Diskusi Komunikasi proetik Komunikasi UII
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Reading Time: 2 minutes At the end of 2020, Holy Rafika Dhona wrote a book published by UII press. In this book entitled Prophetic Communication ” of Islamic Prophetic Perspectives, Holy refers to Kuntowijoyo who also sees Islam as a scientific concept rather than a mere religious building. According to Holy, Kuntowijoyo was actually just trying to explain how […]

Diskusi Komunikasi Profetik Holy Komunikasi UII
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Reading Time: 2 minutes Recently, there has been criticism on the study of Islamic communication. Islamic communication is considered stagnant. How come. So far, the study of Islamic communication has not moved on to discussing the principles of communication in the Koran. Like qaulan syadiidan and baliigha. In fact, the communication dimension in the Quran is more than that. […]

Diskusi Komunikasi profetik Holy Komunikasi UII
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Reading Time: 2 minutes Belakangan, muncul kritik pada kajian komunikasi islam. Komunikasi islam dianggap mengalami kemandekan. Bagaimana tidak. Selama ini kajian komunikasi islam tak beranjak pada bahasan seputar prinsip komunikasi dalam al-quran. Seperti qaulan syadiidan dan baliigha. Sesungguhnya, dimensi komunikasi dalam Quran lebih dari itu. Holy Rafika Dhona, Dosen Komunikasi UII, mengatakan hal tersebut dalam bedah bukunya berjudul Komunikasi […]

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Reading Time: 2 minutes Mahasiswa Komunikasi UII Meraih Prestasi di Konferensi Internasional. Pandemi seakan tak pernah usai. Salah satu strategi kunci adalah penanganan di lini informasi. Bila antar pemangku kepentingan tidak satu suara dalam menyampaikan informasi tentang Covid-19 dan penanganannya, tentu publik akan masuk dalam keraguan dan kebimbangan. Maka satu kesatuan informasi dari pemangku kepentingan menjadi niscaya. Dua mahasiswa […]

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Reading Time: 3 minutes UII Communication Students Win Achievements at International Conferences. The pandemic seems to never end. One of the key strategies is handling in the line of information. If stakeholders do not have one voice in conveying information about Covid-19 and its handling, of course the public will be in doubt and doubt. So a unit of […]

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Reading Time: 2 minutes Foreign writers consider many journals that have been indexed by DOAJ and Copernicus. Both are considered intermediate indexes at the international level. That was the experience of the Journal of Islamic Economics and Finance (JEKI) from FBE UII when sharing in the FGD of UII Journal Managers on January 12, 2021 via Zoom Meeting. The […]

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Reading Time: 3 minutes The Criteria for journals you manage to be indexed by Scopus, it must be specific. However, getting your UII journal indexed by Scopus is not a matter of specific names, but of scope. Of course, consistent use of English is also a major requirement. “To be indexed by Scopus, it is not a matter of […]

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Reading Time: < 1 minute Kepada: Seluruh Mahasiswa/i Program Studi  Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Islam Indonesia Berdasarkan surat Himbauan Tim UIISiaga COVID-19, Nomor: 006//Ket/Tim UIISiaga COVID-19/XII/2020, yang mengacu pada Surat Edaran Rektor terkait Pandemi Covid 19, dengan ini kami menyampaikan bahwa perkuliahan di semester Genap 2020/2021 masih akan dilaksanakan secara daring atau online. Hal ini dilakukan sebagai salah satu ikhtiar kita […]

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Reading Time: 2 minutes Masa pandemi covid-19 mendera hingga mengubah budaya kerja di FPSB UII. Peningkatan jumlah kasusnya juga semakin banyak. Bila ada yang terpapar Covid-19, cukup badan yang diisolasi, hati dan jiwa (psikis) jangan. Jiwa jangan sampai ikut diisolasi, kata Fuad Nashori, Dekan FPSB UII, membuka sekaligus memotivasi kerja para pegawai FPSB UII di acara Pelatihan Tenaga Pendidikan […]

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Reading Time: 2 minutes The Covid-19 pandemic period has whipped up a change in the organizational culture at FPSB UII. The number of Covid-19 cases has also increased. If someone is exposed to Covid-19, just isolate the body, not their heart and soul. The soul should not be isolated, said Fuad Nashori, Dean of FPSB UII, opening and motivating […]