Entries by pampam

Communication Department Team Welcomes the Re-Accreditation Assessors

After making preparations on all fronts, finally arrived the awaited day. The Study Program has made several preparations such as document preparation, proof checking, and intensive routine coordination for the past one to two years. All UII Communication academics ranging from students, staff staff, to lecturers unite their hopes for re-accreditation to achieve its targets: […]

Komunikasi UII Sambut Asesor Re-Akreditasi Program Studi

Setelah melakukan persiapan di segala lini, akhirnya tibalah hari yang ditunggu itu. Program Studi telah melakukan beberapa persiapan seperti penyusunan dokumen, pengecekan bukti, dan koordinasi-koordinasi rutin intensif sejak satu hingga dua tahun belakangan. Semua sivitas akademika Komunikasi UII mulai dari mahasiswa, staf pegawai, hingga dosen menyatukan asa agar re-akreditasi mencapai targetnya: A kembali. Pada 10/7/2019 […]

Menulis di Jurnal Internasional ala Kati Lindström

Workshop menulis jurnal internasional adalah salah satu rangkaian dari The 5th Conference on Communication, Culture and Media Studies (CCCMS) dari 14-16 April 2019 di Auditorium FPSB UII. Acara yang dimoderatori oleh Herman Felani Tandjung dan diisi oleh pemateri Kati Lindström asal ahli Landscape Semiotic dari KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Swedia. Pada kesempatan workshop itu […]

Lindström’s Tips on Writing an International Journal

The international journal writing workshop is one of a series of The 5th Conference on Communication, Culture and Media Studies (CCCMS) from April, 14 until 16, 2019 at the FPCS UII’s Auditorium. The program was moderated by Herman Felani Tandjung and Kati Lindström as the speaker. Lindström is a Landscape Semiotic experts from KTH Royal […]


Reflections to All Activist who held Protest At Zero Kilometer Jogja

Retyan Sekar, a researcher in this discussion under the theme: The Space and Power in Jogja, got interesting and unusual findings. Retyan drew conclusions from her research (research title: Normalization of Demonstrations at the Jogja Zero Kilometers. He tracked during the pre-reformation era in Indonesia, none of the activists in the 80s and 90s were […]

What’s Up with Jogja Scrummy and the Km 0 of Jogja?

Vivi Mulia Ningrum and Retyan Sekar Nurani, students of Communication Studies (2015), began to sit in front of the participants of the discussion in the Audio Visual Room (Mini Theater) of UII’s Communication Department. Both were accompanied by Risky Wahyudi, researcher and staff of Center for Study and Documentation of Alternative Media NADIM (PSDMA Nadim) […]


Sebuah Refleksi untuk Aktivis Demonstran di Titik Nol Kilometer Jogja? (2)

Retyan Sekar, peneliti dalam diskusi Ruang dan Kuasa di Jogja (Selain NYIA), mendapat temuan menarik sekaligus tak biasa. Retyan menarik kesimpulan dari risetnya soal Normalisasi Demonstrasi di Titik Nol Kilometer Jogja. Ia melacak selama pra reformasi, tidak ada satupun aktivis pada 80an dan 90an yang tertarik untuk melakukan aksi protes di titik nol kilometer jogja. […]


Ada Apa dengan Jogja Scrummy dan Titik Nol Kilometer Jogja? (1)

Sore itu, Vivi Mulia Ningrum dan Retyan Sekar Nurani, mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi (2015), mulai duduk di depan para peserta di Ruang Audio Visual (RAV Mini Theatre) Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII. Keduanya ditemani Risky Wahyudi, peneliti dan staf dari Pusat Studi dan Dokumentasi Media Alternatif (PSDMA) NADIM Program Studi (Prodi) Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Islam Indonesia  (UII). […]

Earthing One of the “Bone Marrow” of UII Communication Department

“You are better apprenticed to community media, to be a creator, a planner. Instead of an internship in a large industry but to be a photocopier or clipper who has far-reaching communication skills.” The three people who have been waiting for sharing their experiences in the professional job are now sitting at the front desk […]


Membumikan Salah Satu “Tulang Sumsum” Keilmuan Komunikasi UII

“Anda lebih baik magang di media komunitas jadi kreator, perencana. Daripada magang di industri besar tapi jadi tukang fotokopi atau kliping yang jauh keahlian komunikasi.” Tiga orang yang ditunggu-tunggu cerita pengalamannya di dunia profesional itu kini sudah duduk di meja panggung depan Auditorium FPSB UII. Meski komposisinya berjejer tiga, mirip juri audisi di layar kaca […]