Entries by pampam

Culture Communication and International Asian Food Travel Vlog 

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Reading Time: 2 minutes Food Vlogs are becoming more and more common now. They were not only producing information or any entertainment content but also communicating the culture. The cultures are not only about art but also language, tradition, and the special way the food make. It varies what is covered. Starting with vloggers who produce content about regional […]

Persepsi Viewers Terhadap Vlog Makanan Asia

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Reading Time: 2 minutes Konten Vlog Makanan semakin menggurita kini ketika teknologi bisa diakses hampir semua orang. Cakupannya pun beragam. Mulai dari Vlogger yang membuat konten untuk konten makanan lokal indonesia, sampai konten Makanan Asia. Beragam pula persepsi penonton vlog-vlog-nya. Beragam persepsi tersebut tentu saja dipengaruhi oleh banyak hal. Pada kesempatan Diskusi Nadim sesi I Oktober, Bella Cita Nanda […]

Diskusi Bulanan Nadim: Persepsi Vlog Perjalanan Kuliner Internasional – Makanan Asia Ria SW dan JWestBros

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Reading Time: < 1 minute DISKUSI BULANAN PDMA NADIM HADIR LAGI! Ria SW adalah salah satu youtuber yang cukup terkenal dengan konten-konten jalan-jalan ke luar negeri maupun vlog makanan atau kulineran. Diskusi Nadim kali ini akan membahas bagaimana sih persepsi viewers Ria SW tentang vlog makanan ini. Yuk, mari merapat dan kita diskusikan bersama pada : Tanggal : 7 Oktober […]


LOWONGAN MAGANG: Humas Setjen DPR RI (Deadline: 7 Oktober 2022)

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Reading Time: 2 minutes Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII mendapat kabar dari mitra dan alumni Prodi Komunikasi UII. Kali ini info lowongan magang datang dari alumni Komunikasi UII yang bekerja di Humas Setjen DPR RI. Simak infonya berikut ini ya: Hallo, Sobat Parlemen! 👋 Siapa nih yang udah gasabar buat open recruitment magang Humas dan Pengelolaan Museum Setjen DPR RI […]

The Language of Photography, To Capture The Subjectivity 

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Reading Time: 3 minutes Perhaps not everyone will reach a consensus when discussing good and terrible images. There is always a subjective issue with the power of the camera shutter finger. Subjectivity can also evolve in photography; it does so periodically when the mind and body pick up new information. How the mind and body process and discipline themselves […]

To Capture Sensory Experience in Photo 

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Reading Time: 2 minutes A photo is more than just a still image that is contained within a frame and cannot move. A photograph might enable the spectator to perceive good and challenging circumstances. The smell of the waste gathered at the Piyungan Final Disposal Site can be captured in pictures (TPA). In a series of DOC-Camp Photo Discussions […]

Diskusi Nadim: Menelisik Ragam Artikulasi Kisah Visual Melalui Bahasa Fotografi

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Reading Time: 2 minutes Membicarakan foto bagus dan tidak, bisa jadi setiap orang tidak akan mencapai titik temu yang presisi. Masalah subjektifitas kekuasaan jari pencet rana kamera selalu ada. Dalam fotografi, subjektifitas juga dapat berubah: berproses dari waktu ke waktu seiring proses pikiran dan sensor tubuh. Bagaimana pikiran dan tubuh berproses dan mendisipinkan diri dalam proses membuat karya fotografi […]

Diskusi Nadim: Pengalaman Sensori dalam Sebuah Foto

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Reading Time: 2 minutes Foto bukanlah sekadar sebuah gambar beku yang tidak bergerak dan terbatas dalam bingkai. Sebuah foto bisa mengajak penikmatnya untuk melihat kondisi susah dan bahagia. Bahkan foto bisa mengadirkan aroma busuk dari sampah yang menggunung di Tempat pembuangan Akhir (TPA) Piyungan. Dalam dalam rangkaian acara Diskusi dan Pameran Foto DOC-Camp hasil kerjasama antara PSDMA Nadim Prodi […]

Photographing Photo Story with High Difficulty Level Photo Techniques  

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Reading Time: 3 minutes The official Doc-Camp photo story exhibition and discussion were held from 20 to 23 September 2022. In the first Photo Discussion, Nadim (the center of media alternative studies) presented Boy Harjanto as a speaker to dissect 12 photo story themes from UII students across the globe. From across the class and department. Boy said in […]

Capturing the Face of Islam in Photos: the Opening of the Doc-Camp

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Reading Time: 3 minutes After being delayed because of two years of the Covid-19 pandemic, the exhibition of seven photo story themes from the Photographer who received the Doc-Camp (Doctrine-Media Camp) scholarship in 2019 was also successful. This time, the exhibition also collaborates with 16 participants of the 2022 Doc-Camp, a collaboration with a communication student community that focuses […]