Tag Archive for: sejarah studi semiotika

In the Amir Effendi Siregar forum on September 26, 2020, Muzayin Nazaruddin, Lecturer for Department of Communication Science of UII, conveyed some of the boredom and mistakes of researchers in Indonesia regarding the use of semiotic analysis in dissecting text in sign systems.

Muzayin, who is pursuing his Ph.D. study at Tartu University in the field of semiotics, sees the error in the perspective of semiotics by many researchers in Indonesia. “In Indonesia, semiotics is only seen as a method, not as a paradigm,” said Muzayin.

So far, if you want to analyze a text, images, videos, literary works, poetry, you will definitely use semiotics. “It’s a paradigmatic mistake. In communication there is a semiotic tradition, a way of looking at phenomena with a semiotic perspective,” said Muzayin.

Muzayin gave an example of a study that was commonly carried out by students and, unfortunately, also carried out by researchers. For example, research looks at what symbols appear in certain films or media. What is the meaning contained. For example, there are students researching patriotism in films. But if we then reflect on it, it turns out that he did not contribute anything to the development of the concept of patriotism.

Returning to the tendency of semiotics to be a text analysis tool rather than a paradigm. When semiotics is seen as a paradigm, it is not limited to just a method of analysis. The semiotic paradigm allows researchers to see every event, phenomenon, media, and natural phenomenon with a semiotic perspective.

For example, at Tartu University, where Muzayin took his doctoral program in Semiotics, there were various studies based on semiotics. Such as Cultural Semiotics, zoo semiotic, and even some that are not yet common in Indonesia which in Tartu are called bio-semiotic.

Then he continued his explanation by giving an example that if all communication phenomena, events are seen as a sign, which we can see at the receiver level, or at the production level, or at the context level if all are seen in a semi-related relationship, then all events can be analyzed using semiotics.

We have often heard about semiotics as a method of visual text analysis. Names like Roland Barthes, Pierce, or Saussure are no stranger to communicative friends. Semiotics as an analytical scalpel has even become a trend in analysis around the 2000s as seen from the existence of several compulsory courses on several campuses in Indonesia.

However, Muzayin Nazaruddin, one of the lecturers at the Islamic University Communication Science who also seriously studied semiotics with a master and took a Ph. D at the University of Tartu, wants to see in a bigger picture the tendency to use methods that are common in Indonesia. Semiotics should serve as a paradigm, not a text analysis tool.

At the Amir Effendi Siregar (AES) Forum on September 26, 2020, Muzayin showed a tendency to use the same semiotic tradition. As if it has become an example of how to operate the semiotic method in analyzing films or images. “That’s not wrong, but it’s boring.”

Muzayin gave an example of a study that is commonly carried out by students and, unfortunately, also carried out by researchers. For example, research looks at what symbols appear in certain films or media. What is the meaning contained. For example, there are students researching patriotism in films. However, if we reflect on it, it turns out that he did not contribute anything to the development of the concept of patriotism.

In research prevalence using semiotics, for example, there is also a common sense which is useless. “For example, we analyze a photo of a woman with a hijab, detailed analysis, we analyze the hijab, the background, what she is wearing, the analysis is complicated. The denotation and connotation are like this. Then at the end, this conclusion concludes that this woman is Muslim,” Muzayin explained an example of semiotic research which is common in Indonesia. “It looks like this is cool, the thesis is thick, but this is sad, because to say that a Muslim woman wearing a hijab does not have to use a semiotic. High school student also know that the hijab is a marker of a Muslim. This is where I often see semiotic research failing,” said Muzayin exemplifying more details. This ultimately makes semiotics studies boring, stagnant, and says nothing and does not contribute,” Muzayin said further.

How is the actual history of semiotics studies in Indonesia?

The development of semiotics studies in Indonesia can be seen for example in the 1990s. “In the 1990s, student study groups studied semiotics not from lecture texts. Then according to Emmanuel Subangun said that in 1992 the Circle of Semiotic Enthusiasts in Jakarta was established,” said Muzayin. This is quite encouraging, according to him.

