi di Universitas Multimedia Nusantara.

“Komunikasi islam itu mandek cuma di mengenali apakah ini di qoulan balighan, qaulan syadiidan, dan lain-lain. Tetapi, ketika ada mustad’afin kok nggak dibahas?” kata Holy Rafika, penulis buku yang terbit pada akhir 2020 ini. Menurut Holy, buku yang diterbitkan oleh UII Press, ini mencoba mendorong gagasan islam yang memberi rahmat untuk semesta bahkan untuk mereka yang tertindas.

Holy mempertegas dengan pengandaian, “ini ada orang tertindas lho di sini. Kok dibiarin saja. Islam itu nggak begitu harusnya. Islam itu kan membahas prinsip soal keadilan,” sambung Holy.

Apa hubungan keadilan dan orang yang tertindas dalam Komunikasi Profetik? Menurut Holy melihat fenomena ketertindasan dengan nilai keadilan mudah sekali.  Holy menegaskan bahwa dari kacamata Islam. Islam memiliki konsep bahwa orang yang tertindas menandakan bahwa ia tidak medapatkan keadilan. Menurutnya, Islam hadir untuk membela yang lemah  agar keadilan apat ditegakan. “Orang tertindas itu kan orang yang nggak mendapatkan Keadilan. Maka islam hadir untuk membela mereka yang lemah, agar mendapat keadilan,” jelas Holy.

Fita Fathurokhmah, di sisi yang lain, memberi catatan atas terbitnya buku ini.  ia memberikan masukan agar buku ini disusun dengan lebih praksis agar “Masukan saya, Mas Holy, bisa tulis buku selanjutnya lebih ke praksis. Ini akan laku pasti. Bagaimana Komunikasi Profetik dari level intrapribadi, dari level antarpribadi, kelompok, massa, publik, hingga level media dan organisasi,” usul Fita.

Selain itu, Tita  juga mengkritik mengapa buku ini tidak membahas bangunan konseptualisasi pengetahuannya menganai  apa epistimologi, apa  aksiologi, danapa  epistemologinya.

Holy menunjukkan bahwa soal konseptualisasi pengetahuan telah dibahas oleh penulis sebelumnya, misalnya Prof Iswandi dan Heddy Ahimsa. Prof Heddy Shri Ahimsa dan Iswandi Syahputra sudah menulis penekanannya pada konseptualisasi pengetahuan dan lain-lain. Ada perbincangan soal ontologi, aksiologi, dan epistemologi profetik. “Kalau  Prof Iswandi dan Ahimsa itu mustad’afin (membela kaum lemah)nya hilang,” ungkapnya. Disini Holy ingin melengkapai kajian komunikasi rofetik degna perpektif yang kurang selama ini, ia menambal bagian lain.

“Kalau lihat versi pak Ahimsa, nanti jadinya perdebatan ilmu atau bukan. Tapi, menurut saya ilmu itu harus rahmatan lil alamin,” tambahnya.


Diskusi Komunikasi Profetik Holy Komunikasi UII
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Recently, there has been criticism on the study of Islamic communication. Islamic communication is considered stagnant. How come. So far, the study of Islamic communication has not moved on to discussing the principles of communication in the Koran. Like qaulan syadiidan and baliigha. In fact, the communication dimension in the Quran is more than that.

Holy Rafika Dhona, Communication Lecturer at UII, said this in an online review of his book entitled Prophetic Communication, ‘Islamic Prophetic Perspectives’ in Communication on Sunday (17/1) online. The KBM Alumni Forum (Cultural and Media Studies) dissected Holy Rafika’s book by inviting two dissectors. First, Fita Fathurokhmah, Lecturer in Communication and Islamic Broadcasting from UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta. Second, M. Heychael, Lecturer in Communication at Multimedia Nusantara University.

“Islamic communication stagnates, only to recognize whether this is in qoulan balighan, qaulan syadiidan, etc. But, when there is mustad’afin, why is it not discussed?” said Holy Rafika, author of the book published at the end of 2020. According to Holy, the book, published by UII Press, tries to push the idea of ​​Islam that gives mercy to the universe even for those who are oppressed.

