Entries by pampam

Communication Department Design Their Website With The New Interface

All staff of the Communication Department were excited that morning. The Reason was They will get the new knowledge to be implemented for designing of the new Communication Department’s website for the Re-Accreditation. All website of the faculty at UII now have used content management system that are newest, faster, and easily accessible. There were […]

Komunikasi UII Desain Website dengan Mesin Web dan Tampilan Baru

Semua staf Prodi Komunikasi pagi itu di bergegas, dan juga bersemangat. Pasalnya, mereka akan mendapat ilmu baru untuk memperbarui perwajahan dan perawatan website Komunikasi UII menjelang Re-Akreditasi Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII tahun ini. Kabarnya, semua website unit dna prodi di UII kini telah menggunakan sistem pengelolaan konten yang baru dan lebih cepat dan mudah aksesnya […]

Comprehensive Reference of Public Relation Management Now Available

Lately, students will often experience difficulties if looking for references that talk about Public Relations Management. Usually, students must refer to references about management, then according to later books on public relations. Not many reference books or textbooks in one package talk about management on the one hand, and public relations on the other. Mutia […]

Rujukan Komprehensif tentang Manajemen Public Relation Kini Ada di Komunikasi UII

Tak jarang mahasiswa akan mengalami kesulitan jika mencari referensi yang berbicara tentang Manajemen Public Relation. Biasanya, mahasiswa harus merujuk referensi-referensi tentang manajemen, lalu seturut kemudian buku-buku soal public relation. Belum banyak buku rujukan atau buku ajar yang dalam satu paket berbicara soal manajemen di satu sisi, dan publik relation di sisi yang lain. Mutia Dewi, […]


Mari Mengkaji Fenomena Komunikasi dengan Cara Pandang Filsafat

Jika anda mahasiswa Komunikasi UII periode mula-mula, atau paling tidak mahasiswa komunikasi dua atau tiga tahun belakangan, maka anda akan menemui mata kuliah Etika Profesi Komunikasi. Sejak Dikti menerapkan sebuah standar KKNI, maka mata kuliah itu dilebur menjadi Filsafat dan Etika Komunikasi. Standar baru kompetensi dasar inilah yang harus dicapai oleh seluruh mahasiswa strata 1 […]


Examine the Phenomenon of Communication with the Philosophical Perspective

If you are an UII Communication student in the early period, or at least students of Communicaton Department in the past two or three years, then you will meet the ‘Professional Communication Ethics’ course. Since the Ministry of Higher Education implemented a KKNI standard, the course was merged into ‘Philosophy and Ethics of Communication’. This […]

Isn’t that RAW file difficult?

Is it possible for students to produce films at the level of widescreen films? How to use a cinema camera? Isn’t that RAW file difficult? These Questions arose when Amirul Mukminin present at the PSDMA Nadim Communication UII public discussion entitled “Cinema Class – Master Camera”. The discussion that was held on Friday, (12/8) in […]

Bukannya file RAW itu menyulitkan?

Apakah mungkin mahasiswa memproduksi film selevel film layar lebar? Bagaimana menggunakan kamera sinema? Bukannya file RAW itu menyulitkan? Pertanyaan-pertanyaan semacam itulah yang muncul saat Amirul Mukminin hadir pada diskusi publik PSDMA Nadim Komunikasi UII bertajuk “Master Class Kamera Sinema”. Diskusi yang dihelat pada Jumat, (12/8) di Laboratorium TV dan Film, Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi FPSB UII […]