Returning to the tendency of semiotics to be a text analysis tool rather than a paradigm. When Semiotics is seen as a paradigm, it does not narrow it just as analytical methods. The semiotic paradigm allows researchers to see every event, phenomenon, media, and natural phenomenon with a semiotic perspective. For example, at Tartu University, where Muzayin took his doctoral program in Semiotics, there were various studies based on semiotics, such as Culture Semiotics, zoo semiotic, there is even something that is not yet common in Indonesia which is called bio-semiotic in Tartu.

For semiotics, communication is the central point for understanding culture, said Muzayin. “This is especially for cultural semiotics,” Muzayin explained. As for Biosemiotics, Communication is a fundamental concept to understand nature. Muzayin continued, even for ecosemiotics, communication is central to understanding the dynamics relations of culture-nature.

“At the animal and plant level, even semiotics is understood as a communication between the two to see the semiosis process,” Muzayin added. This is a perspective that we need to understand together.

Semiotic analysis with a micro analysis model is to see the unit of analysis in detail in the film: break it down, then see the signs in the scene, then translate into denotation, index, symbol connotations, etc.

In fact there are other ways, for example macro analysis by viewing the film, by relating various phenomena or the context of the film being made and then analyzed. “How do we see a film as a sign that is present in a certain sign system and then interpreted as a sign,” Muzayin explained.


Dalam forum Amir Effendi Siregar pada 26 September 2020, Muzayin Nazaruddin, Dosen Komunikasi UII, menyampaikan beberapa kebosanan dan kekeliruan para peneliti di indonesia terkait penggunaan analisis semiotika dalam membedah teks dalam sistem tanda.

Muzayin, yang sedang melanjutkan studi Ph.D di Tartu University di bidang semiotika, melihat kesalahan cara pandang semiotika oleh banyak peneliti di Indonesia. “DI Indonesia semiotika baru dipandang sebagai sebuah metode saja, belum sebagai sebuah paradigma,” ungkap Muzayin.

Selama ini kalau ingin menganalisis sebuah teks gambar, video, karya sastra, puisi pasti akan memakai semiotika. “Itu keliru sacara paradigmatis. Dalam komunikasi ada tradisi semiotika, cara mamandang fenomena dengan kacamata semiotika,” ungkap Muzayin.

Muzayin mencontohkan sebuah penelitian yang lazim dilakukan mahasiswa dan, sayangnya, juga dilakukan peneliti. Misal penelitian melihat simbol apa yang muncul dalam film atau media tertentu. Apa makna yang terkandung. Misalnya ada mahasiswa meneliti patriotisme dalam film. Tapi kalau kita kemudian renungkan, ternyata dia tidak memberikan sumbangsih apapun bagi pengembangan konsep patriotisme.

Kembali pada kecenderungan semiotika menjadi sebuah alat analisis teks ketimbang paradigma. Ketika Semiotika dipandang sebagai paradigma, maka ia tidak menyempit hanya sebagai metode analisis. Paradigma semiotik memungkinkan peneliti melihat setiap peristiwa, fenomena, media, dan gejala alam dengan cara pandang semiotik.

Misal, di Tartu University, tempat Muzayin mengambil program doktor Semiotika, hadir beragam kajian berdasar semiotika. Seperti Semiotika Budaya (culture semiotic), zoo semiotic, bahkan ada yang belum lazim di Indonesia yang di Tartu disebut bio-semiotic.

Lalu ia melanjutkan penjelasaannya dengan memberikan contoh bahwa jika semua fenomena komunikasi, peristiwa dilihat sebagai sebuah sign, yang bisa kita lihat di level penerima, atau level produksi, atau di level konteks jika semua dilihat secara semiosis yang saling berkaitan, maka semua peristiwa bisa dianalisa menggunakan semiotika.