Holy emphasized the assumption, “There are people who are oppressed, you know. How can you just leave it. Islam is not what it should be. Islam discusses the principle of justice,” Holy continued.

What is the relationship between justice and the oppressed in Prophetic Communication? According to Holy, seeing the phenomenon of oppression with the value of justice is very easy. Holy emphasized that from an Islamic perspective. Islam has the concept that people who are oppressed indicate that they do not get justice. According to him, Islam exists to defend the weak so that justice can be upheld. “People who are oppressed are people who do not get justice. So Islam is here to defend those who are weak, in order to get justice,” Holy explained.

Fita Fathurokhmah, on the other hand, gave notes on the publication of this book. He gave input so that this book should be prepared more practically so that “My input, Mas Holy, can write the next book more on praxis. This will sell for sure. How is Prophetic Communication from the intrappersonal level, from the interpersonal level, groups, masses, the public, to the level of media and organizations, “suggested Fita.

In addition, Fita also criticized why this book did not discuss the conceptualization of her knowledge building about what epistemology is, what axiology, and what is epistemology.

Holy points out that the issue of conceptualization of knowledge has been discussed by previous authors, for example Prof. Iswandi and Heddy Ahimsa. Prof. Heddy Shri Ahimsa and Iswandi Syahputra have written their emphasis on the conceptualization of knowledge and others. There are talks about ontology, axiology, and prophetic epistemology. “If Prof Iswandi and Ahimsa it mustad’afin (defending the weak)is missing,” he said. Here Holy wants to complete the study of rhophetic communication from a perspective that has been lacking so far, he patched another section.

“If you look at Pak Ahimsa’s version, there will be a debate about knowledge or not. But, in my opinion, knowledge must be rahmatan lil alamin,” he added.



Reading Time: 2 minutes

Komunikasi uii Meniti Prestasi Meski Pandemi

Mahasiswa Komunikasi UII Meraih Prestasi di Konferensi Internasional.

Pandemi seakan tak pernah usai. Salah satu strategi kunci adalah penanganan di lini informasi. Bila antar pemangku kepentingan tidak satu suara dalam menyampaikan informasi tentang Covid-19 dan penanganannya, tentu publik akan masuk dalam keraguan dan kebimbangan. Maka satu kesatuan informasi dari pemangku kepentingan menjadi niscaya.

Dua mahasiswa Komunikasi UII, Ajeng Putri Andani, bersama Roiyan Nangim, berhasil merampungkan penelitiannya soal ini. Tak tanggung-tanggung, mereka, dipandu oleh Sumekar Tanjung, dosen pembimbing Komunikasi UII, mempresentasikan temuan penelitiannya di sebuah konferensi internasional. Konferensi ini dilaksanakan pada 4 Desember 2020 lalu dengan Thailand sebagai tuan rumah. Konferensi bernama 8th Asian Academic Society International Conference itu diberi tajuk “ASIA Sustainable Innovation: Global Health Diplomacy, Technology and SDGs Accordance.”

“Pemda DIY menggunakan new media sebagai salah satu strategi menangani pandemi Covid-19 dengan cara single narasi,” kata Ajeng menceritakan hasil penelitiannya berjudul Analisis Mitigasi Pemerintah Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta dalam Penanganan Covid-19 melalui Media Baru.

Apa maksud single narasi? “Single narasi itu satu kesatuan informasi yang telah dikoordinasikan atas perolehan informasi dari berbagai sumber Tim Gugus Tugas,” katanya. “Sehingga akan menjadi satu informasi yang sama untuk dipublikasikan melalui media sosial khususnya platform Instagram dan Website,” jelasnya.

Ajeng dan Roiyan dibantu satu lagi anggota tim dari Magister FH UII, Bayu Mogana Putra, masuk dalam ruang presentasi di Sub tema bahasan Mitigasi Bencana dan Ilmu Politik. Keduanya juga dianugerahi penghargaan sebagai presenter terbaik (best oral presenter) dalam konferensi dengan 25 tim dan 23 kampus dari 3 negara. Mulai Thailand, Indonesia, hingga Libya. Mereka mengangkat paper berjudul Analysis of the Mitigation of the Provincial Government of the Special Region of Yogyakarta in Handling Covid-19 through New Media.

