The Forum Forum Amir Effendi Siregar # 13 this time 9 October 2020 is not as usual. Presenting Indonesian speakers who were studying in America made the discussion this time take time at night. This time, Rianne Subijanto, Assistant Professor of Communication Studies at Baruch College, City University of New York was the speaker at the AES Forum discussion tonight. He reveals the history of communication and discovers a time when a part of the study in communication was missing.

According to Rianne, in communication, there is a missing study. This study seems invisible. It seems that if we examine it today, there is even a lot of debate because it is considered not a communication domain anymore.

Rianne’s discussion raised the topic “Communication as Social Networks and Transportation: Historical Studies Past and Present.” Transportation which is part of communication studies is no longer initiated in many researches in the realm of communication.

Judging from the long history of communication, “communication studies have emerged. it’s only limited to communication that mediates new media such as print media, radio, television, and the internet, “said Rianne.

Communication System: Ancient Objects to Print Media

Riane continued that the age of media starting from printed media is still very young. and to be examined from the history, the practice of this communication age is very old. there was writing hieroglief and cuneiform written on slabs of brick in the civilization of mesopotamia. there paprirus, and there are pictures in the cave in the rock.

it is seen that the ancient objects that not only belongs to history, but also there is a communication process. Even communication is not only seen from the printed medium sec material fig. But more basic. Communication is also a process of exchanging meaning through oral, gestures, and facial expressions.

What is missing in Communication studies in Rianne’s view? He sees communication as transmission (transportation) and culture (ritual). If communication is seen from an exchange of meanings, then there is social exchange, there is cultural acculturation too. If seen from here communication is also chained by transportation. In ancient times people traveled by camel or donkey to trade. “And it turns out that there is a cultural exchange of the spread of Islam, cultural acculturation,” said Rianne.

Communication systems should be seen as transport networks and social networks as concepts. “However, now if we want to see transportation in communication studies, maybe people will ask geography or sociology first,” said Rianne.


No.: 3331/Rek/10/SP/X/2020

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh,

Berdasarkan Keputusan Bersama Menteri Agama, Menteri Ketenagakerjaan, dan Menteri
Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi Nomor 440 Tahun 2020, Nomor 03
Tahun 2020, Nomor 03 Tahun 2020 tentang Perubahan Ketiga atas Keputusan Bersama Menteri
Agama, Menteri Ketenagakerjaan, dan Menteri Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara Menteri
Agama, Menteri Ketenagakerjaan, dan Menteri Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi
Birokrasi Nomor 213 Tahun 2019, Nomor 01 Tahun 2019 tentang Hari Libur Nasional dan Cuti
Bersama Tahun 2020, dengan ini kami menyampaikan informasi bahwa Rabu dan Jumat, 28
dan 30 Oktober 2020, adalah hari libur dalam rangka cuti bersama memperingati Maulid
Nabi Muhammad saw.

Selanjutnya, kami memohon kesediaan Ibu/Bapak Pimpinan, untuk menyosialisasikan informasi
ini di lingkungan kerja masing-masing.

Atas perhatian Ibu/Bapak, kami menyampaikan terima kasih.

Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh.

Rektor, .
Prof. Fathul Wahid, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D.
22 Safar 1442
10 Oktober 2020

Forum Forum Amir Effendi Siregar #13 kali ini 9 Oktober 2020 tak seperti biasa. Menghadirkan pembicara Indonesia yang sedang studi di Amerika membuat diskusi kali ini mengambil waktu di malam hari. Kali ini, Rianne Subijanto, Assistant Professor Kajian Komunikasi di Baruch College, City University of New York menjadi pembicara dalam diskusi Forum AES malam ini. Ia mengungkap sejarah komunikasi dan menemukan satu waktu dimana ada bagian kajian dalam komunikasi hilang.

Menurut Rianne, dalam komunikasi, ada kajian yang hilang. Kajian ini seperti tidak terlihat. Tampaknya jika dikaji di jaman sekarang bahkan, banyak perdebatan karena dianggap bukan ranah komunikasi lagi.

Diskusi Rianne ini mengangkat topik ‘Komunikasi sebagai Jaringan Sosial dan Transportasi: Kajian Sejarah Dulu dan Sekarang.” Transportasi yang menjadi bagian dari kajian komunikasi tak lagi digagas dalam banyak riset di ranah komunikasi.

Dilihat dari sejarah komunikasi yang panjang, “kajian komunikasi yang banyak muncul baru sebatas komunikasi yang memerantarai medium baru seperti media cetak, radio, televisi, maupun internet,” ujar Rianne.

