Tag Archive for: tuition fee

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted all fronts—political, social, cultural, and economical. According to  Tempo, in the first five months of the coronavirus spreading in Indonesia, the Indonesian Ministry of Manpower recorded more than 3 million people as having experienced layoffs. Some of these also have an impact on UII student parents.

The Islamic University of Indonesia (UII) responded to this impact by providing tuition waivers. Undergraduate and diploma program students can access this fee waiver in the 2021/2022 school year. This cost reduction program is a form of UII’s adjustment to the pandemic.

Students can choose various types of waivers according to family conditions affected by Corona. There are four types of fee waivers. Starting from relief for students who are not affected, those affected are mild, moderate, to severe.

Severely impacted students can apply for a 25% tuition fee waiver. Students can also choose a 20% tuition fee reduction if they are moderately affected. At the same time, the remaining students can also choose a 15% waiver. Last but not least, students who are not affected by COVID-19 will be given a 10% reduction in tuition fees.

All active students will automatically be deducted 10% from the nominal bill for the first and second installments for the 2021/2022 academic year. For professional students, masters, and doctorates will be arranged by their respective administrators. Requests for additional assistance can be made via the UII Gateway website no later than July 21, 2021.


There is a file that the applicant must upload. First, scan the Identity Card (KTP) and Family Card (KK) of the insurer or the person who pays the tuition fee. If the insurance company has a tax ID Number, they must attach a scan of the Annual Tax Return (SPT). The applicant also needs to upload a scan of the insurance payslip before and during the pandemic.

Insurers also need to install a scan of the sub-district original income report for cost bearers who do not work formally. All the files mentioned above must be in PDF format. Students are asked to record the processing schedule. Verification and authorization will continue on 9-24 July 2021. After that, the authorization results will be announced on July 20, 2021. Students must make all payments on 27 July-24 August 2021.

Service for Covid-19 Self-isolating Student

Additional notes for FPSB UII students who are currently self-isolating in-home or boarding house in Jogja or outside Jogja, The FPSB COVID-19 Task Force Team asks you to fill in the following basic data to add you to the Whatsapp group. The FPSB COVID-19 Task Force Team will monitor the group during self-isolation and provide further information in the WhatsApp group.

“There are two groups, for students who currently live in Jogja and for the public. For the general group, students who live in Jogja or outside Jogja can follow it,” said Muhammad Novaliant, the FPSB UII COVID-19 Task Force (Faculty of Psychology and Socio-Cultural Sciences).

The FPSB Covid-19 Task Force team provided medicines and food for students living in Jogja. Each Head of the Department at FPSB UII will monitor The WhatsApp group. “Meanwhile, students outside Jogja can exchange information and support each other during the self-isolation period,” added Novaliant.

Students must fill out a form before joining the group. Photos and the name linked to the google account will be recorded when you upload the file and submit this form at the following link: https://s.id/Cq7Vh

Also, due to COVID-19, all services are carried out online. Students can check UII’s Digital Communication Services During the COVID-19 Mitigation Period on the Department of Communication website.


Author/ Reporter: Erinna Zandra (Student of Department of Communications, Batch 2017, Student Intern at International Program at Department of Communications UII)

Editor: A. P. Wicaksono

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Pandemi Covid-19 berdampak di segala lini. Baik lini politik, sosial, budaya, hingga ekonomi. Menurut laporan Tempo.co, pada 5 bulan pertama corona menyebar di Indonesia, lebih dari 3 juta orang Tercatat mengalami Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja (PHK). Beberapa di antaranya juga berdampak pada orang tua mahasiswa UII.

Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) merespon dampak ini dengan memberikan keringanan biaya kuliah bagi mahasiswanya. Mahasiswa pogram sarjana dan diploma  dapat mengakses keringanan biaya ini pada tahun ajaran 2021/2022. Program keringanan biaya ini adalah salah satu bentuk penyesuaian UII menghadapi pandemi.