Kampus-kampus peserta jika mau disebut berasal dari macam-macam universitas. Total lebih dari 20 universitas. Misal sebut saja dari Universitas Indonesia, Universitas Islam Indonesia, ITB, Unair, Univ teuku umar, Univ Maritim Raja ali haji tanjung pinang, STAIN Sultan Abdurrahman,  Mahidol University, Brawijaya university, Ramathibodi Hospital, UGM, Sirindhorn College of Public Health Phitsanulok Thailand, Univ. Muhammadiyah bengkulu, Kasetsart University Thailand, Mae Fah Luang University Thailand, BE Logist Research centre, Bani Walid University Libya, Tripoli University libya, Universitas Gunadarma – Jakarta, Yogyakarta state university, UPN Veteran, Chulalongkorn university.

Bagaimana Meneliti dan Berbicara di Konferensi Tingkat Internasional

Bagaimana bisa menghadapi dunia akademi internasional? Menurut Ajeng, hal terpenting adalah kita mampu menyampaikan pesan yang ingin disampaikan kepada para juri. Jika kita merasa nyaman menyampaikannya, juri akan lebih mudah menangkap apa yang kita sampaikan.

Latihan rutin juga cukup membantu. “Semakin banyak latihan memang tidak akan membuat grogi kita hilang, tetapi dengan itu kita akan semakin siap dan lebih percaya diri,” kata Ajeng.

Selain itu, dukungan dan kepercayaan dari orang terdekat juga menjadi kunci keberhasilan. Ajeng berterima kasih pada orang-orang yang telah mendukungnya. Misalnya orang tua, rekan satu timnya, juga dosen pembimbing. Ia berterimakasih pada tim kelompoknya yang telah mau membersamai dalam suka duka pembuatan paper, “dan selalu menguatkan satu sama lain,” katanya.

Teman-teman dekatnya juga punya peran penting, katanya. “Mereka sering aku mintain bantuan. Baik untuk koreksi abstrak maupun melatihku presentasi.”


Reading Time: 3 minutes

Committing Achievements During the Pandemic

UII Communication Students Win Achievements at International Conferences.

The pandemic seems to never end. One of the key strategies is handling in the line of information. If stakeholders do not have one voice in conveying information about Covid-19 and its handling, of course the public will be in doubt and doubt. So a unit of information from stakeholders is necessary.

Two UII Communication students, Ajeng Putri Andani, together with Roiyan Nangim, successfully completed their research on this issue. Unmitigated, they, guided by Sumekar Tanjung, UII Communication supervisor, presented their research findings at an international conference. This conference was held on December 4, 2020 with Thailand as the host. The conference, called the 8th Asian Academic Society International Conference, was entitled “ASIA Sustainable Innovation: Global Health Diplomacy, Technology and SDGs Accordance.”

“The DIY regional government uses new media as a strategy to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic by means of a single narrative,” said Ajeng. The results of his research entitled Mitigation Analysis of the Provincial Government of the Special Region of Yogyakarta in Handling Covid-19 through New Media.

What does a single narrative mean? “Single narrative is a unit of information that has been coordinated on obtaining information from various sources from the Task Force Team,” he said. it becomes the same information to be published through social media, especially the Instagram platform and the website, “she explained.

Ajeng and Roiyan, assisted by another team member from the UII FH Masters, Bayu Mogana Putra, entered the presentation room in the Sub-theme of Disaster Mitigation and Political Science. Both of them were also awarded as best presenters (best oral presenter) in a conference with 25 teams and 23 campuses from 3 countries. Starting from Thailand, Indonesia, to Libya. They raised a paper entitled Analysis of the Mitigation of the Provincial Government of the Special Region of Yogyakarta in Handling Covid-19 through New Media.

The participating campuses, if you want to be called, come from various universities. In total more than 20 universities. For example, call it from the University of Indonesia, Indonesian Islamic University, ITB, Unair, Univ Teuku Umar, Raja Ali Hajj Tanjung Pinang Maritime University, STAIN Sultan Abdurrahman, Mahidol University, Brawijaya University, Ramathibodi Hospital, UGM, Sirindhorn College of Public Health Phitsanulok Thailand, Univ. Muhammadiyah Bengkulu, Kasetsart University Thailand, Mae Fah Luang University Thailand, BE Logist Research center, Bani Walid University Libya, Tripoli University Libya, Gunadarma University – Jakarta, Yogyakarta state university, UPN Veteran, Chulalongkorn university.