Semiotika sebagi sebuah metode analisis teks visual sudah sering kita dengar. Nama seperti Roland Barthes, Pierce, atau Saussure pasti juga tak asing bagi teman-temen komunikasi. Semiotika sebagai pisau bedah analisis bahkan pernah menjadi trend analisis di sekitar tahun 2000an terlihat dari adanya beberapa mata kuliah wajib di beberapa kampus di Indonesia.

Tetapi, Muzayin Nazaruddin, salah sorang pengajar di Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Islam yang juga secara serius mempelajari semiotika dengan master dan menempuh Ph. D di University of Tartu, ingin melihat dalam gambaran lebih besar kecenderungan penggunaan metode yang jamak di lakukan di Indonesia. Semiotika harus dijadikan sebagai paradigma, alih-alih sebuah alat analisis teks.

Dalam acara Forum Amir Effendi Siregar (AES) pada 26 September 2020, Muzayin menunjukkan kecenderungan penggunakan tradisi semiotik yang itu-itu saja. Seolah sudah menjadi contoh bagaimana mengoperasikan metode semiotika dalam mengalisas film atau gambar. “Itu tidak salah, tapi membosankan.”

Dalam kelaziman penelitan menggunakan semiotika, misal, ada juga kelaziman yang sia-sia. “Misal kita menganalisis sebuah foto perempuan berjilbab, analisis detil, kita analisis jilbabnya, latarnya, apa yang ia pakai, analisisnya rumit. Denotasi dan konotasinya seperti ini. Lalu di ujungnya, kesimpulan ini menyimpulkan bahwa perempuan ini muslim,” Muzayin menjelaskan contoh penelitian semiotika yang umum di indonesia.

“Kelihatannya seperti ini keren, tebal skripsinya, tetapi Ini menyedihkan, karena untuk mengatakan perempuan berjilbab ini muslim tidak usah menggunakan semiotik. Anak SMA pun tahu bahwa jilbab adalah penanda seorang muslim. Di sinilah saya sering melihat penelitian semiotika gagal,” papar Muzayin mencontohkan lebih detil. Ini kan akhirnya membuat kajian semiotika menjadi membosankan, stagnan, dan tidak mengatakan apa-apa dan tidak berkontribusi,” kata Muzayin lebih jauh.

Bagaimana sebenarnya sejarah studi semiotika di Indonesia?

Perkembangan studi Semiotika di Indonesia bisa dilihat misal di tahun 1990an. “Di awal dekade 1990an kelompok studi mahasiswa belajar semiotika bukan dari teks-teks kuliah justru. Kemudian menurut Emmanuel Subangun mengatakan bahwa pada 1992 telah berdiri Lingkaran Peminat Semiotik  di Jakarta,” kata Muzayin. Ini cukup menggembirakan, menurutnya.

Bagi semiotika, komunikasi adalah titik sentral untuk memahami kebudayaan (culture), kata Muzayin. “Ini khususnya bagi cultural semiotics,” jelas Muzayin.  Sedangkan bagi Biosemiotics, komunikasi adalah konsep mendasar untuk memahani nature. Muzayin melanjutkan, bahkan bagi ecosemiotics, komunikasi adalah sentral untuk memahami dinamika relasi culture-nature.

“Di level hewan dan tumbuhan, bahkan semiotik dipahami sebagai komunikasi antara keduanya untuk melihat proses semiosis,” kata Muzayin menambahkan. Ini adalah perspektif yang perlu kita pahami bersama.

Analisis semiotika dengan model mikro analisis yaitu melihat unit analisis dengan detail dalam film: memecah, lalu melihat tanda-tanda dalam scene tersebut, lalu menerjemahkan dalam konotasi denotasi, indeks, simbol, dll.

Sebenarnya ada cara lain, misalnya analsis secara makro dengan melihat film tersebut, dengan mengaitkan berbagai fenomena atau konteks film itu dibuat lalu dianalisis. “Bagaimana kita melihat film sebagai sebuah sign yang hadir dalam sebuah sign system tertentu lalu dimaknai sebagai suatu petanda,” jelas Muzayin.