Mahasiswa dapat memilih beragam jenis keringanan sesuai kondisi keluarga terdampak Corona. Ada empat jenis  keringanan biaya. Mulai keringanan untuk mahasiswa tak terdampak, terkena dampak ringan, sedang, hingga parah.

Mahasiswa dengan dampak parah dapat mendaftar keringanan biaya kuliah sebesar 25%. Mahasiswa juga bisa memilih pengurangan biaya kuliah 20% jika terdampak level sedang. Sedangkan sisanya  mahasiswa juga bisa memilih keringanan 15%.  Last but not least, mahasiswa yang tidak terdampak covid-19 akan diberikan pengurangan 10% dari biaya kuliah.

Semua mahasiswa aktif otomatis akan dikurangi 10% dari nominal tagihan angsuran pertama dan kedua tahun ajaran 2021/2022. Untuk mahasiswa profesional, magister, dan doktor akan diatur oleh masing-masing administrator. Permohonan bantuan tambahan dapat dilakukan melalui laman Gateway UII paling lambat tanggal 21 Juli 2021.

Ada berkas yang harus diunggah pemohon. Pertama, scan Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP) dan Kartu Keluarga (KK) penanggung atau orang yang membayar biaya pendidikan. Jika perusahaan asuransi memiliki NPWP, mereka harus melampirkan scan Surat Pemberitahuan Tahunan (SPT). Berkas selanjutnya yang perlu diunggah pemohon adalah scan slip gaji pihak asuransi, sebelum dan selama masa pandemi.

Penanggung juga perlu memasang scan laporan pendapatan asli kecamatan bagi penanggung biaya yang tidak bekerja secara formal. Semua file yang disebutkan di atas harus dalam format PDF. Mahasiswa diminta untuk mencatat jadwal pemrosesan. Verifikasi dan otorisasi akan dilanjutkan pada 9-24 Juli 2021. Setelah itu, hasil otorisasi akan diumumkan pada 20 Juli 2021. Semua pembayaran harus dilakukan pada 27 Juli-24 Agustus 2021.

Catatan tambahan bagi mahasiswa FPSB UII yang saat ini sedang melakukan isolasi mandiri di rumah atau kost di Jogja atau di luar Jogja, kami mohon untuk mengisi data dasar berikut untuk menambahkan Anda ke grup Whatsapp. Tim Satgas COVID-19 FPSB akan memantau grup selama isolasi mandiri dan menginformasikan informasi lebih lanjut di grup.

“Ada 2 rombongan, untuk mahasiswa yang saat ini tinggal di Jogja dan untuk umum. Untuk rombongan umum, mahasiswa yang tinggal di Jogja atau di luar Jogja bisa mengikutinya,” kata Muhammad Novaliant, tim Satgas COVID-19 FPSB UII (Fakultas Psikologi dan Ilmu Sosial Budaya).

Tim Satgas Covid-19 FPSB menyediakan obat-obatan dan makanan bagi mahasiswa yang tinggal di Jogja. Grup akan dimonitor oleh masing-masing Ketua Program Studi. “Sedangkan mahasiswa di luar Jogja bisa saling bertukar informasi dan saling menguatkan selama masa isolasi diri,” tambah Novaliant.

Mahasiswa harus mengisi formulir sebelum bergabung dengan kelompok. Foto dan nama yang tertaut dengan akun google akan terekam saat Anda mengunggah file dan mengirimkan formulir ini di tautan berikut: https://s.id/Cq7Vh

Juga karena COVID-19, semua layanan dilaksanakan secara online. Mahasiswa dapat memeriksa Layanan Komunikasi Digital UII Selama Masa Mitigasi COVID-19 di website Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi UII.


Penulis/ Reporter: Erinna Zandra (Mahasiswa Komunikasi UII, Angkatan 2017, Mahasiswa Magang di International Program at Prodi Komunikasi UII)

Editor: A. P. Wicaksono