How to Research and Speak at International Conference

How can you face the world of international academy? According to Ajeng, the most important thing is that we are able to convey the message that we want to convey to the judges. If we feel comfortable conveying it, the jury will more easily grasp what we have to say.

Regular exercise is also quite helpful. “More exercise will not make us nervous, but with that we will be more prepared and more confident,” said Ajeng.

In addition, the support and trust of those closest to you is also the key to success. Ajeng thanks the people who have supported him. For example, parents, teammates, as well as supervisors. He thanked his group team for being willing to support the ups and downs of making paper, “and always strengthen one another,” she said.

Her close friends also have an important role to play, she said. “I often ask them for help. Both for abstract correction and training me presentations.”



Reading Time: 2 minutes

Foreign writers consider many journals that have been indexed by DOAJ and Copernicus. Both are considered intermediate indexes at the international level.

That was the experience of the Journal of Islamic Economics and Finance (JEKI) from FBE UII when sharing in the FGD of UII Journal Managers on January 12, 2021 via Zoom Meeting. The Manager of Jurnal Komunikasi UII and Asian Journal of Media and Communication (AJMC), international journal of Department of Communication Science also participate in this FGD. AJMC also have been indexed by Copernicus.

Heri Sudarsono, the manager of JEKI, even said that JEKI even gives fees to foreign writers when their journals are indexed in sinta 3. There are also criteria that writers do not have to pay to send a manuscript if they are foreign writers or collaborate with foreign writers. He executed the trick in order to spur an increase in the number of foreign writers in his journal.

There are many tricks and tips that can be imitated and applied to attract international writers to the journal. Apart from consistency in style and quality of writing both technically and in substance, journal indexes also need to be considered, as stated at the beginning of this writing.

According to Heri, the mapping of the typology of journals at UII is still only a few indexed by DOAJ and copernicus. “So this is why, in this FGD, it is important that we make this FGD to determine a forum to formulate a measurable and comprehensive strategy for the development of journals at UII,” said Heri, who also agreed by Eko Siswoyo, manager of the Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering (JSTL), who is also a moderator of this FGD.

According to Eko, there are two types of DOAJ indexes. “Reportedly, foreign writers pay more attention to the DOAJ index with the green tick,” he said. According to Eko’s monitoring, only 6 journals in UII that have been indexed by DOAJ. We have to level it up all our journal to be indexed by two of them.

Imam Djati Widodo, Vice Rector 2 of UII, said that he will continue to support the development of journals at UII, “For example, there was a proposal for OJS training, then yesterday we also supported and gives incentives at the end of each year for journals with good progress.” Some time ago, said Imam, at the end of 2020, the UII Rectorate gave grants selectively for the development of journals at UII, which amounted to around 20 to 50 million rupiah per journal.

At the end of the FGD, the journal managers from all over the UII finally agreed to encourage and commit themselves so that their journals could be indexed by DOAJ and copernicus. The hope is that if these two intermediate indexes have been achieved, writers at the international level will be more interested. The hope is that the university will facilitate, for example, with training and various supports as stated at the beginning.

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The Criteria for journals you manage to be indexed by Scopus, it must be specific. However, getting your UII journal indexed by Scopus is not a matter of specific names, but of scope. Of course, consistent use of English is also a major requirement.

“To be indexed by Scopus, it is not a matter of the name of the journal. But the content. In English, reviewers and writers are also plural,” said Dr. Lukman, ST, M. Hum, Secretary of the Central Java Region VI of  Higher Education Service Institute, in the UII’s Journal Training, on January 12th, 2021, via Zoom Conference.

Heri Sudarsono, manager of the Journal of Islamic Economics & Finance, guided the training with the theme “Improving Journal Management Quality Towards SINTA 2 Accreditation and the SCOPUS Index”.