Sistem Komunikasi: Benda-benda Kuno hingga Media Cetak

Riane melanjutkan bahwa umur media mulai dari media cetak (printed media) ini masih sangat muda. Padahal kalau mau ditelisik dari sejarahnya, praktik komunikasi ini umurnya sangat tua. Ada tulisan hieroglief dan kuneiform yang tertulis di lempengan batu bata di peradaban mesopotamia. Ada paprirus, dan ada gambar di gua pada dalam batu.

Di sini terlihat bahwa benda-benda kuno itu tak hanya milik sejarah, tapi juga ada proses komunikasi. Bahkan komunikasi tak hanya dilihat dari medium tercetak secara materil. Namun lebih mendasar. Komunikasi juga adalah proses pertukaran makna lewat oral, gestur, dan mimik muka.

Apa yang hilang di kajian Komunikasi dalam pandangan Rianne? Ia melihat komunikasi sebagai tranmisi (transportasi) dan budaya (ritual). Jika komunikasi dilihat dari adanya pertukaran makna, maka ada pertukaran sosial, ada akulturasi budaya juga. Jika dilihat dari sini komunikasi juga diperantai oleh transportasi. Jaman dahulu orang melakukan perjalanan dengan menggunakan unta atau keledai untuk berdagang. “dan ternyata ada pertukaran budaya penyebaran islam, akulturasi budaya,” papar Rianne.

Sistem komunikasi harus dilihat sebagai jaringan transportasi (transport network) dan jaringan sosial (social networks) sebagai konsep. “Namun, sekarang jika kita mau melihat transportasi dalam kajian komunikasi mungkin orang akan nyuruh ke geografi atau sosiologi dulu,” kata Rianne.

This Discussion time (17/10/2020) is a bit different. The discussion on Forum Amir Effendi Siregar # 14 broadcast by Uniicoms TV, UII Communication Science Study Program, presented Eunike Gloria Setiadarma. A man currently completing his doctoral studies majoring in history at Northwestern University. The AES forum series 14, this considers the accessibility of people with hearing impairments so that everyone can participate in the AES forum discussion.

In Eunike’s presentation slides, she included running text that he prepared. If you look at the slides, on the left side there is a presentation slide that contains bullet points, illustrations and some information. Meanwhile, on the right slide, there is a running text which is rigid. and looks serious. Eunike certainly prepares with great effort so that the presentation can be followed by anyone, including those with hearing impairments, if any.

“I prepared a running text to facilitate participants with hearing disabilities. I’m sorry if the main slide is not full, its maximum size,” said Uenike starting the afternoon discussion.

This time, Eunice conducted research into the social reality and historical and political dynamics of that era by using the perspective of ordinary people. Eunice tracked down by reading the writings of Kwee Thiam Tjing (KTT) and his wife (Nie Hiang Nio) in various printed newspapers in the era before and after independence. The historical approach he uses is a micro-historical approach, namely a historical approach that narrates history from the perspective of ordinary people. Not a big or popular figure.

In this discussion, people with hearing impairments will be able to take part in this interesting discussion without any significant obstacles.


Diskusi kali ini (17/10/2020 ) agak berbeda. Diskusi Forum Amir Effendi Siregar #14 yang disiarkan oleh Uniicoms TV, Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII, itu menghadirkan Eunike Gloria Setiadarma. Seorang yang sedang menyelesaikan studi doktoralnya di jurusan sejarah Northwestern University. Forum AES seri 14, ini mempertimbangkan aksesibilitas difabel rungu agar semua orang bisa mengikuti diskusi forum AES.

Dalam slide presentasi Eunike, ia menyertakan teks berjalan (running text) yang ia siapkan. Kalau dilihat slidenya, di sisi kiri ada slide presentasi yang berisi poin-poin, gambar ilustrasi dan beberapa keterangan. Sedangkan pada slide sebelah kanan, ada teks berjalan yang sangat rigid, terlihat sekali Eunike serius dan yang pasti ia menyiapkan dengan upaya yang sangat besar agar presentasi dapat diikuti oleh siapapun termasuk oleh difabel rungu, jika ada.

“Saya menyiapkan teks berjalan untuk memfasilitasi peserta yang memiliki disabilitas pendengaran, maaf jika slide utamanya nggak full maksimal besarnya,” kata Uenike mengawali diskusi siang hari itu.

