Entries by pampam

What Supposed To Do if You Want to Reportage Diffable Issues

The previous writing had describe what is Ivan do with his Final Project. In this writing, Ivan get a lot of tips and tricks from the expert and audiences there. The input is about What Supposed to do if you want to reportage diffable issues Rifqi instead invited Ivan and the discussion participants to reverse […]

Mahasiswa Komunikasi Meliput Atlit Difabel dalam Format Program TV Liputan Mendalam

Bagaimana Penyajian Tugas Akhir Pertama di Komunikasi UII dengan format Program TV Liputan Mendalam? Ivan Renaldi adalah mahasiswa pertama dalam sejarah Komunikasi UII yang menggarap Tugas Akhir dengan bentuk Program TV Liputan Mendalam. Isunya pun unik, soal difabel yang atlit sekaligus pelajar. Tantangannya, ia perlu menyelami kedalaman emosi dan kronik keseharian difabel yang menjadi subjek […]

Communication Students Cover Disabled Athletes in In-depth TV Program

How is the Presentation of the First Final Project in Communication which is created on In-Depth Coverage TV Program format? Ivan Renaldi was the first student in the history of Communication Department on UII who worked on his Final Project in the form of an In-Depth Reporting TV Program. The issue is also unique, about […]

#SharingSession (2) How to Adapt to the New Study Environment Abroad

  What about daily life in Europe? This is the second part of these writing. Masduki also talked about the difficulty in worshiping in Germany rather than in Indonesia. This is about the weather and Muslims, who are in fact a minority. According to him, the most difficult was to implement the third pillar of […]

#SharingSession (2) Bagaimana Beradaptasi dengan Lingkungan Studi Baru di Luar Negeri

Masduki juga bercerita soal sulitnya melakukan ibadah di Jerman ketimbang di Indonesia. Ini kaitannya dengan cuaca dan muslim yang memang jadi minoritas. Menurutnya, paling sulit itu melaksanakan rukun islam yang ketiga: Puasa dengan harinya panjang dan panasnya ekstrim, ”Puasa itu paling berat, karena di Jerman itu subuhnya jam 3 lebih sedikit dan buka puasanya jam […]

#SharingSession (1) Cerita Tradisi Akademik Universitas Kelas Dunia Bersama Masduki

Bagaimana belajar hingga adaptasi dengan cuaca dan makanan di negeri orang? Cekrak-cekrek! Suara kamera DSLR dan bunyi kamera ponsel menyeruak di ruang meeting Hotel Eastparc. Seorang doktor baru dari Komunikasi UII baru saja berpose bersama Ketua Prodi Komunikasi UII, sambil mengangkat kaos bertuliskan komunikAsi, sebuah kaos yang sengaja dibuat paska raihan akreditasi A kembali oleh […]

#SharingSession (1) World Class University Academic Tradition Story With Masduki

How to study to adapt to the academic tradition, weather, and food in other countries? Click, Snap! The sound of a Digital SLR camera and the sound of a smartphone camera burst in the Eastparc Hotel meeting room. A new philosopy of doctor from UII’s Communication Department  has just posed with the Head of the […]

Mari Bergabung dengan Program Internasional Komunikasi UII

Apa saja yang bisa mahasiswa lakukan bersama tim di International Program (IP) Komunikasi UII? Jika anda belum banyak tahu soal program internasional di Komunikasi UII, kini saatnya berkenalan. Mari menyelami seluk beluk International Program yang berdiri pada 2018 ini. Hal pertama yang bisa anda lakukan dalam program studi ini misalnya melakukan beragam proyek pengembangan skill, […]

Let’s Join the International Program of Communication Department

What can students do in the International Program (IP) of Communication Department? If you don’t know much about the international program at Communication Department of UII, now it’s time to get acquainted. Let’s dive into details of the International Program, which was established in 2018. The first thing you can do in this program is […]