Lukman also said the key to penetrating the Scopus index was to pay attention to two things. First from a technical point of view: the quality of the style and format editing. Then the second is in terms of substance: quality of content and writing ideas.

According to him, what is meant by being specific for Scopus indexing is not a matter of name, but the specific scope of it. “Even so, it would be nice to make a specific journal name,” he added later.

Consistency in technical editing and substance of writing seems to be the first step even when you want the journal to be indexed in any index. The neatness of journal management, clarity of functions among journal managers, the duties of editors, and clear duties of reviewers are also requirements for journals to become references for the authors.

The management of the Asian Journal of Media and Communication (AJMC) has also shown consistency. This international journal in Communications Department has been indexed by Copernicus. The step towards Scopus, as Lukman said, is certainly a little easy step forward. Apart from that, the AJMC journal is already in English consistently and involves various foreign writers. Meanwhile, the Jurnal Komunikasi (UII Communication Journal) is heading towards re-accreditation towards indexed by Sinta 3 (National Journal Accreditation index level 3)  in the coming months.

Participants also asked Lukman, as an expert on publications and journals at the Ministry of Research and Technology / National Agency for Research and Technology about the role of editors and reviewers and consistency in editing journal manuscripts. According to Lukman, editors can write in their own journals, as long as the reviewers are not themselves. But you should avoid writing in your own journal, so don’t only dare at your own turf, Lukman explained.

Lukman added that the editor’s job is to make writing so that it is technically pleasing. “Correction of conformity with the environment is the task of editors, not reviewers.”

Meanwhile, reviewers check whether the writing has a state of the art, has an impact and in a nutshell, “reviewers make their writing easy to read, not check semicolons and language style,” said Lukman.

Participants are also expected to learn from examples of journals that have been indexed by Scopus. For example in the use of cross-linking. Journals indexed by Scopus / Elsevier must have Cross-linking, he said. Cross-linking links refers to their original sources. “You can see and imitate the elsevier journals’s standard, how do you see it in the manuscript,” said Lukman.

Shouldn’t the journal manager change the writing style? Another question arose. According to Lukman, it is permissible for journals to change their writing style, but it must be consistent.

Then if everything has been fixed, consistency has been carried out, what are the next steps? “If the provisions are in place, immediately check the readiness and submit it on “Ready for Scopus” website, immediately. But don’t be sure without all the preparations and register at Ready for Scopus, it will be rejected,” said Lukman. “Most journal incidents in Indonesia arose, so yesterday there was an impression that Indonesia must be careless, hopefully it was not from UII.”

Lukman gave a closing message and impression to the training participants who were all journal managers at UII. “Ladies and gentlemen, must understand the instruments in Arjuna and the provisions of Sinta. It must be consistent, thorough, and observant. Between one volume and the next, whether the writing is consistent with the style, writing, and quality of the editing with an affinity. Be careful.”

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Seluruh Mahasiswa/i Program Studi  Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Islam Indonesia

Berdasarkan surat Himbauan Tim UIISiaga COVID-19, Nomor: 006//Ket/Tim UIISiaga COVID-19/XII/2020, yang mengacu pada Surat Edaran Rektor terkait Pandemi Covid 19, dengan ini kami menyampaikan bahwa perkuliahan di semester Genap 2020/2021 masih akan dilaksanakan secara daring atau online.

Hal ini dilakukan sebagai salah satu ikhtiar kita untuk mengantisipasi lonjakan kasus Covid-19.

Yogyakarta, 6 Januari 2021

Hormat Kami,

Ketua Program Studi  Ilmu Komunikasi
Universitas Islam Indonesia

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Masa pandemi covid-19 mendera hingga mengubah budaya kerja di FPSB UII. Peningkatan jumlah kasusnya juga semakin banyak. Bila ada yang terpapar Covid-19, cukup badan yang diisolasi, hati dan jiwa (psikis) jangan. Jiwa jangan sampai ikut diisolasi, kata Fuad Nashori, Dekan FPSB UII, membuka sekaligus memotivasi kerja para pegawai FPSB UII di acara Pelatihan Tenaga Pendidikan FPSB UII pada Senin (28/12).