Eunike kali ini melakukan riset masuk melongok realitas sosial dan dinamika sejarah serta politik zaman itu dengan menggunakan perspektif orang biasa. Eunike melacak dengan membaca tulisan Kwee Thiam Tjing (KTT) dan istrinya (Nie Hiang Nio) di beragam surat kabar yang tercetak pada pada zaman sebelum dan setelah kemerdekaan. Pendekatan sejarah yang ia gunakan adalah pendekatan sejarah mikro yakni pendekatan sejarah yang menarasikan sejarah dari kacamata orang biasa. Bukan tokoh besar atau populer.

Dalam diskusi ini, difabel rungu akan dapat mengikuti diskusi menarik ini tanpa kendala berarti.

The 2020 serumpun committee made an event in the form of a virtual concert. The virtual concert was held on Monday (21/9) as part of the Serumpun 2020 event. The virtual concert was designed to entertain New Students of Communication Science UII and FPSB UII students in general, after going through a series of processes of the orientation period (known as Serumpun). New FPSB UII students have participated in a series of activities from September 16 to September 22th, 2020.

Aditya Arvian, Chair of the 2020 Serumpun Steering Committee said that in a serumpun event, it could also be an opportunity for new students to introduce more, network or friendship. “Serumpun can also get to know many things on campus, get to know the campus environment, and see the ‘content’ of the FPSB itself,” said Aditya who is also a student of UII Communication Science international program (IP).

Several invited guests stars attended this virtual Serumpun 2020 concert. For example, the music group “Dengarkan Dia” ​​consisting of the famous celebrity couple Ditto and Ayudia was present on Monday (21/9). Whereas the next Tuesday (22/9) present in the midst of new FPSB UII students is the “Reality Club” music group that won the AMI / Anugerah Musik Indonesia Awards in 2018.

Previously, there were a series of events in the form of orientation period, then video viewing of photo and video clips during the activity. and also chants from each of the new student groups.

Students look very happy when guest stars appear among them. On that night, students through the Zoom meeting, listened to the chanting of ‘Dengarkan Dia’ band. The music group performance session was interspersed with several questions and answers between guest stars and students.

Several questions arose. For example, questions about how to become a musician, albums, interesting tips to become a student and run it. In this session, new students were very happy because they could have the opportunity to ask their idols. Before performing the next song, the musicians Ayudiac and Ditto gave some input to the new students. “During the course of the lecture, always try to be active because there are many benefits in the future,” they said.

Approximately an hour of this online concert, it gave a deep impression to the new students and the committee who attended it. Everything was done to make this serumpun evening event more exciting, relaxed, and at the same time beneficial.


Reporter and Author: Ibnu Mufti Sumarno, UII Communication Science Student, Btach 2016, Internship at UII Communication Science.

Editor: A. Pambudi W.


Panitia ospek serumpun 2020 membuat suatu acara berupa konser virtual. Konser virtual tersebut dilaksanakan pada Senin (21/9) sebagai bagian dari acara Serumpun 2020. Konser virtual didesain untuk menghibur para Mahasiswa Baru Ilmu Komunkasi UII khususnya dan mahasiswa FPSB UII umumnya setelah melewati serangkaian proses masa taaruf Serumpun (Semarak Ta’aruf Mahasiwa Penuh Makna). Mahasiswa baru FPSB UII telah mengikuti rentetan kegiatan serumpun mulai 16 Septermber hingga 22 September 2020.

Aditya Arvian, Ketua Steering Committee Serumpun 2020 mengatakan bahwa di acara serumpun, juga bisa menjadi kesempatan mahasiswa baru memerbanyak perkenalan, jaringan atau relasi pertemanan. “Di Serumpun juga bisa mengenal banyak hal di kampus, mengenal lingkungan kampus, dan melihat ‘isi’ dari FPSB sendiri,” kata Aditya yang juga adalah mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi UII program internasional (IP).

Beberapa tamu undangan hadir pada acara konser virtual Serumpun 2020 ini. Misalnya, Grup musik “Dengarkan Dia” beranggotakan pasangan selebritis kondang Ditto dan Ayudia hadir di Senin (21/9). Sedangkan esoknya Selasa (22/9) hadir di tengah mahasiswa baru FPSB UII adalah Reality Club grup music yang meraih AMI/ Anugrah Musik Indonesia Awards di 2018.

Sebelumnya, ada serangkaian acara berupa ospek, kemudian penayangan video penampilan cuplikan foto maupun video saat kegiatan berlangsung dan juga yel-yel dari masing-masing jamaah (kelompok) mahassiwa baru.

