agenda yang ada di prodi ilmu komunikasi


Forum Amir Effendi Siregar menggelar bincang sejarah komunikasi seri 3

Topik: Penelusuran Awal Sejarah Komunikasi Indonesia: Kasus Universitas Indonesia


Ignatius Haryanto

Sabtu, 18 Juli 2020
Pukul 09:30 WIB
Via Zoom


atau tonton di kanal Uniicoms TV Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII



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A post shared by PSDMA Nadim Komunikasi UII (@nadimkomunikasiuii) on

Lowongan Magang daring TURC untuk mahasiswa tingkat akhir (Deadline 12 Juli 2020). 

Hiring Internship in International Program of Communication (IPC UII)

For fulfilling the high standart and good communication and promotion of IPC UII, we are looking for internship student. Hence, Please check the eligibility of “Hiring Internship in International Program of Communication (IPC UII)” below further. Although, you can also check the International Program’s Instagram and IPC’s web page.  IPC UII is hiring internship for students with capability on these kind of fields:

  • Creative Media


    Great achievement and skills on creative media. Especially for those who are capable in graphic design, photo/video recording and editing

  • Public Relation


    Able to do promotions, maintaining, and well communication.

  • Journalism


    Writing skill/ news video making for web/ social media content

General Terms and conditions of Hiring Internship IPC UII:

able to speak and write in english.
especially for communication student of UII.

Now we can watch again the Teatime talkshow that held by International Program of Communication Science of UII.  After twice talkshow, now the crew make The Theme for the Third Teatime is, Teatime #3: Crash Landing on The Connected World, What can we benefit from having international mindset?

Held by International Program of Communication Science of UII

Invite a Special Guest:

Zaki Habibi (Lecturer of Communication Science, UII, PhD Fellow, Lund University, Sweden)



Friday, July, 10th, 2020
Start at 3PM (UTC +7)


Live Instagram at:



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UNDUH Jadwal Ujian Akhir Semester /UAS Genap tahun akademik 2019/2020

Second Teatime the afternoon sharing with IPC

Second Edition


“Seeking global Experiences”

Special guest

Iwan Awaluddin Yusuf , Lecturer of Communication Science Department UII and PHD Candidate of Monash University Australia


Friday, July, 3rd, 2020

Start at 4 PM (Jakarta time)

Menidaklanjuti hasil Rapat Bidang I perihal mahasiswa yang terkendala Tes CEPT dalam proses kelulusan, dengan ini diberitahukan bahwa Universitas Islam Indonesia bersama CILACS UII akan menyelenggarakan CEPT CAMP BATCH XXIII khusus bagi mahasiswa. Ketentuan dan Jadwal sila akses di tautan berikut



Forum Amir Effendi Siregar menggelar Bincang Sejarah Komunikasi Seri 2

Topik : Gegar Epistemik Komunikasi Orde Baru dan Pasca Pembangunan

Pembicara: Justito Adiprasetio
Justito menyelesaikan studi magisternya di Kajian Budaya dan Media, UGM dan Ilmu Komunikasi UGM. Saat ini mengajar di Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi, UNPAD, dan sedang menyelesaikan buku yang membahas Sejarah Kekuasaan/ Pengetahuan Ilmu Komunikasi Indonesia.


Sabtu, 4 Juli 2020 (09:30)
Via Zoom

Registrasi (Tidak dipungut biaya):


Bantuan untuk Mahasiswa

Pengajuan keringanan SPP angsuran pertama dan kedua tahun akademik 2020/2021

Kunjungi link ini untuk mengunduh dan mengunggah formulir :



An afternoon sharing with IPC: International Program of Communication
First Edition:

Young, Creative, And Achievement
Special Guest:

Shadira Firadausi (Communication Department Student UII 2016)


Friday, June, 26th, 2020 | Start at 4PM
IPC’S Instagram: @ip.communication.uii