Selain itu, Fuad Nashori juga mendorong agar pekerjaan dilandasi dengan semangat mengharap keberuntungan akhirat. Sebisa mungkin isi motivasi saat bekerja dengan motivasi yang tepat. “Siapa yang mengharap keberuntungan akhirat maka Allah akan meningkatkan keburuntungan di dunia,” katanya mempresentasikan 17 Lingkaran Motivasi di layar.

Artinya, jika kerja dilandasi oleh motivasi spiritual, maka urusan dunia akan secara otomatis mengikuti. Bukan sebaliknya. Jika bekerja hanya mencari dunia, tentu sulit mencapai apa yang dijanjikan Allah dengan kebahagian akhirat.

Pada hari kedua, Fuad Nashori menambahkan, pentingnya refleksi diri. Refleksi berfungsi menjaga jarak dengan diri sendiri. “apa yang kita lakukan dijadikan objek untuk bisa dinilai dan agar bisa lebih baik dalam melakukannya.” Menurut Fuad, sesuai yang dilakukan Nabi saat menyendiri di gua hira, Nabi  mendapatkan pencerahan dari Allah SWT dengan melakukan refleksi di gua hira. Memberi jarak dengan diri sehingga dapat melihat apa yang telah dilakukan.

Pelatihan tendik selama dua hari (28-29/12), ini juga bermaksud mendiskusikan dan melakukan evaluasi kinerja akhir tahun. Evaluasi akhir tahun disampaikan oleh pemaparan Divisi-divisi seperti pemaparan capaian dan evaluasi oleh Kepala Divisi SIM, Umum, Administrasi Akademik, dan Keuangan. Pemaparan juga diperkaya dengan penjabaran target yang sudah dicapai, evaluasi,dan Program Kerja 2021.

Putri Asriyani, peserta yang juga Staf Pusat Studi dan Dokumentasi Media Alternatif (PSDMA) Nadim Komunikasi UII, mengatakan acara ini bisa menjadi sarana evaluasi untuk lebih meningkatkan rencana kedepannya.

Senada dengan itu, Yudi Winarto juga berpendapat. “Pelatihan ini memberi saya motivasi baru bekerja di tengah terkendala banyak hal karena pandemi mendera. Selain itu, evaluasi dan paparan capaian menjadi momen penting untuk refleksi program ke depan.” kata Yudi Winarto, Staf Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII, memberi kesan mengikuti pelatihan tendik ini.

Meski pelatihan dilaksanakan secara luring, panitia tetap menghimbau agar protokol kesehatan dijalankan denngan ketat. Bagi tendik yang merasa sakit, sebaiknya mengajukan ijin tidak hadir dalam pelatihan ini. “Kami harapkan peserta yang hadir benar-benar dalam keadaan sehat, apabila sedang sakit dimohon mengajukan ijin untuk tidak mengikuti pelatihan,” himbau Mira Aliza Rachmawati, Wakil Dekan I FPSB UII, pada para peserta.

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Covid-19 pandemic period has whipped up a change in the organizational culture at FPSB UII. The number of Covid-19 cases has also increased. If someone is exposed to Covid-19, just isolate the body, not their heart and soul. The soul should not be isolated, said Fuad Nashori, Dean of FPSB UII, opening and motivating employees on employee training at the FPSB UII on Monday (28/12).

In addition, Fuad Nashori also encouraged work to be based on wishing for good luck in the hereafter. Motivate your work with the right motivation. “Whoever hopes for good fortune in the hereafter, Allah will increase the luck in the world,” he said while presenting 17 Motivational Circles on the presentation screen.

This means that if work is based on spiritual motivation, your world mission will automatically be fulfilled. If you only work to find the world, it will be difficult to achieve what Allah has promised with the happiness of the hereafter.

On the second day, Fuad Nashori added, the importance of self-reflection. Reflection serves to keep a distance from yourself. “What we do is used as an object to be assessed and to be better at doing it.” According to Fuad, according to what the Prophet did while alone in the cave of hira, the Prophet received enlightenment from Allah SWT by reflecting in the cave of hira. Give yourself distance so you can see what you have done.