Mahasiswa terlihat sangat bergembira ketika bintang tamu hadir di antara mereka. Pada malam itu mahasiswa lewat layanan konferensi daring Zoom, mendengarkan lantunan nada yang dibawakan oleh ‘Dengarkan Dia’. Sesi penampilan grup musik diselingi dengan beberapa tanya jawab antara bintang tamu dan mahasiswa.

Beberapa pertanyaan muncul. Misalnya pertanyaan bagaimana menjadi musisi, album, hingga tips menarik menjadi mahasiswa dan menjalankannya. Pada sesi ini mahasiswa baru merasa sangat senang karena dapat berkesempatan bertanya pada idola mereka. Sebelum membawakan lagu selanjutnya musisi Ayudiac dan Ditto memberikan beberapa masukan kepada mahasiswa baru. “Selama menjalankan perkuliahaan selalu usahakan kalian aktif karena manfaatnya banyak banget buat ke depannya,” kata mereka.

Kurang lebih 1 jam acara konser daring ini berlangsung memberikan kesan yang mendalam terhadap para mahasiswa baru dan para panitia yang mengikutinya. Semuanya dilakukan untuk membuat acara malam ospek ini menjadi lebih seru, santai, sekaligus terasa manfaatnya.


Reporter dan Penulis: Ibnu Mufti Sumarno, Mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi UII, Btach 2016, Magang di IP Komunikasi UII.

Editor: A. Pambudi W.


Forum Amir Effendi Siregar – Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Islam Indonesia menggelar:

Serial Bincang Sejarah Komunikasi (Sesi 14)


Hoedjin Tjamboek Berdoeri: Sejarah Mikro sebagai Pendekatan Membaca Koran


Eunike Gloria Setiadarma

Sedang menempuh studi doktoral di Departemen Sejarah di Northwestern University. Tertarik meneliti sejarah intelektual dan sejarah sosial pembangunan. Sebelumnya memperoleh pendidikan master Pembangunan Internasional dari University of Manchester.

Jumat, 17 Oktober 2020
Pukul 09:30 WIB
Via Zoom




Forum Amir Effendi Siregar – Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Islam Indonesia menggelar

Serial Bincang Sejarah Komunikasi (Sesi 11)


Komunikasi sebagai Jaringan Sosial dan Transportasi: Kajian Sejarah Komunikasi Dulu dan Sekarang


Rianne Subijanto

Assistant Professor Kajian Komunikasi di Baruch College, City University of New York. Disertasinya memenangkan Honorable Mention AJHA Margaret A. Blanchard Doctoral Dissertation Prize dari The American Journalism Historians Association tahun 2016. Manuskrip bukunya berdasar disertasi tersebut berjudul “Revolutionary Communication: Enlightenment at The Dawn of Indonesia” saat ini sedang dalam review. Berkhidmat sebagai Pemimpin Redaksi IndoPROGRESS.


Jumat, 9 Oktober 2020
Pukul 20:00 WIB
Via Zoom



The magazines affiliated with the military in the 1939-1966 era apparently discussed a lot about military strategy, political concepts, how to organize society, and how the civil service should behave and lead the community.

“But from the content, it can actually be drawn a line about ‘how the military uses the pretext of the Law’ to take power legally,” said Norman Joshua, doctoral student at Northwestern University, speaker at the 12th Exclamation of Amir Effendi Siregar (AES) Forum on Saturday ( 3/10). The discussion, which was held by the UII Communication Science Study Program, was broadcast live on the online TV Uniicoms TV belonging to the Department of Communications Science of UII.

The military-owned media also ran a counter for the Harian Rakyat newspaper which incidentally belonged to the left. “Indeed, at that time each department had a publication. Chakra Vijaya magazine belongs to the Army’s Judiciary Corps. In the 60s, the military did not only talk about threats, or about the military world,” said Norman, “but also about law and its implementation in Indonesia. There are also articles. which discusses who has the right to prosecute and arrest a suspect in an area that is included in a war zone. ”

Apart from discussing military strategy, the military media also talks about politics. “And at that time it looked natural in the dual conception of military functions in Indonesia in the 1966 period,” said Norman, commenting on why military media content did not merely talk about the military world.

Military-owned media is seen very clearly in sharpening its content focus to militarize social conditions. Many matters outside the military’s authority try to be raised and discussed in the military law academy as reflected in the Army’s Chakra Vijaya magazine.

Another example is Yudha Gama magazine from the Ministry of Defense. And the most popular to the old material is the Air Force’s Space magazine. “It was as if they were competing in a ‘battle field of discourse’ with the Harian Rakyat, as we all know there was a debate over the discourse between the military and the PKI (Communist Party) in the 60s,” said Norman.