This employee training for two days (28-29 / 12), this also intends to discuss and evaluate year-end performance. The end of year evaluation is delivered by the divisions such as the presentation of achievements and evaluations by the Head of the SIM (information system management), General Division, Academic Administration and Finance Division. The presentation was also enriched by the elaboration of the targets that have been achieved, evaluation, and the 2021’s Work Program.

Putri Asriyani, a participant who is also the staff of the Nadim Center for Documentation and Alternative Media Studies (PSDMA) of Communication UII, said that this event could be a means of evaluation to further improve future plans.

In line with that, Yudi Winarto also has an opinion. “This training has given me new motivation to work in the midst of many constraints due to the pandemic that has hit. In addition, evaluation and exposure of achievements are important moments for future program reflection,” said Yudi Winarto, Staff of the Department of Communication Science, giving the impression that he had attended this training.

Even though the training was held offline, the committee still urged that the health protocol be carried out strictly. For those who feel sick, it is better to apply for permission to not attend this training. “We hope that the participants who attend are really in good health, if they are sick, please apply for permission not to attend the training,” appealed Mira Aliza Rachmawati, Deputy Dean I of FPSB UII, to the participants.

Reporting by Putri Asriyani

Photo by Widodo HP

Writer by A. Pambudi


Reading Time: 2 minutes

Sudah lebih dari setengah tahun Work From Home dan Kuliah daring dengan model Shift dijalankan keluarga besar Fakultas Psikologi dan Ilmu Sosial Budaya UII. Mulanya, pandemi memunculkan kecemasan, kekhawatiran, bahkan ketakutan. Telah lama pula warga FPSB tak saling jumpa, hanya lewat layar daring. Semua ini dilakukan demi mitigasi penyebaran Covid-19 dengan tetap saling jaga, tetap pake masker, jaga jarak, dan cuci tangan pake sabun di air mengalir.

Demi mendukung upaya tim Mitigasi Covid-19 Satgas Covid-19 UII, Panitia Family Gathering FPSB UII mengadakan pertemuan keluarga FPSB UII 2020 pada Sabtu (19/12) secara daring. Tujuannya sebagai upaya untuk mempererat tali silaturrahmi antar civitas FPSB UII karena tak pernah jumpa luring sejak pandemi merebak di Yogyakarta.

Melalui Aplikasi Zoom, semua sivitas akademik FPSB UII berkumpul pagi itu. Acara dibuka dengan pembacaan kalam ilahi, lalu sambutan dari Dekan FPSB UII, Fuad Nashori. Setelah itu penayangan video lomba, permainan, dan Doorprize. Menariknya, meski Family Gathering kali ini dengan metode virtual, kemeriahan tetap terasa.

Panitia, sejak mula, juga menantang seluruh warga akademik FPSB UII untuk merekam video keseruan keluarganya dengan Stay at home Challenge. Video menggambarkan kegiatan dan aktivitas keseruan dan kebersamaan keluarga. Bentuknya beragam ternyata video yang terkumpul di meja panitia. Ada video kegiatan memasak, belajar mengaji, membersihkan masjid, gowes, makan bersama, bahkan ada yang video bermain tiktok.

Selain meriah, refleksi dan berbagi pengalaman antar keluarga juga mencerahkan. Misalnya ada waktu khusus untuk bercerita dari keluarga staf dan dosen FPSB UII yang terpapar covid-19. Bagaimana mereka melaluinya, kendala, dan upaya-upaya penanganannya.

Mayoritas peserta merasakan keseruan acara ini meski mengikuti secara daring. Misalnya Erdina Trisna, Staf Unit Jurnal dan Publikasi FPSB, “Pertama kali ikut, dan ikutnya secara daring. Acaranya seru, menghibur dari cuplikan video keluarga yang gemes-gemes.”

Tak hanya itu, ia juga merasakan mendapat pengetahuan baru dari pengalaman bapak, ibu, atau keluarga peserta Zoom Meeting Family Gathering yang terpapar covid-19.

Senada dengan itu, Putri Asriyani, Staf Pusat Studi dan Dokumentasi Media Alternatif (PSDMA) NADIM Komunikasi FPSB UII, mengatakan pertama kali ini merasakan pertemuan keluarga dengan daring. “Kemeriahannya berbeda, tetap meriah.”